lassieposting · 3 years
I know you want weird ships but can I blsssss have some valdug? Bls fren
Who starts most fights?
Val. She'll start being sulky and combative, which he's dealt with enough to know it means there's a storm coming. He'll ignore it while they're working, but eventually he'll call her out on it - "You think there's an argument coming, so you've started arguing early. It's what you always do."
Who surrenders at the end of most fights?
It's usually Skug.
Who is more likely to cry during a fight?
Val, by virtue of being the only one with eyes.
Who is more likely to storm out during a fight?
Skug. If she's being especially unreasonable he'll grab his keys and walk out in the middle of whatever she's shouting at him and go drive around until they've both had time to calm down, maybe start some fights with people who aren't Val - but they only have a row this bad every few decades.
Who is louder in fights?
Val. One of the things Ghastly's parents impressed upon Skug way back in the 1500s is that a good man never raises his voice at his lady - he'll yell up the stairs for her or shout instructions while she's learning to fight but he never really shouts at her. She shouts at him though, if he's being too annoying or she's having a depression session or it's that time of the month. Depending on how upset she is and how self-destructive she's feeling, sometimes it actually bugs her more that he won't engage and shout back.
Who is more likely to throw things in fights?
Val. She canonically throws things at him when she's angry with him. Most of the time he sees it coming and deflects it, but she's beaned him in the face a few times over the years. It's. Never really occurred to him that maybe this is Not Okay - he thinks it's normal.
Who is more likely to bring up past mistakes?
Skug, because she has a tendency to be a hypocrite, and that's one thing he prides himself on not being. He can't help himself - he has to butt in if she's being hypocritical. "Let me remind you that you only told me about the Darquesse thing after you had Nye seal your true name. You may continue." He can be really patronizing about it though, and it drives her nuts.
Who is more likely to give the silent treatment?
Val. He...doesn't cope with it very well. Even when she was younger, he'd last a grand total of three days before he'd start bugging her to talk to him again, because he had nobody else to talk to. But now, knowing that she can and will vanish to another country and abandon him for an indeterminate length of time? Lowkey getting the silent treatment makes him worry she's going to disappear on him again, and it stresses him out a lot more.
Who is more likely to blame the other?
Val. Nothing is ever her fault, and he won't really stick up for himself if she bares her metaphorical teeth at him, so it's very easy for her to happily hand over the blame. She often knows, deep down, that she's being unfair or lashing out at him over something unrelated that's upsetting her, but she also has a tendency to find little excuses for things not to be his fault, so. Well yes, I'm stressed about X, but if he hadn't said Y and annoyed me I wouldn't have lost my temper so it's his fault we're fighting.
Who is more likely to blame themselves?
Skug. His problem is that he's used to a certain pattern of behaviour in his relationships - he gravitates towards manipulative, emotionally abusive women. He has all the signs of someone whose abuse started so early - probably with his mother or sisters - that he has no idea it's even happening. He's used to being gaslit and snapped at and told that things are his fault.
And? He never used to have that problem with val. They bickered constantly, and she sulked a lot, and sometimes so did he, but it was all in good humour, there was never any real anger behind it - except for the Vile thing, and honestly, he can't blame her for that. But then she went away, and when she came back, she'd bite his head off for no obvious reason or snap at him for calling her or sit in the passenger seat and scroll through her phone and ignore him for an entire stakeout and if he asks her what's wrong she says, "Nothing! God, I'm grand, okay?" in that voice that says Nothing Here Is Okay so? Of course he's going to slip back into the old pattern of assuming he's done something wrong. That's what it always was in all his other relationships.
Who gets jealous more easily?
Skug. All she has to do is mention Solomon Wreath and she can hear him grinding his teeth from across the room. She on the other hand has never really had cause to feel jealous of anyone else in his life: she knows she's his favourite person and top priority, she knows that given a choice between her and literally anyone else he's been with it wouldn't even be a contest. And at this point all his friends are dead, so he literally doesn't have anyone he cares about left but her anymore.
Who is angered more easily?
