#like for me how daeron is luthien's brother
The thing that draws me most to this fandom, and the things that makes it unique, is that by the mere nature of the works we love, everyone's Arda is different. And not just in the usual headcanon-y ways that are typical of every story, but even down to important plot and characterization points.
Who is Gil-Galad? What is the Oath and what does it have power to do? What really is the Dagor Dagorath? How do the Laws Of The Universe work?
And beyond that- what parts of HoME do you pick and choose? LaCE? Does anyone try and work with Tolkien's horrendous math? Have you taken parts of your Arda from older or other worlds, with the Cottage of Lost Play and the exile of the Gnomes?
Have you given names to the wives and daughters? What do they mean- who are they? Mother-names or father-names for those who only had one?
I just really love how even when two interpretations of the same world seem utterly incompatible, they aren't. I'd love to see other additions/headcanons!
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polutrope · 6 months
Oh my God Daemags + ice skating pretty please?
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Here you are @imakemywings and @i-did-not-mean-to! 1.1k words of everyone's favourite nerdy gays. No warnings other than a couple soft expletives and one suggestive remark. Context: In this AU, Daeron is Luthien's brother. Daemag have the "And they were roommates" arc. This is about 6 months into their romantic relationship.
“I think we should go on a date.”
Daeron stilled the chopsticks supporting a cascade of rice noodles over his steaming bowl of pho and wrinkled his nose. “Isn’t this a date?”
“Like an actual date. This is just us being too lazy to cook.”
“Dates are expensive.”
“I’ll pay for it.”
“Oh no no. I told you I don’t like it when you get all charitable.” Daeron glared and lifted the noodles to his mouth. “I have money,” he grumbled around a slurp.
“Great,” said Maglor, exasperation mounting, “then why do you care if it’s— never mind. I thought we could go skating at Ivrin Square.”
“Skating?” Daeron’s face twisted in disapproval. “Oh come on Mags, that is so silly. Not to mention what a waste of energy it is cooling the ice… you know temperatures are 3 degrees above average this winter?”
Maglor reached across the table and smacked his boyfriend’s arm affectionately. “Get over yourself, Dae-bae. I’m taking you skating and you’re gonna have fun.”
Shrieks of glee and the scrape of blades against ice filled the square as a crowd of skaters looped round and round the large Christmas tree in the middle of the rink.
“Someone is definitely going to crash into that thing,” said Daeron, tipping his chin in the direction of the tree. “Dammit, these things are so uncomfortable!” He shoved a foot into his rental skate.
Maglor snugged Daeron’s scarf around his neck and pulled him forward for a kiss. Daeron made a sound of protest but didn’t push him off. “It’s a good thing you’re so cute when you’re cranky,” said Maglor, then affecting a posh British accent, “Dost thou require help with thy boot, Prince Daeron?”
Daeron snorted. As he laced up his skate, he muttered teasingly, “You’re such a nerd.”
“So says renowned local history podcaster Daeron Singh-Goel! Oh, and please remind me which of us studies Aramaic on work time?”
“Akkadian, not Aramaic.” Daeron tied a bow on his second skate. “I’ve told you this like a hundred times.”
“Whatever, they’re both equally dead.” Daeron opened his mouth to protest but Maglor leapt up, dragging Daeron with him. “You ready?”
They shuffled awkwardly to the rink entrance. “So,” said Maglor, bracing himself with one arm on either side of the gate, “when was the last time you went skating?”
“Uuh, I dunno, Lúthien dragged me to Aelin Uial when it froze over last winter. Maybe February? Why?”
“Mmhm. And are you… good at it?”
“I mean I know how to stop and skate backwards and stuff.”
“Cool.” He slipped Daeron a smile and grasped for his hand. “Come on, then!”
“Maglor. Do you know how to skate?”
“Sure!” Maglor fixed an enthusiastic grin on his face. “How hard can it be?”
“Oh my god,” Daeron said, as he was dragged onto the ice. Almost immediately, he was straining to hold Maglor upright.
“I can’t believe you don’t know how to skate!” Daeron shouted, guiding Maglor to brace himself on the flimsy plexiglass fencing. “This was your idea!”
“Yeah, and I know how much you love being better than me at something.” Maglor yanked him into am embrace. “See? I’m already holding myself up.”
“I am holding you up,” Daeron said, “which is really not easy considering you’re half a foot taller.”
“More than half a foot, I think. Come on, Dae, show me your fancy tricks.”
Daeron groaned, but slid his hands down Maglor’s arms to clasp both hands, then began to slowly pull him backwards. “All right, good. No, no! Keep your feet together. Yes, like that, toes in. No, not that in. And look at something that’s not moving— no, don’t look at me.”
“You love this,” Maglor whispered.
Daeron ignored him. “All right, we’re gonna turn now, easy. Just keep your weight balanced— wait, no!— aaahh! Ow!”
In an instant, they were horizontal on the hard ice, Maglor laughing gleefully and Daeron sputtering a string of curses that only made Maglor laugh harder, especially considering the number of small children dodging them.
“You did that on purpose!” Daeron cried, scrambling to one knee. “Get up, get up!” He yanked Maglor to a seated position. “That’s dangerous! We have knives on our feet. Get up! And stop laughing like a madman, someone is going to think we’re drunk.”
But no one seemed to be under that impression as far as Maglor could tell. The other skaters wobbled and glided past them with amused smiles. “Fine, fine,” he said. “I’ll do better staying up for you.”
“Oh my god.” Daeron rolled his eyes. “Are you drunk?”
“Of course not. I’m just having fun.”
Daeron took both his hands and looked at him with resigned affection. “You’re so crazy. Come on,” he held out an arm to act as leverage, “get up.”
It was only once upright that Maglor registered the smarting of his hip and knee, so he stuck to the sidelines for a while after that. Daeron, as predicted, could not resist the temptation to show off a little. Maglor smiled as he swooped past him, throwing in the occasional flourish with his arms. And as it turned out, once you got the hang of it, skating round and round wasn't that difficult.
It was also rather boring after about ten minutes, and Maglor found himself singing along to the carols blasting on the speakers.
“You know I can hear you all the way on the other side,” Daeron said, sliding up beside him.
Maglor raised his voice in answer. “A beautiful night, we’re happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland.”
A passer-by whooped and clapped. “All right!”
“…to sing a love song, while we stroll along…” Maglor reached for Daeron’s hand.
“Now you’re showing off,” Daeron said.
“Come on, Dae, I need a harmony— He’ll say, ‘are you married?’, we’ll say, ‘no man, but you can do the job when you’re in town!’”
Daeron pursed his lips in a way that said he was trying very hard to resist joining in.
“Later ooon, we’ll conspire, as we dreeeam by the fire, to face unafraid, the plans that we’ve made.”
Daeron relented, and together they chorused the last lines: “Walking in a winter wonderland.”
A family on the sidelines cheered and applauded. No more able to resist the draw of an audience than Maglor was, Daeron smirked and guided Maglor in a cautious twirl.
They both laughed as Maglor narrowly avoided another fall.
“So, are you having fun?” Maglor asked.
Daeron huffed and said, “Yeah, yeah. I guess,” then gave Maglor a quick kiss before gliding backwards and launching spiritedly into the next song.
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energence2 · 2 years
Silmarillion headcanons #2
So yeah, I have some headcanons regarding the races of different tribes of Elves and Men that imo would work if we adapted Silm as a series or anime, as them being all white is... boring
Seriously: boring af and it's not acceptable
I have some reasonings for my decisions, but most of them were made only bc of THE ALMIGHTY VIBES
inb4: I would like to say that I wanted it to be as respectful to all the races as possible (their history and culture), but if I made a mistake of some sort, plz call me out
So let's start from the beginning
I made this decision tbh purely on the fact that the only red heads we know come from the Noldor (Mahtan, Maedhros, unoficially Nerdanel)
Also, let's be honest
They jumped on a ship in order to gain new territories and kingdoms..........
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It's not my headcanon and I've seen that one is popular in the fandom as Indis being black makes Fingolfin (&Finarfin, Lalwen and Findis) mixed and therefore allows us to have mixed!Fingon with his beautiful braids ♡
Also, I imagine that the 'golden hair issue' may be solved with:
Vanyar looking black but having golden hair. They are Elves, not human, they don't have to look the same
Ooooor (and I like this hc better)
Putting gold flakes or golden ribbons (ekhem Fingon) just being very fashionable among the Vanyar
Or both tbh
Teleri & Sindar
East Asian
I've put them together as one race in order to show the closeness of these two tribes (as Elwe and Olwe were brothers) to the viewer bc it would make the tragedy of Thingol finding out about Alqualonde even more dramatic
Also, traditional East Asian ships fit the artistry of Telerin ships soooo well
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This one is Chinese
On top of that, I LOOOVE the sound of the Chinese bamboo flute and plz Daeron has to play it
Plus, beautiful flowy dresses (a hanfu in the pic)& jewelery from Eastern Asia would be PERFECT for Luthien, you can't disagree bc I'm right
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And we can always make their hair white/gray/blond if we need to
House of Beör
White, cause it's said they resemble the Noldor afaik
Gotta be consequent
more Mediterranean tho to give them their iconic brown hair
House of Hador
Southern Asian
Numenor has to resemble this kind of architecture and give THE VIBES, okay??
