#like yeah he was a dick but its not like he was an irredeemable horrible guy
hazardsoflove · 2 years
i think people who didn’t start liking steve until s2 are weak
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runawaymun · 1 year
Been pondering To Partake now Gil's been reintroduced to the narrative and wondering if you've ever considered doing a larger exploration of the dynamic he had with Celebrimbor before the events of the fic? Super intrigued by how Partake!Gil would function opposite somebody he actually respects(?) and who is more able to advocate for themselves - is he just a dick and Celebrimbor just rolled with it until he saw how damaging it was for Elrond, or does he just save his bastard energy for Elrond?
What a question!
Man, where to even start -- because to be honest the differences in how Gil-Galad responds to Celebrimbor and how he responds to Elrond are like, the crux of the fic, in a way.
Here's the thing: Showgalad throughout S1 really strikes me as a deeply entitled and ruthless person, and by ruthless I mean that in the pure sense of the word. He sees he's at point A. He sees point B. He seeks the most efficient/convenient/reliable path to get to point B based off of his understanding of the world, and he takes that path. He makes consistently shitty decisions based off consistently surface-level altruistic motives (usually for 'peace' or 'the good of middle earth' etc. etc.), with underlying selfish motives (let's be honest: shipping Galadriel off to Valinor can be construed as getting rid of a volatile political rival), and that's a character archetype that I love to play with. Every decision Showgalad makes, like sending Galadriel to Valinor, or leaving Elrond out of crucial information regarding the mithril arc, etc. etc. is Showgalad saying over and over I know what's best for the situation, and if I have to manipulate someone to get the best outcome, then so be it. He's very very ends-justify-the-means and he's very "wisest person in the room syndrome". He doesn't consider a lot of subtext or angles.
And the key here for me as a writer when trying to think about Showgalad and how he translates into someone with personal relationships...it's that he isn't irredeemable. That's what makes him so frustrating for me. Partake!Gil also makes consistently shitty decisions or goes about things in horrible ways for consistently surface-level good/reasonable reasons, but underlying selfish ones. He introduced Elrond & Brimby to each other because he saw the chemistry there and thought they'd hit it off (and thought it'd be enjoyable/a good time), when he has sex with Elrond he's not consciously being a dick about it -- so the thought process goes: "Elrond had never once looked unhappy. He had never once protested. He had never once refused...[Gil-Galad] genuinely thought that he would."
Partake!Gil's fatal flaw is arrogance, entitlement, and the refusal to see himself as anything but a good person. Ironically, integrity and communication are important to him. The reason he was able to maintain a healthy relationship with Celebrimbor all those years is that Celebrimbor has the clout and the emotional strength and maturity to be able to communicate. This shows up in its most basic form right at chapter one, when Celebrimbor gets overstimulated and taps out with a brief "enough". And I mean, later when Celebrimbor confronts him about his treatment of Elrond -- once Gil-Galad is cornered about it and has to face facts, he does listen. The problem here is that he's a pragmatist and he doesn't really ever make the time to think deeply about subtext or examine himsef too closely. He's busy and not interested in forming deep attachments because it's not his thing. He expects his partners to communicate clearly, and he is used to partners who communicate clearly.
And yeah, this works GREAT when it comes to his relationship with Brimby, because Brimby has no problem voicing his needs and clearly communicating.
This becomes a HUGE problem when suddenly we throw Elrond into the mix, who has a hero-worship problem, his self-esteem is in the gutter, and he has no idea how to communicate. He's like exhibit a explaining why the absence of 'no' is not the same thing as an enthusiastic 'yes'. Now we've got a situation that just breeds dysfunction. They enable the worst of each other. Gil-Galad doesn't want to take the time to read subtext, think critically, or guide an inexperienced partner. He wants to get his dick wet with a person he enjoys. Elrond is a (very) inexperienced partner who's just happy that the person he adores is giving him the time of day and has no concept of how to communicate the fact that he has needs Gil isn't fulfilling (and even if he did know how to voice them, he wouldn't because his self esteem is in the gutter alskdgh).
