#lee jong suk locks
prplocks · 9 months
Hello, could u make lockscreens with the most recent photos on Lee Jongsuk's Instagram please? Thanks u
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Here honey! 💖
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kpop-posts · 8 months
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◌⃘  ׅ ׄ 🥝̷ lee jong suk lockscreen
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smilesedits · 2 years
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zvaigzdelasas · 5 months
[The Economist is Private UK Media]
Making someone do porridge (or “eat rice and beans”, to use the Korean expression) for expressing their political views is [...] not generally associated with [South Korea]. Yet Lee Yoon-seop, a South Korean poet, is currently languishing in prison for just this. The 68-year-old was sentenced to 14 months in November for threatening South Korea’s “existence and security”. His crime? Writing a poem in praise of the North.
The law used to prosecute Mr Lee, the National Security Act (nsa), is designed to protect South Korea from spies and traitors. But it also bans South Koreans from visiting or making contact with the North, reading or watching North Korean media or saying anything good about Kim Jong Un’s [...] regime. Though South Korea replaced its former military dictatorship with a democracy in 1987, such restrictions on free speech show that some of the generals’ autocratic tendencies endure.[...]
The NSA was modelled on a law designed to quash pro-independence activities during Japan’s occupation of Korea from 1910 to 1945. Since 2003 there have on average been more than 60 NSA prosecutions a year, often for pretty clear espionage cases. A businessman and an army officer were arrested for allegedly selling military secrets to North Korea. Soldiers in the South have been prosecuted under the act for endangering morale by distributing pro-North propaganda.
But the NSA is too often used to prosecute satirists and raid the homes and offices of leftists. Some cases have been ridiculous. Kim Myeong-soo, a PhD student, received six months in prison and a two-year suspended sentence for selling books on North Korea that were widely available in public libraries. A South Korean woman was given a two-year sentence, suspended for four years, for owning recordings of 14 North Korean songs.
This is not Mr Lee’s first offence. But the claim that the sexagenarian posed a threat to South Korea is absurd. His ode was published on a North Korean website. Access to such sites is banned by the NSA and forbidden from a South Korean IP address. [...] It consists of a list of South Korean problems that Mr Kim, in the poet’s view, would instantly solve given the chance.
Mr Lee’s real offence appears to have been believing his own nonsense. By contrast, police decided not to investigate a man under the draconian law for selling shirts with a smiling Mr Kim and the slogan “Walk a flowery path, comrade”. That was OK, officials said, because he was selling them to make a buck.
Worse, the issue points to a broader authoritarian tendency in the South. Its president, Yoon Suk-yeol, often demonises his political opponents by calling them “anti-state forces”, a phrase lifted directly from the NSA. Unfavourable press coverage is routinely labelled “fake news” and the offices of offending outlets have been raided. The administration and its allies have sued more press outfits for defamation—which in South Korea can be a crime even when the offending words are manifestly true—in Mr Yoon’s first 18 months in office than any of its three predecessors did in total.
Yet even a more liberal government would be unlikely to remove the NSA’s illiberal clauses. No administration has made a serious attempt to address it in 20 years. There is no significant political support for scrapping the law [...]. The current administration at least flirted with allowing South Koreans access to North Korean media, but recently abandoned the idea. [...]
Mr Yoon talks often about South Korea’s democratic values. They are at the heart of his pitch for the country to be a strategic link between East and West, developed and developing countries. For that reason alone he should take them more seriously. South Korea is undoubtedly a democracy, but not a terribly liberal one so long as it locks up old men for their dotty opinions. Reforming the NSA would be a better rebuttal to the sentiment Mr Lee expressed than banning it.
22 Jan 24
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dangermousie · 10 months
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unfriendlies · 1 month
it had been about six months since he was released from prison and life hadn't been all that easy for him. sooyoung found it a bit difficult to incorporate himself back into society, he was only gone for just under five years, his time served shortened due to overcrowding and good behavior, so it wasn't like that much had changed. outside of working and checking in with his probation worker, sooyoung kept himself pretty isolated. there was only one person that he truly wanted to see but had no idea where to begin in regards to contacting her. not once had she visited him while he was locked up, not that he expected her to, so he had no idea where she was with her life. somehow, he let a few guys he worked with convince him to grab lunch at a cafe that was close to their office. he'd only been there about ten minutes when he'd seen her, his ex, walking through the doorway a she stepped inside the cafe. his eyes were glued on her, completely tuned out of the conversation the rest of his table was enveloped in. sooyoung wanted to say something but he wasn't even entirely sure if she would recognize him.
