itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                            Birthday Behavior🍰💝
         So Saturday was my birthday but I decided to have a late night bbq/rooftop pool party the night before to do like a countdown to midnight type of thing. I had so much fun and want to thank everyone who showed up and/or wished me a happy birthday❤! You guys are the bawm.com. I got so many gifts I was legit shooketh to the co 😭like yall really went all out on me and all I gotta say is thank you and make sure you one up it next year LMAO💀.
        sn: this post was supposed to be up ages ago buuuut I got so drunk, woke up on my kitchen island and fell off of it onto the hard ass tile floor and onto my wrist fracturing it. Fix it Jesus.
w/ @chancethebuilder @indyatellez @ashter-blank @_carpediem__liam @desiijackson @kddebose @1lolove @ajthatdude @kinginwitdario @mavsoffthewall @leekleeksworld ❤❤❤
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                              Do you wanna build a snowman?❄
      Yesterday, Riyah’s “dah-dah” @jussjayden and I decided to take her to a little viewing of Frozen on Ice that the drama students at Juilliard held. It was so cute watching her face light up to all of the different scenes, but tbh I was more hyped than she was Frozen is my shiiiiiit and I always shed a tear or two watching it lol.
      After the show we waited in line to take pictures with the cast, Riyah became impatient and punched Jay right across the face LMAO he had to scold her and her lil feelings were so hurt 😭. ‘Twas a fun experience though, hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend.💙
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                          Hair & Nail Day w/ bae 💅🏾👭
       I’m so late posting this! But last Friday the bestie @ashter-blank and I decided to treat ourselves. I had been wanting to dye my hair a different color for the longest and she dyes her hair a lot like every other week 😅lmao so we decided to go together. We got hella annoyed at how long it took for them to see us even with an appointment, and with all that waiting time, I had time to think hard on this and bitch out of dying my actual hair and instead I went for a colored sew-in😑. 
        I had a great time, it’s always fun when we get together! I love you chicaaaa❤❤....anywho hope everyone is having a good day! What do you think of our hair? don’t crucify us too much😜
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                 Good Vibes, Good Conversation & Good Food…😌
      So Beard Man Taylor surprised me by driving here with his monster of a dog and has been showing me things around my own city that I didn’t even know existed 😂. Last night he took me to this Grill N’ Bar where they make the food right in front of you, my taste buds were in love 🤤 and he even let me eat off his plate after almost losing a hand from trying to eat off mine 💀. This was just the down time I needed, thanks for giving it to me Bob😂❤.
                           Hope everyone is enjoying their day!😊
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                               Three Generations of Reese Women👩‍👩‍👧
          Met up with my mother today after picking Riyah up from her dad’s and we decided to go to a flower shop to browse and eat at a bakery nearby. It’s coming close to that time of year again, the day my father passed away. We usually research different flowers and their meanings and put different ones on his grave every year. I sometimes still can’t believe he’s gone and it always hurts me to know that Riyah will never meet the man I looked up to the most. But doing this with my mom and my daughter gives me an overwhelming sense of peace. He may be gone but as long as his blood flows inside of me, he’s never forgotten❤. 
                                Hope everyone is enjoying their hump day!!😊
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                     That’s the genuine smile of a mommy who is child free for the entire weekend, bless her dad’s soul😂. Too bad there is still a lot to do around my new apartment and I have a whole bunch of things to get done before I start my new job yes I got the job! So here’s to a weekend of getting shit done🥂 lol hope everyone else is enjoying their Friday! ❤😘
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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      It’s been a month since I had my daughter and as much as I would love to stay home with her all day the workforce is calling me back lol! Had a job interview earlier today and dropped Riyah off at her Latina mama’s house @ashter-blank . This was the first day since she was born that I wasn’t by her side all day and it killed me like I swear I was hearing baby cries echoing in the distance lmao.
     Anyway, gotta get used to it now because she’s going to her grandmas for the weekend and if I get this job I really want this job I’m not gonna be able to be with her 24/7. Idk, we will see how it goes. But how have you guys been!? It’s literally been forever 😭😭
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                   Jordyn and Santino’s Wedding 🎉💍
     Congratulations to the beautiful bride @jordyn96 and her groom @papichulo-santino! The ceremony was beautiful and you two looked amazing. Wishing you two lots of happiness and love in your marriage for years and years to come.❤️
w/ @ajthatdude
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                                                        SHE’S HERE!😭💝
          Yesterday, June 12th at 2 a.m I had an appointment to be induced due to a growth issue with my daughter. I wasn’t actually induced until after 5 a.m and I didn’t have my daughter, Zariyah, until 4:21 p.m. It was a rough time for me and I’m so, so thankful to have had people here to support me.You guys are my family and I love each and every one of you so much! My mom couldn’t make it because she was in Paris for business but Jayden’s mom had the idea to FT her and it was the strangest yet sweetest thing. 🙌🏾
       Just wanted to update my Tumblr fam and let you guys know that I’m okay, Riyah’s okay, some of the best doc’s in NY are tending to her,  and I’m already so obsessed with this little girl @mysimbrotherskeeper and I made. She literally makes time stand still for me 😢😍 Our baby was 7lbs, 3oz & 19 inches.
w/ @ashter-blank , @bornsuccessful , @dawnreese , @taylorporter and the best nurse in NY @tysheemgates .