And then like you said: there's the issue of respect which is HUGE. Unfortunately showGalad strikes me as the kind of person where you have to clearly demand respect and show why he needs to respect you -- if you don't, well...then he's not going to. Hence the whole situation where in the backstory of the fic, when Elrond & Gil were just getting started, Elrond went "boundaries??? don't know her" and instead of doing the reasonable thing that Celebrimbor did of "hey maybe we should set some," Gil went: "SWEET. No boundaries!"
All that to say I'm really excited for the future chapters of Partake as we transition back to Mithlond. Right now what we're experiencing with Gil is pretty much the knee-jerk reaction to there being boundaries when he's used to having none and he's being a pissbaby about it, but I promise I am strongarming him into doing some Thinking, and I have a lot of communication and more boundary setting between him and Elrond in the future. And also a lot of dysfunction aklsdgh because look, if we're being honest there is just way too much history here for them to be levelheaded and normal when around each other. But as I keep promising: the fic will have a good ending. But unfortunately healing is a non-linear process though and relapses happen often so I won't say there won't be angst & pain & more mistakes made along the way. But another key part of Gil's character is that he does care about Elrond. He is fond of him. Elrond does matter to him. We see that with Showgalad in the finale when Elrond essentially says "do it for me", and Gil does relent and give them that extra bit of time they need to finish the rings. So...I keep holding on to that to inform the final Mithlond arc of Partake. I'm hoping it'll come in handy and I can use the fact that he's actually very fond of Elrond to my advantage!
To be honest in the future I think I'm more likely to write a fic exploring early!Elrond x partake!Gil because I already have ideas about how that whole thing got started, but I can't say that I don't enjoy the dynamic Gil and Brimby have. This probably (definitely) will get worse as we get more seasons of the show! I'm sure I'll end up writing more fic for all of them eventually!
UGH this got huge. tysm for giving me a chance to ramble. This was probably way more than you wanted aldksgh
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loving-jack-kelly · 4 years
i think its so weird how people are highkey mean to matt?? like in the fandom??? people will deadass see matt isolating himself due to self hatred and be like "what a bitch". like both matt and frank pretended to be dead and then showed back up into peoples (specifically karens) lives but people will shit talk matt for it and say shit like "frank would never do that to karen" like frank didnt do the exact same thing and matt was in a fucking coma for half the time he was gone!! and he just survived what was basically a suicide attempt!! jesus christ!!
I think the tone we all need to take with Matt is the same as Foggy snapping “You’re my best friend, asshole!” like yeah. he can be an asshole. he’s done some shitty things to his friends, he’s a nightmare to try and help because he really hates accepting help or love of any kind, and if you take what he says at face value, he comes off as a total dick.
but like....there’s so much more to him than face value? like not only is he one incredibly traumatized individual like the things he went through between the ages of nine and like fifteen alone explain so much about him but also. how many people has he felt die? how many people does he hear in pain every second of every day? how many times has he had it hammered into him, through experience or shitty people around him, that when he shows up, so does suffering. that he brings horrible things into the lives of anybody he lets get close.
when he pushes people away, it isn't because he thinks he’s some saint who works best alone. like he isn’t Mr. incredible up in here saying “I work alone” because of pride or whatever, he knows that what he’s doing is dangerous, and the more people know the worse it gets for them. 
and like....he didn’t choose a lot of his life, you know? he didn’t choose to be able to hear every bit of suffering in hell’s kitchen at all times. he didn’t choose to lose his dad, he didn’t choose to be trained (and indoctrinated) by Stick, he’s just had shitty things happen to him all the time, and that’s gonna leave a mark on him.
so like...yeah. hold him accountable. he owes people in his life an apology, he needs to get better at healthy relationships, but the thing is, he knows it? he doesn't expect them to just accept it and move on without addressing it. he lets Foggy walk away because he knows it’s what’s best for them at the time. he lets Karen be mad at him, he lets her make the choice to not have him in her life when she needs that, because he knows that what he did was shitty. he knows he broke their trust, and he doesn’t expect them to just be fine with him after they find out. like it’s not like he’s some manipulative asshole who’s intentionally causing them pain or trying to excuse everything he’s done, he’s well aware that he’s hurt them and that they deserve to be able to say “no, I’m done, this has to stop.” he lets them do that, because he hates himself as much as he thinks they do. more than they actually do, in fact, because they can at least see the good in him and all he sees is something twisted and evil and uncontrollable that he can barely control.
