#lloyd and javier talking to each other? about each other? never
sunflowercider · 6 months
Anyways. Big fan of Javier being soooooo curious about Lloyd's previous life in Seoul but. per usual. not saying anything
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
what are your favorite moments in tged? ❤
ooohh i already answered this a while ago actually!
how about i give you some of my favorite quotes instead :D?? these are not in order and they are not nearly all of them but <333 this is already way too long <333 and i can't choose between all of them <33
I never, ever thought once about life without Master Lloyd, not even right now. -Ch 400
"If I have to really choose between you and me for this to end once and for all, I choose to banish myself from this world." -Ch 399
You’re my only friend, Javier. I couldn’t have overcome all the obstacles in front of me without your help. So, my trustworthy and reliable comrade, stick with me until I become a lazy lord and you become my personal guard. I hope we will be able to grow old together… -Ch 327
Lloyd felt reassured by Javier's presence as he gazed at him. He could not have gotten this far without the knight. Therefore, he did not want to lose Javier and hoped they would keep bickering with each other for eternity. -Ch 361
So stop being a crybaby about your own death. You're not going to die, and I'm going to ensure it. Even it really comes our way, I will die in your place instead. I am willing to. -Ch 384
Javier had already become his best friend. There was no one else he would be able to trust as much as him even if they always bickered with each other. Lloyd refused to lose him before he could find another solution. -Ch 367
I want to tell you everything, Lloyd... But I have no clue as to how I should talk to or ask you about this. I already see you as my precious son. I am grateful for you. [...] Unable to distract his mind he simply reached out and tightly grabbed Lloyd's hand. He hoped his unspoken feelings and thoughts would be conveyed to his son: Whatever you do, whatever you hide, you are my precious son that I will always be thankful for. -Ch 333
Javier could see from his eyes that Master Lloyd was rejoicing. Not only because he had reached a new level in swordsmanship but also because he was safe. Javier felt pure Joy in Lloyd. And the feeling was mutual for Javier. I am glad that you are safe, Master Lloyd. There was no need to speak it out loud. Just a silly joke was enough. Javier's desire to protect Lloyd, and Lloyd's heart to cherish and worry about Javier. -Ch 225
"Yes, I see," the baron said as he gazed at Lloyd. "Um, but why are you looking at me like that?" "Whew, how should I say it? I just think that I am blessed to have you as my son." -Ch 122
also i just realized that i absolutely lied i do have three moments that are my absolute favorites and you will Know why
I want to protect him. Lloyd is my true master in my heart. Lloyd was his friend. And now, Javier wanted to protect Lloyd. He would sincerely protect him with everything he had. -Ch 320
He thought he'd always be with Javier for the rest of his life. Just like now, he thought they'd spend all their time together moving forward. And like they always did, they'd be by each other's side during hard times. Happy moments. Relaxed days. They'd share all these moments as they exchanged insults and corny jokes, growing old as a lazy lord of a fiefdom and his knight. Lloyd always thought so. The thought just came naturally, without much effort from him, much like breathing. Lloyd believed that Javier would always remain by his side as that was how it had been until now. -Ch 222
And he was there. The man that I missed so much, because of the realization I could never get to see him again, was standing right outside the door. He was looking straight at me through teary eyes, with a hint of joy on his face. "... I missed you so much, Master Lloyd," said Javier with a huge, tearful smile. -Ch 401
i'm not predictable what are you talking about
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procuder · 7 months
As a no.1 fan of the railroad arc. I won't talk about the second half of the chapter 113 because I don't know what I'm supposed to say, but!!! Hellkaros and Lloyd's conversation!!! It has changed so much that I don't want to forgive it!!!
First of all, in the opening chapter, Lloyd states that he received information from the Spirit Phone. Hello?? Okay, I have no problem with Lloyd using it. But do you think it's a good idea for Lloyd to search the internet for information about the King of Hell?? In the novel, Lloyd already knows that information. He already knew what Hellkaros was like. He already knew the information that was only briefly mentioned in The Knight of Blood and Iron! Am I the only one who has a problem with this part? Because changing the fact that Lloyd obtained information about the Hell King with unimaginable power from a source that could definitely be trusted 100% a.k.a. TKOBAI or a source that could only be trusted 40% a.k.a. random videos from Hell internet had a very different effect.
And this isn't the only bad part.
What's worse is that Lloyd challenges the King of Hell after he rudely tries to make a deal. There was even no guarantee that Javier would be able to protect him because the Hell King had power beyond imagination! Do you think it makes sense given Lloyd's character? He's not a type who'd take such risks. Especially by risking his own life on randomly information! When I read that, to be honest, I was very disappointed. I daresay that the novel has done it better. If you say 'Manhwa is funnier!' I suggest you read the railroad arc in the novel again. The manhwa ain't ballin' compared to the novel. lmao.
And besides, it was clear that Lloyd knew Hellkaros very well despite having only this little information. The same was true for Hellkaros, who only knew that Suho had possessed Lloyd's body and done many things in a dimension that was not his own. But they still managed to know each other well! Lloyd even admitted that he and the Hell King had things in common. (Okay, I won't shut up about their chemistry.)
And what hurt more than anything was that they chose to completely cut off Hellkaros' thoughts. You'll never know what he's thinking in the manhwa, and yes, the novel is much funnier if you use Lee Hyunmin-nim's logic that he used in the adaptation. (💀)
First, after having a short conversation. Hellkaros had already thought about replacing Lloyd with his own because Lloyd was more capable than he thought. It shows that Hellkaros is more interested in Lloyd even though his work is a lot. And Lloyd was much more polite and respectful to the Hell King in the novel.
