#lbl rusl
linkbetweenlinksau · 2 years
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Idk, I was in the mood to draw the lbl Link’s father figures (+impas). I tried to push myself with these redesigns and some of them aren’t special, but it was still a lot of fun! If you’re an artist trying to push facial features of your characters that isn’t just “pretty” or something, I highly suggest doing something like this! Drawing middle aged and older characters that aren’t designed to be pretty and drawing them in your style is a great way to push that! I had a lot of fun drawing everyone (except Rusl. Sir why are you shaped that way) so yeah! Glad I was able to finish this little thing! And I added notes because why not.
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years
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Some doodles.
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linkbetweenlinksau · 1 year
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Idk what I’m doing anymore. These images wouldn’t leave my head tho so I had to draw them out. Also adding some characters to the father figures and impas gang: AOC Impa, ooa/oos Impa, and Kass!
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years
I want to know now how did twi end up with rusl in your lbl au
Hmmm honestly, I haven’t thought about it! I was thinking that he probably was there since he was a baby but his parents died when he was really young so Rusl and Uli looked out for him. It makes more sense if he was never born there tho, or maybe his parents fled from hyrule? I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it too much
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smilesrobotlover · 2 months
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Some random doodles
The many genes that ran in the family, and the tall genes was not one of them 😔
I thought it would be funny to show how flexible Ammon is and how completely unflexible Rusl is (he’s just like me fr)
And then Rusl discovers that talon is related to Twi so he gets happy. tho they’re technically not family, it won’t stop him
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
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Some doodles with the dads lol
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Whumptober day 15- makeshift bandages
Sorry I’m a little late, I slept in fhsksbkssbsk. Anyways this one is kinda silly, idk what I’m doing with whumptober but I’ve had this idea in my head where Legend meets the dads so here’s this silly lil thing dbsksbsksbk.
Warning for a bloody stab wound.
Legend stared out at the ocean, listening to the waves as they crashed against the beach he was on. He breathed in the salty breeze, several old memories flooding his mind from the smell and sounds. He had mixed feelings about the ocean. On one hand, it reminded him of the pain and loss he had to endure, but on the other hand, he had the best memories at the beach. Whenever he got overwhelmed he would try to find a beach area to unwind, occasionally humming his song…
He was lucky that he was close enough to a beach in this world. The other heroes were great, but they would always burst into arguments and overwhelm Legend. In order to keep himself from getting riled up, he’d walk away, and so he found a beautiful beach to think about all that’s happened to him. He stared out at the horizon, watching the land across from him. But something was strange about it when he really studied it. He narrowed his eyes and noticed that there was a boat traveling to where he was.
A boat?
If Legend recalled correctly, they were the only ones here. So who was on that boat? And why were they heading towards them? He stood up and watched the boat closely. He didn’t know what that was, but he might as well figure it out before it got too close. Legend took off his clothes and took a deep breath, praying that no one could see him now, and he jumped into the water. He felt the familiar magic twisting his bones around and fusing his legs together into a beautiful pink fish tail, and he pushed against the water towards the boat. When he got close he kept his distance, but stared at the bottom of the boat. He didn’t know what he was expecting, he couldn’t see the people on the boat so he didn’t know if they were a threat. He circled the boat for a little bit, finally popping out of the water to get a good look at the people onboard. He only saw one person, but from what he could tell, they weren’t a monster. Was that the puppeteer? Legend narrowed his eyes, but he couldn’t see the person very clearly. Truthfully he didn’t know what the puppeteer looked like. But he was from either Sheikah, Hylian, or Gerudo from what he heard, so he should be on this boat, right?
The person Legend was watching suddenly looked at him, and Legend quickly dove back into the water, panicking. He wasn’t supposed to be seen.