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                         Baby Shower Bash🌷🎊
        I wanna thank everyone who showed up today! We took over the park for a few hours and had so much fun. I’m still shook at all the gifts and all the people who showed. You guys honestly made this moment so memorable and I’m glad to have such amazing people in my life! 😭 I got to meet new faces and see old ones. We @mysimbrotherskeeper appreciate you all for traveling far and near, my baby girl is so loved already lol. Hope you all had a good time!❤💞 next stop is the actual birth and lawd jesus help me.
@desiijackson @ashter-blank @indyatellez @kinginwitdario @shanajx @ajthatdude @simplyrenlynn && Chi Chi @heavenoftheevalley @bornsuccessful @mavsoffthewall @whodatnolacreole @xomadison @iamtaylormichelle @tysheemgates @omgitsmelodyrose @babygirljaslene @slaybylaylalee
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                        Hype Magazine Party 🥂
         I had to waddle my way here but we were determined to make it and show our support to @hypemagazine and the team! @classymarzia I am blown away by everything you do! You’re drive and artistic vision is so admirable to me and I just wanted to say congratulations baby! I’m so proud of you and you deserve all of the success because I know you put so much work into this and this issue is just so beautiful!
Now I gotta find you so I can squeeze you into a hug! Looking forward to seeing all of you guys!! ❤❤
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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           “When you moved, I felt squeezed with a wild infatuation and protectiveness. Two hearts beating together in harmony. We are one. Nothing, not even death, can change that.”
WE ARE HAVING A GIRL!💕 Just in case the words “it’s a girl” and all the pink didn’t make that obvious 😂. We’ve been knowing for a while now but have been busy with moving and preparing for the baby shower, invites for that will be out soon!! If you would like to come to the baby shower please message me because I don’t wanna forget anyone ❤ w/ @mysimbrotherskeeper
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                                 Lunch with our Mother’s🍲🍜
       You know you have boss ladies for mother’s when both I and @mysimbrotherskeeper had to get penciled into our mother’s schedule just for a couple hours of their time on Mother’s Day. We wanted to take them to dinner but lunch was just as good at a nice Chinese restaurant lol. So grateful to have Jayden’s mother accept me so happily into her family she is honestly a sweet woman💕. As for my mom...things aren‘t great but they aren’t bad either.
     A better relationship doesn’t happen overnight but we are trying to mend our relationship and my pregnancy is definitely bringing us closer. Lol, our daughter isn’t even born yet and she’s already making miracles happen.😭😭
Hope everyone is spending time with their mothers today and if you can’t for whatever reason, I hope you are still spending it with someone you hold dear to you. Happy Mother’s day guys!❤❤
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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     My bruber @ajthatdude was in New York this past weekend so we decided to link up Sunday and catch up! I still had a little shopping to do before the baby shower and he tagged along but I kinda got distracted when I passed a heel store knowing damn well if I tried to waddle in heels now I might break my ankles, hips, and pelvis.
      S/O to him for only rushing me once tho lol. After all that window shopping we just chilled at Starbucks. It was good seeing you☺❤   
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                       🎊🎉You’ve Been Invited 💛
@ashter-blank @heavenoftheevalley @kinginwitdario @simplyrenlynn && Chi Chi @bornsuccessful @mavsoffthewall @indyatellez @desiijackson @whodatnolacreole @tysheemgates @xomadison @shanajx @babygirljaslene
@iamtaylormichelle @omgitsmelodyrose @shawnie-cash
       We hope to see you all there and if I left anyone out please forgive me. Pregnancy brain is a btch lol just hmu if you wanna come I’d love to have you. I will most likely message all of you at some point soon with more dets 💛💛
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itsdevynnbitch · 7 years
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                                                        Issa Sad Day😩😩
      Guys, I have some news to share. Unfortunately, when I had my co-worker take pics of me on our lunch break, I realized something shocking. 😱 The further my stomach grows, the more my ass shrinks. I got major booty dew...you know when your stomach sticks out further than your booty do?😢 
      So here I am, a big-bellied broad with no ass coming to say Hi👋🏾. How are all of you doing today? I’ve kinda been MIA, not because I been busy, but because I’m lazy as shit. && preparing for the baby has consumed my life. && I don’t wanna bombard you guys with baby updates every 15 mins!
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