#logan saw
tigertime22 · 8 months
Thank you Saw fandom for refusing to even acknowledge Logans existence and canon placement in the Jigsquad and replacing him with the little dead twink who definitely sucks that doctors peepee 💗💞💖💗💝💞 luv u guys!!!
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pissfartboy · 2 months
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jigsaw 2017
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orthacanthus · 6 months
idk the general saw fandom opinion of logan but i’ve decided that he’s hilarious btw. such a drama queen i love him
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cptsamerica · 10 months
EDIT: I know this poll is over, but I am still genuinely curious if people have thoughts on Logan's timeline/which version is more accurate. Please feel free to leave comments :)
(Also the 1 vote for Option A was me accidentally clicking it as I scrolled on my main account lol)
Okay so I know logan is not everyone's favorite apprentice, or one they dislike completely.
He is one of mine for sure though (tbh i love them all), and I have some thoughts on his timeline I wanted to hear what others thought on them because I felt like I interpreted things differently.
I tried posting on reddit about this but it sounds like I don't have enough karma or something for it to post so I'm coming here haha I'm not on that site ever so we'll blame my naivete on that :)
I used a sideblog for my normal account to post here where I don't have anything else posted, but who knows this could become my saw sideblog.
A. Interpretation I always hear of Logan's timeline...
Logan is an xray tech and messes up John's scans.
Logan in the barn trap due to his careless xray mistake. John saves him because HE made a careless mistake on Logan with the tranquilizer/sedation so Logan didn't deserve to die.
Logan helps with RBT
Logan goes to war. His kid is born some time in here. He gets PSTD after being a POW and is discharged.
Logan comes back from war and begins work as a medical examiner while in treatment (I believe Halloran read something about official PTSD treatment in the movie somewhere like on a computer?).
Movies 1-7 would happen between #4-5.
Logan's wife dies. 2 years later, Jigsaw 2017 happens.
B. What I had understood Logan's timeline as...
Logan starts working at the hospital (while being treated for PTSD) as an Xray tech. Because he's dealing so much with his PTSD, he makes the careless mistake of mixing up xrays including John's.
Logan gets married young and joins the army. He is a medic there, becomes a POW, and gets PTSD. Is discharged. Gets sent back home.
I am super aware that's not the right timeline nevessarily for the war they indicated he was in. They seemed a little confused on those details overall as was, which CZ'S world mentioned in his video so that's why I think this is a possibility.
Logan in the barn trap due to his careless xray mistake. John saves him because HE made a careless mistake on Logan with the tranquilizer/sedation and realized Logan shouldn't have to die for John's mistake. Logan says he came back from the war a broken man and Jigsaw put his life together. I know the 10 years since the trap thing is a general time amount and will never be perfect, but this at least jives with the came back from the war a broken man after the war thing. If he went to war AFTER the trap, it seems kind of odd (not impossible though) that jigsaw/jigsaw's method would have put Logan's life back together when the trap would have happened so many years ago.
Logan helps with RBT.
Logan goes off to his family (I can see John encouraging that since he personally did not get to do that with his family) and gets further treatment for his PTSD (which I believe Halloran had read about on that screen in the movie? I think ZZworld mentioned it).
This is when movies 1-7 would be happening (#5-6)
Logan (outside of occasionally being the muscle for John or doing surgery/medical help with gordon) lives his life quietly off to the side, working on his mental health/PTSD and being there with his family. This would explain Logan's absence in the original movies though: He believed in the cause, but also wanted to live his life with his family/daughter for John, who did not get that with Jill and Gideon. Logan's daughter looks about 1st-3rd grade level as well, so this makes a little more sense he would be in a place to have a child during this quiet time and after treatment, than when he was actively in the middle of or just finishing treatment for PTSD as I think option A would require?
Eventually, after enough treatment, Logan transitions working as an xray tech to a medical examiner during that giant gap of time, potentially after the death of the medical examiner by Hoffman (was that in #6? Not sure which movie it happened in but there was definitely a job opening after that).
Logan's wife dies, jigsaw 2017 happens.
I'd love to hear any thoughts on this or just votes in general :) I'm really curious if I found connections where there aren't as concrete of ones, but I have seen a few other people who also thought the same interpretation as me.
I saw someone asking if it was even possible for logan to be in Saw X because he was away at war and it confused me tbh
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Who the apprentices would main as in smash bros brawl.
