#like… hey 🥴
doubledyke · 2 months
it doesn't really make sense in the logic (lol) of the show but part of me loves the idea that edd is being raised by his grandparents.... kids who are raised by grandparents tend to be overly mature and a little uhhhhh off-beat. i feel like it could explain a lot.
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iheartseanmacguire · 1 month
was gonna caption this 'faceless rdr2 girls' but then i realised that 3/4 of them have faces and now my day is ruined. thanks for giving me a REFERENCE rockstar!!! you REALLY helped me!!!
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sike i dont have a speedpaint for this one so take a cute dog gif instead
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nulltune · 7 months
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old edits _(:3」∠)_ but i like imagining hakuno in different hairstyles HNGGHH 😩😩❤️💗💓💞 would she ever style her hair tho? sadly no </3 she thinks she's too plain for that + doesn't care about her appearance outside of just enough to look neat and presentable (we do see her hair in low twintails if she needs em tied up tho! tis a very cute look 🫶)
bUT LIKE- if someone wants to play with her hair or style her up then 👀 hakuno vc i don't mind. (<- girl who tends to go along with what others' want because she has no desires of her own tbh-) (METHINKS IT HAS DA POTENTIAL TO BE SO WHOLESOME THOOO and her hair's long and silky yknow ✨️ it'd b nice 2 touch ! 😌✨️) or alternatively- let hakuno do your muse's hair! ✨️ (she brushed nero's hair in last encore and it was such a soft moment it must've been so nice 🥺❤️)
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batrachised · 6 months
I was talking to my sister about authors today in the vein of the terminally online author convo, and something she pointed out struck me - a lot of these authors seem just plain mean, and it comes through in their characters. I feel like I've picked up more than one book where the main character is supposed to be cool and badass, but in reality is just a bully. It seems to be the authors attempting to validate their own maliciousness through their characters, or perhaps telling on themselves by revealing what they think is badass. It's one thing if that's the point of the character, but more often it seems like they equate cruelty with fierceness
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astoldbychae · 3 months
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*Jazmine Sullivan “On It” plays in the background* 😌
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einsatzzz · 1 year
WH Idol AU-ish Log (2020)
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The outfits reference the idol outfits from enstars btw! Ashe gets Leo's (Knights), Wilardo gets Rei's (Undead), Sirius gets Shu's (Valkyrie), Noel gets Eichi's (Fine) and Claire gets Hokke's (Trickstar).
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
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vincent's & ragan's holocall icon design
do not repost, use or claim as your own, thanks.
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gunplagirlhog · 1 month
Who's my good girl? Who's my good girl? Who can fuck her pillow so so so good for me? Is it you? Is it you, you disgusting perverted whore? Do not let me down.
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kithtaehyung · 11 months
[ 3tan11 ] i wanna say smth so bad lmaooo
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aimeramie · 5 months
I am so tired of how horikoshi chooses to write izuku and katsuki's relationship...
kudou... who looked into izuku's memories and saw him being bullied, emotionally and physically, for years by katsuki... is telling izuku to visualize a moment where katsuki is being an unprovoked asshole to him in order to transfer ofa to shigaraki forcibly.
this desire of hori's to have his cake and eat it too when it comes to katsuki's abusive behaviors is too much for me. one minute they're slapstick; other times I am supposed to take them seriously as awful things he needs to change about himself. it's so inconsistent, and it drives me up a wall. it's clear horikoshi wanted to incorporate typical rival tropes for these two, but to me, those just really do not work when you have a bully and victim dynamic.
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
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Aidan as Robert in
The Lovers (2017)
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9w1ft · 1 year
Now that the eye theory is popular does it ever bother you that some people who talk about it on other platforms act like it’s their own original idea?
I would want credit if I were you!
🙈 ive seen a tiktok where they not only presented it like their idea but they used screenshots from my blog and spoke out paragraphs that i wrote! and gave no credit! yikes! the second hand embarrassment…
that said, technically it’s not my idea, i am simply the number one champion of the theory and author of the original post explaining it on behalf of the lovely person who first had the idea, @swift-79 . i guess i’ve wrote about it extensively as well.
but yeah. idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂 at the end of the day i sleep well knowing taylor and karlie know where it came from :)
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me at the slightest inconvenience immediately self medicating with retail therapy:
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trashbaget · 3 months
tell me your failed/embarrassing flirting stories to make me feel better, i’ll go first: today i said “get out of my way” forgot to say “i’m kidding” then immediately said “bye”
#it is awful having feelings for someone you know and have an established friendship with#but crushing on someone i barely know is knew to me and i legit feel like an idiot every time i do something stupid like this#i can’t just. talk to the guy#if i say hey and he says sup i say ‘sup indeed’ like what the fuck is that#i can barely even say hello to him#don’t get me wrong i’ve DONE it but most days i’m like#ah fuck there he is#okay you can do it just say hi#just say what’s up#and then he’s already gone#also. like. the setting we’re in is soooo not good for talking or flirting realt because um. it’s work he’s my coworker.. so um. do i fuckin#ask him for his number?? or to hang out??? but like. he’s kind of a stranger to me what do i want to hang out for 🧍#but like. ​i dont want to do that until i have at least one successful interaction#or like. an actual conversation.#which is gonna be really hard to manage because he doesn’t talk much at all to anyone and i really only talk if someone talks to me first or#i’ll say something absolutely idiotic and ridiculous (and honestly i do that no matter what)#anyway so um. i guess i’m just gonna keep making a fool of myself until i get it right and hopefully i don’t screw it up 🥴#i lost all my confidence in the last year and i cant do anything chill or smooth anymore (i was never that good in the first place but at#least i could PRETEND i knew what i was doing. like i could sell it. the whole weird and lost bit.)#anyway. i felt better for like 5 minutes when some guy at the gas station flirt failed with me on the way home. but that’s partly my fault#too oops. in his defense he probably could not see that i had headphones on bc upon mirror inspection they were well blended with my hair#but i was waiting to cross the street and this guy tried to like nod and smile and i did not know it was to me until i got to the other side#where the gas station was and and like. tried again and i awkward half smiled and saw his face get all mushy and confused like mine FELT 20#mins before when i’d flopped so hard trying to flirt and by the time i’d processed WAIT i think he was FLIRTING WITH ME i was already gone 🤡#but at least it ended better than the poor 14yo who very confidently asked for my number#who. i shit you not. SCREECHED for a solid 44.5 seconds and bolted the other direction when i said sorry im 21#his friends were standing there like wtf too and one was like i am so sorry about him 🤦#cheers to being fools universe
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daz4i · 9 months
not to tmi but. i used to think sex in general isn't for me bc it was boring and never pleasant even if i wanted it. but only doing anything sexual in the context of bdsm (and a lot of pain involved usually) definitely helped. anyway i think now the same thing is happening to me with romance and bloody and/or gruesome violence
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anthrofreshtodeath · 11 months
Let me ask you something: has the world changed so that sharing pictures of yourself/your identifying information on the internet is no longer a terrible idea? Seeing lots of not famous people (young people - early 20s?) posting their faces and places of work and cities where they live like it’s nothing, on public accounts. Am I old? Are my fears about that misplaced?
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