#lizzie & ada
eyemarchshelby · 11 months
Natasha O'Keeffe new photoshoot by: Benjamin Eagle
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"Some prints from a shoot with the lovely and incredibly talented @natashaokeeffeofficial in early spring" -Benjamin Eagle
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grayisblogging · 6 months
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the shelbys always have the most relaxing holiday get-togethers :)
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sparksetfire · 2 days
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PEAKY BLINDERS | 3.02 • 5.05 • 6.01 |
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tommyxgrace-always · 7 months
Peaky Blinders Art
❤️The Iconic S1❤️
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red-write-hand · 7 months
random headcanons from my mind…
tommy gives good hugs
arthur knows random songs and hums them while he works
ada knows how to bake like one thing and if you like that thing, be prepared for that to be made at every opportunity around you
john is actually a huge romantic and he loves to just hold you sometimes
finn will sometimes just bring you random objects and start ranting (very happily) about where he got it and why it reminded him of you
grace learns your favorite songs and “accidentally” starts singing them when you’re in the Garrison
luca loves to run his fingers through your hair and draw little designs into your skin
lizzie loves to give you gifts randomly, just to show you how much she loves you
freddie secretly loves when you scratch his stubble
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mrs-fuckin-shelby · 8 months
A little h/c Tommy x reader imagine
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‘No… no! No, please…’ he muttered in his sleep. The nightmares. The endless fucking nightmares… they always came back. He turned and tossed lightly , but he movements were full of panic and fright.
His muffled cries made their way into your dream, yours was about Tommy and so sweet. You woke up immediately as you heard him and opened your eyes. You sat upright and looked next to you: he was dreaming, and his wasn’t lovely… His jaw was clenched tightly, his hair tousled and damp, his eyes squeezed shut.
The sight was heart-wrenching… ‘Tommy.’ you said gently, he had to wake up but you didn’t want to scare him. ‘So cold… dark.’ He gritted through his teeth. He was talking about the war, about the tunnels. ‘Tommy.’ you said again, ‘Darling, wake up.’
He opened his eyes with a loud cry and looks around, eyes burning with sheer dread and terror. ‘Tommy, hey.’ You said but he wasn’t looking at you, his bright eyes were fixed on the wall. ‘I don’t want to go back!’ he whimpered. ‘Tommy. Hey, look at me.’ you cupped his cheek carefully. Your touch made him realise he was at home, safely in bed with the woman he loved. ‘You’re safe, it was a nightmare. None of it was real.’
His gaze traveled to the wall again, you instinctively took his hand in yours. ‘Look at me, eh? I’m right here.’ you said calmingly. You were surprised at how well you hid the tremble in your voice. He swallowed and lay down, facing you. ‘It’s alright.’ You whispered and swiped a strand of sweat soaked hair from his forehead. His eyes were watery, tears pooling at his long lashes. Your fingers stroked his cheekbone and caressed his face. ‘I’m sorry…’ he said, his voice was broken. He felt ashamed because he wanted to be brave and put his mind to rest, put an end to the night terrors.
‘Hey, don’t. You’re strong and brave. And I’ll always be here, I promise.’
A sigh escaped his lips as you pressed a gently kiss onto his temple. He felt so safe and loved when he was with you. He smiled weakly and brushed your cheek with his fingers. ‘I love you.’ he said softly.
‘I love you too, Tommy Shelby.’ you spoke sweetly. You crawled closer to him and pulled him against you. He rested his head in the crook of your shoulder and fell into a blissful sleep.
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rysko · 5 months
Some Peaky Blinders characters, but ranked on the "Would they let you top them' criteria (based on @x-w1ng s take on Alfie)
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open to discussion, sorry for the tommy slander <33333 love him rly
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riotinyellow · 2 months
The reason I like lizzie and dislike grace isn't because of their relationships with tommy. To be honest, tommy was awful for both women.
Grace is simply not as well written of a character like the other women in the show. Esme, lizzie, ada, and polly are just leagues ahead.
Peaky blinders already has questionable writing choices when it comes to women, but grace just takes the cake.
How does she manage being a manic pixie dream girl without having the qualifications for it ?
This applies to other characters as well, such as may, but she wasn't around enough to piss me of as much as Grace.
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thepeakygirl · 1 year
Some of my top favourite Peaky Blinders looks from the Peaky women
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Wish I had better quality photos of Grace’s peacock dress and Lizzie’s black dress from s6e5 because they’re stunning and deserved to be shown in better light
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cosmic-crybaby · 8 months
Blue Skies - Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 18: 'Like Real People Do'
Warnings: Mentions of blood, childbirth, last chapter
Months had passed since your relationship with Thomas Shelby had come to an end.
