#like what’s wrong with me lmoa
melancholysway · 1 year
Donatello's Red Flags & Toxic Traits
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Has no sense of accountability
Because, according to Donatello, he's always right
extremely picky
very picky, and VERY CRITICAL
of you, yes, and himself
As in, if you do something the wrong way, he's already correcting you on how to do it
and not in an encouraging way, more like a lecturing annoying dad way
he's a perfectionist, he's always unnecessarily stressed out about random shit LMAO
so, he's usually stressed out-meaning- he's not in the mood to talk most of the time he's
don't get me wrong, he still finds time to cuddle you and speak to you, but, like I said, he's usually stressed out the majority of the time
Loves to be alone. not that that's a bad thing, but Donnie here will lie just to be alone sometimes LMOA
if it means he gets to work on an invention alone, he's lyin to yo ass to do so
he's so used to 3 annoying brothers trying to break down his lab door and bother him that his alone time is extremely sacred
overthinker and over skeptical as fuck
As in, every little thing you do, he's thinking about
Left a little early? What if you're meeting a human guy to hang out with, ultimately leading to you breaking up with him?
messy but organized? if that makes sense?
As in his living space is very cluttered, but it's organized to where he knows where everything is at
that being said, he can be obsessive with his space. If you move something, touch something, or BREATHE on something he's already getting frustrated and getting up to put it back where it was
speaking of obsessive, he has a social media account to see what you're doing when you're not in the Lair with him that he doesn't tell you about
Borderline stalker, just to curb his overthinking mind and to avoid jumping to conclusions about what you're doing and who you might be with
Speaking of following your every move and your digital footprint, he has your coordinates. Yes, he found a way to get your coordinates from your phone, without you knowing. This way, he'll know when you're lying about where you're going. He's THAT kind of overthinker.
Hates when he has to repeat himself to you. If you didn't hear it the first time, this mf is not saying it again- and if you ask him to, expect the BIGGEST ATTITUDE EVER.
if anyone is offended or upset by this, you may be entitled to financial compensation
@bee-1n-space @ducky-died-inside @writingandcrying @xnorthstar3x
250 notes · View notes
kissvamps · 6 months
pomegranate seeds
v: new moon
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word count: 7.6k
a/n: oh this chapter BEAT MY ASS but happy birthday to me omg!! can’t believe i’m officially a hag now. i hope y’all like this chapter (it’s a lot longer than i thought it was gonna be lmoa)
tag pookies: @clinicallykrazy @afriques @motheroffae
content warnings: gay shit, jt uses they/them pronouns, keyondra is a nasty spirit, vampire on vampire crime?, vampire antics (blood drinking, bloodlust, insane strength, etc.), grubby ass soros at the party (they just being aggy), meeks my son!!!, slight violence ig (deserved!!), supernatural shit, google translate xhosa, definitely not cheating but i wouldn’t let it happen to me tho lmao
ღ ღ ღ
Shuri walked back to her and Zahira’s shared dorm room with the air of a wilted flower, doing everything in her power to not start bawling like a newborn in the middle of the halls.
Keyondra’s seemingly sudden outburst hit several nerves and it only became more apparent to the young vampire when she arrived at her dorm room. The sight of the red dorm door made a pit form in the Princess’ stomach, something about having to wallow in her rejection from the track team by herself upset her further, but at the same time Shuri was thankful Zahira wouldn’t be behind the door witnessing her wallowing.
Although the sophomore was rather cold to her at times, the panther still found comfort in faer presence. Shuri wasn’t really sure why but she didn’t mind the biochemistry major’s disinterest in her so long as she didn’t ignore her.
It was nice to be acknowledged.
The Wakandan wiped away the hot tears that started to spill down her face as she pulled out her dorm key and unlocked the door, eager to just change clothes and sink into her mattress.
Upon opening the red door, Shuri was bombarded with the delicious scent of something cooking on Zahira’s portable stove. Shock painted the royal’s face as she closed the dorm door behind her, widened bleary eyes taking in the couple, giggly and cozied up on the floor. Riri was seated comfortably on Zahira’s bed wearing some red basketball shorts and a loose pink top that looked like it belonged to her girlfriend, while she massaged the biochemistry major’s shoulders as fae stirred the sauce for the mushroom stroganoff.
Shuri was going to be sick.
“What’s wrong, Shuri?” Riri asked as she took in the royal’s glassy eyes, getting up from her place on Zahira’s bed. The southern vampire tilted her head in confusion and concern from faer seat on the floor, “You alright, Shuri?” Even if Zahira couldn’t sense the distress rolling off of the Wakandan, Shuri was doing a poor job of hiding the look of defeat on her face.
“Yes…um,” The vampire Princess was quick to wipe at her face again, “I just got done watching track practice, that’s all.”
Zahira almost rolled faer eyes just from hearing the track team mentioned. Hope Keyondra thieving ass got kicked from the team, the irritated sophomore thought to herself quietly.
“And Coach Brown ain’t try to recruit you? I know she always tryna hunt down more sprinters.” Shuri averted her eyes from her roommate as they started to sting from the tears of embarrassment welling in her eyes.
“I was looking for the coach actually, but I just ended up running into one of the track members. Keyondra, I think?”
Zahira cut off the royal before she could open her mouth again, “Keyondra? What did Keyondra say?” Shuri could tell from the way her roommate spit out the girl’s name like it was poison that fae didn’t like her.
The Princess was quick to come up with a lie to spare Keyondra. Though Shuri didn’t know the track runner and she was very rude, she didn’t want to burden her roommate or Riri just because she was too meek to handle the situation. “Well, she just told me she didn’t know where the coach was so I took that as a sign-” Once again, Shuri was cut off by an increasingly irritated roommate.
“Look, Shuri, whatever Keyondra mean ass told you, don’t take it to heart,” Zahira waved her hands dismissively as she thought of the evil sprinter, “She full of shit and lies.” Of course the vampire was pressed about the track runner stealing faer familiar, but people like Keyondra that thought they could mess with whoever they wanted, confident there wouldn’t be any consequences, lit a different rage in her chest.
A giggling Riri interjected, stirring the boiling pot of pasta for the stroganoff, “You would know.” Zahira simply stared blankly at the engineer, trying not to join her in a fit of laughter, “You not funny, Ri.”
Riri was very aware of the little fling her girlfriend and Keyondra had going on during their freshman year and found it a bit humorous when Zahira told her about how the track star threatened to steal her pet snake. Well, it was humorous until she actually did it.
It didn’t bother the supergenius that Zahira was on the same floor as faer old flame because she trusted her and even if she didn’t, Zahira hated Keyondra.
Confusion washed over the Princess as she watched the interaction between the two, clueless as to why Keyondra was so well-known. “Wait, how do you guys know Keyondra?”
“Fae and Key used to have something going on,” The engineer told Shuri as she motioned to her girlfriend.
The sophomore shrugged, still a bit irritated, “And when I told her to get the fuck on she acted like I told her to kill herself or something.” Shuri’s eyes, still a bit glassy, widened at the bit of information, “Oh.”
MIT was in no way a small campus so Shuri wasn’t expecting her roommate to know Keyondra at all, let alone have some kind of romantic history with her.
“Shuri, it look like whatever the fuck Keyondra lying ass said to you got you snot-nosed crying.” Zahira still wasn’t the biggest fan of Shuri, for reasons that seemed to only be obvious to faer, but that didn’t mean she condoned strangers icing out the Princess for no good reason. Especially if it resulted in Shuri running back to their dorm in tears.
“I assure you guys, it’s not that serious. I’m just homesick, really.” Shuri lied in the most assuring tone she could conjure, and the statement wasn’t completely false. The Princess had never been this far away from home, not without her brother, by herself.
Zahira did not believe it. Fae knew Keyondra too well and the Wakandan’s heart was beating like a liar’s. “Irregardless of how serious it was, I’m cursing her ass out. Plus, her bitch ass still got sum of my shit from last year.” Zahira huffed as she rummaged around her side of the dorm for faer hoodie (a navy blue one that actually belonged to Riri) before leaving the dorm room to go berate the track runner.
The two supergenius students watched the door close behind Zahira with very different expressions; Riri’s very relaxed and Shuri’s frightful.
“You should prolly catch up wit Z. Last time fae cursed somebody out.…the RA wasn’t pleased.” The Wakandan shook her head slightly in disbelief at the vague but alarming tidbit about her roommate.
In the short time period that Shuri had known the biochemistry major, she never pinned faer as a fighter but it’d be naive to think Zahira Martins, the same person that flashed her that smile full of fangs when they first met, would have any qualms with using a bit of violence.
In the few seconds it took the Princess to leave the dorm room, Zahira was already three knocks closer to beating Keyondra’s door off the hinges.
Shuri looked around the hallway to see if anyone was coming to find out the source of the loud banging noise while whisper-shouting at her roommate, “Zahira, maybe she isn’t here, let’s just call it a night, please.”
Though faer blood was still humming with anger, Shuri’s pleading made its way to the southern vampire, the exhaustion in her tone. That exhaustion, that tiredness, was nothing if not familiar to Zahira. Fae sighed defeatedly as the vampire princess resorted to begging, “Please, Zahira, please, please, please don’t curse Keyondra’s bloodline, maybe she was just in a bad mood-”
Zahira cut off the rambling Wakandan, “I won’t mention you to Key, Shuri, just go help Riri before she burn up our dorm?”
“Sir, yes, sir!” Shuri spoke loudly with one hand on her hip and the other saluting the biochemistry major. Zahira laughed a bit at Shuri’s retreating figure heading back towards their dorm room.
Zahira almost started to follow Shuri but the sight of Keyondra’s pretty smile once she finally opened the door made Zahira remember why fae was doing all of this.
“Hira, what you doing over here? Thought you ain’t wanna see me?” Keyondra asked giddily, brushing her fingers through the french curls ends of her blonde braids.
Zahira waved the girl off with a grimace as fae pushed passed her to get into the room, “Girl, move the fuck over, where’s Meeks?”
The sprinter groaned in disinterest at the vampire’s immediate change of topic. “He been doing fine since he been living wit me.” Keyondra let Zahira know as she pointed to Meeks’ tank on top of her desks, placed comfortably under a heat lamp.
“Why is he still five feet? Key, he supposed to be big by now, six feet at least. You ain’t been changing his tank out?” Zahira quietly questioned, feeling a headache coming on and anger starting to simmer just under the surface if faer skin again as fae noticed how small her familiar and his tank were. This exactly what I get for fuckin wit a witch on the track team, The vampire thought to herself with disappointment.
Keyondra’s eye popped at the new information, “You gotta change out his tanks so he can get bigger? Wow, ain’t nobody tell me shit bout that.” The track member mumbled to herself as she tried to recall ever hearing that snakes needed their tanks changed, ignoring Zahira’s angry murmuring in a language she’d never heard before.
“First, you fuckin steal my emotional support animal and fucking stunt his damn growth,” Fae spat out beyond irritated as she scooped Meeks up out of the ill-fitting tank, “And now you being mean to resident royalty? Gatekeeping spots on the track team? I got half a mind to whoop your ass wit this fuckin fishbowl you had my baby trapped in!”
