ladybuvelle · 5 years
"Not a kiss, but how about I sing you a pretty song? And by you I mean your instrument, of course".
peaceful interaction... If you insist.>
I have the means to listen, if you wish to sing. >
“....” Etwahl, are you communicating with him?!>
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Watchlist: Kayn
@shadow-acolyte / @lombra-dalla
I mean, yeah, sure, living morphs, woop-dee-fuckin-doo, fish-people in the east did it all the time, right?
THAT is not okay. Spirit possession, experiment gone wrong, maybe super cancer? Whatever it is, it better not be goddamn contagious.
“Stay riiight over there if ya could, Puttana. We need to chat from outside the personal space for a bit, got it?”
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shadow-acolyte · 6 years
Tumblr media
3 Eye’d Rhaast. New HC. @lombra-dalla
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spiritsworn · 6 years
✍+3. 👀
-- Misc. Headcanons | No Longer Accepting
3. …how long they hold grudges.
How long Shen holds a grudge depends on the severity of the grievance done against him. He’s conditioned himself to let most every emotion-- love, hate, anger, joy, all of it-- be easily ignorable and able to be let go of whenever he might need to make a decision with his judgement unclouded from them, his personal opinions, and his past.
For this reason, It’s easy for Shen to let go of most every negative thing done to him which might aggravate the usual person (up to a certain threshold of severity) by simply dismissing his own feelings about the issue and handling the transgression strictly factually. He’s not one to hold a grudge over short handing him, being aggressive or hateful towards him, or even eating his favorite leftovers when he isn’t looking. He forgives most mild and moderate offenses very easily in this way. Staying mad or upset over something does nothing to fix anything, so there’s no point in wallowing in either. Find a solution, move on.
However, when a sizable offense is thrown at him, (say, Zed’s betrayal and slaughter of Kusho and the Kinkou, or Jhin’s rampage of murders strewn across Ionia) Shen finds considerable difficulty in letting go of any anger and resentment he feels towards the offender. Huge, drastic, or life-changing transgressions that are done to Shen or someone very close to him are VERY hard to get over, and he tends to hold grudges or negative mindsets about the person who caused them for a very long time, or at least until an apology or amendment has been made regarding the offense.
For that reason, Shen obviously still hasn’t forgiven Zed, and at the rate the two are going, he likely never will. Shen does tend to rationalize his grudges where he can in line with his duties. Zed, in his eyes, does not have to be forgiven or fixed, because he has defied balance, and for that he is bound for a death that may both satisfy Shen’s grudge and need for revenge as well as fulfill his duty as the Eye.
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lncaendia · 6 years
lombra-dalla replied to your post “me, drawing karma/zed even though no one asked for it: i am my own...”
Zed/Karma is fucking good content
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
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theworld-ender · 6 years
lombra-dalla replied to your post: lombra-dalla replied to your post: @lombra-dalla...
“At least mine is growing correctly. I fear confinement has melted half of yours, brother”
“I would say the same but it seems I do not have much to behold from you, garden tool.”
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infinite-xerath · 6 years
"Beyond the grave... only the Abyss".
The sands stirred, slowly twisting into the former of a man. His head was shaven and his arms were bound by chains. His build was slightly muscular, though had the appearance of one who had not eaten often. This ancient spirit looked over being before him. “What are you? Why have you pulled me from my rest?”
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fury-of-darkin · 6 years
Headcanon: Aatrox and Rhaast used to fight. A lot. But they were also forced to work together by circumstances.
I can see it. The only question was: what was the nature of their fighting? Verbal? Physical? Just how high were the hostilities? Hopefully Aatrox’s lore update will answer at least one of these.
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godshadowed · 6 years
@lombra-dalla replied to your post “I die seeing that Zed/Kayn is a popular ship in general fandom but...”
Dude, I love them. Be as lover, father-son or villains. Give me them in every shape or form.