and yeah! he was unconscious for weeks, and then not only was he so crazy depressed because he’d just lost. everything. Elektra for the second time, and as far as he knows when he wakes up he’s lost his hearing in one ear and practically in the other, which is debilitating because that’s how he navigates his world, and his entire purpose was Daredevil and trying to make a difference and how is he supposed to do that when he can’t walk twenty feet without tripping and falling? and how is he supposed to do anything good when he’s realized he’ll never be content just being Matt Murdock the Lawyer because he needs to be doing something more and yet in the same moment he also thinks that he’ll never get back on his feet well enough to do anything at all. and he’s suicidal, which is terrifying both because he’s never felt this terrible before and because he barely has the tools to comprehend what he’s feeling, and just when he’s starting to feel like maybe, maybe he’s getting there and even if the comfort isn’t enough to make him feel better, at least thinking that he might get Daredevil back is something, that’s when he finds out Fisk is out and that means that so much of what he’s worked for, suffered for, is being undone.
he’s been through so, so much, and every layer of him is some kind of scar, some lingering fear or trauma from something he has no control over, and calling him an asshole without taking any of that into account is just straight up ignoring a pretty big chunk of his character. he doesn’t pretend to be some infallible Jesus figure who’s the savior of hell’s kitchen and can do no wrong. if he did, he would be a total asshole and a much less interesting and likable character, but he doesn’t. he thinks he’s a terrible man trying his best to do something good with what he has, and he hates that he hurts the people he cares about and he hates that he doesn’t ever feel good enough and he hates that he can’t seem to catch a break and he hates himself. he really does hate himself for everything he’s become, because he can’t see the good he’s doing.
also like....Karen and Foggy call him on it constantly. all the time. they don’t let Matt get away with being an asshole or let him use anything as an excuse, you know? they help him, and they love him and try to be there for him and support him, but they also tell him when he’s being an asshole. when he’s hurting them. when he needs to do better. they don’t let him get away with his own self-destructive tendencies and pretend the problems aren’t there, they point them out. they yell at him. they tell him how he’s hurt them with his actions, and not just the suffering he thinks he drags with him wherever he goes. it isn’t like he’s never held accountable by his friends. they don’t enable him, and the narrative really doesn’t ever try to make it seem like “oh foggy is such a terrible person for walking out on Matt” it’s very clear that they both needed to take a step back to heal that relationship, and when they come back together in Defenders and then again in the latter half of season three, it’s obvious that taking some time apart has only let them both realize how much they need each other, and their relationship becomes much healthier. Matt tells Foggy things, Foggy trusts Matt more, and they’re able to work together all the more effectively because of it, and that positive shift wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t been allowed to fight. if Foggy hadn’t been allowed to get angry and need to take time to process away from Matt.
in conclusion yeah, Matt’s an asshole, but who isn’t? especially somebody who’s been through as much as Matt has without ever really having a healthy outlet or a good way to process any of it, because everything has been passed through this filter he has of him being something horrible and evil and irredeemable. like he shouldn’t just be let off the hook for hurting people, but he also isn’t just an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. he’s not some superhero who thinks he’s too good for everyone, so he doesn’t think twice about pushing them away or how his actions will hurt them, he’s pretty much the exact opposite.
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My Rant on that Murphy/Clarke Rant
(Okay this was the thing I put aside after typing up last night because I have more finals to prepare for, but I’m not gonna leave you in ~suspense.)
People may disagree but my biggest frustration with the long time coming Clarke/Murphy bitchfest in 6x02 is how I feel the show is still reeeally strawmanning a lot of issues in its framing to make it look like people are being “unreasonable” and petty in their anger at Clarke.
Murphy brings up four different things to her (five including her abandoning Bellamy) and all of them are *extremely valid* things for him to be harboring a grudge over. But at least two of them are expressed really weirdly?? So we’re not really meant to be on his side as much as we could be IMO, and it’s easy to say he’s just being an ~ungrateful dick for all the times she didn’t almost kill him.