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muse: sooyoung woo ( lee jong suk ), thirty four, an ex-convict whom works as a trades worker ( carpenter, plumber, electrician ) open to: f, > 28 plot: it's supposed to be the whole they dated for a while but she disappeared and came back with a toddler that looks just like him except he was the one to disappear, having served jail time, and she never told him that she was pregnant with his child at the time but now he's out and they happen to run into each other...
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soo0mi · 1 year
When the sun hits .. — 17. human scum (written)
hey guys guess who’s back..
warnings ⚠️ — stalker ex bf ( weirdo 😒 )
wordcount ‼️— 1029 / 1.2k wrds
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__ seven - eleven ( 1:58 pm )
beep beep — the noise sounded strangely familiar..
you firstly walked over to the chip aisle, looking for something savory you two could munch on. (ouu u a munch 🙈)
“ermm.. what should i buy..” you eyes wandered all over the shelves, looking for an appealing snack. no luck.
“nothing sounds or looks appetizing ..” you sulk, going thru your contacts to find the person who always came and confided in u ever since middle school.
the plan was supposed to be easy.. you go in the store, find snacks, then leave. you didn’t think you’d spend 20 whole minutes with nothing but your phone in hand and your wallet in your pocket.
ring.. ring.. ring.. waiting for him to pick up felt like an eternity.
“what” niki spoke slowly in a low, raspy voice
“dude, did you just wake up..” you check the time on your phone, 2:18 pm.
“and what about it, u got a problem w it ??” he sounds so hostile
“woahh i just asked a question, gang..” you scoff, “why are you so defensive” you say in a teasing tone.
beep beep — the door opened to an unpleasantly familiar face, that lame excuse for a human.
silence fills the air as you both face each other for the first time in god knows how long.
“yn..?? are you there?” the silence is deafening, “jesus fucking christ.” he mumbled as he hung up the phone.
“ynnie..” how dare he call you that after everything he’s done?
“dont call me that, dont ever think you deserve to say my name ever again.”
“can we talk please.” he seems to be desperate.
you look back at the selection of chips behind you.
a rough hand meets your arm from behind. turning around quickly, he flinched and took back his arm, “what the fuck do you want from me, Lee Jong suk.” (lets pretend hes not like old.. ☺️)
“i just wanna have a little talk.” he comes closer to you
“just say what you need to say, i bet its useless anyways.” you back away from him, “nothing useful ever comes out of your shit-hole mouth.”
he kept coming closer to you but you kept backing up. thud! you hit your head and backed into a corner, that was his fucking plan.
holding his hand out, he reached out to your face.
“jong suk.” you recognized the mans low voice
“..niki.” the scum turns around, “long time no see?”
as your childhood bestfriend drags your lowlife ex out the store, you dialed the police. you reported jong suk to the police after you accidentally stumbled upon his attic.
(flashback) — 10:37 am, monday
he always told you that the attic door was locked shut and that he couldn’t budge it in, you didnt think anything of it until you heard footsteps above his room. you gathered some tools you thought would help you open the door and waited till he went to work. jong suk worked a 9-5 job so you had plenty of time to try and open the attic.
it turns out it wasn’t that hard to open it, just needed s lil unscrewing and 20 minutes!
you opened the “abandoned attic” filled with pictures and information of girls your age. it was startling to know this side of your beloved jong suk.
you cautiously entered and wandered around the triangular room looking for clues on what the hell he made the room into.
what a fucking creep. —
you heard footsteps heading towards the bedroom, it seems like you lost track of time and stayed longer than you expected. you patted your pockets to look for your phone but it’s nowhere to be found, “oh my fucking god, i left it in the bedroom.” you run your hands thru your hair and scrunch it.
