#linked universe theories
bokettochild · 2 months
So, there's an important question that I (personally) haven't seen being asked yet, so I'm going to speculate, because that's the good and proper thing to do when you don't have information, context, or anything whatsoever to inform your thoughts on a matter 👍
So yes, my big question is: why is the shadow hopping times to begin with?
We know that the chain is following the shadow, so we know why they are hopping through eras and going through these gates, but why does the shadow make them? We've seen that he's the source of the gates, and the boys have recently figured that out too, but why? Why is he making them? Why does he need to travel through time and does he have any control over it?
So far, we've seen two portals opened. Once it was in an attempt to escape our boys, but the second time? They already thought he was dead, so there was nothing to run from. They're not existent as a form of escape from the boys, but the fact that they opened in all of the heroes' eras and timelines to bring them together at all would either imply that the shadow has gathered them on purpose (popular theory) or perhaps that there's something in their worlds that he wants/needs.
What is he up to while our boys are bonding and traveling? Is he on the worlds worst grocery/errand run For Evil while nine heroes constantly try to stop him? Is his reason for traveling across times perhaps to gather something? Pieces of a something?
It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the black blooded monsters are a distraction to keep the boys busy, but there's also just the chance that the shadow is trying to kill them and thus empowering his army as much as possible. Still, that doesn't explain why he'd use the gates, even if it was just to gather a monster army.
Is he working for someone? Is there a bigger bad somewhere? Is he doing this of his own free will, and in that case, what is he doing? Why do the boys matter in the equation?
Perhaps- and I'm just spit baling right now- the shadow is gathering some sort of supplies, pieces of something, some artifacts or tools. He's gathering something while the boys wander cluelessly after him. He needs them to follow, needs to keep them close, but not too close on his tail. Why? Because he needs their power, or something that can be only achieved with all of them at once, in one place.
Is he planning to use them like magical batteries for some purpose? Is he going to pit them against puzzles and dungeons and foes he can't handle himself, in order to sweep in and reap the rewards? Why bring the heroes with? Why leave a clear path to follow him if he really wanted to escape?
What is the shadow's goal here?
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skyward-floored · 7 months
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m5or · 2 months
I have a small theory as to why the bulblins kidnaped the kids in Ordon while Link got left behind. Time states that Ganondorf has become afraid of children in Heroes legacy. Ganon became paranoid after his encounter with the Hero of Time.
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SO back to the era of Twilight Princess. The Hero of Time has a descendant. The Hero of Time has a bloodline and Ganondorf is a ruthless man. In this vision/flashback, we see Ganon doing his evil deeds before he is banished to the Twilight realm. I think this is showcasing us that Gannon caused the ruins in tp looking for baby Twilight.
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I think that this war was the start of the resistance group. The members of the resistance look for and take care of any survivors. This is where Rusl finds little link. Rusl takes the child to Ordon and raises the boy with his wife Uli. Ordon is an isolated village. The Twilight realm is a perpetual twilight, Ganondorf would be unable to tell how much time has passed, or at least have a difficult time doing so. Until he is in the realm of light again. I think at the beginning of his return is unaware that baby Link is now a young adult. So he sends his henchmen to find and capture children expecting to find a young link eventually. (wind waker style-ish) thus the children in Ordon are kidnapped. oh dear remember when I said this was a small theory.
NOW I am aware that I said that Ganondorf was unaware for a little bit that little link grew up. I have a reason, it's Collin. don't tell me he wouldn't get mistaken for a young link. The blond hair color, the way his hair is parted down the middle? blue eyes? why such a display unless you're going to parade the poor kid all the way to Ganondorf. As a way to say i found the kid you were lookin for. we the players know that Colin has round ears but it's also interesting that out of all the village kids, Colin's ears are obscured by his hair on both sides. (clarifying that the design choice that we easily see the round ear tops of the other village kids intrigues me)
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luckywolfsbane · 27 days
I think I figured out why Legend is so grumpy this update.
