#launchpad did nothing wrong ever
aziraphalesbookkeeper · 11 months
Can't believe Webby and her rebound broke out the ouija board and confronted sapphic jealousy demons while Mrs. Beakley and Launchpad filmed fanfiction in the next room
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yandereducktales · 1 month
Hi hope you're doing well, I was wondering if you could do hcs about romantic yandere H, D, L, and Webby. And like the rest of the McDuck/Dick family supports them? Srry if that's too much. But I love your work😊
Oh ?
Dewey Duck
Oh, he's so in love
He's dazzled by you. You're just- wow
Every time he looks at you, it's like he has stars in his eyes
You met on one of the McDuck many adventures
The boys had noticed you with your uncle- Flintheart Glomgold
Ahh, forbidden love <3 [He loved Romeo & Juliet]
He can't approach you with Scrooge and Glomgold around, so he waits until you're by yourself
"Um... Hi-" He awkwardly calls, causing you to look at him confused. You instantly recognize him as one of Scrooge's nephews
"Oh, uh- Hi?" You tilt your head, a little confused on why he was talking to you.
He tries to speak, but it's like his tongue is tied. God, he feels like an idiot
Before you can ask him what's wrong, your uncle appears and reprehends the young boy
You don't see him until a few weeks later- At the arcade
He was with Launchpad, but he ditched him when seeing you on the dance game
He joins you and you recognize him
"Oh, hi again. Uh, Huey right?"
"Actually it's Dewey." He's a little disappointed that you don't know his name, but then he remembers he didn't give it to you, so you probably asked about him and that thought made him happy.
"Oh, sorry Dewey. My name's Y/n."
"Well, Y/n, it's nice to meet you."
"You, too." You chuckle
And that's how your friendship starts
You both like to sneak off when your uncles are fighting
He tells you about trying to find his mother and you try and help him
Whenever you come across something that could help him, you give it to him
When his mother comes back, he wants to introduce her to you
"You have to meet them, Mom. You'll love each other. Y/n's great!"
He wants you two to get along so bad
Dewey knows you two are meant to be and sometimes he can't get you out of his mind
Or his mouth. He's always talking about
Everyone's kind of sick of it
They think when you both start dating, maybe it'll stop- Oh, how wrong they are
Huey Duck
You were at a woodchuck meeting and you were new, so Huey clocked you fast
He wanted to help you, but he gets entangled with you
You share a lot of the same interests, hobbies, and ideas
He feels like someone finally understands him
And you feel the same
You two are like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly
You even finish each other sentences
His brothers [Louie] think you're both losers, but you don't care, because you have each other
He didn't even realize he had a crush on you until someone else pointed it out
"Yeah, they're cool. Yeah, I think about them a lot. Yeah, they're amazing- No, I don't have a crush on them, I just think they're perfect in every way possible"
You'd have to confess first, because it doesn't look like he's going to be confessing anytime soon. He's heavy in denial
He's flabbergasted when you admit you have a crush on him
"Me? You like me?"
You're a little scared at first, but he's over the moon
Louie Duck
You've met on multiple occasions, but nothing that ever stood out to either of you
You have nothing in common- Well, that's not entirely true, but the more defining personality features are vastly different
When you first meet him, you think he's selfish, lazy, mean, underhanded, manipulative- you get it
He thinks you're different than him. He's never really met someone like you, but he doesn't really give most people a second thought
You're nice and helpful. You want to make life easier and for everyone to be happy
You weren't selfish- You cared about other people
He found that not only annoying, but he thought it was a facade
There was no way that you cared about other people above yourself
People like that didn't exist
Everyone was always looking out for themselves. You must have been faking it
Though, after he stalked you learned more about you, he realize this truly was who you were
You really did want a Utopia and you believing in 'You have to take the first step to change'
He wants to impress you, but you see right through is lies
He wants to change for you- Be nicer- which makes him sick
Though, he really does start to try. The more time he spends around you and the people, he realizes that these people are just like him- Just not rich
You're impressed when realizing he has changed. Maybe not by a lot, but a little is a good start
You become friends and he's glad that he's made you happy
He likes you being happy
Oh my god, he has a crush on you-
He tries learning more about you so that he can come off as someone you should date
Knows your favorite color, parents' names, favorite food, favorite number, your ideologies etc
His family notices he's changed- He's like a completely different person
They have mixed reactions
"Where is my brother and what have you done to him!?!?!!" Dewey shakes his brother when seeing his brother give money to someone
"I think it's great," Huey comments, "Whatever's happened, it's a good thing."
Dewey thinks Louie's an alien or shape-shifter... That is until he meets you
"Oooh! Louie has a cru-"
Louie quickly elbows his brother, his face a bright red
"Shut up-"
You invite Louie to hang out at the movies after working and he's quick to pick up your offer
As you're both leaving, you share a moment and a kiss
Louie's eyes are wide and his face is a deep red
You blush, before waving him off, "Bye Louie. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah.... Tomorrow."
Webby Vanderquack
You think she's rather strange
But she's super fun
You met while she was checking out the city
She had accidentally bumped into you
You meet on several occasions and each time she approaches you
She always starts a friendly conversation with you
She really likes you and tries to impress you a lot
She's very outspoken and tries flirting but it never goes well, even when you start dating
You find her charming though
You asked her out and she was thrilled. She couldn't believe that you liked her back
You always have a fun time with her, no matter what you do
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dokidokitsuna · 1 year
I BEAT MR. GRIZZ :D (i.e. I finally finished Splatoon 3′s story mode)
...The final section (ascending the launchpad + multistage boss fight) really wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be; I shouldn’t have put it off for so long. ^^; It was more annoying than anything, tbh...
Originally when I was watching playthroughs of Return of the Mammalians my biggest criticism was that this story mode felt like busywork, and unfortunately after having played through it myself it still feels that way. :/ Of course, that’s probably why I actually got through it-- having so little investment in the story took the pressure off-- but that doesn’t mean I can’t find fault with it...
Every level feels more like a random challenge than a part of a larger journey that actually means something, and even the setup for the story that’s there feels superficial. For example, O.R.C.A.: I can buy that there’s an AI living in Alterna that acts as a lore-keeper for its long-dead civilization. I can even buy that accomplishments *of some sort* should earn you the right to read the lore that it’s keeping. But why does it specifically give the Agent physical challenges (did the people of Alterna have to go through these...? Why would they??) Why are these challenges populated by the fuzzy Octarians that are supposedly under Mr. Grizz’s control? Why do we spend 90% of the story mode with this random A.I. that really has nothing to do with the plot...???
Its constant inclusion in the story makes you think it’s working together with Mr. Grizz (that’s what I initially suspected...) but in the end it turns out that’s not the case? As of now, O.R.C.A. is a neutral party and I don’t think Grizz ever even acknowledges its existence...despite the fact that it provides the infrastructure for every single level from Octo Canyon’s collapse to the rocket launch. You’d really think such an integral aspect of the gameplay would be equally integral to the story...but instead it’s just kind of there...
It feels like the devs just handed us a CQ clone that accidentally lacked any justification for its actions or existence in the story...and then stapled Deep Cut and Mr. Grizz’s backstory onto that concept and called it a day. All these things feel so disconnected, and there’s not enough camp to cement it all together. Which worries me a bit, because the Splatoon series usually oozes camp...it’s like they saw the success of Octo Expansion and took the wrong lesson from it. 
Tartar’s antics, the psychedelic visuals, and Agent 8′s subtle characterization were what made that DLC fun; the added lore didn’t really matter that much. On the flipside, Return of the Mammalians has a fairly grounded setting where you spend most of your time marching around the snow earning lore...as a blank-slate MC who’s friends with (I hate to say it...) a Deus ex Machina. :/
All that is to say, I hope this is just an isolated mild disappointment, and not the beginning of a trend. I won’t mind RotM being the way it is if Side Order, for instance, is a super-impressive return to form. ^^;
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kingstylesdaily · 3 years
What the 2021 Grammy Awards Will Look Like
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Artists including Billie Eilish, BTS, and Taylor Swift will perform in a circle of five stages with masked crew at the center — in a ceremony that first-time showrunner Ben Winston calls “part Grammys, part Abbey Road studio session”
Ben Winston is exhausted. The television producer, who moved from the U.K. to Los Angeles six years ago to start The Late Late Show With James Corden, is a week away from executive-producing his first Grammys telecast. “I literally had two hours of sleep last night,” he tells Rolling Stone via Zoom.
On Sunday, March 7th, the Recording Academy revealed a slate of performing artists for March 14th’s 63rd Annual Grammy Awards that includes Billie Eilish, BTS, Taylor Swift, Cardi B, and Harry Styles. But while those names are on the lineup, Winston knows nothing about live TV is ever set in stone — especially in the time of a pandemic —so he’s been spending his days double- and triple-checking plans, waking up at 4:30 a.m. dry-eyed and restless. He’s worked to make a show “with heart,” he says — one that “doesn’t feel isolated, quiet, or alone.” He also had to take extra steps to ensure the three-and-a-half hour show, which will not take place at the Grammys’ usual home of the Staples Center, is Covid-safe for performers and attendees. Despite all that, he appears remarkably enthusiastic and alert.
Here’s what viewers next Sunday can expect from music’s biggest night, according to Winston: a multi-stage, audience-free show that highlights the year’s creative triumphs, social justice movements, as well as Covid-19’s impact on the arts. Winston hints at several “unbelievably powerful” performances on the slate, adding that the Grammys “absolutely are acknowledging what’s happened” in the country in the last year.
Winston, who in 2018 co-produced Bruno Mars’ well-received live show at the Apollo for CBS, also wanted to highlight independent venues, which are the “lifeblood of this industry” and a launchpad for emerging musicians — so the Grammys will feature guest spots from owners and workers of iconic American venues, including L.A.’s Troubadour and Hotel Café, N.Y.’s Apollo, and Nashville’s Station Inn. “I drive past the Troubadour on my way home from work every night,” Winston says. “It’s a significant thing for me when I look at it all boarded up. I always think, ‘When those boards come down, this will be over.’ That will be the sign. That will be the day where it’s like, ‘We got through this.'” Winston realized from his conversations with venues that many of them put on their last shows on March 14th, 2020, meaning the Grammys will mark the one-year anniversary of the shutdown.
Employees will come on camera to “tell us a little bit about their venue” and present some of the awards. “So, you’ve got, like, a bartender at a beautiful, independent venue — and she’s giving out Album of the Year to these megastars,” he explains. His goal is to acknowledge the people who work tirelessly to keep these stomping grounds afloat and have recently lost their jobs. “Those venues are made up by the bartender and the security guard, the manager, the box office person, and the cleaner at the end of the night.” He hopes to remind people of the importance of supporting local venues again when it’s safe to do so.
Originally, the Grammys were scheduled for January 31st, but organizers announced a move to March right after the new year. Winston says he felt American morale was at a low point in January — between political insurrection, an impeachment trial, and Covid-19 running rampant in Los Angeles — and it “didn’t feel right” to put the show on in the middle of that. The Recording Academy and CBS, which exclusively airs the annual show, both supported his decision to postpone. “I can now do everything that I wanted to do in my best-case scenario for this year,” he says of Sunday’s show.
Sunday’s location is an undisclosed building in Los Angeles, but Winston teases that the new venue is “massive,” “magical,” and “the biggest building I’ve ever been in indoors.” “I don’t want it to look like I’m criticizing Staples, because it’s the most amazing venue,” he emphasizes, sharing that he’s open to bringing the Grammys back to the arena in the future if they ask him to. While he does believe that Staples is a safe place, he says he wanted to go above and beyond to make even the most-skeptical participants feel undoubtedly safe.
A team of Covid safety officers oversaw the production set-up, and artists will enter the stage from different directions to minimize contact. Each artist also has their own backstage area. The space “allowed us to build an entire world,” he says.
The show will involve five stages of the same size and shape, four of which are for performances and one of which is for presenters. Stages are organized in a circle, facing one another, and crew members will work from the middle of the set. “People will perform while the other three or four artists on their stages watch, applaud, and enjoy. As soon as that one finishes, the next one goes, the next one goes, and the next one goes. Every 45 minutes, you change out those stages, and you bring another four megastars into the room,” says Winston, who was partly inspired for the “part-Grammys, part-Abbey Road studio session” setup by British shows he watched as a child, including Jools Holland and TFI Friday.
It’s going to be a “bespoke night of music that I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to repeat,” Winston says. “It’s about taking a camera into a room, and making an amazing musical moment by filming it quite simply and elegantly.” Performances, which started being planned in April 2020, will be a mix of live and pre-recorded — a fully live show would involve too many crew members moving sets and risking close contact — but the whole thing is intended to feel completely live. (Winston challenges viewers to try and guess which sets are pre-recorded; he designed them to be difficult to tell.)