Just to run down the specific callbacks he makes:
1 - The hanging. Right off the bat, I call absolute bullshit on him blaming her *more* than Bellamy suddenly. I believe that he *forgave* Bellamy a long time ago and has put it Extremely Behind Them, so obviously the anger is less fresh there. And I can believe he puts *some* of the blame (maybe even equal blame!) on Clarke for accusing him of killing Wells and turning the crowd against him. But Bellamy has always, always, been the person he held responsible for that, for failing him so horribly there. He hated Bellamy’s justification of “giving the people what they wanted”, he called him a coward and felt it as a massive and traumatic betrayal. Like, he *literally had an elaborate plan to revenge murder him for it* and didn’t have much interest in making Clarke pay the same way. It just feels dramatically OOC to me to hear him say now that Clarke “forced his hand.” She did no such thing!! And the show knows that!! And *Murphy* knows that!!
Like I said, it becomes a strawman argument that is easy for Clarke to get defensive about, even though at heart it’s something I do think he’s justified in being furious about after all this time. Any real weight to it is weakened by the tossed-off way it’s treated like he *doesn’t* care about Bellamy’s role at all anymore and he’s putting it 100% on her. It’s revisionist history, even if just irrationally For The Sake of This Argument about how she keeps ruining his life.
2 - Literally what is he saying about Lexa/Polis? No, this is a genuine question. Because he, uh, got “tied up” twice in quick succession around that time, and the first time was definitely not Clarke’s fault, and the second time definitely WAS. It’s like the scene walks right up to the edge of saying that she left him there after Lexa died, because she didn’t care what happened to him as much as he cared what happened to her, and then Ontari happened to him.
But the scene also... doesn’t explicitly say that, and kinda name-checks Lexa instead just because that’s a Thing We Say To Hurt Clarke’s Feelings, so instead it sounds like he’s just blaming her for Titus beating him up on one of the worst nights of her life that she had zero control over? I mean, that doesn’t make any sense as something Murphy would be mad at her for, the Ontari thing DOES make sense and fit the “disposable pawn” line, but it’s so incoherent what the writers were going for there that I have no idea.
JUST SAY ONTARI’S NAME ONCE and we can have an argument about whether it’s fair for him to blame Clarke or not! But if he’s just saying “it sucked that time we were both hostages and your girlfriend died” like I’m sure most of the general audience heard, that’s definitely unfair and just weird.
3 - God Complex. a.k.a. Emori and the rocket and the “little picture of it in your memory book.” I got nothing to say on this one, I agree completely, people thinking Emori and Murphy should have good feelings toward Clarke because she backed down at the literal last minute from doing something fully irredeemable = my villain origin story. IT’S TRUE AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT, MURPHY. Ahem.
I even love the callback to the drawing, because while I do think that was meant to be a manifestation of Clarke’s guilt, I kinda *love* that Murphy was offended by it? There is nothing cute or sentimental about this ordeal they went through and how vulnerable he was in front of her, because of her. Like, she might as well have drawn him in the tree and he would have the same reaction. So this isn’t a ranty part, that was the one solid point he made and I’ll die on that hill. :p
4 - Bellamy/Bullets/etc. And then he shifts into last season and the post-six-years-later stuff. He’s pissed about being shot, he’s *genuinely* pissed on behalf of Bellamy (who is less pissed on behalf of himself and mostly just wants out of this conversation), and how you feel about all that is however you feel about everyone’s anger at her about last season.
Basically, up until that last part, you have Murphy going off on this *really* interesting riff that was directly prompted by his discomfort at being tied up/in chains, and how much of that sense memory is linked to Clarke for him. She’s the one who put him and Emori on the ladder until he begged and cried and his wrists bled, she’s the one who abandoned him in that tower in Polis learning A Lot about kinky chains, and 130 years ago when they were 17 years old, one minute she was yelling at him for something he didn’t do and the next he had Neck Trauma Forever.
And yeah, most of that wasn’t malicious or even fully intentional on her part. But they’re high among the things that shaped him most in his fucked-up life, and Clarke apologizes lots but she never said she was sorry to him for any of it.
His dislike for her is valid and comes from genuine pain! I like that there was some cohesive attempt to put all of it out there. But I think part of what’s happening with those awkward (1) and (2) points is that the show keeps stacking the deck “against” Clarke in a way that’s completely unsatisfying whether you like or hate her -- piling blame on her for dumb or poorly-argued reasons while *not* effectively holding her accountable & letting her atone for legitimate stuff.