Legend quickly swam underneath the boat, trying to head back to shore to report on what he saw. Just when he was out in the open, a sharp pain went through his tail, and he let out a scream. Legend sunk to the ocean floor as his tail throbbed, and he looked at it to see a spear straight through his tail. Blood was mixing in with the water, and the pain was so bad that he couldn’t move his tail. He quickly reached for the spear, trying to gather up the courage to pull it out, but the pain was too much. A shadow went over him, and Legend noticed that the boat was on top of him. They’re after him, he thought in horror. He was going to get captured and possibly tortured for information on the other heroes, or he was going to get murdered for being a mermaid or for being a hero or something. He needed to get out now, but he couldn’t move his tail, he was stuck. He turned and saw a net coming towards him, and he gasped as he was scooped off the ocean floor, his tail throbbing as he folded up in the net. The net pulled up quickly, and Legend broke the surface coughing.
“Let me go! Let me go!” He started yelling as the net pulled him closer to the boat. He weakly punched the air, trying to land a hit on his captors.
“Woah woah woah! Hey it’s ok, it’s ok!” He heard a man yell out, and he was cut free from the net and was carried out gently, which surprised Legend. Was he not a captive?
Legend let out a yelp when he slipped out of the man’s hold, and he fell to the ground harshly. He heard the man curse under his breath and he was leaned up against him.
“Nice going Rusl.”
“I didn’t think he’d be so slippery!”
“He’s part fish, what did you expect?”
“I—I don’t know! Leave me alone!”
Legend looked up at the man he was leaned up against, who he assumed was named Rusl. He had dirty blonde hair that reached to the middle of his neck, with some scruffy facial hair on his chin and an interesting mustache around his mouth. He had light blue eyes and had a gentle expression when he looked down at Legend. He frowned apologetically and rubbed Legend’s arm.
“That got you good,” he muttered, looking at Legend’s injured tail, where another man with reddish-blonde hair looked over. “How… how does it look, Leon?”
Leon gave Rusl a look before returning to his tail.
“Well, the spear went right through his tail so, I can’t imagine it’s anything good,” he answered, grabbing the spear which caused Legend to whimper. “Linebeck, look away,” he said, and Legend noticed a tall man with dark brunette hair turn away, looking nauseous. Rusl held onto Legend’s hand as Leon broke the spear in half, pulling it through his tail. Legend hissed at the pain and felt his tail go numb.
“Hey Leon, did you ever consider that doing that would cause splinters?” A very short man who looked a lot like Hyrule stepped up, staring at the broken spear concerned.
“He’ll be fine.”
“Not if he has splinters.”
“He’ll be fine.”
Legend gulped and looked at his bleeding tail, feeling dizzy from the sight as Leon put pressure on the wound. He felt the magic twisting through his legs and he groaned in pain as his tail split back into two legs. Leon yelped at the sight, throwing his red cape over Legend before continuing to deal with his legs.
“Woah,” he heard Rusl mumble at the sight. “You can turn into a… fish?”
Legend let out a pained breath, smiling at the kind man. “A mermaid.”
“I see. I’ve never heard of mermaids before…”
“Yeah, well, I’m not really a mermaid, it’s just an item that I use whenever I get into water.”
Rusl stared at him blankly, and Legend chuckled at his confusion.
“It’s weird I know.”
Rusl smiled as Leon sat up and turned behind him. “Oy, Talon,” he called out, “bring me some bandages!”
“We don’t have any bandages!” He heard the man named Talon yell back. He sounded like he was inside the boat.
“Then bring me something that can be used as a bandage for Din’s sake!”
“Ok ok, don’t cuss at me!”
Legend took a deep breath, trying not to pass out from the pain and the blood, and Rusl rubbed his arm again.
“I’m so sorry about this,” he mumbled, and Legend waved it away.
“It’s ok, thank you for taking care of me—“ Legend was interrupted when he saw a man walk up to Leon with bandages. He felt his heart stop when he nearly recognized him, and he sat up, almost hitting Rusl’s chin with his head. “T-Tarin?” He blurted out, and the man looked at him in surprise. He looked behind him and looked back with confusion plastered on his face.
