#lilian green
lurking-lilibeth · 1 year
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Lilian has another birthday and - yep, still her father's daughter. But she's a good egg. Her new hobby is tinkering.
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Her bedroom gets an upgrade, too.
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Round 1, Poll 1
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Who's your favourite Green cure?
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qurvballz · 1 year
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The "its not a phase" girlies would def be best friends
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xzetxx · 8 months
Hmmm... I hope you enjoy it. :P
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womenwwe · 1 year
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Behind the scenes of the 2023 WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony: Photos
Check out exclusive photos of Superstars and Legends backstage at the 2023 WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony in Los Angeles.
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merlucide · 28 days
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why didn’t you take me on your trip 💔💔
that’s so pretty 😭
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mthguy · 2 months
Stephen Sondheim’s Follies  
The legendary 1985 concert performance of Stephen Sondheim's acclaimed musical Follies was presented by the New York Philharmonic at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center. 
The thrilling - and possibly historic - New York Philharmonic concert version of Follies presented at Avery Fisher Hall was a reunion of sorts, albeit one with a happier ending. To cast this all too transitory event, the producer Thomas Z. Shepard brought together veterans of Sondheim musicals stretching from the 1964 Anyone Can Whistle to Sunday in the Park With George - among them, Lee Remick, Elaine Stritch, George Hearn, Liz Callaway and Mandy Patinkin. They were joined by other stellar musical-comedy hands who exemplify the Broadway heyday whose passing Follies mourns - Barbara Cook, Carol Burnett, Betty Comden and Adolph Green. Once this company paraded before the orchestra to the glittering melody of the opening song, ''Beautiful Girls,'' it was impossible to separate the fictional show-biz reunion dramatized in Follies from the real one unfolding on stage. The audience, more than willing to let the distinction slide, simply erupted into pandemonium.
The cheering rarely subsided thereafter, and not without reason. Mr. Shepard assembled this evening to record the complete Follies score, which was mangled on its original Broadway cast album. Although there were still a few elisions (mainly of dance music) in the concert, this version was as complete, gorgeously sung and sumptuously played as Mr. Sondheim or his fans could wish. But there were other reasons for the thunderous response as well. Even in concert, Follies proved much more than merely a star-studded recording session. The performance made the case that this Broadway musical can take its place among our musical theater's very finest achievements. (Frank Rich, The New York Times)
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rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
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My Purryhedrals from @greenleafgeek came in a while ago but I was too excited to use them that I forgot to post!
The orange set has made its way into my character Daniella’s dice collection and the black cat d20 has been named See Him Face (“I have black cat. See, him face. And I am not dead today. See? Good luck.”) and is now going to be my designated death saving throw d20 from now on.
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collectivenothingness · 11 months
Me, a cute redheaded mage girl collecting magic cards for my card deck: the blue ones are really nice, I wish I could date a blue haired mage girl that smokes weed
the Dungeon Guide: are you ready to go to the bullshit tower dungeon already pls you need to seal away the great evil pls
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parab0mb · 1 year
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Lilian decides to give you a hand with her levitation powers. How nice of her 😊 (full disclosure, she hasn't got the "finesse" part down yet. (She might also just be actively trying to throw you)).
No long shpiel to go along with the pic for a change. Just a doodle from work that I really liked so I decided to make a full piece from it.
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lurking-lilibeth · 1 year
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The Green - Gieke household is next.
At the start of the week, Erin brings home a cat named Asta that she bought at a pet store all on her own. Luckily, Lessie the dog doesn't mind a new friend.
Chester helps Erin and Gabriel out with their newborn daughter Lilian. Gabriel himself is suffering from a persistent cold.
Chester's fiance Martin just kinda bums around; his career isn't as exciting as Chester's at the moment.
Lastly, Erin's clairvoyance point her to a stack of cash that goes towards renovating the house.