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assetbucky · 7 years
I love how people want diversity in television but a show about an extremely gifted autistic boy is immediately shit on
what are you talking about? tbbt/young sheldon? you mean the series that portrays white male nerds as Above All and Oppressed the Worst, portrays autistic people as a joke, and isn’t even funny?
yeah. yes it is. because it’s shit. because we want actual representation, not stuff that portrays us as inherently horrible people and as jokes
anyway can we cancel them both now, and focus on good autistic rep?
TV-Criminal Minds - Reid is autistic, it’s been implied in series, stated by the actor, considered to be canon by most sources.
TV-Gray’s Anatomy - Dr. Virginia Dixon is a canon autistic woman. It’s stated in show, it shows sensory overload, and she’s a total badass
FILM-Power Rangers (2017) - Billy Cranston is a canon autistic black boy who is literally a superhero, it’s stated in the movie itself, and never shown as a disadvantage?
TV-Bones - Temperance “Bones” Brennan, the title character, is another autistic woman in TV. It isn’t stated in canon (and I’ve heard there’s some iffy stuff re: autism in the show but can’t confirm) but it’s been stated by the creator that she’s based off an autistic friend, he just couldn’t state it before.
BOOK-On The Edge of Gone by Corrine Duyvis, an autistic author, has an autistic girl as the main character. I haven’t read it yet but it seems great. And it’s by an autistic author.
TV-Rick and Morty - In the most recent episode, a brief comment confirmed that Rick is autistic. He’s kind of a dick, but not in an actively harmful way, and he recognizes his dickishness.
See? We’re happy with canon rep, as long as its even half decent. And yes, it’s true that there are autistics like Sheldon. But he’s shown as an irredeemable asshole and his autistic traits are all jokes. 
Also, just a note - I listed these with no help from google (except in spelling). I easily listed 6 pieces of media with canon autistic characters. 4 (maybe 5, im not sure about rick and morty) of them popular enough that nearly anybody you ask, they’ll at least have heard of it before. Yet people still always jump to TBBT/Sheldon when they hear “autism”.
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The Worse Movies I saw in 2018 Part I
I prefer to do this list a little late to get some of the worst movies that came out in December a chance for me to see and hate them, at least that is the excuse I’m using.
10. Ready Player One
               So, I am cheating a bit here because I mainly hated the book, but the movie wasn’t any good either. I guess the best way to compare the two is by comparing the amount of pandering they do. The movie multiplies the amount pandering by ten but then you divide it by a hundred because it has a bigger audience because of this the pandering is more bearable in the movie then it is in the book.
Another good way to show the differences is to show the differences is through well the actual changes from book to movie. One of the biggest changes are the challenges. The first challenge in the book is to make it through the tomb of horrors, which the main character does by himself at level 1. Then to beat the lich at the end of the tomb in a game of arcade Joust. The movie isn’t better but instead of basing the challenge in the movie around sucking the dick of nerd culture the first challenge is just well dumb. In the movie the main character needs to drive backwards to win a race. Now consider that video games have people who test them for a living to make sure these games work there is a huge group of people who the first thing they do when they play a game is see if they can go backwards just to test the game. By the way in the movie it took someone seven years to solve this puzzle too.
               It may be silly to contain a movie on my top 10 worst movies I saw simply because the book was bad but screw it this is my list, and Ready Player One the movie is mediocre in comparison to the shitty book but it’s still a bad movie.
9. Jurassic World Lost Kingdom
               Originally, I wasn’t planning on putting this movie on the list since it’s easy to pick on movie that is designed to be a corporate sell out. Then realized there would be a bunch of movies I would have to remove from this list on that philosophy, so decide this movie deserves a spot here. Spielberg should be laughing at the fact that someone managed to make a Jurassic Park movie worse than Lost World. A Jurassic Park movie in which the good guys justify letting loose a bunch of ferocious dinosaurs on society because the dinosaurs have a right to live too. Just forget the fact that they will massacre a huge number of people who also have the right to live. How do we know the dino’s have a right to live? Well because the girl who is a genetic clone sees herself in them because the dinosaurs are also clones. Like they aren’t trying to even hide that the reason why they can’t kill the dinosaurs is because they need to make sequels.