Keyondra rolled her eyes at Zahira’s outburst. This reminded her of whenever she tried having a conversation with faer when she hadn’t eaten in a while. “Oh, bite me. How else I’m supposed to act when Shuri motherfuckin Udaku, the literal Princess of Wakanda, is how I found out you’re still wit Riri.”
Zahira cooed at Meeks’ sweet hissing as he slithered up her arm and nuzzled faer nose, bringing a big grin to the vampire’s face. Fae replied in a sweet but condescending tone to make sure Meeks didn’t spring at Keyondra, “Because Riri didn’t ask me to turn her.”
“Because Riri doesn’t fucking know!” The blonde retorted spitefully as she turned off the heat lamp and placed it in the empty glass tank. Keyondra was considering being dramatic and throwing the glass tank against the wall as she waited for Zahira to respond. It’d seem irrational but she wasn’t really one who cared about the optics.
“You aren’t supposed to know either. I wouldn’t have started shit wit you if I knew you was just a petty, obsessive, nosy ass witch! Stay the fuck away from Shuri and don’t fuckin let me find out you been bothering Riri.” Zahira exasperated to faer ex as she rubbed Meek’s smooth scales affectionately.
Shutting Keyondra’s door behind her, the vampire nearly jumped when she saw a pacing Shuri still waiting outside of their dorm room a few doors down, anxiously fidgeting with her kimoyo bead bracelet.
“Now what the fuck you doing, Shuri? Besides tryna be nosy?”
Zahira questions, and the slightly scathing tone fae used to ask them, went in one ear and out the other as Shuri saw the reptilian hissing warmly at Zahira. “Is this little fella a snake? He looks so cute!” The Wakandan asked Meeks himself, stooping down to get eye level with the friendly familiar wrapped around Zahira’s arm like a vine.
“You can quiz Meeks all you like once we get in our dorm, Shuri.”
ღ ღ ღ
When the two entered their dorm, they found a very cheery Riri Williams twirling around the Martin-Udaku residence, grooving sillily to an old Anita Baker record as she prepared three plates.
“I ain’t hear nobody breaking glass or throwing furniture, y’all sure y’all went to the right dorm?” Riri joked when she heard the dorm room open.
Zahira nodded with a look of faux shock on faer face, “I’m surprised you think I’d step out of my typical civility over Keyondra’s triflin ass, especially in the presence of my son?” Zahira stroked under Meek’s chin and though it looked like he was neutral to the affection, the biochemistry major could tell he was smiling.
“You mean our son? Lemme see my little ragamuffin!” Riri cheesed as she reached out for Meeks and he gave an adorable hiss that sounded like the snake equivalent of a joyful squeal.
Keyondra had actually abducted Meeks a little over a month after Riri started dating the southern vampire, meaning she’d barely gotten the chance to bond with Meeks. When Zahira first told the engineer major about having her familiar stolen, fae had to convince her girlfriend to not jump the girl, that it’d be best if Zahira handled this faerself.
“See? I told you I could handle it,” Zahira cheesed at faer girlfriend.
Outstretching her arms towards her girlfriend, Meeks gleefully uncoiled from around faer arm and launched himself into Riri’s arms.
The engineer major watched in surprise as the long reptile landed safely in her arms, “I almost forgot he could do that, it’s been too long I been away from my little Meektronious mookie!” Riri pouted in adoration for the cold-blooded animal as he began slithering around her arms and neck joyfully.
“Is…Is that his government name, Meektronious?” Shuri asked as she watched her roommate’s snake practically shed tears of joy in Riri’s arms. The Princess of Wakanda almost cried a few times- well, did cry a few times about her roommate’s girlfriend, so she could understand where the little guy was coming from.
“Nah, I just like calling him that sometimes.” Riri answered Shuri, still very wrapped up with petting an ecstatic Meeks’ glossy, blue-black scales.
Zahira had already brought her attention back to the pasta, working quickly to strain and mix the pasta with the sauce as her girlfriend and roommate continued chatting, “Alright, which homosexual want they plate first?”
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Dinner in room 303 went over very well, with the two vampires finishing their food quite fast for people who didn’t eat human meals that often, and the engineering major took a bit longer to finish her plate. Shuri wasn’t sure what the fuck Zahira put in that pasta but she could hardly keep her eyes open a few minutes after finishing her plate. It was especially surprising for Shuri because she typically only really enjoyed Wakandan foods (which were frequently blood-based).
The southern vampire was very pleased with faerself. She got to go on her date with Riri, finally rescued Meeks from Keyondra’s evil ass, and got to cook for her girlfriend and her roommate. A splendid day in faer books.
Zahira was just about to walk Riri to her dorm but the supergenius insisted on helping faer clean up. There were only five dishes and a bit of stroganoff leftover, the vampire could’ve easily handled faerself, but any reason for Riri to stay just a little longer was good enough for faer.
Riri watched Zahira put away the little bit of the stroganoff pasta that was left in a small tupperware container, curious brown eyes watching her girlfriend.
“You know I told Shuri you was just a bucket of sugar.” The engineer grinned down at Zahira’s crouched figure, illuminated by the light of the silver mini fridge.
The vampire furrowed faer brows in confusion at her girlfriend’s smiley statement, “I think she would’ve figured out I was gay once you told her we dating, Ri.” Riri laughed as Zahira rummaged around her sweets-filled mini fridge for a space to put the leftover pasta.
The super genius giggled at her girlfriend’s obliviousness. “I meant, I told her you’re sweet, even if you be a little mean to people you don’t know.”
“The fuck I look like smiling at strangers and shit?” The biochemistry major asked rhetorically, tucking the stroganoff away by faer pomegranate juices. “They literally strangers.”
Riri nodded her head as she laughed, getting up to help Zahira with the few dirty dishes, “You exactly right, baby.”
The couple fell into a comfortable silence handling the dirty dishes in the sink, the only sounds being Shuri’s snoring and water running from the sink faucet. The vampire was very fond of these small moments with faer girlfriend. When everything was quiet besides them, besides her. Riri’s heart beat proudly in her chest and Zahira couldn’t help the contentment warming faer own heart at the sound. Meeks was finally back and Zahira found him a new glass tank, her niece would visit tomorrow, and Riri was safe. And she’d stay safe so long as she didn’t know.
“Z,” Riri spoke quietly, whispering just above the sound of the running water, “I got a call while you was hexing Keyondra bloodline.”
“About what? You and your mama alright?” Zahira asked worriedly. Fae knew about how Riri worried about her mom staying by herself back at home and how her mother worried about her too. MIT was a big school with a ‘coyote problem’, far from Chicago, but Mrs. Williams wouldn’t let that sway her if it was her daughter’s dream.
Riri smiled at her girlfriend’s concern.“Yea, we fine, but it was the garage. Tommy needs his shift covered tomorrow, gotta visit a relative in the hospital.”
The vampire exhaled through her nose and considered the information, mood deflating as fae put the pieces together. “So you can’t make it to the soro party. And imma have to take Shuri, by myself.”
“I know, baby, I know,” The engineer consoled her girlfriend, hugging her from behind. “I don’t give a fuck about Tommy either but my boss said if I work this shift I get full access to all the spare parts and shit they don’t use.” Riri explained to Zahira.
The vampire knew how good this could be for Riri if she worked that shift. The garage she worked at was well-known, receiving enough business over the years to pool a large variety of spare parts and old servicing equipment she could repurpose for her inventions and other engineering endeavors. Riri could probably build a damn time machine if she had the resources.
Saying no and asking Riri to miss that shift didn’t cross faer mind.
“Take the leftover stroganoff, you know you bad for forgetting to eat when you got work.”
Riri spun her girlfriend around and smothered faer face in kisses, “Thank you, baby.”
Zahira grinned at Riri’s affection, “Can’t make transformative scientific discoveries if you starving.”
ღ ღ ღ
First day of class was thoroughly whooping Shuri’s ass.
If she didn’t feel so exhausted, so starved, she would’ve been able to enjoy all of her class. Her first class had been robotics, one of her easiest subjects, but the Princess could barely keep her eyes open. After robotics, she had trudged to the other side of campus to get to her intro to computer science class, which she was 20 minutes late to. But Shuri was a bit more refreshed after her involuntary nap in her robotics class. Her last class for the day was her organic chemistry class that she was surprised to learn she shared with Zahira.
The southerner was surprised to see the Princess, especially looking so sleepy. “Nigga, you look kinda rough. Didn’t you sleep for like ten hours?” Zahira asked as the Wakandan sat a few seats to faer right.
“I’m still getting adjusted to the seven hour time difference.” Shuri lied as she rubbed away the sleep from her eyes.
“That seven hour time difference wasn’t bothering you when you was fuckin up that stroganoff I made. Or when you tried tagging along wit me to get Meeks.”
Shuri rolled her eyes at the vampire catching her lie, “Well, maybe I had a nap yesterday, Zahira. Did you consider that?”
Zahira sucked her teeth but decided not to argue with her roommate when fae saw the professor start flicking through a presentation. Fae figure there wasn’t much use arguing, especially with someone who’s tiredness is making them frustrated.
“Get you a nap during lunch and eat before we start getting ready for that KBZ party, alright?” The biochemistry major suggested before turning back to her notes.
Shuri pouted slightly and whispered, very confused, “We’re going to a party?”
ღ ღ ღ
House Keta Beta Zeta was most notorious, of the sororities and fraternities at MIT, for the themed parties they hosted. When it came to the first functions of the new semesters, the sororities and fraternities took turns hosting them, knowing they were time consuming to plan and great opportunities to promote their house. Though the vampire felt like the party was going to be lackluster without her Riri, fae wouldn’t miss an opportunity to dress up.
While Shuri came home immediately after their shared organic chemistry class, the sophomore took a stroll around campus hoping to find something to snack on before the party. After deciding against feeding again so soon, Zahira headed back to their dorm and woke up a sleeping Shuri so they could get ready.
Zahira was putting the finishing touches on her outfit for the early 2000’s themed party while she waited for faer roommate to emerge from their bathroom. The biochemistry major wanted to pay a little homage to her short-lived emo phase in middle school and serve a gothic look that would make 12 year-old Zahira rejoice.
Over her hot pink bra, a required pop of color, Zahira wore a black long sleeve mesh top with rips, courtesy of her unreasonably sharp nails. Fae wasn’t very fond of the black miniskirt she wore because the glitter in it didn’t pair well with the gothic vibe she was going for, but she adored the two country ass belts she stacked around faer hips.
Riri wanted to be silly and wear a little cowboy hat with the 2000’s fashion killer look she planned but since she couldn’t make it, Zahira wanted to incorporate some western elements. This included stacking belts with huge buckles, one of which was hot pink, a black leather jacket with dramatic tassels, and Riri’s black cowboy hat.
By the time Shuri came out of their shared bathroom, the sophomore was already seated in front of faer mirror spritzing setting spray over a makeup look that was much too simple for how long it took. It truly was simple, pink brows that matched her hair, a dramatic black eye look, some shimmering highlight she’d had since high school and a glossy pink lip with black liner.