you carefully walked over, avoiding any creaking noises, to the computer near the erotic pictures of women, you felt disgusted.
time : 1:29 pm
wait, what the fuck.. why’s he home so early ? you started at the main screen Nd found a folder named ‘Huh Yun-jin.’
you were frightened by everything. the pictures, the folders, the information, and especially your boyfriend. You stood up and [bang!] knocked over a cup of pencils, you didn’t notice that it was there. the footsteps got louder and louder until it reached the attic door, you need to find a way to escape this psycho.
you looked around and found nothing but a window, your only exit. the attic door opened, jong suk grabbed your foot weakly and you managed to kick him down the ladder. you ran to the window and jumped, adrenaline was pumping throughout your veins, you didnt feel anything.
you ran to the nearest station and reported him for the criminal harassment of multiple women.
(which is like 3/4 years of prison idk 😣)
( end of flashback ☺️☺️ ) — 2:47 pm
“are you okay?” niki came back to comfort you
“yeah, but he just got my face dirty!!” you complained while looking at a mirror, “i just did my skin care + a mask and now he ruined ittt..” you say, sulking.
“bro.” he snickered, “just tell your millionaire boyfriend to take you to get a facial or something.”
he took your phone and dialed ‘soon to be malewife’ ; “what the hell is that contact name, noona..”
“hello?” even through the phone, jeongin’s voice was like an angels.
“hyung, your gf wants to go to a salon and do a facial.”
“yahh!! i never said that, he’s lying!” you snatch the phone out of niki’s hands.
jeongin giggles, “ill get you anything you want, just ask, okay?”
your jaw fell to the FLOOORRR. “im going to kiss u so bad, kys” niki cringed at your response.
“i love you too, what snacks u got so far?”
“oh.. abt that..” you both told him what happened (and who the guy is, duhh)
“what a fucking creep, i hope his balls slowly get eaten by a dog.” you and niki giggle at his response, “anyway, where do you guys wanna eat?? ill get you two food.”
(what a gentleman😢😢)
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no hate to my bae jong suk 😢😢
<- || m.list || ->
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angelsvoice1love · 1 year
How they kiss you (pt 1)
"Lee Min-ho"
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You were at a dinner with Min-ho for his new K-drama, that'll be released soon.
Smiling you, took a sip of your champagne as you stood by the corner watching Min-ho talking to his cast mates.
You and Min-ho have had a little BFWB (best friends with benefits) going on for a while, but no one knew of it.
It was different in many situations, those situations being.
1: If you needed comfort.
2: When you needed to relief stress.
3: For fun.
4: When you just needed to feel someone close to you.
Those were the four main reasons you did this, yes you and Min-ho met on set but that was all. Nothing more or less, than just two friends doing whatever they wanted with one another.
Gulping down the champaign, you went to the restroom but was pulled into a coat closet and pressed against Min-ho chest.
Y/n: M...Min-ho, what are you doing? You asked, as he kissed your neck.
Min-ho: Shh...dont interupt.
Y/n: Min-ho...ah...stop. You said, as you pushed him away slightly.
Min-ho: What? I thought we agreed, if either of us what's it we give it.
Y/n: Yes. Min-ho I agreed, but we can't do it here. What if someone finds us?
Min-ho: Then we'll deal with it, when it comes to that. Min-ho replied, as he kissed you.
The kiss grew hot and passionate, as Min-ho picked you up pushing you against the wall making you moan in his mouth.
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Min-ho: Let's get out of here. He whispered, against your lips before planting a peck on them.
Y/n: Min-ho...i really want to...i...um...never mind.
Min-ho: Want to what? You can tell me anything. He said, as he rubbed his thumb over your cheek.
Y/n: I know we said, we have to agree to it no matter what. B...but would it be weird of me to ask if we could press pause on that tonight? Instead I would really like it if you came over to my apartment, and we could watch movies or k-drama's, eat junk food and just cuddle with one another. You replied, with your hands on his chest.
Min-ho: So...you'd like to just leave the intimate part of the night, and just be with one another?
