More traditional sketches with a Kuai Liang cameo
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Second upload of the meme vid (bc youtube copyright is being bitchy)
this is part one there's another part coming (Tumblr has a file size limit for videos
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agvarina · 2 months
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Something cute
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oneokkombat · 5 months
Ah yes, my favorite flavor of poly relationships “established couple so crazy for their third that they drag them into the relationship one way or another”
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vikingpoteto · 2 months
Send me MK drabble requests!
I'm idle at work and I will write about MK9-MK11! Bonus points if it is about:
Subscorp (Kuai/Hanzo)
Kombat Kids (Cassie Cage, Kung Jin, Takeda Takahashi, Jacqui Briggs, bonus Frost)
Liulao, Liutana, Liulaotana
Preferably not MK1, but I will write Johnshi, Taleena and Symas from the new timeline. I reserve the right to refuse a request if I don't know enough about the characters to write about them but feel free to infodump about them.
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Traditional sketches based on the headcanons I worked on with @running-with-the-feels
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I love your liulaotana hcs so much!
After Liu Kang and Kitana get together, what do you think Kitana and Kung Lao's courtship is like, and how does Liu Kang react to it do you think?
Thank you for fueling my addiction
Kung Lao thought he knew just about anything about Outworld courting rituals, but he was sorely mistaken. He did try his best to learn, even asking Raiden and Fujin if they had any knowledge on the topic. Raiden looked disturbed at the question and quickly excused himself (that man is a sex repulsed aroace who avoids romance like the plague), but Fujin managed to find some old tomes, which were out of date and vague.
What he saw Liu Kang go through was incredibly surface level and being on the receiving end was an entirely different experience.
It started small too with the same "expose your neck" jig. Then every time he visited his favorite Outworld cuisines would be made. How Kitana knew that his favorite food was fried vikt on a skewer made by the old Tarkatan woman in her food stand downtown, he'll never know. He asked Kang if he told her that, but Kang didn't even know that was his favorite.
Unlike Liu Kang, he didn't get a Michidou skull. He got some weird creature called a Khuonho that looked like a mix between a mountain goat and a dragon, she even saved him the hide because he mentioned at some point he needed new blankets.
Kitana has a freakishly good memory and Kung Lao is forgetful. Liu Kang has to hold himself back from laughing every time Kitana mentions something Lao said and forgot about as he acts all freaked out that she knows. "Your sister's favorite color is green, is it not?" "(⊙_⊙) ...yeah."
Lao notices right away when his clothes start to go missing, he knows it's Kitana, but he doesn't understand how as he checks his luggage several times before leaving the palace. Kitana asked Kang if he could get her some of Lao's clothes and he was more than happy to oblige, even throwing in a pair of Lao's underwear in there as a joke. Yes, they did come back smelling like Kitana.
Liu Kang actively encourages them both. Telling Kitana what Lao likes and helping Lao reciprocate the courting because he doesn't know what the hell he's doing. He gets a good laugh out of it.
Lao decides to go for traditional Kung courting which involves a lot of gifts and displays of strength. Kitana's jewelry collection had tripled by the time they decided to start dating. Also, hair has a lot of meaning to Kungs so he lets Kitana play with and style his hair.
If Jade has to hear her wax poetic about how soft and silky Lao's hair is one more time she's gonna snap.
The first time Kitana met Jin was when Lao was babysitting. Embarrassingly, her first thought upon seeing him with a toddler was: He's fertile. Even though she knew that was his niece. It took everything in her power not to smack herself for thinking such a thing.
Adores Jin and hearing him call her auntie was the thing that pushed her to ask Lao to date officially.
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Johnny: Okay, so, lemme get this straight, you are dating Liu Kang
Kitana: Yes
Johnny: and he's dating Kung Lao
Kitana: Correct
Johnny: But you're not dating Kung Lao
Kitana: Absolutely not
Johnny: Okay, cool, could I date him then?