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Ughhhh the 'blond hair issue' again
Okay, idc how they are described, they can dye their hair I guess, making them white would ruin my concept
House of Haleth
Native Americans
I have one reason & one reason only!!!
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk
Okay, that's it, hope you liked it, I don't have any ideas for the Elven Avari or Sylvan tribes, so gimme your hcs if u have any ♡
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lithgaeril · 3 years
It crossed my mind this morning that, with a bit of shuffling, the first five sons of Feanor could fairly accurately match up with the Bennet sisters, and now that I’ve thought it, I can’t stop thinking about it. I mean like:
Maedhros: extremely beautiful, everyone is like “this is the most handsome elf”, good at conflict resolution & diplomacy, (especially before all the really bad shit went down), tries to find solutions that keep the peace, occasionally considered the good/reasonable exception of his chaotic and troublesome family (again, at least earlier on), his love interest is a literal ray of sunshine, his father would absolutely refuse to visit his love interest
Maglor: probably pretty well-liked despite being almost definitely very snarky, likely hated being king but would under no circumstances abdicate (which is a very Elizabeth move lbr), probably only confides in Maedhros out of all his brothers, works especially well if Daeron is Darcy because holy shit can I see that whole thing going down (I mean, situationally, Finrod would also work, which gives me the utterly hilarious image of Turgon as Caroline, even if that doesn’t make any fucking sense (esp bc he’d actually be Louisa, but I refuse to consider either Aredhel or Argon for Caroline), but also I feel like Finrod is the dead opposite of Darcy in terms of social traits)
Celegorm: this is where the shuffling starts, because Celegorm has to be Lydia. he’s loud and rambunctious and doesn’t give a fuck about propriety. he does what he wants, when he wants. he probably laughs at very inappropriate moments. but he’s also pretty personable and can get along with most people very easily. (the really funny part is, if Daeron is Darcy and we make Luthien his sister bc I usually go that route, Celegorm would also be Wickham... but tbh if I actually did write this, Wickham would obviously be Eol, however weird I might feel about an Eol/Celegorm crackship)
Caranthir: often quiet, fading into the background, except to remind his brothers how he’s superior to them, middle child syndrome, serious, not a big fan of socialization, lacks tact, yet is probably actually fairly knowledgeable about people after having spent so long watching them, hates parties, likes frowning and books
Curufin: probably the weakest link in the bunch in terms of one-to-one connections, but follows Celegorm into trouble all the fucking time (and stirs up some himself sometimes)
oh and just bc idk where else to put this, but: Thingol as Lady Catherine de Burgh
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Welp...I did it. I made yet ANOTHER Silm OC, and I'm not sorry about it (the silver hair/brown skin combo is my aesthetic, don't judge me).
Anyway, this is Aranmír Edlothion, also known as the Prince of Flowers in his wedding attire. I came up with the idea of him from doing a fantasy RP with a friend of mine, and my absolute obsession with enemies to lovers so...here he is! My lovely boi, I hope y'all love him as much as I do! Facts under the cut.
Name Translation:
Father-name: Aranmír- "king's jewel" (I know in Quenya it'd be spelt with a double m but I dunno if that's how Sindarin works)
Mother-name: Edlothion- "blossomer, bloomer, he who causes flowering"
He's the third and youngest child of Thingol and Melian after Luthien and Daeron (cuz I see a lot of people making Dae Luthi's brother in their headcanons and I figured "why the fuck not get in on the headcanon fun? I mean Tinfang would've been her brother too in another version")
He's a botanist and horticulturist who has a stronger relationship with plants than people. He's cultivated several varieties of flower and fruit, hence his nickname. Practically lives in his greenhouse.
Can make a shit ton of drugs, poisons, and alcohols from his plants, my guy is a walking pharmacy.
Looks sweet and nice and poised, is actually batshit feral and will fuck you up.
Horny on main but also a nerd
Will go days without sleep getting caught up in his research.
Loves his family to death and they're all really close-knit, but inferiority complex like a MOTHERFUCKER. Being in this family will do that to you, I mean he’s like an actually cheerful Caranthir.
With Thingol being the greatest of the Sindar and Melian being a literal angel, Luthien being literally the hottest thing to walk the earth (also stupidly magically powerful) and Daeron being the best singer of all time, Ara is just the “weird plant kid”.
His Maiarin magic takes the form of being able to manipulate and magically affect plant growth.
Married Celegorm to forge an alliance for peace. Basically Morgoth is a bigger threat than he is in canon and in order to defeat him, the Sindar and the Noldor have to kiss and make up...literally. Both groups would rather die than join forces but they really have no choice because the Valar are sitting on their glittery asses not helping (at least not yet)
Agreed to the match out of duty to Doriath (and also to say "hey, I'm useful guys. Be proud of me"), Thingol is pissed. "HELL NO, I'D RATHER FACE MORGOTH BY MYSELF THAN GIVE MY CHILD TO THOSE WILD DOGS!"
Luthien is ALSO pissed, especially considering what Celegorm and Curufin tried to pull with her. She is NOT happy about letting her little bro "be sold to a pit of vipers"
On their wedding day there was crying. A LOT of crying. But Ara would die for his people so he sucks it up, and also to protect his brother and sister from being selected.
Those flowers braided into Ara's hair are red anemones, symbolizing protection against evil (he's gonna need it)
To say that he and Tyelko do NOT fuck with each other would be the understatement of the century.
Tried to poison his "beloved husband" once, having a huge knowledge of plants he knows which ones are poisonous af. He was basically in cushy jail (watched like a hawk and confined to his rooms) for like the next two years after that.
Unfortunately for him, Celegorm also knows his plant stuff cuz...hunter, hello. So yeah, that didn't work. He thought it was cute, but told Ara in no uncertain terms that if he tried that shit again, he'd make his life hell.
Turning point came when they were stuck in a survival situation and forced to work together to literally not die.
It's cliche AF but they bonded a little over nature and shit..
Another cliche: It was raining, they were cold and hubby is attractive...so yeah.
Their interactions consisted of VERY sporadic friendly moments interspersed with veiled insults and hate sex. (Ara threw up their first time, feeling like a traitor to his dead kin)
Before they realized "we're stuck with each other forever, may as well try not to be miserable for the rest of eternity"
So they tried to get along and shit and discovered they had a lot of similar interests.
Curufin kinda gets jealous of their friendship because Tyelko's his fave brother (and also Ara tried to poison him)
It literally took them like 300 years to move from enemies to semi-friends.
Ara saved his husband’s life once by brewing up an antidote for a poisoned arrow wound (he didn’t poison him this time)
Celegorm comforted Ara over his grief at Luthien's death (he blamed him at first, of course) and this led to them becoming even closer.
They like to hang out together in the woods, sometimes not coming back for days.
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Hello, I'm your Tolkien Secret Santa! I'm so excited to begin working on your gift, I'm already debating between several ideas.
I just wanted to ask if you had anything specific in mind that you'd like to see included? And if you had any headcanons about Doriath as a place! Culture, terrain, magic, anything that makes it a setting /you/ recognize. If not, don't worry about it! But I thought I'd ask!
So eager to get started, thank you for your time!
Hello! Sorry this took a while to answer, I had to type up everything (apologies in advance for how much stuff I've written lol, I've just dumped a whole bunch of headcanons in here. I hope you find some of it useful!) and link stuff and also hack into my drawing tablet that I'd forgotten the password to and hadn't used in a year :P
Also, absolutely don't feel obligated to use everything I've put here, I really like seeing other people's takes on my Best Fam, and a whole bunch of my headcanons for Doriath are actually pretty loose, so if anything doesn't vibe with you, feel free to toss it!
Putting everything under the cut for the sake of the Dash
I don't remember exactly what I put on my sign-up, (I'm pretty sure I mentioned the Nolofinweans too? Whoops this is Not about them, hmu if you want a huge ramble about the Lesser Hellspawn too lol) but I think I forgot to mention that while I put "no ships" I'm fine with canon ships so long as the romance isn't the center focus (Esp. if you want to do family fluff with Beren, Luthien, & Dior) I'm not squicked by romance at all, but I don't know what your position on ships is, so if you don't want to please don't feel obligated! I'm also pretty sure that I forgot to mention a DNW of mine- I see Daeron as Luthien's younger brother and nothing else, which is one of the few headcanons I refuse to budge on.
