#leandEra fenara
fandomn00blr · 3 years
for morrigan/alistair- e, 6, 15 ; and fenhander - 1-10, and also the rest if you want (or only the first 5 if you don't wanna do that much work, I just want to hear about themm)
I’ll start with the Fenhanders twins, Malcolm and Leand(e)ra...
1. Who do the kids enjoy playing with the most?
Definitely Anders when he joins the family,* because he lets them get away with the most. Then Fenris. Bonus if they get both of them at the same time. Hawke is...less patient when it comes to playing games with her children (“There should be rules...that make sense! And Leandera shouldn’t always just get to declare herself the winner!”), but Malcolm is very content just to be in the same room as her, playing or reading or practicing his magic.
2. Who gets carried away with the baby proofing?
Fenris. Anders frets over silly things like “what if the roof caves in or we run out of elfroot?” (they have soooo much elfroot), but Fenris gets out the power tools and installs the baby gates and the childproof locks and the bumpers on the coffee tables and makes sure all the furniture is attached to the walls (these are all things we never did for Spawn...because I am Hawke, who thinks babyproofing is some kind of birth control).
3. Who does the baby follow around more?
Leandera definitely follows Fenris around more, though she has always been rather independent (and gets in trouble for going off and doing things on her own that she isn’t supposed to…). Malcolm is like Hawke’s shadow (he spent the entire first year of his life strapped to her).
4. Who is the one the kids call out to when they’re looking for something?
Fenris. Lol. He’s the only real adult parent who knows where anything is.
5. Who’s constantly up checking on the baby in the middle of the night (even when the baby is sound asleep)? 
If Anders had been there when they were infants, he would’ve been up all night just staring at them, panicking if they made any kind of noise, then panicking if they weren’t making enough noise. But Fenris definitely was the wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-suddenly-wondering-if-your-children-are-okay type who would go in and check on Leandera. Hawke kept Malcolm with her co-sleeping until he was old enough to demand his own space.
6. Who has their kids’ favorite movie nearly memorized on account of how frequently they request to watch it?
Anders. Because it’s his favorite, too. ;)
7. Who trails behind the baby to make sure they don’t fall? (And then has to console them once they inevitably do.)
Fenris when they were younger, then Anders. Hawke usually just laughed if they fell, and then helped them up. She’s not a bad mom, I swear. But kids are funny, ok?
8. Who knows to cut off the crust from the sandwiches?
Fenris, definitely.
9. Who started taking photos of the baby as soon as they were born?
Bethany? Merrill? Neither Fenris nor Hawke strike me as the photo-taking type (I mean, theoretically…), plus, they were sort of like, fugitives at the time.
10. Who doesn’t let the kids go out in the cold until they’re bundled in layers?
Anders, definitely. Also, he enchants all their outerwear and shoves health potions in all their pockets.
*Anders was, errr...indisposed (presumed dead? chillin’ in the Fade...y’know, as one does after blowing up the Chantry) for the first few years of the twins’ lives until someone used their weird magical connection to the Fade to bring him back.
Now, for Morristair and Kieran...
I answered BONUS! E here.
6. Who has their kids’ favorite movie nearly memorized on account on how frequently they request to watch it?
Definitely Morrigan. And I bet Kieran’s favorite movie (or story? play?) as a little kid would be like, IDK, the Thedas equivalent of Some Like It Hot or something totally random and old…ok, now I need to figure this one out. It’d have to be some weird Orlesian fairy tale...
15. Who is better at comforting the kids when they’re scared?
Both of them...Morrigan usually keeps a more even head and calming presence while reassuring Kieran, but Alistair gives really great hugs.
These are so fun. Thanks for all the asks...I may take you up on answering them all someday. ;) Omg...what if Stroghainoff adopted a kiddo? Wait...they already have, haven’t they? And his name is Nathaniel...