Kitana, tucking Kung Lao behind her and hissing like a cat: Not unless you face me in mortal kombat and win, Earthrealmer!
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agvarina · 2 months
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More of defenders of The realm au
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agvarina · 8 days
Sorry another ask
Au where kitana and liu kang marry but sadly kitana is infertilite and the two decide since there both attracted to kung lao they make him there concubine, so he could also carry there child
It was a year after their wedding when Kitana and Liu Kang reseaved The unfourtunet news that they couldnt consieve children together, but they were determined to work trough IT together and find a solution.
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Somehow during Their many talks The topic of Kung Lao came up, perhaps as a possible surrogate for them.
It was during one of these talks that Kitana asked Kang If he had had any feelings towards his friend at any point in their years together, this taking Kang of guard and made him think Back on all The tears he spent with Lao.
Realizing that he infact had had strong feelings towards him for a long time.
He appologized to Kitana for not telling her, her accepting it and telling him that it was alright.
In fact she was starting to develop feeling towards The other Shaolin Master as well, finding him rather charming.
It was this confession that gave them both an idea and they imidietly Set of to Earthrealm to speak with Lao.
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Kung Laos Face blushed red at The twos propousal.
Him becoming The Empresses and her consort The Champion of Earthrealms concubine?
His heart was pounding and he almost sayed yes then and there, but then doupt Set in.
What could he offer to The two of them?
Comparing to The two of them he was a no body, some one with a famous ancestor and no acomplishments of his own.
With a heavy heart he declined Their propousal, saying that he'd happily Be their surrogate but couldnt accept The honor of being theirs.
Hes just a Monk from Earthrealm.
This didn't sit right with Kitana and Kang, both appaled that Lao would speak of himself so lowly.
Kang being rather offendet and got determined to prove Lao wrong about being a no body, he was going to court him like an amazing and talented person like him deserves.
Kitana huffing at The shaolins reasoning to not becoming theirs, he was a defender of Earthrealm was he not, A Shaolin Master thaught by gods, someone so loyal he'd give his Life to protect The people he cares about. This wouldn't stand, She was going to court him like an Edenian royalty like he should Be.
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agvarina · 2 months
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Defenders of The realm au in The year 2024? More likely than you think
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Liu Kang: Oh, hey Lao, how are-?
Kung Lao, walks in wearing a 'Don't bully me I'll cum' shirt and a shit eating grin: Hey
Kitana, leaving immediately: I don't know you, we have never met
Liu Kang, blushing and hiding his face: oh my god
Kung Lao: I thought it was funny
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Kitan: I just don't know what you see in him
Liu Kang: Well, a lot of things really, too many to list but to start, watch this.
Liu Kang: Hey, Lao!
Kung Lao: Yeah?
Liu Kang, running full force at his boyfriend: Catch!
Kung Lao grins and catches him, lifting him up by the waist effortlessly: Hi lover
Kitana, blushing: Oh. Am I attracted to this?
(inspired by @charlotte-family-apologist's sketch)
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I have returned! With Liu Kang headcanons in tow! Also, this is reallyyy long so no pressure to give an in-depth response.
Liu Kang was born in a small village in Henan Province, China. Due to the small size of the village, home births were common with the only doctor being the local healer. His mother experienced complications while birthing him and ended up dying, leaving his father to raise him alone. His parents had already been struggling with poverty before but now that his mother was gone his father had less time to work. Forcing him to choose between work or raising his son, his father chose to care for him.
Kang’s father was a kind man, the kind to give the clothes off his own back away even if he needed them more. He taught him everything he knew. How to forge and prepare food, how to read and write, the best way to clean, how to fix problems around the house. Have a leak? Don’t know if this mushroom is edible? Liu Kang can help! While he knows the basics of how to do these things he is far from a professional.
Eventually, this caught up to him as he had gotten food poisoning from the rotten food, having given the fresh food to Kang. He died when Kang was six. He buried his father next to his mother in the backyard with a wooden stake as a gravestone.