“Are ya talkin’ to me?” He asked, and Legend felt disappointment and embarrassment when he realized that he was definitely not Tarin. His hair was thinning at the top, his facial hair connected all the way to his sideburns, and his blue eyes did not match Tarin’s dark brown eyes. Legend looked down, tears uncontrollably welling up.
“I-I’m so s-sorry—I thought you were someone else,” he stammered.
“Oh, it’s ok kid, no harm done,” Talon said softly, handing a shirt to Leon. While Leon tore the shirt apart and began wrapping his leg, Legend stared at Talon. He had such a kind face, and now that he was looking at him more, he was looking a lot like his uncle. A lump formed in his throat and he looked away.
“So, uh, what’s your name?” Talon asked, breaking the silence.
“I’m Link,” Legend said without thinking. He probably should’ve kept his identity a secret, but these men were all so kind that he didn’t think about it. Leon froze and looked at him intensely.
“You’re Link? Are you traveling with other Links?”
“Um…” Legend stopped himself this time. They were all looking for the group… was it smart to say yes? “I… uh… I don’t know.”
“… you don’t know?”
“Uh… well I…” Legend looked around, panic beginning to bubble up in his chest. Rusl cleared his throat and Legend looked up at him.
“We’re only asking because we’re looking for our respective Links,” he explained. “Y’see, my son is Link, and most of us here also have a son named Link, we were hoping that our Links would all be together.”
Legend narrowed his eyes. Rusl’s son was Link? Which Link was he the father to? He honestly looked nothing like them. Not to mention his ears were rounded, not pointed. Was his son Sky? Sky had very small ears, but so did Warriors, maybe Warriors was his son…
“Hey,” Leon interrupted Legend’s thoughts. “It’s a simple question, are you traveling with Links?”
“Leon he’s overwhelmed, be patient with him,” Talon muttered, and Leon sighed.
“I-I’m sorry, Link,” he muttered, and Legend smiled.
“Hey, it’s ok. Who’s your son?”
Leon sat up straight, a hopeful gleam in his eye. “Um, his name is also Link… and uh… he has long blonde hair, he’s kind of braided it on one side though, and he’s very young…”
Legend hummed. “That sounds like Four.”
Leon nearly jumped up at that, causing Talon to yelp slightly.
“Four? As in the Four sword?”
“Uh, y-yes. We had to give each other nicknames so… he’s known as Four, mostly ‘cause of his eyes but also because of his four sword.”
Leon smiled slightly, then looked down. “He’s alright?”
“Last time I checked, yeah. He’s safe and sound.”
Leon sat back, running a hand through his hair, looking relieved. Legend smiled and sat up away from Rusl.
“Really, all the Links I’m traveling with are fine. I’m sure they’d be happy to see you.”
The men all made different sounds of relief at that, but Legend couldn’t help but notice the Linebeck man watching him strangely. Leon finished tying his bandages and gave his knee a pat.
“We'll take you inside, and maybe we’ll find you some clothes you can put on.”
Legend wrapped the red cape around him tighter in embarrassment. “Um… it’s ok my clothes are all on the beach.”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with,” Leon said, standing up. “Ok Linebeck you’re safe to look.”
“No, no you are not safe to look, Linebeck. There’s blood everywhere,” The short brown haired man stopped the tall man.
“Oh come on, his leg isn’t bleeding,” Leon muttered.
“There’s still blood everywhere!”
Legend chuckled at the men bantering, they reminded him of his own group. Rusl gave a small sigh and pulled Legend closer to him.
“Let me take you inside then,” he said softly. “I am… so sorry about this.”
Legend wrapped his arms around his neck as he was lifted off the ground. “Hey, it’s ok. I’m sure it wasn’t your fault anyways.”
Legend heard the others snort.
“No it was definitely his fault,” Leon said.
“I said that I saw a mermaid,” Linebeck started up, “and Rusl wasted no time to grab a spear and chuck it into the water.”
“He was so fast I didn’t have time to process what was going on!” The short brunette chuckled.