Y/n: Yes. If you don't think-
Min-ho: No...lets do it. He smiled as he kissed you again.
"Song Joong-ki"
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Joong-ki: Really?
Y/n: Yes. A...are you mad?
Joong-ki: Mad? No, why would I be mad? My wife is pregnant. I'm going to be a father. He smiled happily, as he picked you up twirling you around.
Y/n: Joong-ki, it's not exactly the best time. We just got back from honeymoon a week ago, and now this.
Joong-ki: And your point is?
Y/n: Joong-ki, you have a drama coming up, and that's going to make everything even more stressful. This is all my fault.
Joong-ki: I hardly think it's your fault Jagi. You can't get pregnant on your own. He smiled, as he pulled you even closer allowing you to play with his collar of his shirt.
Y/n: I know...i...i guess I'm just scared. What if I can't do this?
Joong-ki: We can. You have me by your side through it all, no matter what. I promise.
Y/n: Your right. I should take one day at a time.
Joong-ki: You know, there is something I want to get off my mind. Something to pass the time.
Y/n: Really, what's that? You questioned with a smirk.
Next thing you knew, Joong-ki picked you up and placed you on the table where he started to kiss you with a heated passion.
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"Lee Jong-suk"
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You were walking down the corridors to find Jong-suk for set. Hearing his laugh, you followed suit, and found him with one of the makeup girl. He had his hand resting on her shoulder, as she laughed alongside him.
Blinking fast you tried to walk past them, without being seen but that wasn't happening.
Make-up girl: Y/n, can I ask you a question?
Y/n: Mm? O...sure.
Make-up girl: Do you think I should go with Jong-suk to dinner tonight, or do you think it's a miss swing? She asked, with a bright smile.
Y/n: I say go for it. Jong-suk wouldn't have asked you out, if he wasn't interested. You replied, locking eyes with him.
Jong-suk: How does tonight sound?
Before you heard her response, you were already halfway to your trailer tears running down your cheeks.
Hyungsik: Y/n, what's wrong?
Y/n: Oh...its nothing, I just...its been a bad day. I'll see you later. You said, as you closed the door.
Hyungsik shook his head instantly knowing what was wrong, he knew you liked Jong-suk and seeing him with the make-up girl cut you deep. Now, it was bothering him. You were his best friend, some would say like a sister and he cared so much about you. In a short while he was next to Jong-suk, hitting him on his head.
Jong-suk: AHH! What the hell was that?
Hyungsik: How could you hurt y/n like this?
Jong-suk: What? I didn't do anything to her.
Hyungsik: Yes you did. You knew from the beginning that y/n liked you, and you like her yet you still go out of your way to hurt her and for what? So that you would look like a macho man? A real ladies man? Your really sick, I'm taking y/n home and don't you dare come near her or I swear I'll kill you. Hyungsik said to Jong-suk, before he left to take you home.
After an hour, you were home dressed in comfortable clothes and watching Vagabond when there was an anxious knock on the door.
Jong-suk: Y/n, please open up...please.
Y/n: Jong-suk, what are you doing here?
Jong-suk: I canceled the date.
Y/n: Why?
Jong-suk: Because, i had to be somewhere more important. Y/n, please forgive me for hurting you and pushing you away. I...could we try?
Y/n: Try what? You asked, as your hands folded over your chest.
Jong-suk: Us?
Y/n: Jong-suk-
Jong-suk: Please...I'm crazy about you.
Y/n: Jong-suk...yes...yes we can try if you'd like.
Jong-suk smiled, as he leaned in through the doorway and kissed you sweetly.
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"Park Seo Joon"
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Seo joon: Come on Jagi.
Y/n: I'm coming, I'm coming. Why are you in such a rush anyway?
Seo joon: Because, the faster we get to the place the faster I get to relax and enjoy my vacation with my fiance. He replied, as he kissed your forehead.
Y/n: Whatever.
Once you got to the ocean view, beace hotel room you fell in love instantly. Just as you were about to say anything, you were pushed against the wall as Seo joon lips attached to yours in a hungry kiss.
