#like when misha was curled up on her bed and it was winter and i could tell she was cold
sereniv · 2 months
such a wonderful feeling, doing something for an animal and seeing them appreciate it
0 notes
hawksward · 3 years
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Ch. 1: Push/Pull (Childe/OC)
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Since being granted a vision at the tender age of 10, Irina has owed her life to the Tsaritsa and dedicated herself to rising through the ranks of the Fatui. In becoming a top-ranking diplomat she's received her easiest assignment yet: ensure the 11th Fatui Harbinger remains ignorant of La Signora's plan to obtain the gnosis of Rex Lapis. A simple task for someone who's made a career out of lying.
Unfortunately, even the simplest tasks can go awry when feelings get in the way.
Rating: E (For eventual smut)
Warnings: None that I can think of for this chapter, there will eventually be smut
Banner credit goes to @shinsotired because I'm incapable of art.
Cold. She couldn’t remember the last time she wasn’t cold. At first, the nerves in her fingertips were screaming, the skin exposed through the holes in her worn gloves. But now it was different.
The cold had faded into warmth as she laid on the ground in the alley. At first, it was uncomfortably hot. So hot she wanted to strip off her already thin winter coat and hat. But now it was pleasantly warm. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this way.
But it wasn’t right. It couldn’t be.
The snow seemed to fall in waves, flakes occasionally falling into her eyes. The girl flexed her fingers before closing her eyes, they were becoming harder and harder to move.
I’m dying
The thought echoed in her head. She couldn’t decide if she was scared or relieved. If she died there would be no more suffering. Tears slipped out of her eyes, freezing on her cheeks.
I can’t. Not here. Not like this.
She curled herself into a ball. Clenching her fists as tight as she could to stay awake. She desperately tried to conserve what little body heat she had left.
The voices were faint at first, two men engaging in idle chatter as they strolled through the alley. One man’s footsteps stopped short when he saw her, much to the dismay of his partner.
“Leave it Misha. Street kids die every day here.” His foot pushed her from her side onto her back. She could barely open her eyes, any energy she had for defiance long gone. She immediately knew the man by his mask. Fatui.
“She’s holding something.” Misha reached down to pry open her clenched fist.
Her palm was soaked in blood around an object she knew she wasn’t holding before. Although she couldn’t quite make out what it was from her angle, she noticed the man’s eyes go wide.
“How many street kids do you know who have been blessed by the Tsaritsa?”  He plucked the object from her hand and held it to the lamplight. A cryo vision.
“What’s your name, child?”
Her voice came as a whisper
Ch. 1:
The wind in Liyue Harbor was far milder than the chill winds in Snezhnaya. The boat journey was amicable, albeit long, and she would be in Liyue for the foreseeable future. Even from the docks, she could tell. The whole city was in chaos.
Only a day passed since the Rite of Descension, a disaster of epic proportions, and it was clear there were still no answers.
Irina leaned over the side of the boat, watching the fish scatter as the anchor plummeted into the sand below. Men hurried into the boat the moment the gangplank fell, eager to unload the crates of liquor shipped from the motherland.
Pushing herself off the rail, Irina made her way down the gangplank. She knew next to nothing about her assignment. Only that Rex Lapis was dead and there was now a sea of red tape between the Tsaritsa and the gnosis.
“I trust you’re our new diplomat?”
Her attention was brought to the man before her. He had half a head of height on her with bright auburn hair and even brighter blue eyes. It was clear from what he was wearing that he was Fatui.
“Yes. I’ve been sent by Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, to aid in the issue with the exuvia.” She held out her hand for a handshake only for the man to hold her hand to his lips, placing a small kiss before releasing.
“I’m Childe. We’ll be working closely together while you’re here in Liyue. Not like I needed the assistance, I have the situation under control.”
She wasn’t surprised that he was less than excited for her arrival, she didn’t climb through the ranks to take easy assignments.
“Aster.” It was an alias of course, she couldn’t remember the last time she used her real name. “You must be Tartaglia then. Don’t mind me. I’m here to help grease the bureaucratic gears. I won’t be interfering with your bank loan operation.”
Irina knew that the Northland Bank was a large source of revenue for the Tsaritsa in Liyue. She also knew that their interest rates and collection practices were less than ethical. Not like it was any of her concern.
The smile on Childe’s face faltered for only a second, but it was enough to betray his false hospitality. He was a harbinger, most Fatui agents and diplomats alike wouldn’t dare talk to him in that manner. But most diplomats weren’t hand chosen by the Tsaritsa herself.
“Well Aster, I’m sure you’re tired from the journey but why don’t I show you around and get you acquainted with the members of the Northland Bank, where you’ll be stationed. As your superior officer allow me to give you the grand tour”
His words weren’t lost on her. Although she wouldn’t be reporting to him on her assignment she needed to appear like she was. She couldn’t have him asking questions.
“Of course, Lord Tartaglia ” the words rolled off her tongue like venom “Please lead the way.”
It was clear from the endless amount of stairs he had her climb to the Yujing Terrace that he was looking to torture her. Nothing about the tour was optimal and only served to exhaust her further.
“Don't tell me you’re getting tired already!” Childe was beaming from ear to ear
She wanted to stab him. They had gone back and forth to a new landmark, each somehow across the city from the other, for the better part of 3 hours. And while she was in shape, she didn’t have an elite soldier’s stamina. Nor did Childe have to make the trek in heels.
“Of course not, I’m ready to experience all the city has to offer” She put on her most charming smile. She wouldn’t let him best her, especially not so early in the game.
Childe laughed before waving her over to the nearby railing. The view from the terrace was beautiful. From the top of the city was a view of the harbor. The streets below just beginning to light the lanterns for the night.
“I see you know how to make an impression” Irina smiled to herself as she drank in the view.
“What can I say? I have many talents.” He leaned against the rail, his eyes trained on her. “One of them is sensing bullshit. So why don’t you tell me why you’re really here.”
Irina raised an eyebrow, turning her attention to the man before her. “I’m here because the Tsaritsa is unimpressed at how long it’s taking you to complete your mission. Signora obtained her gnosis within a week of arriving in Mondstat.”
“Signora didn't have to contend with a dead Barbatos.” He countered
“If you think you can do this on your own then by all means be my guest.” Irina pushed herself off the rail, “But as of today all matters dealing with the Liyue Qixing will be handled by me. If you take issue with that you’re free to look through the paperwork I brought with me.”
Childe had no retort, but it was clear that she struck a nerve by comparing him to Signora. It didn’t matter. She would complete her mission as soon as possible and then leave Liyue for her next assignment. which would hopefully not involve the 11th harbinger.
“Well then. Allow me to escort the lady to the Northland Bank. Ekaterina has prepared the small office for your arrival.”
Childe didn’t lie when he said the office was small. Her office was a glorified storage closet on the upper level of the bank, barely large enough to fit a reasonably sized oak desk already stacked with paperwork. She knew when she wasn’t meeting with the Qixing she would be expected to help out with administrative work for the bank.
She didn’t expect for her superior  to drop all of his work on her as well.
Before he left for the night he tossed a map her way, a large red x marking where her accommodations would be. She was mildly surprised he hadn’t offered to walk her to the inn to keep tabs on her. Then again the Fatui presence in the city was nothing to scoff at, someone would see her eventually and most likely report back.