For specific stuff I'd like: I really like good wholesome family fluff, and I'm really weak for the idea that related by blood or not you still should choose your family. I've got a whole Thing about Daeron and Luthien choosing to be siblings, Daeron choosing to be there for Dior, Beren choosing Finrod, Huan choosing Beren and Luthien, Luthien choosing Beren and mortality, etc. Choices make me soft.
Related: my opinions on Melian and Thingol are... not great. I'm working on a headcanon post/fic about it rn, but didn't want to slow this down any more, so to sum up: I think they did what they thought was best, and genuinely love their children, but legitimately do not understand what they want/need- Thingol is overprotective, Melian Doesn't Get incarnates. Post Silm quest they improve and get more accepting, though they still don't really understand, but the relationship between them and their kids is never very close.
(I've also got a very specific weak spot for Beren and Luthien's could've- would've- should've been friendship with Finrod and the gang. Another headcanon I refuse to budge on is that Beren hung out with Finrod and co when he was stuck in Mandos, and Luthien got to properly meet them all. But that's super specific and requires a Lot of ocs, so please don't do it unless it really inspires you lol.)
Here are some posts on my vision of the characters + dynamics, specifically: Daeron as Luthien's brother, Beren ROCKS, How I write Eldritch Luthien (+ Melian's Domain), Name headcanons!, there beneath the willow tree (fic- Daeron is Best Uncle), and I don't know if you want/need visuals but Melian, Daeron, Luthien (+doodle dump) (+her, Beren, and Huan)- also literally all the Luthien art by Kokiri85 (here's a specific one) and by @carlandrea
I do have a picture of Doriath, I did it in 30 min for art class last year, so it's not amazing but it's a good enough jumping off point: a dead part of Doriath, as seen through Melian's Girdle (the purple grid).
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I see Doriath vaguely as having two general "types" of forest: "Normal" (pretty enchanted forest, nightingales are a little sus, some things glow, par for the magical course), and the Deep Woods (where stuff gets Weird, proper Eldritch Faerie-Land, you will not be coming out of here without a guide and/or Melian taking pity). In a few very small areas the Deep Woods turn to Dark Woods (Definitely cursed, probably give you magic radiation poisoning, everything is Undead and Immortal, High concentration of Melian's magic, usually either places she frequent(s/ed) or near the border that need more defense (Nan Elmoth was a result of this)) I have two fics about this: A Cruel Forest and This is a Forest, which both either state or imply that Doriath itself is debatably sentient as a result of Melian's magic
For terrain, I went to Alaska last summer and now it's basically the ideal Beleriand in my mind. Doriath has a milder climate- it's essentially the platonic ideal of a mostly deciduous forest, the St Croix River Valley in Minnesota is a good approximation, though obviously it's a river valley, while Doriath is not. Any really pretty forests work, honestly. There's wildflowers everywhere, and fruit trees (probably enchanted), and conveniently placed (literally) creeks and streams. It's also very magically circuitous- you might walk in a perfectly straight line and end up where you started, or going left might lead the same way as going right will.
Culture! This is... harder. I'm focusing on Menegroth here, but I have more of a general vibe I'm going for, rather than this being hard-and-fast. I see typical clothing as being fairly typical medieval fantasy fare- though a little heavier on the medieval, with some Chinese hanfu influence- the hair also, though with more braids, when convenient it's designed to show off as much length as possible (Luthien always wears hers down, which ususally signifies someone wild/who doesn't care much about appearance. She, Melian, and Daeron also never wear shoes). Lots of flowers, either fake or real (fresh or dried). Furs are worn in the winter, but it's seen as sketchy to wear the fur of a predator you/ your family didn't hunt, so while a hunter's family might have wolf-coats, a noble probably wouldn't. On the subject of hunting, songbirds are basically sacred, given Melian, so you don't hunt one without necessity.
(This headcanon is tiny and not very well formed but there's absolutely a secret cult dedicated to Melian, and while people might say that it's bad form, inwardly everyone has probably prayed to her once or twice because if there's an angel who has demonstrably protected you from satan, you want to keep that angel.)
Lots of really pretty fabric designs and embroidery based on the nature in Doriath (the less Spooky parts, at least), symmetry isn't really big, but the Golden Ratio (Fibonacci sequence) and fractals are. Usually there isn't a consistent pattern as the main focus. I've arbitrarily decided that they have a good way of making purple dye. Generally bright, cooler colors are preferred, to match the forest, but the goal is more "flowers" and less "mossy stone". They're very good at making camouflages for the guards and hunters, though, like the cloaks in Lothlorian.
Metal work is eh to them. Useful, but as a whole they aren't super into it. Especially after the Noldor (who love it) show up and get on the Iathrim's bad side. They like it in small doses, and heavily prefer silver to gold. On a related note- piercings are nearly nonexistent, except for on the really old elves who remember Cuivienen and/or the Great Journey, or some Laiquendi who live near the border.
They're all really into the Arts, Menegroth is covered in flowy half-abstract carvings and knotwork (influence of the dwarves), mosaics are really popular since they're more sturdy than paintings. Tapestries help keep the stone of the caves warmer. Song and dance is huge- performances happen constantly, available to anyone. I imagine it varies from more traditional songs of epic poetry performed by one person, to massive choirs. I'm not very knowledgeable about dance, but I think they've got something like ballet with a "greek" chorus backing it. Their plays are probably a lot like ancient greek ones structurally, too. Speech and song is very important, since speech is literally how they distinguish themselves as sentient, and music created the universe. In general, improvisation is valued, but there's a very specific structure to it. So it looks free and natural, but actually it's very rigid. (Symbolism for the rest of their culture? Yes.)
Menegroth itself looks like it was perfectly grown as-is, with sculpture and carvings added to it. It also doesn't really feel like it's underground- there are massive sections without a roof that act as skylights, and a whole bunch of layers. Natural light and air is definitely a priority. Lots of entrances and exits, since it's so big. It's not very defensible, except for that the layout is utterly nonsensical to anyone unfamiliar, and the enchanted forest + forcefield around it.
My opinions on Elvish magic are honestly worth a post unto itself, so to sum up: most of the stuff we would consider magic they don't. It's a type of art- to seemingly break natural laws and turn wool into shifting camouflage, or to gather starlight in stone, and it's based in the Song. What they call magic is very elemental- the three broad categories are water, air, and fire, which then break down/combine into smaller categories (ie. ice/weather/wind/light/temp./earth) it's very difficult, and very rare for Sindar to learn (seen as slightly heretical- like attempting to imitate the Ainur)
Maiarin magic is a whole 'nother beast. It kind of seeps into the area based on power, proximity, and time. Basically, it's magic radiation, only less overtly deadly (although that depends on the Maia in question. Osse's probably causes a whole bunch of storms and Bermuda Triangle-esque phenomena which. Not exactly safe.) Lots of incomprehensible Eldritch stuff, and heavily Domain-based. Their magic is seen similar to how humans see elvish magic ("That's totally magic!" "No it's not? It's just another ability.") and, once again, is entirely Song based- even more than elvish magic since it was the Ainur who Sang Arda into being in the first place.
Phew ok that about wraps it up! Thanks for asking about all this, I take every possible opportunity to infodump. And thank you so much in advance! I'm really excited to see what you make!
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It’s the anon again! I loved your rambling about Russingon! If I may, would you like to do the same for Daemags? (Or another ship, I’m really not fussy)
hmm...Daemags… two options:
Crack: enemies to lovers in .01 k words. (They’d like it to be a angsty slow burn, but both are too prone to dramatic declarations/speeches for anything longer. They’re like Hamlet, and are very aware they’re in a play. They just don’t realize its a crack play)
The other one would be a slow thing in the second and or third age and it’s actually really interesting to me. A narrative where they learn to be part of society again, to accept they’ve done wrong that they cannot undo (A certain M named person’s done a considerable amount more wrong but hey thats not the point) but realizing they have to move forwards anyways.
But wait! you say, Daeron didn’t choose to leave, he got lost. That’s valid, but I really don’t see how someone can get *that* lost in their own forest without choosing to. So I imagine that he went into the forest searching for his sister, and on his way back thought about the shame and grief of his family and it just seemed easier to exile himself, and to disappear rather than face that.
Now I’m not saying big grand redemption arc cause idk those often get cheesy. Nor am i saying “oh its been a long time so we’re good now.” Just,, Daemags ensuring that the later half of their lives creates a positive influence (big or small), I’m saying they help eachother let go of the grand aspirations from the past and maybe eventually face up to the consequences of their actions (again Maglor’s got some more actions to have consequences for but tbh at this point im not interested in what they’ve done, I’m interested in the guilt they harbor that so completely removed what could have been 2 very powerful entities from the later narrative)
Thanks for the ask, Anon! (gonna name u… Captain Anon!)