Gabriel: knowledge / family scorpio: 5/2/4/5/9 unflirty, eccentric, coward, excitable, gatherer LTW: become chief of staff +hard worker, +body skill, -vampirism OTH: tinkering career: medicine partner: Erin Green
Erin: popularity / knowledge aries: 4/4/4/7/6 vegetarian, neurotic, evil, avant-garde, natural cook LTW: become captain hero +facial hair, +brown hair, -unemployed OTH: nature career: paranormal partner: Gabriel Green
Martin: knowledge / popularity capricorn: 8/3/2/5/7 vegetarian, excitable, charismatic, neurotic, bot fan LTW: become prestidigitator +stink, +full face makeup, -unemployed OTH: cuisine career: entertainment partner: Chester Gieke
Chester: knowledge / family aquarius: 5/2/2/8/8 easily impressed, over-emotional, absent-minded, inappropriate, photographer’s eye LTW: become criminal mastermind +glasses, +brown hair, -fit OTH: film and literature career: gamer partner: Martin Ruben
Lilian: libra: 5/9/4/5/9 excitable, neurotic, good OTH: tinkering
Lessy: large dog female hooman: Gabriel personality: 2/3/1/2/3 career: service
Asta: cat female personality: 1/2/3/1/2
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Welcome to the Green Cure Showdown!
we just got confirmation of a new Green Cure (I trust her saying that she's green lol), which made me motivated to start the green tournament!
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polls will go live in approx. 11 hours time!
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invisiblestringmm · 2 months
chapter three
it could change but this feels like, like the calm before the storm
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a/n: you’re welcome & don’t forget to leave feedback! 🤍
tw: a bit of angst, brief mention of anxiety & rough pregnancy
2.208 words
There were times when you wondered how things would’ve been if Lily never existed - an unbearable thought, since you adored her more than anything in the world and would obviously do anything to make her happy, but where would you be now if you never met the love of your life? You frequently thought about how things would’ve been if Mason never shoved you away, nor ghosted you before you told him about Lily. So, besides your life, two others were living rent-free in your mind and the question “What could’ve been?” was constantly echoing in a soft yet agonising voice.
You never opened Mason’s message on your insta DM, but you never blocked him either for there was no point. The damage, if you could even call it one, was already done and you were more than certain about it on a Tuesday night, when Willow dropped Lily at your’s and her green eyes screamed “I’m so sorry”. Before you could question what had happened, your daughter walked in dragging her backpack and her usual cheerful personality, telling you what a fun afternoon she had with Summer, her mother, and her uncle Mason.
“I took Lily for ice cream like you said I could and they were there,” Willow was sharp to clarify when your widened eyes met hers - you watched your friend swallow hard, anxiously waiting for your reaction.
“Go to your bedroom, Lilian,” your daughter frowned at you and you noticed she pouted a bit. You sighed. “It’s alright, peanut. I just need to speak to auntie Willow, okay?”
Lily mimicked you and let out a sigh too, something that’d make you laugh if you weren’t so nervous. Still in her ballet clothes, you watched your daughter blow you a kiss and make her way to her bedroom, leaving the door open as you always instructed her and that made your heart melt a little. You were the luckiest mum in the world, how could you ever think of a life that Lily wasn’t a part of?
“Y/n, I swear to God I had no idea they’d be there. I didn’t even notice them there, it was Summer who spotted Lily and it was just her and the mum - what’s her na-”
Willow nodded, nervously. “I assumed it was okay to stay with them since the girls like each other so much and I didn’t even see him coming. I promise,”
“Will, it’s fine…” you sighed, defeated. This whole crisis was happening because of you, there was no one else to be blamed.
You were the one hiding your child from her father and his family - her family.
“I tried to leave immediately but Lils had just started eating her chocolate fudge and-”
“Oh gosh, was it a big chocolate fudge?”
“No,” Willow shook her head, chuckling. “We shared.”
You nodded, allowing yourself to breathe deeply and close your eyes for a second, feeling unexpectedly exhausted. “How was it?”
“He was very charming, particularly when she introduced herself,” you felt Willow run her hand up and down your back and found comfort in her eyes. “Lilian Maisie, she said.”
“Gosh,” you felt your gut wrench, heart pounding against your chest.
“I know this won’t make things any easier for you, but I think Jaz will probably try to reach you because she’d keep staring at Lily and Mason all the time.”
“Gosh,” you repeated, feeling your whole body weakening. Willow helped you sit on the sofa. “It’s because they look exactly like each other, isn't it?”