Second, in the part where Lloyd talks about building the station. They also talked about details that the manhwa chose to omit entirely. And after Hellkaros had put everything into consideration, how it would benefit him. Do you know what happened? He knew that if he accepted Lloyd's proposal to build a railroad, then yes, there would be no more transportation problems. And Hellkaros wouldn't have to keep those stupid Satanists updated in real time. This means that he will complete his work faster. From all the equations, he got the answer: 'He will be able to get off work.'
I'll give those chores to them all. My own workload will also get substantially lighter. I won't have to continually find a new transportation route for those idiotic demons with a reliable railroad. If that happens...He would be liberated from every single one of his miscellaneous chores. All that was left for him to do was sentence dead souls, a basic task for him. And that meant... I can get off work Thump! Hellkaros' heartbeat vigorously sped up. He could go home. After 670,000 years. Away from his sickening work. He could finally activate the door lock to his house, which still had a protective film on. He could finally open the door to his house, remove his dress shoes, dip himself in a warm lava bath, and binge-watch TV shows with his mana-powered marble. HellTube. Hellflix. Hellcha. Hellver Series.
Chapter 232
See how funny and silly it is? I still have a lot to say. Oh yeah. As for the time Hellkaros actually was working, it wasn't just Lloyd knew from the information he had. Hellkaros was also the one who spoke to him about this matter. 'Why come when I'm busy? Don't you know I'm blah blah blah' Honestly, I especially liked this part because Lloyd had no choice but to listen to this hell king talk. LMAO and it was actually so funny that I wondered what in the world they decided to change it and cut out all the good parts. They even talked in 2 episodes, but?? They decided to shorten it to just half a chapter. I expected to have fun and this is what happened. Are they afraid of making the Hell King have the desires of normal people? His house hasn't even been removed the protection flim yet.
I swear I'll say more if they choose to cut it again in the future. Hellkaros often imagined what he would do once he returned home. And the worst part is that they chose to cut it out. I really don't understand why it was done.
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go-against-fate · 2 months
It's weird how i enjoy writing fics from Javier's POV more than i do with Lloyd (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠) but when it comes to art, I'll only draw Javier when Lloyd is included in the artwork
After discussing about it a bit with discord peeps, i arrived at the conclusion that I like drawing Lloyd more because he's literally just some guy. Draw a generic character base, make them have a side bang hair style. Boom. Lloyd Frontera. Now compare that with Javier Asrahan who is described as someone so fucking gorgeous, an otherworldly beauty, his looks and personality (but mostly looks) is to be envied and admired by all. How the fuck am i supposed to draw that? Not to mention his hair?? I havent complain about this here yet but i DETEST drawing his hair. I have to constantly have a reference of him because in each drawing that i did of him, he looks different!! Why? Because his hair looks different everytime!! I get his looks right ONCE and then never again!! It drives me insane!! I'll only draw him if Lloyd is also there!! That's how much i dont like drawing him!!! Ik this sounds like a major skill issue but idgaf i only like him by proxy
HOWEVER. I just. Cannot. Write from Lloyd's POV. idk. I can never seem to get it right. The thing with him is that despite his average looks, he's extremely fucking smart. His knowledge is vast and otherwordly. and i'm just someone with slightly above average scores. I cant fucking put myself in his shoes because i literally cannot do it. He's too smart for me. Im not smart. I prefer to scroll my phone for unprecedented amount of time, rotting my brain, while Lloyd will plan out ways on how he's going to change the lives of the masses. I dont know what tf hes going to do next. Fucking. Build an amusement park because thats somehow related to preventing the world from ending or some shit I DONT KNOW
That's why I like writing fics from Javier's perspective!! because he's also just a normal guy. His way of thinking is interesting, but still comprehensible to me because I can put myself in his perspective. I can imagine myself having to take care and protect my dumbass of a friend boss from accidentally dying. He's observant, not compulsive (something i can very much relate to). His motive is that of a stereotypical hero protag. I need to save the people even if i die in the process type shit. Hes honest, but willing to lie when it comes to Lloyd. Again. Traits that the average person can . probably. relate to. Probably not the i'll sacrifice my life for the people part. But still. Javier is a pretty sensible guy
Anyway In conclusion. Javier and Lloyd go together like peanut butter and jelly or however the word goes. They compliment each other in so many ways. I love them. They make me sick. Thank you for coming to my teh talk
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
Is there a difference between manhwa javier and novel javier? What is it? I never noticed it because it wasn't obvious like Lloyd's as his was exaggerated and he difference is too noticeable
there are,, some differences yes but nothing as bad as what they did to lloyd.
manhwa javier is a lot more expressive than novel javier. which i suppose is a consequence of manhwa being a visual medium but it can be a bit jarring at times.
novel javier is a lot more subtle and serious, not completely stoic of course, just more even-tempered i suppose. it's not that he doesn't feel things, he does, he's just careful about what he shows or shares with others. he's also very proper and respectful at all times. it's why it's so funny that he's such a little shit when he's just with lloyd, he would never tease and joke and laugh in front of anyone else, this is a side of him that only lloyd gets to see. this is not a guy that would be fighting for his life to keep himself from laughing when in front of other nobles like we see from manhwa javier in episode 80
he's also more... quiet. not in the sense that he doesn't talk, he does, especially with lloyd, it's actually kind of ridiculous how much banter between them has been cut in the manhwa, but the way he expresses himself isn't loud or overly expressive. even at his angriest, he never explodes or raises his voice, instead he gets colder and snappish, lloyd describing it as 'a heavy snowfall', his responses 'cold and icy'.
which, speaking of lloyd, javier is just closer to lloyd in the novel than he is in the manhwa. which is ironic because in the manhwa they actually are more honest with one another than they are in the novel and yet!