You had someone by your side with every step of the way. Now just a few weeks away from your predicted due date, Ada, Polly, and Esme were there to help you when you needed them. Even Alfie and John had stopped by a few times when you needed them to. But the Shelby women were there through it all. Esme had made an effort to be with you almost every day, even while she was expecting her first child herself.
Esme also kept Thomas' name to a minimum when it came to conversations with you, although she had wished she could gossip about the recent things he had done. Your mind had drifted back to him from time to time, wondering what he had gotten himself into now or how he was doing in that big mansion all alone. You stayed strong and refrained from reaching out to him for your own sanity.
Esme wore she would never give Tommy any kind of update on how you were doing, but Polly and Ada gave him some peace of mind after answering his burning and persistent questions.
“She’s doing just fine,” 
“Her and the baby are healthy,” 
“Yes, she’s still working,” 
But that was the extent of it all.
Tommy really had no idea how you were really doing, and even though you wanted to keep it that way, he still refrained from stopping by your bakery, or sending a peaky boy or two to keep watch on you and the kids. An extra measure to make sure you were safe. He knew you were smart, and would have spotted them right away, but again part of him wished that was the case so you could talk to him again.
But it was better this way, it kept him up at night, thinking you were all alone now. He stayed awake at night with the regret of ever hurting you and jeopardizing your relationship. The one night with Lizzie Stark caused his heart to shatter every night he went without you in his arms.
You, on the other hand, continued to care for your two children and work on your own for the most part, even if you slowed down the further you grew into your pregnancy. You eventually gave into Esme’s request to help you out when the days got busy or when you simply needed to rest. 
Tonight was Henry’s first orchestra concert. You were adamant on attending, no matter what. You sat in the front row with Elizabeth in the middle between you and her Aunt Esme. Watching him on stage along with the other kids of all ages. You gushed to Esme about how cute he looked in his suit, but went silent as they began to play. Listening to the beautiful symphony of classical music. You proudly gazed up at him on the stage as he focused on the sheet music and the movements of the bow on the strings. It was times like this where you were thankful that Thomas paid for violin lessons so he could perfect his skills on time for the show. Your smile dropped as you felt a sharp cramp to your side, inhaling quickly. Your hand quickly flew to your stomach for a moment until the pain quickly subsided. You managed to sit through the concert in uncomfortable silence, not wanting to miss a second of Henry’s performance. You shift in your seat as you take slow and deep breaths while rubbing your side to calm down. 
Once the curtains close and everyone applauds, you turn to Elizabeth. 
“Why don't you meet your brother backstage when he’s done?” You asked her. 
“Okay mum,” She nods, watching her stand from her seat and skip off to the side of the stage. Esme looked over at you, worried.
“What’s wrong, love?” She asked, moving to sit in Elizabeth's empty seat. You groan a bit, attempting to stand up but sit back down with a shocked gasp. You feel around your dress, as the clear liquid spilled down to your knees and into the floor. 
"I-I think my water just broke," 
You knew your due date was nearing quickly but you didn’t think the baby would come this early. Esme rushes to help you stand, grabbing your arm as you hissed at the aching pain in your back. 
“Come on love, not much time now,” She guides you to stand up. Just as you pass the stage, Elizabeth and Henry walk out. Henry held his violin case as he looked at you. You halt your steps. 
"Oh, you did amazing sweetheart," You smiled at him as he gave you a tight hug. 
"Thanks mum," As he let you go, you reached out for their hands. You glanced at Esme as she nods once to make a call to John.
"Okay, listen..." You paused, taking a deep breath. "We will drop you off at Aunt Adas and then we will come pick you up in the morning when-" 
"Rather than staying with their own father?" A strong voice said from behind. 
"Dad!" The two shouted happily as they ran to him and hugged him tightly. 
"Alfie?" You stood up straight with a groan. After he greeted the kids he approached you.
“No way in hell you’re gonna let my kids be watched over by a Shelby,” 
"Alfie I-”
" Right, I will be taking them for the night, I insist…" He dismissively told you. 
"You really never miss their performances," You told him quietly with a small smile. 
"Of course not, I fuckin' love my family," Even past his burley exterior, you could still see the love in his eyes.
"Mum?" Elizabeth looked up at you. You glance down at her. 
"Right! We'll get you in the morning when the baby gets here. okay?" 
Their eyes brightened up. 
"Okay mum," They said. You slightly bend down to pull them into hug them and give them quick kisses on their cheeks. 
