#like the whole “I don't get why the rich people don't want the refugees to come into the city”
forcedhesitation · 19 days
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you had me in the first half minthara... but cyrus from pokemon DPPT already tried what you propose and he got his ass kicked by ten-year-olds for it.
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Is it odd of me that if you asked me to like Live in Ba Sing Sae with its Dai Li and 1984 nonsense or live in the Fire Nation that id rather live in the FIrce Nation? Like id much rather have a Iroh or a Zuko as Firelord but if have to have an Ozai... Like I dunno if that said good things for the series as a whole? Course there was ALOT of places just living life in the earth kingdom Northern Water that seems perfectly fine and I guess be apart of the empire or against it is a thing. thoughts?
I don't know that I would say it's odd. The way that canon portrays the Fire Nation, most of the civilians don't seem really inconvenienced by the war. Barring The Painted Lady scenario, most people that we see are just living in lovely homes near beaches or among beautiful rolling hills. Actually, there's the whole Hama bloodbending episode too, but like, that was not the Fire Nation causing problems? At least not directly.
I think the issue in this case is a bit children's tv show simplification, and a bit the actual geography.
For the geography, remember that Ba Sing Se is actively under seige just outside the walls when we get there. Sure, the Dai Li are trying to control the narrative about the whole war, and they are isolating the refugees in a poor district and disappearing people. But like, you're getting the perspective on that from the Gaang, who actively are against the propaganda. Seems like most people in the middle and upper rings don't really live in fear. There are parties and hanging out with friends and schools and frankly the Dai Li are probably really careful about who they kidnap. And they're less likely to need to kidnap someone who's lived in Ba Sing Se their whole life. Realistically, Ba Sing Se is safest for the rich, and progressively more risky for the poor and displaced. You probably identify more with the latter than the former.
Anyway, that's not an ideal situation. Danger is literally knocking on your doorstep and you're being asked to ignore it or be literally brainwashed. That's really scary. (Also, the literal brainwashing is really horrifying, we get really anxious about losing our agency, hence why Hama was so scary.)
In contrast, yeah there is propaganda in the Fire Nation and yeah, living in Ozai's court is probably a lot of bowing and scraping and hoping he and his daughter do not notice you. And you could be a solider, and given some of the war strategy we see, that's...not great.
But ironically, living in the Fire Nation seems safer for the average citizen than the rich or noble. Physically you are very distant from the fighting. Your country is industrializing. You have fun festivals. Your basic concept of "safety" includes living with people that regularly set fire to thin air. What do you have to be scared of?
For me, stepping beyond canon into Things I Assume Because They Make Sense But Didn't Make the Kids Show Cut, I wouldn't want to be a citizen of the Fire Nation because I can almost guarantee you Ozai is drafting his soldiers, or some close equivalent. There has to be either and incentive or a mandate to make joining that army appealing, and Ozai is much more of a stick dude than a carrot one.
And you do not want to be in that army. It does not care about you. At all.
Even if you aren't drafted, taxes are probably high, either in coinage, or in labor and goods. Someone is making that armor. Those ships. We see one earth kingdom prison that's mining coal, but realistically, coal is Super Important and if you aren't fighting, you're moving supplies or shoveling coal into a machine that is killing you slowly by slagging your lungs. Armies need to be fed, and only part of your army is in the EK. There are plenty of soldiers in the homeland.
Additionally, if there are "carrots" for joining the army, they are probably prestige and power, and being safely assigned to the Fire Nation islands for your deployment. Which means soldiers that do stay are...probably not super nice. They may be lazy, they may be bullies, they may be sort of rich but not quite nobility. Not appealing.
Additionally, you're in a country that is at war with people who move rocks. You've probably lost, in the last 100 years, access to architects and sculptors and all sorts of people that could make you pretty, safe houses out of stone quickly and probably relatively cheaply. You live with people that light things on fire with their minds. Your house is now made out of wood. Pottery is probably more expensive, and even if you can use metal vessels instead for a lot of stuff, it's probably expensive because a lot of mining is still gonna be based in the Earth Kingdom, and even if your colonies are exporting, moving those goods through war zones is gonna cost you. And making those things at home is going to be difficult because War. Labor is being directed to ships and weapons. There was not a lot of time between when the FN got the blueprints for war balloons and when they had much bigger, scarier options. With bombs. Just...that's an incredible feat of labor and supply control.
