olaineerz · 2 months
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I luv these guys 🎃💀
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eunchancorner · 1 year
So Bob is babysitting the two troublesome kids cuz Lila had some work to do and she started trusting Bob. The kids where misbehaving out of boredom and he had enough but instead of timeout he tickles them!
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Alright I get it /lh /nm
Ler Bob, Lees Skid and Pump
Warning: mentions of cannibalism, blood consumption
Word count: 1440
“Alright, Skid, Pump, I’ll be home soon. Bob, please, keep an eye on them. They’ve traumatized enough people for the year, they don’t need to be doing any more damage,” Lila told the three boys.
Pump had come over for a sleepover just before Lila had to leave for work, leaving her to find a last-minute babysitter. Thankfully, Bob Velseb, a man she’d known and trusted since she was her son’s age, had popped in to check up on her at just the right moment.
“Don’t you worry, I’ll keep an eye on these lil’ goobers,” he assured her, patting the tops of the kid’s heads.
“Good, and one more thing…” she suddenly pulled him down by the collar of his sweater, staring him dead in the eyes. “Don’t you dare feed these two human meat again.”
His warm smile turned to a stone-cold, almost emotionless expression, save for a bit of anger gleaming in his eyes.
“I got no idea what you’re talkin’ about,” he growled back, lying and they both knew it, but she didn’t have time to address it now. All she could do was hope he listened, and be grateful he refused to target the kids.
She let him go and stepped out, waving to the three as she did. Bob’s smile returned as quickly as it had left, waving back as the door closed behind her.
“Now, who wants to help ol’ Bob make some cookies?” he asked, turning to the smol kids, who quickly jumped up with the repeated yell of “Me! Me! Me!”
In the kitchen, and gathering ingredients for the delicious treats, Bob began to set everything out.
“Did you know, blood can be used as a substitute for eggs in baking?” he told the boys as he pulled out a water bottle, filled nearly to the brim with a bright red liquid that the two could only assume was blood. He carefully measured it into a measuring cup and added it to the dough, mixing thoroughly until it had little more than a reddish tint.
“Woahhhh, that’s so cool!” Pump crowed as Bob showed them.
“We’re making blood cookies!” Skid cheered.
Bob chuckled at the two’s enthusiasm as he began scooping the cookie dough onto the baking sheet.
“Why yes, I suppose we are.”
After sticking the cookies in the oven, the three came out to the living room, Bob putting on a horror movie while they waited for the cookies to bake.
“Bob?” Skid eventually piped up, turning from his spot on the floor to look at the man on the couch.
“What’s up, kiddo?”
“Do you like the Spooky Month? Mom says you might not like it, since it gives you bad memories… but that’s not a reason to not like it, right?”
Bob’s face fell for a moment before forcing a warm smile back onto it. Don’t be a sad bastard in front of the kids.
“Nah, I like Spooky Month just the same as everyone else in this town. I ain’t special in that,” he assured the skeleton-clad boy with a small head pat.
“Good, because I love the Spooky Month! It’s the best month in the whole year, because we get to dress up, and get candy, and see all our friends! Outside of school!” he droned on excitedly, Pump catching on and popping up beside him.
“Plus the stores start filling up with pumpkin-flavored things, like pumpkin pie, and pumpkin cookies, and pumpkins! And we get to do the spooky dance!” he added, practically fizzing with the same energy and enthusiasm as his best friend.
Suddenly the oven dinged, cutting off Bob’s response, making him get up.
“Hold that thought, kids,” he told the two as he headed into the kitchen to get the cookies.
Skid slumped down onto the floor, crossing his arms and huffing angrily.
“I wanted to show him the spooky dance!” he whined, mad at the oven for going off ‘too soon.’
“So did I…” Pump mumbled, sitting beside him. Suddenly, like a switch, an idea lit up in his brain and he turned to Skid, only to see him looking back. They’d had the same idea at the same time, and what a fun idea it was.
Bob hummed quietly as he took the cookies out of the oven, setting them on the stovetop above. The smell filled the air and made his stomach growl, and it took every little bit of willpower he had not to eat one now and burn the shit out of his mouth. Instead, he turned to the mess of a kitchen he had neglected to clean up earlier and sighed, deciding now was as good a time as any to get it done.
After about 15 minutes of cleaning up, he turned to put away the last item, the whisk. However, there was one minor little problem.
Where the fuck did it go?
The whisk had disappeared, leaving Bob a confused man standing in a clean kitchen as he searched around where he’d left it. It hadn’t rolled off the counter, or been put away already, or tossed in the sink filled with soapy water. It wasn’t on the table nor under it, and it hadn’t found its way into the cabinets. So where was it?
Suddenly, he heard giggling. Faint, but it was definitely there.
