#lily simpson
memingursa · 2 months
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mbat · 5 months
i know its not entirely related but the two things remind me of eachother but this situation with hbomberguys video, and apparently a second video by a different person, and they barely overlap, it reminds me of two videos about harry potter.
"harry potter" by shaun, and "a brief look at harry potter" by lily simpson. 1 hour 45 minutes and 10 hours respectively. and lily deliberately was avoiding overlapping with the other video. that is 11 hours and 45 minutes of pure 'harry potter is fucked' and it adds up so much that if people saw both those videos, they would understand why i wish harry potter as a franchise and jk rowling wouldnt only just die out, but unexist entirely at this point. why i wish people would just stop talking about it.
genuinely if you have the time, and i dont recommend you try and watch these all in one sitting, i recommend you watch these. i personally took two sessions to watch lilys video.
im just saying, if you want more really long videos that comprehensively breakdown everything wrong with something that fully deserves it.
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Lily Simpson is seeing her amazing video on The Trans Doctor Who episode struggle in the YouTube algorithm and that really made me a bit sad because clearly, Lily is a massive doctor who fan and took so much care to make this and IT’S SO GOOD!
Doctor Who fans can y’all do your thing over time and help this video get rolling?!
This YouTube channel is so much fun and also so nostalgic for me with topics like ‘The Trans Bones Episode’ or the video she made on the movie, She’s The Man. They’re all bangers, but the doctor who video is really funny and also thoughtful and I really can’t just watch YouTube pretend like it doesn’t exist.
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cormancatacombs · 2 years
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[Image ID: A pair of tweets by user @LilySimpson1312. The first tweet reads: “Cis people really don't get it. BUYING the new HARRY POTTER game tells COMPANIES that they can still pay MONEY to TRANSPHOBES without any ISSUE.” The second tweet reads: “You aren't supporting a small indie company, you aren't paying the wages of starving artists, you are helping Warner Bros know that Harry Potter is still economically viable to double down on rather then expanding elsewhere”
End of description.]
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titleknown · 1 year
...I've been watching through Lily Simpson's 10 hour deconstruction of the Harry Potter series' worldbuilding and how horrifying it is and...
...Is it weird that it feels like when you look into it the Wizarding World in Harry Potter is a lot like the Sorcerers from Dorohedoro except for the fact we're supposed to think they're the good guys in HP's case?
And also arguably some of the Dorohedoro sorcerors are more sympathetic, like En and Shin would probably beat the shit out of Dumbledore for what he let happen to Harry for example.
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ligbi · 5 months
Last week i was a little worried that one of my favorite youtubers skipped a full week of videos when she pretty consistently puts out one a week.
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Now i'm worried for her mental health because even with a buffer there's no way she got an almost 3 hour video out in 2(+?) weeks without losing it.
Anyway go watch her stuff it's always really good
Hoping to see Tokyo Godfathers from her soon since it's the season and Hana is...treated respectfully by the narrative if not so much by her friends
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mossmole · 2 months
I think trans people and trans allies need to know about Lily Simpson's great content. She discusses transphobia in shows and also shows that did trans people right. I think you'll find her content very interesting and surprising, and you'll learn to look at shows and movies with more scrutiny and identify what's good and bad representation.
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doomdoomofdoom · 2 months
my youtube recommended feed these days is mostly hour long video essays by transfems and i think thats beautiful
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dash-n-step · 1 year
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fandom-hoarder · 8 months
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willtheweirdrat · 9 months
Hey if you have 10 free hours, pls watch this video
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girl4music · 1 year
This was fascinating to listen to.
Your “it might have been better if it was Tara instead of Xander” idea with stopping Dark Willow.
As an idea, sure. It’s a nice sentiment. But practically, it wouldn’t work at all.
There would be no Dark Willow in the first place if Xander was the one to get shot and Willow went on a venge-trip for his death. Tara would prevent Willow from going on the war path before she even started. She wouldn’t be standing where Xander stands. At the brink of World’s End. So it would feel significantly less exciting if it had been Xander because we wouldn’t have ever gotten Dark Willow in the first place. It had to be the way it is. Tara dead and Xander the one to stop Willow through love and compassion. Representing what Tara would do.
I’ve gone into analysis with this idea myself many times. Even written BUFFY REWATCH recaps on it. And I’ve concluded that it wouldn’t work. Tara’s death was necessary for triggering Dark Willow to emerge to begin with and it was also necessary for Xander to stay alive so that he could calm Willow down. It really wouldn’t work the other way around.
Tara didn’t have to die LIKE THAT but she did have to die for the arc/finale to be as compelling and emotionally captivating as it is. Of course she could have died earlier due to Willow’s abuse of magic and carelessness with Tara and we would have gotten Dark Willow for longer than 3 episodes and the direct message of “you don’t deserve this” would be towards abusers rather than gay people … but hey - it is what it is. And I think they did very well.
I get your frustration, I do. But Tara was the right choice because the impact of her death hit everyone in the heart too. If it had been Xander - barely anyone would give a shit. Some may even celebrate it. Now, I’m not on the Xander hate train like most fans of the show but… I acknowledge no one would really care if he died over Tara. It had to be Tara for that Dark Willow arc/finale to happen.
Totally agree with you on Season 7 though.
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cormancatacombs · 1 year
This deserves Quinton Reviews-level view numbers
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redheadlesbianfreak · 5 months
I’d like to hunt Trey Parker and Matt Stone for making vile jokes about minorities in South Park. They like “dark humor” so I’m sure they’d love it if I joked about killing them. They make jokes where the punchline is characters screaming slurs at each other so they should be able to handle jokes made at their expense.
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lily simpson telling me things abt she’s the man that i already kinda know fills me with sm queer joy. fixing my isolated teenage years as a transmasc individual rn
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