#linux news uk
abbiistabbii · 11 days
I think every computer user needs to read this because holy fucking shit this is fucking horrible.
So Windows has a new feature incoming called Recall where your computer will first, monitor everything you do with screenshots every couple of seconds and "process that" with an AI.
Hey, errrr, fuck no? This isn't merely because AI is really energy intensive to the point that it causes environmental damage. This is because it's basically surveilling what you are doing on your fucking desktop.
This AI is not going to be on your desktop, like all AI, it's going to be done on another server, "in the cloud" to be precise, so all those data and screenshot? They're going to go off to Microsoft. Microsoft are going to be monitoring what you do on your own computer.
Now of course Microsoft are going to be all "oooh, it's okay, we'll keep your data safe". They won't. Let me just remind you that evidence given over from Facebook has been used to prosecute a mother and daughter for an "illegal abortion", Microsoft will likely do the same.
And before someone goes "durrr, nuthin' to fear, nuthin to hide", let me remind you that you can be doing completely legal and righteous acts and still have the police on your arse. Are you an activist? Don't even need to be a hackivist, you can just be very vocal about something concerning and have the fucking police on your arse. They did this with environmental protesters in the UK. The culture war against transgender people looks likely to be heading in a direction wherein people looking for information on transgender people or help transitioning will be tracked down too. You have plenty to hide from the government, including your opinions and ideas.
Again, look into backing up your shit and switching to Linux Mint or Ubuntu to get away from Microsoft doing this shit.
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nerdyadoptee · 1 year
Mask of the Rose: The NerdyAdoptee Review
PUBLISH DATE: June 8, 2023 PLATFORMS: Windows, macOS, SteamOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch (launch); PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S (unspecified later, post-launch)
This is the game I've been waiting for.
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Mask of the Rose is a visual novel from UK-based Failbetter Games, developers of Sunless Skies, Sunless Sea, and Fallen London. I've long followed Failbetter's work because of their commitment to worldbuilding. All of their games share a common universe, an alternate Victorian vision of the 19th century world, with generous helpings of the unexplained, the supernatural, and even dashes of Cthulhu-esque cosmic horror. London has sunk underground, and the residents of London have lost contact with the surface. In this dark world (nicknamed "the Neath"), we encounter things that are familiar (the Queen is still around, although she's become curiously reclusive) along with the less familiar (what exactly are the "Clay Men?").
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This world has been built by Failbetter over three games and thirteen years, but Mask of the Rose doesn’t require any previous knowledge or experience with their games. A character creator allows you to choose your character's background, silhouetted portrait, and how others address your character, from "Captain" to "My Lady" to "Citizen." In addition to the gender inclusivity of the character creator, it's wonderful to see Failbetter give the player the option to specify the kind of romance they're looking for in this visual novel. You can pursue friendships only, seek romantic relationships, physical relationships, or both--and choosing any of those options doesn't prevent you from seeing certain endings or lore, it just gives the player agency in this quite personal choice.
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From there, we're introduced to the world and its wide and diverse cast of characters. Going into almost any detail risks ruining the discovery that is such a beautiful part of Mask of the Rose, but I'll at least say that the characters in Mask of the Rose feel complex and unique, each with their own voice and desires. The gameplay loop revolves around choosing how to spend your time--like with other time-management-style games, you can't have conversations with everyone. In each conversation, you're making dialogue choices that have an impact on the people you speak with and on the character you're building over time. The choices are well-written, and show an insight into the complexity of conversation and tone that is often missing from less thoughtful visual novels.
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Each day in Mask of the Rose is split up into a Morning and Afternoon time, adding weight and stakes to each playthrough: do I try to get the exhausted pastor to spend more time with a mutual friend, or do I cozy up to the streetwise merchant who seems to know what's going on behind the scenes? More importantly, WHOM DO I WANT TO SMOOCH?
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Ahem. Excuse me.
Mask of the Rose has so much story to uncover that one playthrough isn't sufficient. You're trying to solve a mystery, you're trying to uncover more about London's peculiar new surroundings, and you're trying to matchmake your friends, and you might be looking for romance for yourself. A playthrough generally takes me about 3-4 hours, and although I've done multiple playthroughs, there's still more to discover. I'm excited to learn more about each one of the fascinating characters, and I'm further drawn in because Mask of the Rose weaves a tale that touches upon so many elements of 19th century English society, from British global imperialism and colonialism to class struggles and privilege.
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While I love the writing and Mask of the Rose's visual novel gameplay (and unique "storycrafting" mechanic/minigame, which is another gameplay pillar), I did run into a few frustrations. I would've appreciated an option to fast-forward text I've already seen. Mask of the Rose helpfully provides a fast-forward option, but it's too easy to accidentally skip past new dialogue and lore. In a game that demands multiple playthroughs, a smarter fast-forwarding option is a really unfortunate omission. I also felt like the time management aspect felt very constraining; it could be my own lack of intuition and understanding, but I sometimes found progression dense or unforgiving. The subtlety of Mask of the Rose is a strength, so I’d love if hints or some kind of help could be an option that players choose to turn on. More days and levels of signposting to clues would go a long way to making me even more excited about future playthroughs.
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Overall, I'm smitten by Mask of the Rose. It's the game I've been waiting for because I've wanted to explore this world for a long time, but have struggled with the gameplay and difficulty of Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies. If you share a love for evocative writing and thoughtful worldbuilding, you've got to get Mask of the Rose.
Be sure to tell me whom you smooch!
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cyberstudious · 1 year
hiii, i am also interested in cybersecurity but don't know how to gain skills to start it as a career after graduation next year
Hi! First of all, good luck with your last year before graduation! it can be kinda hectic and kinda scary, but there are lots of good things in store!
The cool thing about cybersecurity (and computer science in general tbh) is that there are lots of opportunities to learn things on your own!
(Brief side note: my recommendations are U.S.-centric, just because that's where I am and where my experience is. The industry may be a bit different if you're in a different country, but lots of things should be the same.)
This got very long, so I'm putting it under a read more. The tl;dr is:
play CTFs
get an entry-level certification (or even just study for one!) - the CompTIA Security+ is a great choice
join or start a cybersecurity club on campus (or join a professional organization like Women in Cybersecurity)
stay up to date with cybersecurity news
learn some skills on your own time: networking, programming, general IT skills, etc.
If anyone wants more information about any of these suggestions, let me know & I'd love to make a separate post about them!
CTFs Capture the Flag games are how I initially got into cybersecurity and they're a fantastic way to practice new skills in a fun, real-world kind of environment. If you've never done one, you absolutely should! Here are a few of my faves:
Cyber FastTrack is my top recommendation. It's only available to current college students in the U.S. (and requires U.S. citizenship), but the challenges are fantastic & they have awesome learning materials. It generally runs October-April each year. I did well in this CTF and got a scholarship for the SANS.edu Undergraduate Certificate in Applied Cybersecurity - that's 4 certifications & nearly $19k of free training. It's ridiculous and I love it. Highly recommend.
CyberStart is the same set of challenges, but you have to pay to access all of it. It also has programs similar to Cyber FastTrack for high school students, high school girls, and UK and Canadian students - check their about page.
picoCTF - I haven't done this one before but it's constantly recommended as a good beginner CTF. It looks like you can practice online at any time, but they also do a yearly high school competition.
OverTheWire Bandit - This site has several different wargames (similar to CTFs) that teach you different topics, but Bandit is the one to start with. It teaches you lots of Linux things & will give you the skills to play the others.