Thankfully the inn wasn’t difficult to find, centered in the middle of the merchant district. Accommodations weren’t large by any means, but the warm wood and red bedding were lush and inviting.
What little luggage she brought on the boat was tucked away in the corner, next to a small bathroom. She never carried much, even a small suitcase seeming excessive after growing up with nothing.
Irina glanced at the clock sitting on the dresser. Currently 11 pm. She needed to be at Liuli pavilion in 3 hours. She changed out of her clothes for something that didn’t scream ‘Fatui agent skulking around at all hours of the night’.
Liuli Pavillion definitely looked closed. Irina passed maybe two people on her way from the inn to the restaurant, both of whom were definitely too drunk to remember anyone who passed them by.
Irina checked her surroundings before knocking on the door twice, followed by a brief pause, followed by four more times. She could hear footsteps coming from inside before unlocking the door.
“Can I help you? We’re closed” a middle-aged man looked her up and down, a scowl on his face
“I’m here with the jueyun chili order.”
“Already got it last week.” He barked
“Yes, but this order is a special delivery from Qingce Village.”
The man gave a curt nod before stepping out of the way. The windows in the restaurant were tightly drawn shut, locking in the dim candlelight. Irina made her way to the voices coming from the adjacent room.
The room held a small square table, one seat was filled by a dark haired man in an expensive looking suit. The other was filled with none other than the 8th harbinger herself.
“You’re late.” She didn’t bother to look up as she took a sip from her glass of wine “Sit down, we don’t have much time.”
Irina sat down as the man from the door placed a glass of wine in front of her. She took a small sip, locking eyes with the dark haired man across the table. Was Signora going to make an introduction or not?
“This is my subordinate, Aster. She’ll be your point of contact for all things related to the contract” Signora began “Aster, this is Zhongli, you may know him better as Rex Lapis”
Irina nearly choked on her drink. She knew the anemo archon, Barbatos, had taken on a human form before having his gnosis taken. But she never imagined she’d see another archon in the flesh. The Tsaritsa living among her people wasn’t exactly common.
“It’s an honor to meet you, sir.” She wasn't sure how to respond. Clearly he didn’t want many to know if he was going by a different name. But was it alright to treat him like a normal person?
“None of that. In this form, I am simply Zhongli, consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.” He gave a small, polite smile before sipping from his wine “Not to mention going forward we’ll be colleagues.”
“Listen closely because I’m only going to explain this once.” Signora reclined back in her seat, her fierce gaze not once leaving Irina, “The Tsaritsa has signed a contract with Rex Lapis for procurement of the gnosis. Since I can’t be in the city without drawing attention, you will be my proxy. You will tell absolutely no one of the contract nor about Zhongli’s identity. Do you understand?”
“Of course Lady Signora. I will maintain the utmost discretion.”
“Good. Since you’ll be doing it anyway, I want a report on anything you can discern from the Qixing as well.” The tall blonde woman stood from her chair, turning her back momentarily before returning her focus to Irina. “One last thing. If Tartaglia so much as develops an idea of what’s happening here consider yourself out of a job.”
Irina rose from her chair to give her a nod and a salute before the other woman left the restaurant. She had no intention of failing a mission, but it was clear that Signora would rip her entire life out from under her faster than she could blink if she did.
“Please, enjoy the glass of wine with me before you leave.” Zhongli motioned for her to return to her seat “We should get to know each other since we’ll be working closely together. Not to mention it is a vintage.”
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waywardnerd67 · 5 years
At Both Ends
Title: At Both Ends Square Filled: Spitroasting Pairing: Misha x Reader x Jensen Characters: Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, Reader Warnings: Fluff/Smut Summary: (Y/N) arrives home to find an early Christmas present from her boyfriend. Word Count: 2397 Created for: @spnkinkbingo
Check Out: SPN Kink Bingo Masterlist
She walked into her home after a long day of teaching high school students grateful that Winter Break had arrived. (Y/N) noticed the lights were already on and heart began to race. She dropped her things at the door rushing into the living room to find the one person she wanted to see most.
There stood Misha Collins, jeans and a t-shirt covering his tall muscular body. His dark chocolate hair unruly messy and his piercing blue eyes shining as a wide smile spread across his face. “Hey baby.” He said as she ran to him launching herself into his arms.
“Mish! I missed you so much handsome.” She said as he twirled her around. Setting her down, he leaned in kissing her deeply making her knees weak.
When he pulled away she saw something mischievous in his eyes. He was smiling down at her with a big goofy grin that instantly made her worry. “Misha… what did you do?” she asked stepping away from him.
His laugh filled the room as he walked over grabbing the two glasses of wine she had not noticed on the counter. Now she was definitely worried about whatever he was scheming in his head. She took a glass from him taking a long drink letting the wine soothe her nerves that were building up.
“I brought home an early Christmas gift for you that I was hoping we could open tonight.” He said a faint blush touching his cheeks as he spoke.
The gift must have been something he was worried about her reacting too and she took a deep breath before speaking, “Misha, I’m sure whatever it is I will love it. Why are you so worried?”
He walked over to where the garage entrance was opening the door. (Y/N) thought for a moment a dog with a big red bow was going to come trotting out and she bounced excitedly on the balls of her feet. Instead, she was stunned to see Misha’s co-star, Jensen Ackles, walk into the room with a bow tied around his chest. He was smiling nervously at her as he stood next to Misha.
“W-What is going on?” she asked her body trembling suddenly.
(Y/N) knew Jensen was happily married with kids. Danneel was one of (Y/N)’s friends and she loved her like a sister so seeing her husband wrapped up for her sent mixed signals throughout her body. Misha slowly approached her as if he moved to quickly it would spook her.
“(Y/N), I know you have been harboring a huge crush on Jensen for a long time even before you met me. That is the whole reason why you started watching the show was because you have been a fan of his.” He began saying as she nodded.
It was true, (Y/N) had been a fan of Jensen’s since he was on Dark Angel. She had met Misha during a convention that she went to in order to meet Jensen. When she hit it off with Misha they ended up on a date and had been together ever since. To her, Jensen was just one of her friends and she adored him along with his family. However, her attraction to him never went away.
Misha ran his fingers down her arm to her hand pulling her closer to him and to Jensen, “We’ve been talking about living out our fantasies and I thought I would help fulfill one of yours. I approached Jensen about this months ago and he discussed it with Danneel who thought it was a great idea. Baby, what are thinking right now?” he asked.
(Y/N) looked from Misha to Jensen and back, “I think I need another drink. Whiskey this time.”
Jensen walked over to their small bar grabbing a few glasses pouring them each a drink. Handing it to her, she flinched slightly when their fingers brushed against one another. “I know you’re feeling uneasy about this. I felt the same when Misha approached me about it as well. It wasn’t until after talking with Danneel that was a little more comfortable with the idea.”
(Y/N) scoffed, “Seriously? Danneel is okay with her husband sleeping with another woman?” she asked
“Danneel and I have a kind of open relationship. We love one another deeply, but we also believe that love is meant to be shared with more than one person forever. We are committed to one another completely. However, this isn’t the first time I’ve done this before.” Jensen explained looking away bashfully.
(Y/N)’s eyes widen as realization hit her, “Jared and Gen? Really?” she asked as he nodded. She sat back downing her drink and pouring herself another one, “Wow.” She muttered.