“You ready, Princess?” Zahira teased Shuri with her royal title as she stood up from her black desk, taking off her girlfriend’s cowboy hat to run her glitter-covered hands over faer hair she rushed to finish last night. Fae’d done her hair after walking Riri back to her dorm, two cornrows that stopped at the back of faer neck, leaving the rest of her hair out in puffy ponytails at the ends.
Shuri could feel her roommate’s gaze on her as she adjusted the green minecraft suspenders she wore. The vampire princess decided to go as the stereotypical nerd in 2000’s movies; a pink graphic baby tee, her beloved minecraft suspenders, some loose mom jeans she cuffed at the ends, the Wakandan equivalent of sketchers on her feet, and a black tie she messily tied around her neck.
“How do I look?” The Wakandan nearly choked on her sentence when she finally looked up from the tie she was struggling with to see Zahira in her costume.
“You not getting dressed for the party?” Zahira joked after taking in the scientist in her outfit. Fae poked at the strip of Shuri’s abdomen that the baby tee didn’t cover with an impish grin on her face, “We still have a few minutes left for you to throw something together.”
“You don’t get it? I’m a nerd, see?” Shuri explained as she plastered some black square frames on her face before pointing at herself, “Is this not giving the girlies nerd?” Zahira couldn’t help but laugh as the Wakandan native spun around before popping her suspenders.
Maybe tonight wouldn’t be a chore.
“Yes, Shuri, you are giving the girlies nerd,” Fae affirmed Shuri, trying not to burst into a fit of giggles, “Now let’s go before Riri accuse me of taking you out past your bedtime.”
“I am the Black Panther, I haven’t had a bedtime in 5 years.” The Princess stated reassuringly as she headed out the door room with an excited grin.
“Um, ion think you know where we going, Princess.”
“Erm, actually,” Shuri stuck up her index finger with a tilt of her head, “I studied campus maps thoroughly before I got here.”
ღ ღ ღ
When the vampire pair found their way to the party, courtesy of Shuri’s impeccable campus studying, it was much rowdier than Zahira was used to.
“See, Zahira? I got us here in one piece.”
“I’d be concerned if the Panther couldn't,” Zahira half-conplimented faer roommate, “Let’s see how you do at the actual event.”
These parties were mainly headaches for Zahira because of how depraved some of the partygoers were. Many times, Riri and Zahira had attended a party as a couple and were still pestered, the worst time being when someone giving Riri one of their locs.
But Riri wasn’t here tonight and fae knew what that meant.
Someone with auburn faux locs approached faer with pure excitement buzzing in their voice, “Where ya little girlfriend at Zahira? Y’all not together no more?”
“Unlike your parents, me and Riri are still very much so together, nosy ass.” Zahira bit back at the thirsty classmate, already getting fed up with the attention fae was receiving at the party. She’s hardly stepped into Keta Beta Zeta house.
This was exactly why she never let Riri go to these parties alone, these soros didn’t give a fuck about a relationship status and sometimes they mistook the engineer’s respectful rejection as ‘come back later’. Zahira had absolutely no qualms with being mean, though.
Reaching for her roommate’s hand, Zahira began pulling Shuri through the sweaty crowd and towards the couple of coolers by the makeshift bar.
“You need anything to drink, Shuri? These soro parties always got sum bomb ass lemonade juice boxes.”
The mention of a drink almost knocked the Wakandan flat on her back. It’d been so long since she’d fed, felt the warmth of the blood travel down her throat, lick that pretty red color off her lips. Hunger had been sitting in her stomach so long, she’d almost forgotten how strong it was.
“How about we dance first?” I’m going to kill myself. The heir immediately thought to herself after offering up the alternative. Granted, anything was better than thinking about getting something to drink, watching other people sip on their beverages as if it hadn’t been months since she’d gotten to do the same. But dancing? By far, dancing was one of the Princess’ weakest abilities, immediately after small talk.
Zahira’s eyebrows raised in surprise, a small grin tugging at her lips, “I didn’t take you for a dancer, Udaku.”
Because I’m not one, Shuri thought as she nodded quietly with a tight-lipped smile. The scientist’s eyes darted around the party, again taking in how packed the sorority’s house was. Shuri started to let the stress fall from her form once she realized there were too many people in here for her dancing to even be seen, let alone embarrass her. The building was already huge so for it to be so crowded spoke to how truly famous Keta Beta Zeta’s events were.
“Is it always this packed?” Shuri questioned her roomate much too quietly. Zahira heard it very clearly over the loud music, but played as if she didn’t, trying to keep up the image that fae was indeed human.
“What?” Fae yelled into the royal’s ear. This reminded her of another one of the many reasons she hated going to these parties, all this damn sensory stimulation. Loud ass music and sorority chants, bright ass bi-colored lights, and too many damn smells and people.
“They got the bisexual lightning, y’all know what that mean!” Zahira turned her head at the sound of that evilly cheery voice. The source was a peppy Keyondra, decked out in a baby blue polo shirt and navy blue tennis skirt, with french curls tailing the ends of her blonde braids that’d been cornrowed, and some gold accessories the southern vampire was too annoyed to acknowledge.
As if she could sense the vampire, which Zahira figured was likely, her being a witch and all, the track runner spotted fae. The sophomore actually suspected Keyondra could track back when they were a thing but she never fessed up.
Shuri was none the wiser to the odd encounter that’d almost ensued next to her. The Wakandan was much too focused on trying not to bite into something, somebody. It’d just be so easy, finally getting her fill after what felt like an eternity. The KBZ sorority knew how to throw a party that hid things. The pretty pink-blue-purple lights weren’t nearly strong enough to cut through the smoke emanating from the noisy fog machines being drowned out by the music and partygoers. The bass blasting from the speakers vibrated through your chest, you could hardly have a conversation with the person next to you. It was hard to see and loud as all hell, it was perfect.
It was a wonderful opportunity. The kind that her mother urged her to take when she left home.
Shuri would feed tonight. She had to.
“Hey, what about that dance you promised me, Udaku?” Her roommate's smooth voice pulled Shuri back from her thoughts just before she started looking around for her next meal.
Zahira knew how loud it was in the party so fae had just leaned over to speak directly into Shuri’s ear, completely distracting the royal from the fact that she was very, very far from being a good dancer.
“Dancing would be nice.”
ღ ღ ღ
Riri loved her job at the garage. Most days, anyways. But tonight was a terrible night to be working with the Keta Beta Zeta sorority throwing a party barely twenty minutes away. Students commuting from the off campus dorms and the two nearest HBCUs (Johnson Jenkins School of Arts and Eliza Black Technical University) were always getting into the stupidest shit with their vehicles and Riri had to fix it all.
Of course, her coworkers would take some of the customers but none of them were as fast as she was, besides Tommy, and he wasn’t here. The supergenius actually hated the fuck out of Tommy when they first met. He was always stealing her extra shifts, taking tools from her work area without putting them back, and taking her lunches she tucked away into the garage’s fridge.
Almost every night for the first week of her job, Riri ranted to her girlfriend about it, and Zahira was quick to put an end to the engineer’s distress.
“Keep doing this bullshit wit my girlfriend and we gon see if you can fuckin change my car tires after I run your dumbass over. And stop eating her lunches, you greedy bitch.”
Of course, Riri had no clue about this, she just assumed Tommy stopped being a bitch. Which was partially true,
Zahira scaring the absolute shit out of him made him realize just how trifling he was being.
Now, Tommy and Riri were on better terms but she still didn’t care for him. It was much, much easier to get through a shift when he was around. Tommy went to Eliza Black Technology University and was an engineering major just like Riri, so he was almost as good with mechanics as she was.
When Riri found out she was covering Tommy’s shift because his father was in the hospital she felt like it was only right to go visit him and his father. The supergenius knew how Zahira still hated Martin a little bit so she figured she’d to call her about it, sure that her girlfriend would either find it entertaining or karmic retaliation. Riri changed her mind quickly after realizing that’d probably just be an excuse for her girlfriend to come back from that soro party much too early.
She’d just tell Zahira when she got back.
ღ ღ ღ
“Come on, Udaku, I know you not gon let this song get away from you!” Zahira yelled over the music booming from the huge speakers around the dj booth. The southern vampire was a big fan of kompa music, it was one of her favorite genres to whine to the floor to, and Shuri was rather pleased with the song selection as well.
The Wakandan raised her hands in a gesture of surrender as she started whining her waist in time with the music, a shy smile on her face.
Zahira’s jaw dropped a bit in surprise at Shuri’s impeccable sense of rhythm. Practically screaming in excitement, fae started dramatically fanning the grinning supergenius. “Oh my god, do we have a waistline warrior on our hands?”
Shuri laughed at her roommate’s surprise, “I’m actually pretty bad at dancing, but there are a few things I can manage. This dance style is much easier with a partner, though.”
Picking faer jaw up off of the floor, Zahira applauded the vampire princess before volunteering, “Oh, well that’s all you had to say.”
Smiling gleefully, Zahira entwined faer hands with Shuri’s and gently pulled the Princess closer as she began whining in time with the music. The Wakandan’s surprise and intrigue was written all over her face, mouth agape and eyebrows raised.
“Where’d you learn how to kompa?” Shuri asked curiously, letting her hands slip from Zahira’s and placing one against her back and the other behind her neck as they kept dancing.
The southerner simply shrugged her shoulders as Shuri dipped faer, “Well, I’m actually Haitian, you ain’t know?”
“Really?” The royal questioned, surprise in her tone once again, making her roommate laugh as fae brushed a couple coils out of Shuri’s eyes.
Zahira shook her head, still laughing at Shuri’s gullibility, “Nah, I’m not Haitian. You’ll believe anything if I say it, huh?” Heat rushed to Shuri’s face at her roommate’s antics. That teasing tone Zahira used with her, paired with that little smirk on faer face, almost broke Shuri’s concentration on her dancing.
Trying to recover from the little joke that left her more flustered than it should’ve, Shuri let out a fake sigh. “You aren’t very funny, did you know that?”
“You hating cuz you mad my non-Haitian ass is eating you up,” Zahira retorted cheekily, tipping faer cowboy hat at her dance partner.
Shuri was about to open her mouth to let some nonsensical response tumble out when she started stumbling. Zahira quickly caught her roommate as she started falling against faer, stabilizing her before she could hit the floor.
“You okay, Udaku?” The genuine concern in Zahira’s voice would’ve brought a smile to the Princess’ face if she wasn’t trying to focus on regulating her breathing. Out of nowhere, she was struggling to breathe and felt like she’d been thrown in a damn volcano.
“Bast, why’s it so hot?” Shuri mumbled to herself as she tried to stand up without the support of the biochemistry major. Almost immediately, she started stumbling again, making her roommate hold her up once again.
“Nah, Udaku, imma just have to carry you,” Zahira spoke firmly when she saw how weak Shuri was. The Wakandan barely had time to process what fae said before Zahira put Riri’s cowboy hat over her face and she was being lifted bridal style.