a big part of this is that aforementioned cut banter. in the novel these two are always speaking with each other, they're commenting on things, they're sharing their thoughts, they're joking with one another, they just... won't stop talking between them. it is constant. so you very clearly can see them growing closer and slowly becoming friends as much as they won't admit it at first. this is something that i've mentioned before but like,,, javier genuinely likes being around lloyd. he's annoyed about it and he actually throws a tantrum when he realizes he finds lloyd likable but he just can't help it! and he knows that he's also lloyd's closest friend, he even teases him about it! in the novel you completely believe them when they say they're friends because you've seen them grow closer to one another the entire time.
also javier just,,, seems to care more for lloyd in the novel? it's difficult to explain but javier is constantly thinking about lloyd's safety, a part of him is always worrying about keeping him safe. i complained about it before but in the manhwa javier seems to take his responsibility to protect lloyd less seriously than he should. when to javier that's his main worry! even as early as in the llojavi bridge we already get these sort of comments from javier's pov:
Javier finally let out a sigh of relief after knowing that the most dangerous part of the job was now done, and Lloyd was safe. The latter alone was good enough.
like. it's not much. it's nothing big. it's just tiny moments like these sprinkled here and there. but they're constant. whenever there's danger, whenever they're in risk, one of the first things javier always does is to check on lloyd, see if he's okay, if he's safe. the idea that javier wouldn't care for lloyd's safety doesn't even really cross your mind cause. well. you see him constantly worry about it.
fthere were a couple of changed in the bone dragon arc?? but i've talked about those before. they make javier less,,, kind?? helpful?? less of a hero type than he is in the novel. i dunno it's weird.
oh and a big one which i've also talked about before. javier in the novel does care that lloyd replaced the son of his lord. like. that is very much a point of conflict for him. he's not completely indifferent to it, he's genuinely shaken and distressed when he finds out the truth. it's a bit insulting to his character that they changed this. it undercut the extreme character development it took to get javier to this point, the amount of trust and loyalty he has for both arcos and lloyd, it's such an important moment for him and they just. changed it like that. i'm still mad about it akjshdksf
but,,, yeah i think those are the main ones. i guess if you scroll through my tag for him you'll find more info about how he is in the novel but,, i think that about covers it?? the important bits anyway. so... yeah :]
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
So in the webnovel, there’s a part in the Hell Knight arc where Lloyd mentions he dated a girl for a bit before they broke up due to his atrocious singing at karaoke. Imagine Lloyd and Javier are talking to each other some time, with Javier bring up all the confessions he received and Lloyd retorts that even if he doesn’t receive a confessions all the time at least he has some actual dating experience, unlike Javier. Javier remains doubtful until Lloyd coughs up some rough details about a few dates and then Javier switches to some jealousy.
it's so funny for javier to make fun of lloyd for being single when he's just as single it will never not be hilarious to me
and jealous javier!! oh god i bet he'd be quietly seething at the idea of lloyd going on dates with some girl he doesn't even know the name, while wondering on the side how on in the world he never heard one peep about it when the barony is so small and news travel so fast.
but also this just reminded me of that one post that said that javier probably has no idea how to flirt. he's never had to. he just stands there and is pretty and everyone around him falls in love. so that added with him never dating before is just,,, so fucking funny. hottest guy in the world and he has no game. zero concept of romance. he thinks chemistry is just locking eyes with someone across the room. he tries to give a compliment and is just like "you fight good". someone attempts to flirt with him and tells him he's very handsome and he just goes "i know" with a straight face.
and now knowing lloyd has dated before??? has gone on several dates???? has been in a relationship short lived as it was??? if this is in a established relationship llojavi scenario than i can totally see javier going into a mini-spiral of jealousy and insecurity because what if the dates with that girl were more romantic than the ones they have now? what if lloyd had more fun with her than with him?? what if javier isn't doing something expected in dating someone because he never had to learn??? what if-
javier is so prone to self-flagellation whenever he feels like he failed at something which is just. fertile ground for the most delicious mental issues honestly <3
also there is just never enough jealous javier content so this is right in my wheelhouse ajkshdka
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
what if og! Lloyd actually grew a backbone and decide to simply leave/runaway from the Frontera estate when he has this 'i dont wanna stay in this little estate anymore' and ignoring the restoration of fate for this guy, but still following the plot, estate in debt, suicide from fronteras and all that, will javier still be loyal to this lloyd if he ever cross paths with this guy as javier travels? No kim suho though just og lloyd
ooohhhhh that's such a fun scenario. absolutely brutal but very fun.
i wanna say yes. yes he would still be loyal to this lloyd. because, and this is something i will never forgive the webcomic for skipping, arcos knows exactly what it is to want to run away from home and he would absolutely have understood lloyd's decision and never lost hope of one day seeing him again. and he would have asked javier to keep an eye out for lloyd and to take care of him if he ever saw him.
arcos,,, also kinda hated living in the barony when he was younger. he was frustrated, bored and sick of it. he felt like he was locked up, doomed to live as a small noble in the middle of nowhere. so he ran away. he took his father's horse and left in the middle of the night.
he would've absolutely understood lloyd if he had decided to leave their home.
and just like his father rushed to his aid when he needed it, arcos would've done anything to help his child, even if the only thing he could do at that point was ask his knight to keep him safe if he found him again.
and javier, the loyal puppy he is, would've followed his request no matter how much he hated the idea of protecting someone who abandoned the home and family he loved so much. there would even another layer of hatred in his heart against og lloyd as now part of javier would always wonder if arcos would've fallen for the scam had lloyd been there. we know he would've but javier would have no way of knowing.