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He doesn't reveal that he knew about Twilight being a wolf. Look at that frown. He's got such a face going. I love this.
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He keeps saying how transformation isn't *that* cool. Honestly, if less of the Chain had been turned into something at some point, I'd think he was accidentally raising red flags.
He's not, though. No one is going to bat an eye at Legend saying these things. Because to so many of them, transformation is just part of being the hero. So yeah. Maybe it's not a big deal to them individually.
But who among them that have transformed has admitted it? Twilight is the only one the entire group knows about. He didn't even admit it willingly.
So Legend, who HATES his transformation, is over here thinking no one else gets it. He's grumpy because he thinks they'd never accept his transformation in the same way they have Twilight.
Because, in his mind, of course they accepted Twilight's wolf form. They already knew Wolfie. It might be a surprise, but it's not such a big jump.
Legend might be a little jealous. Twilight is no less vulnerable when transformed. Everyone accepts him. He's useful. He can fight.
I can't be convinced he's not thinking about his bunny form and how they'd never accept him so easily. Okay, I could be. But like... it would take a strong argument.
(Edit. Didn't know this was being done, especially with tumblr's comprehensive tagging system, but apparently, I made a social blunder by not adding this disclaimer: the panels are from @linkeduniverse. Go nuts lol)
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
I just noticed something and now i have a theory.
So way way way back a looooong time ago, Wars was the first of the chain to interact with Dink
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he attacked first, he got Dink’s attention. They fight for a bit until Wars knocks him off a cliff. And they realized Wars didn’t kill him and they keep walking.
The SECOND time Dink appears, Wars is the one he targets specifically
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Four notices that out of everyone, Dink seemingly targets Wars. And Wars matched him, they fight for a bit, until Wars calls to Sky and Sky does a skyward strike (im pretty sure thats what he does? he makes the sword glow so like)
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After sky did this Dink seemed pretty afraid of Sky. He ran away after that.
The third time we see him, Dink firsts attacks Time and Wind, and they fight him off pretty easily, almost as if they weren’t really his targets. But he’s still actively attacking them.
And then he moves on to Sky
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And when he sees Sky’s sword start to glow, he gets NOTICEABLY scared. After this happens he stops attacking the chain and tries to run away.
Hyrule and Legend both try to stop Dink, but he does escape and Twilight has to go herd him back to the group, and that’s when Twilight gets hurt. While Time, Sky, and Wars are gone trying to help Twilight, Four and the others attack Dink, and eventually it’s Wild who uses stasis to kick his ass.
Everyone had a point in the battle where they interacted with Dink, except for Warriors. Who is the one who first fought him.
My theory is that we’re going to see an epic smack down between Wars and Dink, and also Sky. Those two seem to be the ones Dink has the biggest issue with, and after the stunt Wild pulled, I think it’s safe to add him to that group as well.
I think Dink has probably recognized those three are the biggest threat to him; Wars because he’s the strategist/planner and he’s the one who fought him first, Sky because of the skyward strike that scares Dink, and Wild because he hurt Dink pretty badly even if he didnt kill him
art credit to @linkeduniverse !!
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well-fuuuck · 9 months
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in this essay i will-
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intuitive-revelations · 6 months
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FLUXES [Celestis: Engineered Participants / Technologies] Example: "DOCTOR, The"
[Image description, courtesy of @quailfence: a series of pictures of text, alternated with screencaps and gifs from Doctor Who.
1: Text: Fluxes: [Celestis: Engineered Participants/Technology] Individuals transposed backwards in time but not too far in space, using a very high chaotic limiter setting and tied to their home period by a thread of biodata
2: The Eleventh Doctor stands in the future corpse of his TARDIS, looking and a pulsing stream of light that has replaced the console. He says, "That is the scar tissue of my journey through the universe. My path through time and space."
3: Text: He raised a finger. 'Look. There.