Did they take it? he asked himself as he followed the sound, until, sure enough, he saw the two hiding on the couch, Pump holding the whisk tightly in his hands. A small smirk crossed his face as an idea bloomed in his mind, and he crept silently towards the couch, keeping his mouth shut until…
“WHAT’RE YOU DOIN’?!” he bellowed as he scooped them both up from behind the couch, eliciting spooked but delighted squeals from them both as they were lifted into the air before it was squeals of laughter as Bob easily tickled each belly with one hand.
“Did you two lil goobers really think I wouldn’t notice you’d taken the one thing I hadn’t put away yet?”
“Ihihi dihihidn’t tahahake ihihit!” Skid protested, attempting to curl up around Bob’s hand.
“IHIT WAHAHAS YOUHUHUHUR IDEAHAHAHA!!” Pump squealed out, obviously far more affected by the tickles.
“Ihit was nohohot!”
“Now, now, no more arguin’. How about you both agree ya messed up and give me that whisk back so I can clean it off? Then we can have some nice, warm cookies.”
“Nohohoho!” “NEHEHEVEHER!!”
“Suit yourselves, guess I gotta use the ol’ persuasion method.”
Suddenly, he plopped down onto the couch, pinning Pump to it with one hand and squeezing at his side, making his cackles die down to giggles, while holding Skid up in his other arm his hand poised at the ribs, making him stuck in the giggles he was in before purely out of anticipation.
“Now, Pump, you can either give me back the whisk now, and I’ll stop ticklin’ you, or, keep it, and your little friend gets it~”
“Gehe- gehets whahahat?” he asked out of sheer curiosity. He knew Skid could handle a lot, so he wanted to see what Bob thought could break his bestie.
Bob merely smirked before he started blowing raspberries on one side of Skid’s ribs, his hand scribbling over the other side, causing Skid to squeal and cackle at the mismatched and maddening sensations.
“Whahat hahahappehened toho neheveheher suhurrehehendeher?”
And, sure enough, Bob felt something small smack into his leg, a single look revealing it was the wire whisk the two boys had made off with, and he released the two from their ticklish captivity. Grabbing the whisk, he left the two alone on the couch to cuddle up and regain their composure as he was finally able to clean and put away the utensil. Soon enough, he returned to two little cuddlebugs on the couch, plate of cookies in hand, and settled down beside them.
“Cookie?” he offered to them, lowering the plate so they could each take some, before grabbing one of his own and biting into it.
“Blehhh, it tastes like metal!” Skid complained.
“It’s like sucking on a penny,” Pump agreed, Bob merely rolling his eyes at their dramatics.
“Oh, quit your whinin. Tastes good to me…” he mumbled, munching yet another cookie. It tasted just enough like blood to him to keep him satiated enough to not kill the kids, not that he could ever bring himself to. There was just something about these kids, he could never hurt them. Like some kind of weird vibe to them.
Weird kids.
Two birbs with one stone lets go
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toonlovr19 · 5 months
My Silly Skeleton Son
(This story takes place in between Spooky Month 1 and 2)
It was the weekend, which meant no work for Lila. She got to be lazy for two full days with absolutely no responsibilities. Well, there was one responsibility she had to do everyday, which was in the form of a young boy in skeleton costume. That same boy who just so happen to be her son.
The skeleton kid, named Skid, was running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off. The sound of high pitched giggles and the tapping of little feet could be heard all through out. Usually Skid would be outside playing with his best friend Pump, a kid who dresses up like a pumpkin, but he and his family were visiting his grandpa for the weekend.
Lila looked over her shoulder and sighed. It’s not that Lila found Skid’s antics to be annoying, in fact, she thought it was kind of cute. It was just that she’s worried about him all the time, with all that energy he has it was hard for him to stop and think about his surroundings, which could lead him to getting hurt. She also felt kind of bad for him, with his best friend gone he has absolutely nothing to do (except hanging out with that rat in the attic).
Lila thought that there must be a better way of keeping Skid entertained without him running around in circles. Before she could begin to come up with an idea, the skeleton boy poked his head over the couch. “Hey Mum!” He greeted. Lila gasped, but calmed down once she saw it was just his son. “Oh, hey sweetie.” She said affeconatly.
“What are you doing?” Skid asked, sitting down next to his mom. “Just watching TV. Wanna join me?” Lila pulled Skid into her lap. “You want me to put on a cartoon for you.” Skid wiggled his way out of her grasp. “No thank you! I wanna play!” He jumped off the couch and went right back to running.
This is more serious then I thought, Lila thought to herself. She had to think of a safe and fun way Skid could work off all that energy, and she had to think fast before he tried to do anything dangerous. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head, a very silly idea.
“Oh Skiiiiiid!” Lila called out in a sing songy voice like a Disney Princess. Skid scurried back over to the couch at the very mention of his name, if there was anyone in the world that Skid would listen to it was his dear mother. “What is it, mum?”
