#like im tentatively observing a trend where like…
hanarchy · 2 months
listen like im not a bts fan and i never will be but the way they used their possible exemption from enlistment to make that obligation worse for EVERYONE and forced those guys to do it is fucked im sorry
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milksnake-tea · 9 days
━━ a taste of heaven . ( 1 )
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❀ ˎˊ- prompt: their first kiss with you ❀ ˎˊ- characters: aventurine, jing yuan, sunday ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: lots of kissing/physical affection, mentions of alcohol/getting drunk in sunday's, preestablished relationship in jing yuans ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: KICKS OPEN THE DOOR UHM checks watch WAY TOO LATE HERES WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE VALENTINE POST (its been almost 4 months.) OOPS WITH more physical affection because im touch starved guys send help preferably in the form of a smart cute snarky boyfriend with long hair. also there is a part two or three coming eventually i just mentally died and i wanted to get this thing out of my drafts already so i cut out like half of the cast i was going to add in
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Rarely did Aventurine ever doubt himself, and yet, here he was, watching you cautiously as you obliviously sipped at your drink, occupied with the wondrous sights of the city. Now, he didn't see you as an enemy - quite the opposite, if the stirrings in his chest were anything to go by.
His gaze was not one of distrust, but rather, hesitation. All his life, Aventurine had been fighting for survival, his charismatic and vain character a shield he'd built up to protect himself. Vulnerability, weakness, these things that left him open for attack, these were components that were guaranteed if he continued with his decision.
The kiss, in a way, was a test - or rather, a gamble for your reaction. He'd studied you beforehand, even when the two of you were had become close, to assure himself that no, he wasn't hallucinating and that you did feel some semblance of affection, attachment, and - dare he say it - love for him. But he had to be sure, 100%. Aventurine might've lived the life of a gambler, but when it came to this, he couldn't afford to blindly take the plunge - he refused to.
You still remember the look in his eyes when he took you by your chin, his grasp uncharacteristically gentle as he guided you - with the tips of his fingers - to face him. You couldn't describe the emotion you saw in those iridescent irises; it was a mix of fear, anxiety, yet hope and repressed yearning.
Wordlessly, those eyes of his flickered down to your lips, then returned to meet your gaze, asking for your permission. In response, you merely closed your eyes, slightly melting as Aventurine tentatively pressed his lips to yours.
There were rumors circulating the cosmos that Aventurine was a playboy, someone who went through partners like social media trends and was experienced in intimate matters. But you found that when he kissed you, he was anything but experienced.
He kissed you as if he was unsure how to kiss you. Hesitance and doubt, what he couldn't allow you to see, bled into his lips. What Aventurine could never put into words, he poured into his kiss, giving you a taste of the years of yearning and restraint, restraint that still keeps him back from drowning you in his emotion. Like a temporary breeze, he ghosted over you, wanting to hold you closer yet refusing himself.
For what seemed to be an eternity, he lingered there, his eyes half-lidded, only shutting them to indulge for a moment before he pulled away. His lips were parted, quiet breaths intermingling with your own.
"Well?" he'd ask, in that same confident tone you knew so well, only this time, there was a slight breathlessness to it. Aventurine observes every bit of you, his gaze trailing from your dazed expression, to the watercolor of your eyes as your lids lifted, to your breath, still catching up with everything. Nothing indicating discomfort so far.
However, it seemed that you were far from satisfied from just that. A small sound of confusion leaves him as you turn to face him fully, and your hands come to hold his face. That smile of his wavers momentarily, before it clicks and he stifles an amused chuckle, only to yelp (embarrassingly so) when you roll your eyes and yank him towards you, crashing into yet another kiss, one where he didn't have a choice but to melt into.
He'd complain and tease you when you're done, because he always has to have the upper hand in the end. But you don't mind. He can whine and pout all he wants, pretend to be unaffected by your assertiveness. But if there's one thing Aventurine can't hide behind a smile, it's the bright crimson that paints his face like flame.
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Sparks flew as blade scraped against blade. Ginkgo leaves fluttered around you like golden snow, brushing your cheek as the wind carried them away. Amidst the otherwise peaceful morning, in the blissfully empty garden, adrenaline rushed through you as the sound of clashing metal filled the air.