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
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I literally artbreedered a whole family (ok, so I cheated a little and went in and edited eye color and drew tattoos and added extra bushy eyebrows and then ran out of steam before I could do freckles, but other than that, I can’t claim any artistic credit for these creations...just clickyed the button things until they looked right). Anyway, you’ll notice Leandera and Fenris are the only ones smiling. I promise this family is not as miserable as they look. If I could get Hawke to smile without making her look terrifying, I swear I would, but that’s sort of perfect, I guess.
Next up is the Broodmother...
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
What does Marian’s household look like physically and what is the vibe? How are Fenris and Anders getting along, being married to the same woman? Do the kiddos look obviously like/take after one of them or the other? How do the 3 of them divide parental duties? -Your secret Palentine!
Thank you, Secret Palentine! 
Ah, domestic fenhanders
Under a cut, because it ended up being super long…
“We have enough elfroot to heal an entire army, Anders. Why do you keep planting more?”
Hawke hated harvesting the stuff and unlike Anders, she preferred not to think about all the situations they could possibly find themselves in which might require such a quantity of the healing herb. 
Fenris, on the other hand, had come to appreciate the work of tending to their family herb and vegetable gardens…it was like meditation to him, so long as Hawke was far enough away that her cursing could be tuned out, or the children, working and playing alongside him, weren’t intent on asking too many questions. Or Anders wasn’t chattering incessantly at him about Maker-knows-what. Luckily, Anders often managed to get out of the majority of the harvesting by keeping the children occupied. So there was usually just the matter of Hawke to worry about.
Anders laughed. “I like to plant it so that Fenris has something to do. Plus, elf…root. Geddit? Huh?”
“No.” Fenris deadpanned as he squatted back down to begin harvesting another row. “Please…explain.”
Anders stuck his tongue out at him before turning back to Hawke. “But seriously, though, there’s no such thing as too much elfroot.”
“I could probably harvest it alone much more efficiently…” Fenris drawled.
“I’m helping…aren’t I?” Hawke held up a plant she’d ripped out of the ground and waved it at them before hissing and dropping it. “Maker’s balls! Why does a healing herb have such evil little pickers on it?!”
Before either of them could answer her, Leandera came running toward them from the other side of the cottage, out of breath.
“Papa! Malcolm was just practicing his magic without adult supervision!” she gasped.
“Is anything on fire or frozen or stuck in the Fade?” Fenris asked, wearily.
“Umm…no. He was just shooting sparkly things into the air. It was really pretty actually, but, but…he was using MAGIC!”
Even though she was normally very obviously Anders’ daughter, with her unruly strawberry-blonde hair and her freckles and his nose, she actually looked a lot like Fenris in this moment.
“And then when I asked him to keep doing it, he stopped.”
Ah, yes. There it was. So this was merely a revenge tattle.
Fenris sighed with a little bit of relief, eyeing Anders. This was his area of expertise, after all.
Anders leaned down, beaming close to Leandera’s face. “What kind of magic was it?” 
He didn’t even try to hide his excitement, even though he was the one who had suggested the rule for their son in the first place as an attempt to demonstrate to Hawke and Fenris that he could be responsible. He was, unsurprisingly, also the least likely to enforce any consequences when the curious young mage broke it.
“I dunno. It was…bluish? Greenish? A little pink at the end? Really sparkly, though!”
“So long as there was no blood involved or reanimated corpses, it’s probably fine…right?” Hawke shrugged.
Fenris grumbled something to himself and then resumed his work with the elfroot.
“But Daddy,” Leandera whined. “You told Malcolm he wasn’t allowed to do any magic without you or another adult…”
“You’re right, of course, Lele…” Anders nodded, trying to look very serious. “I’ll go speak with him at once. And then…” he whispered, just to her, “Maybe we can make more sparkly things together for you?”
“Okay!” Leandera went skipping ahead.
Anders turned back and shrugged at Hawke and Fenris.
“Why did we ever decide to let him get involved in raising our children?” Fenris muttered.