Don’t tell me that when I adore your Zed as much as I do ‘cause then you’re gonna have to DEAL with me
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lombra-dalla replied to your post:  ▲ : "is your god who rejects us or is it YOU?...
“I’m not taking a host because I like it, woman. Your kin forced me to this.”
Low mocking.
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unseen-blades · 6 years
Thoughts on Karma
“The most sensible of the Elders of Ionia.  She is staunch in her support of their traditions, but she also recognizes that against an enemy such weakness must be cast aside to drive them away.  Perhaps it is possible to reach an understanding with her.”
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it’s just me and “Jose Carreras- 3 songs by Tosti (live) 1975” against the world ………………
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shadow-acolyte · 6 years
Rhaast. I have heard of a very fine individual who should be a star guest in the next emission of your “Love Consultorium”: His knowledge is said to be vast and even out of this world. 
As the future Master of Shadows I am a natural seeker of wisdom.
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umbra-iustitia · 7 years
If you are still accepting: 💚
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
He was only a young man now, already showing signs of his rebellious self, shaggy hair touching his shoulders without any of the styling that his father had. Tonight however, Zed’s hair was more unkempt than usual.
Mainly because he was drunker than any time he had been before.
He didn’t care if he was disgracing himself.
He was alone once more.
His mug creaked as Zed’s grip tightened, rage and sorrow plaguing him. His mind veered to where it all went wrong and all he could see was the emptiness in that man’s twisted eyes.
Knowing such a man would not be punished broke some part of Zed.
The arguments between Zed and his father, usually nothing more than mild disagreements devolved into shouting and roaring more and more.
In his stupor, Zed’s mind trailed to the ones Jhin’s murders left behind, the ones he had to explain to that no, the killer of their parent, their brother, or their spouse was not being brought to justice.
His heart clenched, his eyes burned. Even now, years later that moment still plagued him.
Zed was glad he found this quiet corner in the tavern.
A disgraced failure of a ninja was better off in the dark anyway.
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lncaendia · 6 years
☺ - Something that makes your muse happy
an assortment of headcanons
Quite a few things make her happy, really, but I think the first and foremost thing would be dancing. When the drums strike up and she begins to move, she’s brought back to a simpler time, before the war, before the dragons roared so loud in her mind, before the spirits clamored to her constantly. When she’s dancing, for that short time, she can forget how dark her world has become, and she can be young again. 
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srlombra · 7 years
Pensamentos aleatórios
Em minha mente perdida, sem saber o que pensar, ou imaginar no que pensar, não sei porque eu vou digitar. Com um baseado na mão, entrando em outra dimensão, de uma paz que flutua na mente e no coração. Dá alegria de viver, e acordar para mais um dia de experiências no que eu nunca sei o que é ao certo. E venhamos e convenhamos: ‘Sei nem o que eu to digitando’. Mas é esse ponto em que queria chegar: ‘A vida sóbria não tem mais graça’. 
Abrir para o mundo em uma escrita de uma mente barulhenta de tanto ‘Porquês’?. E são coisas que eu preciso escrever ao invés de falar, ter o contato, olho no olho. Sei lá, me sinto impossibilitado de me doar as pessoas. Sabe uma cebola? Ela tem várias camadas, muitas formas de se proteger. Suporta muita coisa, é forte, aguenta dor! Acho que de tanto apanhar da vida, me fechei pra um mundo maravilhoso de cor e luz, para um mundo confuso e sem confiança em algo, que eu possa dizer: ‘Posso ir, que eu tenho em que me apoiar’. É foda! Sei que ta meio confuso tantas palavras, sem pé e sem cabeça que fica difícil entender. Eu sei. Preciso batizar e chamar isso de: ‘ Pensamentos aleatórios de uma lombra numa realidade em que não entendemos mais nada’. Pois bem, aquela camada de cebola, forte, que aguenta dor, sou eu. (Ou sei lá, pode ser, nem sei mais). Ok! Preciso terminar meu baseado. Depois volto com mais alguns pensamentos sem sentidos.
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