Also no worries about asking too much stuff, if I need a break I’ll just not answer for a bit XD    and I’m so hyped to talk about the Nerds next ask.
ok so clarification point on Daeron: I’m on the canon that he’s Luthien’s brother because it provides me lots of space for projection, which is also why things might not smell very canon in this post.
Anyways Daeron’s is really interesting to me once I’ve over projected and made a ton up: I imagine his pov going something like “ok there’s this dude my sister’s infatuated with and like,, first of all no.” (and yeah there’s jealousy involved here too, idk maybe he’s thinking that’s his sibling, and she’s supposed to hang out with him, not some mortal) Then she wants to go on the quest designed to kill the mortal?? So yes, once again appealing to the higher authority here. And lo and behold it works out even worse than last time. Fine fine time to be Helpful. Then he dissappears into the woods. Eventually he gets the news Luthien’s dead, and like maybe a little part of him that he hates is like ‘haha i was right she shouldn’t have dated that guy’ but mostly it’s like ‘hey if I’d stayed at court would she still be alive’ 
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starspray · 4 years
⭐ about "The nights your heart shivers" for the Director's Cut meme? (If you'd prefer a specific prompt, your depiction of Daeron in this fic?)
This got extremely long and is more about my thoughts on Daeron in general than about Nights, but it gets back there in the end!
Daeron is basically the entire reason it took me over a year to write the second part of Nights. For a long time I wanted it to be from his POV, which is mostly what tripped me up, because I had never written Daeron as a major character before—in other fics where he shows up he’s pretty much just there to make jokes about while he plays music in the background, or whatever. So in the end I stayed with Elured’s POV because Daeron was never going to spill all of his secrets in that fic anyway, so what I don’t know, Elured wouldn’t know anyway, and if I change my mind later or something, well, writing from close third person POV is kind of inherently writing an unreliable narrator and those cover a multitude of sins.
But anyway—I was lurking recently on the SWG Discord and I saw a discussion about Daeron and it seems like people taking part were forming this sort of characterization binary, where he’s either That Creep who’s in love with Luthien and rats her out to Thingol because he’s jealous, or you can go with the early version of the story where he’s her brother and therefore the ratting out isn’t creepy it’s just protective. I bring this up to say that my Daeron is neither of those thing but also a tiny bit of both.
He’s not Luthien’s brother, as I go with the published Silm version of things most of the time, and he is in love with Luthien, but I don’t like to characterize him as creepy about it. Like, it’s a well known thing in Doriath, and his friends tease him about it, but Luthien is kind in her rejection and they remain friends and Daeron knows he doesn’t have a chance but he’s got centuries to come to terms with it, and he’s happy just to play music for her to dance to because that makes her happy. And he’s not just That Guy Who Loves Luthien. He’s a loremaster, a mighty singer, he invented the cirth; maybe he’s something of a diplomat—I can’t remember if it’s canon that he’s friendly with the Dwarves but they do adopt his runes pretty happily, and he’s one of two people to go to the Mereth Aderthad from Doriath. He contains multitudes!
Okay, now, imagine you live in Doriath, and the Girdle is up, and it’s supposed to keep out literally everyone except people explicitly on Thingol and Melian’s approved visitor list. Now imagine you’re out walking in the woods, as you do, and you spot a guy you definitely have never seen before, and he’s dirty and hungry and haunted—basically he looks like he just dragged himself through Nan Dungortheb, because that’s what he just did. And you have no idea who he is or how he got through the Girdle but he sure doesn’t look like good news, and then there’s Luthien, right there, and that’s pretty alarming! Basically I think Daeron would have reported seeing Beren no matter what, because that’s the kind of thing you’d want to report, and the fact that Luthien is hanging out with him and she hasn’t told anyone is confusing at best, and definitely alarming. This could be some new trick of the Enemy, some strange and evil being powerful enough to pass through the Girdle and maybe trick Luthien into trusting him/it.
So Daeorn’s reporting back to Thingol isn’t fueled by maliciousness or jealousy, it’s fueled by concern. We the audience know that Beren isn’t the enemy, but Daeron doesn’t. And Men aren’t looked at with much favor yet in Doriath, either, and he’ll probably have absorbed that attitude, especially because it’s comes from Thingol himself.
And then Luthien goes to him later and asks for his help in leaving Doriath to go after Beren once he leaves. By this point Daeron obviously knows that Beren isn’t someone sent by Morgoth, but he also knows that it is extremely dangerous outside of the Girdle and that Beren is heading straight into the heart of that danger. In my mind I don’t think Daeron anticipated Luthien being locked in a treehouse. But when he tells Thingol about her plans to leave he think he is helping her, or protecting her, or something.
So that’s what I settled on for Daeron in canon, which brings us back to how I wrote him in Nights. Canon has him “straying” from Doriath when he tries to follow her, and he ends up in the East of Middle-earth, mourning and lamenting etc etc. In the fic Daeron blames his getting lost on the Girdle, but he doesn’t choose to share why he decided to just keep going east instead of trying to course correct, and this is because he doesn’t want to talk about it and also because I don’t really know.
By the time we get to Nights we’re about 2000 years into the Second Age, so he’s had a lot of time to grieve for Luthien, and Doriath, and everything, and he’s not actually in a bad place by the time Nellas and the boys find him in Fangorn. He’s been there for a While, though whether he’s telling the truth when he says he’s been thinking about moving on is debatable. He’s done a lot of traveling and met a lot of people, but for the most part he’s been on his own and he’s both used to that and finding himself surprised and delighted to not be alone anymore, which is why he agrees to go back to civilization.
I also write him as very confident in his powers and abilities, because he is the mightiest of the singers of the Eldar in canon, and he would absolutely be one of those people who could face down the Nazgul without fear, like Glorfindel. His song battle thing with the Nazgul I modeled on Finrod’s with Sauron. He’s putting forth his formidable power not only to chase away the Nazgul but to pierce their minds or souls or whatever it is they have at this point to find answers—and he’s more successful here than Sauron was in getting answers out of Finrod. He goes looking for them because he’s curious, and also because they’re clearly a major threat, and also because the last time he went to tell someone about something he thought was a threat without all the details it ended up kind of disastrously. Obviously there’s no mistaking that the Nazgul are Bad News even without the details, but it definitely won’t hurt to know more. He’s still a loremaster at heart—which is also why he agrees to teach Elured and Elurin because they have had an extremely haphazard education via Nellas, who is not particularly learned in magic, and via Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, who are extremely magical in their own rights but not uhhhh super structured about sharing their expertise. And none of them even thought to teach the boys to read! Though he is just a little smug, under the surface, that they can read his runes just fine, it’s the silly fancy tengwar that gives them issues.
Anyway, to sum up: I didn’t want to portray Daeron as a creep still hung up on Luthien, because that’s boring, so I didn’t, and also I wanted to showcase his other traits because they’re both more relevant to the story I was writing and also quite frankly more interesting, and I’m still not really confident enough in my characterization of him to write a story from his POV, but I can write him from the outside just fine.
ALSO. Elves in Tolkien are often both merry and silly AND melancholy and sad at the SAME TIME, and Daeron is not an exception to this. He’ll still sit down with his harp or flute or whatever and play laments for Luthien and for Doriath and Elu Thingol and the Esgalduin and all the rest, because that was his home and there is no returning and he deeply misses everyone and everything. But when he gets to Rivendell he’ll be DELIGHTED to join in on the tra la la lallying.
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Holiday Feast - The final round-up
Happy New Year! Our holiday feast challenge came to an end on January 10. We hope you all had a good start to 2019. Thank you for sticking with us through 2018! We′re looking forward to discussing, enjoying and sharing our excitement for the Legendarium and for Silmarillion fanfiction with you in this new year. In this final round-up, we′re going to give you the answers to the scavenger hunt for the Starter course and celebrate the participants who joined our little feast by reading, commenting, writing stories and meta, or producing fanart and playlists. Thanks for joining us – we hope you enjoyed your meal!
For the starter course, we gave you a couple of first lines to search. Participants didn′t have to find them all, but discover at least one and read the corresponding chapter (or work). For everyone who didn′t manage to hunt down all of them and is curious, here are the answers:
There was a cold wind blowing off the North Star when they got near the world’s edge, and the chilly spray of the waterfalls splashed over them. ~Roverandom, Chapter 4
In that time were made those things that afterwards were most renowned of all the works of the Elves. ~The Silmarillion, "Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor"
’Well, master, we’re in a fix and no mistake,’ said Sam Gamgee. ~The Two Towers, "The Taming of Sméagol"
In the South from sleep | to swift fury / a storm was stirred, | striding northward / over leagues of water | loud with thunder / and roaring rain | it rushed onward. ~The Fall of Arthur, III
Ægidius de Hammo was a man who lived in the midmost parts of the Island of Britain. ~Farmer Giles of Ham
It is said that Beren and Lúthien returned to the northern lands of Middle-earth, and dwelt together for a time as living man and woman; and they took up again their mortal form in Doriath. ~The Silmarillion, "Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad"
In the days of the Dark Kings, when a man could still walk dry-shod from the Rising of the Sun to the Sea of its setting, there lived in the fenced town of his people in the green hills of Agar an old man, by name Hazad Longbeard. ~The Peoples of Middle-earth, "Tal-Elmar"
Grundy, Zdenka, Independence1776, StarSpray and Nienna have let us know that they′ve completed the full Reading menu. Great job! Mysterious_jedi completed the cheese course. Well done!