Hawke laughed. “It was your idea! You pulled him out of the Fade! I just wanted to stay mad at him forever…”
“Oh…right. Perhaps it’s not too late to send him back.”
“I CAN STILL HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW?!” Anders called out from the other side of the cottage.
Hawke smiled and shook her head fondly. “You just had to go and be in love with him, too, huh?”
“I truly do not regret a thing.” Fenris stood up determinedly and kissed her.
Hawke pulled slowly away, a satisfied grin across her lips as she let the familiar taste of him – citrus and metal and faint floral notes – linger. “Mmm…it hasn’t been easy, though, has it?”
“Nothing worth doing ever is.”
“Did you read that cliche bullshit in one of Varric’s books?”
“No.” He shook his head. “I believe it’s something you once said…”
“Oh shit, yeah.” She winced. “I was drunk, though, so it doesn’t really count, does it?”
“Well, I still appreciate the sentiment.”
“Ok, but like, be honest, now that Anders is out of earshot…this is excessive, right? The elfroot I mean?” She gestured out across the expansive herb garden.
There were a few stalks of embrium, and a small patch of deathroot, but their overflowing herb garden was almost entirely planted with elfroot. Their pantry and cellars were already full of it in its various dried and preserved forms, and they had enough potions to supply the entire Denerim City Guard for a month.
Fenris took a deep breath. “He worries. About you, about the children, about me. About the unsettled state of the world. And if hoarding elfroot gives him some relief or comfort in that, then I will gladly indulge him. It’s harmless, at least. Helpful, even, to have an overzealous healer for a husband…and I really don’t mind harvesting it.”
“Why are you such a better person than me?” Hawke groaned.
“I’ve lost both of you before. I won’t take either of you for granted again.”
“I don’t take you…or him…for granted!”
“I know. But you two, this family…” Fenris’ voice had gone hoarse. He tried to clear his throat, but the words wouldn’t come, only the glistening of tears in his eyes.
“I know.” Hawke pulled him into her arms before they could escape. “I love you. You make me want to be a better person. Even if I fall short of the ridiculous standards you and Anders set by example for our children.”
“I love you, too,” he murmured into her shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.
Anders had come back around after his ‘intervention’ with Malcolm had ended in a combined fireworks display that had Leandera shrieking with glee and Malcolm smiling mischievously at him…a parenting win, he was certain.
He watched Fenris and Hawke, a warm smile on his face, not wanting to interrupt whatever tender moment they’d been having just between the two of them. He loved the quiet, steadfast way they loved each other, and he even enjoyed admiring it from a distance sometimes, as something unique and different from the ways they each loved him.
“Come here,” Hawke waved him over.
“I didn’t know if this was meant to be a group hug or if you two were having a ‘moment.’”
“We were,” Fenris huffed. “But when has that ever stopped you before?”
Anders grinned and wrapped his long lanky arms around them both. Fenris was nearly smothered between the two of them, and he feigned an obligatory amount of protest but nuzzled in against Anders’ chest far too quickly to convince anyone that he actually minded. 
“Did you convince her not to kill me again?” Anders asked.
Hawke kissed Anders’ cheek as he drew in closer, a wordless ‘thank you for dealing with the children’ before her smile became more menacing. “No, but he managed to make me feel just shitty enough about myself to hold off a bit longer.”
“Ah, good.” 
The three of them stood in their huddle for awhile, savoring the brief moment of peace and comfort that had settled over their often-chaotic, messy lives.
Anders finally pulled away with a sheepish grin. “I told Malcolm he could do magic tricks to entertain his sister, but that he was not allowed to aim anything directly at her and he wasn’t allowed to make any fireballs or ice blasts or Fade fists or…well, he seemed to get the idea, anyway, that he wasn’t to use any kind of combat magic or anything without one of us present.”
“Oh, well, that sounds like an easy policy to enforce with a four-year-old,” Fenris muttered, trying not to laugh.