It goes without saying that an opportunity to spar with Jing Yuan comes to very few, if at all. At most, his glaive would only meet against the swords of three people: his master, his disciple, or his enemies. Rarely did he cross blades with another outside of those three, and yet, here you were, fighting for your life to catching Jing Yuan's strikes in time.
The general, by no means, did not go easy on you, leaving very little - any - room for you to attack between his barrage of attacks. He wielded his glaive with the experience of centuries upon centuries, tossing the heavy weapon from one hand to another as if it weighed less than air. And to top it all off, he fought with that same lazy smile that you knew so well.
Predictably, your spar session ended up with you against the ground and the tip of Jing Yuan's blade at your chin. Sighing in both defeat and exhaustion, you accepted your defeat, letting your head fall against the dirt. Jing Yuan chuckled in that honeyed voice as he withdrew the glaive and instead offered you a hand and a break.
You've never been so thankful just to have a drink of water, practically downing the liquid as you sat under one of the many ginkgo trees that filled the general's garden. Jing Yuan himself leaned against the trunk besides you, relishing in a quick drink himself.
Truth be told, it'd been a while since you'd last seen him without his armor. Here, he simply wore a high-collared, sleeveless compression shirt that did little to hide the taut of his muscles, instead emphasizing his arms. From a distance, you could've convinced yourself that the spar had been a walk in the park for him - he looked basically the same as if he would've had he just woken up from a nap. However, up close, you could see the faint outlines of sweat as it beaded on his skin and the slight heave of his chest as he caught his breath. Pride swelled within you at the sight, knowing that despite your defeat, you at least provided a decent challenge for him.
The longer you looked at him, the farther your gaze wandered. It hadn't been long since the two of you had officially become lovers, and even now you still couldn't believe that you had managed to court Jing Yuan, of all people. Everything about him was just too perfect, too beautiful, from the golden amber of his eyes, to the ivory silk of his hair, to the slight curve of his lips that made your heart swoon.
Your eyes lingered on his lips, noting their subtle pink color that deviated from the rest of his fair skin. The two of you had yet to kiss, as most couples usually do, and you couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like, to kiss the esteemed general. What would he taste like? Perhaps the Immortal’s Delight he was so fond of, or something else? Would he be gentle, or addictively rough? What would it be like, to be held in his arms, and to hold him as close as possible?
You didn’t realize you were staring until Jing Yuan’s amused voice broke you out of your thoughts. Looking up, you realized that he had been watching you the whole time, a pleased twinkle in his eyes.
“Love,” he cooed silkily in that drawl of his, “it’s rude to stare.”
He leaned over you, casting a shadow over you with a knowing glint in those honeyed irises. 
“If there’s something you desire, it’s common courtesy to ask.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks and you ducked your head, your face burning even further as he laughed heartily above you. Leaves rustled underneath Jing Yuan’s boots as he plopped himself down next to you. His hair tickled at your face, the general resting his head onto your shoulder.
The thing about Jing Yuan was that he loved to tease, to provoke, and to observe, and even you, his lover, weren’t an exception to this. Despite being older than many on the Xianzhou and having lived through various Amber Eras, he still held this cat-like curiosity in him - always itching to push the cup off the shelf, just to see what you’d do with it. And you, you were fresh and lively and expressive and wonderfully beautiful, and he wanted to see every bit of you - especially the parts that the public weren’t allowed to.
And of course, naturally, you’d see the same of him.
“Now, now, eyes on me.” He’d take your hand in his, intertwining your fingers as you looked over at him. “You know I only mean to tease.”
You huffed, but you were already smiling. “I know. Still…”
He raised a brow, his own smile growing. “Yes?”
Yes, he was going to make you say it yourself. He was stubborn like that, but you knew what you were getting into when you decided to court him. Being shy wouldn’t get you anything but more teasing.
Bringing your face a whisper away from his, you felt a twinge of satisfaction when Jing Yuan’s breath hitched - barely noticeable, yet apparent all the same.
“Kiss me, Yuan.”
