#lauren jauregui 5h
gayboyobsessions · 3 months
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Lauren Jauregui - All in My Head (Flex) - Music Video
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I miss Camren y'all like so much. Miss the 2018 era when so much was happening
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laurenjaureguis · 1 year
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♡ you know we're better together ♡
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ragzonacamrencruise · 8 months
I listened to all of the camren's songs and my head is FILLED to the brim with fresh theories and I can't wait to share em all with you guys!!
Camren shippers!!! Where're ya at bishes?!?!?!
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5hrenaissance · 3 months
Who Are You Live (11/29/13)
YouTube Link
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camiluhz · 16 days
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ikvgai · 3 months
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naturesapphic · 5 months
Lauren x reader where Lauren is on tour (so like rn) and we sit front row instead of backstage and she basically dances in front of reader the entire time and then comes off stage and dances on her
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Dance dance
Lauren jauregui x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff and some suggestive stuff ;)
The screams of people were filling up the whole stadium and around you. You were in the front row of your girlfriends concert and people recognized you instantly. They asked to take pictures with you and you said sure because why the hell not? The lights suddenly dimmed and everyone started screaming louder and chanting your girlfriends name. The lights went back on and there was two people dressed up in some type of see through cloaks. They were walking in circles with one another and slowly dancing. Then on the side of the stage was your Lauren walking up the steps slowly.
When she got on the stage, more dancers appeared and they started dancing along with the music and Lauren followed their moves. Lauren looked down and met your eyes and gave you a quick wink which made your cheeks go red. They kept moving together in a synchronizing way and then two of them helped Lauren take off her cape like thing off her shoulders and when it happened, the light went out again. Then colors started playing and the lights went back on revealing your girlfriend again. Watching your girlfriend sing her heart out to colors was so mesmerizing and truly enchanted you to see her this vulnerable and truly being herself on stage.
The lights went out again and scattered started playing and Lauren was on her knees this time when the lights came back on and she started singing. Everytime she moved on the stage floor she kept coming closer and closer to you and as she sang, she was looking deep in your eyes and you felt yourself being in a trance. That’s what Lauren’s green eyes always does to you. Lauren knew the affect she had on you whenever she looks at you or dances for you. It always makes you melt and weak in the knees and she’s cocky about it.
There was one more song left before the concert ended and Lauren told you it would be expectations. You were there when she made the music video for it and she teased you like there was no tomorrow. You’re pretty sure that teasing you was Lauren’s favorite pass time. The lights went out again and the fans were screaming “Lauren! Lauren! Lauren!” Over and over until the music for expectations started playing and the fans got even louder which made you wince slightly. The music came back on and there was Lauren sitting on a chair in the middle of the stage, singing. As she was singing she got up from the chair and started dancing on it and around it which made you stare at her bewildered. You wish you were that damn chair…
Well your wish came true because as the electric guitar solo came on, Lauren went down the steps to you and started dancing on you to the beat. Everyone was losing their shit and your face got tomato red as every time she turned around to face you, she would look deep into your eyes. She got in front of you again and suddenly bent down so her ass was pressed up against you and she slowly went back up as she looked over her shoulder to meet your eyes. She smirked and when the lyrics came back on and strutted away from you but not before giving you a quick kiss to your lips which made you almost fall over from pleasure.
She walked back up on the stage and finished expectations as you kept watching her with adoration in your eyes. After the song ended Lauren waved to everyone and told them that they loved them and suddenly she did this. “And give it up for my beautiful, amazing, kind girlfriend y/f/n (your full name)! I love you babygirl and thank you for always supporting me and my dreams. I couldn’t have done it without you chicken! I love y’all goodnight! Drive home safe!” Lauren said into the mic and she went off the stage into the back. One of Lauren’s bodyguards came to you and escorted you to the back were Lauren was and you immediately ran to her and hugged her.