Willow slowly nodded, a sigh parting her lips. “The resemblance is undoubtedly uncanny,”
She didn’t stay long that evening, and you had to spend a few minutes reassuring Lily that you weren’t mad at her and that, sometimes, adults were complicated and needed to talk about important stuff - to which she wisely replied that you were a person before being her mummy and still loved you more than anything.
What made you obsessively wonder was: would she still love you when you tell her that her best friend’s uncle was also her daddy?
Willow’s prediction was confirmed when Jaz’s name popped on your notifications, asking when you’d finally accept her invitation to go out for lunch without the girls. It annoyed you a bit how much she insisted, not only because you didn’t feel prepared to face her, but also because things at work were hectic with the Holidays right around the corner. You also had your dad calling nonstop to know if he could take Lily to the Cotswolds before you had planned - according to him, she’d have a lot more fun staying there with her grandparents than with you, occasionally having to go to the office with you. He wasn’t wrong, but there was still the ballet recital on the weekend, so you two agreed he could take her the next day.
When Jaz started to call you instead of texting, you knew it was time to finally give in. Instead of going out, you two agreed it’d be a good idea to enjoy the opportunity to cook a nice meal, so your apartment was the chosen place and you were in charge of the groceries while Jaz fetched dessert and a bottle of white wine for you.
“I’ll have to make you a mocktail,” you said, giving her space to walk into your apartment.
“I definitely won’t decline it,” she giggled, and you noticed how her eyes quickly scanned your place. “I love the decoration. How do you keep it so tidy with that little hurricane?”
“You probably won’t believe it, but Lily is incredibly organised.”
“Hmm,” she muttered. “She got it from you, then.”
It was hard to swallow those words, especially with the knot that formed in your throat. Jasmine was so sure. You knew that she knew, and she knew that you knew - confusing, but clear as the day. You hadn’t been with Jaz many times and they had all been at the ballet studio, you spoke a lot through messages, but you felt oddly uncomfortable around her and you forced yourself to keep in mind that it wasn’t her fault, it was entirely yours.
“So, uh…” you started. “I never asked what we should cook but I’m trying to stay focused before the Holidays.” You giggled, Jaz mimicking you and nodding.
“Me too!”
Cooking made you feel relaxed, so despite the reason why Jaz practically forced this time together, you finally felt at ease again as you talked about the ballet recital and shared Holiday plans - you pointed at a photo of you, Lily, and your parents at Foxwoods House, surrounded by its beautiful garden. One your mum took great pride in.
“The estate has been in the family for a few generations and my great-grandfather built a small chapel there, to marry my great-grandmother,”
“That’s insanely romantic!” Jaz’s sigh was followed by a giggle. “I suppose your grandparents and your parents married there too?”
“Yes, it’s sort of a family tradition. My cousins married there too, and the babies were christened… It's really lovely, very private, and family-centered. The whole family is extremely close.”
“But the estate is your dad’s?”
“Yes and no,” Jaz raised an eyebrow and you chuckled, dividing your attention between her and chopping tomatoes as she focused on the garlic. “My grandpa was sort of inclined to gambling and almost lost the estate, but my dad saved it. It’s his, but like I said, we’re all really close so it’s not like he bans the rest of the family to go there and enjoy it when they need an escape.”
“Because you all grew up there?” you nodded. “Your dad sounds like a fantastic man.” You smiled at her, nodding too. He indeed was, and has always been the most supportive of all.
“He’s extraordinary. Lily is completely crazy about him to the point she’d move in with my parents without thinking twice.”
Jaz flashed you a sweet smile but said nothing. She wasn’t exactly discreet and her facial expression gave it all away, but she soon engaged in rambling about baby shopping, preparations for the baby’s arrival, and how her house was upside down with baby furniture arriving last minute. Rambling wasn’t your favourite thing, but it was better than her throwing hints about Lily’s father - the white wine and the smell of the red sauce cooking also made it easier to handle.
“Pregnancy was fucking hell for me, you know,” you blurted, interrupting Jaz, but she didn’t mind and seemed interested for you to continue. “The first 6 weeks were marked by HG, I was always in and out of the hospital, and the stress made it all worse.
You nodded. “Lack of emotional support. My parents were incredible but I was still a single mum.”