To help plan the sprawling, immersive show, Winston brought in a suite of collaborators including co-executive producer Jesse Collins, who produced The Weeknd’s Super Bowl halftime show; co-executive producer Raj Kapoor, who handled creative direction for various artists on the last seven Grammys and produced Vegas residencies for the likes of the Backstreet Boys and Mariah Carey; producer Fatima Robinson, whose expansive background in creative direction and choreography landed her the Black Eyed Peas’ 2011 halftime show and Kendrick Lamar’s 2016 Grammy performance; producer Misty Buckley, who handled production design for Kacey Musgraves’ 2020 Christmas show; talent executive Patrick Menton from Dick Clark Productions; Corden collaborator Josie Cliff; and Super Bowl halftime, Olympic ceremony, Oscars, and Emmys director Hamish Hamilton, who Winston describes as a “legend” he’s admired since he was 14 years old. (David Wild, who has written for the Grammys since 2001 and became a producer in 2016, is the only person returning to his role.) Winston also points out that artists were heavily involved in designing their own performances.
Rather than have cameras pan over empty seats and an awkwardly small stage, the production team decided to reinvent the visual format with the five-stage setup. The pandemic’s limitations, coupled with the advantages of new faces coming in with fresh perspectives, helped them refrain from thinking in terms of what the Grammys had done before, he said.
For the most part, Covid-19 didn’t force too many changes. It did give Winston a lot of anxiety.
“There’s been so much uncertainty with what you’re allowed to do,” he says. Changing international quarantine rules made him question whether certain performers could fly in, while health guidance keeps fluctuating: “Every time my computer or phone dings, my first instinct is, ‘Oh, God, what’s gone wrong?’ I don’t know if that’s ever been my mentality before.”
While all the performers are confirmed and currently Covid-free, “you never know, one of their girlfriends could have Covid and have to quarantine, it’s all just bonkers,” Winston says. “There’s one artist that may, in the end, not be able to make it here due to rules of the country they’re currently in. There’s one immigration issue that we’ve got left.”
The show does not have replacements on hand if anyone pulls out — it’ll just cut that performance out.
Above all, Winston wants the 2021 Grammys to focus attention off of dire times. “I want people to be able to watch the 2021 Grammys in 2040 and go, ‘Wow, what an amazing show that was,’ and not go, ‘Oh, that was the Covid year, that’s why they had to do that,'” he says. “I think that’s what we could achieve if we get it right on Sunday.”
via RollingStone.com
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animationnut · 3 years
Feelings In Free Fall
Rating: K+ Summary: After the terrifying ordeal that was fighting F.O.W.L., tumbling through the air with no parachutes was far from the worst thing to happen to the McDuck clan that day. After all, what's better than hugs in free fall? 
Spoilers for The Last Adventure!
The bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds would have been peaceful if Huey wasn’t currently free-falling through the picturesque scenery.
The wind slapped at him from all sides. Huey kept his eyes firmly closed, pretending he was at the harbour or the beach and not plummeting to his death from tens of thousands of feet in the air. He tucked his legs against his body to prevent himself from tumbling in all directions.
“I’m going to be okay, I’m going to be okay,” he chanted. “We just survived the insane Bradford Buzzard. We’re not going to die because Launchpad accidentally hit a button. Fate is not that cruel.”
Something solid stuck him and Huey’s eyes flew open. He yelped as Louie frantically clung to him, his movements causing them to spin. “Louie!”
He grabbed hold of his brother’s wings and adjusted his body into a horizontal position. Louie copied his movements so that they were directly across from each other as they fell through the sky. “We need to get a cover for that button,” said Louie flatly.
“Don’t think it would help much. Launchpad will still find a way to crash the plane.”
“Yeah, but at least we’d be inside when it happens.”
“That would be preferable,” admitted Huey.
Louie arched a brow at the steady stare Huey aimed at his face. “Do I have something on my beak?”
“What? No.”
“Then why are you looking at me like that?”
“If I look down, I’m going to freak out,” said Huey, more calmly than he felt.
“Ah. Gotcha.”
“Hey, guys! Check this out!”
Louie glanced down, rolling his eyes at the sight of Dewey moonwalking through the air, moving his hips and arms to a rhythm only he could hear. “Show-off.”
Curious, Huey snapped his gaze down just long enough to catch Dewey’s dance routine before returning his eyes back to Louie’s face. “It’s kinda impressive.”
“I thought you were too scared to look down!”
“I am! But I only looked at Dewey, not what was under him.”
Louie was baffled. “How do you even do that?”
Dewey spun in a circle and flattened himself out, sailing up to join his brothers. Louie and Huey each grabbed one of his wings so that they were free-falling in a circle. “Pretty cool, right?” said Dewey cheerfully.
Huey could not help but smile. “It was very smooth.”
“You guys should try and do some tricks!”
“No way,” said Louie with a strong shake of his head.
“Yeah, I’m good,” said Huey feelingly.
Dewey regarded his brothers, his expression softening. “I’m really, really glad nothing bad happened to you, Huey,” he whispered. “We freaked when we saw you left your Junior Woodchuck Guidebook behind.”
“I’m glad nothing happened to you guys, either,” returned Huey. “I was really happy to see you.”
Louie grinned. “We could tell by how you nearly strangled us with your hug.”
Dewey lightly jostled Louie in the side. “You were great, by the way. That pep talk on the plane was something I needed. Thank you.”
“I knew the Dewey in you was there. You just had to stop trying to be Mom, Uncle Scrooge and Uncle Donald in order to find it. That plane flying of yours is seriously amazing and it’s all you.”
Dewey beamed. “Thanks! I am pretty awesome, aren’t I?”
“So humble, too,” said Huey sarcastically and Louie snickered.
“Heads up!”
The shout caused Huey, Dewey and Louie to look up in time to see Webby was hurtling towards them. Louie and Huey hastily let go and created a space for her to drop through. Before she went out of their reach, they snagged her by the wings, pulling her up to join their circle.
“Hi!” she chirped. “Isn’t this so cool?”
“I did a moonwalk over the clouds!” said Dewey excitedly. “Did you see?”
“I did! It was amazing!”
“Ha! See?” Dewey grinned smugly at his brothers. “Told you I’m awesome.”
“It’s a good thing you don’t wear hats,” said Louie. “That big head of yours wouldn’t fit into any of them.”
Huey studied Webby closely. There was a bright light in her eyes and she didn’t seem to be too fazed by the events of the day. “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly, wanting to be sure she was all right.
“I’m fine,” she answered with a nod. “Are you guys okay?”
“We’re good.” Dewey nibbled on his bottom beak. “Seriously, Webby, about the whole…clone thing. You’re not upset?”
“I was, at first,” admitted Webby. “But I think I was mostly angry. Angry that I was lied to by Granny. That I wasn’t who I thought I was. But I was wrong. It doesn’t matter who made me. It doesn’t matter that I was made and not born. I am the girl I’ve always been. Nothing changes that.
“And…well, I thought I lost my parents a long time ago. Now I have a dad!” Her delight was short-lived as she considered, for the first time, that this might not be something the triplets would be particularly happy with. “Does…does that bother you?” she asked in a small voice. “That I’m his daughter, and that I’m the one who found the Papyrus?”
“No,” Dewey said fiercely. “Not at all.”
“We think it’s so great that Uncle Scrooge is your dad,” said Huey sincerely.
“You were family before we knew about your past,” said Louie. “Why would that change now?”
Webby beamed. “I love you guys.”
“We love you too,” the triplets chorused.
“Hold that form, lads and lass!”
The kids glanced up to see Scrooge careening towards them, a wide grin on his beak. He did not show any signs of diverting from his path and Huey asked nervously, “Uhhhh what is he doing?”
For a moment it seemed like Scrooge would crash right into them. The shriek formed in Huey’s throat but before it could be released his great-uncle soared neatly through the middle of their circle. He somersaulted in place three times before angling his body so that the air carried him back to the kids.
Webby and Louie parted to make room and Scrooge joined the little formation they had created. He gripped Webby and Louie’s wings tightly, his eyes glinting with delight. “Ah knew Ah should have made ye kids wear those life vests.”
“Uncle Scrooge, even if there was water below us, a life vest would be useless given the speed with which we’re falling,” said Huey.
“It’s a joke, goof,” said Louie with a roll of his eyes.
“I know, but I feel we’re having too much fun given our life-threatening situation.”
“That’s never stopped us before,” countered Dewey. “At least this life-threatening situation isn’t, like, dark and dire.”
“We’ll be fine, lad,” said Scrooge, giving Huey a reassuring smile. “Fenton will nae let us plummet tae our deaths.”
“But Mom and Uncle Donald will,” said Louie with a straight face. “Totally don’t blame them.”
“Ye know what Ah mean,” said Scrooge with a slight smirk. His humour faded slightly and he regarded them all seriously. “What happened today was nae like anythin’ we ever faced before. If ye need tae talk, ye know Ah’m—”
“We know,” said Louie, giving Scrooge’s wing a tender squeeze. “We can always talk to you, Mom and Uncle Donald.”
“We already checked in with each other,” spoke Dewey. “We’re fine, Uncle Scrooge. What happened today was hard and terrifying, but we got through it, because we were fighting for each other.”
“Family sees us through, always,” said Webby earnestly.
“Aye, that it does,” said Scrooge with deep fondness. He surveyed the children that had changed his life so completely, an intense love burning bright in his heart. “Ah love ye kids. Always.”
“And we’ll always love you,” said Dewey with devotion, and Huey, Louie and Webby chimed in with their affirmations.
Though a warm fuzziness filled Huey’s chest, the anxiety still tingled, not letting him forget about their current predicament. “I hate to have another cute family moment interrupted, but we really should start making our way to the others.”
Dewey and Louie shared a mischievous glance. “All right, all right,” said Louie casually. “You want a boost?”
Huey blinked. “A boost? What does that—?”
Louie let go of Scrooge’s wing and Dewey pulled on Huey’s arm, yanking him from Webby’s hold. Ignoring Huey’s protests, Dewey and Louie each took one of his wings and used all their strength to send Huey hurtling downwards, where the others were scattered at various altitudes in their own free falls.
The sky flipped in all directions, just like Huey’s stomach, as he spun out of control through the air. Huey screamed with panic as he flailed, trying to put his body back into a stable position and failing.
“I haaaaaate you guuuuuuuuuys!” he wailed, even though he was sure his brothers couldn’t hear him any longer.
Alerted by the screams, B.O.Y.D. looked up to see Huey twisting towards him. He reached out and tried to grab his best friend, but missed the fabric of his red shirt by inches. Huey pitched below them and B.O.Y.D. cried out, “Huey!”
Gyro activated the communication function of Lil Bulb, connecting him to Gizmoduck’s helmet. “You’ve got Hat Nephew incoming,” he said.
Fenton snapped his gaze up. He could hear Huey’s screams but couldn’t see the boy. He was about to ask Gyro if Huey was still in his sight when the red-clad duckling plummeted through a cloud just above their heads.
Fenton jerked backwards, tilting his head as far back as possible so that Huey wouldn’t get hurt on his propeller. Gandra extended her wings and there was an oof from both her and Huey as she caught him.
“We’ve got him,” Fenton reported to Gyro.
Huey clung to Gandra, his stomach still twisting and turning despite the fact was he no longer moving. His heart raced in his chest and his breaths shuddered out of him. Gandra tightened her grip and said soothingly, “You’re okay, Huey. We’ve got you.”
“What happened?” asked Fenton in concern.
“My…brothers…are…jerks,” he wheezed.
“Siblings can be like that,” said Gandra in amusement.
Huey caught his breath and the roaring in his ears died down. He properly processed his surroundings, finding himself pressed against Gandra’s chest with his head tucked against her chin. She was in Fenton’s arms, cradled securely against the chest piece of the Gizmoduck armour.
Huey’s cheeks burned red. “I ruined a sweet moment, didn’t I? I am so sorry.”
“You did,” said Gandra with a teasing lilt.
“But now we’re having a new moment,” said Fenton cheerfully, briefly raising one armour-covered wing to stroke Huey’s feathers.
“Ugh, gross,” said Gandra, pulling a face, but a smile broke through when Huey wound his wings around her neck.
Up above, the cackling of Louie and Dewey was promptly cut off by a firm grip falling on their ears. “Ow,” whined Dewey. “Uncle Scrooge!”
“Ye know your brother does nae like tae be surprised like that,” he said sharply.
“That was mean,” chided Webby, crossing her wings over her chest.
Louie’s phone trilled in his pocket and, bewildered, he pulled it out. “Uncle Donald?” he said in confusion.
Scrooge let go of their ears and said knowingly, “Answer it.”
Louie tapped the screen and brought his phone to his newly-freed ear. “Uh…hello?”
“Where’s Huey?” barked Donald. “What happened?”
Eyes wide, Louie darted his gaze left, right and center. But Donald was nowhere in sight and he said in disbelief, “Wait, where are you? Did Huey fly by you?”
“He’s not with you?!”
“How did you even know?” cried Louie.