Certifications Certifications are a recommendation or a requirement for many (if not the majority) of cybersecurity jobs. They're not a replacement for experience, but getting one as a student demonstrates that you have the passion and work ethic to pursue cybersecurity on your own. Studying for an entry-level certification is also a fantastic way to get a general understanding of the field and pick up some essential knowledge.
The main one I see recommended is the CompTIA Security+. I studied for this certification very slowly for a long period of time, because I was using it to learn cybersecurity in general. It covers a lot of material but it also goes very in-depth in places. I got this cert because I knew it could get my foot in the door in lots of places, and just telling people that I was studying for it was a way to impress potential employers!
Professor Messer has a ton of fantastic, 100% free training material for the CompTIA certifications. In addition, you can use all the free resources that you have as a student to study for this. I used LinkedIn Learning courses, check if your college or local library give you free access to this.
In addition, there are technically 2 CompTIA certifications you should have before you get the Security+: the A+ and the Network+. The A+ is just general IT knowledge, and you can probably skip it if you're decent with computers. Having a solid understanding of networking is super important, so it's worth going through the material for the Network+ even if you're not going to pay to take the exam.
(Also, taking the Security+ exam while you're a student lets you get the academic discount! I think that saved me $100-$150.)
Clubs and Professional Organizations Join a cybersecurity club at your school if there is one. It's a great way to meet other students interested in the same things and get advice. They may also have tech talks, run CTF events, or have local professionals come and speak. If there's no cybersecurity club at your campus, consider starting one!
You can also join a professional organization. The only one that I know of is Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS), and they do lots of great stuff. Student membership is $20/year, and then you get access to their webinars, a mentorship program, their member community, and student scholarships to the WiCyS conference. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to the conference this past March and it was a really fantastic experience. I was also the president of my campus's student WiCyS chapter! If you're looking to start a cybersecurity club, WiCyS has good support and resources for their student chapters.
Stay Informed About Cybersecurity News Cybersecurity is always evolving, so it's important to have current knowledge of what's happening in the industry. This gives you real-world examples that you can keep in your mind while you're learning new concepts, and it's also a way to impress employers during interviews. These are a few of my favorite sources:
SANS Internet Storm Center StormCast Podcast - 5 minutes of security news every weekday morning
Krebs on Security
Schneier on Security
Malwarebytes Labs
Learn Skills on Your Own Cybersecurity involves working with lots of different technologies. Having solid foundations in these areas will help you a lot:
computer networking (OSI model, ports & protocols, how the internet works, firewalls, etc.)
Linux commands & Windows PowerShell
cryptography basics
"everyday" security: if you're the IT person for your friends & family, know how to answer questions like:
"How do I set a good password?"
"Should I use a password manager?" (yes.)
"Where should I use MFA?" (everywhere.)
"How do I keep my home network secure?"
"How can I avoid getting scammed?"
This DIY Feminist Cybersecurity Guide is one of my favorites for general security hygiene information.
This got really long (over 1k words! wow!), but I hope it was helpful! Please feel free to send me any more questions you might have, whether specific or broad! I think cybersecurity is a great place to be and I love sharing resources and talking about it!
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bit-b · 1 year
The Pi's gone bad...
TL;DR: Raspberry Pi showcased police surveillance and police activity in a positive light. And that makes the Bit upsetti spaghetti. ------------------------------------ I don't know how many people on Tumblr are into geeky computer tech, but I felt like making a blog post to vent my frustrations about a recent goings-on. There's a company called Raspberry Pi that's been around since 2011 (with early development of Raspberry Pi starting around 2006). They're known for making small micro-computers the size of a credit card. It was originally an education initiative to get kids interested in coding. These computers run Linux, have a variety of ports for various uses and flexibility, and have a very low introductory cost. They've been utilized in all sorts of places. -Hobbyists used them in custom builds for robotics and automation. -Coders have used them to create all sorts of programs that help with entertainment, productivity, internet security, etc. -Educators have used them to help teach the fundamentals of Linux to students. It's a group and product that I've supported for a long time.
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WELL, on December 8th, Raspberry Pi made a news post on their site announcing that they've hired a new person. Which is totally fine. It's good to see company growth. Only, this person was an ex-policeman in the UK surveillance division.
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In the interview for the article, this ex-policeman said: “I used to be a police officer tackling serious organised crime and terror threats across the east of the UK. I was a Technical Surveillance Officer for 15 years, so I built stuff to hide video, audio, and other covert gear. You really don’t want your sensitive police equipment discovered, so I’d disguise it as something else. The variety of tools and equipment I used then really shaped what I do today.” "I started playing with Raspberry Pi hardware at home around the same time I started using Linux at work. I have used Raspberry Pi a lot in various police tactics over the years. They were dependable, low-cost, portable, and supported by such an awesome community. I tried almost every ‘fruit-based’ single-board computer out there, but I always came back to Raspberry Pi." Now, I don't blame Raspberry Pi for their computers being used as surveillance devices. It's a very open-source type of device. People are gonna get ideas. And sadly, using a micro-computer for this kind of job makes sense. HOWEVER, Raspberry Pi have full control over who they choose to hire. AND they have full control over what they choose to post to their website. If this hire and this information are things that they are happy to showcase to the world, I can't interpret this any other way than them endorsing their product for secret surveillance. Others saw it the exact same way. People went to the replies on Twitter and Mastodon to voice their concerns. But the social media manager chose to start blocking and hiding posts from people that were talking negatively about the ex-policeman and/or the article. To be fair, there were a LOT of hateful and trollish posts. And I DO NOT in any way support the harassment of anyone. Still it's not a good look to silence criticism on something so potentially contentious. It's ESPECIALLY not wise to word your replies to these comments in a dismissive and antagonistic way.
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I don't know if they're still blocking people and hiding comments at this point. There seem to be plenty of angry comments left under their Twitter post. So I'm gonna guess they decided it wasn't worth trying to fight. On top of this issue, people continue to point out that it's legendarily difficult to purchase a new Raspberry Pi computer nowadays. The retailers that sell individual units can't seem to keep steady stock. This means that you either have to be VERY lucky when a supply drop happens, or you have to buy one of the scalped units being sold on either eBay or Amazon. The deluxe model is routinely sold for twice it's normal price.
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That being said, if you're a business and want to buy a bulk shipment of Pi computers, that option is still readily available. Seems like the Pi company is more than happy to move inventory around if it means getting bulk batches out the door for businesses that want to stick Pi computers in random things (whether it be service devices or consumer products). And that's who I think Raspberry Pi's current REAL customers are: big businesses with big pockets. I don't completely believe that they hired this ex-policeman for the sole purpose of pushing the idea of using Pi computers in covert surveillance to law enforcement. That hinges on conspiracy talk. But I DO have a suspicion that someone in the marketing department saw the opportunity. The interview at times has an ere of advertisement. It puts Raspberry Pi computers in a position of looking like the perfect solution for police equipment. This is all my own interpretation. I can't really know 100% what their intentions were with this. I could be completely off on my assumptions, and they could turn around and say that it was a complete misfire on the PR side of things. What I do know is that I am now much more wary about Raspberry Pi. I once had interest in seeing how their newer units performed. But now I can't in good conscious hand my money over. I'm a major advocate of only allowing the police what they need within reason. And surveillance like this steps over that boundary. I was one of the first people who ordered the OG Raspberry Pi. I have great memories of learning Linux and tinkering around with it. It's one of the big reasons why I'm so interested in Linux today. I hope the Raspberry Pi company takes a minute to remember where they started. To remember their original goal. Making learning and computing accessible to all.