Grumbling at the condensed crowd, Zahira lashed out at the specific group of guys in her way. “Fuck out the way, nigga, I know you see me!”
They scattered like roaches when they saw the nasty look the vampire was giving them.
As the southern vampire continued making her way through the packed party, fae heard a familiar voice behind her. “Zahira, I think you gon need sum help.”
Zahira let out a sigh of relief when she turned and saw JT behind her in a biker get-up. JT was one of the handful of people that didn’t raise the biochemistry major’s blood pressure. They were in Zahira’s miserable pre-calculus class and bonded over hating the evil ass professor and being supernatural Black lesbians. While the MIT supernatural community was predominantly practitioners and vampires, telepaths such as JT were common on campus too.
“Nigga, I’m glad you here, can you tell me what the fuck going on? If she okay?” JT gave their friend a nod before they started concentrating on the royal’s mental state.
Zahira’s stomach tied itself in knots the longer Shuri was unconscious. Of course, Zahira wasn’t a fan of the very obvious affection the supergenius harbored for faer Riri, but she wasn’t a homewrecker, and certainly not someone who deserved whatever the fuck was happening to her.
The telepath’s eyebrows furrowed and they gave their vampire friend a look, “Uh, we gon have to go back to y’all dorm first. Ion think the Princess of Wakanda need me airing out her business like that.”
ღ ღ ღ
The three made it back to dorm 304 with very few issues, besides a couple strange looks and the Princess of Wakanda starting to whisper to herself very quietly.
Zahira gently set Shuri down on her bed after taking Riri’s cowboy hat off her face. Fae leaned over her, trying to make sense of the almost inaudible mumbles, “Fuck is she saying, is she even awake?”
“I can’t tell, only reason you can hear it is cuz you got them Countess of the Manor powers. She definitely unconscious, though.” JT confirmed for the vampire after taking in Shuri’s state again.
“Well, what the fuck’s wrong, JT?” The southern vampire asked, trying to keep her voice from revealing her panic. I had my eyes on her all night, even if I couldn’t see her, I could hear her. She didn’t have anything at the party, it can’t be food poisioning-
Picking up on the unease on Zahira’s face as fae awaited an answer, JT was bombarded with fae’s thoughts. “Oh, you’re worried down, huh?” The telepath teased as they wiggled a finger at the two.
“JT.” Zahira deadpanned her unserious friend, brown eyes staring blankly at them.
Before giving Zahira the diagnosis, JT pursed their lips and peeked out the room’s peephole to make sure there wasn’t anyone lingering in the hallway.
“Fren, she one of us. Well, one of you more specifically.”
Zahira’s jaw grazed the dorm room’s floor. “Bitch, you fuckin lyin?” The vampire exasperated as she gave the Wakandan a once over, eyes searching for proof of JT’s claim.
“Yea, I think that’s why she out right now, ion think she’s feed in a while. Like several months. Don’t know how she ain’t pass out earlier.”
The southern vampire shook her head at the news, finally understanding why fae couldn’t tell Shuri was a vampire. When vampires go a while without feeding, it makes their abilities much weaker, it’s harder for other supernaturals to detect them.
“Okay, well, ion keep blood in here cuz Riri be over here sometimes. I’ll just give her some of mine.” Zahira told faer friend, already trying to pick which limb to cut into.
JT raised an eyebrow curiously, “ You don’t think Miss Princess might be a bit…gluttonous? After months of not eating?” Zahira and JT both knew too well how dangerous bloodlust was, especially on campus. Some colleges had issues of poor housing, MIT had a ‘coyote problem’.
“She not asking nobody on campus for blood,” Zahira gently pulled the faux glasses off Shuri’s face, “she an heir to a monarch, remember?” There was no way in hell the southern vampire was going to set up faer roommate like that. If someone caught the Princess of Wakanda sucking blood out of a classmate, so soon after she’d killed Namor to keep her nation safe, she’d end up on the shaderoom and the FBI watchlist.
Not like America wasn’t already looking for a reason to target Wakandans.
“You right, but I could just bring a bag of blood here.” The telepath offered their friend. JT didn’t wanna put Shuri in a bad position but there’s a chance this would be an issue for Riri, whenever Zahira decided to tell her.
“Ain’t no need to worry, JT, this not gon jeopardize what me and Riri have. I’ve had to do this before wit friends, it’ll be fine, I promise.” The southerner promised an unsure JT.
“You the boss. Text me when she start feeling better,” JT motioned towards Shuri on their way out, “Lemme know how this shit land when Riri find out.”
Zahira waved off her friends antics with a light laugh, “Nigga, get the fuck out unless you donating blood.”
At that, JT quickly shut the door behind them.
An anxious sigh fell from the biochemistry major when fae was finally alone with Shuri. Feeding from other vampires wasn’t something Zahira made a habit of. The last time fae fed from one, fae nearly killed the girl. And as for her feeding vampires? The southern belle had only ever fed fledglings, not vampires of her roommates’ caliber.
But Shuri needed this and Zahira was determined to take care of her roommate. For Riri, of course.
“Alright, Udaku, I know you hungry.” Fae spoke, to herself really, to try and prepare faerself.
Zahira dug one of her elongated nails into the skin of faer forearm deep enough to get a bit of blood to start pooling at the surface. She brought her arm over Shuri’s mouth and used the thumb of her other hand to open her mouth for the blood. It’d be in Zahira’s best interest to offer her arm instead of her neck, especially if Shuri was as ravenous as JT suspected.
A few seconds passed quietly with Zahira just feeling the soft exhales of the Princess’ breath against her arm and a light sting from the cut in faer arm as blood dripped into Shuri’s mouth.
“Shuri? C’mon girl, stop being scary and fuckin drink already.” Zahira encouraged anxiously as Shuri lay still unconscious.
“This not fuckin funny, wake the fuck up before-” Gorgeously red-brown eyes fluttered opened as the taste of blood bloomed on the Wakandan’s tongue. Immediately, she grabbed her roommate’s bleeding arm and brought it to her lips, completely controlled by her hunger.
Zahira hissed slightly when Shuri’s fangs bit into her arm, more so from shock than actual pain. Fae figured the royal would be hungry but this was…unprecedented, to say the least.
The southern vampire kept her eyes on the Hello Kitty plushie on the bed instead of Shuri. Fae hated being stared at while she ate and assumed the same might be true for her roommate. Although Zahira wasn’t too sure Shuri would notice if an anvil fell through the dorm ceiling with how hungry she was.
“Alright, it ain’t that good.” Zahira joked nervously as Shuri groaned quietly against faer arm, readjusting faer arm so she could lap at the blood she missed.
It was taking everything in faer to not enjoy this. Feeling Shuri’s fangs in her skin, the way her blood was slurped up water in a desert, the heat in the hands holding faer arm so sweetly. Zahira never really got to see other vampires feed and couldn’t help but wonder as she watched the royal, Did all vampires look this entrancing when they fed?
The vampire Princess fed with her eyes almost closed, clearly enjoying her meal, as if her eagerness didn’t make it obvious enough. And her eyes, Zahira couldn’t imagine being capable of saying no to eyes like that, all red with heat and craving yet still a bit of that umber brown that made it harder for fae to be mean to her.
Shuri murmured against Zahira’s skin, hunger still humming in her stomach, “Khange ndondle kudala. Enkosi (I haven’t fed in ages. Thank you.).”
Zahira’s eyes nearly fell out of her head with how they widened in shock, “Shuri? Do I need to get out google translate?” The Xhosa made faer breathe catch in her chest.
The Wakandan was unphased by her roommates’ shock. “Igazi lakho incasa nepapaya ekhaya (Your blood tastes like the papayas back home).” Shuri uttered sweetly after peppering a few kisses to the already healing cut on Zahira’s arm.
The southerner did faer best to ignore the heat the affection brought to faer face, choosing instead to get the supergenius to bed. “Okay, grandpa, let’s get your gay ass to bed.”
Coincidentally, Zahira became curious about what her blood tastes like as she was pulling the comforter over her, now very full, roommate. All she really ate were sweets and that sentiment still held a bit of true with her choices in blood. Through and through, she had a sweet tooth.
Another curiosity started to nibble away at Zahira as fae went to turn off the lights, though she didn’t give it any attention. If she didn’t bring the thought to the forefront of her mind, she could pretend she didn’t have it. But fae did.
What does Shuri’s blood taste like?
them niggas in dorm 304 gay as hell, wow. i hoped y’all enjoyed!! ik it took forever to get here but hopefully y’all feel it was worth it, thank you for reading!!
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cupidjyu · 1 year
my first kiss
(hyung line) the story of your first kiss with him .. (idea by anon who requested for hockey player eric!)
genre: first kiss!, fluff, new lovers, flusteredness notes: guys idk i tried to make this in a more nostalgic style, like it was telling a memory you have of it before LMOA anyways, i hope you enjoy!! these are a bit shorter btw ~~ word count: 1.1k
sangyeon (him)
sangyeon’s first kiss with you was initiated by him. he was such a gentleman about it, asking first and making sure everything was okay. and, it all happened in the simplest way. on a date, of course!
it was your third date together.
you guys easily became comfortable with each other. this time, you had decided to eat at a fancy restaurant with him. he looked truly charming that night, with a simple button-up shirt and his hair styled up… you sighed at the thought.
after dinner, he invited you to walk along the boardwalk. it was relaxing, as he was such a sweetheart, always listening to what you had to say and providing his best input.
but then, you stopped.
you gasped, pointing in the distance, “look at the lighthouse!”
he paused as well, looking at it. it looked beautiful at that moment, shining in the sunset, the sky colored purple and red.
he turned to you. you looked at him again.
“mm?” you looked up into his eyes. his eyes were soft, as he gazed at you so, so softly that it made your heart flutter.
“can i… kiss you?”
you gulped, widening your eyes. but after, you quickly leaned forward.
“yes!” you were overly excited, only now realizing how loud you were. “yes! yes of course, sangyeon.”
he smiled widely, as he pulled you closer with a simple tug of your jacket. he kissed you so, so gently that your heart couldn’t help but melt alongside your legs, feeling yourself stumbling with how good of a kisser he was. 
he pulled away, not too long ago, not dragging it out.
“beautiful,” he whispered.
“stop, you’re too much of a flatterer…”
jacob (him)
jacob’s first kiss with you was simple, yet heart-fluttering. it was when he wanted to show you a song he had made, accompanied by his guitar.
you remembered watching, so incredibly enamored, as he played the chords. alongside his guitar playing, was his beautiful, honey-like voice, singing the romantic lyrics he had written for you. you leaned closer and closer, your heart beating faster each minute.
when he was finished, he smiled shyly, looking away for a second.
“it’s not perfect, but-”
“no,” you immediately exclaimed. “it is perfect.”
“oh,” he breathed out, surprised. he was blushing at that point, his wide sparkly smile returning.