“It’s that sixth sense he’s got,” grumbled Dewey. “He always knows when we’re up to something.”
Scrooge nicked the phone and said smoothly, “The boys thought it would be funny tae throw Huey through the air. He’s fine, Ah saw Fenton catch him. Hmm? Yes, one moment.”
Scrooge returned the phone to Louie and, knowing what was coming next, he muttered, “Thanks a lot, Uncle Scrooge.”
“Yeah, thanks,” said Dewey with a pout.
“Ah trust ye two will be able tae find your way tae the others,” said Scrooge pointedly. “Come along, Webby Darlin’.”
Webby happily linked up with Scrooge and together they soared downwards. Louie winced and put his phone on speaker. Donald’s voice, already in mid-rant, erupted through the air.
“—and this is not the time to be goofing around or flinging your brother through the sky! When we get down to the ground you are going to apologize! Do you hear me?”
“Yes, Uncle Donald,” Louie and Dewey mumbled.
“And we want some sincerity when you apologize,” chimed in Della sternly. “You know your brother has anxiety. There’s a line, boys, and chucking your brother through the open sky by himself while we’re in free fall definitely crosses it.”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Do we need to come and get you?” asked Donald warningly.
“No!” said Dewey quickly. “No, we’re on our way down.”
“Don’t dawdle!”
The line went silent as Donald hung up. Louie sighed and stuck his phone back in his pocket. “You know the thing about having a big family? A lot of parental figures.”
“Isn’t it great?” said Dewey happily.
Louie snorted. “Yeah, when I’m not in trouble.”
He performed a spin before angling his body directly downwards. He went gliding away and Dewey stayed in place, the wind whipping past him. He spread his wings and fell backwards, his gaze trained on the bright blue expanse above him.
A few years ago, Donald freaked if they went onto their docked houseboat without their life vests. Now here they were, free-falling thousands of feet through the sky, and his uncle wasn’t tearing his feathers out trying to get to them. He trusted them to make their way to safety without his help.
But the protectiveness had been in Donald’s voice, just as strong as ever. Dewey knew, even if his uncle had learned to let go, he would always be there.
The thought of Donald and his near-death experience caused tears to spring to Dewey’s eyes. He swiped them away and refused to dwell on the memory that had nearly broken his heart. His uncle was safe. His family was safe.
The family that risked life and limb to save each other. A family that was much bigger than Dewey ever imagined it would be. A family he loved with his whole being.
Dewey flipped over and soared downwards. He spotted B.O.Y.D. holding Gyro by the back of his vest, his rocket feet propelling them through the sky and keeping them out of gravity’s mercy. In Gyro’s arms were Lil Bulb and Louie.
“The extra load isn’t too much for you, is it?” Dewey asked when he came within earshot.
“Not at all!” said B.O.Y.D. brightly. “Dr. Gearloose is quite light.”
“I wasn’t talking about Gyro,” said Dewey with a snicker.
Louie glared up at him. “Shut up.”
“I’m sorry, the Gyro Express is closed,” said Gyro flatly.
“Don’t listen to him,” dismissed Louie. “He told me the same thing.”
Gyro narrowed his eyes. “I can still drop you, Green Nephew.”
Louie groaned. “Come on, man. How long are you going to pretend you don’t know our names?”
“I don’t,” said Gyro with a sniff. “I haven’t gotten around to it. I’m a busy scientist. I don’t have time to learn the names of snot-nosed brats.”
“You can ride with me if you want,” offered B.O.Y.D.
“Nah, I’m good. I’m gonna go find Launchpad.” He extended a fist and said warmly, “Thank you, B.O.Y.D. You put yourself in a lot of danger to save my brother. That means a lot to me.”
“To us,” corrected Louie seriously.
“I’d do anything for Huey,” said B.O.Y.D. passionately. “I’d do anything for any of you.”
They exchanged a fist-bump and Dewey grabbed hold of Louie’s cheeks, squishing them together. “I love you, little bro.”
“Ugh, you’re so annoying,” whined Louie. He reached up and wrapped his wing around Dewey’s neck, pulling him as close as he could for a hug. “But despite that, I love you too.”
Gyro gave a yelp of surprise when Dewey hugged him next. Squeezing tight, Dewey whispered, “You saved Uncle Donald’s life. I can’t repay you for that, because it means absolutely everything to me, but I’ll try.”
“Yeah,” said Louie softly, resting his head against Gyro’s chest. “We owe you.”
“Don’t be stupid,” said Gyro gruffly, lightly setting his wing against the top of Dewey’s head. “You don’t owe me anything. It’s, uh, what family does. The whole saving each other thing.”
“He said it!” crowed Louie, gripping the front of Gyro’s shirt and shaking him. “He said we’re family!”
Gyro’s teeth rattled from the rough motion. “Knock it off! I mean it, I will drop you. Louie!”
“Ha! You do know our names!”
Dewey laughed as Gyro spluttered angrily. He continued his descent and it was barely a few minutes of falling later when he came upon Fenton, Gandra and Huey. “Eyyyy! How was your trip, Huey?”
“Terrifying!” snapped Huey, straining to smack at his brother.
“Listen, Uncle Donald told us to apologize, but he said to do it when we’re on the ground and we’re not on the ground yet, soooooo…”
“You are the worst.”
“You’re confusing me with Louie,” said Dewey jokingly.
“This isn’t the time to play around,” scolded Fenton lightly. “Hop on.”
“Thanks, but I’m on my way to Launchpad. Just wanted to stop by and give my big bro some love.” He rested his forehead against Huey’s and said affectionately, “I love you.”
His ire melting, Huey wrapped his wings around his brother. “I love you too. Even when you tap dance at three in the morning.”
“Aw, that’s sweet,” said Fenton warmly.
Gandra furrowed her brow. “You tap dance at three in the morning?”
“Sometimes I get restless,” said Dewey simply. “I like to dance it off.”
“But why tap dancing specifically?”
“It calms me down.”
Dewey regarded her, the way her arms were wrapped securely around Huey and how his brother was nestled comfortably against her. “Thank you,” he said sincerely. “For helping out my family today. This is, like, a weird way to officially meet, but I can’t wait to get to know you better. From everything Huey’s said about you, you’re awesome.”
“He talks about me?” said Gandra, touched.
“All the time.”
“Not all the time,” said Huey quickly. “A reasonable amount of time.”
“I’m flattered, Red.” Gandra playfully pinched his cheek. She smiled at the boy in blue and said, “Thanks, Dewey. I’m looking forward to getting to know you, too. I’ve never really found a place where I fit in before. I think your family might be what I’ve always been looking for.”
“It is,” said Dewey confidently. “Right, Fenton?”
“Absolutely,” said Fenton with a nod. “I…I didn’t think I had what it took to be a hero. But Launchpad, Mr. McDuck, you guys and everyone else showed me I was wrong. You are the reasons I fight.”
“So much mush,” said Gandra with a shudder.
“Get used to it,” teased Fenton. “You sure you don’t want to ride with us, Dewey?”
“Huey’s with his best friend and I ought to go to mine. See you in a few!”
It took a bit longer before he encountered the next group. The girls were all surrounded with Lena’s blue magic, keeping them anchored in the sky and letting them move as they pleased. Dewey cupped his wings around his beak and he shouted, “Webby!”
“Dewey!” she shrieked back gleefully.
She opened her wings and Dewey performed a spin before landing in her embrace. He gripped her tightly and whispered, “Thank you, Webby. For believing in me even when I didn’t. For not giving up even when I wanted to. I couldn’t have found out what happened to Mom without you.”
“I’ll always believe in you, Dewey,” said Webby fiercely, clinging to his shoulders. “Thanks for trusting me with your secrets.”
The coos came from the gathered girls, though Lena’s was a touch more sarcastic than sincere. Dewey stuck his tongue out at her and she made a face at him in return. He spun around so he could fully face May and June and took hold of their wings.
“Webby is like, the best sister you could ask for. I know everything is going to be crazy different for you now, but it’s going to be way better. I promise.”
“We’ve never been part of a family before,” said June hesitantly.
“I didn’t have a family at first, either,” said Lena softly. She pulled Violet against her side and said warmly, “But Violet and Webby changed that for me, and we’re going to change it for you.”
“We’ll show you the ropes,” said Violet confidently. “Don’t worry. You will be well-loved.”
May peeked at Dewey and said hopefully, “We always wondered what it would be like to have a brother.”
“Now you’ve got three,” said Dewey with a grin. “I’m the best triplet, though, but I’m sure you’ll soon figure that out.”
“Okay, one of the rules of this family, Huey is the most trustworthy triplet,” said Lena with a roll of her eyes. “So, like, don’t take anything this dork says seriously.”
“Noted,” chirped May and June.
Dewey clutched at his heart. “I am wounded.”
“Whatever,” said Lena with a snort. “You wanna fly with us?”
“I’m actually on my way to Launchpad. I thought I’d see you before I passed by.”
“Group hug before you go!” whooped Webby.
Dewey found himself smushed between the group of girls. “Cooties! I’m infected!”
May blinked. “Cooties?”
“Get outta here!” said Lena with a laugh.
Dewey found himself encased with blue magic. He yipped as Lena flung him down and as he twisted and spun through the air, he found the inspiration for his apology to Huey.
Thanks to the burst of power from Lena’s magic, Dewey came upon Manny, Mrs. Beakley, Scrooge, Della and Donald much quicker. “Heeeeeey!” he said dizzily as he finally straightened himself out.
“What are you doing?” demanded Donald. “I told you not to dawdle!”
“I’m not! I’m on my way to Launchpad!”
“Where are your brothers?” asked Della with a frown.
“Louie’s with Gyro and B.O.Y.D. and Huey’s with Fenton and Gandra.”
“Is Webby still with the girls?” asked Mrs. Beakley.
“Yup! Just passed them.”
“Launchpad is too far down,” insisted Donald. “Get over here.”
“I’m going to be fine! I can literally see Launchpad from here, it won’t take long.” Dewey grinned at Manny and said, “Love the makeover, by the way. Beyond epic.”
“I must say, it’s nice to have my own head once again,” Manny replied.
“Don’t see what was wrong with the other one,” said Scrooge under his breath.
“All right, before I go, I have some very important things to say,” declared Dewey. He drifted over to Mrs. Beakley and folded his wings around her neck. “Thanks for being our protector,” he said softly. “I love you.”
Mrs. Beakley set a wing against his back. “I love you too, Dewey. I will always fight the battles you cannot,” she said strongly. “And thank you, for all you’ve done for my—for Web—”
“For your granddaughter,” interrupted Dewey firmly. “She’s your granddaughter.”
It took Mrs. Beakley a minute before she could speak past the lump that formed in her throat. “Yes. She is.”
Dewey latched onto his great-uncle next and Scrooge wasted no time into pulling his nephew against his chest. “Ah’ve hunted years for the most sought-after treasures,” he whispered. “But ye kids and your uncle reminded me that there will never be a greater treasure than my family. Ah love ye, Dewey.”
“I love you too,” said Dewey, nuzzling into the front of Scrooge’s coat. “You taught me so much. You showed me the world. You helped me realize that I’m special as I am, and that the only one who thought I wasn’t good enough was me.”
“Ye are perfect joost the way ye are,” murmured Scrooge. “Do nae ever change.”
“Thanks, Uncle Scrooge.”
Scrooge gently let him go and Dewey floated back into the air. He angled himself in front of his mother and uncle and, at the sight of the tears already building in their eyes, his own started to spill over.
“You know, I’m the luckiest kid in the world. When I set out to solve the mystery of my mom, I only wanted to know what happened to her. I thought she was lost, but then I found her. She wasn’t who I thought she was—she was even better than that. She’s been trying to be the best mother she can be ever since she came back and though she makes mistakes sometimes, I know she loves us, and she’s already taught each of us so much. She’s amazing.
“Even if I didn’t understand it or always appreciate it, I was protected for the first decade of my life by someone who loved me and my brothers more than anything else in the world. He loved us enough to bring us to meet our great-uncle, and we’ve grown together ever since. I know that even if he learned to let go, he’ll always be close enough for me to reach out and grab hold of. I never had to go searching for my dad because he’s been with me since the day I was hatched.”
Donald seized Dewey by a wing and pulled the boy into his embrace. Della twisted around and placed one wing on the back of Donald’s neck while the other curled around Dewey’s waist. Donald nuzzled his beak against the top of Dewey’s head and the duckling clung to them, tears splashing down his cheeks.
“I love you,” he said tearfully. “I love you both so much. I’m who I am because of you.”
“No, you’re who you are because of your uncle,” said Della with gratitude. “The best brother a girl could ask for, and the best dad. I see so much of Donald in you and your brothers.”
“When I look at them, I see you,” countered Donald, lightly running his wing through Dewey’s feathers. “Their spirit, their love of adventure and their strength is all you.”
“No,” said Scrooge, his voice thick with emotion. “The boys are both of ye. Ah know because the traits that drove me crazy when ye were kids are the same traits that these kids have.”