“He has a good aim I must admit.” Legend saw a different man with strikingly blue eyes leaning against a strange bird man. “It’s not easy to throw spears into the water, I’ve definitely tried.”
Rusl looked down ashamed. “Guys, enough.”
Talon picked up on his mood and stood up. “Alright y’all, let Rusl put Link inside. Leave him alone.”
The other men stopped and Rusl quickly turned to enter the inside of the boat. Legend watched him quietly as he was settled down in a bed. Rusl grabbed some blankets and set them down on top of Legend, and before he could leave, Legend grabbed his arm.
“Hey… it’s ok,” he said firmly. Rusl stared at him for a moment but smiled.
“Get some rest. We’ll get you once we reach the beach.”
Legend nodded and watched as Rusl left the bottom deck. He sighed and laid down, happily letting himself get rest.
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years
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Happy Father’s Day even tho I’m almost a week late
Based after this
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smilesrobotlover · 6 months
Ok well. An anon a looong time ago asked how the lbl boys handled being sick so here’s the answer. Take 2 cuz tumblr friggin ate the other one and now it’s transported to the fourth dimension never to be seen again.
Sky: he’s ok, usually he sleeps it off and it’s kinda nice having an excuse to sleep all day. But when there’s something important going on like saving Zelda from evil he completely ignores self care and pushes through.
Minish: if it’s a fever or something that weakens him in any way he usually takes care of himself, cuz he has to lift heavy metal all day and he needs his strength. Now if it’s a cold he’ll work through it, and he’s actually really good at hiding being sick so sometimes grandpa smith doesn’t know.
Time: he’s gotten much better. Malon and Talon makes sure that if he has any sign of an illness that he gets medicine asap. A simple cold he works through, but anything else? Nope, he needs to rest.
Legend: he’s actually really good at taking care of himself. He listens to his body, sleeps, eats, takes medicine, and he’s usually able to toughen through it
Hyrule: absolutely awful he is in so much pain and agony but REFUSES to rest and pretends that everything is fine and dandy. He’s very stubborn and frustrating to deal with when he’s sick.
Twi: also pretty bad. He usually toughens through it but sometimes he overdoes it and passes out, which isn’t good. Unfortunately for him, Uli and Rusl won’t let him hurt himself that way, and he’s terrible at hiding it.
Four: uh, idk, it depends. Sometimes he lets himself rest and sometimes he doesn’t. It just depends on the circumstances.
Windy: he’s pretty bad, he always tries to push himself to exhaustion whenever he needs to do something, but luckily grandma’s soup helps him feel better and forced himself to rest.
Spirit: if Phantom ever catches him sick and not resting he’d get an earful from her lol. Alfonzo and Nikko never let him do anything if he was sick.
Age: bro is great at hiding it and great at toughening through it. If anyone catches him being vulnerable he’ll keel over and die.
Wild: he’d usually rest until he feels better and then continue on with his life. If he’s lucky he’ll be by a horse stable or something of the sort.
Warriors: he takes illnesses very seriously, so what does he do? Avoid everyone so they don’t get sick, and then does an awful job at taking care of himself. It’s better he dies than someone else
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
Tell me something about a blorbo you wanna talk about! :D If you're not sure which blorbo to pick I will be biased and say tell me something about Ammon or Rusl or Kori or Twi Link or LBL Sky <3
Oh boy, I’m Thinkin about a lotta Blorbos rn so I’ll just talk about the blorbs you mentioned 😭
The more I play with Ammon the more angry and vengeful he gets, and idk if it’s because he’s having to be around Kogha now or not but it’s a yikes like this poor guy 😭 he does NOT like the yiga and he does NOT like Kogha (tho he will warm up to him). It’s hard tho, he’s been through a lot cuz of the yiga so I can’t blame him too much. But he’s strugglin fr
Gosh Rusl is such a beloved. I’m just thinking about strangers across eras and someone kills a wolf and he panics a little cuz even tho he KNOWS it’s not Link the thought that it could be freaks him out. Like idk about you, but I get some intrusive thoughts and I imagine that Rusl just… has thoughts about the time he shot Link in the leg, like what if he didn’t move in time, what if Midna didn’t stop him, he could’ve died, and Rusl would’ve lost him forever and it would’ve been HIS fault. And so he struggles a lot with that (hence why he’d rather get bitten than to try to fight a wolf)
Twi Link…. This guy needs therapy. I’ve had many ideas where Kori is introduced to Ordon and it’s intense, his relationship with everyone especially Illia is very tense after what happened and he spirals pretty bad. But I won’t write about that cuz I don’t feel like I could write that very accurately. Honestly, Link is going through a huge crisis rn cuz after his adventure he didn’t want to settle down. He didn’t want to stay in Ordon and to have kids and all that, hence why his relationship with Illia didn’t work out. What he really wanted to do was to just travel and explore the world with Midna by his side, but after Midna left he just kinda laid around wasting his life away. And then he ended up having a kid. But the thing about kids is that everything with them is an adventure, and Link is able to heal more, but yeah he needs help. Poor guy.