Generally, Skug. In their partnership, Val. It's very, very rare that he gets angry with her. She irritates him on the regular, but it's a fond kind of irritation.
Who is more likely to break off the relationship?
Val. He never would, lbh. Skulduggery doesn't know the meaning of "short-term relationship". He committed to 1000+ years with the same woman when he was only 30, China is still his lesson that he can't seem to learn after like four hundred years, Aby was at least a five year relationship. Skug doesn't do short term, and his normal meter is so screwed that even Aby's straight-up abuse didn't chase him off. At this point he's locked in for life.
Who is more likely to threaten to leave?
Val, but she regrets it immediately, and it's not so much threatening as just sort of, entertaining the idea. She knows he didn't have a good time during her five year Colorado-based depression session, and she knows he walks on eggshells now because he doesn't want her to leave again. She just says it occasionally, sometimes I just want to get away from all this or sometimes I think I never should've come back, because part of her does want to leave and go somewhere else and never have to look at Roarhaven again, and she doesn't even think before she opens her stupid mouth and she only realises she just said that out loud because he's gone very stiff and quiet and when she asks him about it he'll either act like he didn't hear her in the first place ("Mm, sorry, what? I was miles away. Did you say something?") or he'll overcompensate and act like he's grand ("Me? No. I'm fine. Perfectly fine. A bit discombobulated, perhaps, but fine [launches into 20 solid minutes of talking at 90mph]") and by that point she feels bad enough that she just lets him and goes quiet because she can't seem to say anything right anymore.
Who is more likely to actually leave?
Also Val. He'd never walk out on her. We all know that.
Who is more likely to forget the other first?
I don't think either of them could ever forget the other, but if we take this as "who'd move on first", it'd be Val. She does seem to like to bounce from relationship to relationship without much of a break in between, and she has considerably more romantic options than he does. Even in self-imposed exile in a pit of self-loathing, where she wouldn't even go into town to buy her own groceries because she Didn't Deserve To See Another Soul, she still had to have a boyfriend.
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incorrectspquotes · 5 years
They disrespected me. Now, I’m going to have to have to kill them.
Darquesse, about everybody, probably. 
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lilboppaloola · 4 years
*yeets this into the tag and disappears into the night*
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elinadsy · 4 years
You're absolutely the mutual I'd bail out ot jail if needed lmao
KING MOVES i love it lol ty
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I really really love the confessions blog! Thank you for putting the effort in 💕💕
ahhhh thank you!! 💙💙💙
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skeletondreadful · 5 years
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Yeah, sorry about the hiatus. I’ve been working nearly 50 hours a week for the past few months and my days off are mainly spent doing chores and errands.
I’ll try to be more active but it probably won’t be as frequent as before.
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ximajs · 5 years
6, 24, 33, 35? I love asking you stuff it's so fun.
6. Can you hula hoop?I can’t hula hoop to save my life!
24. How many bones have you broken?None, but I’ve sprained quite a few.
33. If you were a cake which cake would you be?Probably a mud cake or something, I may look like a mess, but I’m good.
35. What is the most important memory you have and why?Oh, this is difficult. My memory is a bit shit, and I have no idea how to rank memories according to importance.A few important memories from my life (in no particular order):- Being home from school because I was ill and drawing/painting on a huge roll of paper with my dad.- The first goal I remember scoring in a football (soccer) game, where I half missed the ball, but by doing so tricked the goalie.- Travelling to LA for my cousin’s wedding and my dad being happy that I trusted his driving (he’d never driven automatic before) enough to nap in the car.- Every time I travelled (especially when travelling alone), and lived abroad.- When I made friends during freshers week.- My parents accepting my bisexuality.- When my friend, and crush, kissed me (even though it was out of joy and not attraction).Other important memories:- Stephen Fry saying that same-sex love is still love, and not just about sex. (Helped me overcome a big part of my homophobia.)- John Green saying “imagine people complexly”. (Helped develop my empathy.)
Thanks for asking! I love answering your asks!
(I hope I answered from the right ask, cos I realised I posted two different ask memes in two days.)