“He’s a very precocious four-year-old!” Anders exclaimed.
“Well, at least Leandera will be sure to let us know if he violates any of these new rules,” Hawke offered as reassurance.
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
One sentence prompt for a pairing of your choice! "In case I don't come back..."
Oooof. WHAT A PROMPT (Thanks @a-productive-manor for my first officially, asked-for prompt, which gave me so many ideas…but this is the first one I finished because, well…)
Hawke looked up at the two of them, a grave determination in her eyes. “I’m sorry, but you know I have to do this.”
Fenris nodded with grim acceptance, but Anders stood there, shaking his head in defiance. “This is idiotic! Let us go with you.”
“No.” Hawke put a hand up dramatically and looked away from him at Malcolm and Leandera. “You two will stay here with our children. This is my burden alone to bear. I won’t have my family put in danger again.”
“It’s just…oh, I wish we had more time! To be together,” Anders cried, reaching for her and pulling her into a hug.
She reached her arms around him, patting him on the back. “I know, dear. I know…” she tutted reassuringly. “But in case I don’t come back…”
“Okay!” Leandera huffed, shoving herself between them and pushing her mother out the door. “Just go already! I’m hungry!” 
Hawke tried not to be the first one to laugh, but as soon as she caught Malcolm’s whimsical little smirk, the jig was up. She guffawed loudly, and Fenris’ low giggle snorts followed her the rest of the way out the door.
Anders was still sniffing back tears when he called out, “Don’t forget the eggs this time, love!”
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
Trivia Tuesday, eh? <3
Ok, so I had to look up what Trivia Tuesday was because @serial-chillr tagged me (you’re the best, btw!). And I guess it’s fine if I just gush about some made-up “facts” about my characters/fics, right?
Tagging ahead to @charlatron, @johaeryslavellan, @kemvee, @barbex, @iarollane, and @factorykat! TELL US SOME FUN FACTS IF YA GOT ‘EM!
I’m going to share a bit (a lot) of head canon/name trivia that is very dear to my heart about one of my Hawke half-twins, Leandera Fenara Hawke that will hopefully be explored more in detail in a distant chapter of a future part of my Lost and Found series on AO3 (like, she doesn’t even exist yet in the parts I’m currently polishing up now, but I tend to write things in a backwards time spiral, so...spoilers, I guess?)
Leandera was originally named Leandra, after her late maternal grandmother (cuz Hawke is unoriginal but also cuz she missed her mama more than ever when she became one herself...not a thing I can relate to at all, I swear! shut up...I’m not crying...YOU ARE!), and Fenara, which was Fenris’ contribution, meaning something like “wolf’s journey” (I don’t understand Elvhen grammar because nobody bothered to actually develop one when they first started slapping words together and that’s okay, Bioware. I get that you had other more important things to worry about...like making everyone friggin hot and stuff, but if you wanted to hire me, a PhD-level linguist, I would take pay in the form of plot spoilers just so I can get out of academia). Fenris makes a habit of studying languages, and has a knack for picking up new ones (canon AF), but until he and Hawke had the twins, he had sort of avoided studying Elvhen for...reasons. Their son, Leandera’s half-twin, is called Malcolm Asaara...asaara being Qunlat for ‘breath’ for even more reasons, but this is about his sister, sooo...
When Hawke and Fenris brought their little family to Skyhold, the kids weren’t even four yet (another fun fact: they get a pretty sweet send-off/fourth birthday party right before leaving Skyhold), but Malcolm had already taught himself how to read and write (under Fenris’ tutelage, natch) because he’s kind of an amazing prodigy. Leandra hated reading and writing lessons, and sitting still for pretty much anything, so she had barely even learned her letters. But the Skyhold library was a favorite place to hang out for both of them (I mean, Dorian’s there...there are big comfy chairs...it’s round!), and when Leandra realized that she could read about dragons and shit in books, she finally started taking an interest in reading and writing (again...none of this is based at all on any of my own personal experiences with children, early childhood education, or literacy, or anything...).