Donald and Della looked at each other and laughed. Della wiped the tears from Dewey’s face and kissed his forehead. “I love you, baby. I am so, so proud of you.”
“You boys are my world,” said Donald tenderly. “That’ll never change.”
Dewey beamed. “You guys are my world, too.”
“Now go to Launchpad before I strap you to Manny,” said Donald.
“I would prefer if you didn’t,” the horse said.
Donald and Della raised their wings with Dewey holding on. For a moment he floated in the grasp of his guardians, and Dewey’s heart felt like it would burst from the amount of love he felt.
The twins let go and Dewey tuck and rolled, sailing further down. He spun onto his back to blow Scrooge, Della and Donald a kiss, which they mimed catching in unison with adoring, loving smiles on their beaks.
Dewey fell into a dive and he hollered, “Launchpad!”
“Little buddy!” cried Launchpad.
“Can I ride with you?”
“You sure can! Get over here!”
Dewey fell level beside Gosalyn and she grinned at him. “All right! Now we balance out the nerdiness with our coolness!”
“You know it!” he cheered, high-fiving her.
Darkwing ruffled his feathers. “Better get secure, kiddo. I think the ground’s fast approaching.”
Launchpad grabbed hold of Dewey and the boy let out a small squeak as he was sandwiched against the pilot’s broad chest. “Don’t worry, Dewey. I’ll keep you safe.”
“I know you will,” said Dewey with a smile. “Thanks for being my best friend, Launchpad. You inspire me every day. I love you.”
“Aw, buddy, I love you too,” said Launchpad with a sniffle, squeezing Dewey even tighter. “But you inspire me way more.”
“You’ll never guess what happened in the evil guy’s lair,” said Gosalyn eagerly.
“What happened?”
“Launchpad became Gizmoduck! He kicked butt and it was awesome!”
Dewey craned his neck and said excitedly, “You got to borrow Gizmoduck’s armour?!”
“I sure did!” said Launchpad proudly.
“Tell. Me. Everything.”
As Launchpad started to tell an enthralled Dewey the story, Darkwing turned to Gosalyn and frowned. “Wait. Borrowed? I thought Launchpad was Gizmoduck.”
Gosalyn shook her head fondly and lightly tapped Darkwing’s beak. “Yeah, no, he’s definitely not, Clueless One.”
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mimiri22-6 · 3 years
Let's do this. One last time.
Ducktales 2017. I didn't think I was ready for the end, but the finale was too perfect to be sad nor angry.
There's so much to say-too much to say...and I'm going to try my best to say all of it.
Seeing Webby and Scrooge interactions now, after watching this once, is just-They're So Soft! AND everything is just-AH I love it. It's so weird, but when is the family tree not screwy(also, Webby=Scrooge's clone? Webby=female? Trans Scrooge=Cannon?! I think Fucking So!)
Aaaaaaannd that's all we get from Gladstone and Fethry. If there's one thing I wish was in this episode more it would be more cousin interactions and Daisy. Though, Daisy not being too into it makes sense. Loved what we got of her tho. At least we got a little bit of them this episode, it was already pretty character packed
Well...Launchpad is only half wrong.
Oh wow. Oh Wow, I love this dynamic between LP, Drake, and Fenton...ot4? because I refuse to leave Gandra out. I love how Drake doesn't know about Fenton and Gizmo while it seems like everyone else in the world does. Still, LP/Drake and Gandra/Fenton some of my faves. So good
OH YEAH! Even the other 2 Caballeros are here!!
And the last adventure STARTS
I find it Fantastic how Dewey and Launchpad will probably die thinking F.O.W.L used the last level of a videogame as their secret layer layout
*sigh* This is why I avoid previews and wish I was better at avoiding theories from after those previews. I would have been more surprised and probably would have enjoyed this ep even more if I had Nothing to expect. But the theories were right. Tho, I did not expect how (or should I say Who) Webby was cloned from...though also I was spoiled by that when I was looking for the ep. Some ass used "Scrooge is Webby's dad" as a video title. I didn't think it was real, but I was wrong.
Awwww. Don has such a soft spot for kids
I love Lena and her development.
...*sigh* ok. "you've already got sisters" with this line, I am obligated to drop the Webby/Lena ship. I'm sorry, but it's one of my many rules for being ok with a ship. If the characters Ever say, even just once as an afterthought, they see each other as siblings or something similar, I will see them as that. It's why I've never been ok and have been uncomfortable with Shiro/Keith since Keith saved Shiro from...his clones...huh. So, from now on, I'm going to be Very uncomfortable with anything Weblena...even though the thought of them in the future was cute
HOW does a show about building ottomans have plot???
I wasn't sure how to feel about the clones All throughout this
Oooooh. That picture of Webby's parents...is fake. It's like some picture Beakley took off the internet.
I saw a post saying how Della had to convince Donald to go on one last adventure and how she had to watch him almost die, but she really Didn't. She helped him pack and she was ready to let Donald go on his adventure("but Daisy's my adventure" They are too damn cute for their own damn good. I love them. donsy for the win), but an actual Crisis came up and he had to stay. Donald nearly dying by void was not Della's fault and if I see any more posts about how she roped Donald into a death mission, I will go up a wall and break a neck on my way down
Man, it's weird hearing this and knowing that Webby's parents don't exist
Wow! Beakley just knocked out Scrooge! Damn!
Oooh! The girls are fighting
...Woah. I just realized, the blood and brain of Scrooge McDuck and the training of Bentina Beakley. Webby is even more of a beast than we knew.
Pepper. Just Pepper. She seems like one of your parent's nice coworkers that brings you brownies and pinches your cheeks
I also really like that you can't tell which Gyro is telling that to
God, I Fucking Love the concept that is Manny. He's one of those things that if someone asked you about him outside of the fandom, you wouldn't even know where to start. It's absolutely FanFuckingTastic. He's the most magical thing in the universe? Fuck Yes, give that to me Now!
HE SPEAKS!!!!!!(I couldn't place his voice actor, but I when I looked him up I realized recognized him for Glossaryck from SVTFOE)
(Edit: Just found out that the scene with Manny was a Gargoyles ref. Nice!)
Once again, I love everything about LP, Drake, and Fenton
And then Lena Died
Aww, they both have such soft spots for children
(that had to be a different font because really, what the fuck)
He really did just say he was too busy to die. This duck is too powerful
(I really just don't have too much to say between all of this. I just love all of it)
Woo! Louie with the motivation!
Pft-how both of them are singing? Love to see it...wait, we don't see Don Karnage after this...DID HE DIE IN THAT CRASH?! DID DEWEY COMMIT HIS FIRST MURDER?!
"Welcome home, April." I hate you.
Of course he dabs
"he was like this when we found him." Nice to know Gos knows what to do in the event that she kills someone
Oh that's horrendous. I hate that
"Now, let's get down to business." TO DEF[get's shot]
Why is Manny like actually the best?
God, Drake and LP really are two halves of a whole idiot huh? They're soulmates, your honor
"I. Am." "Not alone in this." That was so sweet, but also JUST TELL HIM!!
And now Glom is dead
Oh, that's a lot of mind control
"Even by our standards, this is a weird day." Couldn't say it better, Lena
"How do you think Della found out about the Spear of Selene?" OH, YOU MOTHERFU
"Oh, Bradford, how villainous." DAMN! HE REALLY DID JUST DO THAT, HUH?!
"Do you know how replaceable clones are?" Oh yeah, that's right. You're probably not the og Gyro
Man, we don't ever have Von Drake for long but I always love him
Those lights are really only there for dramatic effect, aren't they?
...Close enough.
Launchpad moment! Yeah!!!
HEY! I just noticed. While wearing the suit, Launchpad didn't crash...idk what to do with this info
The fine print is usually good to read...we people just don't do it apparently
"...your most trusted ally?" *picks Donald* Wow. That's right there with the feels ain't it
"it's not worth the risk." Fuck, I love them
Oh that sounds so weird. Scrooge has never been a dad, always Uncle. So Weird
And Gandra, Gyro, and Von Drake are dead. There is a Body Count this episode
"Donald Duck." "Uncle Scrooge." I SEE YOU! I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE! AND I LOVE IT!
Hehe. From Bitchford to bird brain.
Beakley thinking she's no longer accepted? Nah, she was granny first and foremost
"We're smarter" "We're tougher" "We're sharper" And we'll earn our way square." AH-I'M GOING DOWN LIKE THE SUNCHASER, GUYS
I don't know what else to say.
This show was amazing from beginning to end. I may not have cried, but I didn't need to cry. It wasn't sad and there was nothing bittersweet about it. Just pure perfection, just like the rest of the show.
Perfectly Preen, not a fether out of place.
Goodnight Ducktales, you were perfect
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Every single episode of Ducktales (2017) Summarized in Roughly in One Sentence or Less!
Thank you Frank and team so much for introducing this family to a new generation of kids while remaining faithful to your source material. I hope you all enjoy my attempts at humor!
Woo-oo!: We don’t really know what’s going on yet but let’s do this!
Escape To/From Atlantis!: “Well I’m wearing a kilt McDuck! A kiiiilt!”
Daytrip of Doom!: They’re all siblings now and I love them all.
The Great Dime Chase!: “Shut up, everyone! I’ve done something brilliant!” (Also: Guess’s who my favorite character is?)
The Beagle Birthday Breakout!: Lena and Webby are best girls, fight me on this
Terror of the Terra-firmians!: This is the Spoopiest episode and also the most heartwarming.
The House of the Lucky Gander!: He’s an asshole but I love him.
The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!: He’s an even bigger asshole but I love him.
The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!: I too would do anything for a good burrito.
The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!: “If I had a nickel for every person who cursed me with their dying breath, I’d be twice as rich as I already am.”
The Spear of Selene!: Of course Scrooge showed up freaking Zeus.
Beware the B.U.D.D.Y System!: The fusion of Iron Man and Sailor Moon I never knew I always wanted.
The Missing Links of Moorshire!: I always knew My Little Pony had a deadly fandom but this is ridiculous…
Mystery at McDuck Manor!: Took you long enough, Duckworth, welcome back.
Jaw$!: In this house, we love and respect Tiffany. (Also: Whoever came up with this episode title is the coolest person ever)
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!: Scrooge and Glomgold are in love with Allison Janney, and honestly, same.
Day of the Only Child!: Doofus is even creepier than Lil’ Gideon, and that is saying something.
From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22!: *hums James Bond theme intensely to myself*
Who is Gizmoduck?!: He’s not throwing away his shot! (I’m sorry, I had to)
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!: I love Louie in this episode, he’s such a mood.
Sky Pirates… in the Sky!: The Pirates of the Caribbean meets High School Music crossover starring evil Panchito I never knew I needed.
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!: We’re all Webby in this episode.
The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!: *ugly sobbing*
The Shadow War, Part 1: Night of De Spell!: Donald finally gets the love he deserves.
The Shadow War Part 2: Day of the Ducks!: *spoiler warning* How is she still alive?!?!?!
The Most Dangerous Game… Night!: David screaming “GAME NIGHT!” is the best damn thing I’ve ever seen.
The Depths of Cousin Fethry!: I love Cousin Spongebob!
The Ballad of Duke Baloney!: Dammit, Frank.
The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!: They’re boyfriends mates, sorry I don’t make the rules.
Storkules in Duckburg!: Storkules is the ultimate Donald Duck fan, we cannot comepete.
Last Christmas!: Somehow the Ghost of Christmas McBrayer is the least surprising thing I’ve ever seen in this show.
Whatever Happened to Della Duck?!: Oh, so that’s how she survived.
Treasure of the Found Lamp!: Dijin is the best character.
The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!: Yee–and I cannot stress this enough–haw.
The 87 Cent Solution!: *wheezing* Dammit, Frank…
The Golden Spear!: Oh my god, they were roommates!
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!: Dammit, Frank!
Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!: “So stand out, above the crowd! Even if I gotta shout it out loud!”
Friendship Hates Magic!: Webby gets two friends for the price of one seance!
The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!: BEAKS SMASH… THAT LIKE BUTTON! (I’m so sorry)
The Duck Knight Returns!: *spoilers* The single best superhero, origin story-based episode ever! 
Whatever Happened To Donald Duck?!: *sobbing* He’s a good dad!
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!: This entire episode is creepier than most indie horror games.
A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!: All the kids’ dreams are moods… except Huey’s, his dream can go jump off a microwave.
The Golden Army of Cornelius Coot!: Della is just pulling a Donald and adopting any and all kids within arms reach at this point.
Timephoon!: “I’m on it!” *gets struck by lightning* “I’ve immediately failed you!”
Glomtales!: I don’t know what’s more surprising, the fact that Louie won the bet or that they used Glomgold’s theme song takeover as the intro.
The Richest Duck in the World!: Drag them, Owlson. Drag them all…
Moonvasion! Part 1: *deep inhale* D A M M I T F R A N K!
