#leilukin does icons
lesbiannova · 12 days
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Happy Lesbian Visibility Day and Happy Birthday to Cassette Beasts!
Cassette Beasts has become my all-time favourite video game ever since I started playing it. As a lesbian, I am also absolutely delighted by the fact that the initial release date of Cassette Beasts coincided with Lesbian Visibility Day on April 26th.
For bonus points, Cassette Beasts features not only LGBTQ+ representation in both the main and supporting cast, but also an actual canon old married lesbian couple in the supporting characters Ianthe and Wilma.
To celebrate both Lesbian Visibility Day and the 1-year anniversary of the release of Cassette Beasts, I made these lesbian pride icons featuring the Cassette Beasts logo as well as Ianthe and Wilma both individually and together.
Feel free to use these icons! If you use these icons, credit is appreciated but not necessary.
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lavampira · 4 years
For the fun OC asks: 34 and 93 for Vanna and Shiva
thanks leilukin! 💚
oc questions
34. how easily do they trust others with their secrets? with their lives?
before the amnesia and even more so as a dark jedi? not at all. she’s very secretive and manipulative, only revealing enough of herself as necessary for what she wants. malak was the one person who knew everything about her and the one person who she trusted until she fell tothe dark. which is especially devastating, since his bombardment on her flagship inevitably caused the head trauma that resulted in her amnesia.
she’s a little wary of her companions at first during the events of the game, finding it difficult to share her thoughts and feelings, and her trust definitely takes a hit when she realizes she’s been lied to about her true identity. she does still trust them with her life after the things that they go through, though.
93. what’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
“The Council will undoubtedly punish her. Their inaction against a crusade, the punishment of an infamous war hero... Perspective will sway to our side. Now let this be a lesson to you about challenging my decisions.”
it’s taken from an exchange with malak in an old mini fic that I’ve posted (and need to rewrite with updated character names) - it perfectly captures how twisted her views have become with how far she’s fallen at the end of the mandalorian wars, how manipulative she is even after losing the faith that both the exile and malak had in her with one fell swoop, how cruel and disconnected that she is as a dark jedi who knows exactly how much power and influence that she wields.
34. how easily do they trust others with their secrets? with their lives?
her trust in revan - how much she shared about the masters’ fear of her abilities that revan used to manipulate her into loyally following her, making her feel like she had purpose among the revanchists while using her up until malachor - damaged how easily she used to divulge things about herself, let alone in general. she never fully trusts kreia. she learns to trust her other companions, though, and she knows they would keep her safe as she would for them.
93. what’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
“No, let him. He’s been waiting to revel in the moment he could finally best me.”
also taken from the same mini fic; it’s the moment that shiva (now deadened to the force not too long after malachor) decides to stand up to herself against malak’s jealous snark - as he’s become increasingly threatened by her and insecure about his place at revan’s side towards the end of the war - and she turns away from revan after following her faithfully for so long, showing her strength in that moment despite how weak she feels and knows everyone thinks of her.
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autisticlaezel · 5 years
As some of you may know, I recently left a Discord server centered around swtor and kotor.
I did this for many reasons, but the two main ones were thinly veiled lesbophobia, specifically in intra community discourse, and lack of mod transparency, specifically regarding how one of the other server members were kicked, and the mods refusing to provide example or evidence of the behavior they accused said member of, as well as low key mocking them by exaggerating their statements.
These things made me feel unsafe which took away the fun of participating on there, and I left with a message in the general chat that detailed this. As it turns out, a lot of other members of this server had felt the same, but had been too afraid to speak up, and when they did speak up about their own discomfort and experiences with lesbophobia on there, it was treated as a personal attack against the mods and derailed into something it was not.
I wasn’t going to bring this drama to tumblr aside from the occasional vent post that didn’t name-drop anyone, but it’s come to my attention that one of the former mods has made a callout post about me and several other people who came forward during the discussion sparked by my leaving, as well as they person who got kicked. I’m not going to sit around and let someone spread lies about me and people I care about on a public platform, and I’m certainly not going to leave the accusations in her callout go unresponded to.
I also want to let you know that this is the last time I’ll address the drama related to the discord server. It’s stressful to me. It’s stressful to everyone else involved. It’s not productive, and everyone gets hurt.
I’ll put my response under the cut as it’s going to be long and screenshot heavy, but for transparency’s sake, this is the callout post in question.
I’d like to start my addressing my distaste for the abuse analogy Irene chose to use in her post. It’s incredibly manipulative, especially considering that several of the people she has chosen to mention have talked to her about their experiences as abuse survivors in the past. As a survivor of relationship abuse (as well as other kinds of abuse), I take offense in being compared to an abuser for standing up for myself and bringing attention to something that’s made me feel unsafe. It’s cruel, it’s a low blow and I’m incredibly angry that she thought it appropriate to make.
I’d also like to point out that she mentions in her post that a lot of people who agreed with her left the server. I’d like to remind everyone that the debate she’s referring to was, in fact, sparked by me leaving due to feeling unsafe, and that a lot of specifically lesbians who felt the same way chose to leave as well because they were being continuously spoken over when discussing their concerns about lesbophobia.