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Y/n: Mm...Seo joon-
Seo joon: Shhh...i don't want you to say anything. All I want now is to make love to my beautiful fiance. He said, as he picked you up. Can I do that?
Y/n: Yes...please. You replied, kissing him.
"Cho Jung-seok"
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You finished giving your daughter a bath, when your husband walked into the room when you just finished dressing her.
Y/d/n: Dada. Your two year old yelled, as Jung-seok picked her up.
Jung-seok: Hey princess. Let's get you to bed, while mommy gets ready for bed too.
Y/d/n: Night, night mommy. She said, as she kissed you.
Y/n: Night baby. Sleep tight.
After they left the room, you entered the bathroom where you cleaned up all the bath toys and drying the floor, even putting all the dirty clothes in the hamper. A short while later, you were dressed in your nighty when your husband came into the room while you just finished your night routine.
Jung-seok: Hi babe.
Y/n: Hi babe. You replied, as you turned around wrapping your arms around his neck.
Jung-seok: I need some love. He said, raising his eyebrows a few times.
Y/n: Oo...really? Why might that be?
Jung-seok: I just missed you so much, i know I neclected you for a while and i feel so bad about that. I would really like to spend a wonderful evening with my wife. He spoke, as he kissed you.
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"Doh Kyung soo"
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staydandy · 2 years
Big Mouth / Mouse (2022) - 빅마우스 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Park Chang Ho is an infamous lawyer who is known as "Big Mouth" because he talks big and promises big things but can not follow it up. He has a very low rate of success, and was hired by a Mayor because of his incompetence. Unfortunately, he was framed as the notorious and mysterious swindler "Big Mouse" and sent to prison. (MDL)
Whumpee : Park Chang Ho played by Lee Jong Suk
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Thriller, Mystery, Law
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Honestly, I was very satisfied with the ending (even though it was bitter-sweet)
Episodes on List : 9 Total Episodes : 16
*Spoilers below*
01 : [flash-forward] Park Chang Ho is drugged, in a car accident… replay of opening scene with a bit more detail
02 : … continued from previous ep. ... Hospitalized … arrested … flashbacks of car accident … imprisoned … pushed down steps … beat up … hung & killed … resuscitated with CPR & defibrillator … dragged to his cell nearly unconscious … beat … [flashback] in a fight (comedic) … [present] tries to instigate several inmates into killing him, fails miserably & ends up just building his rep as Big Mouse 😆
03 : Beat & cuffed … in a fight, someone tried to stab him, cuts his hands stopping the blade … in a fight
06 : [flashback] Hood put over his head & knocked out
07 : Poisoned.. hospitalized.. attacked & knocked out with a drug
08 : Nightmare.. wakes, gaged, & in a straight jacket, locked in a mental institute.. drugged.. tortured.. injected with pain-causing truth serum.. hallucinates.. passes out (all this in the first 10min.. this episode is gold) … in a fight (gets the shit beat out of him), head bashed through a window, choked ... (not whump: but there's such a bad ass moment @ the end of the ep.)
12 : In a fight with guards during a riot
13 : Attacked
14 : Tied to a chair, shot (it's fake, but still.. looks good)
More Whump Lists for this show: love-me-a-lotta-whump TheWhumpyRabbit
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tokkiheart · 2 years
Sometimes, the YouTube algorithm blesses you with videos which lead to learning about K-Dramas/web-series/commercial web-series you didn’t even know existed that stars one of your biases.
Like, I genuinely wouldn’t have ever known about Lock & Lock Astrology if it wasn’t for this YouTube video I found while watching another Lee Jong Suk related video:
Because it’s not even listed in his filmography on Wikipedia.
I watched this video expecting to see like…all the K-Dramas that I already knew he was in, but this awesome person found some obscure stuff to recommend and I can genuinely appreciate them for subverting my expectations.