Of course, everybody who commented on at least one of the fanworks created for this challenge took a nibble of the cheese course for this aspect of the menu. Accordingly, Silver Trails, StarSpray, Kimaracretak, Himring, Gabriel, CeeCee, BaileyBoyBee, Dawn Felagund, Oshun and yours truly have already earned a Commenting stamp for this challenge.
Grundy, Zdenka, Independence1776 and Nienna have managed to complete the entire Commenting menu. Again, congratulations! If you, too, have completed one of the Reading or Commenting prompts – or even completed all five courses – and we′ve somehow missed it or you haven′t told us yet, please drop us a comment here or on LJ, send us an ask or mail us at [email protected].
We were hoping for a splendid array of responses for our Artwork, Meta and Writing prompts, and you did not disappoint. 38 pieces have been newly created for these aspects of the challenge – a spectacular holiday buffet that we present you now. If you enjoy an author's work, please consider dropping them a comment to let them know!
Gil-galad with Palantír  by hennethgalad.
"They’re out there." - first line of ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest". (digital art)
Arien/Ilmarë Playlist by Nienna324.
It is a little harder to fit the prompts with fanmixes, but it sort of fits in three ways. One, some of it takes place before or in the beginning of time. Two, it could be thought of as the start of a relationship or at least a few of the songs are. And three, my prompt for this course was "It was a pleasure to burn"-Ray Bradbury. This made me think of Fëanor, but also Arien.
Tropical Waters Uinen by Hrymfaxe (watercolour)
Temperate Waters Uinen by Hrymfaxe (watercolour)
Númenor Playlist by Nienna324.
A Youtube playlist for the Art challenge of the Holiday Feast Fish Course.(fanmix)
Never Fade Away by Nienna324.
A Youtube playlist for the rebellion and exile of the Noldor. (fanmix)
And She Might Know Me Well by Kimaracretak.
This mix is dedicated to Elleth, the one who got me into the world of Tolkien-fandom-on-the-internet in the first place. She requested something with Goldberry femslash, because "eldritch river spirits are always good". A Goldberry/Lady of the Blue Brooch sad eldritch ex-girlfriends mix, set in my AU where the Lady becomes a Black Rider! (fanmix)
Maglor and the Twins Playlist by Nienna324.
A gift for independence1776. (fanmix)
Beren and Lúthien Playlist by Nienna324.
I know Beren and Lúthien were listed for the reading challenge, but as far as "scene that you think they would ham up the most" is concerned this would be it, so I think it fits either way. (fanmix)
A New Day: The Dawn of the Second Age by Grundy.
While the Silmarillion includes the Akallabêth, and an account of the line of Elros is included in the Unfinished Tales, very little is written about the early years of the Second Age. (Part of the Collection "Food for Thought: A Meta Feast")
Naming the Sea-Elves by Grundy.
The text is concerned primarily with the Noldor and presents most events from their point of view. Nowhere is this more readily apparent than in the treatment of the third group of elves to undertake the Great Journey – first named as the ‘Teleri’. (Part of the Collection "Food for Thought: A Meta Feast") Main:
Blinded by the Light by Grundy.
If there is one thing that stands out about the Noldor, it is how important light is to them. (Part of the Collection "Food for Thought: A Meta Feast")
Fate and Free Will in Arda by Lyra.
An informal bibliography with tongue-in-cheek commentary.
Sugar in Middle-earth by Grundy.
We don’t have much to base our knowledge on in the First or Second Ages, but The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings give glimpses of the food of late Third Age Middle-earth, including sweet dishes and desserts. (Part of the Collection "Food for Thought: A Meta Feast")
Sweet Speculations by Grundy.
Random headcanon that may or may not be in any way defensible. (Part of the Collection "Food for Thought: A Meta Feast")
What It Says On The Tin by Grundy.
I searched out all mentions of cheese I could find in the books. (Part of the Collection "Food for Thought: A Meta Feast")
Moments of Healing by eris_of_imladris.
Nerdanel receives comfort and healing from an unexpected source.
The season will not wait by quillingmesoftly.
Elwing does paperwork.
All That May Become by Grundy.
After the Sack of Eregion, the situation for the elves is dire. Celeborn's army is on the verge of being caught by Sauron when unexpected help arrives.
Negotiations by arafinwean.
Haleth looks at Caranthir and wonders what he's lost.
A Trace of Light by Silver Trails.
Glorfindel misses his cousins and feels lonely after Fëanor is exiled to Formenos.
Lovely, Dark and Deep by StarSpray.
Elwë gets sidetracked on his way to visit Finwë.
From Sleep to Swift Fury by Raiyana.
Ossë's rebellion.
Missing the Past by StarSpray.
"But no, it is not ruins or pottery I am interested in. They told me that Maglor was living on Himling." (also covers some Main Course themes)
Times of Change by hennethgalad.
Ereinion Gil-galad sets out for the Falas.
Long Time Passing by Grundy.
Eärwen's thoughts on a journey to Alqualondë prior to the War of Wrath.
Music and Song by Silver Trails.
Little Maglor hears Omar's and Salmar's music for the first time in his life.
Kinship by hennethgalad.
Gil-galad, Idril Celebrindal and Celebrimbor meet on the Isle of Balar.
By Any Other Name by Grundy.
After the Sack of Eregion, Celebrían is trying to reach the valley where her father's forces have taken refuge. The situation is grim until she gets some unexpected help.
Light and Darkness by Silver Trails.
Caranthir and Aegnor meet again after the crossing of the Helcaraxë.
Yule 3018 by hennethgalad.
The Fellowship have just left Imladris... (for anneway-nithiniel)
The Dance of the Lights by Narya.
Aredhel and Egalmoth share a quiet moment on the Grinding Ice. (for Tolkien Secret Santa 2018)
Smoldering by Grundy.
Finrod discovers at least one family feud he'd hoped was settled hasn't been laid to rest yet. (for gabriel-seven)
The King′s Peace by Idrils Scribe.
In the dead of Hithlum's icy winter, a battered Maedhros restores what peace he can to himself and his people, much to his brothers' chagrin. (for Dawn Felagund)
Still a Child by Silver Trails.
Findekáno wants to go out and meet his cousins. (for Mor2904)
Ode to Gil-galad. by hennethgalad.
Cheesy ode for the cheese course of Holiday Feast.
The Cheese Stands Alone by Grundy.
The twins thought Arwen would enjoy the lesson on Beren and Luthien. They were rather surprised...
Writing a Song by Silver Trails.
Daeron reflects about love and time. Maglor tries to help him.
As you can see, Nienna324 has created a fanmix for every course of the Artwork menu and Silver Trails has written a piece of fic for all five Writing course.
Hennethgalad has created content for every course across different prompt sets.
Grundy, on top of her achievements in Reading and Commenting, has written an amazing six pieces of meta and five stories for the Meta and Writing menues. Awesome work!
Whether you felt inspired to comment, read or create, and whether you created several pieces or one, we′d like to thank you for joining our holiday feast! We hope you had fun and found something to your tastes. And if you were too busy to take part in this or any of the previous challenges, take heart! As we already announced in our newsletter, the January challenge will be dedicated to beginning another year of creative accomplishment on the right foot. For our first challenge of 2019, participants can choose to complete any of the previous year's challenges. Did you miss a challenge you wanted to complete? Do it now. Did you start a fanwork for a challenge but never completed it? Here is your chance to finish. If you didn't leave any unrealized or unfinished projects behind you (congratulations!), choose from any previous prompt and start the year by creating a new fanwork. You will receive a stamp on your 2018 collection for any 2018 challenges that you complete now, as well as a stamp for this challenge on your 2019 collection. So this is your chance to catch up on challenges that you didn′t manage to fulfil last year!
The official announcement will be posted on January 15. See you then!
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kareenvorbarra · 7 years
rarepair 2017 letter
Hello Author! Thank you so much for writing for me. I hope this letter makes sense and gives you some inspiration. 
ETA: NOW COMPLETE, and I’m terribly sorry for the delay. 
General Preferences
With a few exceptions that I’ll specify later, I don��t want any smut or sex-focused fics. In a few cases (also specified below), I’d prefer there not be any sex in the relationship at all, even if it’s just implied. I don’t want any of my requested ships to be portrayed as abusive or unloving - even where there is angst or confusion, I imagine that all of these people genuinely love and care about one another and are trying their best. However, some of the characters on this list have experienced canonical rape and/or other types of abuse in other relationships, and I’m absolutely fine with those issues being addressed. No alternate-setting AUs, please.  