“it’s just so…” you couldn’t think of the right words. so instead, you shifted closer so that your legs were touching with his. he stared at you, wide-eyed. “if it were a radio station, it would be the only radio station i would listen to,” you thought for a moment. “oh! if it was on music streaming websites, it’d be the only song on all of my playlists-”
you hadn’t noticed him staring at you with complete heart eyes, as he admired how excited you were getting. 
he placed his hand gently on your cheek, interrupting your words. 
and he leaned in, kissing you softly. 
you widened your eyes but closed them quickly as you leaned on your hands to press closer to him.
“jacob…” you whispered as you pulled away with a shy smile.
“sorry, it’s just that when you say stuff like that about my music, i can’t help it…”
you giggled, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek.
younghoon (you)
it was you who initiated the first kiss. but don’t get him wrong! he really wanted to do it first. it’s just that he’s too much of a scaredy cat… it all started at the end of your first date.
he had just dropped you off at your house as he handed you the bags of things you bought.
“i had a lot of fun today,” he smiled shyly.
you looked up at him with a small, soft smile. “me too.”
“are you free tomorrow?”
“woah,” you laughed, watching as he slowly turned redder and redder. “that’s soon.”
“sorry, i couldn’t wait,” he chuckled, sheepishly. “it’s fine if you can’t!”
“no, no!” you shook your head quickly, stepping closer in his proximity. you so badly wanted to go on another date with him. “i can, i can!”
he smiled, his lips curving up widely.
and then another sentence hit you, filling your stomach with butterflies.
“can i kiss you or is it too soon?” 
you never thought younghoon was the type to be so blunt, it almost made you laugh. but instead, you felt the air get knocked out of you, as you inhaled deeply with shock.
“no,” you whispered. “it’s not too soon. at least for me. please, younghoon.” you stood on your tip-toes, urging him closer.
he nodded, giggling as his hair fell over his eyes cutely. he moved closer and you closed your eyes, waiting. 
but then, you felt him move away. you blinked your eyes open and saw that his cheeks and ears were bright red.
“sorry, i-” he rambled. “idon’tknowwhyigotnervous-”
and so, you cupped his face instead, kissing him quickly. he let out a surprised sound but held you closer anyways.
“i was really working up the courage you know…”
“took too long.”
hyunjae (you)
as surprising as it may be, it was you who initiated the first kiss with hyunjae. it had happened on a normal movie date, where for some reason he just looked too… cute?
“how many times have you watched this movie exactly?” you snuggled into his side, loving how warm his body was. “you practically know the whole plot.”
he laughed, “it’s embarrassing to say…” he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer. he was wearing a hoodie, making him look very cuddly. he also had his natural curly hair out that you only recently found out he had.
you furrowed your eyebrows at the scene on the screen. you didn’t understand it.
“why’d she do that?” you questioned. “isn’t she kind of dumb for that?”
you turned to him to hear his answer which he did start explaining. but, your mind was elsewhere. you weren’t focused on his words anymore, but instead on his nose.
it looked so… kissable. he looked kissable. he was soft everywhere, from his bare face to his poofy hair.
without a second thought, you leaned up and well, tried to kiss his nose. but it was so dark with the lights turned off that you completely missed. and instead, you kissed his lips.
he was shocked. even under the dim lighting, you could see him turn red.
he sat up, facing you with a quirked-up smile. 
“how come it’s you who did it first?”
“well-” you tried to explain that you didn’t actually try to aim there but then you felt a gentle, large hand on your waist. he pulled you into a long kiss as he smiled against you.
the movie was long forgotten.
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156l · 2 months
the past ~6 months for sure is just me working with various types of grayscale / monochrome painting because i found out it was WAY easier to just ignore colours for the time being and 100% on details / form / shapes first
what annoys me though is that then i lose the vibrancy that is a whole other problem you can't (usually) just add colour layers / hue stuff on top...
like to this day i still despair because i can't reach patagonia's level of detail and vibrancy because it was worked with both colour and detail at the same time
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(yeah shocker, right is the older one. lmoa)
it comes down to the fact that i enjoy softer colours and that if i wanted to make bright's details more clearer you just had to pump up contrast / depth / sharpness...that i didn't do in favour of a softer look? :
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i think it's beyond an artstyle thing at this point, and more a personal flavour thing. so uh if someone out there can advise me (read : slap my hands away from the softening filters) that would be great, also harangue me to start painting in colours again (i know i can, i just don't want to think of so many things at the same time...)
but at the same time there's nothing wrong going for a softer look you know? it's all taste...but it's irritating when the taste doesn't reflect like, another part of me that wants a higher contrast thing. so what do you want bro
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jupitermelichios · 8 months
8, 9, and 10 if you want to! :)
8) a character you think did nothing wrong but fandom demonizes?
I know exactly enough about homestuck to know saying vriska here would be a funny joke, but not enough to actually know who she is or what she did or didn't do wrong, lmoa
Memes aside though, Scott McCall is innocent and I am prepared to defend him in court if necessary.
I do get why fandom didn't latch onto him the way they did other teen wolf characters, he's the platonic ideal of a highschool boyfriend and that's not the kind of character that usually appeals to people Doing A Fandom, but people hate him So Much, and I don't get it. He's just a little guy, he's a little birthday boy. Why are you hitting him when it's his birthday?
I especially don't get the 'Scott is a bad friend' take that's so common it has a canon AO3 tag. Him and Stiles have a pretty unhealthy co-dependant friendship, absolutely, but it's very much mutual, and Scott is just as ride or die for Stiles as Stiles is for him. They're just a couple of weird little guys who have had no one else to talk to but one another for years, and have ended up with a freaky psychosexual mess of a friendship, we've all been there.
(also 90% of all female characters from kids cartoons, but that's a wider issue than just fandom taking a dislike to a character. the fact that there are people who think mable pines committed any crime worse than 'having the emotional maturity of a 12 year old while being literally 12 years old' is baffling and terrifying in equal measure)
9) a character that did a lot of things wrong in canon that you think fandom woobifies?
Loki, obviously. I've done my time in the MCU fic trenches, and oh boy some of the Loki takes I've seen...
Stiles Stilinski, the counterpart to the demonisation of Scott. They are basically the exact same level of problematic in a very believable teenage way in canon, but in fanon Scott becomes a monster and Stiles becomes a woobie.
Every single member of the Batfamily, but most of all, Alfred Pennyworth. He's a fun character and an excellent valet, and he loves Bruce and the kids, but my god was he a shit parent. How does anyone look at Bruce Wayne and conclude Alfred was a good parent? It baffles me. 'I raised master bruce'. you ruined a perfectly good orphan is what you did. look at it. it's got anxiety.
(There is one exception to this, and that is the Alfred from the Gotham TV show, who has done nothing wrong in his life ever, and does stuff like hug Bruce, and tell him that he loves him, and actually talk to him about his trauma. 100/10, best Alfred, don't @ me)
But the big one, the one that will result in me just blocking people so I don't have to see their takes on my dash, is John Constantine. And this isn't fully fandom's fault, recent DC TV and animated movies absolutely also do this, but the result is just this horrible oroborous of bad takes as TV writers who think they're too smart for comics inform the opinions of fans who don't want to engage with moral ambiguity, and then the writers respond to what those fans enjoy by making him even more toothless, and around and around it goes until you get this character who is utterly unrecognisable as John, and cruicially, feels fictional, which is the absolute worst thing a version of John can be. If the fact that multiple Hellblazer writers have reported meeting him irl doesn't feel at least a little bit plausible, that's not John.
(and if this is your first time hearing about that, yes multiple otherwise apparently sane writers of a vertigo comic book have claimed to have met the character they created in real life, and the fandom just accepts that as a canon part of his mythos. comics are wild.)
10) what is your favorite “problematic” fandom?
I guess it depends how you define problematic.
I made the decision not to engage with it anymore when jkr lost her mind, and also because I just lost interest and moved on to other fandoms as I got older, but I'm not going to pretend I didn't have a lot of fun in the harry potter fandom when I was a teenager. It was my first real fandom, and I'll always have some nostalgia for it for being my gateway drug into this community, despite everything.
The Fannibals are some of the most talented and creative people in fandom, the art and fic for Hannibal is absolutely incredible, definitely the highest average standard of fic I've encountered in a fandom. Plus it's nice to have a fandom where you know people are capable of engaging critically with dark content. I won't say there are no antis in the fandom, they seem to turn up everywhere these days, but they're easily drowned out by the people who actually remember stuff like SLS and YKINMKATO
I have a weird soft spot for Twilight, something about it just hits the so bad it's good groove in my brain just right, and the recent twilight renaisance has been very fun to watch, but I haven't really engaged with the fandom all that much beyond reblogging some memes (and writing an 8,000 word not!fic about how much better twilight would be if bella swan was polyamorous that one time)
And despite the whole ackles tapes conspiracy theory, and the prevelance of tinhatting, and the dumb shipwars, I'll always have a special place in my heart for the supernatural fandom. it's a fucked up place to live, but I had a lot of fun there, and i still visit on occaision.
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uglypastels · 10 months
i’m sorry this isn’t gonna be as long as my other comments after a chapter. i just moved and i’m still settling in and my brain is just barely cooperating with me after all that stress😭
u fucking had my ass with thinking eddie was going to die dude. like fully broke my heart when he told her to just accept him dying and it was going to be okay!! fuck that, u rly know how to go for my throat. i literally had to skip ahead and then go back cause i was so scared. but i loved the ending so much. i think i would have keeled over if we didn’t get a happy ending where eddie and reader sailed away together.
i loved that the rumors going around abt him in the fic paralleled the show, that was so good!
ugh and her bringing him food and rum and the joke abt it not being poisoned!!!
also the questions of the letter and what happened to make him hate the governor/the navy were so satisfyingly resolved. i really didn’t know how you were going to explain the letter without it feeling like there was a one that got away without her dying or smth but chrissy turning against him when he didn’t even do anything wrong and getting with carver was so genius.
the end of this fic was like 100x better than i could’ve ever imagined and it really shows how great of a writer you are. i’m so grateful that you shared this with the fandom<3
please, this is already so much thank you!! and if there are any other thoughts that come back to you, you can always pop into my inbox again :))
i will be honest, i had the strongest urge to really just x him off, but then yall would have come for my throat, and that thought is simply terrifying lmoa. but oh well, maybe one day I'll get the courage to just go for it.
and i am so glad that everything worked. because obviously i had tried to think this story through as much as i could, but having all the puzzles for myself ahead of time always made me think Oh what if I'm not making things connect as well as they should be and then the resolve would make no sense because all the threads i thought i tied together were all too loose haha, but yeah super happy that it did seem to work :))
0 notes
Omg so I know season four was released a while ago but I recently found my reaction notes to the first six episodes. And they’re really funny so I want to share them with you guys lmao.
My notes on Stranger Things
Before I begin:
-Byler no matter what
-Ronance no matter what
-please don’t let any main characters die 😭
-but if someone has to go make it Hopper please
-or at least just please don’t kill Robin or Max or Dustin or Will
-I want an open confession that either Will is gay or that he has a crush on Mike or both
-although I think it would be best if Mike was the one who confessed feelings first
-I already know I’m not prepared for this at all
-Future Cass, how r u feeling?