This was painted as derailment of a conversation about biphobia in the server and as well as Irene’s callout post, despite taking place in an entirely different channel, at an entirely different time, without any references to that conversation whatsoever.
This is the message I left with, and I’d also like to point out that this is the only time I’ve addressed any intra community discourse on the server, and that Irene thought that that was enough to name-drop me in a callout post. That said, I do agree with the other people name-dropped on there. 
For the same reason, I’m really confused as to why Irene chose to name-drop Dani in her post. Dani too hasn’t participated in intra-community on the server before I chose to leave, and after I chose to leave, she agreed with me in an incredibly polite and diplomatic way, expressing her own discomfort with the lesbophobia happening in the server.
This is Dani’s reaction to my leaving, as well as the message that she left the server with.
Irene claims in her callout post that we (the people name-dropped) engaged in “the derailing and targeting of a transgender woman with rhetoric and arguments taken from trans-exclusionary radical feminism.”
It’s important to me to point out that the discussions she’s referring to was not about gender, but about the concept of monosexual privilege and why it makes people uncomfortable. That she neglected to mention that in her post, and that she chooses to compare someone asking her not to call them monosexual to terf rhetoric once again strikes me as incredibly manipulative.
I will, however, for transparency’s sake post screenshots of the part of the conversation that any of us actually participated in in full, because I don’t expect anyone to take my word for it.
I’ve also chosen to censor certain members’ names and icons. This is done because I do not wish to place the transgender woman in danger in case this post ends up being read by the wrong people. Her statements are the ones censored with black. The other names censored are censored about they aren’t actually related to this drama, and I don’t wish to bring them into it if it can be avoided. Last I’ve censored Shannon’s icon, because it’s art not created by her, and she doesn’t wish to drag the artist into this either.
Here’s the conversation.
I’m sorry that this is rather long, but I don’t want to be accused of taking anyone’s words out of context, and frankly, I wouldn’t put that beside her.
Next, I’d like to address another claim in her post. She said that, and I quote:
The conversation evolved to the point where a cisgender lesbian told the transgender lesbian woman who was targeted, quoting, “Do you know what it’s like to be shoved to the sidelines of the lgbt community!?!? Do you!!?” And, really, that needs no further elaboration from me here.
Not only does she misquote that someone, she also misgenders them. The person in question, Mac, isn’t cis, and while I’m not sure that Irene is aware of this, speaking on things that she doesn’t actually know is really harmful. This is the conversation that she’s referring to. I’ve chosen to cut out the parts that weren’t the exchange between Mac and the trans woman they were accused of saying that to because there was multiple conversation going on at once, and the others aren’t relevant to this particular point.
Here’s what they actually said.
Irene has also chosen to name-drop Leilukin in her post, which strikes me as very suspect. Leilukin has only addressed intra community discourse in the lgbt+ community to talk about her experience as a lesbian in a country where gay sexuality is illegal. It’s also important to note that she was promptly ignored, and that Irene never addressed what she had to say, and then went to name-drop her in a post about biphobia and terf rhetoric.
This is what she said.
I mentioned my distaste for how Appo got kicked in my leaving message as well. I’d like to clarify what I mean by that, for anyone who weren’t involved in the server or weren’t aware of it happening. Kicking a non-binary person from a server with the accusation of terf rhetoric without clarifying what was meant by that for several days, without providing examples, without consulting the community and without talking to them about it first feels very strange to me.
It felt very clique-y, vindictive and based on a personal dislike for Appo rather them actually having done something wrong.
This is what was said about them in the server after they were kicked.
There were no examples provided of any behavior on their part that had actually been problematic. We were supposed to take the mods’ word for it, without any clue as to whether it was true or not. It’s also important to point out that they never actually said that calling a character hot or declaring a desire to date them was inappropriate, rather, they’d raised concern about the idea of discussing things of a sexual nature in the sfw in general after it was revealed to us that one of the server members was 14.
After several people expressed their discomfort with the liberal use of “terf rhetoric” outside of discussions about gender, this statement was posted.
Despite this, Irene directly correlated “terf rhetoric” (once again, due to a discussion on monosexual privilege) with another member of the server’s lesbianism in private messages to said lesbian (Shannon), while being incredibly condescending. It’s also worth noting, since Irene brought age into her original callout post that this lesbian only recently turned 20 and that Irene is 26.
These are examples of messages that she sent Shannon.
It’s worth nothing here that Irene is a cisgender bi woman, and is here talking over a non-binary lesbian about lesbophobia.
I’d also like to provide a couple of examples as to what the several people felt uncomfortable with in regards to lesbophobia. Unfortunately, a lot of the issues brought up don’t make sense without the context or the fact that they were repeated constantly, but here are some that absolutely do. It’s also important to note that there are several examples of similar behavior in the screenshots from the conversation of monosexual privilege as well as the messages Irene sent to Shannon. Qionnuala is Irene in this case.
Here they are.
As a closing statement, I’d like to say that I haven’t enjoyed making this post. It’s been stressful, it’s been aggravating and it’s been sad. It is, however, important to me to address an attack made on my person by someone with no proof or motivation other than me and others being lesbians daring to speak up about lesbophobia on a discord server.
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