And that was all the leeway he needed.
Like the lightning he wielded, Jing Yuan’s kiss was nothing more than electrifying, sending sparkles throughout your nerves. Instantly, you melted into him, bending to his will as he coaxed you to part your lips, slipping his tongue into your mouth. 
He kissed with the fervency of a starved man, his hands holding you in place as he ravished you with his tongue, drinking in your taste like fine wine. One way or another, he ended up on top of you, cradling you in his arms as he had his fill. It was all you could do but to hold onto him and his broad shoulders to ground yourself.
When you finally parted, a string of saliva connecting you, the two of you panted as if you’d gone through another sparring session. Never in your life had you seen Jing Yuan this… disheveled. His pink lips were swollen, his chest heaving, his hair tousled and his eyes dilated. You imaged that you weren’t faring much better.
He looked like he wanted to go for another, but had decided that this was enough. There’d be more chances for him to savor you, after all.
For now, he rested his forehead on yours, that striking gaze of his never leaving your own.
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If there's one thing that Sunday hates, it's getting drunk. He's always been careful with just how much wine or SoulGlad he drinks, making sure to put the glasses away the second he feels just the slightest bit tipsy.
It wasn't like he despised alcohol, but rather, it was the lack of control that came with its ecstasy that deterred him. Not only could he accidentally slip up and reveal information he didn't want to, but it was almost embarrassing how easy it was to get him drunk. Hence, why he limits himself to a mere sip or two, and only out of obligation for important guests.
And yet, here he is, flushed and dazed, alcohol slowly bringing him to a blissful lightheadedness.
It’s a cool night in Penacony. Silence fills the lavish halls of Dewlight Pavilion in place of distinguished guests. All he can hear is the distant chatter of Golden Hour, the crackling of a fireplace, and you.
It’d been a while since you’d last visited the Planet of Festivities, as you’d been traveling by yourself for the past few years. Upon hearing of your arrival, Sunday had immediately welcomed you into his home, ushering you into the more private quarters of the Pavilion to catch up.
Perhaps that’s why he decided to pop open a bottle of wine, a novelty gifted to him ages ago, and put himself in such a vulnerable position. Then again, it’s just you, so he supposes he has nothing to worry about.
His gaze wanders back to you at the thought. A glass of wine, matching the one in his hand, swirls in your grasp as you recount the tales of your travels beside him. Excitement bounces in your eyes like fireworks, more beautiful and dazzling than any show he’d orchestrate for guests.
A fond smile pulls his lips upward as he watches you animatedly describe one particular scene. He’s listening to what you’re saying - or at least, he’s listening the best he can - but to tell to the truth, Sunday is more enraptured by you rather than your stories.
Your voice is a balm on his figurative burns, soothing him and coaxing him to relax and forget his worries. The bounce in every move you make, subtle or not, is endearing and adorable. His eyes are distracted by the sheen of your lips, and he can’t help but wonder how you’d taste.
Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, or maybe, just maybe, it’s the ache of having been separated from you for too long that compels him to act on that wonder.
Before his dazed mind can catch up to reason with him, he leans in - the couch creaking as he does so. Your story stops as you stare at him, dumbfounded and flustered - in the back of his mind, Sunday thinks he likes that expression on you.
He can’t imagine what he looks like right now. Probably a mess, nothing like the prestigious leader that he was supposed to be. But he couldn’t care less about that. Right now, there was only one thing on his mind, only one thing that he could think about.
Distantly, he hears the clink of the wine glass as he sets it down - or was it you?
In his blurred vision, he sees you move closer to him. Your eyes are closer than ever, your breaths mixing into one. Fireworks turn into constellations, splashes of nebula and clouds of cosmoses. His breath hitches, caught in his chest like a weight.
His wings shiver, then unfold as he dives in. They shield him from the rest of Penacony, from the Family and from the Dreammaster. He shuts his eyes tightly as he connects his lips to yours.
Truthfully, he doesn’t know what he’s doing - he’s never acted on any crushes nor pursued any relationships until now, the Family - no, the Dreammaster - wouldn’t allow him to. Kissing, cuddling, love, all of it, he’s only seen in movies, and they never really seemed real - not until now.
