#levelup morningnote letsgetthis stayfocused
adviceformefromme · 2 years
This is for you, the you that's striving, the you that's desperate for love and happiness and to live all her wildest dreams. The you that looks down on your current life (as if the blessings you have right now aren't enough). The you that's deeply craving to look, be, and feel like someone other than her beautiful self. I want you to know all this inner rejection is causing separation from your dreams. It’s causing everything you want to drift further away. Accepting and loving every part of you right now, in this moment, THIS is how you expand. Being grateful for every blessing in your life right now is how you bring in more abundance. It was never about rejecting who you currently are, there is no shame in striving. It was always about loving yourself as a perfect creation, and from that place expanding to new horizons. 
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
Don’t you owe it to yourself to live your dreams, to at least try? To wake up and put your best foot forward, to do the things you’ve been saying you’re going to do. To make some fucking moves. You know how powerful it feels to make progress, so why are you holding yourself back? Why are you blocking yourself from your dreams? What matters right now is that you get out of your own fucking way, that you push forward. You pull your shit together and you make today fucking count. You pull out your to do list and you start stabbing through those tasks like a beast. With so much force and energy within you, that you’re ready to destroy today. Destroy it in a way that reveals all the trapped energy, stagnant energy that has been dormant inside of you. That you finally come alive and snap out of this low, inefficient state. That today you are finally awakened. 
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
Your daily reminder to pull-your-shit-together. Remove the distractions. Delete the apps. Use flight mode. This is your one life. All those people you see making moves, do you think they’re sat there wasting their morning scrolling when they have shit to do? No, they’re up, working out, meditating, writing, reading, doing whatever the fuck they need to do to get them to where they want to be. Stop holding yourself back, you have so much potential, you’re literally the cause and the cure. Do you want you to do well? Live the life of your dreams? Well babygirl it’s not gonna happen unless you break out of these unproductive habits. You need to get into momentum, you need to have a plan and stick to it. You need to channel your energy into moving forward. You can do this, let’s go! 
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