And Kori… oh my sweet baby boy Kori. Here’s some things I discovered about him: he loves clothes except for skirts, he loves food, and he loves cats. Tho he’s adventurous, he’s actually quite timid and is less rebellious unlike Rela. I realize that he might grow up with self esteem issues cuz some people think he’s a monsters simply cuz he’s half Twili so uh, oops. And even tho he doesn’t remember it, I’m sure his body remembers being attacked by that advisor, tho idk if this is accurate to childhood trauma. But I’ve seen people talk about how their bodies remember certain things even tho they don’t, and I’m not sure if he’d actually remember what happened so. Feel free to correct me on that.
Lastly Sky. He comes off as a calm guy but it extremely chaotic and dumb. Like everyone thinks he’s responsible with the younger ones (especially the chaos trio) and he is to an extent, but he’s very chaotic and summoned bees to their camp so he could get larvae so (it was an accident of course, he’d never do that on purpose, and Wild, Windy, and Hyrule kinda helped sooooo), but yeah, he’s a little crazy and sassy. Tho I’m excited to explore his arm, he uses a whip because swords hurt his arm too much, all except the master sword of course :>
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
How did all the dads meet? I know it’s linked to lbl so I’m assuming they’re looking for their boys but like did they get sucked into the same plot as them or are they dealing with a different enemy?
if that’s too spoilery, more random question: are there language gaps between the dads since they come from vastly different times/eras/cultures?
So, I’m just gonna share it cuz I might not even get to it, lbl is a mess. But there’s a point in the story where Lana and Cia get the Links to where they are to protect them from a certain someone. But when they sent the links are their ways, they realized that their portals got screwed up, and all the dads came crashing in.
So, the portals either intrigued or forced the dads into it. Like Rusl was looking for Twi and found the portal and his dad instincts went off so he jumped in, meanwhile Talon was sleeping and then poof! He’s surrounded by a bunch of strangers! It was a complete accident. Now, Lana and Cia couldn’t risk opening more portals and destroying the fabric of reality or something so they wanted to send everyone home all at once. So the dads are all searching for their links so they can all go home and be safe. But yeah this story I want it to be a midquel? Which is a word for a story within a story. Idk if you’ve seen Lion King 1 1/2 but that’s considered a midquel since it’s a story following characters while the main story is happening. I love stuff like that so that’s my plan. It’s just very complicated so ima be real, idk if I’ll do anything with it? But it’s fun to play with.
Aaaaand, I’m sure there are different phrases and stuff from the dads that would be weird…. But…. I can’t deal with different languages so they can all communicate. However they can’t understand the different Hylian languages written down so there is that. Which is fun.
But my fav idea with that is that Rusl and Talon talk to each other and their southern accents start to get more and more thick that they become intelligible to the rest of them. So there’s that lol
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years
Well I’m gonna ramble about my lbl chain! With new references and designs!!! Starting with Sky:
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He is 21 years old, teaching the young kids how to fly and take care of their loftwings with Groose in Skyloft. He also goes down to the surface with Zelda to help her build the surface. Tho recently, she sent him and Groose to Skyloft for some unknown reason. He’s been waiting around to hear from her, but so far she’s said nothing. It’s been eating Sky up inside.