Silmarillion - Huor/Rian, Idril/Tuor, Idril/Tuor/Voronwe, Barahir/Emeldir, Finduilas/Gwindor/Turin, Beren/Luthien, Eilinel/Gorlim, Hurin/Morwen
This is one of the ships that I actually wish someone would write smut for. Vanilla, for sure, but beyond that almost any situation would be great. Huor and Rian having cute, slightly awkward first time sex between their betrothal and the wedding. Huor and Rian having angsty comfort sex the night before he leaves for the Nirnaeth. Anything else that you can come up with, as long as it also includes plenty of emotions and characterization. 
If you don’t want to write a sex scene (it’s cool, I don’t like writing them much either) literally almost anything else would be good. Cute! Angsty! Both! Ideally I would like it to be set when they are both actually adults and start getting romantic, whether that’s at the very beginning of their relationship, or during their brief marriage. Some ideas:
Them talking about the bad things that have happened to them, about the impact that war has had on their lives, and helping each other deal with those memories. 
Rian still has nightmares, though not as frequently as she did as a child. Write about the first time she has one after getting married. 
Something about the two of them interacting with music? Is Huor musical? Does he sing, or play an instrument like his brother? Or does he just really love listening to Rian sing? Or something about them dancing together - what are Hadorian social dances like? 
First of all, if you end up writing a fic about these two, I’d like to request that Maeglin not appear in it. Other characters can mention him if you want, but I’d really rather the story not focus on him in any significant way. 
As another general rule, I’m not interested in interpretations of these characters that gloss over their pasts, particularly Tuor’s - you don’t have to directly address the loss and abuse he experienced as a child, but please don’t write him in a way that doesn’t make sense in light of those events. I would also really love a fic where Idril and Tuor talk about bad things in their pasts for the first time. 
Also, Idril and Tuor talking about Huor and Hurin! Bonus if it includes Idril singing a Hadorian song or speaking a bit of Hadorian that she learned from them, and Tuor being excited but also sad. 
Again, a nightmare fic (that’s...going to be a bit of a theme in my requests) would be wonderful. Either Idril or Tuor has a violent nightmare and the other one has to wake them and help them calm down. 
Not looking for sex with this one, but cuddlepiles/bed-sharing would be excellent. 
Three-way co-parenting after Earendil comes along.
Tuor gets some kind of non-life-threatening but very nasty human illness that keeps him off his feet for a while, and Idril and Voronwe freak out and dote on him a lot. He tries to get them to calm down, but once he’s managed to convince them he isn’t dying he rather enjoys the attention - it’s been a long time since anyone has fussed over him while he’s been sick, and he’d mostly forgotten how it felt to be so thoroughly cared for. 
The three of them keeping each other going after the Fall of Gondolin and leaning on each other for support and comfort during the long, dangerous journey to Sirion. 
I’d be down for reading a sex scene with these two if you feel like writing one! I imagine they are both active, physically affectionate people who are really comfortable with each other and know each other’s bodies very well. They also like to dance and spar together, and I’d love to read a fic about them engaging in any of these activities, before or after their marriage. 
As with Huor/Rian and Morwen/Hurin, I would welcome angsty pre-battle comfort scenes, with or without sex. Or anything about them relying on each other during the Bragollach. 
I’d love anything that plays up the battle couple aspect of their relationship, whether that’s them sparring, teaching young Beren how to fight, getting caught in an ambush while on patrol together, or something else. 
No sex please, but I’d be on board for some awkward, angsty, emotionally-charged cuddling.
What would a genuinely happy moment between the three of them look like?
What would happen in an AU where they all managed to talk about their feelings for each other and work out some of their emotional issues together? Again, I am always here for cuddling and other forms of non-sexual intimacy. 
I don’t have a whole lot of ideas for these three, but basically I want it to be emotional and at least a little angsty but where they all care about each other deeply, though not all in the same way and not always sufficiently expressed.
As with Tuor, I’m not interested in characterization that doesn’t take into account the unimaginable trauma and suffering that Beren experienced in the years before meeting Luthien. I’d love to see any of that explored in their relationship - how does he readjust to speech after living alone in a forest for so long? When does he begin to tell Luthien details about his past and family members? What do they do on those days when Beren is overwhelmed by guilt and grief, even though he now lives a peaceful life with his wife and son?
I do want their relationship to be strong and loving and based on mutual respect rather than deference - they would do anything for each other, but they also disagree sometimes and don’t always act in ways they other approves of. They respect each other’s abilities even though they fear for each other’s safety. 
I do think they had some forest sex in the months before Daeron outed them, but I also think it took Beren a while to be emotionally ready for that kind of intimacy (and I don’t think he’d had much sexual experience, if any, before Luthien). I’d love to read about that as a gradual process, where Luthien is the more experienced person and is kind of initiating things, but also being careful and respectful of Beren’s boundaries. 
Literally anything about these two!!! I love them!!!! A fic exploring any point in their story between their first meeting and Thingol’s death would be great. 
I’d love anything for these two, really. I’d say no sex in the interest of focusing on characterization, since these two don’t get much of it, but I really just want to read something that they both appear in as living people.
Anything cute about their lives together! When did they meet, how did they meet, when/why did they fall in love? How long had they been married when the war began? Did they want children?
In addition to or instead of the above prompt, some good pre-battle angst of the sort that seems fairly ubiquitous in my favorite Edain ships. What happened the last time they saw each other alive? 
In my headcanons about these two, they were betrothed in their early teens to help tie the Beorian refugees to the Hadorian community, and didn’t get married until years later. If this idea appeals to you, I’d love to read something about them getting to know each other. Their personalities are very different, so how do they get along at the beginning? How do they come to grow fonder of each other?
I also imagine both of them not having had sex with anyone before they get married, and I’d love to read some cute/awkward first time wedding night sex. 
Something about the two of them being super happy at Huor and Rian’s wedding (with maybe also an undercurrent of worry about the plans for the upcoming war, especially on Morwen’s part). 
Morwen helping Hurin deal with the death of his father, and with the fact that he now has to assume leadership of his people at the age of 21. 
And again, angsty pre-Nirnaeth comfort sex would be welcome. 
Vorkosigan Saga - Duv Galeni/Delia Koudelka, Drou/Kareen Vorbarra, Harra Csurik/Lem Csurik
I love Duv and Delia and I think they’re pretty underrated! One thing I’d like to see is Duv first opening up to Delia about his family and the things he did during the rebellions on Komarr. At what point in their relationship did they finally discuss these things? Bonus points if you work in his birth name and his feelings about it in some way. I’d also love anything about them and their kids, with any combination of fluff and angst as they adjust to being parents and reflect on the ways Barrayar and Komarr have changed since their own childhoods. Another idea: Delia traveling to Komarr for the first time and actually seeing all the places she’s heard about, or Duv going to meet some of Delia’s extended family for the first time (maybe Drou’s father and brothers, or Kou’s sister?). I’m interested in stories about them exploring their cultural differences and learning more about each other.
Drou/Kareen is kind of a complicated one - I don’t imagine them ever having sex or really talking about their relationship in terms of romance, but still becoming intensely devoted to each other and basically being the most important people in each other’s lives, something that, in different circumstances, might have turned into a romantic relationship. I’d like something set any time during Drou’s years as Kareen’s bodyguard. The main thing I’d like to see for this ship is maybe-romantic-maybe-platonic physical intimacy, like hugging, cuddling, or bed-sharing. Some scenarios I’d love to see: one of them comforting the other for any reason, one of them brushing the other’s hair, Drou helping Kareen get dressed for some fancy event, Kareen accidentally waking Drou when she has a nightmare and Drou ending up sleeping in Kareen’s bed for the rest of the night, or any combination of those. Anything with them sort of co-parenting Gregor would be lovely, as long as they have a little alone time at some point in the story. I’d rather Serg not appear in the fic, but feel free to have other characters discuss him or address how his past treatment of Kareen continues to affect her. A fic about how Drou and Kareen react to hearing about Serg’s death for the first time would be super interesting. 
For Lem and Hara, I really just want to know more about these two, especially their early lives. How did they develop feelings for each other? What was their courtship like? What kinds of strain did the events of “The Mountains of Mourning” put on their relationship, and how did they eventually recover from it? How did they feel when their second child was born? What did they tell their other children about Raina, and when did they do it? Just some ideas. You can mention Miles or other major Vorkosigan Saga characters, but I’d rather none of them appear in the fic. 