His chest constricts as you begin to move against him. He feels you reach to tilt his head so that you can deepen the kiss. Sunday relents, allowing you to take the lead. His gloved hands find purchase on your thighs, squeezing them as little whimpers leave him.
It’s over before he knows it. He barely registers the absence of your lips as you pull away. Something tickles against his cheek - likely his wings, flapping and fluttering as he struggles to process what just happened.
He closes his eyes again, and buries his head into your shoulder to hide. Your fingers thread through his hair as he inhales deeply, taking in your scent as much as he can.
Giddiness bubbles in his stomach. Soft giggles escape him as he nuzzles deeper into you, his smile turning ecstatic.
He was going to regret this tomorrow morning, he knew it. But the embarrassment and self-reprimanding could wait for then. In this moment, he was the happiest he’d ever been - and he’d be damned if he’d let himself ruin it.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
tags: @sh0jun, @themoderatelyawesomeninja, @xphantasmagoriax, @rainswept, @lucensei
@akutasoda, @naraven
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tripcabinet · 2 months
Penguin Paradise: A Glamping Adventure Under the Aurora Australi
Forget the five-star hotels and crowded tourist destinations. For travelers, luxury is no longer about luxury hotels but rather about connecting with nature in style. The latest trend is combining the two, and what can be better than glamping with the penguins? Picture this: you wake up to the gentle symphony of penguin calls, unzip your tent to witness a parade of tuxedoed birds waddling by, and sip your morning coffee with a panoramic view of their icy playground.
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This is not a plain glamping event, this is a real adventure. We’re talking luxurious, air-conditioned tents decked out with plush furnishings and comfy beds. However, the greatest attraction isn’t the fluffy throw cushions that simply create a beautiful environment; rather, the window that metamorphoses into a corridor to a groundbreaking penguin enclosure. Spend your days observing these charismatic creatures in their natural (well, almost natural) habitat. See them when they are maintaining a neat look of their plumage when they are making fun races that are so cute and inspiring, and when they are doing leisurely swimming in their pool.
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Beyond Observation: A Day Packed with Unforgettable Encounters
Glamping with penguins goes far beyond passive observation. Since these are usually unique experiences where a penguin is the leader, they are provided mostly by credible penguin experts. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about different penguin species, their unique adaptations to their icy environment, and the vital role they play in the delicate balance of the ecosystem. With the help of our narrator, one can witness the daily show of the ‘flipper and feathers’ performance where the penguins compete with each other for fish. It is a funny scene to watch them flap around and squawk as they satisfy their hunger.
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For those with a particularly soft spot for these adorable creatures, some glamping experiences even offer access to the penguin nursery. Be ready for a heart explosion by simply feeling the magnificence of the world’s beauty through adorable penguin baby chicks staggering on their wobbly legs while they are lovingly watched over by their protective parents on guard.
Nighttime Wonders: Sleeping Under the Southern Lights
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Beyond the Penguins: Glamping with a Difference
Glamping with penguins isn’t just about the birds (although they are undeniably the stars of the show). Within the vast majority of the nature destinations, visitors will find much to do around the penguin pools to extend the experience beyond the penguin menageries. Hike through scenic trails, kayak on crystal-clear waters, or simply relax and soak up the serenity of your surroundings.
Planning Your Dream Penguin Glamping Adventure
Ready to embark on this unforgettable journey?  Here are some tips to plan your dream penguin glamping adventure:
Location, Location, Location: Research different glamping sites! Top penguin enthusiasts are likely to choose national zoos, wildlife reserves, or even private locations as favorite destinations. Make sure the penguin preserve is near other tourist places if you are interested in a particular species of penguins and check out the facilities each location offers.
Package Perks: Glamping Guests’ options can be significantly different. Some offer basic overnight stays with basic amenities, while others include gourmet meals, educational talks, and exclusive animal encounters. Whether you are trying or not to adhere to your budget, there should be a package specifically for you, and you will love it very much.
Time of Year: Depending on the location, certain times of year might offer better opportunities to witness specific penguin behaviors, like breeding season or chick hatching.