Moonvasion! Part 2: Glomgold is my new favorite villain character.
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchuck!: Huey and Violet fight for the right to be crowned the squarest of squares.
Quack Pack!: Radical dude! *insert cheesy 90s riff here*
Double-O Duck in You Only Crash Twice!: We were all simping SO HARD this episode don’t think I forgot!!!
The Lost Harp of Mervana!: Scrooge fails a vibe check.
Louie’s Eleven!:  Is it really a heist movie if something doesn’t go completely wrong?
Astro B.O.Y.D.!: So much ANIME!!!!!!
The Rumble for Ragnarok!: Eh, the MCU did it better
The Phantom and the Sorceress!: Seeing Gladstone suffer brings me an odd amount of joy
They Put a Moonlander on Earth!: They’re lesbians, Harold!
The Trickening!: Did… did no one really tell Launchpad how Halloween works?
The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!: If I had a nickel for every time a cartoon version of Ponce de Leon died a gruesome death on screen, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
Let’s Get Dangerous!: *spoilers* THEY ARE A SUPERHERO FAMILY!!!!
Escape from the ImpossiBin!: Scrooge and Beakley are a little too excited to traumatize their family because of their trauma.
The Split Sword of Swanstantine!: Dewey and Webby literally walk in blind, Violet spices things up, and Huey unleashes the Rage™
New Gods on the Block!: The most accurate representation of Zeus ever.
The First Adventure!: Young Donald is one heck of a mood.
The Fight for Castle McDuck!: The sibling culture episode.
How Santa Stole Christmas!: Charles Dickens would approve, probably.
Beaks in the Shell!: Huey ships Fendra and Gyro needs to stop hiding in the closet.
The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!: The Battle of Theatre Kids... in the Sky!
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck!: All the emotional weight was nearly overshadowed by One (1) attractive goth twink.
The Last Adventure Part 1; A Tale of Three Webbys!: They’re so cute! I love them!
The Last Adventure Part 2; The Lost Library of Isabella Finch!: Letting the kids on the plane is the single smartest decision Scrooge has ever made in his life.
The Last Adventure Part 3; Tale’s End!: *ugly, happy, heartbreaking sobbing* Woo-oo!
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vilevampire · 3 years
“Needs” (One Shot)
Part of the Polysuperscience AU, though this time it’s mostly just Fenro. Rating: Teen and up audiences Trigger Warnings: N/A Relationships: Gyro Gearloose x Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera Summary: He was far too stubborn to admit it, but at that moment, Gyro felt truly alone. 1.073 words Ao3 Link
A heavy sigh left Gyro’s mouth.
He dropped his pen. It was already late at night and he had been staring at the work he was supposed to be doing for hours now. Clearly, this wasn’t going anywhere.
He rested his body on his work table. An unusually vulnerable position for him to be in, but he was alone in his lab and far too tired to care.
Heavens be damned, why was he so tired?
He barely got anything done that day: no work, no social gatherings, no dealing with artificial intelligence suddenly turning evil, nothing!
His family didn’t come to bother him even once today!
Another sigh escaped him.
Maybe that was the problem.
Boyd was spending the week with his other family, the Drakes, and Lil’ Bulb went along to keep an eye on their sibling.
Fenton’s superhero work had left him too exhausted for any visits.
Drake, Launchpad and Gosalyn spent most of their time in St. Canard.
Even Gandra was probably too focused on her own scientific work to pay any attention to him.
He was far too stubborn to admit it, but at that moment, Gyro felt truly alone.
Before he realized it, quiet tears came down from his eyes. He let out a dry laugh.
When was the last time he had cried? Weeks, maybe even months ago? He was so used to just bottling it all up, even just accepting his feelings for his partners had been a total nightmare.
His light laughter gave way for a sudden rush of tears that streamed down his face.
Why couldn’t he stop crying?
He used to be so good at this. Even when he was at his worse, he made sure to never let a single tear escape.
Why did his heart ache so much? Since when was he such a crybaby? He’d been through so much worse, this amount of pain should be nothing for him.
So why did he feel like he was reaching his boiling point?
Since when had he started shaking? 
He couldn’t hold it in anymore, so he let out a loud sob.
But no one was there to hear it...
...or so he thought, but he was surprised when a warm hand suddenly touched his shoulder.
“Dr. Gearloose…?”
It was Fenton. He had been so shocked, he accidentally blurted out a nickname that hadn’t been used since he and Gyro started dating.
Nobody would be able to blame him. He had never seen his boyfriend like this before.
He looked so empty, so ashamed, so…
The Gyro Gearloose he knew would never let anyone see him in a state like this. This time, he had been careless.
In a single motion, Gyro wiped all of his tears away. He forced his body to stop shaking, looking over at Fenton with his usual smug expression.
“What are you up to so late at night, intern?” He played along to Fenton’s slip-up.
Fenton blinked in response. Gyro’s demeanor had made such a complete 180º, he considered if maybe that first impression had simply been a product of his imagination.
Once he examined his boyfriend a little more carefully, however, he was able to pick up on some small, yet very significant differences.
Like the way his body was still slightly shaking, for example.
Still, unless one observed Gyro closely, they wouldn’t be able to tell he was disguising his emotions.
He was really good at this, almost scaringly so.
Fenton took a deep breath. He realized that, more than ever, his boyfriend needed him.
And he was glad that he could be there for him.
Silently, he pulled Gyro into a hug.
At first, Gyro showed no reaction. Eventually, he hugged Fenton back, and the crying that had previously stopped came back at full force.
“It’s okay, just let it all out. Whatever you’re going through, we’ll get through it together, alright? I love you, you deserve a good break.” Fenton rubbed comforting circles on his back as he spoke.
Gyro cried harder upon hearing that, but maybe that was a good thing.
He cried hard enough to compensate for all those years of bottling up his feelings and, admittedly, he felt a whole lot better afterwards.
After a while, his crying died down and he pushed Fenton away, looking absolutely desolated.
His boyfriend’s heart ached just from looking at him in this state.
“So… do you think you’re feeling good enough to tell me what’s wrong, or…?” He asked very gently, afraid he might scare Gyro away with too many intrusive questions. “...I don’t know,” Gyro spoke honestly, his voice sounding painfully raspy. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just… feel something missing.”
Fenton took this literally. He tried to think up of things that might be missing from Gyro’s life, but couldn’t come up with anything except…
“Love, could it be... you’re feeling lonely?” He said, placing his hand on Gyro’s shoulder.
Those past few days had been the first time in many months that Gyro’s family was nowhere to be seen in his life. Even Lil’ Bulb, who stuck by his side at all times, wasn’t with him for once.
It suddenly occurred to Fenton that his boyfriend might have felt needy.
Gyro pulled a face. He wasn’t willing to admit it, but he did miss his family, especially his partners.
“Whaat? Who, me? Lonely? Pssht, as if.” He faked a laugh. It didn’t take Fenton nearly as much effort this time to tell that he was lying.
“Okay, sure thing Mr. Gearloose,” He chuckled. “I’ll let the others know we’re meeting up, alright?” “...Well, if you insist.”  “Yeah, I do.” Fenton pulled his boyfriend to peck his beak. “You’re allowed to feel this way, y’know? It’s okay to demand some attention every once in a while. You have needs too.”
The thought made Gyro feel warm inside, as well as very confused. He was so used to burying his true feelings. Thinking that he was allowed… no, encouraged to be himself and expose his most private thoughts…
He wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to fully get used to it.
Suddenly, Fenton grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“You don’t have to do everything by yourself. We’re here for you.”
From there on forwards, Gyro would have to make a continuous effort to remind himself he wasn’t alone anymore.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Shadow Into Light (Lena Retrospective): Friendship Hates Magic! (Commission by WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome, and to some of you welcome back to Shadow Into Light, my fully paid for but gladly done Lena retrospective, covering everyone’s faviorite lesbian emo shadow’s personal jounrey through all three seasons and some brucey bonuses.
So this time we pick up in mid-season 2.. yes MID season 2. Though for once taking so long to adress things had valid reasons. It dosen’t make the 8 month wait for Lena to return and for Violet to show up, her concept art having been shown off shortly before Shadow War aired during San Diego Comic Con, any less aggravating, especially since the episode did air overseas before that but never leaked anywhere properly. So I knew she’d be okay but not HOW. 
As I said though.. they had their reasons. The episode was set for episode 8 in production order, right behind whatever Happened to Della Duck? which answered the other big cliffhanger from season 1, Della’s exile on the moon. So while this episode was back in the queue, along with Della’s, which had to wait till after the christmas episode to air because said episode takes place before it. So waiting on this episode was fair on the crew’s part even knowing it was a hiatus. 
It ended up getting pushed back by a week once the episodes started airing.. but as outlined last time, THIS TIME Disney actually moved it for good reason instead of just doing so because shut up. See the problem with moving episodes around in season 2.. is Della’s return. Several episodes that in theory could’ve easily been pushed back instead of this one, Depths of Cousin Fethry, Treasure of the Found Lamp... couldn’t because they take place BEFORE Della came back and it’d be weird to air them after.  One features Donald, the other dosen’t but still lacks Della and it’d be weird if it did> While this episode takes place before Della comes back or was at least meant to, no one appears in person, and Beakly mentoning “the boys and scrooge” at the bin could simply be her forgetting Della’s a part of things for a second. It’s not entirely in character, but it’s much easier than explaning why Della’s not there and Donald is. 
They also moved one episode ahead of this.. but it’s one I approve of. See from episode 7 onward the episodes were aired in week long duckbombs, woo-ooo. I I don’t fault disney for it or the reason I suspect they had for doing this: while it wasn’t the intended way of airing, they likely did this airing style to get shows on Disney Plus quicker for it’s debut and given they’ve sunk a LOT of money into the streaming service and it’s a key part of their future, I can’t blame them for wanting the entire series thus far on the platform at launch. It’s one of if not their most popular show at the moment. They wanted it front and center. 
So this one took an extra week to air, and an extra day as they aired raiders of the doomsday vault right after Della’s return in “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!”.. which is also not a bad move. Fans wanted more of Della and her bonding with the kids, I wanted more of that so while the wait was grumble inducing, it was worth the tradeoff to get more of this character and her bonding with Dewey.. and let’s face it Glomgold.  You know what i’m about at this point. 
So there were delays but not the mind boggling ones that reshuffled the season last time and by next season there’d be zero reshuffling with both holiday episodes designed to go anywhere. So with the history and the agonizing wait out of the way join me under the cut as a snark knight returns, a new fan faviorite debuts and Beakly gets sucked into Launchpad’s awful fandom. 
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We open our story at the Duckburg Library. Man I fucking miss the library. I mean you can go by apointment and what not but I also have library card debt and stuff, and it’s just not the same. 
Anyways naturally Webby is going there to research the Shadow Realm in hopes of finding something to bring Lena back. Last week was “Children’s Card Games, Dark Magic and You! by Professor Yugi Moto which while enlightening got her nowhere. Next up is “Shadow Games on Motorcycles!: How a Crimson Dragon defeated a giant Shadow Monster and brought the dead back and I helped by Doctor Yusei Fudo”. 
But that one’s not in yet so she instead goes to the Librarian to get another book.. and it’s Quackfaster! Horay! As for why she’s working two jobs, she’s saving up for a retirement condo in BIRDDDBAAADDOOOSSSSS. I had to type it that way it’s ape law. 
But her next book “I Went there and it Sucked, My Time in the Shadow Realm by Mayor of New Jersey Joey Wheeler” is taken by “another strange little girl”. Quackfaster, you chase people around with a scimitar. Just accept your the weird one and live with it like me. You’ll be happier that way. 
And so we finally meet Violet whose introduced pitch perfectly. Webby gives out her usual “Hi I”m Webby”.. and Violet simply holds a finger up, finishes her page and gives a simple “Yes?” It demonstrates her quite nature, her love of reading and her lack of social skills all in one fell swoop. The ensuing dead language off is also pretty damn adorable reminding me of that scene from “Lisa’s Wedding” where she and Hugh fight over a book and reading it before making out.. minus the making out because these are children, no one wants that, and Webby is taken. .and even then again children. Most we get is an innocent peck and some blushing. 
So Violet, finding out Webby needs it and is researching the arcane too offers to research together tonight, bringing a sleeping bag just in case it goes on long... to Lena’s unheard objections as she’s rattled by the break in her normal routine with Webby, and the possibility of Webby falling for someone else. I mean this i framed as a friendship thing... but you can only say “friend” so many times in a work before you sound like a retired grandma in denial about their granddaughter. 
Later at the Mansion, Beakley is enjoying a nice quiet afternoon to herself. Turns out once a month Scrooge has “Binventory Day” where he and the boys catalogue the bin for hours giving her a night to herself and Webby. Webby loudly interuppts the peace as is Cartoon Law, but Beakley is pleased Webby is getting back on the friendship horse. 
