#little bitch form ✌🏼
sitp-recs · 1 year
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I posted 4,396 times in 2022
958 posts created (22%)
3,438 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,753 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 561 posts
#anon - 336 posts
#drarry recs - 231 posts
#drarry art - 205 posts
#fave - 151 posts
#drarry - 121 posts
#to read - 108 posts
#ask game - 93 posts
#drarrymicrofic - 91 posts
#signal boost - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#interacting with adults at that age could have gone terribly wrong but i was lucky to find good people along the way
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey! Can you please rec some fics by authors with the most unique, beautiful writing style? I’ve read some works of fandom legends like tepre, aideomai etc, maybe there are writers that are not so widely known but very talented nonetheless? Thanks 💓
Hi anon! We are blessed with so many talented authors in this fandom it blows my mind every time I think about it. As someone who knows very little about writing styles, my opinion here is 100% subjective and largely influenced by the fics that came to my mind when I read your ask. I’ll linked them below, together with the authors’ AO3. Enjoy!
@blamebrampton | AO3 | My rec
@corvuscrowned | AO3 | My rec
@drarrytrash | AO3 | My rec
Frayach | AO3 | My rec
@graymatters | AO3 | My rec
@harryromper | AO3 | My rec
@jackvbriefs | AO3 | My rec
Omi_Ohmy | AO3 | My rec
@potteresque-ire | AO3 | My rec
RurouniHime | AO3 | My rec
Seefin (orphaned their works) | My rec
@shealwaysreads | AO3 | My rec
@tackytigerfic | AO3 | My rec
@the-starryknight | AO3 | My rec
thistle_verse | AO3 | My rec
@vivantesopales | AO3 | My rec
And whoever wrote Emerald in the Sky - are you on this list MA???? Let me love you!
279 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
Fill this out pls
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287 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Did you see the update from GallaPlacidia (her email newsletter) that she’s deleting all her fics and podfics 10/1? I mostly most Good Omens stuff so I doubt my followers have read her stuff. I just want to pass along the word so people could download if they want to save her works. They’re all so good! I’ve always loved your posts and you seem to have a wide audience so figured I’d reach out to you, if you’d like to share the info. And if anyone has suggestions on how to save her podfics that would be helpful! I listen to them on my phone and have no idea how to download them. 🤪
Oh no, that’s heartbreaking news! I don’t receive her newsletter so I had no idea. How sad, I know lots of people love her work and will be truly devastated 😰😰 thanks for reaching out and sharing this, I am definitely saving my favourites and I hope everyone has the chance to do the same. Oh and good question about podfics, I’ve never downloaded any either but maybe my followers have some tips to share? Thanks again for this message, I think I’ll pin it for the time being so more people can see the news. Have a lovely week!
GallaPlacidia’s AO3
The GallaPod
@geesenoises has kindly put an archive of GP’s works together, you can access it HERE!
330 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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Happy New Year! Surprising absolutely no one I wasn’t able to finish this in time for NYE, oops!(And that’s why ‘stop procrastinating’ is on my resolutions list 😂). This post probably has tons of typos still so please bear with me, I promise I’ll be back later to correct them!
Simply put, 2021 was a train wreck - I struggled in many ways and decided to take a step back in some regards, including fandom. It’s been a bumpy road but despite the low amount of recs this blog has survived and there were definitely some things to celebrate, too! Once I stopped making reclists I got more free time to read, and I’m proud to say I’ve read a lot. I haven’t felt very confident about my reccing lately, but as I went through my bookmarks and noticed how much I read last year I thought why not spread a bit of love for these works?
Without further ado here are my favorite reads of 2021 featuring Drarry, rare pairs and some gorgeous artworks. This is not intended to be an ultimate list - the works below were chosen solely based on my personal preferences and they reflect very little of what’s been made last year, and what a year it was! Between brilliant microfics, Tumblr drabbles, top notch quality fests, there’s some amazing and varied content to be explored all around. I hope you guys enjoy these works as much as I did, and don’t forget to leave kudos and comments!