The two men next to her chuckled and downed their own drinks. (Y/N) was lost in her thoughts debating on rather or not this should happen. Sure, fantasizing about your boyfriend’s co-worker was normal but living it out was a whole not can of worms. She jumped slightly when Jensen’s hand covered her own.
“No harm, no foul if you don’t want this to happen. I have a hotel room all ready for me and I will travel back to Austin in the morning. For what it’s worth, you’re not the only one who has fantasized about this.” His admission had her eyes snapping up to his as he gave her a breathtaking smile.
(Y/N) got up standing in front of Jensen as he leaned back in his chair and she pulled the ribbon untying it the bow around his chest. Looking down at him, she bit her lip nervously as he stood up brushing his body against hers. “Is that a yes?” he asked his voice low and husky.
She nodded as he leaned down pressing his full, soft lips against hers. (Y/N) knew Jensen would be an amazing kisser but he was beyond anything she could have imagined. He wrapped her arms around his neck running his hands down her curvy sides.
She pulled away from Jensen leaning her head back against Misha’s shoulder when she felt his lips on her neck. His large hand reached around between her legs rubbing her mound leisurely as she moaned against Jensen’s lips kissing him once again.
Misha pulled away from her bringing her hand into his, “Come on baby, let’s move this to a more comfortable spot.”
(Y/N) was breathing heavily as she grabbed Jensen’s hand leading him towards their bedroom. Misha already had candles all set up around the room. He pulled out a book of matched walking around lighting each one then turning off the overhead lights.
She looked over to Jensen whose features were more striking in the candlelight. The way his eyes traveled to length of her body gave her a surge of confidence. Walking over to him, she began to unbuckle his belt and he pulled his shirt over his head. (Y/N) could not help but run her hands down his firm chest and stomach.
Jensen’s hand slipped behind her head pulling her lips to his again. As her hands went to his pants, she felt Misha pulling her shirt from behind her. She lifted her arms up allowing the sudden cold air hitting her blistering skin made her shiver. Jensen’s lips moved down her jaw to her neck as Misha’s hands cupped her breasts pushing her bra above them.
(Y/N) undid Jensen’s pants slipping one hand down over his thick length, “Fuucck…” she moaned feeling how hard he was already. He chuckled against her neck before pushing his jeans down his legs. She reached her other hand behind her to Misha.
She was stroking him over his jeans his familiar hardness in her hand made her relax immediately. Misha was rolling her nipples between his fingers as Jensen kissed down her body as Misha held one of her breasts for his mouth to latch onto. Her body was filled with all kinds of emotions and her mind was cloud with pleasure from the two men worshipping her body.
“Misha… please…” was all she could get out as Jensen flicked his tongue over her nipple.
Misha knew her body so well that really no words were needed for him to know what she wanted. He undid her pants dragging them down her legs along with her soaking panties. Misha kissed along her body chuckling, “Jensen, she’s soaked. Have a feel of her.” He said turning her around to face him.
His mouth was on hers biting on her lower lip. She felt Jensen’s thick finger reach around her parting her slick lips. She groaned into Misha’s mouth and spread her legs a little further for Jensen. He took his hand along her ass and then pushed them inside her.
“SHIT!” he cried out breaking the kiss with Misha.
Jensen growled against her neck, “Oh Misha, you were right. She is practically dripping for us.”
He was pumping his fingers in and out of her and it was taking all her strength to hold onto Misha’s shoulders to stay upright. Misha began rubbing her aching clit accelerating her need for a release. The way they worked together on her was overwhelming and the coil within her was ready to snap.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck, I’m coming!” she yelled out as Jensen curled his fingers within her and Misha rubbed against her harder. She was seeing spots as she rode out her orgasm from the two men.
Both of their mouths were on her kissing her and Jensen brought his sticky fingers to her lips. Tasting herself on him nearly made her come again adding on the groan escaping his lips. “Misha, I think I need her to suck my cock, that alright?” he asked making her whimper.
“I was thinking I needed to be buried deep in her soaking pussy. Baby, you think you have it in you to take care of us both? If you need some time just let us know.” Misha’s voice was filled with concern. He could tell she was slightly overwhelmed.
(Y/N) crawled slipped between them crawling onto the bed keeping herself up on all fours. She wiggled her ass in the air as she patted the bed in front of her. Jensen laid down in front of her after slipping off his boxers. Her mouth watering seeing his hard, thick cock standing waiting for her attention.
She ran her tongue along the underside him while holding the base of his length. Jensen let out a long satisfying groan. Misha chuckled, “Dude, the things she can do with that mouth will ruin you forever.”
Jensen laughed running his fingers through her hair affectionately as she listened to Misha shedding his clothes behind her. She twirled her tongue around his swollen head before sinking down on his shaft. “Christ!” Jensen called out as she took him completely in her mouth.
“Told you.” Misha said before kneeling behind her running his tongue along her lips.
She moaned against Jensen’s cock making him twitch on her tongue. She released his length with a pop stroking him with her hand. “Damn it, Misha if you don’t put your cock into me I’m going to ride Jensen like a damn horse.” She demanded as both men laughed.
Misha aligned himself with her and pushed every glorious inch into her slowly. (Y/N)’s head fell forward onto Jensen’s stomach moaning incoherently. Jensen rolled out of bed surprising (Y/N) by standing in front of her. His large hand gripping his cock as his other hand grabbed her hair. She knew what was coming next and she clenched her walls around Misha tightly.
Jensen pushed his cock into her mouth hitting the back of her throat. She held onto the edge of the bed as Jensen thrusted into her mouth as Misha slammed into from behind. “Fuck Jensen, she really likes you doing that. She squeezing the shit out of my cock.”
She moaned when Jensen’s cock was deep in her mouth feeling his hand trembling in her hair. The two men hit the perfect rhythm bring her closer and closer to a second orgasm. Jensen was thick in her mouth close as well and she knew Misha was about ready to explode. Misha came first calling out her name pumping into her until he has filled her completely.
(Y/N) brought her hand up gently gathering Jensen’s sack massaging it as it tightened in her palm. “Fuck! Just like that (Y/N).” he grunted as he came down her throat. She was so close to an orgasm but did not say anything as both men withdrew from her. “Misha, look at her. We need to take care of her.” Jensen said as Misha rolled her onto her back.
Jensen sat behind her with his legs on either side of her. Misha lapped at her slick lips making her whimper. His tongue flicking over her clit as he pushed two fingers inside of her. Jensen leaned down pressing his lips below her ear. His hands kneading her breasts as he whispered to her.
“Feel how good Mish’s fingers feel in you. How good his tongue makes your clit flutter? Come on baby girl, grinded yourself against his face.” She was panting as her body followed Jensen’s commands. “That’s is baby girl, feel that coil deep within you tightening. So, wound up that it could snap at any moment.”
(Y/N)’s head was pressed firmly against Jensen’s shoulder as she grabbed a hold of Misha’s hair grinding against his face shamelessly. “Oh god… please… I need to come. Misha… Jensen, PLEASE!” she begged.
Misha pumped his fingers in her mercilessly as Jensen rubbed her clit with one hand. “Come now.” They both said, and she cried out as pleasure filled every fiber of her body. She was trembling against them both as her body came down from the mind-blowing orgasm.
Misha crawled up her body kissing her then pulled her against him snuggling her. She felt Jensen getting up and reached out grabbing his arm gently. (Y/N) looked to Misha asking, “Is it alright for Jensen to stay? I would rather like if he did.”