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neotericbitch · 6 years
How old is Stephanie in your new au? Also did she get Gordon's whole house/fortune/everything or did Alice get a share too? Does Skug's kid have a gender or are you sticking with they (I like it either way honestly)? Finally how the hell is Skulduggery still called Skulduggery (it's random I love it)?
stephanie is 26, alice is 10. stephanie gets the house and most of the money, des, melissa, fergus and beryl get the same shit (minus a brooch), alice and the twins get a little bit of money. skulduggery gets vague and mystical advice to hook up with stephanie
skulduggery 33, kid 6. skulduggery’s kid is a they/them boy and their name is devyn valentine. skulduggery's given name is the same as in roleswap, however i feel that the fic wouldn’t mean as much if we were following the budding romance with stephanie edgley and some rando called lorcan. that said, i’d actually very gladly change it so he is going by his given name, i’d just prefer not to ostracise readers.
but also? fuck the readers, his name is lorcan
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calysto1395 · 6 years
@lilboppaloola​ said: As far as I know he only gave them to Val???? 
he gave the spare to val but at the end gave temper his. though not spare ones in this case but still that he insinuated letting temper drive the bentley is big
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stormchildknight · 3 years
I'm reading Skullduggery Pleasant on the suggestion of @lilboppaloola.
I figured I'd live blog this as I go.
I'm on Chapter 2 of book 1 rn
There will be spoilers and I'm writing this from mobile, so cuts are hard to implement.
With that:
Okay. I have been to this Wake. Landy, this is rude. You can't call Irish culture out like this.
Will reading scene. Ha! Get fucked Beryl!
I would not leave my 12 year old in a house alone for love nor money.
Okay. Skulduggery has big Harry Dresden Energy.
Less Harry Dresden now..
Skulduggery is my entire family, including me, when it comes to helping people who've had a bit of a shock. A nice sugary cup of tea...
Skulduggery: Harbinger of the Skeleton War.
That's a long war...
Stephanie certainly has some stones.
Me: Skulduggery... Skuldugggery... No. No. Don't.
SP: I did it!
That is a very nice car...
Skulduggery... You are an adult and you clearly do not know how to argue with children.
Petition to find that skeleton a Responsible Adult.
Interesting person is China Sorrows.
Okay. Skulduggery is pulling a Bruce Wayne with Tim Drake but with less finesse...
This is some very, very heavy handed foreshadowing. The Foreshadowbat 12000 is quite something.
SP has less willpower at centuries old in the face of a stubborn preteen than either of my parents had in their 40s when I was that age. Weak. Weak I say.
Ah. The big bad. A pleasure to meet you.
And with that, I'mma pause. Hi there Skug fandom. Hope you enjoy this live blogging.
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lassieposting · 3 years
Fren, *chinhands*, tell me romo about ghasdug
Who starts most fights?
Ghastly. He'll bring up something that's bothering him because he was raised in a happy home with parents who modelled a loving, healthy relationship for him. And Skug will immediately go on the defensive because he...was not raised in a loving, healthy family and has learned fuck all healthy communication skills. And Ghastly will be like, "Woah, hold on, calm down," and, since nobody likes being told to calm down when they're angry, it becomes a fight.
Who surrenders at the end of most fights?
Skug. Ghastly's general way of dealing with him is the same thing Skug does to Val in DB - let him keep talking and wait for him to realise that he doesn't have a leg to stand on and he's making himself look stupid. Then he'll sulk for a bit, and either apologise (if he really fucked up) or just awkwardly start acting like nothing happened to avoid apologising, and everything will go back to normal.
Who is more likely to cry during a fight?
Ghastly, more out of frustration than anything else. Skug is, at this point, the single most dysfunctional person he's ever met, and he's infuriating, and Ghastly's smitten with him, and he doesn't know how to get that through Skug's head. He tries really hard to communicate. It just...doesn't come naturally to Skulduggery at all.
Who is more likely to storm out during a fight?
Skug, because he doesn't handle emotions very well yet.
Who is louder in fights?