He lived alone for a little over a year before a Shaolin monk passing through town saw no one cared for him and asked if he wanted to come to the monastery. After some convincing (a promise and deal with the village that his home wouldn’t be touched) he agreed.
Kung Lao is a year older than him, being 8 while Kang was 7 when they met. Lao was ecstatic to have someone around his age around and quickly befriended him.
Kang, despite having what he assumed was a normal upbringing, had a lot of unresolved trauma (mostly from his year alone) and didn’t know how to properly navigate social situations. He had unknowingly internalized a lot of his father’s bad behaviors, especially his self-sacrificial tendencies.
Lao being a fairly normal child didn’t realize this and just thought he was a bit strange and quiet. Constantly asking if Liu Kang was going to finish his food Kang, not wanting to disappoint his new friend, would give him what he had. This came to a head when Liu Kang fainted from lack of nutrition and Lao was thoroughly chewed out by a medic for taking food from an obviously malnourished kid.
Liu Kang has stunted growth as an adult only standing 5"6' when he should be around 5"8'. While short, he is very broad. Broader than Kuai Liang despite being a good amount of inches shorter.
He awakened his pyromancy when he was 10 while sparring (read: play fighting) with Kung Lao. Lao had just gotten the upper hand and Kang, in a panic, grabbed his wrist, and the next thing they knew Lao was screaming and clutching his burnt wrist. He got bandaged by a medic and promised Kang he wasn't scared of him and that "a little fire" wouldn't change anything. Even going as far as to encourage Kang to use fire against him.
Kung Lao looks at the burn fondly now, jokingly calling it the one time Liu Kang didn't pull his punches against him.
While both are pyromancy, Liu Kang and Hanzo's fire work very differently. Kang's fire is genetic and is closer to cryomancy in function (but, like with fire instead of ice). Unlike Hanzo, Kang can be burned (though he has a massive resistance) in the same way cryomancers can get frostbite. Also his magic naturally settles in his lower stomach while Hanzo's sits in his chest.
If I were to describe Liu Kang in one word it'd be repressed. He doesn't want to burden others with his feelings and is more than happy to never talk about it. Only ever talking about it once with Lao when they were preteens. And that was because it slipped out, not because he genuinely wanted to breach the topic. He's gotten better with age, but whenever his feelings are singled out he shuts down.
He doesn't believe he should be selfish (even though it's not selfish) and should be grateful for what he has. His father raised him to be grateful and the Shaolin taught him similarly, acting selfishly would be like spitting on their faces. He needs to be grateful to those who helped him, lest they throw him back on the streets.
And that's where the people-pleasing, self-destructive, and sacrificial tendencies come from! I'm moving onto happier headcanons now :)
He has a competitive streak, not that he'll admit it. And not many realize it. Johnny, none the wiser, challenged him to a cook off and Liu Kang took that seriously. An entire event was made with Earthrealm's defenders to judge the food. Honestly, the food was so good it just turned into a vote of whether you like Chinese or Italian food more. Kang won.
For the next few months, Liu Kang would give Johnny this look that he could only describe as smug. He thought he was going crazy because he was the only one who noticed it and everyone he told brushed him off because "Liu Kang's not like that". The only one who believed him was Kung Lao because he too had been on the receiving end of Kang's post-competition smugness.
Accidentally encouraged Sonya's kleptomania and was mortified when he realized it.
He secretly loves dirty jokes, but he never makes them unless he's either drunk, the opportunity is too good to pass up, or he's really comfortable with you. Even then it's rare. If the joke itself doesn't get you, the shock of it coming out of his mouth will.
If you think Hanzo has no brain to mouth filter when he's drunk, then Kang's 10x worse. Worse to the point they started a quote book that includes but is not limited to: "I sometimes wish I could get pregnant, I'd like to experience motherhood." "*Lao explaining something* Lao we literally took each other's virginity-" "*Loudly sighs and walks up to Jax, taking his cigar out of his mouth, then proceeding to smoke the stolen cigar as he walks away without a word.*" He is usually dragged home from the party by Kung Lao or Kitana, because, no, they don't need to know about our sex life.