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Twilight is 19, almost 20. After his adventure, he was left so empty and heartbroken that he changed significantly. Being unable to talk to anyone about the Twili, not being close to Zelda who does understand him the most, and being left behind by his best friend and the girl he loved left him feeling hollow. He lost motivation to do anything and isolated himself inside for a year since then. He only came out at night, mostly as a wolf, which wasn’t terrible, but he was still feeling terrible (sunshine is good for you babes). Rusl was able to get him to visit, and Twi wanted to turn his life around… but something strange happened to him….
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Windy is 17, and has been adventuring with Tetra for a while, trying to find things to rebuild Hyrule, but also to do pirate shenanigans! He gets stir crazy really easily too so this helps him out. One day, they got a letter from Aryll (who joins them sometimes) saying that his grandma was not fairing well. The pirates headed straight for Outset island, not stopping for anything. Windy, who was getting ansty, went to clean the ship. When they arrived at Outset however, they found him missing from the boat, with Linebeck panicking over him.
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Now for Wild, who is 118. He’s just been chilling at Hateno, he and Zelda helping to rebuild certain parts of Hyrule and restoring the order that was lost. It’s been rather peaceful for him, which is nice for him, tho occasionally he stares off into the distance, regaining memories, being reminded of what he lost.
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Age is 19. A knight who patrols around Zora’s Domain, Hyrule thriving due to evil being defeated. Everyone has finally been able to relax, and Age and Mipha were able to get engaged, so he’s been getting ready for that along with doing his job. He takes his job seriously, and the pressure of being the hero hasn’t left him, but life is good for him.
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
Whumptober 2023 master post
This is all written for my links meet au called Link between Links, and strangers across eras, with other aus sprinkled across it. NONE OF THIS IS LU SO DONT TAG IT AS SUCH
Day 1- swooning: lbl, Minish gets a concussion and Legend helps him out
Day 2- they don’t care about you: sae, Leon get a fever from working to hard in finding his son.
Day 3- solitary confinement: lbl, spirit is held hostage and is losing his mind.
Day 4- shock: kotg, Ammon and Orman are exploring a ruin with Terrako, suddenly all technology goes out in an electrifying way, including Ammon’s prosthetic.
Day 5- debris, pinned down: lbl, Warriors gets trapped under rocks after an explosion, and he and Hyrule hope they can get out.
Day 6- alternate prompt, reluctant whumper: original loz au, Link hurts himself and doesn’t want Beck to know.
Day 7- alternate prompt, shaking: vw, Vio brings Shadow back and he’s not vibing.
Day 8- outnumbered: sae, wolfos attack and Rusl refuses to fight one, even when it’s trying to kill him.
Day 9- mistaken identity, you’re a liar: lbl, Wild and Windy meet a fake Hyrule and get abducted by the yiga.
Day 10- alternate prompt, panic: lot, Rusl is teaching the kids how to fight, but the idea of fighting monsters scares Talo.
Day 11- captivity, no one will find you: kotg, young Ammon and his brother get kidnapped by yiga during an errand.
Day 12- insomnia: original loz au, Zelda can’t sleep and Link accompanies her alongside his cat biscuit.
Day 13- infection: thof, Link has an infection but he refuses to let Groose or Farore check it out.
Day 14- water inhalation: lbl, Sky goes to rescue Twi after he disappeared underwater for six hours
Day 15- makeshift bandages: lbl and sae, Rusl accidentally throws a spear at mermaid Legend.
Day 16- flatline: kotg, continuation of day 11, Ammon and Georgie try to escape, but it doesn’t go well.
Day 17- collar, touch aversion, leave me alone: sae and vs, Vaati and Ghirahim accidentally kidnap Linebeck.