Tortall - Francis of Nond/Raoul of Goldenlake, Lalasa Isran/Tianine Plowman
Basically, all we know about Francis is that he’s quiet, kind, and close friends with Raoul (he’s referred to as “Raoul’s blond shadow”). When I reread Alanna: The First Adventure recently, I came to the conclusion that Raoul (who is bisexual in my head) and Francis were each other’s first sort-of romantic relationship, very close friends who realized as young teens that they were also attracted to each other. Of course, then they both get the Sweating Sickness and Francis dies while Raoul is still very sick. Basically, I want a cute story about shy Francis and outgoing-but-insecure Raoul dealing with their feelings for each other, and/or a sad story about Raoul dealing with the death of his close friend and first passionate crush. I understand if you don’t feel up to writing the death part, though - the cute slightly-angsty awkward stuff will be fine on its own. No sex in this one, please, though kissing would be great.
For Lalasa and Tian, maybe a story about them telling Kel about their relationship for the first time? Or scenes from early on in their relationship as the romance is developing, when Lalasa begins to confide in Tian about her experiences with men and harassment. Or maybe their private reunion after Lalasa is freed from her kidnappers - what is their relationship like at this point, and does their fear and relief inspire any confessions of as-yet-unvoiced emotions. I’d love a little angst or hurt/comfort, but ending with the two of them made happier by their relationship with each other.
Clone Wars - Padme Amidala/Satine Kryze, Steela Gerrera/Ahoska Tano
For these two ships I’m mostly interested in AUs where they both survive TCW/the prequels. My dream Satine/Padme story is where they go into hiding together and raise Padme’s kids and fall in love - anything along those lines would be lovely. If AUs aren’t your thing, maybe a fic about them meeting as teenagers and bonding over their experiences of becoming political figures and being in danger from a very young age, and also developing crushes on each other but not really knowing how to deal.
For Steela/Ahsoka, I’d love to see them working together in the rebellion and going on missions as a couple, falling in love, being practically inseparable, something like that. Bonus points if people sometimes assume that the mysterious agent Fulcrum is a man, and are surprised to find out that Fulcrum is actually two 20-something lesbians. Extra bonus points if all four of them somehow meet several years into the Empire’s rule and little Luke and Leia are there???? Just some ideas. For something actually in the timeline of the show, I’d love a fic about Ahsoka narrowly saving Steela from falling off the cliff and the two of them spending time alone together after the battle, finally realizing/opening up about their feelings for each other.
DS9 - Kira Meru/Tora Naprem
I would sell my soul for some Naprem fanfiction that doesn’t erase Meru or portray Naprem/Dukat as some kind of passionate, misunderstood cross-species romance. I’d also love to see the two of them interact, and so the idea for this ship was born. I’d like all the canonical information we have about these two to be preserved, and if you feel like incorporating details about Meru’s continued relationship with Dukat from the non-canonical Terok Nor trilogy feel free to do so, but if you haven’t read those books then don’t worry about it. Also, it’s been a while since I read that series and I can’t remember if Meru and Naprem ever meet in it, but I feel like they don’t, and obviously they have to meet for this fic to work.
Some hard “no”s for me - Dukat can be in this fic a little, but I’d rather he not be a major character. I also don’t want his relationship with either Meru or Naprem to be portrayed as, for lack of a better word, unproblematic; the story must deal with the power imbalances inherent in the situation, and be sensitive to the fact that coercion (i.e. the things Dukat does to Meru and, by plausible extrapolation, to Naprem) is a form of rape. I don’t really want sex in this one, just a big mess of complicated feelings about Dukat, other Bajorans, the friends and families they may have left behind, and each other (cuddling and/or kissing optional but appreciated).
So, ideas and things I’d love to see explored: how and when might Meru and Naprem first meet? What do they think of each other? Does Naprem develop real fondness for Dukat, and how does Meru react to this? How does Meru die? I also want to know your take on Naprem’s backstory. For a more specific scenario idea, I’d love something with Meru and Naprem staying together for a few nights while Dukat is away from the station, and talking about him and the war and their old lives and (if you want) Naprem’s pregnancy/baby Ziyal. Meru and Naprem sleeping in the same bed in this scenario would be very very good.
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thelioninmybed · 7 years
Misc replies
berrysphase replied to your post “valaraukars replied to your post “AU maeglin in mithrim with grandad...”
I'm sideeyeing myself here for sounding so "MY PET THEORY" when my whole point was there's actually a whole bunch of ways to explain Earendil not getting the Kingship and some of them can leave Maeglin the legitimate heir -- lol sorry (Assuming Gil is Orodreth's, that is, I always do too!) I figure the relative Sindarin comfort with powerful women has a lot to do with Melian, but it turns out I could go on and add screenfuls about Elwe's special status
and king's choice etc etc so uh I'll spare you... Also surely this attitude has a lot to do with why Galadriel married a Sinda.
Elves arguing inheritance politics is my catnip but it's also a bit brain-breaking -- I mean here are these immortal beings arguing about different interpretations of inheritance law when inheritance was just invented out of whole cloth so recently, you get to blatant rationalization s and bad philosophical arguments so fast
No no, it certainly can be done but you’re right, I forgot about Earendil during my analysis. Gil as Orodreth has always made sense to me, especially with how small a player he is until after the War of Wrath. God, the Galadriel-Marries-A-Sinda thing is an excellent point. I tend to skim over the more overtly patriarchal crap in the text (and in my fic, unless I’m making a point) but it explains an awful lot about why such an ambitious woman would spend so much time away from the action - she has vastly more of a say in governance etc. in Doriath than she would have in her own peoples’ lands - and of course she’d marry a Sinda, this is great. 
God, yes, how did the issue of who would inherit Finwe’s crown break society when the issue was, as far as anyone knew, entirely academic? (because it was really a question of who daddy loved more :()
psychopompious replied to your post “valaraukars replied to your post “AU maeglin in mithrim with grandad...”
"and she's his great aunt" you say that like it would be a problem for him. that's only 4th degree consanguinity, same as first cousins!
also re: Celeborn's relation to Thingol, I think in that version it's through the schrodinger's cat brother (aka Elmo) but I'd have to dig up that lovely chart of Doriath's long line of cousin marriages to check
.......okay fuck, you’re right. Maeglin would. 
If that’s the case then I suppose I owe Tolkien an apology. But he’s dead and also we have no idea what happened to Lalwen so I’m just gonna sit on it. 
vardasvapors replied to your post “Paying attention to those things is not my forte but thank you for...”
I just wanted to mention that this series of prompted au's is like my fave thing in the fandom rn
Thx xx I just wish I could be more varied with them than ‘but then everyone died anyway’
crocordile replied to your post “valaraukars replied to your post “AU maeglin in mithrim with grandad...”
to be fair though, nothing in canon suggests elwing held a position of authority by herself; you can easily assume her position comes from her marriage :/ Though ofc that is not my interpretation/headcanon at all!
re: earendil's ellegibility for high kingship: on the purely legalist side cirdan and co might just be following finrod's logic and taking finarfin's to be the royal line after fingolfin's death, or something? i always assumed that (but then again i def hc gil as oro's son which not many do hahaha)
You: “I don't think Tolkien meant for us to interpret it this way."
Me, an intellectual w. a folder of Silm erotica: "He didn't mean for us to interpret a lot of things this way. But we did."
I.E. Elwing is queen and idgaf what Tolkien wanted. 
I am with you on Gil as Oro’s (AND NOT JUST FOR SHIPPING REASONS OKAY, I HAVE LAYERS), someone pointed out the thematic neatness of the three lines of Finwe’s descendants dying to other elves, to Morgoth, and to Sauron respectively and Gil as an Arafinwean falls neatly into that. 
simaethae replied to your post “Paying attention to those things is not my forte but thank you for...”
how about they win a decisive enough victory to reclaim *one* silmaril and then morgoth flips and... volcanoes. or something. anyway you could totally contrive an AU where some of the feanorians, i'm saying C&C for kicks, have to fall back to the safety of Doriath in the ensuing chaos with their newly-obtained silmaril (since after all we know a silmaril can get you through the girdle...)
like i'm sorry this is great but i feel like it just needs more terrible decision making from the noldor to be a silm AU >>;
I’m starting to feel bad for Anon, okay? Just like Mandos, even my cold heart can be moved to pity. 
C+C in Doriath would be exquisite tbh, it’s yet another closed system where they can feed on paranoia, claw for power, and Celegorm can get into a creep off with Daeron while Thingol despises them while coveting the jewel and Melian is like ‘for fuck’s sake guys’ but no one listens. At least maybe the dwarves are free of the murder shenanigans this time around!
emilyenrose replied to your post “Paying attention to those things is not my forte but thank you for...”
ok but any au where luthien doesn't dress up as a vampire is a bad end au anyway
Truer words have never been spoken. 
vardasvapors replied to your post “Idk if you'll agree or not, but for the au where the silmarils don't...”
this is so wonderfully terrible and perfect, i love the...honesty and simplicity of the things they say, in them talking specifically about their relationship, though the feelings and Maglor's claims about finishing it can map onto much more. Also "I'd like that" JUST KILL ME.