Anyway, all of this is to say that I guess instead of sleeping tonight at a reasonable hour like I had planned, I’m going to hunt down this Lock & Lock Astrology and watch it lol
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theonemyleejongsuk · 2 years
<BIG MOUTH> Article Review‼️
#BigMouth #빅마우스 #LeeJongSuk #이종석
Must Read: Lee Jong Suk Garners Massive Praises For Performance in ‘Big Mouth’
Lee Jong Suk is back and is once again leaving us in awe with his solid performance in his new drama "Big Mouth"! The Korean heartthrob is currently receiving huge praises for his brilliant acting as a third-rate lawyer turned genius conman in the new legal-thriller series. Here's what people are saying! 
Lee Jong Suk's K-drama 'Big Mouth' Makes Successful Debut
Lee Jong Suk went on a hiatus to fulfill his mandatory military service. He officially got discharged from the army in January 2021, but the actor remained on break. Then, this 2022, the "Pinocchio" star surprised many with back-to-back projects.
In June, he made a special appearance in the film "The Witch 2." The following month, Lee Jong Suk finally made his small screen return through "Big Mouth."
click image to read👇
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The drama just premiered with two episodes down, but viewers are already giving praises to the actor's performance and the much-anticipated drama's storyline. 
Lee Jong Suk Receives Enthusiastic Response for Performance in 'Big Mouth' 
Based on Sports Chosun's report on August 1, Lee Jong Suk's impressive return gives viewers heightened anticipation on his performance. 
As the main protagonist, Lee Jong Suk was able to showcase his strong characterization in the role as Lawyer Park Chang Ho. 
In the first two episodes, his new case turned him into a genius con artist, and viewers sing high praises to the actor's ability to showcase various emotions perfectly as the character fights for survival inside the prison. 
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Here's what viewers are saying:
Lee Jong-suk's acting never fails, plus YoonA, it's a double combo, right!! These are the people who act, I'm nervous, it feels like riding a roller coaster, even though it's only been 2 eps 
This is another "best actor" acting worthy scene for Lee Jong Suk.. The details he put through when acting to make sure he delivers it like "while being strangled" - His voice, diction, the tremble and his facial expressions 
ChangHo's struggle is real, incredible performance from Lee Jong Suk 
Never in my wildest dream could I imagine that Jongsuk will be able to spit at someone's face. With his sweet face but he nailed it!! No one can deny the fact that he is a great actor with superb acting skills 
"Big Mouth" having Lee Jong Suk as the lead actor plays an important factor in the completeness of the drama.
Park Chang Ho is a lawyer with a 10% winning rate. In the first two episodes, he got entangled in a huge murder case that locked him in jail, and pinned him as the genius swindler "Big Mouse." 
The model-actor meticulously portrayed the emotions of Park Chang Ho, who encountered a big turning point in his life as he currently battles hierarchy in prison. 
Park Chang Ho's three-dimensional character, deft and edgy depending on the situation, proved Lee Jong Suk's excellent character digestibility.
'Big Mouth' Episode 2 Recap
Park Chang Ho establishes a plan on getting himself killed inside Gucheon Prison. He decides to divorce Miho (YoonA) and ending his life by instigating fights against the most dangerous inmates.
The NR Forum members and the director of Gucheon Prison, however, want to keep him alive to retrieve their money.
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Will Park Chang Ho be able to turn the situation upside down? Let's all find out in the next "Big Mouth" episodes!
Source: https://www.kdramastars.com/articles/126059/20220731/lee-jong-suk-praises-performance-big-mouth.htm?s=09
Posted 31 July 2022
Thank you for sharing🙏
Please follow👇
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#TheOneMyLeeJongSuk #이종석 #李鍾碩
#李钟硕 #อีจงซอก #イジョンソク
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prplocks · 5 months
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✧❁ wallpaper 〴 park chang ho ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
reblog if you save ➳
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kolocks · 6 years
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✧ lee jong suk lockscreens ✧
like/reblog if you save or use
don’t repost
© kolocks
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aureangels · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ lee jongsuk locks ; watch Big Mouth ༊*·˚ 
ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ ɪꜰ ᴜ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ, ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ!
ᴅᴏɴ·ᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᥫ᭡
@rockjealous © ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘsᴅ
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hye-sunn · 2 years
W: two worlds . . .
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. . . pls like or reblog if u save.
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meuun1verso · 4 years
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Romance Is a Bonus Book (2019)
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