No sane person would want to spend a dime at a roping shop when there is one down the street that offers easy cast-iron penguins. This is because it provides the best experience of connection to nature during an immersive adventure but in a very unique way. It’s a chance to create lasting memories, learn about these fascinating creatures, and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. So as a matter of fact, we invite you to get prepared, activate your excitement, and let yourself be our travel companions on this unforgettable trip with our little friends – penguins!
For those coming from Visakhapatnam, don’t miss Trip Cabinet’s Singapore tour package from Visakhapatnam to make your Penguin Glamping even more memorable!
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shoutscion · 7 years
so i’m moving the kickstarter date to ‘about a week after e3′, considering i learned a little too late that e3 is actually a much larger event then i expected and for financial business exposure-type reasons i should, instead of launching the kickstarter basically right now, give it a month and wait for the e3 hype to come and go before stealing the show with Jack and Casie
... says most of the people who i have asked, at least
in my head, that just gives me license to improve the ks demo, because over the past couple weeks i have been in full power crunch mode to redo all the especially shitty early art assets, sort out towns and conversations and add a new area and system of plot hooks to engage the player and leave them wanting more by the end of the demo, and it hasn’t exactly been the smoothest sailing
so here are some goofball bugs and other fuck-ups i’ve come across in these last weeks of rushed development
there’s a lot to this one (and this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg) so i’ll put some under a cut
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so, this is Tortuga.
you may remember him somewhat dumpier and less threatening, which is strange considering he’s just an even more threatening vanguard (who isnt so hard to deal with once you work out type weaknesses) (i’ll get to that later), so i ended up redesigning him to look like a bigger threat
he ended up being somewhat larger then anticipated
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but the real problem is that the actual reason i redesigned him was because the original tortuga was
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also too big
if you’ve been following jnc’s development- first, thank you- you may be noticing a trend here; i tend to make especially enemy sprites (but pretty much everyone at one point or another in development) like just slightly too large. it’s baffling. it’s the weirdest problem in the world. at some point i just started to swallow my pride and reference a mockup for proper sprite height size but then i changed the size of the visible area on screen and didn’t update the mockup and the problem just got even worse
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like here’s a gun casie fight a fuckin house
it’s not all bad though because i really like the sheer size that Shin Tortuga has going on. it’s intimidating, basically, but not in the actual literal way where you’re a little spooked and disheartened and more in the ‘im so hype to punch this house in the mouth’ ‘(with my gun)’ sort of way. there could be a better word for that
anyway, moving on:
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this is skeleton.
he’s a skeleton.
he’s actually the same enemy from the previous demo: i’ve been redesigning him for some time now because his design didn’t really suit his in-universe purpose or the aesthetic of the game (he was the very first enemy sprite ever created, so thats to be expected) (besides i guess Devil Casie) and even before his initial sprite i had gone through a million billion iterations of him
heres some concept art
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probably too much work for what amounts to a gag enemy. i dont think anyone has gotten this but skeleton is an elaborate gun pun
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the constant cycle of designing and redesigning on skeleton’s part actually lasted so long that he got what can only be described as spin offs- other enemies i ended up designing to fulfill his role. the most successful of these (at least immediately) is goldfish-kun (tentative title), who is a little scouting robot who does things like make bird-like chirping noises and hang around in the forest undetected observing travelers and appear outside your window and stare at you as you walk out of the shower and maybe shoot at you i guess
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he’s also a little too big but he’s not really supposed to be super small or anything and in this particular case there’s basically just more to love, so goldfish-kun gets a pass
he’s like, rust worm sized. he might actually be rust worm’s only ‘prey’ come to think of it, but how do they reach them?
anyway, i actually really like his design so expect him in the next demo. read: expect to see him in a week?
anyway finally skeleton’s latest design began to take hold and i’m pretty satisfied with it all things considered. so, i hash out a sketch, clean it up, put it in game
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and he’s too big.