(there's something... really sad about arcos falling for that scam that doesn't really come across in the adaptation despite it giving more attention to tordes than the novel did. tordes didn't just... offer arcos a lucrative business. he completely fooled him into liking him. he showed up as a passionate, discreet young man with a lot of initiative. someone who shared the same interests and passions, with whom he could talk about his favorite topics, someone he was very compatible with. I thought he and I just clicked. And that's why I trusted him.
arcos who never could quite connect with his oldest son, who was constantly disappointed by his terrible actions and his lack of decency, who had come to despise his child despite how much he still loved him... of course he fell for tordes' scam. he was the perfect target for someone like him.)
at the same time i do think that maybe javier's dislike of him would've been tempered by time and distance. depending on when og lloyd left home perhaps javier's main reason to dislike him would just be very bad childhood memories of him, not the constant acts of violence and harassment he dealt with in canon. mind you, he would still despise him but it would be less of a "you're an active threat to the people around you and a constant disappointment to the people i regard as parents" and more of a "you were a bastard to me when i was a child and you leaving made the family i loved more than anything very sad", which is different if only because javier wouldn't have a reason to actively mistrust him beyond what could be considered childish bullying that happened years ago.
also. i do believe experiencing new places and actually getting a taste of what life is to someone without all the privileges he was born into would've actually done og lloyd some good and he would be less of an asshole in general. still a douche but not as much as a dick as he could be lol
i don't really think javier and him could ever really vibe with each other but at least they wouldn't actively hate each other like they do in canon
so in summary yes! i do think javier would still be loyal to this version of og lloyd and would protect him for as long as he was able to
that's just. the kind of guy javier is. loyal to the very end.
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
i was talking with @lunacurse about how different the new webtoon chapter was to the webnovel and what it meant to the relationship between javier and lloyd and it's just fascinating
in the webnovel it's lloyd that comes up with the medallion excuse, he tells javier the story about finding it in lupellan's cave and asks him to help him test it. and javier knows he's lying, he knows it isn't true, that lloyd keeps lying to him over and over again for some reason. but he doesn't confront him. he goes along with it and pretends to buy it. and lloyd thinks javier believes him, he thinks javier doesn't have any suspicion about it.
and meanwhile!! in the webtoon!! they changed that!! javier calls lloyd out, he flat out tells him that he knows he's lying, he basically tells lloyd that he knows he's lying and that it's not the first time and that javier is aware of it. but he also tells him that he's willing to go along with it, that he trusts lloyd to have a good reason for it and that as long as he saves everyone in the estate javier will have his back.
and this changes so much
in the webnovel, lloyd and javier are,,, closer, more familiar with each other, they banter, tease each other, they're more liberal with their praise and criticism than they are in the webtoon. but they don't quite,,, trust each other. at least not completely. they like each other, they're close but they're very tentative about it because they don't want to upset the tenous understanding they have, lloyd trying not to raise javier's suspicions and javier deliberately pretending not to notice some weird things about lloyd.
whereas in the webtoon they're not as close but they're being more open about where they stand with each other! they're acknowledging things they leave unsaid in the webnovel even though they're still in the "you're so annoying to be with but i have no choice" stage that while a bit present at this moment in the novel isn't as pronounced. in the webtoon they have now acknowledged that javier is aware that something isn't right, that he knows lloyd is hiding something but that he's willing to not do anything about it because he knows lloyd wants to help and so!! lloyd now has that security! he knows now that javier will have his back if he needs to lie! he doesn't have to worry quite as much of keeping his story straight because he has javier on his side! they're now, if not in the same page, at the very least in the same chapter which is more than they were in this point at the novel.
and that's fascinating! javier hiding how much he actually knows about lloyd/suho is an integral part of his character, he spends the entire novel waiting for lloyd to come clean all by himself, he's frustrated by the fact that lloyd doesn't trust him enough to tell him there's a problem or how can he help but he keeps waiting and offering and being there just in case lloyd decides to finally lean on him for help. except lloyd never does. and javier can't do anything to protect him when lloyd needed it the most. it's a plot thread and character arc that is weirdly left hanging.
but this change? it could actually manage to fix it. having webtoon javier be more direct, more open, more willing to ask lloyd how can he help him could actually resolve that particular emotional arc, or just flat out avoid it completely.
it would be a massive change to their relationship but i'm really interested in where they are taking it
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procuder · 7 months
can you tell more about Hellkaros?
OMG YES SURE!!!!!!!! As I live in his shoes, I'll talk about him briefly based on information from Hell arc so it'll not spoil the rest. The information that I have tried to piece together is only from the information we were given in the web novel from this arc. (I don't really like the webcomic Hellkaros. They made him look...meh 😒)
Let's study him like a frog!!! (I'm really excited) Hellkaros is the Watcher of the 19th Purgatory and the King of Hell. The previous King of Hell was his predecessor. We still have no idea how Hellkaros became the King of Hell. What a pity. He has been working non-stop for 670,000 years. His main duty was to judge all souls who descended to hell after death through documents.
According to Lloyd's perspective, he received his information from the novel, The Knight of Blood and Iron. He said that Hellkaros is a pragmatic person and also less terrifying than the Hell Knights under his command. And a workaholic.
He's a workaholic. A judge that judges hundreds, billions, and trillions of dead souls. He's piled under a mountain of work, so he punished the others only with formal documents and the rule of law.
Chapter 230
Hellkaros never took part in direct combat and killed no entity. Documents and judgments were his only weapons he wielded to determine the fate of others. He had just left the work that required use of force to Hell's Knights and glued himself to endless never-reducing paper works. Lloyd knew this well and he knew that Hellkaros had the least chance of posing any harm to him. And Hellkaros was the safest brother 😭😭 Like, really! Javier was concerned before because Lloyd looked less scary about meeting the Hell King. And Lloyd was just, man no worry, the King of Hell is the safest person in Hell!