Then the Fade thing at Adamant happened. Hawke stayed behind to fight the Nightmare because she’s a fucking bad ass. She also found Anders there. They were both rescued by Fenris and a team of powerful mages and Justice and... But anyway, Leandra finally got to meet her other dad, Anders.
When she was learning to spell her name (and phonemic awareness and all that shit), Fenris encouraged her to sound it out and spell it how she saw fit. She asked how Anders spelled it, recognizing the sounds of his name embedded in her own (which may or may not have been on purpose), and Fenris never corrected her (BECAUSE HE IS IN LOVE WITH ANDERS, TOO...DID I MENTION THIS IS SOME REAL SAPPY FENHANDERS SHIT?! ANDERS CRIED, OBVIOUSLY, THE FIRST TIME HE SAW HER WRITE HER NAME). By the time Hawke noticed, Leandra had already become Leandera (”with two Es!”), and she was signing her name all over everything, and Hawke just had to embrace it as well.
Omg...this got so long and meandering and I am so very sorry! I guess it’s also TMI Tuesday.
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
2am is a helluva drug...
@charlatron​ tagged me with an invite to picrew some OCs, and, well, it was the middle of the night, and I was just, like, doing normal human things, you know, like, being awake for no reason, incapable of coherent thought or action. So I got kinda into it. 
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Anyway, here’s the pre-teen Hawke kids, Malcolm and Leandera (except Leandera is actually taller...IDK...maybe she’s sittting down or something...). Not to be confused with Malcolm and Leandra, their maternal grand-parents. It’s complicated.
(I also added their noses and freckles and eye color and Malcolm’s ear and skin tone in Paint, but I couldn’t be bothered to make them the right height...lol)
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
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Have I ever mentioned how much I love sketching with stumpy toddler crayons? Good thing we are not in short supply around here...
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
FenHAnders Hawke Fam
Okay, look...I haven't tried to art in like 15 years... but for some unknown reason, I wanted to draw my favorite fluffy family today in my 45 minutes of free time (my 3yo still naps sometimes, praise the Maker...). 
Please enjoy my lack of patience for hair (Hawke's mom hair is a mood) and a very sloppy/droopy disaster Anders. Eyes used to be the easiest, but for some reason, Dr. Seuss pupils weren't working for anybody so they're all zombies or abominations. Except the kids.
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I'm never drawing again, btw. My toddler woke up and asked to see what I was doing and said, “Wow, everyone looks so...so...interesting...I guess...?”
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fandomn00blr · 5 years
@thejeeperswife tagged me in a WIP-type deal...and I don’t even know what to call this anymore, other than free license to gush unrepentantly about something you’re currently working on. Which is, pretty much, what I’m always doing on here, but it’s fun to actually get ASKED to do it.
I have literally four different WIPs open right now in my tabs...and half of them are just turning into hot smutty garbage. It’s been...a week.
Here’s the one I’ve been most looking forward to picking back up with now that @figgypudz and I have finished up our ‘The gang rescues Dorian!’ collab.
It features Malcolm and Leandera Hawke, the 4yo heteropaternal twins of Hawke, Anders, and Fenris. Keeping this excerpt pretty wholesome and SFW, but the rest will eventually go up in the happy reconciliation part of my Lost and Found series on AO3...which is sort of a tragic disaster before we get to this point.
Leandera had been buzzing around with unbridled excitement all morning in anticipation of the sledding trip with the Chargers, driving Hawke crazy and making packing for their impending departure from Skyhold nearly impossible.
“Alright...HORNS UP, little Hawkes!” Bull called as he arrived at the suite they’d called home for the past few months to fetch the twins.
Anders had buried them both in far too many layers against the cold and Leandera was already complaining that she was sweaty and couldn’t move her arms. Still, she somehow found a way to bounce out the door. 