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Blockbuster prez calls for end to DVD region-coding https://web.archive.org/web/20060501151122/http://hometheater.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr/home_video/brief_display.jsp%3Fvnu_content_id=2047010
#20yrsago LiveJournal demographics https://web.archive.org/web/20040212004957/https://www.livejournal.com/stats.bml
#20yrsago Verisign calls for Internet redesign, Minitel-style https://www.isen.com/blog/archives/2003_12_01_archive.html#107166720994279652
#15yrsago Henry Jenkins’s Neil Gaiman interview video http://henryjenkins.org/2008/12/from_neil_gaiman_to_j_michael.html
#15yrsago Steven Johnson’s “The Invention of Air” — how an eclectic minister/scientist/politician shows that history is a web https://memex.craphound.com/2008/12/17/steven-johnsons-the-invention-of-air-how-an-eclectic-minister-scientist-politician-shows-that-history-is-a-web/
#15yrsago Yahoo to anonymize logs after 90 days https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/12/yahoo-anonymize-logs-after-90-days-compared-google
#15yrsago HOWTO Make a DNS dead-drop https://landonf.org/code/security/DNS_Dead_Drop.20060128201048.26517.luxo.html
#15yrsago HOWTO build a Linux-based supercomputer out of Playstation 3s https://phys.org/news/2008-12-scientists-supercomputer-sony-playstation.html
#10yrsago CopyrightX: Harvard’s ground-breaking MOOC on copyright law https://web.archive.org/web/20131214032640/http://copyx.org/
#10yrsago Amnesty petition to release Chelsea Manning https://web.archive.org/web/20131221031616/http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/siteapps/advocacy/ActionItem.aspx?c=6oJCLQPAJiJUG&b=6645049&aid=520439
#10yrsago Arapahoe teacher on survival and resilience https://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2013/12/scar-tissue.html
#10yrsago 60 Minutes attains new journalistic low with NSA puff-piece https://www.techdirt.com/2013/12/16/cbs-airs-nsa-propaganda-informercial-masquerading-as-hard-hitting-60-minutes-journalism-reporter-with-massive-conflict-interest/
#10yrsago Edward Snowden’s open letter to the people of Brazil, offering help in rooting out NSA spying in exchange for asylum https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/17/edward-snowden-letter-brazilian-people
#5yrsago London cops are subjecting people in the centre of town to facial recognition today and tomorrow https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/12/londons-police-will-be-testing-facial-recognition-in-public-for-2-days/
#5yrsago Official UK investigation of $100 billion laundered through Scottish Limited Partnerships ignores all evidence https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2018/12/uks-reform-limited-partnership-law-dead-arrival.html
#5yrsago No peace in Hungary as thousands fill the streets, risking police violence, to protest slave labor law https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/16/europe/hungary-protests-intl/index.html
#5yrsago ISP that protested being ordered to block Sci-Hub by blocking Elsevier and government agencies now under threat for “Net Neutrality” violations https://torrentfreak.com/isp-faces-net-neutrality-investigation-for-pirate-site-blocking-retaliation-181217/
#5yrsago “Owning your data” will not save you from data capitalism https://memex.craphound.com/2018/12/17/owning-your-data-will-not-save-you-from-data-capitalism/
#5yrsago Science fiction writers on the future of work https://www.wired.com/story/future-of-work-sci-fi-issue/
#5yrsago Google’s secretive, data-hungry private city within Toronto will be much larger than previously disclosed https://rabble.ca/general/plan-re-image-torontos-waterfront-how-much-does-public-know-about-plan/
#5yrsago Internal sources say googler uprising has killed Google’s plans to launch a censored, spying Chinese search engine https://theintercept.com/2018/12/17/google-china-censored-search-engine-2/
#5yrsago False Flag: my science fiction story about the future of copyright filters in an Article 13 Europe https://www.greeneuropeanjournal.eu/false-flag/
#5yrsago Arizona realtor surprised to find Canadian “white hat” hacker talking to him through his smart doorbell https://memex.craphound.com/2018/12/17/arizona-realtor-surprised-to-find-canadian-white-hat-hacker-talking-to-him-through-his-smart-doorbell/
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lutiaslayton · 1 year
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Apologies for the delay! I had a few oopsies during the setup, but everything should be alright now. Once again, this playthrough will not take precedence over Stable Like Sand, but I will see if I can at least get one or two puzzle posts done soon-ish.
The setup in question involved among other things a complete overhaul of my blog’s tag system (+ its appearance if you’re on PC). The new tag system is introduced in the sidebar if you’re on PC, and if you’re not, most of them should be intuitive enough to not really require an explanation. Just know that this playthrough will consistently have the tags #lutiasplays (exclusive to the playthrough posts), as well as #pl theory board (more general tag for pretty much anything that discusses Layton lore).
Oh, um, also. Remember when I said that I would keep the shitpost away from this playthrough...? Yeahhhhh, I’m getting the feeling that this may have been a lie. I will probably be as unhinged as usual, apologies in advance.
Featured in the upcoming playthrough:
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Cosy setup with too many versions of the exact same game open at once for no reason other than to look cool in one (1) photo? Check.
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Extracted files for the games’ dialogue in every language possible even though I don’t even speak half of these? Check.
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Linux terminal and bash commands in order to look for specific lines of dialogue directly inside the files, as well as directly compare the UK and US translations, which can surprisingly get quite different? Triple check.
Perfect. Let’s go.
(.........once I actually have the time to get to it for real /j)
The playthrough starts here! »
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linuxgamenews · 11 months
VIDEOVERSE overflowing with characters will debut soon
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VIDEOVERSE the visual novel game in a social network will release soon on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. All this magic springs from the tireless dedication and brilliant creativity of Kinmoku. Coming very soon on Steam. Kinmoku, the folks who made One Night Stand, have been hard at work. They're about to drop their new experience they call VIDEOVERSE. Imagine you're stepping into a time machine, only instead of traveling to, say, the time of the dinosaurs, you're diving into an imaginary past of video gaming. We're talking about the kind of nostalgic journey that you'll want to tell your friends about. Now, this game is not just about playing. It's similar to hanging out with friends in a vibrant digital world. Due to swap fan art, and immerse yourself in a bustling gaming community. It's the kind of place where connections are forged, and where friendships start. This isn't some small, unheard-of thing either. The developers know their stuff, the critics, they're already singing praises. At the Indie Cup UK 23, VIDEOVERSE won the Critics' Choice Award. Which is like the Oscars, but for indie digital experiences. Plus, big-name platforms like Kotaku and Rock Paper Shotgun are also recommending the Demo on Steam (with native Linux).
VIDEOVERSE – Release Date Announcement Trailer
On August 7th, the full game experience will be unveiled during the Steam Visual Novel Fest. To make things even sweeter, there's going to be a launch discount. This announcement came with a fresh trailer, showing off an intriguing, haunting side of VIDEOVERSE. The voice you are hearing is Mark Takeshi Ota, who's worked on gems like LIVE A LIVE and The Great Ace Attorney. VIDEOVERSE takes inspiration from some of the best things about the early internet. Think MSN Messenger, early web forums, the technology from the 2000s, and even Miiverse. It's also paired with some chill music from Clark Aboud, who has worked on Slay the Spire and Kind Words. The world of VIDEOVERSE is also overflowing with characters to meet and stories to uncover. You can even personalize your journey by picking an avatar, crafting a personal quote, and choosing your favourite theme. Likewise, there's a virtual JRPG to dive into - Feudal Fantasy. You'll be joining Emmett. Doing so on his adventure as he tries to crack the secrets of this popular digital experience within the VIDEOVERSE. Join the Feudal Fantasy community, trade tips and theories, and find out if Hanzo can thwart the wicked Nobunaga. It's all in a day's play. Launching alongside Steam Visual Novel Fest with a 10% launch discount of the $12.99 USD / £10.99 / €12,79 price on Steam. Along with support for Linux, Atari VCS, Mac, and Windows PC. Release Date is August 7th, 2023.