You're fighting with what what probably the biggest exporter of agricultural goods. Aside from needing to feed an army, there are probably all sorts of shortages on what are now "specialty goods" that were probably pretty easy to get before Sozin's ex-boyfriend best friend broke his heart upset him and Sozin made Bad Choices. Also, that best friend was the Avatar.
We don't see a ton of evidence that there are spirits in the Fire Nation that are upset about the state of things, but we know angry spirits are possible because of our dear forest panda friend from season one.
All of this to say, I don't think it's weird that the Fire Nation looks more appealing, based on our limited perspective in canon. Honestly, someone in Ozai's court is probably working overtime to keep things that way in spite of their boss. But I think the point of the show is the whole world is at war, and honestly? No one is really "winning" in that scenario.
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aquaburst3 · 11 months
While there hasn't been a lot about this on my dashboard, it's all over TikTok and apparently Twitter, so I want to give my 2 cents about the submersible situation and be done with it. To be honest, my feelings are kinda complicated.
On one hand, I feel bad for that teenager. While apparently the people on board had a painless death, the teenager died super young. He had his whole life ahead of him, but it was snuffed out. Watching as you and your father suffocate to death is pure nightmare fuel. I'm pissed off at that CEO, because he should've known better, and dragged many people down with him thanks to his own stupidity. He even cut corners and safety features, because he thought he was invincible and someone would save them.
At the same time, my condolences and sympathy can only go so far for all the others, especially the CEO. Most of the people in that are billionaires who willingly volunteered to get onboard a metal death trap, despite signing waivers and knowing the risks involved. It's the CEO and other adult billionaire's fault. They did this to themselves and have only themselves to blame.
Plus, there's no such thing as an ethical billionaire. The billionaires contributed the most for wars and genocides of minorities for the sole purpose of exploitation. They still do it now with climate change and tons of other things. Even if they didn't hop into this thing of their own free will, they aren't good people either.
Are some of the jokes and memes going a bit to far? Sure. Is posting fanfiction about this tragedy a bit gauche? Yes. But at the same time, I can see why some people hold little sympathy for them outside of the teenager and scientist, because I feel the same exact way. I admit that I laughed at a lot of TikToks joking about this whole thing.
There is a lot of dark humour in this whole thing. (Seriously, this seems like something ripped straight out of a South Park episode. I would've be surprised if that series based an episode on this if it wasn't for the writer's strike.)
Honestly, I wish that other rich people used this much time and energy to find the missing and murdered indigenous women or the shipwreck in Greece containing hundreds of refugees who died instead of this. Or the billionaires used their money for something useful like fighting climate change or giving it away to someone who actually needs it. Those deserve much more attention, not this bullshit!
The saddest part of all this, to quote Cardi B a bit, is that these people are so fucking detached from humanity that hardly anyone cares that they just died. Hell, one of the guy's stepsons, who seems to be a racist piece of shit, seems more concerned about going to a Blink182 concert than the fact that his father and stepbrother just died! If that isn't a testament to money can't buy you happiness, I don't know what else is.
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coolspork · 2 days
Maybe this is completely unfounded but a lot of times I see discourse surrounding the act of fandom flattening out commentary dense works into YA love stories and there's always a large group of people in the "just let people like what they like it doesn't have to be deep" camp. And I'm constantly reminded of that quote from the Iranian official (i think it was a govt official? I could be wrong) about how America's heroes are all fictional. Like we are a society built on vapid aesthetics and disregard for other parts of the world because we're culturally dominant (that's a whole other discussion, but the short of it is even our non-militaristic global presence is destroying cultures) and by and large we tend to take moral direction from film and media (also a whole other discussion, also problematic to say the least) which is why those moments of solidarity on TV back in the late 20th century were so fucking huge because Americans take direction from media and if the media says maybe we can get along then that might just change minds. Which is kind of a ridiculous premise but it has been shown to have a real impact on attitudes in the home alongside other social justice work.