Day 18- blindfold, tortured for information: lbl, continuation of day 9, Windy gets tortured for information on Hyrule, but he’s a tough cookie.
Day 19- floral bouquet: TCOD, Maria and Link visit his parent’s grave on the anniversary of their death.
Day 20- found family: tp, RUSL ADOPTS LINK DBSJSBSKSBK
Day 21- restraints, don’t move: vw, after Vio brings back Shadow, he accidentally brings another, dangerous person back as well.
Day 22- glass shard, vehicular accident: sae, Kass finds Linebeck with a concussion and Benji impaled with glass from a boat crash.
Day 23- shadows, stalking, who’s there: lbl, Twi finds a kitty and defends it with his life.
Day 24- alternate prompt, aftermath of a failure: AOC, Revali teaches Zelda how to use a bow so she can use the bow of light.
Day 25- alternate prompt, betrayal: sae, Ingo takes over the ranch in Time and Talon’s absence.
Day 26- working till exhaustion, you look awful: lot, Link has a fever but works till the point of collapse.
Day 27- matches, scars: sae, Leon and Linebeck find themselves trapped in a cave, and Leon discovers a nasty scar that Linebeck has.
Day 28- bloody knife: lbl, Hyrule gets attacked by a puppet of the puppeteer and gets poisoned with magic draining poison.
Day 29- troubled past resurfacing: lbl and sae, Wild meets Ammon and it goes as well as you’d expect.
Day 30- bridal carry: lbl and sae, Time and Talon find Malon in Gerudo desert. Some of the boys reunite with their dads!
Day 31- emptiness, setbacks, take it easy: lbl and sae, the rest of the boys reunite with their dads, but something bad happens
Whumtpober days 1-7
Whumptober days 8-14
Whumptober days 15- 21
Whumtpober days 22-28
Whumptober days 29-31
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
hi it’s me again
sorry to bother you if you’re not still taking asks about the dads, but do they ever find out about twilight being a wolf? actually do the other links even know? I can’t remember
Bestie I am ALWAYS taking asks on the dads. If you ever send me an ask about the dads just know that I’ll be the happiest little Smiles in the world
Anyways for the lbl boys, I don’t want a complicated wolf link reveal, so they’re gonna know pretty early on in the story, I’m just not in the mood for the tedious “hiding my ability” bit you know? Kudos to anyone who does it but I don’t want to lol.
As for the dads, they’ll find out eventually. But Rusl is very tight lipped about his life and there is NO way he’ll spill Link’s secret to a bunch of strangers (they become friends but sh). Once they do find out however, they’ll be very sympathetic and understanding to Rusl’s fear of fighting wolves
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
(Dad au anon) either one! Both sound interesting!
Ok! Let’s see here… I honestly don’t know how most of them will react with some of their Links but I will try to answer all of it
Talon: Time was ten when he first met him, and he sort met him when he was woken up by that cuccoo. So first impression he thought Time was a little rascal. But he soon understood that he helped him and Malon, and he had some respect for him. Now this is the child timeline so the whole thing with Ingo didn’t happen here (or it could’ve, if Ingo found another way to claim Lon Lon ranch). When he saw Time again all sick, he knew he had to do something to help him. When he reunites with Time, he is very relieved that he can go home and be with his pregnant daughter and not have to adventure ever again in his life.
Benji: he’s Hyrule’s biological father, but shock was what he felt when he first saw him. I thiiiiiiink I’m having it so that he meets Hyrule after he was born, so he was a lil newborn bb. He was shocked that he had a kid with a great fairy of all things, and he quickly understands how dangerous it could be for a half fairy. But he feels responsible for him so he cares deeply for him. Now reuniting with Hyrule is… not yet figured out. Idk if they’ve already reunited before lbl and got taken away agin, but I might have that cuz I have an idea for when they do reunite. Benji is relieved that his son is safe and sound and doesn’t ever want to lose him again.