She looked to Jensen smiling as he smirked, “I’m good with it if you are Mish.”
Misha nodded as both men snuggled against her, “Anything for you baby. Merry Christmas.”
“A very merry Christmas indeed.” She said falling into a peaceful night of sleep.
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @carryonmywaywardcaptain @ladywinchester1967 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @mirandaaustin93 @spnbaby-67 @time-travel-bouqet @1967-essentialghoul @dean-winchesters-bacon @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31 @srsllydunnodoncare @whimsicalrobots @thisismysecrethappyplace @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @adoptdontshoppets @mrswhozeewhatsis @bella-ca @drakelover78 @imascio08 @pisces-cutie @dwgrl1903 @mannls @the-salty-asian @winchesterprincessbride @xostephanie @klanceiscannon14 @superromijn @witch-of-letters @screechingartisancashbailiff @myinconnelly1 @sister-winchesters99 @thekatherinewinchester @babykalika2001 @maddiepants @tumbler-tidbits @sandlee44
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 38
The ride back to the apartment is quiet. Jared knows he had given me a lot to think about and that is exactly what I am doing.
The way I have pushed Jensen away, not letting him in. Grieving for the child I lost; no, WE lost. The baby was as much his as it was mine. And in my grieving and pushing him out, I hadn't even considered he's been grieving just as much. And in his mourning, he still tried to take care of me. Making sure I ate, making sure I stayed healthy for our other son.
By the time we pull into the lot for the apartment, I have made a decision. I am going to apologize profusely for shutting him out. I am going to prove to Jay I still love him and need him.
Jared shifts into park and I turn to look at him. He smiles timidly. I can tell he is afraid he'd overstepped boundaries by giving me "the talk".
"Jared, thank you. Thank you for pampering me with a trip to the spa," I tell him. "And thank you immensely for opening up and telling me about your struggles." I reach over and grab his hand,  holding it in mine. "You made me realize that I'm not in this alone."
"No, you're not Drea. We are all here for you. You are a friend to me and Gen and we hate seeing you have to go through this. We are here for both you and Jay. For whatever.  Need a shoulder to cry on? I can take it. Need a day away? Well, as you can see I'm  comfortable with that." His smile widens. "Just don't ask me to get my nails done," he says chuckling, causing me to laugh.
"Oh no. Hair, makeup and nails are more Gen's venue, I know."
"So glad that's cleared up," he says,  mocking relief. "Now, go on. Get out of here and reconcile with your man. "
I lean over and kiss his cheek before opening the door and sliding out. I look up at the building in front of me and sigh. 'Let's go make this right', I think to myself.
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The apartment door is unlocked so I walk in, sitting my purse on the little table beside the entryway. I walk through to the kitchen and see Jay sitting there, his back to me. I lean against the jamb and watch. His shoulders are slumped and shaking; he’s crying. I stand there, feeling terrible. He thinks he has to hide his grief from me! Well I guess that is understandable, in my anguish he didn’t want to add to it.
I walk up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder, noticing the first ultrasound picture of the boys; the one from when it was revealed that there were two boys. He had been staring at it, I know.  Jensen jumps and quickly wipes his face. He turns toward me and the look on his face breaks my heart. His eyes are red-rimmed and beginning to get bloodshot; his tears dried on his cheeks, a faint flush covering them. “Sorry Drea. I didn’t hear you come in. How was your day with Jared?”
"Jay,” I sigh out “I know I have no right to ask you to forgive me. I've pushed you away and only thought about my own pain. I was selfish to not think about how you were grieving and yet you still stayed strong and tried to help me during this dark time,” I explain as I sit on the chair next to him, taking his hand from his thigh and holding it between mine. “But I want to say I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. I shouldn't be pushing you away; I should be pulling you closer. We should be working through this together and if you can forgive me I would really like to try and do that.
“We both lost a child. It wasn’t just me, it wasn’t just you and I want us to mourn together, get through this together. I love you so much.”
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Jensen listened to me intently as I talked, telling him how sorry I was for my actions. As I finished, his lips curled into a small smile., the crinkles appearing on each side of his eyes. He leans forward, his free hand cupping my jaw. “I love you Drea. So much!  I know this has been hard on you. Even more than me but I am here for you. I just want to hold you and comfort you. You’re right, we need to get through this together. I’ve held back around you but it’s killing me to see you in pain and to know there is nothing I can do to take it all away. And I’ve heard your cries. I’ve heard your thoughts. This was not your fault, honey. The doctor said that there really is no explanation for what happened. It was nothing you did or didn’t do,” he continues as his thumbs wipes away the tears sliding down my face. “Don’t cry baby. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Jensen stands up and tugs me out of the chair, pulling my body to his. “We will get through this. Yes, we lost a baby. Yes, we are both hurting. But together we will survive.” I lay my head against his chest and feel his lips on the crown of my head. I look up to him, green eyes meet green eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lowers his head, lightly placing his lips on mine. “Together,” I whisper against them.
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Two days later, the network called and demanded the guys return to Vancouver to resume filming. Jensen didn’t want to leave but I assured him that I was in a much better frame of mind and promised to keep him updated and informed whenever I felt down or sad.
I joined Gen and the boys at their house to see Jensen and Jared off. After the guys left, we began making plans to get us moved into our new place so when they came home for winter hiatus, Jensen and I could finally have a place to call our own. Gen suggested hiring movers to do the job since neither one of us were in a position to carry heavy boxes or furniture.The weekend before Thanksgiving, almost three weeks after the loss, all our belongings had been transferred to the new place.
With the weather being unseasonably warm, Gen and I were lounging on the back patio while Tom and Shep ran around in the backyard, finding bugs and chasing the birds that dared to land. I watched and laughed as Shep on his wobbly legs tried to catch a butterfly. “He’s determined to get it,” Gen chuckled.
“Yea,” I answered. “It’s cute. And Tom catching and showing him. You’re lucky they are so close in age. Got someone to play and grow up with.”
Gen turned to me, the look in her eyes as she realized what I was talking about. “Drea, do I need to call Jay? Are you going dark on me?”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “No. Nothing like that. Just observing.” I glanced up at the cloudless sky. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. You know you can.”
“Would it be wrong for me to want some type of memorial for him? Not like a headstone or anything creepy like that,” I quickly rectified.  “Just something that in a few years I can tell him that he had a twin and show him something, you know? All I have now is the ultrasound picture.”
“Honestly, Drea? I think that is a great idea.  And if you think it will help you to heal, then I say who cares what other people think, do it! What are you thinking?”
“I don’t really know,” I answered her, giggling. “Like I want something to memorialize him but not be completely morbid. I have no idea.”
“Listen, I think it’s an excellent idea. And I think you should go with it. You and Jay can have a private memorial here at home, just the two of you.”
“You think he’ll think I’m crazy?”
“Not at all, darlin’.”
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Two days before Thanksgiving I find myself sitting the Padalecki’s SUV in the pick-up lane at the airport awaiting Jensen and Jared’s return; Gen was inside, watching for the guys while her sons slept in the backseat.  With it being a holiday week, it was decided that I would wait in the SUV until they grabbed their luggage and made it outside; the airport was just too busy for a pregnant lady to try and maneuver through the swarms of people.  
I watched continually as those same swarms exited the airport, grabbing cabs and buses off to their own destinations. When the crowds dwindled down to almost extinct, did I see the one person who made my life a bit brighter. Walking through the automatic doors of the building, Jensen strode straight toward the parked SUV.