“Well, I saw that you were more energetic than normal so I’d thought we’d play a game to get all the squirmies out of you.” Skid bounced in his seat in excitement. “What game are we playing? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Lila giggled at her son’s enthusiasm, it was almost contagious. “Calm down, Skid. You’ll find out once we start. Now, I’m gonna need you to turn a round and close your eyes.” “OK!” Skid faced his back to his mom and covered his eyes with his gloved hands.
Lila tried to hold back her laughter, this idea was sure to work. She put her hands on Skid’s sides and wiggled her fingers. “H-Hey! Eeeheeheeheehee! Moooooom!” Skid squealed, his arms flying down at his side in an attempt to block out the tickles. “That tickles!” Lila grinned. “That’s the point, Skid. It’s all part of the game we’re playing!”
Skid managed to to escape the side tickles and flopped down on his belly. But before he could crawl away, Lila scribbled her fingers on the soles of his feet. “My feeheeheeheeheet!” Lila decided to have a little fun of her own. “Aww! Dose that tickle, my little spooky skeleton?” The baby talk caused Skid to laugh even harder, it felt way more tickly.
Lila then flipped Skid over onto his back and proceeded to playfully tickle his little tummy. “Ahahahaha! Mom! Please! Hahahahaha!” Skid try to form a coherent sentence, but his brain was so overflown by the tickles that all he can do was laugh helplessly. “Please what, sweetie? You mean, please eat your tummy because your so adorable? OK!” Lila began to “eat” Skid’s defenseless stomach, that made him screech.
Lila immediately stopped to let Skid catch his breath, she didn’t want to overwhelm him. He leaned his head against a couch cushion, panting and giggling, while his mom firmly rubbed his stomach to get rid of any leftover tickles. “Sorry Skid, was that too much?” Once Skid caught his breath, he answered, “No, I’m ok. This is fun!” Lila put back on a playful smirk. “Good, cause we’re not exactly done yet. I’m going to sing a song, but I’m gonna need you to stay put, ok?” Skid furrow his brow, what song would be fitting for this tickle game. Lila giggled at her son’s confusion and gently grabbed his big toe.
“The toe bone’s connected to the foot bone!” She lightly scratched the sole of the same foot making Skid giggle. “The foot bone’s connected to your leg bone, the leg bone’s connected to the knee bone!” He squeaked when his mom squeezed the back of his knee. As she went on singing, she either pointed to or tickled the bone in question, trying to find a spot that made Skid laugh the most. It wasn’t until she tap on his ribs did she hit the jackpot.
“AHAHAHAHA! My ribs!” Skid roared with laughter. “Oh, so it’s your ribs that are the most ticklish?” Lila asked in a trademark baby talk voice, she waited for Skid to answer. “Y-yes...” He said in a tiny voice. “Well then, that’s too bad for you because your costume makes it easier to tickle them.” As if to emphasize her point, she scribbled her fingers on the white lines of Skids sides.
“Hehehehehey! Noooo! Not the ribs!” Skid flailed his arms around, throwing his head back in laughter. After a few good minutes of ticklish fun, Lila decided that Skid had finally had enough. As soon as she stopped, the boy went limp on the couch still giggling as if he was having a giggle fever. “Are you ok, Skid?” “Yes... I’m just tired.” Skid crawled into his mom’s lap and hugged her, which prompted her to hug back.
“Can we watch TV together?” He asked, looking up at her with relaxed voice and tired eyes. Lila smiled warmly. “I would like that very much.” Yep, worked like a charm.
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lovereist · 1 year
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calpalpol · 1 month
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Here are photos of Sebastian Bach being friends with basically the whole glam scene
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skinomyteethh · 9 months
need these men biblically, not even a guillotine could prevent the head id give them, im biting through an iron jail cell rn
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The perfect chart for rockstars ( tag yourself)
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guy-busleeness · 2 months
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Lee!Bob RAAAAH‼️‼️
Shh.. no one told him to never cover your line of sight around two mischievous lil kids
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rockwithbibberly · 2 months
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Taime Downe with Zakk Wylde, Tommy Lee, and Sebastian Bach.
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tarostrinkets · 2 months
Sale ends on May 10th!
Likes, shares, reblogs, and comments are very appreciated!
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babycowbow · 4 months
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tommyleeswife · 2 years
The 80s; The Days When The Men Had Better Hair Than The Ladies
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it’s my birthday and my wish is for a hotel room and 30 minutes alone with these two. amen. 🕯️
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lovereist · 1 year
n all the nights u dont sleep in your room on the second floor.
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heidismagblog · 10 months
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rockinglikemotley · 7 months
Y’all I need some rock band friends so we can read each others fanfics😆😆😆
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