(These are opinion feel free to leave your own in the comments/tags)
Amanda Young:Meta Knight (Thinks he’s cute and powerful)
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Adam Stanheight:Kirby or Sheik (Amanda and him will fight over who can be Sheik. Adam pisses off Hoffman by eating him in every round as Kirby.)
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Lawrence Gordon:Ganandorf (Assumed he was the strongest based off looks and build)
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Mark Hoffman:Solid Snake (Hoffman would become Snake if he could)
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Logan:Samus Aran or Ness (usually wins and everyone gets pissed with him)
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tr1sty · 16 days
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Let us Save you
Please don’t resist
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arealtrashact · 7 months
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'Do you know anything about the Chinese zodiac?'
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iamjackstylerdurden · 5 months
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is. is this anything
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turnipoddity · 11 months
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Peepaw and his pookies
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laundy · 1 year
all of the roy kids are bisexual pass it on 🩷
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cirrocula · 26 days
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resident cutie
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itsaaudraw · 2 months
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y’know the jigsaw crew and the smiling friends are kinda the same if u really think about it
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barkhoffman · 5 months
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orthacanthus · 6 months
you guys just don’t understand logan’s whimsy like i do…. you don’t get it…..
(in horrible denial of how bad of a saw movie jigsaw was)
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cptsamerica · 5 months
Okay, question on Logan and different interpretations on his trap for Halloran (I truly love hearing what other fans think and am not asking to be like "no logan is faultless leave my boy alone I will tell you you're wrong if you disagree").
I keep seeing people say Logan didn't give Halloran (or anyone) a chance to win their traps...and I either misunderstood the scene or would love to hear another fan's interpretation on this so I understand this specific part of Logan people hate.
I can see the argument there was probably no choice for the offscreen tests (although are we really going to say the other "players" in Logan's trap weren't in the same boat as a lot of the people in William Easton's trap? I kind of assumed it was an homage to that kind of trap), but I also thought Logan did give Halloran a chance/choice, beyond the choices he could make during the other players traps when he could have spoken out and realized they were all connected to his previous cases?
After the laser part of the trap instructions were read, Logan specifically added to them and said outloud "let's neither of us push a button". Halloran said they were both screwed and made like he would push his button first, but instead pushed Logan's button-showing corruption and selfishness, which was what got him into this trap in the first place. Afterwards, when Halloran said "have mercy", Logan said something like (paraphrasing) "like you just had mercy on me? pushing my button and saving yourself?"
I thought that showed Logan was giving Halloran one last chance with the buttons to either take responsibility for his corrupt cop behaviors by admitting them/admitting he was wrong (which was his test basically) or to at least show he could be merciful/do the right thing and be worth saving/rehabilitating. Like he could have technically shown to Logan that he could make a decent enough choice which could allow for him to survive (although idk what would have happened for him after).
Logan also didn't have the trap go off automatically-which means Logan left the final button push to be manual, meaning there was a way Halloran could have survived. Small chance, because Logan was definitely looking for justice (vengance) and (similar to something John said to Hoffman in the Strahm movie) predicted what Halloran would do, but still technically a chance in a Jigsaw apprentices' interpretation. And I do think Logan would have begrudgingly followed what he knew to be John's principals and let Halloran survive if he beat the test, however impossibly high the standard for survival was.
Final small interpretation I found was in that while I get the criticism about Logan as a charater, Matt Passmore is different. He's a pretty talented actor and I see it in that scene especially. His face is very interesting to watch in the transition between Logan saying "hey don't push the button", Halloran saying they were fucked anyway, and just before the button push. He is actively watching Halloran's actions and gives very small indicators to what Logan is thinking-an almost resolute "i was right but i'm still a little disappointed he's a piece of shit through and through".
I know I'm a little biased: to be honest I like Jigsaw and Logan because of his line at the end where he said he was there to speak for the people who were victims of corrupt cops-to protect people who were hurt by those bad people, whether the system that protected the perpretator or the perpetrator themselves. As someone who had a bad, traumatic thing happen to me when I was younger, it spoke to me and was a concept that connected me to the movie.
I get that there is a lot of logan/jigsaw hate in the fandom, but I don't get the hate for this specific thing I see pointed to as a reason to hate Logan a lot: Anyone care to share their thoughts or interpretations so I can broaden my understanding of what people think/feel? I truly am curious to understand (and just also like talking interpretations with people! :) )
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kazanskyy · 1 year
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the pause tom has to take before he tells ken and rome they're doing chest compressions...
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