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His bow-legged swagger and swift steps brought him to the vehicle quickly. He was wearing a lightweight jacket over the tee and flannel combo; a pair of tight light washed jeans and a ballcap. Not totally incognito, but enough of a disguise that not many had gave him more than two glances. As soon as he was close enough that I could step outside of the vehicle and still hear the boys if they woke up, that is what I did. Jensen smiled and walked straight into my outstretched arms. “God, I missed you baby.”
“Missed you too Jay.”
Once home, later that night, we lay in bed my head on his chest;  listening to Jay describe that last few days of pranks and practical jokes he and Jared played on their co-stars. I laughed but pitied their most frequent victim, Misha.
“I tell you, baby he never saw it coming!”
“Well yea, for being a giant Jared has an unnatural ability to sneak up on people.”
Jensen laughs out loud in agreement. “That he does.” I feel Jays’ lips on the top of my head and I roll over to look up at him.
“I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too baby.”
“I’ve missed us,” I repeat, hoping he catches the message. By the look in his eyes, he does.
“Drea, are you sure?”
“Yea, I am,” I sigh. “I’ve missed you. I’ve missed us. We went through something terrible but we got through it. I love you Jay. I want to make love with you.” I tell him as I crawl over to lay on top of him, kissing his lips. “Jay, make love to me please?” I whisper against his lips.
Jensen’s arms quickly surround me and he pulls my body closer to his, deepening the kiss. I surrender to him and he easily rolls our entwined bodies until he is hovering me.
“Tell me if I hurt you,” he says as he pulls my sleep shorts and panties off before reaching for his boxers.
“You won’t,” I assure him while taking off my top, flinging it to the floor. Jensen holds himself up on his hands over me, bending down and taking a nipple in his mouth. He laves his tongue over and around the peak until it hardens then he promptly pulls it between his lips and suckles. My fingers card through his hair as he kisses across my chest to give my other breast the same treatment.
As soon as he was satisfied that proper attention was given to both boobs, he kissed up my chest, over my collarbone and pecked continual kisses in the dip where my neck meets my shoulder. I whine and he situates himself between my legs, his hips pressing against mine. I feel his hardened length against my thigh. He reaches between our bodies and runs his thumb over my clit gently, his finger dipping into my heat. After a few minutes, his hand disappears and I look down as he does; his hand pumping himself and then lining up to my entrance. He slowly sinks in until he is fully sheathed inside me. The sensation of being connected as one is overwhelming. It’s as if our souls are tethered together and hard to tell where mine ends and his begins.
Once he realizes I am wholly comfortable does he start moving. His thrusts are never hurried and he keeps the same pace the whole time. Our eyes meet and we keep the gaze one on another the whole time, pecking lips; not fully kissing but just reassuring the other that we are there and everything is going to be okay.
After cleaning up and re-dressing we resume our position from before; Jensen laying on his back with my head on his chest. I know we have just finished making love but my conversation with Gen keeps popping into my head. I know I need to talk to him about my idea and see if he is on board with it or not. I kiss the skin under his cheek and look up into those beautiful emerald eyes I love so much. “Jay, can we talk?”
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alexmorrall · 3 years
The Emerald Seer
Chapter One
 Kaelyn woke to an empty bed, cool with morning dew. She rolled over, spraying a puff of sawdust from her mattress. Water flicked off her nose and soaked her blanket. It bled through cracks in her walls from the drip of trees above. A small price to pay for each day to begin with birdsong. Amaris was nowhere to be found. She couldn’t sleep like Kaelyn could, even wet and cold. An arrow thudded into a strawman outside. She bolted up, remembering this was her first Harvest Feast since turning sixteen. It was the last day of summer, and knights would arrive soon to pass judgment.
When her feet touched the dirt floor, she shivered. Something furry passed over her ankles. Straining her eyes, she saw Whiskerwinks dart back into the pantry. This time she rode five miles to Cyan Lake with the mouse, borrowing a horse from Remy’s stable. Leaving him in the forest, she said a solemn goodbye. Yet here he was, nibbling on bread and cheese once more. Kaelyn crossed their one room house to the pantry. Giving it a good kick, she hoped he’d come out easy. When he did not, she sighed and stepped outside.
Amaris brought an arrow to her ear. Both girls had green eyes, but little more in common. Kaelyn’s hair was silver and often tangled where her sister’s locked in red braids. Ami’s never got in the way when she swung an axe or shot a bow. Kaelyn’s was often caked in mud. Releasing the string, Ami’s arrow pierced the strawman’s heart. She knocked another arrow to her longbow, the weapon as tall as she was. Taking aim, lines in her muscles showed. Kaelyn had never seen a woman so strong. Her second arrow slid into straw beside the first.
“Enjoying the show?” Amaris gave her a wry look.
“I love to watch you shoot,” Kaelyn approached her sister.
“Too close,” Amaris brushed her away and took aim again.
“Did I break your concentration? In battle you won’t be so lucky.” Then Amaris turned, aiming the bow at Kaelyn’s feet. The girl jumped away. “Ami!”
“Want to take some shots? It’s time you hit the mark. Today could be your lucky day.”
“You know I can’t even pull the string...”
“I won’t always be here, Kae. When the knights come, what will you do?”
“They’ll not take me,” Kaelyn gave Amaris a long look. “I wouldn’t last a day in the mines. But you’d make them a fortune... I can see why you practice.”
“They won’t need to take me.”
“How come?”
“They just won’t, that’s why,” Amaris snapped. “Now, your garden looks like a weed bed. At this rate you’ll be selling dandelions this season.”
“Nothing wrong with that.”
Kaelyn went about her chores. She plucked weeds from her flower and vegetable beds, removed deadheads, and checked for mold. Then she brought a bucket to the town well. Remy’s villagers came for water to wash and cook for the feast. Listening to some women, she heard Lord Ryndale hired a new knight named Godfrey. He was said to be crueler than most and drank Karnath dry in one night. Hearing this, the local tavern owner Gascoyne abruptly left line. Waddling back to the Suckling Pig, he rolled his casks safely into the cellar.
It took Kaelyn an hour to fill her bucket, then she barely got back to the house without spilling half. Amaris was still shooting strawmen.
“Do you expect an army to come up out of the hills?” Kaelyn wondered.
“No, but perhaps some knights, a few rebels or if I’m lucky… Garzians.”
“You’ll take ‘em all on yourself, eh?”
“They’re just men, and they can be killed.”
“Can’t believe you’re working today of all days. You know the knights could kill you for dodging judgement.”
“Someone’s got to.”
“Well, don’t be late for the shift that kills you,” Kaelyn sucked air between her teeth, face going scarlet. She stalked away, grabbing a copy of Wilderwood Beasts and Legends on her way out the front door.
“Mornin’, Kae,” called Luc. The old man with blue eyes and skin like worn leather, stacked wood outside her door. Her house stood in the shadow of Edgewood Lumbermill. Luc helped them build their house, with wood gathered by Amaris and the other foresters. When Amaris turned sixteen, she asked to sign up for the war. She planned on marching west to kill the Bandit King. Hearing this, Luc adopted both sisters the same day. They were only with him a year, as Amaris was desperate to live under her own roof. Kaelyn could’ve stayed longer.
“Morning, Luc,” she waved. “Wonderful day for Harvest Feast, isn’t it?”