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Bentina ends up ruining it a bit though by bringing up her previous slumber party disasters... which even Lena at her most jealous admits were her fault and only agrees to in the hopes Webby’s going to cancel. Instead Webby decides to make this the most normal sleepover ever! The one where her new friend is coming to specifically help her with magic. 
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 Bentina tries to back her grandaughter/daughter down from this insane logic, but Webby does, if innocently clap back well to her being the one to give her “Be yourself” advice.  “I’m not like you Granny, I need to have friends”
And while Webby quickly flees after Beakley tries to deny it.. she’s not wrong. She has exactly one friend who she works for and no social life to speak of.. and as far as I can tell she’s fine this way. Beakley is happy with her work and raising Webby and has someone to talk to in Scrooge. She has everything she needs, while Webby is a social butterfly.. a socially inept social butterfly. She needs people and loves meeting new people and needs friends and not just her family. One’s an introvert the other’s an extrovert. I’m both at times, and before you ask why yes it is a living nightmare thank you so much for asking. I get where both are coming from. And Beakley clearly had friends at one point it’s just a long war with FOWL and a sudden granddaughter probably whittled it down to just Scrooge. It’s okay to be yourself. 
So this is where the plotlines split off, so as usual, i’m splitting the up. 
Launchpad and Beakley in Getting To Know You And Getting Sucked INto Your Strange and Lovely Fandom
So Beakley naturally cries out “name one person I don’t get along with.. and in walks Launchpad , Nature’s Perfect Himbo, having destroyed the gate and at least being honest he probably will again. Why he’s here when the boys and Scrooge are all gone? 
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But I don’t care as this subplot is just.. a nonstop delight. Starting with Beakly inviting Launchpad to sup with her.. which just confuses him. Look Bentina you have to use small words.. it’s a miracle he gets up in the morning, dreses himself and hasn’t died in a tragic gasoline fight accident. You have to know your audience. Still funny.
And “not knowing your audience” continues as Beakly serves them pea soup but Launchpad is intimidated by the spoons and while she does offer to help instead tries to use all of them then a straw and then falls facedown in his soup. And this is the SECOND TIME Beakly’s left someone living at the mansion to die. I mean that’s not a lot but it’s still weird it happened twice. 
Finally they sit quitely, Beakly reading the Scarlet Pimpernell, and Launchpad doing a coloring book. And besides the odd couple energy what I really like about this subplot.. is that it fleshes Beakly out> This is one of her ONLY plots in the entire goddamn series, yes really. 70 episodes and she only got five spotlight episodes/plots. But it does at least show her off: her upperclass pedigree we really don’t see often, showing that while she applied to the job as maid out of necisity she knows her stuff, her love of classic literature and her being out of touch with the common person. It’s not a ton but it’s more than ninja butler or “stop having fun with your kids della and be a parent”. I mean she wasn’t wrong but she could’ve been nicer about it given the circumstances. 
So Launchpad, given Beakley’s never shown any interest in him as a person before, assumes she’s going to fire him and was just softening him up. I mean Scrooge himself outright said he never would and if he did he’d do it to your face, hard as it’d be. But that aside, he’s fine with getting to know her once he knows that no he’s not being fired she just wanted to hang out, he’s everyone’s friend. But naturally an upperclash british former super spy and a dumb as a bucket with a heart of gold pilot have nothing in common, not even aircraft as “plane go up, plane crash going down’ is about the extent of his actual knowledge on aircraft that isn’t instinct or dumb luck. 
He does manage to break the ice though, mistaking her book for a Darkwing Duck book and deciding to show her the show since it might be something they have in common. At first she’s as unintuhsed as you’d expect a british lady who never watches the telly watching a 90′s kids show would be.. but by the end she’s gotten all the way into it.
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 It’s really endearing, showning that two vastly diffrent people with nothing can common can be brought together by something as simple and glorious as liking the same show. I’ve had it happen with me. She naturally is all for filiming his fanscript after the finale provides no answers, being the one to suggest it and the two end the episode shooting it with her in full darkwing duck cosplay. I’ts a cute and entertaining subplot and a nice contrast to the main plot which while not super dark, does have a fog of tension over it. Speaking of which. 
Webby, Lena and Violet: In Two’s Company, Three Accidently Creates Monsters That Nearly Take Your Girlfriend Off Into The Shadowy Abyss So the slumber party gets underway with Webby shooing away Duckworth after clearing out her room to greet Violet herself and violet having brought pie... a great callback to an earlier joke where Webby wondered if pie was normal at a sleepover. No but it should be. So Webby welcomes her in to her totally normal room devoid of anything. Nothing suspicious about that. 
So Violet tries to get her into research, specifically Tulpas, an actual magical concept, a mental construct of some kind created out of desire, imagination or what have you. Gee I wonder if that will come into play this episode. Webby.. wants to play baggle or what have you or do makeovers and drags Violet along to do the second thing after Violet asks about Magica.  Lena then finds something glowing in Violet’s bag...specifically, her old amulet, cracked but still working and flowing with Magica’s power. 
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Lena assumes Violet is Magica and goes to warn Webby only to find her HORRIBLY MUTATED! Naturally it’s a misdirect, as it turns out Violet is just REALLY good at special effects makeup. It’s something I honestly forgot about her... i’m betting one of her dad’s is an effects artist. Just saying that’d be neat. But Webby gives the “i’m normal really even though I live in a giant mansion with my dad I don’t know is my dad and my grandma whose actually my adopted mom” game away by pointing out the demon’s fang is crooked and Violet is curious and heads to Webby’s room finding a picture from said demon. He signed it and everything. Good man that Rakshaka. 
Webby is worried Violet will be freaked out by all the weird but nope, she enjoys it. And it’s not a suprise: violet is actively researching the shadow dimension. Why WOULD she be scared off. The conflict was in Webby’s head all along.. and partly out of PTSD, but we’ll get to that. Webby still tries to get her to baggle but they settle on ancient rune dice baggle and summoning some spirits. Lena scoffs.. until it actually works. It does make sense though: As we’ll see in her last starring role, Lena is kinda like Wanda Maximoff: she has an extreme amount of power but she has no idea how to use it and is simply making up most of her magic as she goes along or took magica’s lead. But the spell means Lena can touch the dice so she spells out don’t trust her.. but forgets she’s dealing with two nerds who love unlocking puzzles and assume the message is on the dice themselves. 
Webby and Violet decide they need more clarity and resume the seance.. which summons mysterious white shadow creatures Lena saw before.. .some now taking Magica’s shape. And Lena’s panicked “Oh not again” says it all. So Lena tries the tried and true bedsheet ghost cliche, grumbling about it but showing up as a ghost without any abillity to speak or talk to webby dosen’t do anything and Violet tackles the sheet before deciding to grab the amulet to dispiate the spirit.. only for Lena to show up for a breif second before she does show making the panicked child look incredibly supscious. 
Webby naturally tackles and interrogates Violet wanting the full story. And it turns out the big secret is.. Violet is entirely normal. Nothing to do with Magica, no possesions or secretly being her or a minon of hers... she was just a logic obsessed 12 year old who thought magic was a myth.. until the Shadow War proved “Nope it’s real everything you know is wrong. Up is down black is white and short is long”. She just happened to be close to the bin and found the amulet when the remains of the staff fell near her and compacted back into it. 
It’s a brilliant reveal. See first watch around your genuinely unsure if Violet is a real person or not.. unless you went in knowing she is, but semantics. Point is most first time viewers didn’t know she’d be a beloved member of the supporting cast and didn’t know what to expect. But looking back... it makes no sense. If Magica had the amulet.. why would she need to infiltrate the mansion. Revenge? Possibly but she’d want Scrooge there too. Even being evil on her own Violet had valid opportunity to pilfer Webby’s magical items, she has an entire box of magic rocks right there and then simply zap her with the amulet. But she didn’t.. because Violet is a person.  When she DOES use it she’s utterly terrified, and we can see her breathing heavy, scared.. something Magica has NEVER been of Lena. To Violet it was just a ghost. Webby hadn’t told her about lena and any information she had about her was second hand from newspapers and the like. 
Webby is sympathetic, as Violet’s feeling of being sheltered from this greater world naturally resonates and while Lena is still supscious, having reincorperated, it’s clear Webby trusts violet and simply dosen’t want to loose another friend to magic. Here trying to hide it now takes another tone.. she knows Lena was behind it.. but is so afraid of it consuming violet the way it did Lena, she forgets almost ALL of the weird magic stuff in sleepovers was magica’s manipulation, and that Lena died because her creator was a monster, not because of magic. Magic is not inherently good or bad, it just is, and that will come back as a theme in a few episodes. It allowed Magica to ravage the town and kill Lena.. but it allowed Lena to exist in the first place and while the terrible events with Magica clearly shook her.. it also shook violet out of her complacency and got her to research a world she never would’ve considered. Good can come from bad. 
And it’s with this in mind that Violet.. does not give up. She’s stayed in her box enough.. and now she knows the spirit is a friendly one.. she figures they can bring Lena BACK using the amulet. After all it was lena’s and the source of her powers.. it might be the key to reiviving her. And while Lena, if invisibly as always, remarks it’s dangerous.. Webby, with no hesitation agrees to get her girlfriend back. It’s risky sure.. but what Lena hasn’t gotten is she’s WORTH the list. She’s so full of self loathing from both her manupations of webby and Magica’s gaslighting and abuse that she can’t see herself being worth anything even as Webby spent MONTHS trying to save her, clearly still loves her, and only didn’t want violet getting hurt because she misses her.  Webby still loves and needs her for who Lena is.. Lena just can’t it and it hurts to think about that. 
So the girls once again try to summon Lena and it starts to work.. but also summons the Tulpa’s back... this time taking Magica’s form and causing a suspcious lena to panic.. and suck both of them into the shadow realm. We get the reunion we’ve been waiting for as Webby tackle hugs her happily.
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But it’s soon cut short as Lena still thinks Violet is just manipulating Webby, lying to her and that “she’s mine!”
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For the record Joss Whedon sucks, not taking that out on Anthony Stewart Head  or the guys who actually wrote the episode. Moving on. 
I feel Lena’s jealousy comes from the aformentioned self loathing, mixed with a life of having to live just to surivive at the beck and call of a throughly awful person who didn’t consider her a sentient being worthy of anything especially love. She can’t fathom anyone else loving Webby the way she does because she feels once webby has anyone else.. she won’t need her. It’s toxic and wrong.. but it’s easy to see why that’d happen when sh’es only had one healthy relationship. She barely knows the boys, Beakly only grew to tolerate her and she was only friends with Scrooge for like.. a minute. Webby is the only person she knows, loves and trusts and she just can’t risk loosing that and can’t convince herself to share. 
In a realistic scenario Lena would have to simply learn to trust and let her girlfriend have other relationshps and that hogging her all to herself is inhernetly toxic and bad. And while she still does we’re talking about a living pile of shadows smooching a clone, so yeah instead the tulpas come out and drag her off..and take Lena’s form. While Lena tries to blame Violet, Violet has absolutley none of that and makes Lena see the hard truth: Lena is so worried about being forgotten, she created the tulpas by accidnet. As I said her power is raw and unfocused.. so she didn’t do it on purpose nor did she realize how toxic she was being. This finally snaps Lena back to reality, and see Violet geniunely cares about Webby and any ulterior motives were just in her head, so the two agree to work together, using a similar chant to the one from Jaws to destroy the Tulpas and save Webby.
So the shadow realm is disapated and our trio are returned to the human world.. but Lena, not being part of it and no longer having a tether.. starts to disolve, with a really heartbreaking scene of Webby holding her hand, as does violet. But.. then a miracle happens. Since the Bracelet was Lena’s link to Webby, and to her own magic, with it and the amulet close by.. both swirl around Lena, and the power of love.. for a new friend and a first love... revivies her. Mist parts.. and we get one heartwarming sign that after all this time  “I’m back?!” Lena is confused.. but once again part of this plane of reality. She’s free and WEbby triumphanthly hugs her with Violet joining in. By letting go of her hate.. Lena returned to who she loved. They also run into the end of the other subplot and Launchpad’s casual hey lena is just great. 
So our heroes are reunited and doing horror makeup and I really love Webby’s updo here and wish more works fan nd otherwise used it. WE get a final fakeout as Lena seemingly disovles and Violet reveals herself as magica.. only for it to be a prank and Webby to just be glad the love of her life and her new best friend get a long. We get one last hearwarming image and we close out.. with Lena finally having what she always wanted freedom. And while she may not know it yet in accepting violet.. she’s finally found family. More on that in a few weeks. 
Final Thoughts: This episode is excellent. It’s not the best of the Lena arc, that comes next and it does drag once or twice.. but overall it’s a really great character piece, with a nice ballance betwen the tense main plot and the funny and goofy subplot. It adds more to Lena’s character, finally brings her back, while giving us a new and throughly fascenating new character to rave about in Violet, as well as giving Webby her own personal squad. It’s a great episode.. and only leads to a better one. But we’ll get to that in a week or so. First we have a bit of a detour and my plug. 