It didn’t kill Mae though, more’s the pity :( Okay but realtalk, thank you <3 I suppose by this point all pretension’s pretty much been stripped away, they’re well past the point where lying to each other or themselves would do any good. 
valaraukars replied to your post “Ok I've find that tag .. but you actually read it? You can find it...”
You know who defied the valar? You know who doesn't get any credit? You know who is a character of true depth and nuance, constantly dismissed by an undeserving fandom? Ungoliant
No no Ungoliant, as established, abandoned her children and is a bad mother and thus a bad woman giant spider. Please keep your vile glorification of her off my blog. 
imindhowwelayinjune replied to your post “Idk if you'll agree or not, but for the au where the silmarils don't...”
You are maddeningly good at feelings that cut to the bone and somehow have this soupcon of humor - 'I'd like that,' said Maedhros wistfully - that makes the feeling go straight through the bone to the marrow
I left off the hurtful swears cause I know you don’t really mean them. Maedhros wishes feelings really worked so literally :(
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It is told in the Lay of Leithian that Beren came stumbling into Doriath grey and bowed as with many years of woe, so great had been the torment of the road. But wandering in the summer in the woods of Neldoreth he came upon Luthien, daughter of Thingol and Melian, at a time of evening under moonrise, as she danced upon the unfading grass in the glades beside Esgalduin. Then all memory of his pain departed from him, and he fell into an enchantment.
Thereafter often she came to him, and they went in secret through the woods together from spring to summer; and no others of the Children of Iluvatar have had joy so great, though the time was brief. 
But Daeron the minstrel also loved Luthien, and he espied her meetings with Beren, and betrayed them to Thingol. The King was filled with anger, for Luthien he loved above all things, setting her above all the princes of the Elves; whereas mortal Men he did not even take into his service.  
Luthien led Beren herself before the throne of Thingol, as if he were an honoured guest.
Beren looking up beheld the eyes of Luthien. Fear left him and he said: 'My fate, O King, led me hither, through perils such as few even of the Elves would dare. And here I have found what I sought not indeed, but finding I would possess forever. Neither rock, nor steel, nor the fires of Morgoth, nor all the powers of the Elf-kingdoms, shall keep from me the treasure that I love. For Luthien your daughter is the fairest of all the Children of the World.'
“Go your way therefore! Bring to me in your hand a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown; and then, if she will, Luthien may set her hand in yours. Then you shall have my jewel; and though the fate of Arda lie within the Silmarils, yet you shall hold me generous.” ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Premonition On an evening of autumn Felagund and Beren set out from Nargothrond with their ten companions; and they journeyed beside Narog to his source in the Falls of Ivrin. Beneath the Shadowy Mountains they came upon a company of Orcs, and slew them all in their camp by night; and they took their gear, weapons and thus disguised they continued their journey. 
Sauron stripped from the their disguise, and they stood before him naked and afraid. He cast them therefore into a deep pit, dark and silent, and threatened to slay them cruel, unless one would betray the truth to him. From time to time they saw two eyes kindled in the dark, and a werewolf devoured one of the companions; but none betrayed their lord. 
In the time when Sauron cast Beren into the pit a weight of horror came upon Luthien's heart; and going to Queen Melian for counsel she learned that Beren lay in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhoth without hope of rescue. Then Luthien, perceiving that no help would come from any other on earth, resolved to fly from Doriath and come herself to him.      
She sought the aid of Daeron, and he betrayed her purpose because he would not deprive Luthien of the lights of heaven, lest she fail and fade, he caused a house to be built from which she should not escape. Far aloft between the shafts of Hirilorn a wooden house was built, and there Luthien was made to dwell; and ladders were taken away and guarded, save only when the servants of Thingol wrought her such things as she needed. 
It is told in the Lay of Leithian how she escaped from the house in Hirilorn; for she put forth her arts of enchantment, and caused her hair to grow to great length, and of it she wove a dark robe that wrapped her beauty like a shadow, and it was laden with a spell of sleep. Of the strands that remained she twined a rope, and she let it down from her window; and as the end swayed above the guards that sat beneath the house they fell into a deep slumber. Then Luthien climbed from her prison, and shrouded in her shadowy cloak she escaped from all eyes, and vanished out of Doriath. 
It chanced that Celegorm and Curufin went on a hunt through the Guarded Plain.  Now the chief of the wolf hounds that followed Celegorm was named Huan. It was Huan that found Luthien flying like a shadow surprised by the daylight under the trees, when Celegorm and Curufin rested a while near to the western eaves of Doriath; for nothing could escape the sight and scent of Huan, nor could any enchantment stay him, and he slept not, neither by night nor day.
He brought her to Celegorm, and Luthien, learning that he was a prince of the Noldor and a foe of Morgoth, was glad; and she declared herself, casting aside her cloak. So great was her sudden beauty revealed beneath the sun that Celegorm became enamoured of her; but he spoke her fair, and promised that she would find help in her need, if she returned with him now to Nargothrond.
Thus they broke off the hunt and returned to Nargothrond, and Luthien was betrayed; for they held her fast, and took away her cloak, and she was not permitted to pass the gates or to speak with any save the brothers, Celegorm and Curufin
they purposed to let the King perish, and to keep Luthien, and force Thingol to give her the mightiest of princes of the Noldor. And they did not purpose to seek the Silmarils by craft or war, or to suffer any others to do so, until they had all the might of the Elfkingdoms under their hands
But Huan the hound was true of heart, and the love of Luthien had fallen upon him in the first hour of their meeting; and he grieved at her captivity. Therefore he came often to her chamber; and at night he lay before her door, for he felt that evil had come to Nargothrond. 
Now Huan devised a plan for the aid of Luthien; and coming at a time of night he brought her cloak, and for the first time he spoke, giving her counsel. Then he led her by secret ways out of Nargothrond, and they fled north together; and he humbled his pride and suffered her to ride upon him in the fashion of a steed, even as the Orcs did at times upon great wolves. Thus they made great speed, for Huan was swift and tireless.
In the pits of Sauron Beren and Felagund lay, and all their companions were now dead.
Beren mourned beside him in despair.    
In that hour Luthien and Huan came, and standing upon the bridge that led to Sauron's isle she sang a song that no walls of stone could hinder. Beren heard, and he thought that he dreamed; for the stars shone above him, and in the trees nightingales were singing. And in answer he sang a song of challenge that he had made in praise of the Seven Stars. Then all strength left him and he fell down into darkness.
Sauron stood in the high tower, wrapped in his black thought; but he smiled hearing her voice, for he knew that it was the daughter of Melian. The fame of the beauty of Luthien and the wonder of her song had long gone forth from Doriath; and he thought to make her captive and hand her over to the power of Morgoth, for his reward would be great.
Therefore he sent a wolf to the bridge. But Huan slew it silently. Still Sauron sent others one by one; and one by one Huan took them by the throat and slew them. Then Sauron sent Draugluin, a dread beast, old in evil lord and sire of the werewolves of Angband. His might was great; and the battle of Huan and Draugluin was long and fierce. Yet at length Draugluin escaped, and fleeing back into the tower he died before Sauron's feet; and as he died he told his master: 'Huan is there!' Now Sauron knew well, as did all in that land, the fate that was decreed for the hound of Valinor, and it came into his thought that he himself would accomplish it. Therefore he took upon himself the form of a werewolf, and made himself the mightiest that had yet walked the world; and he came forth to win the passage of the bridge.
So great was the horror of his approach that Huan leaped aside. Then Sauron sprang upon Luthien; and she swooned before the menace of the fell spirit in his eyes and the foul vapour of his breath. But even as he came, falling she cast a fold of her dark cloak before his eyes; and he stumbled, for a fleeting drowsiness came upon him. Then Huan sprang. There befell the battle of Huan and Wolf-Sauron, and howls and baying echoed in the hills, and the watchers on the walls of Ered Wethrin across the valley heard it afar and were dismayed. Then Sauron yielded himself, and Luthien took the mastery of the isle and all that was there; and Huan released him. And immediately he took the form of a vampire, great as a dark cloud across the moon, and he fled, dripping blood from his throat upon the trees, and came to Tar-nu-Fuin, and dwelt there, filling it with horror. Then Luthien stood upon the bridge, and declare her power: and the spell was loosed that bound stone to stone, and the gates were thrown down, and the walls opened, and the pits laid bare; and many thralls and captives came forth in wonder and dismay, shielding their eyes against the pale moon light, for they had lain long in the darkness of Sauron. But Beren came not. Therefore Huan and Luthien sought him in the isle; and Luthien found him mourning by Felagund. So deep was his anguish that he lay still, and did not hear her feet. Then thinking him already dead she put her arms about him and fell into a dark forgetfulness. But Beren coming back to the light out of the pits of despair lifted her up, and they looked again upon one another; and the day rising over the dark hills shone upon them.
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