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tisfan · 7 years
{So there's this story that happened where this girl goes on a date with her boyfriend to a baseball game. The kiss cam pans over them and the girl gets really excited but the boyfriend is too preoccupied with his phone. So she kisses the guy next to him instead. I had an idea with one of my partners where Tony is the girl, Ty (or whoever) is the douche boyfriend, and Bucky is the guy sitting next to her. They of course exchange numbers in the end.}
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 
God, baseball was sooo boring. 
Only in baseball was it impossible for more thanone team to score. They took fucking turns like it was pre-school and they werein line to use the teeter totters. The closest thing Tony’d ever seen toexcitement at a baseball game was the time Howard took him and drank so muchcheap beer that he ended up puking in a trash can on the way out of thestadium. That had almost been worth the sprained wrist when Howard shoved himout of the way. Almost. 
The worst part of it was, Ty didn’t even likeit. Not really. Or, if he did, maybe he’d be paying more attention to the gamethan to his fucking phone. 
Tony had already gotten up three times; once toget himself a beer and a hotdog (and he’d probably regret that hotdog later),once to use the bathroom, and once because the giant jumbo trons had advertiseddeep fried oreos, and Tony had to try one. He was definitely going to regretthat. Good, though. 
Ty hadn’t looked away from his phone the wholegoddamn game. Really, the score could be five hundred to seven and Ty would say“that’s nice” or “uh-huh” without looking up. What the hell was so goddamninteresting over there? 
Tony knew better than to try to look, though. Tydid not like what he considered an invasion of his privacy. 
The guy on the other side was kinda cute,though, so Tony turned away and watched that guy watching the game. 
Brunette, with a ragged haircut, half of hishair pulled back in a half-ponytail, he wore a red henley shirt and a brownjacket. He had a baseball cap with the team logo on it, but it fell off hishead almost every time he stood up to yell and scream, and since the man wasconstantly jumping to his feet, the hat was on the ground more often than itwas on his head. He jumped up to yell about strikes, about good pitches, aboutruns, about stolen bases. 
When a batter made a lousy ground ball, the mansurged to his feet again and yelled, “Go, Babushka power!” 
Tony couldn’t help it, he cracked up. “Go go grandmothers!” 
The guy turned around and grinned. “You speakRussian?” 
Tony wiggled his hand, comme ci, comme ça. “Understand it betterthan I can speak it. My tutor claims my accent stinks on ice.” 
“A common complaint of tutors,” the manresponded. He paused, leaned forward in his chair. “Go on, you little shit,steal that base, I fuckin’ dare you.” 
“You’re awfully invested,” Tony observed. 
“Got a hot hundred riding on the outcome of thegame,” the guy said. “And Baltimore sucks.” 
“If you say so,” Tony said. He flicked his eyesto the scoreboard; he really hadn’t been paying attention to the game. Orioleswere up a run and they were still at bat. “Looks like they might not suck ashard as you think.” 
Tony was studied the board, doing statisticalanalysis in his head. If current trends could predict future outcome, he wasgoing to give Baltimore a 72.952% chance of winning the game, probably by tworuns. He did not share this information with his neighbor. That just seemedrude. 
The inning ended without the Orioles scoringanother run, so that was encouraging. Tony readjusted his prediction. Hethought about sharing his thoughts with Ty, but another glance at his boyfriendshowed that would be a bad plan. Ty was now scowling at his phone, as ifsomething had upset him. Tony knew better than to interrupt him now. He leanedtoward his neighbor again. “You think they’ve got an upset in the making?” 
“They’re warming up the bullpen,” the man said,jerking his chin toward the Yankee bullpen. “New pitcher’ll shake things up.” 
Tony squinted. “Do you know who it is?” Thatcould definitely change his predictions. He pulled out his program and flippedto the roster. 
“Do you care?” the man asked, friendly, nothostile. “You haven’t been paying attention til just now.” 
“It’s more interesting when someone else isinterested,” Tony said. “I’m Tony, by the way.” 
“Bucky,” the man said, then rattled off the newpitcher’s name and jersey number. He leaned over Tony’s arm and tapped theprogram. 
Tony scrolled down. 
“Oh, hey,” Bucky said, nudging him. “You’re onthe kiss-cam.” 