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Easy way to get job data from Totaljobs
Totaljobs is one of the largest recruitment websites in the UK. Its mission is to provide job seekers and employers with efficient recruitment solutions and promote the matching of talents and positions. It has an extensive market presence in the UK, providing a platform for professionals across a variety of industries and job types to find jobs and recruit staff.
Introduction to the scraping tool
ScrapeStorm is a new generation of Web Scraping Tool based on artificial intelligence technology. It is the first scraper to support both Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.
Preview of the scraped result
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1. Create a task
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(2) Create a new smart mode task
You can create a new scraping task directly on the software, or you can create a task by importing rules.
How to create a smart mode task
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2. Configure the scraping rules
Smart mode automatically detects the fields on the page. You can right-click the field to rename the name, add or delete fields, modify data, and so on.
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3. Set up and start the scraping task
(1) Run settings
Choose your own needs, you can set Schedule, IP Rotation&Delay, Automatic Export, Download Images, Speed Boost, Data Deduplication and Developer.
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4. Export and view data
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(2) Choose the format to export according to your needs.
ScrapeStorm provides a variety of export methods to export locally, such as excel, csv, html, txt or database. Professional Plan and above users can also post directly to wordpress.
How to view data and clear data
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kirklandmcintosh93 · 1 year
Sap Wm Course London Uk Sap Wm Certification London Uk
SAP S/4 HANA or SAP Business Suite 4 HANA is the next-generation enterprise suite of SAP. It is considered to be a just lately constructed product on some of the superior in-memory platforms today encompassing trendy design ideas with SAP HANA user experience. It provides huge simplifications and innovations for helping the businesses to operate simply in a community and digital financial system. Getting licensed showcases core skills in project management that can be utilized in any country and in any industry, and with any project management methodology.
It is also one of the smoothest ways of transition into the extremely paid IT trade for folks with non IT backgrounds.
The firm operates smoothly with total time and cost effectivity due to SAP MM's acceleration of the procurement and material management processes.
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Our experienced instructors will give superior information related to SAP and MDG, in addition to the mandatory information to increase and modify the answer. The Knowledge Academy’s 5-day SAP BASIS Training supplies delegates with the core technical parts of the SAP system. Delegates will study person authentication and management, which provide a secure authentication mechanism through username and password. They may also discover the importance of the SAP kernel replace on Unix and Linux. Our highly skilled coach, who has years of expertise educating the SAP BASIS course, will lead this training and make sure that delegates have a thorough understanding of all the essential matters. Considering the significance of SAP courses in your skilled circuit, you could be involved to complete the identical from one of many established platforms. We focus on training students with related courses, and you could strategy us for a comprehensive understanding of the new dimensional modules of SAP. It is run by our international staff of certified trainers and may take place as one-to-one training or group learning relying on the batch reputation. There are not any Pre-requisites for enrolling for the deep studying with TensorFlow training program by Skill Interface, whether or not you are a professional or an aspirant planning to enter into the world of the deep studying.
Get Pleasure From Coaching Your Means With Sap Studying Hub - Sap Ariba
Any workload launched right into a warehouse must take into account the constraints that the bodily layout imposes on picking output. When planning selecting actions, consider the physical capability of interim storage areas, corresponding to P&D factors, packing areas, and staging lanes. Any plan should release work in a means that avoids bottlenecks or overflows in these areas. To sign up for programs, all you need is a sound e-mail tackle – you don't want to have any official relationship with SAP to hitch or entry podcasts or microlearning choices. This means that over the earlier couple of years we've expanded our offerings to incorporate a wider spectrum of intelligent technologies that help the complete digital transformation of our purchasers. Our providers range from pure recruitment by way of to strategic project recommendation, relying in your needs. Introduction to SAP DMS Document Management System–SAP PLM by Alex Cotoara Udemy Course This course provides you with a sensible introduction coaching in SAP DMS, from the enterprise perspective. At the time of writing this article, over 12396+ people have taken this course and left 763+ evaluations.... Apart from having well-qualified and industry skilled faculty, we goes a step forward by providing massive and spacious classrooms, a well-equipped laboratory and placement alternatives. We begin our lessons from the absolute basics, meaning that we are open to all types of learners – students, IT experts, app builders or business professionals. Each kind of learner requires a unique kind of strategy and we follow the worldwide requirements of teaching with our students as well. The Latest module in SAP which manages all of the processes in relation to HR and offers data of how SAP Success Factors purposes optimize all of the actions and duties carried out in Employee central and integration. Grow your data and digital abilities, create, and enhance options for sufferers across the globe, and assist us create a data and digital-forward Takeda.
Lesson 05 - Supply The Processes With Warehouse Management
Out of all of the 4 training modes, the students are given an opportunity to determine on a mode of training depending on their requirements. Different coaching strategies have been introduced for individuals as nicely as for corporates. Unlike a lot of the on-line trainings at present, Our Online trainings are interactive classes and are similar to our classroom trainings.
They may even be taught concerning the idea of economic accounting with gross sales and distribution for managing delivery, billing, promoting, and transportation of services. This coaching course is led by our highly skilled and educated teacher who has years of teaching expertise in these SAP programs. SAP HANA S4 is revolutionary real-time single –in memory platform for analytics that mixes database, high efficiency information processing, and utility capabilities. sap wm online training london would let customers to work on large amount of data at a powerful velocity thereby being usable for actual time purposes. This course on SAP HANA is designed to make trainee understand the enormous parallel processing capabilities and in-memory columnar storage structure. It is configured in the SAP SCM system and is built-in with the ECC – SAP R/3 system. Over the years, SAP aspirants are present process these training courses to enhance their competence in the enterprise setting. We have successfully shaped the skilled paths of several candidates through the years, and have crafted our SAP new dimensional modules to maintain your expertise tuned to the economic wants. You can achieve a lucid understanding of specific areas, that can benefit you in the professional entrance. SAP aspirants typically look out for programs that enable them to achieve advanced information on SAP new dimensional modules.
Pupil Experiences
This SAP Data Hub course is designed for anyone who needs to realize primary information about SAP Data Hub. There are no formal conditions for attending this SAP Supply Chain Management Training. However, a basic understanding of the Windows software environment could be useful for delegates. This course is intended for anyone who needs to boost their data of SAP SuccessFactors and develop business purposes effectively.
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crowdermckenna19 · 1 year
Sap Wm Course London Uk Sap Wm Certification London Uk
SAP S/4 HANA or SAP Business Suite four HANA is the next-generation business suite of SAP. It is considered to be a lately built product on some of the superior in-memory platforms at present encompassing modern design ideas with SAP HANA consumer expertise. It supplies huge simplifications and innovations for helping the businesses to function simply in a community and digital economy. Getting certified showcases core expertise in project management that can be utilized in any country and in any trade, and with any project administration methodology.
It can be one of many smoothest ways of transition into the highly paid IT business for people with non IT backgrounds.
The firm operates easily with complete time and cost effectivity as a result of SAP MM's acceleration of the procurement and material administration processes.
You shall obtain your examination report on the same day of sitting for the exam from the test middle.
Besides, the aspirants will acquire a comprehensive data on web intelligence.
This course on SAP HANA is designed to make trainee understand the enormous parallel processing capabilities and in-memory columnar storage architecture.