Now she could just make out the thread in the moonlight. It was just a faint reflection, maybe a foot or two long, about a metre off the ground. A taut strand of spiderweb hanging in the air, not attached to anything.
'What is it?' Fitz asked.
'It's only partially rotated into three dimensions,' he said. He pushed his finger right through the glimmering line, without affecting it. 'That's why it looks one- or two-dimensional. The rest is still perpendicular to what we can see - woven into higher space, or the time vortex…'
'Yes,' said Fitz, 'but what is it?' 'It's what your friend mistook for a ley line.' The Doctor was scuttling around the silver thread, peering at it from every angle, getting more and more agitated. 'It's part of the fabric of space-time itself. What DNA is to your genetic code, this stuff is to biodata. And it's all just exposed here now. Personality, history, memory, perception, all vulnerable…'
'I'm going to have to ask you again, aren't I?' said Fitz.
The Doctor said, 'It's me.'
4: The Fourteenth and Fifteenth doctors in the TARDIS. 14: "But you're fine?" 15: "I'm fine, because you fixed yourself. We're Time Lords, we're doing rehab out of order."
5: Text: The subject is turned loose in his or her own history, and the limiter setting allows tiny actions taken by the future version to have considerable effects on the past version. The biodata link then transfers these changes to the future version, which alters it, and thus alters the changes made to the past version. Therefore, the individual's history is kept constantly in flux.
6: The Fugitive Doctor says, "Let me take it from the top: Hello, I'm the Doctor."
7: Text: Let me finish. Think back to that time when you went to see your previous selves.
8: Ten, Eleven, and War talk to each other. Ten: "You're not actually suggesting that we change our own personal history?" Eleven: "We change history all the time. I'm suggesting far worse."
9: Text: 'Maybe there's no one home on Gallifrey,' said the boy softly. There was just the one of him.
The Doctor looked at him, cupping the small white cube in his hands. The boy said, Maybe they all left. Or maybe the whole planet's being destroyed, and undestroyed, and destroyed, and you just caught them at the wrong moment.
10: The TARDIS by the ruins of Gallifrey
11: Text: 'It's impossible,' said the Doctor. 'It's impossible for my people. Our past is unreachable. What's written can't be unwritten.'
'Who said your history can't change?'
Another boy answered, 'Someone from his history.'
And another: 'Maybe it's the second-biggest lie in Time Lord history.'
12: Dhawan!Master tells Thirteen, "You are the Timeless Child."
13: Thitreen stares at a ruined house. Swarm whispers in her ear and tells her, "All the memories you've lost, all the people you've been. It's all in there, contained within that house."
14: Text: And it was like the Doctor's home. As if his ship understood the loss of the House and had compensated to fill the emptiness. Shadowy corridors, alcoves and stairways, a secret at every turn. Like being in the Doctor's head. Like his life, for that matter, the details of which were strewn like flotsam across the floor.
15: Text: 'Sweet,' said the little boy. 'That's my favourite of your origin stories, too.'
The Doctor opened his eyes. He had been laughing, he realised, he felt that lightness in himself. The boys had all moved away, behind him, leaving him facing the empty dark of the warehouse.
'What do you mean?' he asked. His voice sounded very small.
'Is this the version where they banned all mention of his name, and yours, for consorting with aliens? Or the one where he got every record of himself deleted from the files?'
'Feel free to believe either of them,' snapped the Doctor, 'or both of them, or neither of them. If you're curious about my past, I want there to be as many wrong answers as possible.'
16: The Eighth Doctor tells someone, "I'm half human. On my mother's side."
17: Text: 'Well he's a hybrid, you know that. A Gallifreyan not born of Gallifreyan, the one who unites the two races and brings good old human niceness into their alien society. Aliens need that, y'know.'
'A human hybrid? She saw the contempt in his curling lip. 'Pseudoscientific nonsense. There's no evidence,' he repeated.
'He's allowed to be different. He's got a prophecy and everything.'