Neither of them. Ghastly was raised knowing that shouting at your partner gets you nowhere, and Skug kind of. Goes cold and quiet and prickly, and most of their arguments are more furiously hissed at each other in an undertone than shouted across a room.
Who is more likely to throw things in fights?
Both of them when they're annoyed - but only when the other one is looking and can deflect the projectile. They don't want to physically hurt each other.
Who is more likely to bring up past mistakes?
Ghastly, usually in the form of, "Would you like the list [of times you've done the Stupid Thing you just claimed you'd never do] in alphabetical or chronological order?"
Who is more likely to give the silent treatment?
Skug, but he sucks at it because he loves the sound of his own voice. He lasts, like, an hour tops. Ghastly just waits him out, and if he wants to be extra annoying, he'll make it a companionable silence. Honestly, the quiet is a reprieve.
Who is more likely to blame the other?
Ghastly. In fairness, they rarely fight, and when they do it's usually either over something shitty Skug has done, or something stupid Skug has done that could've gotten him killed, so...it is usually his fault. Ghastly's quick to forgive, though - he just wants Skug to admit he done fucked up.
Who is more likely to blame themselves?
Skug. He looks at Ghastly's parents and doesn't really understand why he can't have with Ghastly what they have with each other, or why he's so angry all the time or why he can't just talk to Ghastly like Ghastly talks to him. He's pretty sure it's not this difficult for most people. What's wrong with him?
Who gets jealous more easily?
Ghastly, and for good reason. They're young. Skug is flighty, easily distracted, and has a history of vanishing to chase the latest pretty girl in town until he gets bored. Ghastly also takes their relationship a lot more seriously at a far earlier point than skug, so he's? More invested.
Who is angered more easily?
Skug. He's already got one hell of a temper. But Ghasdug actually don't fight that often - he's more likely to go off over someone insulting Ghastly than at Ghastly himself. Ghastly sees right through Skug, though, and doesn't hesitate to call him out on his bullshit, and that drives Skug nuts. He doesn't like it when someone sees through all his bravado and the tough-guy act.
Who is more likely to break off the relationship?
Skug, usually because he spotted a pretty girl. When Skug starts his on-again-off-again thing with China is roughly when Ghastly decides he's Had Enough and they're over until Skug's got everyone else out of his system for the foreseeable ever. They also split up a few times because Skug experienced Unexpected Feelings and had, like, an allergic reaction. Ghastly is a bit more forgiving about those - he knows Skulduggery doesn't know how to deal with affection or heavy emotions.
Who is more likely to threaten to leave?
Ghastly. He's absolutely smitten, for sure, but he's got a better-developed sense of self-worth than Skug, and he knows how he is and isn't willing to tolerate being treated. Unfortunately he's also ready to settle down and commit to one person a few decades before Skug is, so that ends up being what a lot of their arguments are about.
Who is more likely to actually leave?
Skulduggery - at the drop of a hat and with very little warning. Mostly it's because Ghastly got a little too close and made Skug feel An Emotion and he panicked and decided the sensible thing to do was to just. Walk out.
He can be real stupid for an incredibly intelligent man.
Who is more likely to forget the other first?
Neither of them. You never forget your first, and Skug is Ghastly's first everything. Ghastly didn't get Skug's V-plates, but he is Skug's first proper relationship and probably the first time he actually fell in love, so. They'd never forget each other.
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lilboppaloola · 4 years
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Tag urself as a fic inspo image for skug and val on a road trip
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bubblemoon66 · 4 years
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We had a couple of technical hiccups this year, but the gifts for the 2019 Skulduggery Pleasant Fic Exchange are finally here!
A massive thank you to all those who participated in the fic exchange, you all did a wonderful job! And an extra special thank you to @talk-less-smilemore​  who stepped in last moment to write an extra fic. 
I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season! Please enjoy these gifts from the SP fandom (and if you’re looking to give something back, I’m sure everyone here would appreciate a kind comment and a kudos):
A Meeting For Pleasure by trainwhistlesatnight for TheWeirdDane.