"Stay safe, mum" Henry whispered in your ear. You nodded. 
"I love you, I will see you in the morning," You handed your children off to their father. Just then Esme had returned, rushing to your side.
"Thank you, Alfie," You smiled at him, wanting to just reach to hold his hand, but Esme grabbed your hand first after seeing the sweat beading on your forehead. 
"(Y/n)," She whispered. 
"I wish you well (Y/n), may God protect you, Love...stay safe," 
That was the first time you had seen him show real concern for you in a very long time. 
"Love, the car's here we've got to go," Esme rushed.
In the car, Esme sat in the backseat with you, helping you breathe through the sudden increase of pain as John drove like a madman back to your flat. As planned, you had arrived home and John helped you out of the car and into your bedroom. Esme was quick to call Polly and had her rushed over, since she was the only person you had trusted to help you deliver the baby and she lived only a few streets away. As you sat on the bed, hunched over and panting, John rubbed your back. Even though he had seen this many times before and witnessed the birth of his many kids and siblings, he still felt anxious for you as his hands shook.
"(Y/n) Polly is on her way but we need to get you ready," Esme hurried into the room, holding clean sheets and a large, thin night dress. She had ushered John out of the room, sending him to gather blankets, towels, and water. She helped you undress and put on your nightgown as you finally were able to catch your breath for just a minute before the cramping started up again, this time a loud cry erupting from your throat as you gripped onto the bed sheets. 
"Fucking Christ!" You shouted.
"You're doing great love just keep breathing," Esme calmed you, trying to keep your breathing regulated. She moved your hair out of your face as it stuck to your face the more you began to sweat. 
"Esme, it hurts! I can't do this!" You cried. 
"Yes you can! Just hold on, Polly's almost here," She comforted you. You whine as John entered the room, bringing the things Esme ordered. 
"She's here," 
It was like everything was a huge blur, you had no idea what was going on until Polly greeted you. Hasty, and trying to stay calm as she ordered John to get more water. 
"(Y/n), you've got a fever, you need to stay awake so we can get the baby out, okay?" She spoke clearly. You tiredly nodded. She helped you onto the bed, sitting up as she rubbed your back gently. In the midst of your next contraction you held Esme's hand tightly as Polly checked your dilatation. 
"You'll need to start pushing soon okay?" Polly asked, standing up to wash her hands and grab the pile of linens and towels.
"N-No, I can't, it hurts," You cried, your words coming out like slurs and your eyelids getting heavier. 
"Shit, John! Where is the fuckin' water?!" Polly shouted. The room began to spin as everyone in the room began shouting and yelling at each other. You couldn't comprehend what was happening. Not until you heard him call your name. 
"He just turned up, I couldn't tell him to leave, Aunt Pol he has every right to be here!" John argued. 
"I don't give a shit, he's hurt her in more ways than one and right now she needs help not a fucking reminder of the man who put her in this situation!" She argued. 
"She doesn't even want to hear your name, what makes you think she wants you here?!" Esme spit. 
"(Y/n)," He called. "I need to see her, please," He begged as he tried to push past Polly. She glared at him, refusing to let him through. 
"Only if she agrees," She noted. 
"She's delusional, she can barely speak!" Esme shouted. 
"Tommy?" You mumbled. A whimper left your throat as you looked towards the door. A moment of silence filled the room as he was let in, much to Polly and Esme's dismay. Thomas stood by you and held your hand as you looked at him with a dazed look in your eyes. Your face was pale, your pupils wide, as the sweat drips down your temples and neck.
"Hi love...I'm here now, I'm here for you," He nodded. 
"Polly-" You quickly turned away from Thomas as you called for his aunt. She walked to the bed once again, lifting the sheet to check your dilatation. With a focused face she ordered Esme to help. 
"Give her water, try to keep her cool because this baby is coming now," She hurried. Drinking the water quickly and shutting your eyes as you felt the need to push. 
"You're doing great, (Y/n) just keep breathing," Esme encouraged you as she dabbed your forehead with a damp towel. You nod once as you try to focus on your breathing. The impending pain made you open your eyes as you frantically reached for Esme's hand. Esme held you close, looking up at Thomas to step up and do the same. He was almost frozen in his place as he stared at her.
"Tommy," You called for him again, holding your hand out as he tightly squeezed. You cried out in pain
"It'll be okay, keep going," He looked at you with wide eyes. 
"Fuck!" You cursed loudly as you threw your head back. 