               The bad guys are super irredeemably stupid and of course they then die in humiliating ways, and I can’t honestly believe that some of them don’t see their death coming. In what must be the dumbest black-market auction idea ever the bad guys have a bunch of villainous people come over to their mansion in which the murderous dinosaurs are stored to be sold to these people. Like hey guys come over to my mansion full of killer dinosaurs we will a party while we sell them to you. I think if they thought about it there was a safer way to do this sale of killer dinosaurs. I don’t know maybe they could have done it all online like most black-market sales do?
And who still thinks the Weyland Yutani idea of owning the most highly evolved killing machine, that is uncontrollable, is smart idea and while I’m at it who thinks Umbrella Corp ideas are any good as well. Well I invite you to go dumber than them. See, while these two evil corporations that constantly make or try to control evil and super strong next phase of evolution kill everything virus, aliens, or monster then try to make these things into weapons and somehow don’t see how this could bite them in the ass. They are at least super corporation and using that structure of a giant corporation to contain their abominations. In Jurassic Park Fallen Kingdom a dude decides to make a super raptor in his mansion and sell it. This ends badly and nobody in the audience will ever be surprised by this ending badly even the kids know this is a bad idea. Don’t watch this movie you have already seen this movie done better.
8. Death Wish (2018)
               Bruce Willis is the only good part about this movie, but of course he isn’t the only part of the movie and he isn’t even always great in it. This was may be the most confusing movie I saw this year not because it was a hard plot to follow but because I don’t know why this movie exist or what it was trying to accomplish. Why did they decide to remake Death Wish? Was there supposed to be some sort of political statement was there not supposed to be political commentary? Was this supposed to be high drama or high action movie? What was the point of this movie why does it exist, I just don’t understand! It felt like the director was unsure of his own wok, but at the same time he seemed overly confidant in his poor choices in making this movie.
When you remake a movie that was beloved in its time you should be trying to improve the original concept or give it a different outlook. This movie is just a worse version of Death Wish and doesn’t really do anything interesting. In fact, I wonder why this movie had to be a Death Wish remake or even have the same title as Death Wish. I would enjoy this movie more if it was Die Hard 6 or something instead. That would be so much easier to justify and maybe even make it easier for it to be more fun and stupid. As it stands this movie was a boring mess. I really don’t have much more to say than that.
7.Truth or Dare
                I actually love this movie which is why it isn’t higher on the list. There is nothing scary about this scary movie and the attempts they make to scare you are only made funnier by their horrible filter Instagram face effects. I really want to know who saw that effect and said yeah that’s creepy make a movie about it. I want that person to make more “horror” movies.
               What’ better than the horrible effects is when this movie write itself into a corner and then tries to somehow miraculously get out of it without any though on how this miracle comprise the movie. Like how a character will be dared to kill the main character because I don’t know, no reasons given, so for the main character live some side character jumps, or stumbles, in front of the gun and gets shot instead. Then because character with a gun failed to shoot the main character she instantly gets possessed and kills herself.
Yes, she gets possessed you read that right. What, I failed to mention is that the reason any of this happens is because a demon possessed a game of truth or dare and will force people to play. Don’t play you die fail the dare or don’t tell the truth and you die. To make matters worse some genius thought the game would be more fun if there were moments when you were forced to take a dare, so now sometimes someone has to choose dare instead of truth.
To make matters worse (or from my personal view better) near the end of the movie they are about to exercise the demon, and someone choose to take a dare and then refuse to do the dare. This should mean game is over since now the demon has to kill this person and let the exorcism be completed. Thus, say the rules the demon has followed. What happens, and spoilers by the way, is the demon possess the guy who didn’t take the dare and leaps the person needed for the exorcism and then kills the mcguffin character and finally kills the person who refused the dare, thus the demon breaks his own rules. Now consider the scenario above in which a person is dared to kill the main character and fails so the demon takes over and kills the person failed the dare. Now the question is raised if the demon wanted to kill the main character then why should the demon have not just shot the main character then the person who failed the dare? There was nothing stopping the demon from doing this. In conclusion, this a really poorly written movie and its only number seven because it is a funny poorly written movie.