But yeah. A lot of stuff happened after the Hell arc. It's a spoiler, so I'm ain't talking about them.
Also, Hellkaros wanted to live a comfortable life, such as going back to his house and doing things he had never done before, watching movies, reading novels he hadn't followed in a long time, and so on, but he couldn't because he had a lot of work to deal with. In short, he didn't hate being the Hell King. He always set a new transportation route every day, every hour, and even when he entrusted the job to the demons under him, nothing changed. Like, he got reports for every minute about transportation problems. He had to open a new route for 800,000 demons who were working to drive the carriage. So that's why lol.
He can't leave this duty either. Because if he did, cell division would stop and more would die. The microbial food chain will completely break down. And the entire planet will face massive extinction. This part clearly explains that he is such a highly responsible person since he has been doing this nonstop for 670,000 years. He's such a busy guy to be honest.
Judging those bacteria's souls is easy for him because of their simple souls. They don't possess the flaws like humans. Normally, human souls are either sent to Heaven or Hell. But with the bacteria, they don't require much deliberation. He can manage to do over trillions each day. The only thing that dragged him down was to set a new route for the demons for this job.
He could see through spirits and know the identity of each one. This was the reason why he knew Lloyd's real name. Even if Lloyd didn't tell him. He gives off an atmosphere of being tired and engrossed in work all the time, no different from an office worker. And it was highly likely that if he continued to work like this, he would end up like the previous king.
He is very interested in Lloyd's abilities. At first, it was just Lloyd's singing. He also admitted that Lloyd's singing was such a sound that even the Hell King like him would regret living to hear it. He can also loop Lloyd's songs a thousand times lmao. And later, he....covets Lloyd THAT MUCH. Yeah. The “I covet you, Kim Suho.” is real.
Hellkaros is a person who hates free generosity. He likes to give and take, like Lloyd, for his own and others' benefit. He is also a very smart person. And with his personality being so similar to Lloyd's that even Lloyd had to admit it. He will be a good business partner. And regarding the construction contract, it was Hellkaros who first offered it to Lloyd. Hey let me share this. I really like their conversation (which has been cut off...)
A sense of clipping anxiety gripped Hellkaros that he might meet the same fate as his predecessor, who ended his own life from depression after overworking for 38 billon years. And there was the despair that such a fate was unavoidable. All these years, such feelings haunted him. But now, the dark cloud of anxiety and despair that shrouded his heart for the longest time started to thin out. That was probably why Hellkaros stared at Lloyd differently and why he put on a content smile, unlike a while ago.​ “I like that.” “Yes, so that means-” “Kim Suho, I'll trust you and leave the railroad construction to you,” announced Hellkaros. “Thank you!” Lloyd hung his head down. He always welcomed new clients. And now, it was time to... “Time to sign the construction contract?” Hellkaros asked first. “My, that would make me the happiest man in the world,” said Lloyd as he smiled and rubbed his hands, inwardly praising the king. He indeed was the icon of fair judgment and negotiation. Lloyd admired how the king first suggested writing a contract even when he didn't say anything. This kind of client is so convenient to work with.
Chapter 232
Yes. IT WAS CUT OFF GOD DAMMIT. The reason why Hellkaros trusts Lloyd and lets this man do things he doesn't know about is gone. Just the short paragraph I have given as an example is enough to give the viewer a sense of the character's thoughts and attitude. Hellkaros' hopeless feelings and the thoughts that he would one day end up himself that had been chasing him all this time were now relieved because of Kim Suho, a man running around in a dimension that wasn't his own. How he trust Kim Suho, and what did he see in Kim Suho, and what side did he reveal to Kim Suho? We don't get it in the webcomic and I want to bite someone. I'M GOING INSANE NOW.
Also, ALSO. ALSO. He also had a daydream that he could leisurely enjoy a glass of highly acidic juice as he bathed in a volcanic hot spring too :D He also wanted to catch up on the novel, legends, and other tales he missed in the last 670,000 years. He watched Hellfix, Hellver series, Hellcha through his mana-powered mable. He has a house. But haven't removed the protection film yet.
And...Hellkaros has quite a sense of humor? Yes, it was kinda delusional because I was just completely drunk on his and Lloyd's conversation. He even shrugged and teased Lloyd. This shows how much I wanted to get his plush and throw it in the washing machine. Again, we don't see this in webcomic. I want to commit a crime.
Over 1250 words and I still can't shut up about this loser Hell King. So I'll stop here! The pictures below are what I've taken before: My favorite conversation after the railroad is completed, Hellkaros' analysis.
Hope you enjoy it~ This is such long ass post please don't mind me.
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After railroad is completed:
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Not sure if this is in ch 242 or 241. But yeah around this.
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
i am entirely convinced that if you took tged and just replaced the scene where he gets married to alicia to be the one where he gets married to javier the plot would not only feel wayyy too coherent to be straight, it would probably make MORE sense and be MORE satisfying that way... i'm just saying...