Rusl: ok I’m trying to figure out when they first met. Cuz I started writing a thing when twi was four years old when he showed up at Ordon, but the game makes it seem like he arrived at Ordon a lot later, and Rusl was just opening up the option for twi to officially be apart of the family. Like in tp if you talk to Rusl before you go after Talo in Faron, he invites twi to really train under Rusl, but only if he wants to. Twi is an old kid and doesn’t need to be coddled, but he can be apart of the family if he wants. Either way it’s cute, it feels like a step into adopting him. Anyways Rusl wants to take him under his wing and be there for him since Link is alone in a new place he’s unfamiliar with. Now when Rusl reunited with Link, he’s crying and sobbing and giving him hugs and kisses cuz he’s so happy to see him again <3
Leon: he’s another biological dad so he met Four when he was born lol. I write Leon as a grumpy and serious man, but he’s very loving towards his son. So I feel like holding his baby for the first time was surreal for him. It didn’t comprehend to him that this was his own child so when he first held him he felt pure love for baby Four. His wife died when Four was three months old unfortunately so he’s really taken care of Four the best he could as a widower. Even tho he’s had a few rough moments, he loves his son very much. When they reunite he’s shocked to see him split into four people again, but he doesn’t mind all that much. And he’s fine with them staying that way. It makes Four happier to be split, and Leon always wanted a big family.
Linebeck: now when Linebecj first met his little green monkey, he thought he was just a dumb kid who survived the temple of the ocean king out of sheer luck. And he calls him a green monkey mostly to comment on how bouncy and hyper he is, but it turns into a cute nickname cuz he’s just a dad. Now when he reunited with Windy, it’s a… situation… cuz last time Linebeck saw Windy, he was being pulled down into the ocean by some weird tendril. Let’s just say he’s VERY happy to see Windy
Ammon: another biological dad. I think when he saw his baby boy for the first time, he felt a need to protect him. That’s Ammon’s whole thing is that he wants to protect the people he loves for reasons that you will see in whumptober :> now Age is very capable and not a child so he’s not too worried about him, but he doesn’t get to see his family as often as he’d like, so anytime he gets to see his son he’s always happy. And of course he’s happy to see that he’s safe and sound.
Kass: well when he first met Wild, he was a random kid with battle scars who’s never seen a Rito before. At first Kass was annoyed at him, but realized that the things Wild said was pure ignorance and that Wild was just a curious amnesiac wanting to explore the world. So he happily explained the different areas he was in. Singing him song, telling stories, and explaining legends. Now he hasn’t adopted Wild, but he happily invites Wild over for dinner or just to be around. Really both Kass and Teba. Wild needs a family. When they reunite, Kass didn’t really comprehend that Wild was in any danger, he was kinda there. I honestly don’t know what they were doing when they reunited, but I do know that Wild is very happy that Kass is there.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Tell me about your Link Parental Figures Going on an Adventure story! How do they all meet? Who likes hanging out with who?
If Linebeck met Abel and Til how would that dynamic work?
Also less thinking question, what’s your favorite color? :)
Oh man I am having so much fun with Strangers across eras! Bascially something happens in lbl and Lana and Cia accidentally drags the father figures + impas to the world. I’m debating on having grandpa smith and Gaepora here cuz they wouldn’t do well with adventuring and fighting (tho grandpa smith is jacked so maybe he’ll be fine) but they all agree to go find their missing sons! They all butt heads bit general Impa loves to hang out with Talon who is nothing but anxiety this entire story. Linebeck, Leon, and Rusl chill with each other simply cuz I like their dynamic, they actually get annoyed with each other a lot lol. But regardless they still care. Idk about everyone else… I feel like I have too many characters for this, but regardless it’s a lot of fun!
Hm…. My Linebeck is very obnoxious, so I feel like he’d piss off Abel a lot, but he’s also charming so I think that Tillieth would enjoy his company. (He wouldn’t flirt with her of course.) but that’s what I think lol. But they’re your characters!
And I have three favorite colors! Forest green, sunset orange, and pastel yellow 🧡💚💛
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