Loves smoking but rarely does it because he knows it's bad for his health. At this point, he's convinced it's a pyromancer thing because the feeling of smoke in his lungs causes his powers to thrum. Prefers to use a pipe as they create less waste.
His type is long, dark haired, round eyed, people of prestigious descent, with bladed weaponry, who are taller than him. Being dangerous is a fun bonus.
This took forever to type and I'm going to bed now, looking forward to your thoughts in the morning <3
ohohohoohohoo yiiiiiiisssssssss
Liu Kang's headband is actually a piece of cloth from one of his mother's clothes that his father gave him to keep her close. He has fully burned ppl for trying to take it from him
Once Kung Lao realized how malnourished and self sacrificing Liu Kang was, he made it his mission to ensure that his friend ate. Lao would steal snacks from the kitchen and hand them to Liu whenever he wasn't paying attention and would also glare at anyone who tried to take food from the younger boy.
Because Liu Kang joined the monastery later than most, it took him a while to catch up to their skill, causing some of the other kids to tease him. Lao, once he learned, started fighting anyone who said a bad word about Liu, leading to them both getting in trouble over it.
It did also lead to their first kiss, with them having gotten in serious trouble after Lao broke a kids arm, so he kept trying to apologize to Liu over it, eventually causing Liu to kiss him to shut him up. As much as Liu Kang dislikes hurting the other monks, he can't deny that it feels nice to have someone so determined to protect him, even from their friends.
Lao is taller than him and consistently gloats about it, but he is also leaner which Liu never fails to point out.
Whenever the two are cuddling in bed, Liu will kiss the burn on Lao's hand as both an apology for it (which Lao always waves off) and an affectionate gesture.
Liu never talks about his feelings, even the positive ones, and it is one of the few things he and Lao fight about, with Lao wanting Liu to be more open so that he can support Liu the way Liu supports him
They also fought when Raiden chose Liu as his champion (and pls someone ask me about my Kung Lao hcs I Beg) bc Lao felt that it was unfair to pick one over the other when they where both equally skilled and Raiden could have easily brought both of them (which would be smarter) and Liu, not wanting the last time he saw Kung Lao to be a fight, kept telling him to trust Raiden's judgement and just refused to engage in the argument.
To this day, they both regret that they parted angry before the tournament, without a goodbye kiss or "I love you"
After finding out about Kitana and Liu having their budding romance, Lao pulled back, thinking he was no longer wanted (man is insecure and he hides that under arrogance) which lead to Liu thinking Lao now hated him for being chosen. They were both pining and miserable for months, leading to Kitana being very confused by the situation and not knowing how to handle it (she's not good at people, she's good at murder)
Kitana and Johnny of all people ended up hanging out and she let slip what was going on and why she was confused by it, leading to Johnny dragging Lao and Liu over to his house for the night and making them sit down and talk, acting as a mediator between them. It took several days but they eventually worked it out and then went to talk to Kitana, leading to them all getting together
Kung Lao and Kitana remained platonic, however, though they did start to get along (I am not married to the idea that Kung Lao and Kitana don't ever also get together, but I do think it would take a looooooong time before they did)(if I wrote a Liulaotana story in that vein, would anyone be interested in that? It wouldn't be any time soon but, yknow, still)
Liu Kang also challenged Jax to an arm wrestling competition and lost, which revealed that he is something of a sore loser. He won't say anything and he'll always be really polite, but then afterwards he's grumpy and throws himself into training for days on end.
On those days, Kung Lao and Kitana will usually team up to pull him out of the training yard and back into bed, helping him work his frustration out in a more productive way.
Loves a good dirty joke and is also shockingly good at dirty talk. Once got Kung Lao off with nothing but his voice and some heavy kissing and he remains smug about that. Kitana refuses to believe that story no matter how much Kung Lao blushes in mortification until Liu does the exact same thing to her.