18: Lady Me says, "By your own reasoning, why couldn't the Hybrid be half Time Lord, half human?"
19: Text: Someone giggled. 'Let's play pin the tale on the donkey.'
'Maybe you didn't use to have a father.'
'Maybe you're living in the middle of a time war. Maybe there's an Enemy out there -'
The Doctor shouted, 'I'm not listening!'
'- who's rewriting you when you're not looking!'
'Maybe you weren't always half human.'
'But now you've become always half human.' 'Maybe you weren't always a Time Lord.'
But now you've always been a Time Lord.'
'Maybe you originally came from some planet in the forty-ninth century. Fleeing from the Enemy who'd overrun your home -'
'I said I'm not listening! Laa laa laa laa laa -'
'- and you've just been written and rewritten and overwritten, ever since.'
'Pin the tale!'
'How d'you know it's not true?'
'How could you know it's not true?'
The voices crowded in. 'How would you know, huh?'
'How would you know?'
'How would 'How would you 'How 'How would you know? you know? you know? know?'
'Why would I care?' shouted the Doctor.
The boy fell silent.
20: Lady Me asks, "Am I right? Is it true?" Twelve replies, "Does it matter?"
21: Text: However, the one group from the Homeworld which has excelled at flux-engineering is the Celestis.
22: Two asks the Time Lords, "Now then… what about me?"
23: Tecteun tells Thirteen, "Which is ehy we engineered the Fluyx: Shut the universe down and you within it."
24: Text: Even Mictlan itself can be considered a kind of enormous flux, an endlessly-shifting realm so cortosive to the rest of history that its heartland has to be kept on the outer skin of the universe
24: The Fourteenth Doctor tells Donna, "I invoked a supersition, at the edge of the universe, where the walls are thin and everything is possible."
25: The space station from Wild Blue Yonder
26: Text: There are suggestions of a stable middle-ground between the two fates, in which the physical matter of the flux is lost but the meaning of the subject/ victim is retained, a series of memetic connections with no flesh to support it. Yet this entity exists only on a purely theoretical level, relying on the perceptions of others to survive at all.
27: The Twelfth Doctor walks up to the TARDIS console. He says, "Can't wait to hear what I say." Glancing at the viewer, he adds, "I'm noting without an audience."
28: Text: You know what Sam represents. If a tree falls in a forest and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound? Stop me if I'm getting too abstract here, but if a Time Lord saves the world and nobody witnesses him doing it, does history care? She's your witness. The thing you need to make you whole.
29: The First Doctor looks at the viewer and says, "Incidentally, a Happy Christmas to all of you at home!" End description.]
[Plain text: Fluxes [Celestis: Engineered Participants / Technologies] Example: "Doctor, The". End plain text.]
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magpie-lu-aside · 26 days
So. About that shadow crystal and the Master Sword. (All art belongs to @linkeduniverse and JoJo!)
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I want to discuss this part because I find Four, Wind, and Legends reactions interesting, specifically because it was those three who had the argument over Twi in the first place. An argument that all three of them seem to not want to bring up again at all.
I've seen some posts saying that Four and Twilight are gonna have a talk about it (and I'm sure they will) but I'm wondering if they're gonna have a talk about the argument again too. (post got long, if you want to read more its under the cut)
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(takes place in sunset pt 11)
So here's the thing about The Argument™. Four and Legend are the ones to have an opinion on the crystal itself, with Wind being more concerned about Twilight's status at that moment and wondering if the blood (not the crystal) is what could corrupt him. Wind seems to be almost unconcerned about the crystal which is why I think he was excited about the transformation rather than concerned (Four) and.... Whatever Legend is doing (I'll get back to that).
Legend and Wind also almost immediately put the argument behind them. They ran to find a great fairy fountain....
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... And have interacted past this point. And I think that's because overall they agree on this, both of them have trust in the Master Sword to nullify whatever corrupting power the crystal could theoretically have.