Our skilled instructors will give advanced knowledge related to SAP and MDG, in addition to the necessary data to extend and modify the answer. The Knowledge Academy’s 5-day SAP BASIS Training offers delegates with the core technical components of the SAP system. Delegates will study user authentication and management, which provide a secure authentication mechanism through username and password. They may also uncover the significance of the SAP kernel replace on Unix and Linux. Our highly professional coach, who has years of experience teaching the SAP BASIS course, will lead this training and make certain that delegates have an intensive understanding of all of the necessary topics. Considering the importance of SAP programs in your skilled circuit, you may be interested to complete the identical from one of the established platforms. We focus on training students with relevant programs, and you may approach us for a comprehensive understanding of the new dimensional modules of SAP. It is run by our global group of licensed trainers and can happen as one-to-one coaching or group learning depending on the batch reputation. There aren't any Pre-requisites for enrolling for the deep learning with TensorFlow coaching program by Skill Interface, whether or not you're a professional or an aspirant planning to enter into the world of the deep learning.
Take Pleasure In Coaching Your Method With Sap Studying Hub - Sap Ariba
Any workload launched right into a warehouse needs to take into account the constraints that the physical structure imposes on selecting output. When planning picking actions, contemplate the bodily capability of interim storage areas, such as P&D points, packing areas, and staging lanes. Any plan should launch work in a means that avoids bottlenecks or overflows in these areas. To sign up for programs, all you need is a sound e-mail handle – you don't want to have any official relationship with SAP to hitch or access podcasts or microlearning offerings. This implies that over the last few years we've expanded our choices to incorporate a wider spectrum of intelligent applied sciences that assist the complete digital transformation of our purchasers. learn this here now from pure recruitment by way of to strategic project recommendation, depending on your wants. Introduction to SAP DMS Document Management System–SAP PLM by Alex Cotoara Udemy Course This course will present you with a sensible introduction training in SAP DMS, from the enterprise perspective. At the time of writing this text, over 12396+ individuals have taken this course and left 763+ reviews.... Apart from having well-qualified and business skilled college, we goes a step forward by providing large and spacious lecture rooms, a well-equipped laboratory and placement opportunities. We start our classes from absolutely the basics, meaning that we're open to every kind of learners – college students, IT specialists, app builders or business professionals. Each type of learner requires a unique kind of strategy and we observe the worldwide standards of instructing with our students as well. The Latest module in SAP which manages all of the processes in relation to HR and offers data of how SAP Success Factors functions optimize all of the actions and tasks carried out in Employee central and integration. Grow your data and digital abilities, create, and enhance solutions for sufferers around the globe, and help us create a knowledge and digital-forward Takeda.
Lesson 05 - Delivery The Processes With Warehouse Management
Out of all the 4 training modes, the scholars are given an opportunity to decide on a mode of training relying on their necessities. Different training strategies have been launched for individuals as nicely as for corporates. Unlike a lot of the on-line trainings today, Our Online trainings are interactive sessions and are much like our classroom trainings.
They will also be taught about the idea of monetary accounting with gross sales and distribution for managing transport, billing, selling, and transportation of services and products. This coaching course is led by our highly expert and educated teacher who has years of educating expertise in these SAP courses. SAP HANA S4 is revolutionary real-time single –in reminiscence platform for analytics that mixes database, high performance data processing, and application capabilities. This would let users to work on great amount of data at a powerful pace thereby being usable for real time purposes. This course on SAP HANA is designed to make trainee perceive the big parallel processing capabilities and in-memory columnar storage structure. It is configured within the SAP SCM system and is built-in with the ECC – SAP R/3 system. Over the years, SAP aspirants are undergoing these coaching courses to reinforce their competence within the enterprise surroundings. We have efficiently shaped the skilled paths of a number of candidates over time, and have crafted our SAP new dimensional modules to keep your expertise tuned to the industrial needs. You can achieve a lucid understanding of particular areas, that may profit you within the professional front. SAP aspirants usually look out for programs that enable them to achieve superior knowledge on SAP new dimensional modules.
Pupil Experiences
This SAP Data Hub course is designed for anybody who wants to gain fundamental information about SAP Data Hub. There are not any formal conditions for attending this SAP Supply Chain Management Training. However, a basic understanding of the Windows utility setting could be beneficial for delegates. This course is intended for anybody who wishes to reinforce their information of SAP SuccessFactors and develop enterprise purposes effectively.
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mohamadwyatt86 · 1 year
sap hana training london 4
Sap Coaching Courses New Horizons London SAP Sports One Training allows delegates, clubs and associations to digitalise sports activities performance administration by managing training, staff management, and scientific procedures. After attending this coaching, delegates will be succesful of complete HR tasks that may give consideration to engagement and expertise conveniently and effectively. They may also be ready to handle occasion sync for getting ready supply cases and monitoring instance syncing jobs. Business managers and who're responsible for actual spend can spend evaluation and other calculations for live business processing. However, the basic information of Windows, Unix, and Linux operating techniques can be useful for learners. Student This is a finest place for individuals who are wants to get into SAP World.
Trained over glad customers for over 10 years, with an unparalleled trade expertise.
Delegates will learn numerous subjects corresponding to introduction to SQL, information modelling in SAP Vora, monitoring the SAP Data Hub modeller, viewing reality sheets, analysing information lineage, monitoring duties, and tons of extra.
Being one of the sought certifications right now, SAP coaching is a necessity for aspiring candidates.
Our SAP coaching programs are designed in a means which supplies the scholars maximum exposure of real-life scenario by way of no of business cases and steerage on implementation by professional SAP Consultants.
Though SAP S/4 HANA is not replacing the present platform of the lin-of- business cloud options but will expand and integrate it.
You also can explore SAP consultants and users’ studying options to handle or create personalised contents. Help corporations solve information, report, latency challenges and use a real-time platform to release their potential. SAP HANA system administration make certain the environment friendly and continuous operation of all SAP HANA databases deployed within the company surroundings. New Horizons London SAP training will give a workforce the knowledge and skills needed to maximise the power of their SAP options and ultimately increase software program and expertise proficiency across the organisation. At iTraining https://www.itraininglondon.co.uk/course/sap-hana-training-certification-courses-london-online-uk , we provide career-focused skilled certification training that helps the students to attain the real working experience. Just as essential as implementing your Enterprise Performance Management resolution is making sure that your staff is conscious of how to get the very most from it.
This SAP Business One Training is ideal for anybody who desires to construct a solid basis for using Business One to assist streamline your corporation's financial matters. Online programs open the opportunity for learning to almost anybody, no matter their scheduling commitments. SAP HANA is known to have an in-memory computing engine that permits to entry knowledge without offering any backup. For eliminating the risk of shedding data in case of a power cut or failure of hardware, a persistence layer comes and shops the data within the volatile onerous drive. This training course is designed that will help you clear the Cloudera Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification exams.
The customers can leverage the cloud at their own tempo this fashion, primarily based on their requirements while maintaining the enterprise benefits and integrations of their existing SAP options. Also, it's constructed to connect with global networks corresponding to Concur and Ariba Network. SAP S/4 HANA or SAP Business Suite four HANA is the next-generation enterprise suite of SAP. It is taken into account to be a recently built product on some of the advanced in-memory platforms today encompassing trendy design rules with SAP HANA person experience.
Sap Coaching Courses You Won’t Need To Miss
This coaching helps corporations to streamline processes, provide real-time information, and help enhance total business efficiency. Holding the required data and expertise to make use of SAP Business One to manage enterprise actions effectively will allow individuals to attain greater job roles with better pay. SAP HANA is doubtless one of the fastest-growing SAP platforms for transactional utilization as nicely as for analytics.