But back to the thing about YA novel romances, when we refuse to engage in what little cultural direction we're spoonfed there becomes a whole population of people that have read books critiquing major power structures in our country such as authoritarianism, militarism, police brutality, racism post-civil rights movement, and (very prominently) classism, but have no desire to engage with the work the author is doing, or think it isn't relevant to them despite these being issues present at every level of society. Now you end up with huge groups of people spewing "no ethical consumption under capitalism" to soothe any guilt that may arise from irresponsible consumption or support of bad actors and bigots, popular depictions of characters with real world cultural importance that have been reduced to the caricatures they were made to break from, and most jarringly the constant reminders many Americans ignore that rich people are not our friends and very little they do materially benefits anyone but themselves and the culture that upholds them.
People who view themselves as progressive will sit around all day laughing at gamer bros and incels for being mad that deadpool is queer and not a white supremacist, but will become extremely defensive if you point out that the hunger games had real political critique relevant to the fact that they want to spam post about taylor swift and the met gala but won't repost a single link or gofundme for refugees or those effected by any number of global crises because it "ruins their blog" or "annoys their followers" or whatever their specific reason may be. It's not that you can't enjoy the shallow aspects of a piece of media but repeated refusal to engage with one of the few easily accessed and popular vehicles of political discourse that young Americans have access to is just irresponsible. People constantly say "it's not our fault, we were never taught this" while reading dystopian novel after dystopian novel. Somehow the only one I've seen make a real impact is Handmaid's tale and I'm certain that it's because it depicts explicitly American white women in a Christian state, which is something a lot of agnostic white liberal feminists resonate with, but they never acknowledge that these sorts of things have and do happen in the real world to women that don't look like them.
Americans feel good about themselves for giving a thumbs up whenever they see something going on, the black square fiasco during the George Floyd protests being a very visible example, but won't allow allegorical media to challenge their world view, won't hold celebrities to higher standards in terms of monetary and cultural action, won't address their own biases that may effect how they engage with this sort of content, but they want all the praise for being politically "correct".
I just think we need to be a lot more honest about our reliance on fictional media as a country and how that's produced "it's not that deep" attitudes that refuse education when it's so rarely handed directly to you. If you're upset you were never taught something, teach it to yourself. If you were upset you were asked to find a deeper meaning in an author's words, ask yourself why acknowledging that depth feels threatening.
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
CW: Stalking, Domestic abuse, harassment.
I want to be supremely clear: I do not like any Kardashian and anything I have learned about them has been against my will.
That said. What Kanye West is doing to Kim Kardashian is terrifying. He is stalking her, psychologically abusing her, gaslighting her. And super, super publicly.
She is desperately trying to divorce him. Publicly. She is asking him to stop. Publicly.
All I can think of is the time tested narrative of "why didn't you get out? Why didn't you say something?"
She is! Her whole life is available for public consumption. And he is doing this through his music, social media... All in the public eye. How much more can you say something, than when world entertainment news knows every bit of your business?
And people still excuse it.
I. Can't. Stand. Her. And even I am horrified. Because if the most public woman in the world isn't "saying something" enough, what the fuck chance does a normie stand???? Even the lady down the street from me could get a protective order over what Kim K is going through. I *work* with women who have gotten better protection over less.
In the name of someone I don't even like, this shit has gone too far.
I don't *care* how much she likes publicity. Idgaf if you like her. She is a person who is being stalked and abused and trying to get out of it. Give her the same support you would givr anyone else in ger situation. Worst case, please don't make it worse.
Yes, I get that the Ukraine outranks this. By orders of magnitude. She's rich af. I'm not asking anyone to donate to her... Give that money to the Ukraine and refugees of all colors.
Just... Don't laugh and don't give her shit, either. Even I can't, and I despise her.
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irikahkrios · 2 years
Kasumi, for the character ask game!
First impression - equal parts "hell yeah cool thief who can turn invisible" and confusion as to why her being dlc meant i couldn't actually Talk to her on the normandy like most of the other squadmates.
Impression now - one of the most likeable squadmates in me2, also super useful from a gameplay standpoint (especially early in the game; she's a fucking lifesaver in the obnoxious "close the shutters" part of garrus' recruitment mission).