“Look, Y/n-”
“I tried to tell him.” Jaz gulped. “I need you to listen to me and let me finish the story without any sort of judgement.”
“I’ll do my best.”
This was it, the moment of the truth.
You left the chicken roasting at medium temperature and stood up on the other side of the marble kitchen island, watching Jaz taking a seat while holding her massive bump and taking a sip of her apple juice. Focusing on her bump seemed the best thing to do as you tried to find the proper words, and watching the way she softly stroked it made memories overflow your mind.
“It was just a one-night stand.” you sighed. “I don't want to justify my actions, I know I’m on the wrong side of the story here, but as young as I was, having the father of my child shoving me off the way he did when I went there to tell him just freaked me out.”
Then, you proceeded to tell her the whole story, but also how incredible it was being Lily’s mum. How giving birth was the complete opposite of the pregnancy and you were fortunate that things went as smoothly and as peacefully as possible, that your whole life changed once you held Lily in your arms and fed her your milk - you could see Jaz’s eyes sparkling with tears because she understood what motherhood meant and how you’d do anything and everything to protect your child from what you thought it could be a disappointment for her in the future. Mason turned his back on you that day before you could tell him, so how could he even support you?
You never said his name, but Jasmine’s next words were so full of confidence, that you knew you didn’t have to.
“You should’ve insisted, Y/n.”
You just nodded. “I know, and I want you to know that I regret it deeply because I had no right to deprive my daughter of being around her cousin, her amazing aunt…”
“Gosh,” you watched a single tear fall down her cheek. “He would’ve supported you.”
“You weren’t there, you didn’t see how badly he treated me. I was-” you sniffed. “I was so frightened, so lost.”
“Mason would’ve supported you.” The mention of his name made you finally allow some tears to roll down your cheeks. “And you named her after him…”
You nodded. “I wanted him to be around, somehow.”
“This is extremely tough for me but I don’t want to judge, so…” Holding her bump, Jaz stood up and unhurriedly made her way to you, her hand reaching yours and softly squeezing it. “I’m here for whatever you need, I’m here to be the aunt Lily needs and to support the both of you because I know that’s what you need.”
“Oh, Jaz,” you wanted to cover your face with your hands but Jasmine quickly pulled you to a hug, a clumsy one.
“I’ll be there when you’re ready to tell Mason, and I can’t wait to tell Summer that her bestie is her cousin.”
The rest of the day was followed by you showing Jasmine all of Lily’s baby pictures, telling her all the stories, and even repeating some of them - even if you insisted that it’d be incredible for her to find out everything about Lily by herself, Jaz said it’d still feel like the first time until she got used to being an aunt. She mentioned it was scary to see how much Lily and Mason look alike, that “Maisie” is the perfect middle name, and that she couldn’t wait to see their dynamic together. The hard parts were left out, but you knew that a paternity test would eventually happen for obvious reasons, no matter how much Lily looked like her father.
Jaz assured you that although Mason’s reaction would most likely be negative about what you’ve done, it wouldn’t extend to Lily and he wouldn’t reject her but it’d be a rough path navigating through the fact that he was a father and that his daughter wasn’t a newborn. And like she was reading your mind, she also assured you that he wouldn’t dare to try to take Lily from you.
This was the first time in five years, you knew that, somehow, things would end up fine no matter how hard the in-between was about to be.
next chapter
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thousandfireworks · 3 months
Authors whose books you have to avoid because they are problematic.
Abigail Hing Wen.
Alex Aster.
Alice Hoffman.
Alice Oseman.
Alison Win Scotch. ‘Terrorism is never acceptable. Not in Israel.’
Allie Sarah.
Amber Kelly.
Amy Harmon.
Annabelle Monaghan.
Anna Akana.
Aurora Parker.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz.
Brandon Sanderson. Islamophobic.
Carissa Broadbent. Said that hamas is doing violence against innocence.
Chloe Walsh. Siding with Israel in the name of humanity.
Christina Lauren. Believe that Israel is the victim. A racist, also Islamophobic.
Colleen Hoover.
Cora Reilly. Travel to Israel despite criticism.
Danielle Bernstein. Islamophobic.
Danielle Lori.