“Oh, it’ll be a beaut’,” he nodded and grinned, going back to his stacking.
Kaelyn turned north, taking the main cart road. It wound for half a mile before leading to a meadow of bloodred poppies. As sun smiled down, she basked in Daphne’s grace. Finding her way to the river that curled around the Fairy Tree, she reclined on its bank. Warm light washed over, as fish looked up, bubbles rising to the surface. A breeze passed through the old oak, and sometimes it whispered to her. Soft, kind words eased her mind. It was a needed escape from villagers who called her “ragamuffin” and “witch” for her silver hair. It made her look old, and sometimes she felt it.
When she looked at the Fairy Tree, she thought of the Wilderwood. Its ancient groves grew tall as the sky. The Fairy Tree was much younger, but Luc told her it grew from a Wilderwood seed blown east on the wind. This made it a holy relic, and none would cut it down. Its branches spread like powerful arms to either side. Sometimes Kaelyn pressed her nose against its bark, hoping it would give her a hug. Ami had not given her one in so long. The trees, and the river, and the fish never looked at her with scorn. It was here her thoughts could wander in peace. When she cracked open her book, she found herself in the Wilderwood.
Kaelyn returned home at midday to break her fast. With a yelp, she remembered Harvest Feast was in full swing. In her excitement to leave the house, she donned a crown of daylilies but forgot to eat anything. Racing to Remy Square, a basket swung from her fingers, filled with blossoms and apples. Her pace slowed as people blocked her path. They wore their Daphne’s Day best: brightly colored tunics and dresses, hair braided or slicked with grease. Seeing Kaelyn, covered head to toe in mud, they let her pass. Slipping through, she avoided their glares, approaching the main event.
Arriving in Remy Square, Kaelyn delighted in the smells and sights of harvest’s bounty. The aroma watered her mouth and rumbled her stomach. Noise and light warmed the Suckling Pig. Gascoyne roasting a boar on the common, its flesh sizzling over hungry flames. Every man, woman, and child lined up for his famous pork, two if patience held. Children watched him cut, moving dutifully forward in line. Gascoyne handed one boy a wine-braised rib, his eyes turning big as apples. He tousled the boy’s hair, smearing it with grease, and called, “Next ‘un up!”
Nearly every villager of Remy filled the square, sauce spackling their faces. They drank ale, mulled wine, and mead, ate fresh bread with black jellies and buttery cheeses. Mashed turnips, glazed carrots, and buttered onions slipped from plates into mouths. Kaelyn offered flowers and fruit to those who had no meat and looked as poor as she. Most were too proud to accept charity, least of all from her. They slapped her offerings away. Most often her hands and hair were dirty, and today was no exception.
A mother steered her children away. “That girl’s mad,” she said, “Sleeps too much in the woods. Fairies addled her brain. Stay away now.”
Moving on, she found a hungry-looking child who might be more receptive. She offered her an apple and the girl took it, but her father’s face soured. “Oi, that’s Luc’s waif, ain’t it? Always said they live too close to th’ woods. That’s where demons’ll get ye. Drop the apple, lass. Leave it fer the worms.”
The girl dropped the apple and Kaelyn picked it back up. As they left, a dull ache throbbed in her head. It wasn’t just hunger. She wished she could tell these people they were wrong. Her brains weren’t addled, and she had no demons. Nowhere was the goddess closer than in the peaceful woods. So many forgot her way, claiming the gods turned their backs on the world. They’d never listen. None thought it wise for the sisters to live by themselves. Most were jealous they’d been taken in by Luc, the richest man in town.
Hands clapped, lutes strummed and proud songs of Larasu rose on their lips. She tapped her foot to the music and began to dance. As she moved, she caught the eyes of Laran, who also kept his distance. Wine and ale flowed like rivers, and the day passed in a haze. Villagers chose to numb their fears by singing songs of the rangers. Misha the Mouse, Sir Cadmus Featherstroke, Sheon the Silver Lady, Grian the Giantslayer, and Bloodless Barric, the Lion of Larasu. Most were still alive, yet many had begun to despise the rangers. Still, the songs were sung, and though few sought to join their ranks, many praised their deeds.
Amaris loved these songs, and never had she missed a feast day. All year the sisters looked forward to Gascoyne’s pork, Olson’s White Delcins, and the songs of Harvest Feast. More than enjoyment, Kaelyn wanted her sister here for what was to come. Soon knights would arrive for judgement. Any who failed to appear in Remy Square could be punished with death. Kaelyn would stand for judgement as she turned sixteen. It brought another jab to her belly, and she looked at the line for boar.
Last year they took children to work the Karnath Mines. Small bodies fit into tunnels and little fingers could repair tools. Few lived to twenty anyways. Their parents were paid, and the children got food and lodging for winter. Even if they came back whole, they were never the same. Their hands were claws, eyes creased, and backs bent. Light faded from eyes, and skin turned ashen gray. Just from looking, you could tell if someone had been taken, or Daphne forbid, taken more than once.
Kaelyn noticed the six robed men who inspected Remy’s three carts of grain. Stable boys hitched the collectors’ carts to horses. Each year ‘standard cartful’ seemed to grow a little larger. Going easy on them this year, the collectors climbed aboard their carts. They rolled from Remy Square, heading west back to Raven’s Hill, leaving a trail of grain. Any who went to gather the grain were bludgeoned by Remy’s bounders. Each winter a child died of hunger, and Kaelyn gave their family some flowers. These were rarely rejected.
“Line up!” bellowed Chief Olson, slamming a club on his shield. He was in a poor temper, as he usually was. Wearing leather armor, and a bronze badge of office, he and his men enforced Ryndale’s laws whenever possible. This was their proudest event of the year. With a twinkle in his blue eyes, he bellowed, “Judgement time.”
The crowd turned quiet, songs trailed off, and Gascoyne doused his cookfire. “Welp, fun’s over,” he announced. “Join me at the Pig if ye’ve seen one too many o’ these traditions.” Lumping the half-eaten boar over his shoulder, he carried it away. Most of the villagers over thirty years shuffled after him. They were exempt from being taken and refused to watch their children’s judgement.
Bounders slammed clubs on shields, barking at Remy’s younger villagers to form a line. A couple bounders were Kaelyn’s age, exempt from judgement due to their service. Under the hail of shouts, Remy’s men and women, boys and girls, age sixteen to thirty moved forward. Kaelyn joined them, pulling hair over her eyes, and smearing mud on her smock. She had no finer clothes, nor did she want to look pretty this day.
A thunder of hooves filled their ears. In years’ past, it gave Kaelyn chills. Now, it made her stomach turn in a knot. Three men in scalemail armor appeared on the cart road. A large man with a yellow mustache led the way. Dismounting before Saint Remy’s statue, a boy brought them ale. Under his helm, the mustache did little to cover pockmarks and scars that riddled his face. He gulped from a jug and dropped it to crack on the ground. The boy knelt to pick up the pieces. Heat welled in Kaelyn’s chest, despising this man already.
“I present you with Sir Godfrey,” said the bounder. “A knight from Annandale, newly entered into our lord’s service. He’s been honored with the passing of judgment this year.”
Godfrey growled, spittle flying from his cheeks as he advanced on Kaelyn and the others. Ripping off gloves, he revealed hands as rough as boulders. His mustache must have itched because it bristled as he looked them over. Kaelyn stifled a giggle, trying to ease her fear. When his roving eyes looked for her laugh, she was too short to be seen.