Malcolm just stood there for a moment, silent and immobile, his eyes peeking out from behind the scarf Anders had wrapped around his face, asking him if he needed another refresher on casting protective barriers, just in case. Malcolm had muttered a polite “no thank you,” but Anders had gone ahead and explained it all in great detail, anyway.
Hawke peered in between the layers and smiled reassuringly at her son. “You’re gonna have a lot of fun, Mal. Just listen to what Bull and the Chargers tell you, and don’t let your sister go flying off the edge of the mountain. You can do that, right?”
He nodded, as much as he was able, and waddled out after his sister and Bull.
Hawke shut the door behind them, perhaps a bit more eagerly than she’d intended, and then locked it. She turned to look back at Fenris and Anders with an exasperated smirk.
"I know how hard that was for you…" Fenris crossed the room and kissed her warmly on the cheek.
Hawke laughed, pushing past him and pulling him away from the main door toward their bedroom. "Well, maybe if we hurry this up, we can still go join them!"
She wasted no time in yanking her pants off along the way, and kicked them across the room at Anders. He was watching them both with a goofy smile.
"You in or not?" she asked him, pausing in the doorway.
Tagging, um, @crusade-against-stupid, @figgypudz, and @fanonorcanon! Show us what you got (if you wanna...)!!! 
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fandomn00blr · 5 years
OC Negative Traits
@thejeeperswife tagged me, and I’m gonna use this opportunity to figure out the negative traits of my Hawke babies, Malcolm and Leandera. My boorish, unimaginative Hawke chose their first names, obvs, and Fenris gave them much more creative middle names (see below). Also, there’s an adorable reason Leandera added that second E in her name, but I’m not telling yet, cuz it’s gonna be a whole chapter someday in the longfic I’ll never finish.
I’m gonna tag @figgypudz to annoy her, and anyone else who wants to explore their character’s shittier sides!
Bold what applies always, italicize what applies sometimes.
Without further adieu, in the order they were born (within minutes of each other)...
LeandEra Fenara Hawke
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absent-minded | addict | aggressive | aloof | antisocial | arrogant | authoritarian | biased | bitter | blasé | blithe | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | childish | cold/cold-hearted | complacent | compulsive | conceited | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | deceptive | deceitful | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | disloyal | disrespectful | distant | distractible | disputatious | disobedient | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | facetious | finicky | foolish | forgetful | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | haughty | hypocritical | indulgent | impatient | impolite | impulsive | inconsistent | inconsiderate | indifferent | insecure | insensitive | irresponsible | irritable | intimidating | judgmental | kidnapper | kinslayer | lazy | liar | loud | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | messy | mischievous | mistrusting | moody | murderer | narrow-minded | naughty | nonchalant | obsessive | opinionated | obtrusive | over-bearing | over-confident | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | passive-aggressive | patronizing | petty | pompous | presumptuous | proud | remote | repressed | ridiculous | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-centered | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | single-minded | taciturn | timid | temperamental | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful | weak-willed | workaholic
Malcolm Asaara Hawke
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absent-minded | addict | aggressive | aloof | antisocial | arrogant | authoritarian | biased | bitter | blasé | blithe | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | childish | cold/cold-hearted | complacent | compulsive | conceited | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | deceptive | deceitful | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | disloyal | disrespectful | distant | distractible | disputatious | disobedient | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | facetious | finicky | foolish | forgetful | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | haughty | hypocritical | indulgent | impatient | impolite | impulsive | inconsistent | inconsiderate | indifferent | insecure | insensitive | irresponsible | irritable | intimidating | judgmental | kidnapper | kinslayer | lazy | liar | loud | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | messy | mischievous | mistrusting | moody | murderer | narrow-minded | naughty | nonchalant | obsessive | opinionated | obtrusive | over-bearing | over-confident | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | passive-aggressive | patronizing | petty | pompous | presumptuous | proud | remote | repressed | ridiculous | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-centered | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | single-minded | taciturn | timid | temperamental | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful | weak-willed | workaholic
Sidenote: It felt super creepy searching through free photostock images of kids...