Edit: I was correct I was not prepared for that at all 😀
Episode One:
-Why is the lab so gay? 💀
-Don’t know who this boy is that BRENNER is manipulating but he has OCD 💀✋🏼
-Love him for that 🤪
-Ayo just noticed that Mileven and Jancy are together in the intro so they can’t actually be a couple because none of the other names are 😁🥰
-I too love BOOBIES 💅❤️
-Robin’s a trumpet player WHAT?!
-Do research next time besties
-AHYY I automatically approve Vickie because she plays clarinet.
-she can do no wrong 💅
-I mean get it bestie
-don’t know who this dude is but can he just shut up for a second he’s so annoying 💀
-Why the heck is this girl annoying Will?
-Omg why are these kids making fun of a dead person
-OMG Max 😭
-Does Chrissy have an ED 😟
-OMG someone save Chrissy
But like also I loved Chrissy why did she have to die 😭
Episode Two:
-I’m not buying it 🙄✋🏼
-Hopper SHOUKD not be alive but whatever
-Joyce is such a girl boss
-But Murray is so smart
-Poor Will 😭
-DAMN EL, but like Angela low key deserved that anyways lmao
-Damn VECNA be killing someone every episode
-Please they literally just confirmed that Mike isn’t actually in love with El 💀
Episode Three:
-“experiment sexually”
-This is some Saw shit right here 💀
-Lucas is an asshole I can’t believe that he’s ratting on Eddie 😒 and I loved him so much before this too 😞
Episode Four:
-Ayo this season is violent and gory
-I hate Hopper but that was a very cool escape
-I swear that was so fruity OMG Byler is happening HDHRJ
-AYO YURI IM ABOUT TO THROW HANDS HOW DARE HE KINDAP JOYCE AND MURRAY THE GIRLBOSS DUO 😡. when they wake up they’re gonna girlboss him so hard thta VECNA is gonna kill him by throwing the homophobic dog at him
Episode Five:
-Death Note vibes 🤪💀
-No but also why does El dress like a Disney charactor 💀 so many layers
-nahhh THERES no way this crusty old guy is still kicking
-he probably died just from being knocked to the floor
-nah but I’m shitting bricks here what the duck is going on
-Ok so this is a horrible situation for El BUT THE FACT THAT SHE LITERALLY DREW A PRIDE FLAG IS SNEDING ME 😭✋🏼
-This is making me feel like I’m on drugs for fr
-But this whole seaosn is giving me Hereditary vibes
-also now I ship him with Enzo. Oops.
-no but seriously poor Chrissy 😭
-but also not her Mom being a Karen 😒
-I swear to god if this mother trucker messes with Eddie I’m going to throw hands
-Joyce and Murray rlly do be slaying though 💅
-No but like was cutting her hair rlly nessecary 😭✋🏼
Episode Six:
-“Steve takes one for the team.” THE DUCK DOES THAT MRAN?!
-Jason r u stupid or dumb? Did u not hear Eddie screaming?! And you can’t beat the devil lmao 😭✋🏼
-Damn these bitches think they’re Miss Trunchbull or something 🧍‍♀️
-religious ppl r so dumb omg 💀
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theroseapothecary · 2 years
i could honestly complain for hours about certain things at work or certain colleagues....for HOURS
#personal log#i met up with a friend and i spent 20 minutes talking about this one co worker and my friend did not care lmao#and now i just spent another 30 minutes complaining to my boyfriend about this person and i still don't feel like i've vented enough#nobody but my one co worker whom i love working with and work with most understands it#mainly because we work in a team with that third coworker in a different building than everybody else lmoa#she is SO lazy but she doesn't see herself that way at all#she constantly talks about what an amazing team we are but it's me and the other one who do most of the work#and she wants to do the work that we do together but my friend and i've been doing it for months and we work so well and fast together#that it doesn't make sense to split is up and let the other coworker do what we do#idk idk maybe i've got it all wrong and she deserves more credit#but she gets on my nerves like few other people do#and i get that the things she has to do are boring but??? that's part of the job#and i would let her do my part but i kniw my friend absolutely hates it when she has to work with her#especially because she's so slow and doesn't take it as seriously as we do#u g h#job tag#i wish she'd finally tell our boss she doesn't want to do this part of the work anymore like everybody else has done#they all find it boring and don't like that they don't get any tips like they would if they worked in the service bar#she's already mentioned the lack of tips as annoying and that she's not sure if she wants to work here without the tips#and my friend and i were like 👀👀👀#yesss please ask to only work in service instead of with us
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god1ngs · 2 years
so. the lore huh
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mw-draws · 5 years
I started writing fluff right and then realised that I can just do it as a separate fic. The Fam play D&D. Ryan is DM. Graham played it when it came out in the 80s and is a total nerd who min/maxes everything (I haven't figured out a class for him). Yaz plays a Paladin (Because of course she would) Thirteen is a Wizard with a level in Bard.
Oh my god, yes, that would be amazing!
Yaz would be sorta new to it, only seeing some posts and shit about d&d and knows about the classes, but hasn't played a proper game before. Ryan has played quite a lot of d&d, but is quite new to being DM, but he sorta knows what he's doing. Graham needs no introduction to d&d, but would get mixed up between the older versions of d&d and the newer versions. And thirteen, she's just a disaster at it. She would master it almost instantly, but would accidentally become op and would put a lot of herself into her character by making them a shitty little theif, stealing horses and treasures. She would also make them rebel against their hometown (that's how her character found the fam's party), which was in the middle of a brutal and ongoing war and the only way that she could end this 1000 year war was by destroying the entire town, including the civilians. She would then get really emo and sad because she's accidentally recreated the events of the Time War due to too much self reflection in her character
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Its time for a probrably wrong union X theory!
Welcome to my first ever attempt at a theory.yall are here to watch ne be wrong. Lmoa.
Union X is coming to an end and its time share with you my big end game theories connecting the dots of kingdom hearts 3 and Re:Mind to Union X. And that is by using some solid evidence from the games and from the light novels. Yes. I'm going there.
This first bit is to do with the idea that Vanitas is the Darkness that possessed Ven in Union X. Now, this could easily be disproven right? Well I think I can actually bring validity to it.
Fist there's the obvious evidence that Vanitas claims that "what I am is Darkness" in Kingdom Hearts 3 and hes been a part of Ven longer than he thinks, he was only extracted is something he mentioned in Re:Mind. This can be written off by him being all the pure darkness in Vens heart, but could be taken as him being the entity darkness.
Ok. So, remember how I said I would talk about the light novels? Well, in said light novels, Vanitas is said to originally have no face/true corporeal form, having the form more like dark Rikus outfit thing, but thanks to Sora touching Vens heart, he gained a more humanish form.
Well.... darkness in Union X...
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uhhhh....They have... no form. Just a cloud of purple and black with a figure resemblent of a human form in the center, if you look closely.
And if it were extracted from Vens heart by Xehanort to make Vanitas, that means darkness returns to lay within Ven dormant after the Union leaders defeat it, even when he travels to the time of Birth by Sleep! That or it has left remnents of itself within him to ensure darkness will follow into the future. Either way, it or part of it was in Ven until Xehanort took it away along with the natural darkness of his heart.
But if that's the case, then that would mean Vanitas wasn't technically a part of Ventus, but had resided there so long that that's what he believed. Because memories are stripped when they time travel. Does that effect darkness? Making it thinks its always been Vens darkness and Vens Darkness alone all this time.
Now for things to get a bit wonkey
There's still a big question lurking. What the hell is up with Dark inferno X? (chi pronounced key) its picture is below.
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The bio from Re:Mind states "The darkness that erupted out of Ventus's heart and turned into an aggressive heartless. But the voice that was heard at the time intimated that it was "darkness" itself. What did that mean..."
Well, let's not forget the basic rule of the Kingdom hearts universe. If your heart is lost or Overcome by darkness it becomes a heartless. 
Xehanorts heartless, Ansem, possessed Riku in Kingdom hearts 1 when it became a weak heart like spirit... who's to say other heartless who are strong enough can't do the same thing? And the design... who is one person with similar attributes like... a scarf, that Ventus at least encountered or knew?
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Quick point I'll refer to later, but remember, we see Ephemer help Sora with the light of the past later on in kingdom hearts 3. The keyblades all come to life with the hearts of the fallen weilders and stuff and Sora surfs them because video game. Now, this bit is a little confusing. What was Ephemer doing in the white void? Was that a ghostly form of his nobody or something? An appiration? Just his ghost? The moment he arrived in the future?
Well, the moment of him arriving can be crossed of I think. Where did he go if that were the case? Ephemer appearing in that moment does throw a spaner in the world, but I might be able to pull it out and fix the theory prediction.
My theory for this part is that the Ephemer we see in KH3... is Ephemers nobody in a ghost like form waiting for his heartless, Dark Inferno X.
His heartless must of found a way to hide or travel through time and went to hide within Ven's heart like Ansem did to Riku, but it has to be after Vanitas was removed. Otherwise, Dark inferno X would of been extracted by Xehanort too. The entity of darkness or its remnents, however, was with Ven when he travelled through time.
I think the best answer is Ephemers nobody died in the travel or after, is now a spirit, and helped the heroes of light. He's just waiting for his heartless to be destroyed so he can return as his somebody. And now that Sora has defeated it... who's to say we won't see him soon.
Oh and I think the secret Dark Inferno X boss in 3 was just a test for the remind one and went through a minor design change. Image comparison below, pictures from Google.
Kh3 Re:Mind
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The unversed floods did the same thing between birth by sleep, bbs final mix and 3 after all going blue to purple and back to blue (I like them purple).
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I really don't want to believe that it was Strelitzias heartless and that she might be able to return. I'd rather her remain a permanent death like the keyblade wilders of Union X, Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort. Its nice having a concept of death in Kingdom Hearts.
Where was I? Oh yes. I think Dark inferno X is Ephemers Heartless.
Now for one more problem. How Dark inferno X got to Ventus.
From what I see, it has 2 routes.
1: use the Ark and escape into the future. This leaves only a broken pod in the Union X time so Blain can not join the other leaders. Ephemer just has to wait. The only problem here is how Dark inferno X located Ven and got into castle oblivion without a hitch. Though I guess it did have 10 years to look.
2: hide in someone's keyblade. We've seen hearts contained by keyblades so I don't see why it can't happen again. A curse to the masters defender. I think it atratches its heart to the keyblade and thats how it escaped into Ven. When Aqua left him in Castle oblivion, the heartless snook away and hid within him, waiting for Vens heart to arrive so it could hide better and we could get the scene in Remind.
Either way, thats where Ephemers heartless would reside until it was reawakened.
So, to summarise what we've discussed into a timeline.