Skulduggery and Solomon have some very nice sex and it's a very good time for both involved.
Am I True in my Faith or Just a Deceiver? by talk_less_smilemore for Mallory_Clayborne.
A short fic about China (and Bliss) growing up in the strictly religious community of the Faceless.
She remembers her father as he cleared up all of her mother's broken china in a room that seemed just a little bit too dark, just a little bit too cold.
A Name for All Women by bubblemoon66 for SP_fan
Even when she was young, when the chapel had been lit with the flames of a hundred tallow candles, she'd found it a dark and cold place. Even when the crypt had been empty, when her family had filled the pews instead of the coffins, she'd found it lonely. It had bothered her: the dark, the cold and the loneliness. It had given her nightmares. Images of gods reaching out across the stars to tear her apart and remake her in their image: cold and dark and lonely too.
A Very Little Secret by  talk_less_smilemore for ArabellaCastre
Alice is hiding something. Valkyrie tries to coax it out of her. Skulduggery isn't much help at all.
Deamhain by Sekkiera for Queemilia.
The Dead Men have been promised time off. Being sent to a training camp to show off to the new recruits seems close enough, and in spite of lasting tensions, it seems like they can relax for once. Until they can't.
“We might have a problem” Saracen said, and his voice was too low, and too dark. Then he stood up, raised his voice enough for the recruits to hear him. “It appears that we are be under attack.”
Ghastly is the Literal Best Friend Skulduggery Could Ask For by Queemilia for Sekkiera.
Just some fluff of Ghastly dealing with his best friends bullshit.
He Knows Me So Well by  Mallory_Clayborne for  trainwhistlesatnight.
Valkyrie loves Christmastime, and Skulduggery knows it. Food, tinsel, her da being silly, giving gifts, getting gifts, all of it, the whole shebang. Skulduggery insists he has no issue with Christmas; just the EXCESS of it all. Which is basically an issue with Christmas, as far as Valkyrie is concerned. She wishes the Detective would embrace the season, even just once.
And he tries for her, God does he try for her, even if in his own peculiar way...
Just a few assassins by  SP_fan for  talk_less_smilemore.
It was one of those days. You know the days where you just don't feel like doing any work, you want to lay on your bed and stay there for the rest of the day. Valkyrie wanted to that, but of course she couldn't. She got a text from Skulduggery saying that China had a new case for them. Great! Like they didn't have enough already.
Mirror by mentosmorii for  ChinaSorrows.
China reflects on past love, and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Pancakes for Dinner, Cookies for Dessert by LassieLowrider for  fangirlingacrosstheuniverse.
Desmond and Melissa urgently needs a babysitter, and asks Valkyrie. Of course she says yes.
or: Alice gets pancakes AND cookies. Valkyrie is happy then sad. Skulduggery is smug (when is he not?) and then surprised (at the lack of smugness).
Surface Speak, Surface Feel by  ArabellaCastre for  mentosmorii.
“Have you spoken to our lovely daughter, recently?” Melissa called loudly, above the simmering of the pot. In response, came a definite shuffling of newspaper sheets, followed by the telltale clattering of Desmond, who stumbled into the kitchen.
“Which daughter would that be?”
“Your only child, dear.”
“Ah. Yes.” He frowned, slightly. “I mean, no. My daughter appears to have been abducted by a sulky teenager.”
If she hadn’t had cause to worry, Melissa would have chuckled at her husband’s evident cluelessness- but something really wasn’t right. It hadn’t been right for a while.
(OR, how the non-mage people in Valkyries life react to the reflection over the years)
The Sanctuary Christmas Ball  by Lilboppaloola for LassieLowrider
Queen China is having a ball and Val is not a completely suicidal depressed mess (just a hint of angst). Skug is just a little apprehensive but he soon finds out it's hard to care what people think of you when you're dancing with the love of your life and she's smiling up at you as if she really does think you're both going to be okay after all. Tanith is gay for Val (and so am I), and despite supposedly being the most hated woman in the room, no one's going to lay a finger on Val without some serious backlash. 