If you liked this review, follow for more, spread it around, and join my patreon. It’s almost time for new patreons to pay up and if you hit my stretch goal i’ll review a darkwing duck episode next month and every month! We’re just five bucks away people! And if you’d like to just comission a review directly it’s just 5 bucks an episode and avaliable via my dms, ask or discord. 
Next Time on Shadow Into Light: We take a break from the last two Lena episodes to go to one of her sources as we head back to Ducktales 87 with Magica’s Shadow War! I know almost nothing going in so... Shadow betrayals and stuff? Yay?
Tommorow: It’s Fenton’s birthday! And since i’ve done a LOT of ducktales recently and can’t do super ducktales till I hit my next stretch goal at 25 bucks, we’re going back to ST Canard at long last for Gizmoducks second apperance.. which can’t possibly be worse than the first so i’m excited. Let’s get dangerous tommorow!
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
My Top 10 Favorite Ducktales Characters
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NO. 10 Hewey Duck
At number 10 is Huey!
Hewey has been my least favorite triplet for most of the series; it by no means he’s a bad character or any of the sorts, Huey is more down to earth compared to other characters. It’s hard to say much about Hewey other than how he’s a sweet, fun character I’m glad is around.
His development in season three was good, though the weakest of the three. Kinda half-baked and rushed, as if the creators thought, “we have to add some Huey development since this is his season.” With Dewey and Louie’s, it felt like their respective seasons revolved around them instead of the other way around. The only episode I really think perfectly gave Huey development and at the same time move the main plot forward fluidly was the “Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!” with the whole Huey vs. Violet rivalry. Y’know what also sucks. Huey wasn’t even that integral to the finale. That annoys me to no end.
Now, I’m going to end this with positive notes.
What got Huey into the list was his sweet nature and how integral he is to the team’s balance. Every team needs someone who represents order and Huey is just that. Plus, his innocent love for romance is so cute. I love the episode where him and Webby were setting a date up for Fenton and Gandra.
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NO. 9 Scrooge McDuck
Scrooge is probably the most interesting protagonist I’ve ever watched. Unlike most of them, he’s more of an anti-hero than a pure hero like Steven Universe or Luz from Owl House.
I don’t really have much to say about him because I don’t love him as much as the characters above him. He probably has the best development- Lena’s rivaling his really well. In the beginning, Scrooge was a grumpy miser but now, thanks to the kids, his heart is softer and more open. His cheapness is annoying, but the good qualities overthrow the bad.
Scrooge most likely would’ve been higher in the list if “The Life & Crimes of Scrooge McDuck” didn’t happen- or at least occurred in season two instead since humility and hard work was the main theme. The writers went overboard showing the audience how bad of a person Scrooge was in the past, especially with him taking advantage of the poor villagers and leaving them in their states-without even helping them. This episode downgraded Scrooge pretty badly.
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NO. 8 Donald Duck
Although on the lower half of the list, I still hold so much love and respect for this version of Donald. He’s such a massive improvement from his previous iteration. The creators made him kind and strong-willed but kept his anger issues. Though, they turned that flaw into a more comedic and positive aspect of Donald since he uses that intense anger to protect his family. Speaking of that, his relationship with the triplets is absolutely adorable. He loves and protects them like a great father, and I’m still a bit peeved that characters didn’t acknowledge that more. Instead, their relationship was sidelined and pretty much haphazardly... replaced-I don’t know if that’s the right word- with May and June.
Another thing that annoyed me was Donald’s voice treatment. The creators pretty much portrayed his speaking problem as a joke, which is terrible. I hope to goodness that children with speaking troubles don’t take those “jokes” to heart because there is nothing wrong with having a different voice. It’s also surprising how much characters mostly don’t understand him when I can seventy percent of the time. This complaint is more towards season one since that was the season where most of the jokes happened.
Anyways, I hope this Donald will start a new beginning for the next iterations of him. A nice guy who has anger issues but means well. Same with him and Daisy’s relationship-another massive improvement the writers did. They are such a great couple from the episodes we got with them and this dynamic should continue.
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NO. 7 Webby Vanderquack
Another character who was massively improved was the great Webby Vanderquack!
In the original series, she was a boring damsel-in-distress with no personality-pretty much like the earliest Disney princesses. The ‘17 creators did such a great job molding reboot Webby into a character who can kill you with kindness or impressive fighting skills. This pink-loving queen is probably the sweetest character I’ve ever met; I just want to hug her.
I love her optimism and caring personality. She was able to change Lena for the better and not give up on her when almost everyone did. Webby is the best friend you can have.
While I’m not fully on board with the Webby finale twist, I really liked how her interest in the McDucks played some big part of the finale. Do I wish it was in different circumstances? Yes, but I’m still glad Webby got an important moment for herself. That interrogation scene was very emotional; seeing Beakley fully breakdown like she did was shocking and really set the mood of how pivotal that moment. I literally almost cried seeing Webby so heartbroken by her grandmother’s lies- this pink baby deserves all the love in the world. At least she found out the truth and gained a parental figure in her life.
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NO. 6 Louie Duck
I’ve gotta admit; I did not like Louie that much at the start of the show. Greedy and selfish characters usually don’t get my love, but season two changed. A lot more depth was added to him such as his insecurities and anxieties. I struggle with these issues and it was nice to see a character show that as well. One of my favorite arcs was Louie’s trouble connecting with Della; it was realistic and not rushed. While watching this season, I was often having trouble connecting with people, even old friends. Sort of having someone experiencing them alongside me made me feel less insecure and lonely.
His development was really good too, from beginning to end. At first, Louie was someone who was willing to execute every angle no matter how much it could hurt his loved ones. Yet, he grew to be a humbler person who now knows the consequences of his angles. A favorite episode of mine is “The Richest Duck in the World” because of this development. Seeing Louie clean the Bombei’s shoes with Scrooge made my heart melt.
What lowered him down to number eight was season three. There were a few episodes that backtracked Louie’s development like “The Trickening” and “The Fight for Castle McDuck” episodes. He was a real jerk towards Huey for no reason. It frustrated me enough to affect this list. And I also prefer other characters more.
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NO. 5 Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
You can’t expect me to not put this quirky and adorable dork in the top five! He’s one of the best boys in the show. Him being voiced by the great Lin-Manuel Miranda does add some bonus points- you can tell I’m a big Hamilton fan.
Like Webby, Fenton was drastically improved. He became this sweet, scatterbrained scientist who only wants to help people. I instantly fell in love with him. And it got even better when Fenton became Gizmoduck- my second favorite DT hero. He deserved so much more screen time, especially in season 3; “Beaks in the Shell” was not a good enough episode for Fenton and his relationship with Gandra. There should’ve been more. The finale moments he had was not satisfying enough, particularly him and DW sort of team up. It was rushed.
If a Darkwing Duck reboot takes place in the ’17 universe then Fenton must be a major character- at least show up in ten episodes a season. A Gizmoduck and Darkwing crossover is essential, and I will riot if it that doesn’t happen. And more Fandra, my fifth -maybe fourth- favorite ship.
I also had a big crush on Fenton back in season one. You can’t help but love him this sweety pie. This pretty much influenced thirty percent of his placement.
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NO. 4 Launchpad McQuack
This muscular dummy is amazing! He brings a sense of comedy and light to every episode he is in. It’s infectious as h*ll!
I liked Launchpad instantly. He’s kind and wants the best for people. Optimistic characters are almost the best characters. They are great reminders of how there are still many good people in the world. Whenever I’m down and watch Ducktales, LP makes me feel a lot better with his dumb yet endearing moments. My favorite jokes are literally LP sending Beakley an invitation saying not to come and when he tried to make small talk with Gosalyn at the window; I can never stop laughing at those moments.
There are times when Launchpad’s dumbness irks me, but his good qualities overthrow that. Though, I wish he wasn’t used too much as comedy relief; LP had the potential to gain more development than what he got. I’ll give an example. Learning about his family would’ve been great to know- an appearance wouldn’t have hurt either. It could’ve opened a reason to why LP cares about Scrooge’s opinion and cares about him like a dad. Maybe there’s some bitterness in LP’s relationship with his dad and that’s why he doesn’t talk about his parents. Loopey not being introduced was a missed opportunity. Big brother Launchpad is all I need.
I also have a small crush on Launchpad, though mostly for his personality and voice. He’s still cute *wink.*
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NO. 3 Drake Mallard
We made it to the top three! With the dashing caped crusader Darkwing Duck starting us off!
It’s funny how much I love a character who’s only appeared in like five-maybe six- episodes enough to put him in the top three. I had some trouble defining many reasons why I love him; it’s this weird connection I have with DW. He’s this dorky dummy who loved a big part of his childhood enough to make it his reality, yet I love him so much.
I think what made me fall in love with him was how similar we are. Like him, I was a meek person who got pushed a few times- either physically or mentally. Those times also inspired me to grow stronger and be an inspiration for the next generation. I can be pretty clumsy too(lol). Characters I see myself in are usually really high in my love list and it shouldn’t be surprising that Drake is one of them.
His kind and genuine nature was also what drew me in. And, I just made this realization, this is the first time I don’t prefer the original iteration over the latest one. I still love ‘91 Drake but he’s too arrogant.
Unlike the original DW, Drake became a hero to help others- though a wish for glory played a bit of a part too. This clumsy, stuttering actor took a step to become his hero and a future one for children like him. That’s admirable. His lovable personality also being so cute enough for me to want to give a big hug is a good addition.
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NO. 2 Lena Sabrewing
Hands down Lena had the best development!
She started off as this distant loner who followed the gray area of morality. Now, Lena is a part of this loving family and her own person. A few of her episodes are my favorites, such as “Friendship Hates Magic!” and “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill.” They are well-written episodes and hit me in the feels.
Like Louie and Drake, I see myself in Lena. There are times I’ve been afraid I’ll take on my family’s bad habits or turn like them. That’s why I love “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!” Watching Lena try to be good enough and feeling insecure reminded me of the dark times I usually think about. There are even times I have dreams of these issues. The creators must have been inspired by me (lol). Though, I am kind of jealous of Lena because of how great her friends are. I want friends like Webby and Violet.
Even so, I do have some issues with Lena. Her magic arc was not written as well as her previous arcs. This might be more of a personal opinion than anything, but I’m still going to say it. Lena learned to control her magic too quickly, and it was treated as more like a plot device. And a shaking one at that. For example, in “The Split Sword of Swanstantine” Lena was able to stop time and send her and Huey into his mindscape. But, somehow, she couldn’t conjure a burst of energy to attack Steelbeak; granted, Huey mentioned that, yet Lena’s reasoning was dumb. Attacking someone with magic is way easier than doing what she did. I’m a little lenient on this since that idea lead to more Huey development, though I’m still going to critique it.
A great thing about Lena learning was her temporary outfit change. She looks absolutely amazing in light colors, which I didn’t expect, and her hair design is what I saw she would look good in. The eye shape is kind of weird.
Lena’s magic mode is in my list of cosplays.
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NO. 1 Dewey Duck
Finally, number one is Dewey Duck!
Dewey has stolen my heart since the beginning. His positivity and fun nature always make me smile, even during the toughest times.
In my opinion, Dewey has the best arc/development of the triplets. His arc trying to find out what happened to his mother was what kept me watching Ducktales and helped me see why this show is so special. Many of my favorite moments are in season one, specifically ones involving Dewey. For instance, the scene in “The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!” where Dewey was willing to risk his life to get the last piece of paper and possibly solve what happened to Della was emotional. Hearing the desperation in his voice while pleading with Scrooge to tell him what happened hit me hard. I can’t imagine how much pain HDL have gone through not knowing what happened and thinking they aren’t allowed to ask. It would be terrible to experience.
Another moment I loved was in “The Spear of Selene.” It was when Dewey was hesitant to know what happened as the possibility that Della was a bad person grew more prominent. He looked so defeated admitting that realization and it reminded me of myself. There were moments when I realized that my parents were not as good as I thought. It hurt me a lot. At least sweet Dewey didn’t have to go through that. The scene when Dewey started tearing up seeing his mom in the sphere was also heartwarming. I wanted to give him the biggest hug.
Dewey’s insecurities of not being good enough and to be loved is what I struggle with too. Its kind of different because I have trouble believing anyone loves me while he wants everybody to like him. Confidence is not my forte.
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we’ll meet again, chapter seven
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: nothing, just going along with the plot of Apocalypse
Words: 1.8K
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
You jolt awake to the sound of Peter yelling, eyes snapping open to see him scrambling to the other side of the room you found yourself in. There were green lasers on every side of the wall, encasing you in some sort of cage.
“What’s wrong with you?” Hank’s voice next to you made you turn. He was in his “beast” form, slowly sitting up.
Peter looked down at his hands. “Is that gonna happen to all of us?” He looked up at you for confirmation, but Hank continued speaking.