(the guy talks about how hot javier is like every single time he gets the chance istg... jealousy my ass)
mmmgghhhh!!! listen!! ok listen!!! i didn't mention it in this post because i was trying to focus on the focus that,,, the novel itself didn't need a romantic subplot because the emotional weight is already being carried by lloyd and javier's relationship (along with a healthy dose of lloyd&arcos&marbella) so it would've been perfectly fine for it to remain completely platonic and it still would've made perfect sense without the need to shove an unnecessary romantic subplot that added almost nothing,,,
but on the other hand!! it would also make total sense for lloyd and javier to end up together in the end! like!!! c'mon!!! they are!!! so much!! they're perfect as best friends don't misunderstand me! but they could've also been perfect as a couple!! their story would've made just as much sense had it been romantic and not platonic!!
and listen if in the scene where javier (and i will never get tired of saying this) crosses literal universes to get to lloyd those two had kissed i would've totally screamed but also not been nearly as surprised as i probably should've been.
because the way their story is written,,, it would've made just as much sense as letting them remain friends.
now, do i think the story makes more sense if lloyd and javier are in love? not necessarily, i think platonic relationships can and often are just as strong as romantic ones, so them being best friends does more than enough to justify their actions through the plot.
do i think lloyd and javier ending up as a couple makes more sense than lloyd and alicia? yes, absolutely, a hundred percent, no doubt kajdhfkdas
like,,, you cannot build the foundation of your entire story on the relationship between two guys and how much they care and love each other and then,,,, make a completely different relationship between one of the guys and one of the female side characters be the core of your happy ending,,,, like,,,, it makes,,, no sense,,, there's a disconnect between those things!! that wouldn't exist if you just dared to make your protagonist fall in love with each other!! like their relationships is already the heart of your story, why not allow it to also be part of the happy ending if you're that committed to needing a romantic relationship be part of it????
and i guess that's my issue. like i don't think the novel needs a romance to make more sense or be more satisfying, but if it has to have one, then it made more sense for it to be lloyd and javier considering they were already the core and emotional slowburn of the entire thing.
(but also yeah lloyd spends a ridiculous amount of time talking about how hot javier is it's so funny lmao)
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lloydfrontera · 9 months
Hello! Did Javier or Frontera couple actually never find out that Original Lloyd and Kim Suho shared the same soul????
That's so sad :"(
they don't :( but to be fair neither does lloyd. as far as i know, this is an audience exclusive revelation and no one in-universe knows about it.
and tbh i'm kinda glad? i don't know, i much prefer that the affection and love that exists between the frontera family and suho come from their own experiences and the relationship they built by themselves rather than because it turned out suho was their own child all along. i think it would cheapen the found family aspect of it all.
as it is, i think it was... not a bad decision on bk moon's part to make the twist, but only because he waited to drop the bomb til the last chapter, once all the relationships had already been developed on their own. had it been on the middle of the novel, there would've always been the doubt of "oh is he doing all of this because they were his family in his previous life? does he actually care for them or does he just feel guilty? do they only love each other because they were biological family once?" and honestly it would've sucked, i hate just thinking about it lol
as it is, i think it's already a slippery slope, i've already seen a couple comments about how suho is the way he is because of og lloyd's feelings and guilt and like,,,, No ajsdhjka
for one thing suho has no recollection of his previous life, he's not at all affected by og lloyd's guilt or memories, everything he does, everything he feels is because of his own lived experiences and character. to attribute everything he accomplishes to the last split second resolution of a man who never cared enough to do something for himself or his family in his own life, would be a disservice to his character and honestly, kind of a let down if that's what bkm was going for.
and for another, i just think it's way more poignant to have lloyd find a family that loves and cares for him, not because of blood ties or same-soul shenanigans, but because of who he is and what he's done. it would be kind of disappointing for the story to say "they only care for each other because they were biological family before" because,,, then what was the point of the build up, of their relationship development, of the slowburn of lloyd coming to accept that not only does he sees arcos and marbella as parents but that he deserves their love too. it would negate how big of a choice it was for the fronteras themselves to decide that they loved lloyd, even knowing he wasn't their son, that they cared for him not as a replacement but as his own person, that they trusted him even after the deception, that they wanted him to come home and be part of their family.
all of that would be kind of cheapened if everyone knew that suho's previous life was og lloyd, because then what's the big problem, it's still the same soul, it's basically the same person, they were already family once, no big deal to be family again, everything is wrapped up in a neat little bow with no loose ends and they can carry on their merry lives without facing the big difficult emotions that come with all of the previously mentioned dilemmas.
ok maybe i'm exaggerating a little, i do think there would be very interesting feelings to explore if they did end up knowing about it, but let's be honest, they wouldn't have been explored in canon lol. this is not the kind of novel to explore the grand dilemmas that come with a reincarnated soul making amends for the faults it committed in its previous life and that's okay, not every novel can be.
but i don't know. perhaps i just like the found family trope more than the 'they were related all along' one even if it's just soul wise askjdlafkd
again this is just the way i see things, if you feel differently that's also perfectly okay and i would love to talk about it if you guys want! i'm just. being silly :3
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
Spoilers for the end of the webnovel
God i still feel a little bitter on how it's never properly adressed how Javier told Lloyd he knew the situation of him not really being Lloyd bc like did he tell him??? When he came knocking on KSH's door did they chat for a while, hang out before coming back??? I need ANSWERRS like you cannot tell me Javier didn't want to gatekeep him a little, especially after knowing how Alicia feels for Lloyd
dude i know. i Know.
i understand why the author decided not to write it out, but that doesn't mean i have to like it lmao
it's just!!! i wanted to see it so bad!! this was what the entire novel was leading to, this was the cathartic moment we've been waiting for the whole time, this was the conversation that was pending from the very beginning,,, and they skipped it!!
it was a good scene but don't misunderstand me!
suho crying in his goshiwon, grieving the life and loved ones he left behind, completely devastated about going back to his horrible life only for javier to come knocking at his door, a teary smile on his face saying how much he'd missed him? dear god i think i'm having an aneurysm all over again where was i again-
oh yeah, great scene, i wouldn't actually change anything about it.