“You did so good tonight Lolo! Everyone loved it and so do I!” You exclaimed as you looked up from her chest and smiled at her. She smiled back at you and leaned down to kiss you on your forehead. “Thank you chicken! I’m glad everyone enjoyed it.” She confessed and you pulled back from the hug but laced your fingers with hers. “They did baby. You worked so hard to put this concert on for everyone and I know they appreciate it.” You said and she relaxed at that statement which made you pout. “Speaking of working hard. You need to rest now. I bet you’re exhausted princess.” You spoke and she nodded her head as she leads you outside to where the bus is. “I am but I will feel better once I’m out of these clothes and you are in my arms.” She cheekily said and you blushed once more. She giggled and punched your cheeks slightly “you are too cute!” She confessed and you looked down. “Nuh uh…” you pouted and she shook her head at you playfully. “Mhmmm okay.” Lauren said teasingly as y’all went into the bus and got ready for the night and went on to bed.
A/n: I hope the anon who requested this enjoys it and I hope that the rest of y’all enjoy it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! :)
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luvmyoui · 1 year
three - maybe
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previous masterlist next
gp!myoui mina x fem!reader
warnings: self gaslighting???, toxic relationship, angst
word count: 1,539
a/n: PLESE send asks and tell me what to do w this story cz im now out of ideas😭😭 also im so sorry for how late im posting this, i swear it was done i js forgot to post it 😞😞
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isla myoui, your daughter was your light in the darkness. you originally didn’t want to have kids, but isla was honestly the reason you kept going. not only was she the cutest little thing, she was also such a good girl. she barely ever fussed or cried, and she was friendly with everyone, always having a smile on her cute little baby face. she took after mina mostly, it was clear as day that it was mina’s daughter, having so many similar features. the only thing of yours that she had was your light tannish skin that you had inherited from your own mother. 
even though mina had informed you she would be leaving, you didn't think it’d be right away. a part of you hoped that she wouldn’t leave at all, but much to your dismay when you came home later that day mina wasn't there. she left a note saying that isla was at her mom’s home and because she didn't want such negativity around her so she was leaving to korea immediately. you didn't know why you held out hope that she’d stay, mina didn't care, she didn't care that she was leaving her own daughter alone, she didn't care for anyone but herself. 
maybe it was because of how she left, the way she left leaving your own heart broken. no matter the way she treated you, you still loved the girl. she was your first everything, she was your first love, she was the woman you had a baby with. you loved mina with everything in you, you loved her for convincing you to keep the baby, for even deciding to date you. out of all the girls in your school she chose you. the feeling of sorrow never left you, you gave this girl everything, you gave her everything you had, years of your life were given to her. 
you felt resentment, why was she still having such a big effect on your life although she had left it? your sorrow and resentment lead you to join the entertainment industry, you werent gonna let her win, you werent gonna stay a nobody, someone who was just in her life for a split second. you were going to make it bigger than her, you were going to have her see your name everywhere. A constant reminder of who she left behind, who she cut out of her life as if they were nothing. 
you always loved singing, it wasn't something that was new to you. ever since a young age you had been told to pursue a career in singing. you never minded those comments though, dedicating your time to a career that might not even work out wasn't a chance you were willing to take. well of course that was before mina ditched you, you were not the same person you used to be. 
camila always had a passion for singing, whether or not you did it with her she was always set on becoming a singer. camila was very shy about her singing though, she would always say that when she came of age she’d gain confidence. due to how close you and camila were, you had been one of the lucky few to have been blessed to hear her voice. 
what better luck could you have? both camila and you had good singing voices, wouldn't it be even better if you two could become singers together? 
after a lot of convincing, camila was finally on board, the both of you would show up on America's Got Talent. 
you were nervous, you didn't think you had ever been this nervous about something before. this was the moment your life would change for either the better or worse, you and camila were currently backstage waiting for your turn to go up and audition.
you saw camila's face when she first heard the voice of the girl who had just gone on, she looked amazed at the fact that someone could sing so well, whoever this girl was, was definitely a competitor. when the girl who you saw had green eyes walked out of the booth you could see camilas jaw physically drop, she was gorgeous. you nudged camila on the shoulder and told her to approach the girl with green eyes. her face reddened as she shook her head no, not caring that she said no you dragged her towards the girl anyways. 