“First order of business: Lord Ryndale needs soldiers to keep the rebels at bay. Men, step forward,” his voice scraped like hooks on gravel. They advanced, some flexing or making fists. Godfrey walked the line, observing them in turn. “I see none. You’d not make it to sixteen in Annandale.” The men frowned, looking to each other and the ground. “You’re free to go. Blessed by your meekness. But if I see one of you at the Pig, you’d better buy me a drink.” A few men nodded and saluted. “Get out of my sight.” Most walked home or found spots to watch the finale, while a few marched to the Suckling Pig.
Godfrey paced before the women and girls now. They stood straight and tall, forgetting to breathe. Kaelyn slouched, breath catching in her throat. She was Remy’s youngest prospect, and under the dirt her face was smooth, free of blemishes. In childhood she rarely suffered flux, sweats, or pox. Most orphans were not so fortunate, and their faces bore the scars. Smearing dirt from her hair onto her face, she looked to the knight.
“Not sure how you put up with those men,” Godfrey chuckled, shaking his head. “Now ladies, I see some of you in gold or silver, trying to look your prettiest. If you’re wearing fine metals or stones leave them at the foot of Saint Remy. Then you may go.” To Kaelyn’s surprise, a handful of women came forward. She never knew such riches existed in Remy. Not that she owned any that may have helped her.
“Now,” his tone brightened. “I’ve an exciting announcement. Lord Ryndale seeks a new handmaid. All girls older than twenty may be dismissed.”
This left six girls and Kaelyn was one of them. Four of them were from good families. They trembled, tears filling their eyes. Next to her was a fellow orphan, Kendra. Raven hair fell to her shoulders and she wore a deerskin jacket and breeches. A dagger rested on each hip. Last time Kaelyn saw her, she’d been sixteen, of an age to leave the orphanage. Departing Remy, she went out into the wilderness and no one knew where she’d been the past four years. Now she returned on judgement day.
Though Kaelyn was called strange by many in town, Kendra was considered far stranger. Like Kaelyn, she suffered little in childhood. Her skin was pale as snow, from years in the orphanage library. While Kaelyn read much, she did so under the sun, listening to birds and squirrels. Kendra took to dark, cramped places, ones filled with spiders. She slept some nights in the orphanage attic, where she emerged covered in cobwebs, wasps buzzing in her hair. Not once was she caught for stealing books, though Kaelyn knew she had them. Abbot Arden deemed her the perfect disciple of Daphne and lamented her leaving town.
Godfrey marched down the row of girls. With each step, blood beat in Kaelyn’s ears. Finally, he came to stand before her and Kendra. Looking both over, he stroked his mustache.
“You,” Godfrey said, pointing at Kendra, “you’ll join me at the Pig. We’ve much to discuss.”
Kaelyn let out a breath she’d been holding for weeks. In the corner of her eye, she swore Kendra smiled. As villagers resumed festivities, she sprinted from Remy Square.
0 notes
wildefiction · 5 years
Of Course...Mr. Collins
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Blinking rapidly, you shook your head. Hands gripped the steering wheel in front of you, the sun washing through the windshield. You realized you were sitting in your driveway; how had you gotten home? This happened sometimes, you’d get in your car and end up at your destination with no real recollection of actually driving.
Stifling a yawn, you shove your key into the deadbolt securing your apartment and are immediately assaulted by the cats you’d left the day before. With how they complained, you’d have thought they hadn’t seen you in a year. “You guys are as bad as dogs, you know that?” Green eyes blinked up at you owlishly before they stalked off, tails twitching in annoyance.
Whispers invaded the edges of your dream, and, try as you might the figures became fuzzy before disappearing altogether. The effort of lifting your heavy lids prevented you from recognizing the person standing at the foot of your bed and you startled, sitting up too fast for the second time in as many days. Stomach lurching, you groaned as the contents swirled for a moment before settling again.
“Ugh, FINALLY!” Cringing as the light was flipped on, your voiced cracked; throat dry. 
“What time is it?” Handing you a glass of water, your sister bounded onto your bed and you had to hold the drink up in the air to keep the cool liquid from sloshing over the sides. 
“It’s five.” “Get up, we’re going out!” With her intentions made clear, the woman next to you let out an inhuman noise, marking her excitement, before rolling off the bed sideways, the cats trailing behind in hopes of dinner as she left the room.
Shuffling out several minutes later, you laughed under your breath as you noticed your sister perched on your couch, wiggling with too much excitement. 
“So uh, I got an interesting call at..oh...2:45 this morning.” 
Grimacing, you dismissed her, a hand covering your face as you sifted through the fridge; suddenly ravenous. 
“Oh yeah?” Feigning interest only got you so far. 
“Yeah, from your new boss.” “You really need to tell me everything, and don’t you DARE gloss over the good stuff.” 
Tilting her head back, she tossed a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth, which earned a slight smile from you, a sigh of defeat sounding as you nodded in acquiescence.
Folding your legs beneath you, you sighed, knowing she wasn’t going to settle for anything but a full account of what had happened the day before.
Recounting the events took less time than you expected, and after asking clarifying questions, a smile spread across her face. 
“When Misha called me this morning from your phone I thought it was you somehow playing a prank on me. I yelled at him and was calling bullshit the entire time until he sent me this.” 
Unlocking her own phone, she scrolled through her texts, finding the one she wanted. Turning the device around, you smiled and groaned as you saw the picture. You were curled up on Misha’s couch, his face framed next to yours on the screen. The man had just met you and he was already looking out for your well being as you vaguely remembered him gently, but firmly steering you away from his front door.
“SO, like I said earlier, we’re going out to celebrate you lucky bitch!”
You couldn’t even see your sister, her head was buried so far in the closet as she rummaged through your belongings. Her muffled voice drifted from the rows of clothing; “Wear this!” 
You scoffed as she pulled a mini skirt from the depths. You’d forgotten you had that to be honest. It’d been years since you’d worn anything even remotely resembling club wear. 
“I’m a little old for that, don’t ya think?” 
“HAH! Don’t be such an old lady - put it on!” 
Snatching it from her grasp, you narrowed your eyes at the jab before turning from her. Stepping into the garment, you grumbled again, complaining that it barely covered your ass. Turning, you grimaced when you saw yourself in the full length mirror hung on your wall. When you moved to tug at the hem, your sister slapped at your hands “leave it alone, you look great.” 
Pulling a distressed AC/DC tank top from a drawer, she threw it at you as she turned to find her own clothes. 
“You do know it’s November, right?” 
“Yeah, so? We’re gonna be drinking and dancing, you’re gonna get overheated, just like you always do.” 
You couldn’t deny her logic. Knowing she was right, but not wanting to admit it, you pulled the shirt over your head.
A frigid winter breeze whipped around your legs as you stepped from your car that evening. For a Saturday night, you had been pleasantly surprised to find parking downtown. Glaring over at your sister, you scoffed at her choice of skinny jeans and a halter top. 
“How come you got to wear pants?” 
She merely laughed at you, waving off your protests as she grabbed your hand, pulling open the door of Toro de Fuego, your first stop for the evening. 
“These guys have the best nachos, you have to try them!” 