like??? hello?? this was the most important moment of the whole novel??? of the entire plot?? javier and lloyd/suho?? finally seeing each other face to face, no lies, no misunderstandings, just them together for the first time since they know each other??
and you decide to skip it?!?!?!
there were so many things they needed to talk about! about javier knowing who lloyd was for so long! about lloyd never telling javier the choice was between his or javier's life! about, i don't know, LLOYD DYING BECAUSE HE COULDN'T BEAR TO LIVE WITHOUT JAVIER? MAYBE???
y'know lloyd was a mess that entire conversation, just sobbing his heart out because he thought he'd never see any of them again, he'd lost all hope of being happy ever again, and then here's javier at this doorstep, telling him he'd missed him so much and that he was there to take him home, after probably annoying a whole ass dragon in order to cross universes just to get to him,,, like man, how do you even react to that beyond crying rivers of tears
and javier. Javier is just. staring. drinking in the sight of the person he swore to protect and failed and who died in front of his eyes and is now here, in front of him, crying yes but breathing and wonderfully alive. and he looks different, it's not the face he's used to, not the voice he's listened to as he fell asleep for years now, but it's lloyd, it's his lloyd and he's alive and javier would take him in any shape or form he could come in as long as he came back home with him.
it's like the mastodons incident but a thousand times worse and javier grabs lloyd's hand because he's afraid he'll vanish at any moment, that he'll look away and lloyd will be gone again, gone somewhere javier can't reach him once more.
and this time lloyd grabs back because he's afraid he's dreaming, that he finally cracked and his mind is playing tricks on him because it can't deal with the pain of having lost everything again. but javier's hand is solid and firm and real and it doesn't take away all the fear, but it does settle it a bit.
and they talk yes, there's so much to say, so many questions to ask and they're both trying to pretend they're not aching to grab the other and run back to the frontera estate, lloyd because he can't stand to be one second more in the place he spent so much time alone and hurt and tired and scared and javier because he doesn't trust this place that hurt his master so badly he can still see the open wounds even as lloyd pretended to be a whole another person and he just wants to take lloyd to a place javier knows and trusts and can keep him safe in (even though, a bitter part of his mind says, he hasn't done that great of a job to this point)
when they finally do leave, they can't do it quickly enough
but!! you're so right about javier wanting to gatekeep lloyd for a bit after getting him back, i can totally see him just,,, taking a bit longer than absolutely necessary to get them home, wanting to bask on lloyd's presense just a little bit longer, wanting to be alone with him just one more moment before sharing him with the rest of the world because he knows it's very unlikely they'll get another quiet moment just the two of them once everyone else knows lloyd is alive.
and lloyd lets him because he's both very nervous about finally talking to his parents with no pretenses nor lies between them (which,,, that conversation deserves its own post tbh) and because he also just wants to be with javier for a bit longer. marvel in the fact that they're both alive, that they're both ok, that neither of them has to die anymore. that things will maybe be alright now.
that maybe, just maybe, he can have his happy ending too.
it's maybe the happiest he's ever been in his entire life.
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
this hellsite can't stop me anyway in the switched protagonist au lloyd and damian are an absolute menace together they enable each other's most asshole-y traits and the levels of sass in the room grows exponentially for every minute they spend together.
they'll be going about their day and randomly start arguing about damian's pay completely unrelated to anything they're doing. full on haggling and negotiating "twenty-five percent and a week of vacation" "five percent and an extra weekend" "twenty percent and five days" "ten percent and three days but you don't mention my birthday for two months" "fifteen, four days and one month" "deal" lloyd does joke damian is the reason they'll fall in debt again. damian argues they wouldn't get nearly as much work done without him. lloyd can appreciate the commitment to getting fair pay even if it does put somewhat of a strain in his pocket. and damian does admire that lloyd never delays payments and he doesn't even has to ask for bonuses or hazard pay because lloyd just,,, gives them all of that (<- this is canon and no i am not mad the webcomic doesn't comment on it the way it should what are you talking about-)
also! they're sooooo good at squeezing shitty rich people out of their money. lloyd will draft the most ridiculous contract he can get away with and damian will loom ominously in the background until it's signed and then they high-five the moment they're out of the room not a single word needed between them.
plus the moment they see a monster and lloyd suggests running away damian agrees immediately, picks him up and fucking books it out of there. they are not in it for the heroics thank you very much. there would need to be a completely different reason for them to defeat the monsters and involve themselves in the drama cause they're both very much in favor of just. running lol
as for javier dealing with the fact that he can no longer protect rakiel the way he's supposed to because he has a demon king inside of him just itching to possess him and making hm as weak as possible in order to make him his vessel,,,, the mental issues would be delightful.
he would hate it with a passion, javier already has a big tendency to berate himself any time he's not strong enough to defeat whatever is threatening lloyd all by himself, so imagine the self-loath that would ensue if not only were he incapable of protecting rakiel but if he was the danger itself.
and then having rakiel push himself to exhaustion to keep him alive once acheros figures that if he can't put him in external danger than he can just make his own body attack him?? he'd be devastated. he'd feel ashamed and angry at himself for turning into a burden to rakiel, he'd try to brute force his way out of being ill only to crash and burn much the same way damian did when he tried to do the same.
javier is very much a 'gifted kid'. everything sorta comes easy to him, he never had to struggle too much to be good at things, not that he didn't apply himself or that he didn't put any effort, but he never encountered something he truly struggled with or couldn't simply surpass on his own. so when he's attacked by something he can't defend himself against, something that is so out of his league he wouldn't even have any idea of how to start defeating, he'd take it pretty darn hard.
