#limited supply
saffron-mantled-dawn · 5 months
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I'm rather late posting on here as I was having some technical difficulties posting these photos, but at long last it gives me great pleasure to finally announce the launch of my artisanal perfume brand Amphora Exotica! 🥳 Some dreams really do come true, alhamdulillah 😌 But with that said, my heart still weighs heavy for Palestine so to show my gratitude I'll be taking a percentage from my personal cut to donate to organizations helping Palestinians in need 🤲🏼
I'm starting with just 3 compositions for now but worry not, as there are 5 more waiting in the chamber...
amphoraexotica.com is live and ready ☺️
Also, feel free to follow AE on Instagram to stay updated! God bless and stay fragrant
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pthalomars · 1 year
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Hey y’all, I’m having a clearance sale on some of my stickers!! If you’re interested, fill out this form and get your hands on some fun little adhesives to put wherever you want
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nattere · 9 months
Ghostface Koroks are available on my Etsy for the Halloween Season!
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ppcseo · 4 months
#1960sBaseball #BaseballCards #PriceGuide #1960Topps #SupplyAndDemand #VintageIssue #Collectors #Nostalgia #PlayerCards #ManagerCards #OnlineAuction #eBay #ConditionGrades #RookieCards #HighValue #CommonsAndStars #TeamCards #HighNumbers #Subsets #LimitedSupply #VintageEra
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hargo-news · 6 months
Bird's Eye Chili Price Soars, Once Hit IDR 150,000 Per Kilogram
#Bird'sEyeChili #PriceSoars Bird's Eye Chili Price Soars, Once Hit IDR 150,000 Per Kilogram
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Ahead of Christmas and New Year, the availability of basic food supplies by the end of the year is dwindling. Consequently, the prices of several basic commodities, including bird’s eye chili, are sharply rising. In Gorontalo, the surge in chili prices has reached IDR 120,000 per kilogram, which was previously in the range of IDR 30,000 to IDR 40,000. One of the vendors…
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tenth-sentence · 6 months
But as we've seen, soil is in limited supply.
"Soil: The incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy" - Matthew Evans
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cryptoandbitcoinforall · 11 months
The pros and cons of investing in bitcoin: what you need to know
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Global investors are interested in Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency. Investing in Bitcoin has gained popularity due to its spectacular growth and sporadic volatility. Before making an investment, it is crucial to assess the advantages and disadvantages. We'll examine the benefits and drawbacks of buying Bitcoin in this article so you can choose this digital asset wisely.
I. Benefits of Bitcoin investment
   1. High return potential:
The cost of Bitcoin has significantly increased over time. The cryptocurrency has produced significant profits for early investors since its launch. By making early investments in Bitcoin, several people have amassed millions or even billionaires' fortunes.
  2. Growing demand and restricted supply:
One of the appealing qualities of Bitcoin is its limited availability. 21 million bitcoins are the maximum number that can ever exist. Its value is anticipated to rise over time as a result of this scarcity and rising demand from people and organizations.
  3. Decentralization and security:
Bitcoin is resistant to censorship and manipulation because it runs on a decentralized network known as the blockchain. It is extremely secure against fraud and hacker attempts because of its security measures, which are based on solid cryptographic concepts. Those seeking an alternative to conventional financial systems find this system's decentralized structure and security appealing.
  4. Diversification :
Bitcoin helps traditional investing portfolios diversify by providing these benefits. Investors may be able to lower the total risk of their portfolio and increase returns by including Bitcoin in a well-balanced investing strategy. The price changes of Bitcoin have exhibited a comparatively poor connection with those of other asset types, such as stocks and bonds.
  5. Global accessibility:
Global transaction transparency is made possible by Bitcoin's digital nature, which eliminates the need for middlemen like banks or payment processors. People who reside in nations with restricted access to traditional financial services will find it particularly alluring due to its accessibility. Additionally, Bitcoin allows for cross-border transactions and financial transfers, which lowers costs and expedites settlement times.
II. The drawbacks of purchasing Bitcoin
   1. Volatility and price swings:
The well-known price swings of Bitcoin may be both a blessing and a curse for investors. Although it has the potential to generate huge returns, it is also susceptible to significant price fluctuations over brief periods. For investors who are risk-averse or have short-term investment goals, rapid price changes can be difficult.
  2. Uncertainty in terms of regulations and the law:
 In many jurisdictions, the regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies is still developing. Governments from all around the world are debating how to categorize and control digital assets like Bitcoin. This unpredictability poses some danger because it could affect Bitcoin's value and use due to regulatory changes or repressive policies.
  3. Lack of fundamental valuation:
Unlike conventional assets like stocks or real estate, bitcoin lacks underlying cash flows or earnings that may be used to calculate its intrinsic value. It can be dangerous to base Bitcoin's worth purely on speculation and market mood because it makes it challenging to determine its fair value.
  4. Risks of market manipulation and fraud:
 Market manipulation and fraud have happened in the Bitcoin market. Unsuspecting investors have been harmed by pump-and-dump operations, bogus exchanges, and fraudulent initial coin offerings (ICOs). When selecting platforms and investing opportunities, caution and comprehensive investigation are necessary.
  5. Technology difficulties and scalability:
The blockchain, which underpins Bitcoin, has scalability problems. Transaction processing times and expenses may increase as more individuals use the network. Scalability improvements are being made, such as with the Lightning Network, although there are still technology issues.