“hi! I'm y/n and this is my friend camila, we heard you from the booth and you were like crazy good.” you said to the girl as you approached her with camila by your side. 
a smile grew on her face as she processed the compliment you had just given her “thanks! my name’s lauren!” she said happily as she folded her arms behind her back.
“i- uh- i like your shirt..” camila said her face red 
“thanks!” she replied seemingly happy at all the compliments she was receiving.
in response to what lauren had said camila just nodded her head aggressively while smiling which took you by shock. you had never seen camila have this kind of behavior with anyone, where had the confident camila gone?
“camila and y/n, it’s now your time to shine!” one of the workers said as you two were ushered to the stage
you and camila had decided to do a duet cover of crazy in love, you both practiced it day and night and now it was time to sing in front of everyone. you were nervous but you knew that you had to give it your all. you pushed through your worries and somehow managed to calm yourself down before you started singing. 
you couldn't have imagined the audition going any better than it had, you two performed flawlessly and the simon cowell golden buzzered you two. both you and camila burst into tears at the gold confetti surrounding the two of you as you hugged each other. while mina was probably still training, you were now on your way to winning the show. 
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as the show progressed you and camila were put into a group with lauren, dinah, normani, and ally. you two were unfamiliar to the girls (discluding lauren) but it took no time for all six of you to get close.
when sent to bootcamp camila shared a room with lauren and you with dinah. you obviously wanted to be with camila but you also wanted her to get closer to her crush so you accepted the room settings. when all six of you got close enough you revealed the information of you having a daughter to them, you had them all meet her and they absolutely adored her. 
the time you spent on the show was mainly away from your daughter, she had been at your parents house, your mom finally seeming to have interest in the baby. although she had left, mina was still sending you pocket money and paying the rent of your apartment. when you received the first deposit into your bank account from her you were very surprised. you thought you would have to find a job to support your child and yourself but thankfully mina still had a heart and didn't want to see her child and you homeless. 
after mina moved to korea her parents moved back to japan because there was no longer a reason they saw to stay in the u.s. although you hated what mina had done to you, you could never find it in you to dislike her parents, they always treated you like their own, and with utmost kindness.
you liked to tell yourself that mina wasn't all that bad, she was sending you a large sum of money for both you and your child along with paying your rent. she might not have been the best but maybe you should've been more considerate, maybe you should’ve supported her and her choice of becoming an idol.
as time passed by your feelings of resentment were replaced with guilt, maybe it was you who had caused this all. you always knew about her dream of being an idol, maybe you had been too harsh. If she told you not to pursue your dream you’d be upset too, you felt terrible about what  you had said and done to her. 
honestly, throughout the whole 3 months she was gone you just wanted her back, you didn't think you could ever let go of her. even if she came back just to sit on her ass all day and play minecraft, you still wanted her back. you loved her and all her flaws, her flaws are what made her her. 
the girls were your main support, throughout everything, you always knew you had six girls to lean on and talk to. you honestly felt so loved by them all, they didn't only love you but also your daughter. Your daughter was your everything, and the fact that they accepted you as a teen mom was a dream come true. 
you didn't know what you’d do if you hadn't joined the show, it was honestly the second best decision you had made, in a way it made you thankful that mina had left.
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taglist (send an ask if you wannna be added) - @moon-ellie @lisas-earlobe @cocojy @second-daughter-of-clexa @runassimp
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bini-ph · 2 months
BINI x H3RIZON vocal slayage! 💅 Vocal powerhouse queens covering BO$$ by Fifth Harmony a year ago on International Women’s Day 💋👑
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prplocks · 3 months
Lockscreens do fifth harmony ot5 pfvr?
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2hot2di3 · 3 months
lowkey like i miss being a harmonizer so bad just being so obsessed with those girls reading fanfics watching every live performance and interview and going to shows and having fan accounts and meeting 5h friends like i’m sorry if that’s cringe but it’s my truth
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It's merch
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softavasilva · 9 months
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You cannot say that she was NOT looking at her lips- YOU JUST CAN'T
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5hrenaissance · 3 months
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Lauren Reposted This on her story (3/18/24)
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