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fandomn00blr · 5 years
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I only ever get to draw with a toddler on my lap anymore, so these two awkward middle school portraits of the Hawke twins (not Carver and Bethany!) are ROUGH, quick, Seuss-looking messes, more for my brain than for anyone’s eyes. But I adore them all the same, and hope to do them both justice (spoiler?) at some point. 
Introduced as toddlers in this fluffy, sappy, only slightly angsty intermission: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13950621/chapters/32112204
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
OC Questions - Morning Edition
@serial-chillr wrote these questions and tagged me and I love everything about morning routines (so much so, that, like a total doofus, I just excitedly reblogged my response without even thinking...so I deleted that and am reposting this separately to keep things from getting messy on the original post...).
Tagging @jenniferhawke, @pocketcucco, @iarollane, @thejeeperswife and anyone else who wants to be as excited as me about how fictional people wake up!
What’s the first thing your OC does when they wake up?
Is it the same as what they would prefer the first thing to be?
Up early or sleep late?
Do they have a morning routine? What is it?
What’s their favorite breakfast?
Someone starts talking to them before they’ve had their tea/coffee/beverage of choice. What happens?
I tried to synthesize the best of my Lost and Found Hawke family (Marian Hawke, Fenris, Anders, and their heteropaternal twins, Leandera and Malcolm) in a ridiculously fluffy “typical” morning scene (and I think I answered each of these questions for at least one of them!).
“PAPADADDYMAMA!” Leandera burst through the door and launched herself into the pile of her sleeping parents.
Anders had finally gotten used to being awoken like this, and stopped himself from enveloping the entire bed with a barrier like he had the first few times his daughter had charged into their room shouting well before the sun had risen.
“Malcolm kick you out of your own room again?” he asked her delicately as she nuzzled in between him and Fenris, kneeing and elbowing her way into a comfortable position, which was getting more and more difficult as she had been growing like a weed for the past few weeks.
Fenris had already begun to weave his fingers through her hair, the familiar soundtrack of his low humming bringing everyone more gently out of the Fade, as he combed out the sleep-tangled strands and plaited them into an intricate design that would be undone before she’d even finished breakfast.
“No. He and Pounce are still asleep,” she yawned, digging her knobby little knees into Anders’ back, practically shoving him out of bed. He looked down at the floor, where Pork was still snoozing as daintily as an old mabari could be expected to and thought about curling up next to her instead.
Hawke had barely moved, refusing to acknowledge anyone’s presence for as long as she could get away with it, or until she’d had at least two cups of coffee.
After a few more minutes of trying to wrestle his over-active mind back to sleep, Anders gave up with a little huff, heading to the kitchen to boil some water for his tea. He knew it wouldn’t be long before Malcolm padded softly into the kitchen to join him for some quiet early morning studying, before his rambunctious sister begged him to join her on some adventure in the gardens or in the fields.
“Coffee…” Hawke moaned, at no one in particular.
Fenris finally opened his eyes and carefully maneuvered his daughter, who had fallen most of the way back to sleep, out of his way.
“…and cinnamon rolls?” the little girl asked him hopefully with one eye cracked as he slid out of bed past her.
Fenris laughed. “After my meditations, Fenara.”
She nodded with a satisfied grin. “I’ll help this time, Papa, I promise. I’m just…sooo…sleepy…” She stretched out fully now, taking advantage of all the free space left in the bed.
“Well, maybe if you didn’t wake up just to come barging in on us at the asscrack of dawn…” Hawke muttered, pulling one of the newly-unoccupied pillows over her face before Leandera could commandeer that for herself, as well.
Leandera looked at Fenris, and they both shared a knowing grin, before he left to start his day in the garden, pulling weeds and tending to Anders’ herbs, alone with his thoughts and the peace of the early morning sun.
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