6. Clover Field Paradox
               I feel everyone forgot about this movie because of Bright, but I didn’t forget, and I didn’t watch Bright. So, let’s have a movie with an almost cosmic horror-set up but then do nothing with this build-up of humanity seeking for knowledge that we shouldn’t have. Then let’s have a Hadron Collider make a tear in dimensions to release a bunch of nightmarish monsters that we never get to see until the very end of the movie. Don’t worry though, to make things interesting we will have the crew just jump to a different reality through the tear, but instead of going somewhere interesting we have them simply go to an almost completely similar reality except they failed to get the Hadron Collider to work. We could have them go literally anywhere else the possibilities are endless, but no. At one point though the movie even seems to try to do something cool by doing some crazy Event Horizon shit. By having the ship seem to be attacking the crew but instead of focusing on this the movie just kind of forgets about this. Also, there is no reason for the ship attacking and killing the crew.
The main villain, in fact, ends up being a crew member from the alternate dimension not an alien or cool monster just some lady with a gun she arguably shouldn’t have. This is because this movie isn’t about cool sci-fi monster but is about a poor political subtext on the doom of humanity if we cannot work together to get a better fuel resource and we end up running out of gas. That subtext is the main conflict for the whole movie. Why are we up in space? Because gas. Why did the alternative dimension team fail? Because wars over gas. Why are there monster in Cloverfield? Because Hadron Collider.
The balls of this movie to have such freedom to do such an interesting thing with dimension hopping in space and monsters from another dimension, yet what they decide to do is the most boring thing they could have done with this set up. When they decide to through in a tie in to the Cloverfield monsters at the end of the movie and using one line at the beginning of the movie to justify this it becomes obvious that this movie is just lazy. Welcome to this list Cloverfield Paradox. Hopefully, you ended this Cloverfield movie franchise thing, so we don’t get something worse from Cloverfield later.
5.The Darkest Minds
               Hahahahahahahahahahahah. This movie is great. It’s the ultimate young adult (YA) cash grab movie of the year. It even has a sorting system like Harry Potter, but that sorting system is allegory for racism and involves mutant kids in concentration camps. You know all the things YA novels need… right? These mutant kids are like x-men mutants, but more boring because they all kind of have the same powers. One group of kids is super smart, another use electricity and a third group control’s the world. References to Harry Potter and Star Wars are also used to help the audience know that the directors/characters are hip to current pop culture. As well as there being a forced romantic relationship between a girl whose only personality trait is that she lacks self-esteem and a guy who is kind of, but not really, edgy. Fuck, this movie even has a shopping montage in it.
               We need go back a bit and tackle one of the dumber points. I earlier mentioned how you would get a house assigning thing applied to you but instead of a sorting hat this sorting method gives you a color and is supposed to be allegory to racism, thus it being a color. To explain how this system works you would be assigned a color based on your super power so if you were super smart you would be green for example. They would then sort you in the not concentration camp (but its totally a concentration camp) by your color. Allegory is ham fisted here but it at least works. Once you get outside the concentration camp everyone will call you a green or ask what your color is, and you will answer that it is green. Now this could be allegory for how racial discrimination can come to define others, and how labels that are given never truly go away. Unfortunately, that’s not how the movie handles it. The movie seems to look at it like kids would say I’m a green just like they would say I’m a Ravenclaw, I’m a member of district 9, I’m part of the Athena’s house, or I’m whatever Divergent was. So, this allegory for racism is also supposed to be like house sorting in the positive pop culture connotation. Which is idiotic because those two things don’t really mesh, and it feels like the movie wants to have its cake and eat it too.
Then again this could also be commentary on how schools label the gifted and thus limit them, but it runs it the same problem of the kids labeling themselves and embrace the labels even when they have the freedom not to.
               Not to mention all the hammy acting plot lines that disappear or go nowhere. The fact that a 17-year-old girl kills a woman in a horrifying fashion but that is fine because the woman who was killed was evil. There is also a final fight that is so over the top stupid it bounces back to being kind of cool.
Despite this being a bad movie I suggest watching it with a lot of friends and a lot of alcohol.
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