Investing in Bitcoin can present excellent chances, but it also entails some hazards. Before making any investment decisions, it is crucial to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages discussed in this article. Bitcoin offers global accessibility, the possibility for large returns, and the ability to diversify investment portfolios. Its popularity is boosted by its decentralized structure and security features. However, it's also important to consider Bitcoin's volatility, legal concerns, absence of a fundamental value, risks of market manipulation, and technological difficulties.
While investing in Bitcoin can be profitable, there are also drawbacks. Understanding the possible dangers and rewards before entering the realm of cryptocurrency is crucial. You may make wiser financial judgments if you educate yourself and keep up with current events.
There are numerous educational materials accessible if you want to learn more about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin. The "Crypto and Bitcoin Mastery Course" is one of them and it offers in-depth knowledge of the realm of digital currency. Blockchain technology, investment tactics, risk management, and recognizing market patterns are some of the subjects covered in this course. You may broaden your understanding and improve the quality of your investment decisions in the world of cryptocurrencies by registering for a course like this.
To invest in Bitcoin or any other digital asset, keep in mind that education is essential. To learn more about cryptocurrencies and the technology behind them, have a look at respected educational materials and courses.
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nin-nyan-ve · 9 months
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Nihilism and Absurdism
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✨💐 Mother's Day 💐✨
Machine. Gabriel omegaverse male pregnancy art.
I'm two days late... *gasp* Did Minos finally..?
Did Sisyphus finally..?
Don't come to my server.
Don't pray to me.
Don't "V1 pregnant" react me.
We're done.
*vine boom*
Guys, stop giving birth in vc.
You know.
I'd really like to say all of the pregnancy jokes catch me off guard.
But to tell you the truth, I was expecting.
i hate it here
Omegaverse clip
Minos clip
Sisyphus clip
Divorce clip
Literally 1984
He was expecting :]
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arachnerd-8-legs · 2 months
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get needle felted. idiot
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pratchettquotes · 5 months
There was a limit to how many candles he should make, Trev had told Nutt. It looked bad if he made too many, Trev explained. The pointy hats might decide that they didn't need all the people. That made sense to Nutt. What would No Face and Concrete and Weepy Mukko do? They would have nowhere else to go. They had to live in a simple world; they too easily got knocked down by life in this one.
Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals
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lelet-draws · 4 months
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He is fine
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drag00ni · 10 months
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Das craaazy man
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thatsbelievable · 4 months
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tradingjack · 5 months
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having fun with colors for once :P
thanks @creepycoffins for the awesome dtiys :D
#creepycoffinsdtiys#trigun#millions knives#vash the stampede#i haven't drawn nearly enough knives. posted him even less#him and vash are so fun to draw :P ik they have the same face but it's like. fun to experiment with how different i can make them look yk#also admittedly. did most of this at work during downtime so if it looks funky..... my bad#the lighting isn't the greatest aight?? it's night shift and there's no windows but they do dim the lights#i did do the limited coloring i did at home lol. wasnt gon bring more art supplies to work#trying to get back into the swing of things with my drawing. i got myself a huion display for my birthday this year!#on top of my traditional i wanna do more animated stuff#primarily animated bc honestly i don't really wanna learn digital painting or whatever. im not interested in that and i like my harsh style#i'd also like to do more original work. i think last year was literally just trigun fanart lmfaoo#we'll see how things turn out ig#i'm not really holding myself to doing anything bc i don't see that turning out well. i am applying myself to more fan projects at the leas#tho those i'm applying more as a writer lmfao#well anyway. enough about me. i actually really like the drawing this was based off of! i didn't include the full body designs#and tbh vash's design is almost entirely cut out just cuz how the pose worked out :(#so i would highly suggest checking out the original art by the person i tagged!#and their other art's pretty banging as well :D
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frociaggine · 5 months
by the way. there's no conceivable universe in which the FTL fleet that left Earth in NtN didn't have it incredibly rough.
I've said this before, but it bears reminding: they jumped blind, using untested technology, with NO supply lines back to earth and no concrete plans for a colony. they took ships that were supposed to stack 11 billion people canned in like sardines and nothing else and stocked them full with enough resources to live on for generations and somehow found a settlement, and that was before they had to rush the schedule because John was making noise about transparency and mask their actual launch as a trial run.
it wasn't a comfortable journey. I'd be very, very surprised if the total passenger count was higher than 10k people, for space/resources allocation reasons as well as for secrecy reasons. Every person on board was a mouth to feed, and their descendants, and their descendants. I've seen some people in fandom say stuff like "Of course they'd bring along servants! Rich wouldn't do chores!" and IMO that fundamentally misses the point.
This wasn't the space equivalent of a cruise liner, or the Titanic crossing the Atlantic with first-class quarters and third-class decks. This is the space equivalent of climate refugees crammed in 500 in a tiny fishboat crossing the sea with a non-insignificant chance of dying en route, after emptying their savings to pay for the trip. The fact that the people on board the FTL ships were once insanely rich doesn't mean they travelled in comfort.
This was a desperate last-chance trip, destination "anywhere but here", chances of survival unknown. Their privilege got them on the ships, but the moment they left Earth, that privilege ceased to exist; there was no way to enforce an existing social structure. This is why, again, I think there were no luxuries on board and absolutely definitely no servants - if you're about to willingly enter into complete social collapse, you don't WANT to bring people you regard as less than yourself, knowing that they will be your equals tomorrow.
I'm still convinced that half the fleet at least didn't make it out, and those who managed to found settlements were nearly wiped out multiple times at different points in history.
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