But Four and Legend on the other hand? They have not talked to each other one on one since then.
Before this, they teased each other, Four trusted him to work on Wilds sword, and they seemed fine to be in each others space and just talk and conspire a little bit. But now? They barely even speak to each other even within the group. In fact when they do interact in a group both seem... not fully annoyed but not really laughing at each others jokes either.
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Also despite the fact Legend was on the team to work on Wild's sword in the beginning, he didn't show up in the towns blacksmith to help either. And while its very easily argued he did that to stay with Twilight, based on this reaction,
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He was asked or at least knew they were doing it. He was also fine spoiling the surprise to Wild despite it being mainly Fours gift (and symbol of forgiveness). He refused to join either way, and I think it could both be because he wanted to be by Twilight and also because he just... Didn't really want to interact with Four.
Now to bring it back to Legends reaction to the transformation (told you it'd come back). I don't think Legend particularly likes the crystal (who can blame him really) and I think he's with Four on not really liking the magic, so unlike Wind who's excited to see it hes still a little.. Iffy on the magic itself. And I think that still can cause tension, but that's more of a red herring to the real thing that's causing strife... And that's the Master Sword itself.
Legend and Four didn't argue over the crystal. They argued about the Master Sword. I think the shadow crystal was just the tipping point to get them talking about the Sword and make Four oppose it in some way. Four has always been indifferent to the sword, not really willing to wield it and has been absent from discussing it. But after that? I think with Four and Legend being on opposing sides, along with Time and Sky (whole other discussion I cant delve into cuz good god this post is long enough as is) is leading me into thinking that the next arc is going to delve more into that strife. And its going to be harder to overcome than Twilight being injured.
tl;dr I think Four and Legend still have beef after sunset pt 11 and its going to boil over on them and its their inability to discuss the Master Sword like normal peoples fault.
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legendofzoodles · 4 months
Dawn part 7 analysis:
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Which one? Either Legend or Hyrule interrupted Sky with that impression given he turned in their direction. Money's on Legend, his face suggests mischief.
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^Speaking of, Jojo's sister drew this!
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How did Sky see the postman to into the portal since he got a huge head start? Unless the postman had to follow some specific route (his eyes are closed which is kinda weird. is he possessed?), I'm thinking he delivered mail elsewhere before leaving this era. So the postman has other inter-timeline letter customers confirmed??
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I would say Wind's face is just him expressing disgust over Dink being alive, but the fact that he's throwing specifically Sky his shade makes me thinks he's salty he's drinking his stamina potion or maybe the last they have.
art by @linkeduniverse :)
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sobbing-quietly · 7 days
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Some people have guessed that the next place they will go is Skyloft or Sky’s Hyrule which is nice by itself. Which had me thinking and going back to so panels with sky and can across this one.
The song that he’s playing is the ballad of the goddess. Sky says that he is playing because he’s homesick but time thinks otherwise and then sky says that he misses his Zelda. So when sky is missing sun he plays the ballad of the goddess which I find interesting as a song choice.
If sky was missing Zelda I would think that he would maybe play Zelda’s lullaby. It could be that Zelda’s lullaby doesn’t exist yet because it is the ballad of the goddess backwards. I could maybe be a way that sky thinks of sun. Idk it just some thoughts.
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evangelina-loz · 6 months
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I still don't share the opinion of people who consider Fi annoying. Like, yes, it pops up on the screen every five seconds, I get it.
But it's so logical from the point of view of the plot.
Of course, we, the players, understand how to solve this or that puzzle or defeat this or that monster, but here we miss a very important detail.
Link's character doesn't know anything we know.
This guy had just descended from sky to earth, left his small peaceful island, where the only "dangerous" place was a small cave, and found himself in a huge, unknown world.
Of course, Fi will always fly out with his tips and hints, because it's like teaching a baby to walk —you watch it’s every step and are afraid about whether it will fall.