An enormous black, wrought iron and glass bull statue stood in the middle of the room, a roaring fire flickering around it’s hooves. With a friendly greeting, a woman in a tight black dress led you to one of the many tables clustered around the massive beast. She handed out menus as you lowered yourself into one of the chairs, conscious of how very short your skirt was.
“We’ll have two orders of your awesome nachos, and I’d like a shot of whatever tequila you recommend.” Smiling, the waiter turned his head to you, silently asking for your drink order. 
“Uhm, iced te--” 
“Oh no, no you don’t. Make that two shots please.” Smiling, the man took your menus, nodding towards your sister before bustling away to fill the order. 
“Come on, you know what happens when I drink tequila,” you whined. You swore her eyes sparkled as she nodded her comprehension. 
Folding her hands on the table before her, she laughed. “I know exactly what happens, which is precisely why I ordered it for you. You need to loosen up a bit, ya prude.”
Stuffing another chip into your mouth, your eyes closed in bliss as the combination of beef, cheese and olives assaulted your senses. After the first shot of tequila, your apprehension had started to let up, and now after your second, you were laughing, completely giddy. 
“I can’t believe my new boss is Misha fucking Collins!” Squealing, you slapped at your sister, who chuckled under her breath. 
“Fuckin’ lucky bitch.” “C’mon, let’s head over to The Kiwi.” Throwing a few twenties down on the table, you pushed out from your chair, teetering only slightly as you wrapped your arm through your sisters, smiling as the two of you left the restaurant.
The Kangaroo and Kiwi was a bar down the street. Housed in an old library building, the multi-story establishment, aside from the sprawling bar, had converted the entire second level into a game room. Making your way to the back end of the first floor, your sister pulled her hand out of yours, shouting that she was going to find a table while you got drinks.
She watched as you threaded your way through through the few groups of people who’d accumulated. To call the walnut-stained structure a table was certainly an understatement, but she laid claim to two of the barstools surrounding the tabletop anyhow. Barely wide enough to support a couple of drink glasses, your sister folded her jacket and draped it over the back of her chair before sitting. Smirking, she pulled out her phone, bringing up the camera as she noticed you leaning against the bar, waiting on your drinks.
‘Having a great time celebrating [Y/F/N]’s new position! #girlsnight, #kangaroonkiwi, #drinksallround.’ Posting the update to social media, she put her phone down on the table just as you were returning, chilled cocktails held in each hand.
The raucous laughter intensified as the bar began to fill. At ten o’clock, most every table was now full, the melodic sounds of celtic rock floating over your head had you swaying in your chair. You loved this feeling, the slight buzz resulting from your third drink had plastered a perma-grin on your face. Chin resting in one hand, you stared out into space, seeing nothing but the memories of the previous night flitting through your mind. 
“ ‘Scuse me gehls, I couna ‘elp bet notice yer sittin’ here all alone. Ma naems’ Galen, will ye dance wi me?”
The man standing before you smiled, rich copper hair falling over his bright eyes. You grinned, about to decline when you felt a vice grip around your bare thigh. Leaning into your sister, you whispered into her hair “you’re staring, love.” 
Turning back to the gentleman standing before you, you smiled “I’m okay, but my sister would love to.” 
A small, strangled sound escaped her as the man turned bright green eyes to her, a slow smile spreading across his features. Holding out a hand for your sister, you laughed to yourself as he led her away, a worried expression shot at you over her shoulder as they disappeared into the crowd.
Vicki had left early that morning for a guest lecture assignment at a University in California. Shortly after [Y/F/N] had left, Misha had driven her to the airport; dropping the kids off at their grandparents house for the night. While he was often away from home for work, rarely did he have a quiet night to himself with no responsibilities. Clicking the power button on the remote control in his hand, he tossed it on the coffee table in front of him. 
Yawning, he rubbed his hands over his face and stretched. Picking up his phone from the couch next to him, he opened his Instagram feed, mindlessly scrolling through the images posted by his friends and followers. It had taken him only a minute to find your dash and he smiled as he scrolled through your pictures, clicking the follow button. His breath hitched in his throat as the feed updated, the picture your sister had posted now prominently displayed in front of him. 
“Fuuuuccckk” he groaned under his breath. In the black and white image, you appeared to be laughing while ordering drinks. Bent over the top of a busy bar, people flocked on either side of you. Your long [Y/H/C] cascaded in soft waves down your back, brushing the top of the mini skirt you wore. The lighting in the bar was dim, and the filters blurred the people around you, highlighting long legs as they stretched from beneath the fringe of material barely covering your ass.
Your sister returned from her dance, breathless, a sheen of sweat clinging to her forehead. The wide grin spread over her face evidence of the fun she'd had with Galen.
Seeing your phone vibrate on the table-top, you lifted the device into your hand, pulling your gaze from your sister to take a swallow of your drink as you looked down at the notification.
Swiping the screen to check the text message, confusion rolled through your eyes as you noticed it was from Misha. Flicking your gaze up to the time in the corner, you saw that it was approaching midnight.
“Hey babe, miss you already, can’t wait to see you on Monday.”
Babe?” Gods he was a tease. Noting the multi-media message, you assumed it was a picture of Misha, but you nearly choked on your drink when your screen lit up, the soft glow illuminating your shocked expression in the darkness of the room.
A shirtless Misha stretched the length of the frame, sharp hip bones framing the thick cock gripped in his hand. Unconsciously, your thighs snapped together as you clutched the phone to your chest, your heart thudding frantically. 
A strangled cry and the coughing that resulted caught your sister’s attention and her eyes narrowed “You uh, you okay hun?” 
Your eyes widened, mouth hanging open in shock as you lifted your gaze to your sister’s face. Unintelligible noises fell from your lips as she came around to your side of the table, looking down at the screen you held clutched in your hands. 
“Ho-Oh! Who sent tha--oh fuck! Uh. Wow. You, uh, you sure nothing happened last night?” 
Her eyes flicked back and forth between you and the image clutched in your shaky hands.
“Wha-what do I do?!” You were flailing a bit now, trying to calm your frantic pulse. Snatching the phone from your hands, your sister hit reply, typing out a message before hitting the send button. 
“There, taken care of!” Looking down at the sent messages, you paled upon seeing what she’d written:
“Babe? Really?! You’re killing me right now. Tease.”
Misha, concerned, glanced at the notification. “Why is [Y/F/N] texting me?” Flicking open the message, confusion chased over his features as he read the text. Scrolling back through his sent notes, he was about to ask for clarification when he saw it...
Fingers deftly moved over his keyboard, and he hit send before scrambling off the couch, running his hand through his hair.
You jumped as the phone buzzed in your hand, hesitant as you opened the message:
He’d meant to send that to Vicki. She was his assistant for fuck’s sake, what was she going to think now?
Grabbing the phone he'd abandoned, he clicked on Vicky’s contact image before highlighting the green call button. It was after midnight but he had to ask her what to do.
She answered on the fourth ring, sleep laced through her breathless voice. “Mish, babe, what's wrong?”
When he'd finished recounting the mistaken text he'd sent, she was quiet on the other end. For a space of heartbeats he wondered if she'd fallen back to sleep. 
The laughter that assaulted his phone could have been heard by anyone, had he not been alone. It took her several minutes, but finally she calmed enough to let him know he was on his own. 
“Ah, ha. You uh, good luck with that one love. Lemme know how that works out for ya.” With a soft click, Misha held the phone out in front of him. Incredulous.
TAGS: @jamielea81 @wings-of-a-raven
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