The Union leaders battle and defeat Darkness. Maybe temporarily, maybe for good. We don't know until its too late. It probably starts talking about some cryptic stuff, quoting things yet to be heard, who knows. This is where I believe Darkness overtakes Ephemer and turns his heart into dark inferno X (hence why it introduced itself to Sora as Darkness in Re:Mind. In a panic, Skuld and Blaine probably carry their unconscious friends out and flee to the ark, the time travel pods, darknesses remnants inside Ventus's heart and stays dormant until they are brought out. After waking the other 2 up and healing them Skuld, Lauriam and Ven go though the Ark pods, possibly joined by Elrena, and Blaine then stays behind and searches for Ephemers nobody. Hoping to reunite and reconnect the dark inferno X to Ephemer. 
Dark inferno X then hides away or travels to the future. I mean, I don't expect it to fit in the ark pods, but it might hide away in there or something. If it does then heres the first scenario.
There is one broken pod left. Blaine does his best to fix it, but its not safe enough so Ephemers nobody dies going through and it ends up as a spirit thing, waiting and searching for its heartless. Oh! And Blaine doesn't figure out how to properly build the things so he decides to remain in this time.
Dark inferno X then searches attaches to Ven to hide away.
The other scenario is it hides away in masters defender and slips by then. Blain sends Ephemer through, but since he's a nobody, things don't go smoothly and Ephemers Nobody probably dies in travel.
The generations pass and everything happens.
Dark inferno X is defeated by Sora.
The end game is coning.
And that's it. That's the whole theory. Here's to hope the Union leaders come out on top in the Union X finale, Sora is saved in the next game and Ven finally gets therapy once he recovers these memories. Actually let's order therapy for everyone! 
Also speaking of Ven, Nomura, if you hurt my boy again, I'm gonna punch you.
Theres a reason I made this cringy meme! (art of Ventus by me its one of my older arts of him)
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Phoenix out!
(Ps: reply or reblog with inaccuracies)
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
from that prompt list, how about julie telling luke nr. 10 „its okay to be afraid sometimes“
oo this was fun to write yknow, love a little angsty juke in the early afternoon. sorry the ending is a little open ended, it had to stop myself before it got too long lmoa. hope you like it!! xox
hurt/comfort dialogue prompts!!
10. “It’s okay to be afraid sometimes.” 
Ever since the night of the Orpheum when Julie had thought she was going to lose the boys but didn’t, things had been changing. Little things really. Okay, well maybe suddenly being able to hug them when she hadn’t even been able to touch them before wasn’t little but in the grand scheme of things, them being seen by her family and Flynn was pretty small. 
The newest development was that she’d caught them sleeping. Passed out in a chair in the living room, curled up on the couch in the garage, hidden under blankets on in the studio loft. Once she’d even come home from school and found Reggie taking a nap on her bed. It wasn’t that Julie minded, in fact they were kinda cute when they slept, and she didn’t mind the moments of quiet if offered. 
But it was weird. It made her wish there was a rulebook for all this ghost stuff -- something she knew Alex wanted just as badly -- and that they weren’t just left guessing all the time. Did them sleeping mean something was wrong? Were they using too much energy? Did they need to sleep or did they just want to sleep so now they could? 
Her mind was on all the many questions she had when she walked into the garage, mouth open to ask if Luke wanted to work on a song with her when she stopped in her tracks. 
He was on his back on the couch, one hand curled into a fist at his side while the other twitched on his heaving chest, head moving side to side with his brow furrowed, like he was in pain. It wasn’t the first time she’d caught him sleeping, but it was the first time she’d seen him having some sort of nightmare. 
Luke lets out a small whine, lips parting and fingers twitching. It’s enough to pull Julie out of her shock and has her moving across the floor until she’s kneeling by his head. 
“Luke,” she says quietly, fingers hovering over his shoulder, unsure if she should touch him, but he lets out another whine and this time she can hear him saying ‘no’ and her fingers grip the fabric of his jumper, her other hand reaching for the hand on his chest. 
“Luke, wake up.” Julie shakes him a little, biting her lip in worry when he doesn’t seem to wake up, just draw deeper into his head, into his dream. “Luke please.” 
Maybe it’s the pleading in her voice or the way she squeezes the fingers on his hand, but Luke sits up suddenly, eyes flying open and knocking her hand off his shoulder. But the hand under hers turns, gripping back like a life line as he looks around with sleep mussed hair and wild eyes. 
“Julie?” he croaks when his eyes finally land on her, and he looks so unsure that it almost breaks her heart a little. 
“Yeah, hey you’re okay. Just a- a nightmare I think,” she gives him a small smile, hopes it’s reassuring and that her eyes don’t betray her worry too much. Because sure, she’s caught them all sleeping recently but they’ve never said anything about dreaming or nightmares. “Are you okay?”
“I--” Luke opens his mouth and closes it, eyes roaming across her face quickly and Julie can’t tell what he’s thinking, what he’s trying to find. “I’m fine,” he finally gets out and she doesn’t believe him for a moment. 
“It was just a bad dream,” he insists, squeezing her hand but he’s avoiding her eyes by looking at their joint hands like they’re the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” she tries, tilting her head a little to peer up at him and Luke takes in a stuttering breath and he dips his head a little in a nod. 
“It’s--” he blows out a hollow sounding laugh, “It’s stupid. Just a bad dream about-- it doesn’t matter about what, just y’know. Memories and the black room and the boys and you and-- and it’s stupid because I’m dead so I don’t know why it still scares me.”
Julie frowns at his words, turns the implications over in her mind, that Luke’s scared of losing them or scared of being sent back into nothingness. He moves from just staring at their joint hands to gently playing with her fingers, calluses sending small shivers up her spine. 
“It’s okay to be afraid sometimes,” she says and it finally draws his attention away from their hands and back to her eyes, “You know that, right?” 
He just looks at her, and she can see all the worry and fear that he’s normally so good at hiding. Julie forgets sometimes, that he seems to feel everything so deeply, the good and the bad. She gets caught up in Alex’s rambling thoughts and pacing questions and the way Reggie flinches at loud shouting and goes quiet when things get bad. Luke just internalises it all. 
“Luke,” she starts but he shakes his head, drawing in a breath. 
“I know I just--” he shrugs at her helplessly, “Pretending not to be scared is easier.” he admits. 
It’s more than she expected him to admit if she’s honest, and she doesn't quite know what to do. But well, she knows what she’d want someone to do for her. Without letting go of his hand Julie stands up and nudges his shoulder a little.
“Sit up a bit more,” she says. 
“Why?” the question leaves his lips even as he does as she asked and awkwardly, arm going over his head and slightly twisting her shoulder, she sits beside him and uses her free hand to guide him back down until his head is cushioned on her thigh and he’s looking up at her with slightly wide eyes. 
“I’m going to protect you from bad dreams,” she states, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. It is to her at least. 
“Oh?” he raises an eyebrow at her and there’s a flash of his usual cocky self that it almost makes her want to cry in relief. 
“Mhm. I can be very terrifying when I want to be, y’know?” she starts running her fingers through his hair, watches his eyes flutter shut a little and the small twitch of a smile on his lips. It’s enough for now.
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fluffi · 4 years
quick describe your moots
uh- i- uh-
@spookybias - even though we have a 13 hour time difference, gen and i talk daily. shes like my twitter insider source and someone i can go to for advice on my fics and bad bad stuff (lmao). also we fight over jungwon and sunghoon. constantly. i feel comfy talking to her about sensitive topics and such. shes a good clown mrijirmrf and i care for her (even though she probably doesnt know WELL NOW YOU DO GEN).
@softbbyg0rl - okay opal approached me because of a serious topic so i legitimately thought she was a very calm and collected person. I THOUGHT WRONG LMAO OPAL IS A CRACKHEAD. there was even a period of time where we only texted each other in all caps because why not. honestly i dont get comfortable with people easily but opal leads convos so well that we became friends in a short period of time.
@lunehearts - MY SISTER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER UHUHUHU jessica and i have a lot more in common than i thought and i love discussing kpop and other things we have in common. shes really sweet and kind and i hope everything gets better for her! everyone please go give her a hug RIGHT NOW!
if youre saying moots, i have over 30 like im not going to list down all of them ehe but these 3 are people that i talk to most on tumblr (because i suck at making friends lmoa) but here are some people im also pretty close to:
@unlocktxt - queen of ranting and leading topics. i love lexi she makes me really excited everytime she responds to an ask because we can just blabber back and forth about one thing and she makes me feel ✨comfy✨.
@yeonjuncore - okay this is really awkward i thought i had sent an ask about something else (outside kpop) to sae and apparently it wasnt her (i still dont know who it is now) so our convo got off to a rocky start but sae is really nice and sweet and HAS AMAZING WORKS IF YOU HAVENT READ HER FICS I DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE DOING HERE LEAVE AND GO READ HER WORK.
@beomiebear5 - apparently raina and i have more in common than i thought too! we literally became moots because we both hated ap history and im never afraid to send her an ask about anything and everything. just like lexi, theyre both ranting queens and im waiting for them to start a podcast together because i would totally listen to the both of them talk while im doing dishes or something lmao.
uh that was it i dont know if i did this right? if i didnt just think of this as a “relationship with my moots” kinda thing
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yibuo · 4 years
Hey, I love your blog ❤️. Can I ask for Uniq full story? I've seen a bits of it online but it's such a mess I can't figure out what's truth. Have a nice day 😁
FUNNY how i received this ask when i was crying about wenhan’s baby angel voice in best friend just earlier
tldr if i ever meet du hua it’s on SIGHT
LOL okay idk if this is the FULL story i probably won’t include details and stuff because i didn’t closely follow uniq during their whole hiatus thing (i had the brainpower to stan one group at a time but now look at me TWO kpop groups AND i’m starting to follow a cpop group AND pd camp 2020 AND am constantly fuming at yibo and xiao zhan’s management agencies for ruining their idol groups )
pls correct me if i’m wrong im small brain ok i’m putting this in keep reading bc it’s too long and a ramble
tldr thanks yuehua for messing w/ 5 guys’ dreams.. even though they’re successful they’re not able to do what they originally wanted to
also there’s this legendary video dragging yuehua
also thank u for ur love sweetie i love u too xoxo i hope ur having a wonderful day/evening/night!