The Drarry fandom gave me so much last year; it was there to mend my heart and help me bounce back when I needed it the most. Even the smaller things can make a huge difference in the big picture, and I’m immensely grateful to those who have somehow been a part of it. I wanna give a special shoutout to my friends for your endless love, patience and support. Here’s to a gentler 2022! See you soon ❤️
Phoenix in the Fire by @fw00shy (Explicit, 1.4k)
Their first time was an accident. "Sex pollen," Draco claims, though everyone knows it was too much Ogden's after Puddlemere beat the Tornados 240-230.
This is truly a masterclass in short form, I think I hadn’t read a short fic so gorgeously written since Still Life. Fwoosh took my breath away with the precise choice of words, the subtle way the scenes blend into each other, the sinful smut full of sharp want, the smooth pacing and fabulous dialogue including delicious dirty talk and beautiful punchlines.
The Long Fall by @tackytigerfic (Mature, 3.6k)
It's supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it's just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what's the real meaning of family, anyway?
One of my favorite comfort fics, I’ve reread this more times than I can count. Tacky captures romance, wistful pining and the sense of belonging like no one else, I was moved by this devastatingly realistic portrait of married and parenting life. Sensitive, brutally honest and so very tender, this story hits right in the feels - it’s a pleasure to follow every exciting step of this big adventure Harry and Draco get to share.
Two Starts, One Finish by @lqtraintracks (Explicit, 5.4k)
I feel him before I see him. Nobody stands this close to me while I’m playing, and I’m about to turn to tell him so when he says, “You’re a tough bloke to track down,” and then leans against my baby grand.
When I first read this fic I did it three times in a row. I was so charmed and moved by this particular brand of angst: the gentle wistfulness of Draco’s voice, his yearning for Harry, their quiet domestic life and their intense chemistry made my heart burst. Lqt develops their emotional arc through the passage of time with precision and heart - nothing feels rushed, dragged or unimportant. One of the most romantic fics I’ve read this year.
Inside These Walls by @jackvbriefs (Mature, 5.6k)
The year before Draco moves to Los Angeles, Harry Potter disappears. Draco doesn't mean to find him. He's just doing his job.
This fic has one of my favorite premises ever, so creative! The roller blade magic blew my mind and I was obsessed with the intriguing atmosphere and the tension build up. Delicious eerie vibes mixed with an unusual setting, a dark mystery surrounding Harry’s job and his oh so casual sexy display of power, yes please. This suspense is a feast to the senses and will leave you at the edge of your seat until the last line, craving for more.
heavy by @onbeinganangel (Explicit, 6.5k)
Potter isn’t nearly as slick as he thinks he is, is all Draco can think about through the alcohol haze and the dizzying atmosphere of the club. He really, really isn’t. Potter is across the club, surrounded by his usual entourage, looking at Draco when he thinks Draco isn’t looking back.
There’s something to be said about a BDSM fic featured on this reclist as I rarely read this kind of smut. Trust Mari to turn my world upside down with one of the most touching love stories ever. This conflicted Draco and his devotion to Harry -subverting the D/s dynamics we usually see- caught me off guard and made my heart ache for this hot, tenderly vulnerable and unapologetic kink exploration delight.
The Other Cottage by @corvuscrowned (Teen and Up, 6.5k)
If Pansy wasn’t shagging Ginny Weasley, Draco would never have been dragged to Luna’s ridiculous Halloween party in the first place - meaning he wouldn't be sitting in the corner of the room with Harry Potter all night.
One word: chills! Yet another mind blowing suspense, this fic gave me palpitations - the smooth and clever narrative builds a disturbing atmosphere, the creepy sense of unease looming over our heads while watching a tender romance unfold. Crazy, right? Such skill! Really creative concept and a jaw dropping ending, this one is a banger.
A Grey Shrike Alighted upon my Wishbone by @opalesqueopioid (Explicit, 7k)
Cursed to forget everything about Harry Potter, Draco has to kill if he wants a cure.
Gosh, this stunning fic wrecked my heart and soul with its quiet devastation, gorgeous prose and brilliant execution of a quite unique suds concept. Draco’s sharp personality took my breath away and I was equally undone by Harry’s sweet longing, the back-and-forth banter and the raw, inevitable heartbreak. Here’s a poignant portrait of a collapsing relationship, the best pick for angsty days.