"Almost there (y/n) almost there! One more!" Polly affirmed. It seemed like everything had gone by within the blink of an eye. One last push and one last cry from you and it was all over. The pain became numb as your legs trembled. The warmth of the blood drenched your sheets as Polly gasps in relief. Far too exhausted to lift yourself up to get a proper look at the little bundle as Polly cleaned them up. Your vision begins to double as you sink back into the pillows. The muffled sound of Esme and Tommy calling your name was almost deafened when you heard the coos and crying of the baby. You felt your eyes get heavier and heavier as the sweat and heat began to get too much for you. And with that, you were out. The room was worried for you. Trying to wake you up but the fever, the pain, and the blood loss had all hit you at once. 
That summer, Elizabeth and Henry were sitting on an old blanket on the grassy hills under the trees. The very same spot Thomas had taken them, chasing the ducks and flying paper airplanes over a year ago. The sun was warm and bright as the birds sang and the children laughed. A basket full of food and sweets sat beside them, Henry was restraining himself from sneaking a taste of the apple dumplings. You had approached behind them, the small baby in your arms as you set the small bag of necessities for the baby on the grass before you sat down. 
"Can we take Evelyn to look at the ducks, mum?" Elizabeth asked, the baby cooed and giggled as she grasped onto your fingers. 
"Yeah, let's go before Aunt Esme arrives," You nod as you stand up, and approach the small pond. She was still small, but her chubby hands grasped at the water, giggling as the little gold fish scattered whenever she wiggled her fingers. You chuckled as Elizabeth and Henry fed bread to the ducks, screaming and laughing as the ducks quacked and chased them around if they held the bread for too long. 
"(Y/n)!" Esme had called. You stood up, looking at the top of the hill, holding your hand over your brow to shade your eyes from the sun. She waved happily, the baby in her arms bundled close to her chest. John's kids greeted Henry and Elizabeth before they gathered to run about the hill. The two of you sat on the blanket, watching the kids kick a ball around, their laughs were carried with the wind. Behind you, in the car, John stood. Smoking a cigarette. 
"You alright, brother?" John turned to his older brother. Thomas leaned against the car. You didn't know he was there, and he didn't want to be known. He held the cigarette in his mouth as his hands were shoved in his pockets. He heavily sighs. 
"Yeah..." He mumbled. He hoped to get a glimpse of your new life. You looked happy, laughing with Esme as you held the baby by the hands as she took wobbly steps. The small glance he got at her, in her bright blue eyes. She looked just like a perfect combination of the both of you. It ached him that he had to keep his distance when all he wanted was to be next to you, holding the babe in his arms just as you were now. 
"Why don't you go talk to her?" John asked. He didn't completely understand why Thomas couldn't just man up and talk to you again. But it was more complicated than that. 
"I can't John," 
"Why not? Tom, you were meant to be, just give it a try," 
The days after Evelyn was born, Thomas tried to reignite that spark in you. And as much as it saddened you, you declined.  Your heart wanted you to go back to him, but every other part of you didn’t want to get hurt again. It just wasn't going to work. The amount of times he had hurt you was just too much to overlook the times he cherished you.
"Perhaps meant to be just wasn't for us, John..." 
You picked Evelyn up, lifting her up in your arms before bringing her down to give her a kiss. She squeals as you do it again and again. 
"That's bullshit," John muttered, flicking the end of his burnt out cigarette onto the gravel road. Thomas only took his hand out of his pocket to do the same. Shaking his head, swallowing thickly as he felt the lump in his throat grow the more he watched you. 
And you smiled, maybe not at him, but after all this time you still smiled, so he smiled too. He quickly looks down, licking his lips before pushing himself off of the car. 
"Let's go," He mumbled as he got into the driver's side. He gave you one last glance. Evelyn looked at you before turning her head to Thomas. Locking eyes with him. It was like he lost his breath at just how beautiful she was. Making him think, just how could someone as cold and deadly as himself make something so warm and beautiful. 
"What are you looking at, love?" You asked Evelyn, she looked at you then back to the road. Pointing a chubby finger in that direction. Confusion washed over your face as you looked over your shoulder. You both stared at each other, doing and saying nothing until you lifted your hand to give him a small wave, as a comforting smile formed on your face. Thomas returned the gesture before driving off. Your eyes followed the car until you couldn't see it anymore. 
"You still love him, don't you?" Esme calmly asked. You looked down, swallowing a bit before silently nodding. 
"That's okay...You made the right choice," She scooted closer to you, putting a comforting hand over yours. You nod again, your breath shuttering as you look up. The golden sun casting a glow on your skin as you wiped your tears. 