If I were in Link's place, I wouldn't even give Fi the chance to return to the sword for at least five minutes.
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sunny-porridge · 7 months
People fought wars over Four being system vs. non-system and there are so many variations of this in fanfiction…
Meanwhile Wild came up with the absolute funniest explanation, I KNOW this man did not sleep that night thinking that at any given time there were four Smithys just… biding their time
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image credit @linkeduniverse
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m5or · 2 months
I have been thinking about something in the Linked Universe Au comic. In Twilight Princess when you are in Arbiter's Grounds you follow the scent of a poe soul. So, by that logic, TP Link knows that souls have a sent to them.
What would the hero's spirit smell like to Twi? Of course, there would be variants to each link respectively. (idk why but I think the "hero's spirit" would smell like cinnamon) In Shifting Shadows part 5, Wolfie could follow Dink aka Dark Link via scent. Would Dink's scent be similar to the hero's spirit? I am curious because it's not a malice-related color at all. I don't know, It could not be relevant at all here but it's a thought.
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I could see the chain adjusting to this info and realize it's a Dark Link. Or maybe the chain already knows it's a Dark Link. It probably belongs to one of the two mysterious links yet to be seen. What did Dink's Link do to make it Link the Universe?
Does anyone have better info than I do?
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the0maski · 7 months
Friendly reminder that in LU canon Legend knows about Blupees.
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I have two headcanon for this:
1) Wild has shown pictures of them. Maybe the chain was talking about animals and or strange things and Wild brought out the Blupees. Wild was also happy that Wind knew about the Koroks and could see them. (Also the light design Satori and the Blupees have are kinda similar to the Light Spirits from Tp)
2) Blupees already exists in Legends era. Satori is said to have been a sage. Could he been one of the sages that sealed Ganon into the sacred realm? Maybe the Blupees where the only symbol of hope and light back then? Just because we didn’t see them doesn’t mean they weren’t there.
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links-in-time · 30 days
Okay so I was just having a thought.
This panel from @linkeduniverse really got me thinking about timelines and Twilight being a descended of Time.
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If we're all correct in thinking Times letter from Malon is her telling him that she's pregnant he could be thinking what I'm thinking.
If Malon is pregnant and the baby is born fine and grows up and everything. Time has already kind of done his job in ensuring his blood line. They only need one kid to go on and have kids of their own until eventually Twilight comes along right?
So Time may be thinking that potentially he doesn't come back from this trip. While Malon wasn't pregnant he still had a chance of getting back to her in order to make Twilight happen. But now there's a baby, Twilight has another potential ancestor to come from.
Is this making sense?
Anyway, Time may be feeling more than one sort of dread at being told he's going to be a father. He'd still want to get home to meet his kid. But story-wise he doesn't have to (he could die, in other words)
Let me know what you think in the comments. I'd love to know if any other strange little brains have had the same thought as mine.
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1000emotions · 11 months
theories about legend and hyrule (and the downfall timeline in general) based on canon facts/theories
1. legend and his zelda are siblings, which is hinted at in alttp
2. one of the official zelda books (maybe hyrule historia? I forget- pls lmk) says that hyrule is thought to be legend’s descendant
3a. If #1 is true, then hyrule would also have some of hylia’s blood which could explain the blood curse, because ss zelda (hylia’s mortal form) was used to revive demise
3b. an alternate theory is that because hyrule didnt have the master sword (which is supposed to be ganon’s seal), hyrule ended up sealing ganon within himself instead
4. also i read a fanfic with a really cool theory about the downfall timeline’s creation: in this timeline, 10 year old link picked up the master sword but he wasn’t put to sleep, so ganondorf got to the sacred realm and became ganon early, and 10 year old link tried to fight him and was defeated. the gods/fi set time backwards so that they could put link into the 7 year sleep, causing the child and adult timelines, but the downfall timeline went on as well
if anyone knows which fanfic has that theory or whoever authored it, please let me know!
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