Deke Moulton. Said hamas is terrorist.
Dian Purnomo.
Eliza Chan.
Elle Kennedy.
Elyssa Friedland.
Emily Henry.
Emily Mclntire.
Emily St. J. Mandel. Admiring Israel.
Gabrielle Zevin. Wrote a book about anti-Palestine. Mentioned Israel multiple times without context on his book.
Gregory Carlos. Israeli author. A zionist.
Hannah Whitten.
Hazel Hayes. Reposted a post about October 7th.
Heidi Shertok.
Jamie McGuire.
Jay Shetty. ‘Violence is happening in Israel.’
Jean Meltzer.
Jeffery Archer. Wrote a book with a mc Israel operative (mossad) in a positive and anti terrorist light.
Jennifer Hartman. Liked a post about pro-Israel.
Jen Calonita.
Jessa Hastings.
Jill Santopolo. Said that Israel has right to exist and fight back.
John Green.
Jojo Moyes.
J. Elle.
J. K. Rowling. Support genocide. Racist. Islamophobic.
Kate Canterbery.
Kate Stewart.
Katherine Howe.
Katherine Locke.
Kristin Hannah. Support Israel. Shared a donation link.
Laini Taylor.
Laura Thalassa. Islamophobic.
Lauren Wise. Cussed that Palestinian supporters would be raped in front of children.
Lea Geller. Thanked people who supports Israel.
Leigh Stein.
Lilian Harris. A racist. Blocking people who educates about colonialism in Palestine and call them disgusting.
Lisa Barr. A daughter of Holocaust survivor. Support Israel.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery.
Lisa Steinke.
Liz Fenton.
Lynn Painter. Afraid of getting cancelled as a pro-Palestine and posted a template afterwards.
L. J. Shen. Her husband joins idf (Israel army).
Mariana Zapata.
Marie Lu.
Marissa Meyer.
Melissa de la Cruz.
Michelle Cohen Corasanti.
Michelle Hodkin. Spread false rumors about arab-hamas. Islamophobic.
Mitch Albom. ‘We shouldn't blame Israel for surviving attacks or defending against them.’
Monica Murphy. Siding with Israel.
Naomi Klein.
Navah Wolfe.
Neil Gaiman. Suggested Palestinians unite with Israel and become citizens.
Nicholas Sparks.
Nic Stone. Talked nonsense that children in Palestinian refugee camp are training to be martyrs for Allah because they felt it was their call in life.
Nyla K.
Olivia Wildenstein. Blocking people who disagree with Israel wrongdoing.
Pamela Becker.
Penelope Douglas.
Pierce Brown.
Rachel Lynn Solomon.
Rebecca G. Martinez.
Rebecca Yarros. ‘I despise violence’ her opinion about what's happening in Gaza. Blocking people who calls her a zionist.
Rena Rossner.
Renee Ahdieh.
Rick Riordan.
Rina Kent.
Rivka (noctem.novelle).
Rochelle Weinstein.
Romina Garber. ‘These terrorist attacks do nothing to improve the lives of Palestinians people.’
Roshani Chokshi. Encourage people to donate to Israel.
Samantha Greene Woodruff.
Sarah J. Mass. Her book contained ideology of zionism.
Stephanie Garber. Promoting books by zionist author (Sarah J. Mass)
Skye Warren.
Sonali Dev.
Talia Carner.
Tarryn Fisher. Said ‘there was terrorist attack in Israel.’
Taylor Jenkins Reid. Posted a video about genocide.
Tere Liye. Rumoured to have ghoswriters to write his books and never give credit to them.
Tillie Cole.
Tracy Deon.
Trinity Traveler (Ade Perucha Hutagaol). Rumour to wrote book about handsome Israelis.
T. J. Klune.
Uri Kurlianchik.
Veronica Roth.
Victoria Aveyard. ‘Israel has the right to exist.’ quote from her about the issue.
V. E. Schwab. Shared a donation link and video about Israel.
Yuval Noah. ‘Israel has the right to do anything to defend themselves.’
Zibby Owens.
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mahou-furbies · 5 months
I wish they could just officially make a teal color category. Lilian's teal like Milky. Otherwise I'm afraid all of the future green Cures are going to be teal.