"We were always made for each other, just never made to last,"
This was the final chapter of 'Blue Skies' I really hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have another Tommy Shelby story in the works that will be posted soon! In the mean time if you would like a bonus chapter with Tommy x (yn) or Alfie x (yn), feel free to let me know.
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peakyblinded · 2 years
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PEAKY BLINDERS FASHION [10/??] Some ladies’ room pre-game couture 
requested by @quarterpastmidnight & @retromafia 
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grayisblogging · 6 months
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for christmas they’d like a break
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sparksetfire · 6 months
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PEAKY BLINDERS family names + meanings
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tommyxgrace-always · 8 months
Tommy & Ada parallels
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Political inclination
Tommy was known to be communist/socialist before the war, dreaming about changing the world. After Grace, he eventually decides to pursue politics.
Ada also shared communist ideologies and is active to an extent with Freddie. When Tommy became MP, she naturally became his political advisor. In the finale, Tommy reiterates the fact that she was born for politics in her family.
Fine things in life
Tommy liked to possess lavish and fine things. His suits for example, In s1, we see how he gets his suits done from the same place as Kimber. In s4, we hear how he gets his suits done by a tailor in London. Similarly he admired Tatiana’s luxurious car in s3 just like the look of awe he gave May’s mansion. Arrow house was decorated with the finest things - paintings, interiors, furniture and his bedroom with Grace too.
Ada’s house in s2 said it all. The interior, the furniture everything was expensive and grand. This aspect of her personality is reiterated in s5, by showing the luxurious redecoration and also her art pieces, vases etc (when finn was too scared to ruin it with his blood)
Love & Marraige
Both married the love of their life inspite of opposition from family. Ada married Freddie even though Tommy and her brothers were against a communist. Tommy married Grace even when Polly was against her.
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Both their children were born out of wedlock. When Ada got pregnant there was ambiguity about Freddie’s intentions for her. Just when Ada lost hope and decides to be practical and abort, they have a dramatic reunion at the train station. Their love for each other is validated and they look forward to have their child. Similarly Grace got pregnant with Tommy’s child, there is ambiguity about her intentions and it seems they will go their separate ways again. Just when Tommy seems to have accepted that she will sail away and decides to be practical and be with May, they have a dramatic reunion at the Derby. Their love and longing for each other is re-validated and they look forward to have a life together.
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Both lose the love of their life. Tommy takes it way worse because of his already existing war trauma. Ada is normal and emotionally stable so she carries on without getting sucked into addictions, depression and hallucinations whereas we all know how Tommy suffered after Grace.
Both end up being widowers and single parents
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They never looked for love again. Companions yes but not another love.
We see Ada interested in the Russian spy in s3 and later we see her with Ben Younger. There may be other men whom she saw which we don’t see onscreen. Tommy, we all know went from women to women. Prostitutes, aristocrats, communist, secretary, dead wife’s ghost, ex girlfriend’s ghost, you name it!!!
Ben Younger was Ada’s constant and the longest one we see with her. They seem to share a stable relationship like two “mutually consenting normal people” who respect each other, can share. Lizzie is a constant go-to for Tommy but they share an unequal dynamic where she has been hopelessly in love with him from beginning while he saw her as no strings attached buddy and had other priorities and is done with love after Grace. Thats why that relationship is chaotic and toxic but also convenient and practical for both.
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Interestingly they also have a child out of wedlock with their companions. The difference is Tommy had to marry Lizzie as a man who took responsibility of his child. Whereas Ada mentions she wasn’t planning to marry Ben, it’s seen as a bold move.
Ada and Ben’s relationship confirms what Grace fan always knew unlike a certain section of the fandom . Just because a partner is decent and good and you like them does not automatically mean you fell in love. Ada explains in a s5 scene after she hears of Ben’s demise “I didn’t love him. But I liked him. He was decent and good….I wasn’t going to marry him. God he didn’t deserve us”. This is exactly how Tommy and Lizzie were designed too. Due to Tommy’s trauma and unequal feelings for Lizzie, their relationship is more toxic in nature than Ada and Ben’s. But at the core it was companionship. Two people having a convenient partnership that serves both. Tommy also found Lizzie to be decent and good compared to him. She took care of his children and was loyal to him and his family. She didn’t deserve him. He didn’t love her either but liked her. He felt sorry for her as she had to bear the ultimate pain of losing a child.
There is so much more I wanted to cover about their bond. But this post will be too long. So will do a separate post.
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peakycobblers · 3 months
“I watch Peaky Blinders for the plot!”
The Plot:
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peakyltd · 1 year
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Shelby family meeting
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