Valduggery Interrupted  by fangirlingacrosstheuniverse for  bubblemoon66.
Valkyrie and Skulduggery have to talk about their relationship. Unfortunately, the world seems to be against them.
Welcome Day by ChinaSorrows for Deliaari
Fletcher starts a new year of teaching, telling all the new excited students why they should choose Teleportation as a school of magic!
You - No One Else by  TheWeirdDane for  Lilboppaloola.
”Down!” Skulduggery Pleasant roared and leaped to the side, just barely avoiding Jordan Silverheart who happened to be their current target. Highly delusional and believing himself a werewolf, Jordan attacked with the ferocity of an animal and the speed of a mortal man, making him fairly dangerous.
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slurrmp · 4 years
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well here we are again the end of the year (and the decade) this year has been one of the best that i’ve had in the last five years. i’ve met so many wonderful people over the year and the decade, some of them becoming my best and closest friends. i have started to write so many pieces of work that i generally had no idea that people would enjoy and come to love, i appreciate everyone of you that have read, liked, commented and followed me.
i appreciate those that have welcomed me into the groups and servers, dealing with me and my energetic .... energy and especially to those who followed me for one specific thing and then stayed with me while my head wandered off and followed another fandom. i love all of my followers and those that i follow (even if they don’t follow back) but i do know that even though not everyone follows back (and i don’t follow back) it is truly appreciated and awesome to watch your blogs grow and expand.
also take a shot every time i write appreciate.
to my main babe and my wife, kv ( @rhysatlas ) you have been with me for four years and i cannot tell you how much i appreciate that and love you for it. you have been through some of the toughest times with me over the last couple of years and you have always stuck by me. i love when we call each other and talk for hours about pointless and random things, i love that we can message each other at random times of the day and night and you will always be there to reply to me. i love you so so so much. i don’t know what i would do without you.
anyway HERE is the list of people that i love & appreciate & will follow to the ends of the earth.
my doctor who writers group (aka thirsting for thirteen)
@myghostmonument ; jenny, oh lord, it’s only been a year since we’ve met and technically only a couple of months really that we’ve started talking to each other like good friends. you have indulged me to no end, i don’t know what i would have done without you this year to help me fill the void were no doctor who would be. you gave me 13 and let me write out my biggest plots and angstiest of prompts with you and i don’t know what i would do without you. 
@fabulouspotatosister ; @awyr ; @ranxiaolong ; @timelord-winchester-22b ; @madboxwithagirl ; @thenightbelongstodreamers ; @spiritwho ; @alecmidnight ; @svmwinvhester
and to everyone else, i am absolutely lazy to break this up into categories but you guys get the picture.
@pabstbeerpussy ; @edwardssallow ; @kcnobls ; @klaraholic ; @perfectlystiles ; @uppermontanariver ; @moreasoldier ; @theforceisgay ; @aredhels ; @missorgana ; @missjanuarylily ; @k-the-kryptid ; @hosnian-prime ; @avnakin ; @skybson ; @dannifielding ; @spacecharizard ; @thot4stacipratt ; @pomini-puttana ; @mollyohshea ; @statichvm ; @indianajcnes ; @danvers-carols ; @captainpikeachu ; @whindsor ; @caz-cina ; @cool-beans-scully ; @mastertano ; @lilboppaloola ; @elripley ; @actualvenom
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skeletondreadful · 6 years
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I am gay for two people, my boyfriend, and Tanith Low
I could get into Skulduggery too but he’d have to be very tender and romantic in private moments to get a piece of this
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ximajs · 6 years
☁️☁️☁️ 40, 47 & 52
40.what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?I was pretty fearless as a child. I’m pretty sure adult me wouldn’t like child me tbh (though I don’t like children in general, so…). I did have a weird fear of our huge cylindrical cast iron stove/fireplace though.
47.describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.They are a weird nerd feminist make-up vlogger, who is sometimes a bit too honest for me, but still a good bean.
52.describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.Martian ice cast into a tundra, flowing, the pit growing darker.
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