Favorite moment - i really enjoy the ending of her loyalty mission, with her using keiji's graybox and getting to "see" him again and be reminded of how much he loved her, because i'm a sucker for tragic romantic stuff like that. also her popping up at opportune moments during the citadel party was great and fun overall, though i could have done without some of the uncomfortable sexual jokes the writers seemed to think were so funny (the whole jack and miranda conversation comes to mind)
Idea for a story - she should have gotten a mission in me3 that was actually Hers instead of being shoehorned into something that wasn't at all relevant to her as a character. i actually get to do this in my canon since i repurpose the "indoctrinated hanar diplomat" plot for one of my drell rebellion missions on kahje, so kasumi gets a different mission that's all her own. i like the concept of this mission being about helping her steal from rich assholes who are hoarding wealth and resources in this time of crisis, and giving these resources to people who desperately need them. i mean hell, she already is shown doing essentially this in the citadel dlc, i think it'd be really cool if the idea was expanded into a full mission and shepard actually got to help her do it.
Unpopular opinion - i don't know if i really have one about her as a character, other than the me3 stuff i just talked about? but re: her loyalty mission i wish you could have brought a second squadmate. i want to see my squadmates in fancy clothes, and also the combat on that mission is kinda hard and it would be a lot less hard with two squadmates.
Favorite relationship - kasumi/jacob is an underrated ship. i like the idea of it progressing into more than just her lusting over him from afar (or, more accurately i guess, lusting over him from pretty close up but cloaked so he can't see her lmao). i'm into the concept of them getting to know each other better and being brought together by the war; like, what if in my canon where kasumi gets her own mission, jacob's group of ex-cerberus refugees is one of the groups she's giving that stolen food and supplies to? and they bond over that? i dunno, there's definitely potential to grow this pairing beyond "she watches him do a thousand pushups and thinks he's really hot." i also wish we'd gotten more snippets of her relationship with keiji (but no i'm probably not gonna read the comic about them because i'm sure it's as bad as the thane/irikah comic and will just frustrate me)
Favorite headcanon - i've seen several people post headcanons about her and thane striking up a little friendship, and i think it makes sense. their rooms are right next to each other, they're both the "shadowy sneaky criminal with a heart of gold" type, and in bioware's version of canon they both are mourning their respective romantic partners. i definitely enjoy the idea of them as friends.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
hi i have a question after the post you made about the william character and his reamkes, loved it snd completely agree, but i saw that you also said some things about the noora characters and his feminism, could you make a post (if you don't mind) about how they tried to make her the "perfect feminist" when they completely missed the whole point of that word, it happened in og and all the remakes, but I think skam esp is showing that in other way. thank you.
Hey there 🌷 a friend on twitter actually asked me a while ago to rank the Nooras according to how feminist they actually are. (Sidenote: I’ve gotten some interesting ranking requests on twitter that I should actually get around to doing lol.)  Obviously, it’s not serious, I’m not The Feminist Authority to come down from Feminist Ivory Tower to dispense Real Feminist’s Licenses, but the request came after a similar conversation on how the Skams portray feminism.
That is to say, this is something I’ve been thinking about for a while and imo, I think Noora being this feminist icon is fanon rather than canon. Noora doesn’t call herself a feminist in Skam. Vilde does. Noora says, “you [Vilde], who’d call yourself a feminist...” but Noora never actually goes ahead and calls herself one. 
And I think it might have to do with the initial research for Skam being done in 2015 (before #MeToo) or it might be a cultural thing where Western Oslo teens aren’t likely to identify as feminist. (In general, I feel like people miss that Skam wasn’t meant to portray the average Norwegian teen, but rather, specifically the wealthy, privileged teens who live in the right Oslo neighborhoods, whose lives are still a mess.)
Maybe it’s because Noora, the character, thinks actions speak louder than words, but... Tbh, I feel like Noora had a hugely traumatic experience when she was 13 and found healing and comfort in social justice discourse. I don’t think Noora actually cares about things that she can’t project on. She cares about Vilde talking about William’s dick to other people not because dudes’ rights to genitalia privacy is a pillar of feminism thought (lmao), but because she’s having flashbacks to being the talk of the school when she was 13. Vilde tells her in that same conversation that William talked her out of using a condom, but that’s hardly a blip in Noora’s radar compared to the issue of gossiping about William’s junk. Noora makes a huge deal about not having that suntanning company sponsor their bus because it’s sexist (and she doesn’t want to be associated with that), but then she clearly doesn’t give two fucks about the clothes drive for Syrian refugees (because that doesn’t affect her). 