LOOL anyway so uniq is a korean-chinese boy group formed under yuehua ent which has korean and chinese management ... you probably know other kpop artists from yuehua like wjsn (co-managed by starship) or everglow... if you’re into cpop there’s next/next7...anyway they have 3 chinese members(yixuan, wenhan, and yibo) and 2 korean members (sungjoo and seungyoun) and they debuted in 2014 with falling in love, promoted btwn china and korea, released a couple of osts (for like, teenage mutant ninja turtles and madagascar lol lol lol) and then in 2015 they came back w/ eoeo (if you’re into kpop you probably know eoeo at least) it’s their most well-known song, and this comeback was w/ their first (and only lol lol) ep/mini album.
they started garnering a good amount of attention and started to appear on more variety shows in korea and china, started promoting in japan, they even went to brazil in a fanmeet that’s pretty cool lol , (but...why didn’t they solidify uniq’s position in kr/ch with their momentum instead of sending them to different countries??? we love money-minded yeehaw entertainment)
and then china’s hallyu ban happened (which is something that i never really understood and never took the time to fully research because it hurt my brain) but essentially chinese govt restricted k-entertainment from profitting in china because politics, for example a lot of kpop tours and fanmeets got cancelled. and this put uniq in a difficult position because they’re split between being based in china and korea, but eventually the ban got lessened (there’s still tension but like, there’s literally adore u playing in the camp of pd camp 2020 ep 2 so like lol) but yeehaw made NO efforts to maintain the group musically b/c they’re money-minded cows and if they split uniq up into a kr and a chinese unit they can’t make as much money as if they sent the members into acting.... (literally there’s an interview from a couple yrs back where xuan talks about how itd be nice to make music but it doesn’t make as much as acting does in china :-(( ) so while they still had events in japan, they didn’t do much together in their main bases, and acted a lot cool cool
one thing i never understood is why yuehua never just pushed them more in the kr market...there are so many groups in the k-industry w/ chinese members (i literally STAN one, my ULT is a chinese member in a kpop group what the HECK)...but making money right lol anyway so xuan, wenhan, and yibo went into acting in china (and yibo is an mc on day day up), and acting takes up sm time, (gonna quote my chinese friend here who’s a sad wjsn ot13 stan who misses cheng xiao, mmq, and wxy, once ur popular in china it’s goodbye kpop) and sungjoo went into acting in korea (if you’ve ever watched my secret terrius or the disaster that was liar and his lover w/ joy, sungjoo is in those lol) and seungyoun continued to produce and release music as woodz and luizy
but it’s sad because they all trained for so long to perform on the stage as 5 but yuehua’s shitty management in the hallyu ban crisis thing really screwed them over...in terms of being on the stage like come on! THEY HAVE TALENT.. ok in early 2018 they released an ep and in dec 2018 they released their single monster (last single together lol), but again, no group promotion, no being able to perform on the stage, no nothing (oh yeah also yibo was a dance mentor on produce 101 china in 2018 nice)
2019 was a good year for most of the members:
-wenhan went on qcyn (youth with you season 1, the second show in the idol producer franchise) and got 1st, debuting in unine which he’s currently a part of, and got to perform on the stage after years of not being able to, thanks yuehua
-yixuan went on all for one (another survival program from youku), also got 1st, and debuted in new storm
-yibo (as we all know) acted in the untamed and became ultra-popular for his well-roundedness
-seungyoun went on the 4th season/spinoff of produce 101 in kr called produce x 101 and got 5th place, debuting in x1, which later disbanded, THANKS MNET THAT’S ANOTHER STORY BUT anyway i don’t think seungyoun was rigged into place, does yuehua even care that much?? lmOA he was so loveable on px101 and i think the move perf rly sealed the deal for everyone
-sungjoo...was done dirty by yeehaw...he’s a MAIN VOCAL he has SOLo potential but yeehaw just put him in the dungeon thanks.. and he recently enlisted in the army not too long ago
oh also sungjoo, xuan, and yibo performed monster + eoeo together at yuehua’s 10 anniversary concert...seungyoun wasn’t there because of x1 and wenhan performed with unine
wow yeehaw really thought they deserved a 10th anniversaryy celebration LMFAO
***the members are still part of uniq though, survival shows are weird
anyway as we can see each member is talented in their own way and uniq is an unfortunate case of yuehua not knowing how to manage people lol but if you watch their shows you know that they’re genuine and tight-knit, and even though they might not be together rn, in their hearts they’re still a part of uniq (cue pics of their weibo usernames having uniq in them, cue wenhan spamming his dad’s video with “UNIQ IS STILL TOGETHER” when his dad talks about how uniq disbanded) and they haven’t forgotten their identity of being part of uniq even as they get older. their contracts expire in 2022 and w/ kim sungjoo in the army, who knows if they actually will make a comeback but this is why everyone hates yuehua and everyone misses uniq bye
again i know they’re successful individually, i know seungyoun’s able to produce his own music, yibo’s able to turn his hobbies into work, wenhan and yixuan are still able to perform on a stage, they came here for uniq and got separated w/o them ever wanting to
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kyrrahbird · 3 years
Ky’s 琅琊榜 Nirvana in Fire/Lang Ya Bang liveblog experience
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Time for episode 2!! the one you should really stick around for!! Altho ill be honest, episode 3 is when it really really gets going. this ep is still introducing more major characters LMAO
We left ep 1 finding out about a competition for Nihuangs hand. thank god ep 2 picks up with a discussion about that
The princess is a marquess general rank and has made it on to the Langya martial list
have i mentioned i LOVE HER
unfortunately the emperor is very paranoid
(summary of the whole drama)
and Nihuang is apparently too powerful. hes trying to limit her power with marriage
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I love this intro. Crunchy knuckles man
Bamf and ominous!!
little did I know!!
They also casually drop that Xie Yu controls the capitol patrol guards
i sure do hope that doesnt become relevant later
I still do not like prince yu. hes trying to control Nihuang :(
Mei Changsu has disappeared!! Right under their noses!!
He’s already delighting me
“Even though Fei Liu has mental insufficiencies, he has a good temperament” I CACKLED
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Great father-figure, just letting hes souped-up superhero kid wander wherever
But thats okay, we now get to see Commander Meng and Fei Liu battle it out
Fei Liu is HORRIFIED that there might be someone he cant beat
All the fight scenes serve multiple purposes too. Xie Yu is Judging™
Commander Meng “I wouldn’t have dared say I could have won within a hundred moves” 
Cut to Xie Yu’s double take 
you used the Su Zhe alias for like 1 day tops and its already nearly useless
It’s solely to confuse first time watchers
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Fei Liu being depressed against a pole im dying
(MCS said he couldnt have beaten Commander Meng)
Im not making a comment about that quote
youre making a comment about that quote
But Xie Bi is onto MCS secret and runs straight to prince yu, while Xie Yu runs straight to the crown prince LMOA
So predictable
“Openly yet discretely took discretely took up residence in my househole”
Yeah it wasnt that discreet 
Also love how Xie Yu goes “yeah no we’re probably gonna have to kill him”
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i love how hes just so,,, fucking blunt
and terse
absolutely no social niceties
Xia Dong just stares off into the middle distance and refuses to acknowledge him
“This wouldnt be another big conspiracy case would it?”
i didnt even know what was going on the first time and i still figured out that was a pointed dig. Xia Dong’s look of outrage is priceless
So Lin Xie (our mc’s dad) apparently killed Xia Dongs husband and that was part of this whole big Chiyan conspiracy that resulting in the army being massacred and mcs falling off a cliff and not dying
But Prince Jing and Nihuang dont believe it. dun dun dunnnn
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I remember the first time i watched this and i had the thought that this dude is just. dead inside
I was not wrong
His life sucks rn
And his father and brothers are making him stand outside for hours
thank god for gao zhan the eunuch
His dad FORGOT about him
His brothers piss me off soooo much. i can just see his desire to sink into the floor and/or throttle them both and I CONCUR
And here we have Jingyan’s mother!!!
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The real mvp of the show
shes also absolutely gorgeous
And sad that her son didnt visit :((((
Jingrui protecting mcs from his mother and the empress is precious and absolutely breaks my heart
“There’s nothing moral about needlessly placing a friend in a difficult position” AAAAAAA
The thing i loved was that foreshadowing was always evident (through the music and stress and long stares) even if u had no idea what was being foreshadowed 
They’re deliberately late to the fight show so that they dont end up in the boring procession
We (briefly) see Mu Qing who is Nihuang’s lil bro and a Whole Idiot. I love him
But then we get the gr8 scene of the Crown Prince and Prince Yu blatantly jockeying for MCS’s favour
MCS manages to deftly deflect all their gifts
its incredible
Yujin and Jingrui are just looking on like o_o’’’
ooooh no
we’re going to meet the grand dowager empress (the emperors grandmother)
“She is the most peaceful grandmother on earth” oooo my heart
I LOVE THIS bc i was not entirely clear on the family relation here the first time but i still knew EXACTLY what this meant to mcs
she doesnt remember any of them ;;n;;;
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u just know this is important. that this recognition is everything hes lost (his family, his friends, his fiance)
but his great grandmother still recognises him
She remembered his favourite sweet too TAT
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oh no
and MCS grips nihuang’s hand!!!
Jingrui had to remind him to leave
im so sad :((((( 
I feel bad for his great grandmother;;;
And then he goes back to lying
Why you always lyyyyinggggg
Nihuang asking the pertinent questions like “why tf would you come to the capital, where all the politics are, to REST?”
She may have a point
This ep ends with a slave boy being whipped when spills a bucket of water :000
Which means next ep is the MEETING
I said this one would be shorts and it....nearly is. Apparently i have a lot of thots on Every Scene /surprised pikachu face. 
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shiiimmer · 5 years
Yeah maybe a few people would become doctors to help people: but a lot of doctors are legitimately, gross as it is, only in it for the money, the shortage would be so vast most of the hospitals in the US (especially in smaller towns) would have to close. It would literally be a nightmare scenario of like 8 hour emergency room waits for the guy bleeding out
…….funny how women literally got hunted down and burnt at the stake for exercising their right to practice medicine…….imagine how much money they must’ve been making……to make it worth it……
but let’s have an honest conversation here. 
under a socialist society, ideally the job market would be designed to allow for freedom, creativity, self-expression and ownership over your work. marx didn’t say much about his ideal communist state, but he did say this: 
“[…] each man has a particular, exclusive sphere of activity, which is forced upon him and from which he cannot escape. He is a hunter, a fisherman, a herdsman, or a critical critic, and must remain so if he does not want to lose his means of livelihood; while in communist society, […] society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic.”
this is the point of communism/socialism: people should not be forced to do work that they aren’t interested in. forced labour is the great, spiritual toll of capitalism. it’s what marx called alienation (google it, i don’t have time to explain it lmoa), but the term builds on marx’s idea of the species being. basically, every species has an essence, and for humans, this is creation: to take something and create from it something else, to place ourselves into the world and into the community through creative work. this, to him, is the goal we should strive towards - this is also why some marxists (zizek among them) don’t see happiness as a societal goal, because happiness is a by-product from other things, and marx’s thesis is that creation is one of our fundamental sources of happiness and fulfilment. 
my own little, insecure thesis is that everybody, subconsciously, knows this. people are willing to work so hard for literally nothing if they love it. i spent my high school years swimming 20 hrs a week and writing three novels on the side. every single artist on this site has stories of struggle. but rarely do you meet someone who would go to their actual work without monetary compensation. bc the money is pretty much all you get. artists get to feel fulfilled, express themselves, etc., but at work, you have no control over your labour (when you do it, what you do, how you do it), so you have to be compensated in some other way.
now, the behavior you’re describing would probably still be a thing, especially among young people who are still finding themselves. there’s nothing wrong with it. the community would be set up so that you can take a year, or two, or ten, to figure things out. you could go to therapy, work some hours a week with something relatively easy for the community, until you figure things out. 
i could write another 5 paragraphs on Honneth’s (very data-driven) theory of recognition and how that plays into my ideas of socialist society, or i could point out how most doctors aren’t actually that rich, or how anarcho-communist state Rojava deals with medicine, etc etc. but that’s for another day.
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