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mathiesenblake07 · 1 year
Pmp Certification Coaching In London Boot Camp Training For Pmp Exam Prep
It offers an intense studying setting to the attendees for their PMP exam preparation and is scheduled once each month. This program is for practicing project managers from London who need to take up the Project Management Professional certification , from the Project Management Institute . Throughout sap abab course uk , delegates will also find out about the way to obtain ASE Software and set up on Linux, with perceive the interface of Adaptive Server.
These can be used as acceptable relying on the type of work being carried out. Mobile execution of selecting permits warehouse operators to carry out various kinds of choosing scenarios in real-time, such as pallet choosing, delivery-based carton/piece selecting and pack, e-commerce (multi-order) choosing, packing and loading. Furthermore, the multiple steps of the despatch course of, such as packing and loading, may be included in this time window calculation.
Module-6 Sap Bw/4 Hana
Evolution and structure Overview for ABAP meets HANA Code to knowledge paradigm If you need more overview, architecture on SAP HANA ABAP enroll SAP ABAP on HANA on-line coaching. This helpful system also performs advanced data queries such as textual content evaluation, streaming analytics, knowledge processing and tons of other features. At the tip of this coaching, delegates will be able to understand the core features of monetary accounting similar to basic ledger accounting, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.
In many situations, this kind of automation can present a compelling return on investment, though sometimes for new-build warehouses.
The consumers can leverage the cloud at their own tempo this manner, based mostly on their requirements while sustaining the enterprise benefits and integrations of their current SAP options.
We're the first to collaborate with SAP to develop its S/4HANA and CX core enterprise software suite—the most far-reaching program in our +40-year relationship.
The system supports you with the planned and environment friendly processing of all logistics processes in your warehouse complex.
It manages organisational sources and supplies to speed up productiveness and cut back costs.
The scholar shall be connecting to our Live virtual classroom where they are going to be able work together with the coach. At iTraining London, we provide career-focused professional certification coaching that helps the scholars to achieve the actual working expertise. Our instructors are extremely expert with industry experience of a few years, working in a best and renowned organization.
Sign Up For Job Alerts
We are recognized by Forrester as a pacesetter amongst SAP companies providers, by Gartner in the Magic Quadrant for SAP S/4HANA Application Services, Worldwide and by IDC as a frontrunner in Worldwide SAP Next-Generation Implementation Services. We're the first to collaborate with SAP to develop its S/4HANA and CX core enterprise software program suite—the most far-reaching program in our +40-year relationship. Join a staff that has won 120+ SAP awards in the final 5 years—more than some other SAP partner. The course was very nicely designed and the coach owing to his vast experience could assist us perceive the topic in a really simplified method. We supply a no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee to all of our training individuals . This guarantee covers you if you're not happy with any aspect of PMP® Certification Training. Contact us at inside 24 hours from the time when the primary session of Bootcamp training begins. Furthermore, there will be exam-solving classes the place a mock examination is solved in real-time by our instructors.
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survey--s · 1 year
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How often do you eat your favourite food? I have pizza about once a week and steak every few months.
Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport? (including planes) Yeah, a few times.
What room of the house are you in right now? I’m in the living room.
What was the last tv show you watched? The Simpsons.
Have you been using Apple Music? I tried it a few times, but it didn’t really appeal to me.
Do you pay rent for the place you live? How often? No, we have a mortgage which we pay monthly.
How do you feel at this particular moment? Anything on your mind? Sore. I pulled a muscle in my neck at work the other day and it still bloody hurts lol. Everytime I move my head I can feel it pulling.
Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday to? Who’d you go with? Uh, I forget the name but it was somewhere in the Peak District and I went with my husband and the dog.
Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? I work outdoors lol, so no. I do play Spotify in the car between jobs though.
List all the colours you’re currently wearing. Black, grey, cream and white.
What’s your favourite type of donut? It depends on my mood - I love those cinnammon sugar ones you get at fairs and stuff though.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? Lately it’s been peanut butter and bananas on toast.
Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Do you light them often? Not in the bedroom but I have a wax burner downstairs and have it lit whenever I’m home and awake. Currently the scent is Posh Honey Truffles.
When was the last time you went out for dinner? My mum and I went out for lunch a couple of weeks ago.
Have you seen all the Hunger Games films as of current? I saw the first two.
What was the last thing you said to someone else in person? I can’t remember.
Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely? Windows at the moment.
How many times do you call someone on the phone a week? Maybe 2-3 times.
Have you cooked anything today? What was it? I guess. I had toast for breakfast and a donut for lunch lol. Dinner was from-frozen roast potatoes with gravy. 
Do you have a lot of cousins? What are their names? I do but I’m not going to list all their names as some of them are pretty unusual and it would be too identifying.
What does your shampoo smell like? Shampoo, lol. It doesn’t really have a particular scent.
What about the body wash or soap you’re using at the moment? Acai berries. Have you ever had an exotic or unusual pet? No, just cats and a dog.
Any movies you’ve seen recently that you’d recommend to me? Uhh, I haven’t seen any new movies recently.
Why did you last go see a doctor? To get a sick note from work. That was years ago though.
What was the last thing you bought online? Dog food. Where do you usually park your car? Somwhere on the front street - we do have a driveway out the back but the back street is in really bad condition and I hate driving down there as I always seem to end up with a puncture lol.
Does your mail get delivered to your house or do you have to collect it? It gets delivered directly to us.
Are you more logical or creative? Logical, I think.
Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you? Sometimes, yeah.
What is your dream job? Do you think that’s attainable for you? Working with big cats and no, not unless I go back to school which I can’t really be bothered to do lol. I love what I do though.
When was the last time you looked at Facebook, Twitter or etc.? About two questions ago as I had a notification pop up.
Have you ever been on a train? Where did you go? Sure, hundreds of times - trains are just a normal way to get around in the UK.
How many times a year do you go on vacation? At the moment, zero - I take time off six times a year but we never really go anywhere as it’s so expensive at the moment.
Can you curl your tongue or do anything else cool with it? Yeah, I can curl it.
What was the last job interview you went to? The interview for my previous job.
Do you ever just feel like you need to be alone for some reason? At least once a day, otherwise I end up getting really stressed.
When was the last time you wore something totally inappropriate for the weather? Does this happen often? Today lol. It doesn’t happen often but it went from 4 degrees yesterday to 15 degrees today and I was WAY too warm lol.
The last time you went out of the house, where were you going and what did you do? I was at work all day - I had nine dogs to walk then came home, fed the animals, had a bath and I’ve just been messing about online ever since.
When was the last time someone cancelled plans on you? Were you annoyed? I don’t remember the last time that happened.
Do you have a friend that has a tendency to “dump” you whenever they get a new partner? No, I am not friends with teenagers.
Would you ever want to go on vacation with just one of your parents? Sure, that was totally normal for me growing up. I’m going away for the weekend with my mum in October actually.
In summer, do you prefer to wear dresses or shorts and tops? I prefer dresses but they’re not very practical for my job lol.
Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? Sure, mostly I just ignore it.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? Yeah, I’ve tried soy, oat and almond milk before.
If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? Ariel, duh. How many cans of soda would you say you drink in a week, if any at all? 7-10 cans a week on average.
When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? No, I’m pretty much always downstairs in the living room.
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? When I was a teenager, maybe. How much stuff do you take with you when you go on vacation for a week? Too much, lol.
How old is your oldest living relative? Uh, I have a step-grandma who’s in her nineties.