Noora says in season 2 that she only joined the bus to get to know Eva and Sana, but Noora arguably cares the most about Vilde’s well-being, and that’s because Noora massively projects on Vilde. You could even say that Noora protects Vilde not so much because Vilde needs protecting, but because Noora thinks Noora wouldn’t be able to handle the truth, if she were in Vilde’s position. It has to be Sana the one to finally tell her that Vilde is not the Vilde that Noora has built up in her head.
At any rate, I don’t have an issue with Noora maybe not being the feminist icon of Skam. It makes complete sense to me that she wouldn’t be, that she was a girl with shitty parents and an ED who had a bad experience with sex and felt empowered by social justice discourse even if she doesn’t totally get it. She’s 16 ffs, she doesn’t have to be Gloria Steinem. I think Noora can be empowering for teens as she is. Fandom is a wholly different thing though. Fandom has elevated Noora to feminist icon whose take is the ultimate word on any topic, and I think a lot of the remakes have Flanderized their Nooras into The Feminist One. 
When it comes to Skam España (and Nora), the cultural zeitgeist is different. Spanish teenage girls freely call themselves feminists. There’s a reason why both Eva and Amira, not just Nora, actively engage with feminist discourse. Again, the details of the 2016 Manada gang rape case where the victim was a 18-year old from Madrid were so brutal that Spanish women were shaken into action. Nora, Eva and Amira are feminists not because something happened to them specifically (unlike Noora), but because they want to support this girl, or Emma, or any woman who feels unsafe getting back home.
Like the other remakes, Skam España is affected by the fandom idea that Noora is a feminist authority. But they took the character and actually made her into a feminist whose conflict isn’t “I am driven to distraction by my all consuming need to make out with this dude who hurt my friend”, but “I know about red flags in theory, but I want to Feel Epic Things so bad, in what I think is a safe environment, that I can’t see what’s happening in front of me”.
That’s not to say Nora and Noora are completely different. When it comes down to it, I think they both need to learn that life isn’t black and white. For me though, the message works a lot better when the gray is, “Alejandro is learning how to have an actual relationship and is making some mistakes” instead of “William thinks he isn’t responsible for Vilde’s self-esteem, thinks apologizing to Vilde is a mistake because it’ll only make her clingier, thinks that rich brats fighting other rich brats are comparable to the Norwegians who fought for the freedom of their country, and Noora can’t think of a good counter argument.”
tl;dr: I don’t really think of Noora as a feminist, but I also don’t think that invalidates her character. I think she works as a character who had several shitty things happen to her and found comfort in social justice discourse. I think that’s very human and realistic. Noora’s character concept isn’t the issue I have with Skam s2. 
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nowandthenbeyond · 2 years
Day 24…..
Goooood moooorning Vietnam!!!
No, it should read: "доброе утро Украина!!!" (which means good morning Ukraine) is how Robin Williams would host his radio show today.
Hey ho, it's war again on Europe's borders.
After the Gulf, Kosovo and Afghanistan, nothing shocks us so easily. It was already part of everyday life, attacks, drone wars, stream of refugees.
Then a small pandemic, the whole world coughed, was long overdue. The poor are dying and the affluent society is turning the wheel, followed by general renunciation thanks to globalization.
The gap between the rich and poorer countries is wide, in terms of prosperity, so to speak.
First of all, fight the virus for your own well-being. Boundaries and barriers not only in front of one's own face but everywhere in public life and in one's head. Then suddenly borders where there weren't any more. Everyone resists restrictions and personal loss of freedom.
Then Putin comes and Corona is practically off the table.
Now the Cold War and the Iron Curtain had already disappeared from our minds, and after Chernobyl and Fukushima the Germany-wide ban on nuclear power.
Steady disarmament and austerity measures climate catastrophe etc…. Call me arrogant, but I saw these things coming a long time ago. Now we are where we never wanted to see each other.
Shit happens!
Well I think for a moment it's a shame that Merkel is gone and luckily Trump. I don't want to imagine how things would be under different circumstances.
The same philosophical question as what if Hitler had had the atomic bomb?
Well, the fact is, the Russian bear has been danced on, discredited and paraded for too long. It was only a matter of time before Putin reacted in this way and Ukraine was a pawn. You can even understand Putin to a certain extent. Only Ukraine is relatively innocent, perhaps not entirely its government.
And despite everything, this reaction is unjustified and in no way acceptable. Civilians, old people, mothers, children die - innocent. Nothing like WWII. Why are cities and civilian facilities being destroyed?