Not only is there a notebook of Liu's lack of filter, the kombat kids have a gc full of videos of him saying various outrageous shit.
he does enjoy smoking, but Kung Jin got him to try a vape once and he threw up from how much he hated it. Sticks to his pipe after that.
Points out that Kitana and Kung Lao are similar and both his type once and neither of them will speak to him for a week bc of it.
lemme know if you have any more! these are great!
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Kung Lao NSFW hc
Has both a praise and a degradation kink. He doesn't necessarily want to be insulted per se, but he does like being mocked or made to kneel and told to do something humiliating (like get off on his partner's shoe or something)(yes I know that's pretty tame as far as degradation goes)
He also doesn't want to be told he's doing a good job, tho he won't complain, he wants to make his partner moan a lot and make them feel so good they can't help but be loud, which he considers better than verbal praise
Man gives some GOD tier head, like he can go for HOURS without faltering
can be dominant or submissive and doesn't really have a preference
When he subs tho, he's a total brat, if you want him he's gonna make you work for it.
When he doms he's actually really gentle and soft, he likes to take it slow and whisper praises to his partner. He'll tie them up or chide them as needed but he generally doms with the goal of pampering his partner and making sure they don't do any work
He lives to serve basically
for some liulaotana content:
Liu Kang generally won't degrade Kung Lao, it makes him feel bad and that makes it hard for either to enjoy it, so he sticks to being soft and praising.
As a result, Kung Lao doesn't really brat with him, and they usually stick to more vanilla sex, which they both enjoy quite a lot.
Kitana, on the other hand, has no problem indulging that particular interest of Lao's and will happily order him about and toss him down as needed.
Kung Lao also enjoys temperature play, specifically Liu Kang using his powers on him in bed
breeding kink, you cannot convince me otherwise.
He won't indulge it very often at first bc he worries that his partners will find it off putting but once he relaxes into it and is assured that no they don't think it's weird and yes they do find it hot, he goes almost feral for it. Like he will just keep going and going and the only reason Liu Kang hasn't ended up pregnant is bc he can't.
not fond of quickies, if he's gonna have sex, he wants to take his time. Fully of the opinion that if you have sex and it lasts for less than an hour, you are a coward.
likes to be edged until he's a whimpering mess. It takes a while to get him there tho, bc of all the bravado, but once you do it he's putty in your hands.
Kitana once got him to cry from begging so much and considers that a personal victory akin to becoming kahn, not that she will ever admit it.
Sleeps like the dead afterwards, he's just out like a light
Who next?
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Lmao imagine if liulaotana kung lao somehow gets pregnant (gets turned into a chick) mpreg or whatever
An excuse to trans another of my favorite characters? Don't mind if I do
(Fair warning! I am transmasc, any trans content I make is based on my own experiences of my gender and transition, this does not apply to all trans people and if it does not spark joy, scroll on)
That said, onwards!
I think Kung Lao and Kitana were competing to see who Liu Kang could knock up first, like, they all talked about it, decided they were ready for kids, but couldn't agree on who should carry first. So they made it a competition which is their usual way of settling things.
Jokes on them tho bc they ended up pregnant at the same time!
Lao is so thrilled and brags about how perfect his pregnancy is going to be until the first bit of morning sickness hits and then he's down for the count. Liu has to pamper them both so much (he's not complaining) and they just become an absolute menace
He adjusts pretty quickly to being pregnant, and actually really enjoys it, though he's not planning to repeat the experience any time soon.
Then he has to stop training and just gets really sullen. Kitana is in a similar mood and Liu just sighs as he prepares for another movie night to make them feel better
Also, unrelated, but Trans Kung Lao makes so much since like:
Naming your kid after your dead ancestor so a god can turn him into a soldier for the war said ancestor died in? Dick move, call cps
Naming yourself after your dead ancestor while training to win the war he died in and kill the guy who murdered said ancestor? Baller move, 10/10 no notes
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