Yeah, Milky and now Lillian are perfectly fine and I'd welcome a new colour category with open arms, but I just keep wishing for more Cures like this...
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trills-n-clicks · 2 months
Capt. Medic Ila "Bruise" Woods
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Mainly going by Bruise, but Ila by close friends, she's the Medic of TF Arach, and Captain Medic to other medics in the field.
TF Arach Masterlist
DOB: October 6th, 1990. [33 years old]
Relationships: ↓
Merils Woods- Husband <alive> {She took his last name}
Janiel "Jani" Woods- Daughter <alive>
Bucky Woods- Son <dead> {miscarriage :'(}
June Morial - Mother <alive>
Simon Morial- Father <dead>
Jack ////////-Uncle (Father's side) <alive>
//////// Bensick- Uncle (Mother's side) <alive>
Alice /////////- Aunt (Mother's side) <alive>
Lucy Morial- Sister <alive>
Quinn Potis- Sister <alive> {used to be married, partner died}
Evelyn "Vely" Morial- Sister <alive>
Ben Bensick- Cousin <alive>
Harold Morial- Cousin <alive>
Lilian ////////- Goddaughter <alive>
Physical details: ↓
Head: Blonde, ear length, relatively curly (2C-3A) hair. One green(left) and one with cataracts(right), round and medium-set eyes. Snub-like nose with a visible upturn. She has thick lips with a thicker upper lip and a circular, slightly chubby face shape.
Body: Ectomorph but slightly thicker, Kite(?) shape. Large bust small hips, she's got tig ol' bitties tho 😫(I'm a sucker for women like that)
Marks (scars, birthmarks, tattoos, missing limbs, etc.): Her abdomen has a tattoo all around it with flower designs. She has no birthmarks. She's got some scarring from a poison dart on her back from trying to escape a captor(it looks like a dark fluid spreading on her back), one from her hairline to her eye from stray shrapnel, resulted in cataracts and ~25% blindness in that eye. And frostbite scars across hands and calves from an incident..(ooh~~). Her missing limbs include her left pinky and ring fingers, and her right leg (mid-thigh and lower gone) from torture while held captive. She also has a tongue piercing.
Other (height & weight stuff, skintone, nationality, etc.): Her skintone is tan, lots of freckles cover her skin. She lives in Australia but has an origin in Las Almas, her parents and other family live there, she moved to Australia. She is 5'11" (1.79m) and weighs 188lbs (85.2 kg). She tends to wear 2000s type clothes, sports bras, torn or worn cargo pants, colourful jackets, etc, and she loves her crown-like jewelry, makes her feel pretty.
Personality details: ↓
She's an open Bisexual to friends but not family, she's on the romantic or sexual spectrum as polyamorous(her and her husband are ready to add a plus-1). She is a Demi-girl and struggles with gender dysphoria very occasionally. She finds nature-like colors like forest green or mushroom brown quite pretty but will not admit that if there's a cool psychedelic neon yellow shirt, she will try it on. Outside people describe her as loud, rude and annoying. People she knows well however, describe her as still loud, but just reserved and distant, quoting something I imagine one of them saying: "she's rude when you first meet her but she warms up quickly as soon as you know her name". She is an ambivert, she uses social interaction to avoid her mental health but sometimes shuts down and can't even leave her room (Arach has a hitch that something's wrong but hasn't caught on fully yet). She's got no sensory issues that are prominent. And She does have mental disorders, including PTSD (ofc), Speration anxiety and rhotacism (she has difficulties in pronouncing the letter r).
And Military info!: ↓
She joined in 2009 at 19 years old, and was transferred to be in the SNS 3 years after joining. She has skills in basic, and advanced medical aid including field operations, Undercover missions, close range combat and some long range, and hostage rescue. But she has difficulties in keeping her emotions in check when in the field, along with using drugs (like morphine or adrenaline bc of being poisoned in the past).
Basic picture using gacha (I use it to visualize what they will look like with color)
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Pls don't mind the leg next to her arm 😭 I had to get rid of it somehow
And I will insert a photo I drew below (it will not have color)
I will add the picture as soon as I draw her.
I'm sorry if it's too long, read if you want but you really don't have to, she will be basically described in the fic.
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