Not acceptable for me.
Absolutely not!
Most people only know the Cold War from Hollywood films and a few lessons at school. World War II was always kept small. The persecution of the Jews rightly emphasized. But after the Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam, that was quickly forgotten.
CIA in Afghanistan.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Annoy the Russians and keep trying to destabilize them.
The older semesters still have deep impressions and a bad feeling when they think about the Cuban Missile Crisis and the USSR. How crushing this phase was.
Nevertheless it was forgotten.
was no longer present.
If it's not present, it disappears.
Yes, now the cold war isn't that cold anymore and the Russian bear is mighty angry. Above all, still powerful. Certainly in Russia we still see the [rudimentary remnant of] communism and, from our point of view, a little backward country of peasants. Well, it's a different mentality, not comparable to the West.
Now when I look at America I get sick of decadence, poverty and ignorance. The land of unlimited stupidity. And Trump was the figurehead. Biden does not have an easy game, and he is nothing as "the most important man in the world".
Well America has always been a warmonger to defend its supremacy and interests. an aggressor. What would you expect from a country of refugees and criminals? Sorry it should be called emigrant.
Perhaps a little too generalized, but most of the Founding Fathers' hands have blood on them. Native Americans and Afro-American slaves, both have been robbed of their land and their rights to this day. None other than the Spanish, Portuguese and British fleets since the time of Christopher Columbus. And all in the name of the Catholic Church.
Yes, while the Europeans have been expanding and annexing around the world, Russia has actually stayed the way it was. A communist doctrine paired with the dictatorship so frowned upon in the West.
Power, money and greed drives people. It has always been like this.
Today we live dependent on electricity for heat and food and comfort. Above all comfort. Very few today are willing to get their hands dirty or able to take care of themselves independently, that too was simply unlearned and given up and forgotten. It's mainstream at most if you grow microgreens in the apartment or have a raised bed, or boil something down.
We want it convenient, cheap and 24/7, our comfort. our prosperity.
Why are we complaining, and at the same time we are glad that so many low-wage workers come from the neighboring eastern states. Why now the insight that outsourcing can threaten the existence of our economy? And of course our prosperity.
Filling up becomes torture.
In the meantime, I think that people whose countries are considered backwards have a lot ahead of us in some respects. independence, and improvisation. Unfortunately, that's no longer welcomed today, and we try to impose our stamp of dependency and control on everyone. That starts with seed and vaccine. The main thing is that the ruble rolls. You can still make a lot of money with it and you keep the upper hand and control. What we ourselves reject is propagated worldwide in the emerging countries.
It's nothing new that this causes great desire in third or fourth world countries. Germany and Europe the promised land. Civil wars do the rest. Everyone wants to come to us, we show how nice and great it is. We are really social, if not over-social. But woe betide us. Then there is lamentation, and and….
What bothers or rather surprises me as I write these lines at the moment is this change of heart in relation to Ukraine.
People shy away from refugees from Africa and Syria.
Now Ukraine is much closer to us, no Muslim mentality. Same and at the same time not the same. We live in a strange world.
Well, the cold war is really hot, and I'm starting to think that Mother Russia will put her cold stranglehold on us. I expected first strike targets at Ramstein Air Base and NATO Headquarters in Brussels. But that doesn't bother me anymore.
Besides, I'm still waiting for a long-forgotten player, when China throws its cards on the table and shows us its true colors.
Then I think it doesn't matter who you point your guns at. Then everyone shoots everyone down.
As long as NATO and the USA stay out of Ukraine, there is actually no need for Russian brothers and sisters to take each other's children
The only question is whether I can watch with a clear conscience for that long.
I can't take this absolutely pointless killing of women and children and those who can't run away anymore. Good luck to those who can escape. Where's the soldiers honor? Why against civilian targets and hospitals, kindergartens and private property? Didn't we learn absolutely nothing from the Second World War? It won't be long before I take up arms myself out of necessity to protect what's important to me and face the idiocy and the Russian invader. Because before this reaches my home and my family and friends, and the state is not able to do what the Geneva Convention and common sense require me to do, I will do it myself.
I would rather die for a righteous cause of my own free will than spend the rest of my life blaming myself for not acting. Because not acting kills the innocent and the freedom of every individual.
"De oppresso liber"
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