i can see him trying to be more hands on while helping rakiel tho, like be it while he's trying to make the medicine for him or just in general around the clinic. like remember when lloyd told him to grow onions during the wetlands arc? and he ended up enjoying it?? he's just,,, a softie under the cool and badass exterior. so i think he would genuinely enjoy helping around in the clinic, he'd probably take an interest in learning some basic first aid or simple treatments. he likes helping people! he'd enjoy knowing how to bring some relief and heal instead of just fighting. and rakiel would be all over it because 1) free help and 2) hopefully if he keeps javier in the clinic they will avoid life-threatening danger that brings acheros out (doesn't work but it was worth the try)
oh my god now i am actually cooing a little over rakiel treating a patient only to look up and get startled by how close javier is leaning in to see, curious to watch the way rakiel heals his patients. and then when rakiel gently asks him if he wants to learn, he'd hesitate a little, worried that his hands, rough and callused from all the fighting he did in the gladiator arena, would harm more than help, but after some more gentle coaxing and a bit of teasing he accepts. and while he never quite becomes a nurse or attendant he's more than proficient at helping rakiel whenever they need some hands or when rakiel asks him to
i dunnot! the thought of javier being allowed to do more than just fight the way he was destined to makes me happy :]
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
This ending is so comically nonsensical that it made me feel okay with it. I'm the kind of person who can literally drop reading a story when there's a badly written romance, and when people were telling me that Lloyd ends up with Alicia and they have a daughter, I was very much fighting for my life to even start the novel. Because to be honest there's no way these kinds of stories have a very good romance plot. I'm sorry it's just that most of the time everything feels cheap and I keep on wishing the authors gave up on even adding it. But this? My God. It is so last minute, so out of the blue, that I can choose to ignore it and don't lose anything in the process. I can't even treat it seriously. Because if bk_moon wanted me to treat it as anything but a last "...actually!" then he should've made it matter. And it doesn't. And it's sad, I'm sad that they went that route, sad for Alicia and the time-old treatment she gets as a woman to get married off to the main guy when neither of their character arcs revolved around it. Now I understand your previous asks where you were talking about changing the marriage from Alicia to Javier and it making more sense story-wise and oh how clearly I see this now. But, still, somehow such a stupidly thought-through ending liberates, in a way, as I said, like it is true, undoubtedly, but it also too stupid for me to buy it :)
i know exactly what you mean actually akjshdkaasd
the ending comes so out of left field that it makes it,,, stick less in a way. it feels so disconnected that i can just. pretend it didn't happen ajskdhka
you can literally get to 401 and the not read anything else and you're good. that's a great point to leave it on. an open yet hopeful ending. no last minute romances, no important conversations being had off screen, no confusing implications being thrown at you last second. i am fully convinced 401 is the best way to end the novel lol
Now I understand your previous asks where you were talking about changing the marriage from Alicia to Javier and it making more sense story-wise and oh how clearly I see this now.
the only way i am semi-okay with a last minute wedding is if it involved alicia marrying both lloyd and javier. like. it makes sense. most of her thoughts right up until like,,, the last fifth of the novel are about how risky it is to the royal family for lloyd to exist without having a more tangible tie to it. but the same can be said for javier! the fact alicia never really worries about javier causing havoc in the kingdom despite him literally the most powerful person in the world is mostly because she sees him as,,, an add-on to lloyd. like yeah, javier won't be a problem as long as lloyd is not a problem. they're a 2 for 1 kinda deal to her. as long as she can keep peace with lloyd, she can keep peace with javier.
that's the thing about lloyd and javier. they are so deeply enmeshed into each other that even if you don't think they're in love, they are still tied to each other the way no other characters in the story are. they're are set do not separate them.
so. in a perfect world alicia decides to get rid of those pesky risks to her sovereignty and irreversibly ties them both to the crown, with the added benefit of getting some cute (and talented) af babies out of both of them. imagine a royal family composed of a ruthless queen, the greatest engineer in the world, the only grandmaster in existence and the children they would have. they would've been fucking unstoppable.
i am now mourning this version of canon. dang it.
somehow such a stupidly thought-through ending liberates, in a way, as I said, like it is true, undoubtedly, but it also too stupid for me to buy it :)
that is. exactly how i feel sometimes too. like yeah it may be canon. but it's a stupid canon. and so i don't have to listen to it asjhdka
you put it into words perfectly nonnie thank you for sending me this ask!!
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
Last chapter of Rebar is OUT and I'm just in happy tears rn i could fill up the whole lake Bibyeong was in-
The characterization of Og!Lloyd getting to be a slightly betger person bc of his friendship with Suho, who had been his first true friend to ever listen and understand him, and how Suho gets to make amends with the fact that he involuntarily stole Lloyd's body, AND THE CLOSURE OF LLOYD SEEING THAT HIS PARENTS TRULY DID LOVE HIM AND. JAVIER.
Javier misunderstanding that Lloyd would be suddenly possessed by yet a new person was hilarious but in all seriousness, him and Lloyd???? Actually talking???????(albeit not that much) about their resentments to each other in the past and moving on from it, and Javier finally understanding the full situation that webnovel Lloyd never ever EXPLAINSSSSSSSS
Like cmon this fic just healed some of my pain from webnovel plot holes and the fact that it's up to us to interpret is just so fucking painful, especially with how unresolved the whole thing was with blue Lloyd but ANYWAY
Inhales to all tged fans that's gonna look at this, look up Rebar on ao3! Highly recommended, you don't need the novel to understand but it's incredibly a gulp of fresh air for novel finishers!
It was really good! Second everything you just said! Really enjoyable fic, very good characterizations and engaging plot! Thousand kudos to the author <3
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