Could you willingly live on a vegan diet? No. I’d give up meat but there’s no way I’d willingly give up cheese and butter.
If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, are you sad that there’ll never be another book or movie? No.
If you’re an only child, do you wish you had siblings? If you have siblings, do you get along? I did want an older brother when I was a kid, but as an adult, I’m quite happy to be an only child.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? Uh, about two years.
What happened last time you got drunk? It was on our wedding night - we had lots of cocktails, got fish and chips, sat in the hot tub and had sex lol.
When’s the last time you straightened your hair? About three months ago.
Do you bite your toe nails? No.
Last thing you said out loud? Toby, are you baking biscuits?
Last time you laughed your head off? I can’t remember.
What do you want right this second? Food LOL I need to go and get something in a minute.
How are you sitting? With my knees curled to my side.
Your mood? Hungry.
Did you sleep alone last night? Nope. I share my bed with my husband and the dog.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? Yeah, for sure.
Do you find piercings attractive? It depends on the person and the piercings.
What were you doing last night at midnight? Sleeping.
Will you have sexual intercourse within the next two weeks? Maybe.
How many cigarettes have you smoked today? None.
Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? Yeah, for sure.
Do you like potato chips? Yeah, probably too much.
Do you give out second chances way too easily? Nah.
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smukher2 · 2 days
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Article: ChatGPT's new GPT-4o: Great help or perfect liar? #video #dwnews #dw https://www.dw.com/en/chatgpts-new-gpt-4o-great-help-or-perfect-liar/video-69100509
ArticleSummary: "ChatGPT can now speak with emotions and even tell jokes — just like a human. While we might feel closer to artificial intelligence than ever before, chances are it's lying to us."
Article: Despite buzz, generative AI tools such as ChatGPT see minimal daily use, survey finds #euronews https://www.euronews.com/next/2024/05/29/despite-buzz-generative-ai-tools-like-chatgpt-see-minimal-daily-use-survey-finds
ArticleSummary: "A survey of 12,000 participants across six countries found that while most people have heard of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools like ChatGPT, regular usage remains low."
Article: The Renaissance Factor originally published in 2019 #video #dwnews #dw https://www.dw.com/en/the-renaissance-factor/a-47921241 #video Part 1 https://youtu.be/BmHTQsxxkPk #video Part 2 https://youtu.be/_LMUWV1Tacs
ArticleSummary: "Beginning at the end of the 14th Century, the Renaissance created a new type of man, triggering economic, scientific, technical, religious, social and cultural developments that are unique in history."
By #www.smukher2.com #www.smukher2.eu #www.smukher2.co.uk #www.smukher2.org #www.smukher2.net #smukher2 to #Everyone:
Executive Summary
Renaissance Stimulus: Injustice to Europeans by US and China through monopoly, breaking antitrust laws, breach of security and privacy (cybersecurity). Renaissance Response: Justice to Europeans by developing sustainable technologies with non-US, non-Russia and non-China partners, that are “Quid Pro Qui”.
The lack of interest in AI tools in Europe is not surprising, given that most of the AI tools are from China and US, who have no respect for European people or European law. In this post I will list AI tools from Europe itself, and also mention other digital tools from Europe itself. Influenced by the "EU AI Act", "EU Digital Services Act", "EU Digital Markets Act", "EU Cybersecurity Act", and EU UK collaborations such as "EU's Horizon Europe" and "EMBL's EMBL-EBI" I have established cybersecurity standards that prioritize the selection and rejection of products, here AI products but it can applied to other products too. I refer to this approach as 'The Renaissance Factor: Quid Pro Qui', aiming for mutual benefit among all EU member states, other European nations, and non-US partners like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, as well as non-Russia non-China partners such as South Korea, Singapore, Japan and India. This strategy aims to strike a balance between the perspectives of Germanic Europe (Northern Europe) and Franco Europe (Southern Europe). The former has expressed intent to prioritiz US and China trade if it is more cost-effective than European trade, while the latter has expressed intent to prioritize European trade even if it comes at a slightly higher cost than trade with cheap competitors in US and China. The approach I use takes into account both these intents and find a middle path, as it involves initially seeking European products and then exploring options within non-US and non-Russia non-China partners when European products are unavailable. I exemplify this principle through the selection process of AI chat-bot products and provide suggestions but it can be applied to all products of trade. Having assessed numerous products since the release of Chat GPT in 2022, I have taken specific notes where necessary or saved links in my 'unsafe product' and 'maybe use' bookmark folder. The AI product picks is based on hands-on review of AI products by me since release of Chat-GPT in 2022.
The Renaissance Factor: Quid Pro Qui
Exemplified with product selection and rejection of AI chatbot providers, with suggestions to further enhance development in Europe:
1. Products should support European (EU, UK) technologies.
Example: Canonical's Ubuntu Linux OS from UK https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/05276648, is non-US alternative to US based Mac OS, Google Android OS, Windows OS and Red Hat Inc Linux OS. So products like OpenAI Chat-GPT that only supports the above US based OS but not Ubuntu is rejected.
Example: Opera browser registered as EU company, has Chinese CEO and only support US based search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Brave, DuckDuckGo, while ignoring European search engines Ecosia, Qwant and Swisscows. So Opera is rejected.
Example: Vivaldi an EU company, supports search engines Ecosia, Qwant and Swisscows, so is selected. If also has option of Google and Bing if users still want to use these.
Example: Chrome web store supports Vivaldi, if former stop that support then legal and/or community action should be taken to restore it as its a business malpractice to monopolize the sector detrimental to local business.
2. None of the products should be owned by or have any affiliation to any #BigTech or #Gatekeeper companies, which are all from US and China. Affiliation to European, non-US like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and non-Russia non-China partners South Korea, Singapore, Japan, and India is ok.
Example: Open AI Chat GPT 50% owned Mirosoft is rejected.
Example: Third party EU providers like Ecosia.org and Text Cortex who provide Chat GPT without any link to Open AI company are selected.
3. Products should not force users to use #BigTech email accounts for sign-up. Options to sign-up with email accounts from European email providers such as proton mail, mail.com, gmx.com, mailfence.com, mailbox.org and tutanota should be encouraged.
Example copy.ai and Sider were rejected as to sign-up Google, Apple or Facebook accounts are enforced.
Example Text Cortex AI allow signup with other European email providers so I selected Text Cortex AI.
4. Products should not require users to provide phone numbers, especially for free-tier users. Asking for phone data from casual users is excessive and breach of privacy.
Example Anthropic's Claude 3 was rejected as it asks for phone number even for free account.
Example HARPA AI and Text Cortex AI don't require sign up with phone.
5. The selected products should be free for casual users who use them less than power users, such as atleast 30 to 100 free credits per day. Requiring a new account after just one chat is counterproductive.
Example Writesonic, Chatsonic, Sudowrite, Rytr, Copy.ai, Hix.AI and Simplified were rejected.
Example Talk AI is third party european provider of unlimited free Chat GPT was selected.
Example HARPA AI is third party EU provider, who not only provides access to paid Chat GPT which has limited daily use but also other free Chat GPT, LLaMA, Gemini, Claude and many other models for unlimited free use. So HARPA AI was selected.
6. Power users may need to pay for extended usage.
Example For HARPA AI and Text Cortex AI, both offer paid plans for power users.
Example Text Cortex AI only has 30 free credits per day, HARPA AI has 100 free credits per day, I think Text Cortex should increase their free credits.