Tony looked up. The camera, with little heartsand lip-prints in a frame, was centered on Bucky and him. Huh. Well, maybe theylooked like a couple, huddled over the program like they’d been. Sigh. Heturned and tapped Ty on the shoulder. 
Ty swatted at his hand and the whole crowd madea disapproving noise. “Not now, Tone.” 
“Ty,” Tony tried again. Ty would be so pissed if-- 
“I said, knock it off,” Ty said, turning aroundand poking his phone. 
“Mu'dak,” Bucky muttered under hisbreath. Asshole. Tony didn’t exactly disagree. He’d been dating TiberiusStone for almost three months, but he was starting to get the feeling that itwouldn’t be going on much longer. If he wasn’t wrong, Ty was probably textingwith his side-boy anyway. Tony kept trying to ignore that (first of all, thathe knew about it and Ty kept acting like Tony didn’t, because Ty had verylittle respect for Tony’s intelligence, which was just annoying, and secondly,because it was insulting. Tony was very good sex and a very attentive boyfriendand it was painful to be ignored and neglected.) 
Tony sighed and settled back in his chair, butthe kiss-cam didn’t move. Oh, for fuck’s sake. 
“Hey, I’ll kiss you, if he won’t,” Buckyoffered, then blushed absolutely, gloriously red at his own gumption. 
Tony blinked, then leaned over, his mouthalready puckering. 
Tony had meant it to be a joke kiss, a quicksmack on the mouth, enough to get the camera to go bother someone else. Stickit to Ty, maybe, for ignoring Tony all night. 
But when Bucky’s mouth touched his, Tony’sintentions went up in flames. Just like the rest of him. Tony found himselfwith his hands in Bucky’s hair, the man’s tongue sliding over his lip. The feelof his mouth was electric, shockingly erotic. His jeans got a little tighterthan was truly comfortable and he was half a second from climbing into theman’s lap when someone grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked, nearly chokinghim. 
“Hey, let go of ‘im,” Bucky said, standing up.“You’re hurting him.” 
“He’s --” Ty gestured like he couldn’t believethe utter gall. “Kissing someone else, right in front of me!” 
“You had your chance,” Bucky snapped. “If youpaid more attention to your man rather than you’re fuckin’ phone --” 
“Boys, boys,” Tony hissed, putting his hands upto separate them. “It’s sweet that you both want to take me to prom, but can Ipoint out that we’re on the goddamn camera?” Still. What the hell, hadsomeone fallen asleep up there? Jesus Christ. 
“You know what?” Ty said, brushing off hisshirt. “You keep him. He’s boring. And worthless. And he gives terrible blowjobs.” 
Tony gaped at him. “That --” 
“Face it, Tony, you suck worse than the Cubs.” 
Tony didn’t know enough about baseball to reallyunderstand that, but the way Bucky sucked air, Tony was willing to believe he’djust been burned. “That’s a lie.” He turned to Bucky and repeated, veryseriously, “That is a lie.” 
“I’m outta here,” Ty said. He turned and strodeoff, all indignant fury. 
“Don’t forget your phone,” Bucky mocked. 
Tony slowly sank into the seat. What the hellhad just happened? 
“You do not need that kind of asshole in yourlife,” Bucky said, a little tentative. “But… um, sorry for ruining your date?” 
“Nah,” Tony said. “I think it was alreadyruined. I just…” 
“Make it up to you?” Bucky offered. 
Tony slanted a glance at the man. “How?” 
“Dinner? Dancing? You don’t seem t’ likebaseball much, so, you know, another game is probably out.” 
Tony looked over at the Jumbo Tron again. “Idunno, I could get used to it.” He might grow to have fond memories of thatkiss-cam. “Sure. A date, then.” 
Bucky grinned. “I’ll try not to strike out.” 
Oh, god. Puns… Tony was in love already.“Maybe, if you’re really good, I’ll let you get to second base.” 
“I got a pretty good line coach,” Bucky said.“He might help me steal third.” 
Tony rolled his eyes. “I call foul. That wasterrible. Really, really terrible.” 
But when Bucky did steal a kiss, after walkingTony out to the train, Tony thought third base wasn’t entirely out of reach. 
After the first date. 
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