Merlin's Kitchen by @writcraft (Explicit, 12k)
Merlin’s Kitchen is a shit nightclub but having sex with Harry Potter might improve things.
Everything by Writcraft has the heart kick factor for me, as if especially crafted to meet my tastes. This sexy clubbing fic has a delicious lively pub atmosphere that makes you feel like you’re right there, watching a carefree and smooth Harry charm Draco with his openness, and be charmed back. Fabulous characterization and gorgeous dialogue, with a mature tone that gives it a thrilling sense of intimacy and promise.
The Virtues of Hygiene and the Binary of Labour by @piarelei (Explicit, 14k)
See the full post
487 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It’s fascinating how some people dismiss smut as something frivolous, vain, lacking substance and therefore value. To be clear, sex is not (and should never be seen as) mandatory in fic, and I feel heartbroken that some authors think they need to include it in order to have their work read or appreciated.
But in my opinion PWPs can be just as deep, nuanced, evocative and narratively powerful as any other story. In fact, they make for excellent character studies and can get you inside a character’s mind in a very particular way. And smut scenes in long fics can be just as useful as narrative tools, often translating dynamics too complex to be explored otherwise. Plus, they’re great for sad horny nights 😔🙌
1,849 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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oreolesbian · 1 year
“just watch tbobf if you want to catch up to the mandalorian s3…it’s not that hard, you just want to complain”
honey bunches of oats, idk about you, but I watch TV for entertainment value. it’s just straight up bad writing to have there be required reading/viewing for your media to make sense unless it is a direct sequel to another project. even adaptations of books, games, etc. understand this fundamental rule that they have to have some basic form of entry point for a viewer who’s never consumed the source material.
the mandalorian was a stand alone project from day one, no one should have to watch something completely separate, just to have a basic comprehension of a story.
seriously—imagine you aren’t a die-hard sw fan (which most of the ppl who watch mando are not), and you casually watch the mandalorian cause you think it’s cool. maybe you’ve never seen even a millisecond of other sw projects. you watch grogu go w/ luke at the end of s2, it’s a whole moment, and then boom he’s suddenly back w/ mando w/o any explanation come s3.
the mandalorian was successful because it was on its own. new fans didn’t need to know anything to enter the story. unfortunately, come s2, a lot of the “cameos” started leaning towards an expected knowledge of shows like tcw, but it still ultimately wasn’t too distancing for newer fans.
but to have a MAJOR PLOT POINT of your show (grogu going back w/ mando, his whole little adventure which now leads into the plot of s3, etc.) takes place IN A DIFFERENT SHOW, how the fuck do you expect the fans of the mandalorian to not be confused when the first episode of s3 completely neglects anyone who hasn’t watched tbobf? tbobf was not nearly as successful as mando was. sucks for boba, genuinely, cause he’s a great character, but that’s what bad writing will do. and no—a little “here’s what you missed” at the beginning of the episode will not suffice. it’s one thing to do a time skip between seasons and slowly put the pieces together (which many shows and films have done successfully), and a complete other thing to skip over major plot beats between episodes w/o any context outside of: watch this other show to find out more!
you’re just buying into disney’s ip-dominant strategy of making you watch every single mediocre project they can pump out on an assembly line so they get more watch hours, subscribers to disney+, and money. 🙃 marvel has the exact same problem
so yeah—i’mma bitch about it ✌🏼
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voyeurmunson · 5 months
I bet Lizzie gets a sight of relief that is not her getting told, tell her I'm not bored by the way and like all this group of disgusting losers her writing still shit
I haven't read it I just know her writing is crap.
Hi Lizzie clown 🤡🤡🖕🖕
I have no idea what the fuck this even means. But I do know you’re the same anon who won’t leave my friends alone. Maybe try to form a coherent sentence before trying to talk shit about someone else. ✌🏼 You’re weirdly obsessed and need to go find something better to do with your time. Maybe read a book? Just a thought.
Little bitch shittttt
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