7. Products should not be affiliated with countries known for cybersecurity crimes against the West, such as Russia, China, and Iran (countries in Advanced Persistent Threat - APT). On similar lines, products with unknown affiliations to countries or developers with unknown affiliations are rejected as they could potentially be affiliated to Russia, China and Iran. Also, in the (countries in Advanced Persistent Threat - APT), maintained by US or Google, no US hacker groups are listed which makes this unreliable showing partiality towards US. Logically its unimagineable that US has no hacker groupd since some of the best books by Hackers are written by US former hackers. I suggest EU and UK, maintain their own Hacker group list Advanced Persistent Threat - APT site which to be fair should include not only Russia, China, Iran, but also US Hacker groups.
Example: LobeHub, Bai Chat, lencx's ChatGPT, Monica AI and LLava etc. were rejected because of affiliation to Russia, China and/or Iran.
Example: PyGPT, Zylon's Private GPT, AImReply, Bavarder and Flwylessly.ai, Aitopia Chat GPT were rejected because of unknown affiliation. For PyGPT open source product though affiliation to Poland is stated for one developer, the second main developer is of unknown affiliation, and also there is only a few hundred users of this product which is another red flag. Thsi exemplifies that just because something is open source does not mean its safe do the research. It has to be 'trusted open source' like UK's Canonical's Ubuntu Linux OS.
Example: All US products were rejected to err on side of caution, except absolutely essential Google Chrome Store which houses extension for all browsers including EU's Vivaldi. Eventually, Europe needs to build their own Extension store for browsers, and App store for Phones.
8. Products that collect user data during their operation and exhibit any other characteristics that compromise user privacy, security, and cybersecurity, even if not explicitly covered in points 1 to 7, such as inadequate staff, should be avoided. On similar lines products not regiatered formally to UK https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk or EU trade registrars https://e-justice.europa.eu should be rejected.
Example TLDR, Resoomer AI, QuillBot, Merlin AI were rejected as they collect user data and/or are vague about their affiliation.
Now, here's list of selected AI chat-bot products selected based on discussion above:
When it says "add extension to chrome browser, note that you can add it to Vivaldi browse too as Vivaldi is compatible with chrome browser extensions", just open vivaldi browser and type https://chromewebstore.google.com/category/extensions. Ecosia AI chat (EU) https://www.ecosia.org/chat?q=ecosia Talk AI chat (Ireland, registered both with EU, UK) https://talkai.info/chat/ Scribbr (EU) https://www.scribbr.com Text Cortex AI (EU) https://textcortex.com HARPA AI (EU) https://harpa.ai Jan Desktop (Singapore) https://jan.ai/download
Finally, I want to state that Europe (EU, UK) and its non-US, non-Russia non-China partners are the leaders in privacy and security (cybersecurity) enabled services such as VPN and anti-virus (Proton, Nord, Surfshark, Avast etc), Cloud storage (Icedrive, Proton, Sync.com, Kdrive, Mega.nz) and Email services (proton mail, mail.com, gmx.com, mailfence.com, mailbox.org and tutanota). There is also promise being shown in Browser products with Vivaldi; Search Engines with Ecosia, Qwant and Swisscows; and AI with Text Cortex AI, HARPA AI, Talk AI, Scribbr, Jan AI; Linux OS with Ubuntu; Cloud Services with OVH cloud, Ubuntu Server/Cloud, but it needs to be improved. Also, alternatives to Google chromewebstore, Apple app store, Google play store, Microsoft app store need to be developed -- if for copyright these #BigTech #Gatekeepers don't allow it, new OS need to be developed just like how Ubuntu did with its own OS and app store. For social media, video and podcast player Europe does not have any products, except Dailymotion, so here more growth is needed example I use diaspora social media server based in EU but this open source product is an US product not European; but for website hosting OVH cloud, Site.EU (its getting better), iFastNet or InfinityFree and Hostinger (its getting better) are available all from Europe. Also, always remember to evaluate open source product same as any commercial product, example how UK's Canonical's Ubuntu Linux OS specifically says 'trusted open source'. Finally, for coding or development in Anaconda, Docker and Virtual Box that is European, non-US non-China non-Russia are needed. Basically, both commercial and open-source development need to be increased in Europe (EU, UK) and its non-US, non-Russia non-China partners. Some work has been done, but more need to be done for Europe in this Age of AI. Future will remember this time as the secondcoming of the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, the second Renaissance of Europe, which like the first one will require genius and hardwork, both of which Europe has in abundance, and will be mutually beneficial to Europe and its non-US non-Russia non-China partners, so I called it "The Renaissance Factor: Quid Pro Qui"!
Commission designates six gatekeepers under the Digital Markets Act https://digital-markets-act.ec.europa.eu/commission-designates-six-gatekeepers-under-digital-markets-act-2023-09-06_en EU AI Act https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/regulatory-framework-ai EU Digital Services Act https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/digital-services-act_en EU Digital Markets Act https://digital-markets-act.ec.europa.eu/index_en EU Cybersecurity Act https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/cybersecurity-act Gov UK company register https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk Business registers – search for a company in the EU https://e-justice.europa.eu/489/EN/business_registers__search_for_a_company_in_the_eu?EUROPEAN_UNION&action=maximize&idSubpage=1 UK joins Horizon Europe under a new bespoke deal https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-joins-horizon-europe-under-a-new-bespoke-deal EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute EMBL-EBI unleashing the potential of big data in biology https://www.ebi.ac.uk Europe should build their own list of APT because this list maintained by US Google, is biased does not include US Hacker groups: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Groups Threat Actors https://www.mandiant.com/resources/insights/apt-groups
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Windows Security Update
Windows 11 users, if you care at all about your privacy, read this. Microsoft intends to add a new "feature" called "Recall" to Windows, which will automatically take screenshots of your device every few seconds. This will allow you to use AI to search your recent activity for, e.g., pictures of a cats. This will include almost all apps, including private messaging apps, but excluding Netflix and similar apps for copyright reasons. Microsoft say that the screenshots will be only stored offline on your device, but this is still a huge risk. If a virus, an abusive partner, or an evil hacker gains access to the search feature, they could access highly sensitive private information. Microsoft claim they are committed to privacy and security, but this is a clear sign either of complete incompetence, or genuine malice. Microsoft have been adding telemetry features that violate your privacy since Windows 8, but this is by far the worst (so far…)
What You Can Do Forward this message to everyone! Keep an eye on the news! The UK data watchdog is making enquiries with Microsoft over this feature and things may change. Don't panic: this feature isn't out (yet) and is currently only planned for an upcoming range of PCs. If you no longer trust Microsoft to handle your private information responsibly, it is well worth leaving Windows entirely. Linux is an excellent option and is far more user-friendly than ever. Just make sure you pick a beginner-friendly version, such as Linux Mint, Nobara, Pop!_OS or Kubuntu (but not Ubuntu - the reason why is a different story altogether). If you rely on Windows software, e.g. Adobe software, it is still possible to make them work - look up "running Windows software with Wine" or "running Windows in a virtual machine". If you've heard rumours about the Linux community being "elitist", that's a very small minority - if you're using a beginner-friendly version (like most people do), there will be plenty of people happy to help you. If you're already using GNU/Linux or BSD, or are running an older version of Windows, you are safe and probably understand privacy better than most people. If you're on macOS, do keep an eye out since Apple isn't perfect either and also has a habit of doing silly things.
LINKS Announcement from Microsoft https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/retrace-your-steps-with-recall-aa03f8a0-a78b-4b3e-b0a1-2eb8ac48701c BBC News article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpwwqp6nx14o Video detailing this "feature" and some of its implications: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqo8g3Hx4rA
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This day in history
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Catch me in Miami! I'll be at Books and Books in Coral Gables on Jan 22 at 8PM.
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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