“No, I just left my meds in the house.” After he stood up, he held his arm out, helping you up as well. You muttered a small thanks in return, still disoriented from everything going on.
“What happened, where are we?” Moira asked, getting no response from any of you.
“Hey, hey!” Raven’s yelling turned everyone’s attention to the top of the room, where the man from earlier was standing behind a window, staring down at you all. You inched closer to Peter, finding a small amount of comfort in the familiarity of your best friend.
“Hello, Mystique.” The man spoke coolly. His voice gave you a chill, only calmed by Peter wrapping an arm around you.
“Major Stryker.” She responded coldly, taking a few steps towards him.
“Colonel Stryker. I wouldn’t get too close to the wall if I were you. It may create some… discomfort.” At his words, you took a step away from the wall, gently pulling Peter with you.
“I’m Moira MacTaggart,” Moira cut in, stepping forward. “I’m a senior officer at the CIA.”
“I know who you are, agent MacTaggart.” Came Stryker’s response.
“You cannot keep me here, in this-”
“Actually I can. A psychic event just destroyed every nuke from here to Moscow.” Peter turned to you, mouthing the words “holy shit” before Stryker spoke again. “That event emanated from exactly where we found you, at the home of the world’s most powerful psychic. So you are going to tell me where is Charles Xavier?”
“It’s not him you should be worried about. There’s someone else. Someone more powerful.” Moira’s words made your heart sink. Someone more powerful?
“If you let us out of here, we can help you.” Raven joined in, growing frustrated.
“Do you really expect me to believe that? You can put on any face that you want, but I know who you are. What you are.” Without saying another word, he stepped away from the microphone and left you all standing there, helpless.
“Um, Moira?” Hank said, catching her eye. “What did you mean when you said someone more powerful than Charles?”
As she began to explain, Peter left your side, shifting your focus as he walked up to Raven.
“Did you know him?” He asked. “Magneto?”
Your brow furrowed as you turned away from Hank’s conversation, appearing back at Peter’s side. He didn’t acknowledge your arrival to the conversation, besides his hand finding yours.
“I used to,” Raven said, not looking at him. “Not so sure anymore.”
“What was he like? Was he uhh- like they say he was- was he the… bad guy?” You could tell Peter was trying to slow his words down for her, half so his desperation wouldn’t shine through and half so she could understand him.
“No.” Her response was immediate, making Peter relax some. “I mean- yeah. He was… Why do you care so much, see his speech on TV or something?”
“Yeah, but, uh…” He cleared his throat, leaning closer to the two of you before continuing. “He’s my father.”
“What?” Raven finally turned around, eyes wide. You were just as shocked, simply whispering his name.
“Him and my mom, they-” Out of instinct, you put your hand over his, stopping him from making the gesture he was about to make while Raven interrupted him.
“No, I know.” She paused for a moment, letting the information sink in as she looked him over. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, he left my mom before I was born. I met him ten years back, but I didn’t know it was him. By the time I figured it out, it was too late. Then this week I saw him on TV again, and I came to that house looking for him? But, by the time I got there,” he exhaled, looking at you briefly before looking back to Raven. “Late again… You know for a guy who moves as fast as me I always seem to be too late.”
“Let’s hope not this time.” She said, and you gave him a reassuring smile.
“Yeah, seriously.”
Before any of you could get another word in, Charles’ voice invaded your mind.
Hear me, inhabitants of this rock. This is a message. A message to every man, woman, and mutant. You have lost your way, but I have returned. The day of reckoning is here. All your buildings, all your towers, and temples… will fall. And the dawn of a new age will rise. For there is nothing you can do. This message is for one reason alone. To tell the strongest among you; those with the greatest power… protect those without.
“How is Charles doing that without Cerebro?” Hank asked, looking around the room.
No one answered, the only sound following Hank’s voice was a sharp knocking at the glass. You looked up, seeing Stryker standing there, impatient.
“I know that voice. It’s Xavier isn’t it, what’s going on?” His tone was so different from before as if all the upper hand he had was lost.
“We don’t know!” Raven yelled, followed closely by Peter’s more childish, “we don’t know, bro!”
Stryker sighed, walking away from the glass. You sighed, leaning your head on Peter’s shoulder. It was nice seeing him again, but everything else around you was just so much. And not to mention losing Alex like that…
You stayed like that for a couple of minutes, trying to regain your composure when alarms started going off. They were faint from where you all were standing, but you could still clearly see the yellow alarm lights flashing in the room behind the window. Whatever was happening couldn’t be good. You picked your head up, taking a tentative step towards the window.
“What are they doing?” Moira asked, not directed at anyone in particular.
“What’s going on?” Hank joined in, as well, all of you staring up at the alarms.
“Hey!” Raven yelled, to no avail. None of you could be heard outside of the cage unless they wanted you to be.
Suddenly, you could hear shouted warnings followed by a round of gunshots. You almost yelped, jumping back at the noise. The five of you stood there, in the middle of the room like sitting ducks. Your eyes kept darting around, trying to get a glimpse of movement in the room, but there was nothing. The alarms continued to blare distantly, but no other sound came.
When you saw Kurt, walk into the room, you blinked a couple times, a mixture of shock and relief on your face.
“Kurt,” Hank said plainly.
“How many blue mutants do you know?” Peter whispered, not taking his eyes off Kurt.
You shushed him, trying to figure out what Kurt was trying to say. He was making small gestures, words not reaching past the room he stood inside. He pointed off behind you guys, but none of you seemed to follow.
“What?” All of you except Raven asked, one at a time. Your brows furrowed as you tried in vain to reach his lips.
Raven pointed to her ear, and Kurt stopped, taking a step back and looking down at the console in front of him.
Whatever he did worked, because then you could hear the crackle of the microphone system.
“St..ay… away… -rom … -e doo-”
“What?” Hank asked again, leaning closer as if it would make him hear better.
“Th- doo- stay -way fr-m th-”
“Get away from the door!” Raven yelled, jumping into action.
“The door!” Peter grabbed your hand, pulling you with him across to the other side of the cage.
“On three!” Kurt’s voice rang out. “One, two-” He stopped, looking at his hand, realizing he ran out of fingers to count with. The count still continued, however, because in the next second, a blast hit the door, shooting debris into the room. You covered your eyes, shrinking away from the blast, not realizing how much Peter was shielding you from it with his body.
Raven ran out first, with you and Peter close behind. In front of you stood Jean and Scott, thankfully unharmed.
“We know where the professor is.” Jean started, looking to Raven.
“I think we might have a way out of here,” Scott said, nodding in reassurance.
“Well, you’ve been busy,” Raven added, taking a step towards them as the rest of the group filed out of the cage.
“We had uh- a- a little help,” Scott muttered, taking off once everyone was safely in the hallway. “Let’s go.”
As you ran, Kurt appeared in front of Scott who barely moved out of the way in time to dodge him.
“Ah! Jesus!” Peter yelled, clearly still not used to being around other mutants.
“Oh, sorry!” Kurt replied in earnest.
  After a bit of running and twisting through hallways with dead guards littering the ground, you found a giant room being used as a launchpad, complete with a jet sitting right in the middle.
“Hey Hank, you think you can fly this thing?” Raven asked, knowing damn well he could if he tried.
“Yeah, I could figure it out.” You smiled at his modesty; Hank was one of the smartest people you’ve ever met.
“Hey, guys.” Scott’s voice grabbed everyone’s attention, turning to him. “Flight suits.”
Raven walked over, assessing the suits before looking back to Hank again. “You’ve got your warplane, let’s go to war.”
“Man, I hope those things fit.” You muttered quiet enough for only Peter to hear you. He snickered, walking up to one of the suits, and taking it out from its case.
  Once you were all changed, everyone began to board the jet.
“Hey,” you stopped Peter, gently grabbing his wrist. He spun around, eyebrows raised.
“I’m just,” you hesitated, before looking into his eyes. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
He smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder. “I’m really glad you’re here too.”
“Guys! C’mon!” Raven called out, making you rush onto the jet.
You took the empty seat next to Peter, wringing your hands together in nervousness. To your surprise, Peter was already shoving a stick of gum in his mouth, god knows where he found that. He glanced at you, noticing your nerves.
“It’s gonna be okay. I’ll protect you.” He seemed so confident about it that you felt yourself relax a little. If only you knew what battle you were getting yourself into.
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harlequinmoss · 3 years
How would you rewrite season 3 so it would be more coherent? I'm not talking about a full on rewrite of the entire episodes, I just mean how to make the plot lines and development flow better or changing them to be satisfying for all the characters.
Okay this is a really good question. I was going to say to make it more centered on FOWL but going back and reading the episode titles, it already kinda is. Like there's not that many episodes that don't tie into the finale in some way. I do have tweaks here and there that would help with plot and character development throughout the season. This ended up being a lot longer than I thought so here's a page break lol
Going in a linear format, Steelbeak should have made himself smart in Double-O-Duck instead of making the ray to make everyone else dumb. He'd be a more competent villain and more in line with his character in the original DWD. Maybe he could have even played a roll in LGD. It also would have avoided both him and Launchpad being mostly comic relief characters. I think there's too many jokes at Launchpad's expense about him being dumb. If he went back to his "normal" level of intelligence at the end, he could have told the family about FOWL without jeprodizing the search for the rest of the season. All they'll know is that FOWL is trying to take down the family and where the secret headquarters is. There's still the search for the leader and why FOWL is doing what they're doing. This makes it so that Huey has more to do and accomplish in what is supposed to be his season.
Next, The Rumble For Ragnorok. I'm just going off of memory here. I don't think that this episode did very much in the way of developing characters. Or at all. It was a forgettable filler episode where Dewey learned a lesson about humility or something and then it didn't come into play ever again. This episode could have been removed entirely to make room for an episode after LGD to give the Mallard-McQuack family more screen time and development. A general plot of this episode could be: Huey is helping Fenton and the other adults search the other realities for Gosalyn's missing grandpa. They end up finding him but he's either dead/a totally different person with different memories that doesn't remember Gosalyn at all. This event causes Gosalyn to give up the search and accept that her family is gone. Dewey has an emotional moment with her aside where he comforts her and relates the situation back to his mom and talks about found family while looking back at Launchpad and Drake. (Not really integrating this into any of my other points but if Della died on the moon in season 2 and the kids knew about this, it would make the interaction more impactful) At the end of the episode, its shown that Gosalyn has her own room, either in the lair or in a house similar to the original DWD, and Drake tucks her in while singing her lullaby.
The Phantom and the Sorceress. Oh God, what a mess. There's way too much wrong with this episode. Soup-Du-Silence had a good idea on how to fix it from Lena's perspective, which you can read about here. As for Gladstone, he could have still lost his powers and come to the mansion for help. But instead of him asking literal children, its Della and Donald (and maybe Fethry is there too) and then its a cousins adventure! Donald revels in Gladstone being unlucky but still wants to help. Gladstone doesn't seem so pathetic and played for comic relief. They track down the Blot together after Lena and her family fight him out of the Saberwing house, or they're about to find him when the Blot's gauntlet breaks and Gladstone magically gets his luck back for seemingly no reason, much to Donald's dismay. It might have to be two different episodes because cutting back and forth between the two plot lines would detract time from each and make the episode harder to follow. Idk but there's so many things they could have done that would have made the episode actually good and coherent
Let's Get Dangerous. It was good but it felt rushed. It needed to be longer. The timeline was hard to follow. Instead of the cheap shot at the end were Heron picks Bradford up in a FOWL helicopter, have the triplets being suspicious of him and figuring it out for themselves. Maybe they're all wary for different reasons and talking about it in a group huddle and Huey connects the dots in a dramatic reveal. They confront Bradford who does an evil villain slow clap congratulating them on figuring it out, but before anything else can happen, he's able to escape.
How Santa Stole Christmas. I don't think we needed this backstory. Instead, give us the opportunity to see bonding between characters. Its Della and Donald's first Christmas back together. Let us see that. Give us an interaction about the sweater. "You still have that sweater?" "Of course, wear it every year." And then they hug or something. That's literally all they had to do. Instead of following a Santa storyline that ends in Scrooge leaving an impoverished child alone in a house with nothing but a lump of coal when he could have given a tiny portion of his wealth to help her, let Scrooge learn the true meaning of Christmas through his family. Or even better yet, let him throw a party, inviting over recurring characters, and have it double as a brain storming session on how to defeat FOWL. Show them coming up with the plan for Webby's birthday party. Give us interactions with characters who haven't been there all season. Penumbra can help. Where has she been? She was building a ship back to the moon before, right? Give a conclusion to that. If she's decided to stay on Earth like it seemed in the end of her episode, all we really need is a short two second clip of her hanging out with the other Moonlanders, having their own form of Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever else.
As for the last few episodes leading up to the finale, I get what they were going for. Give each of the triplets one last centric episode. However, I think that the messages fell short in the Dewey and Louie episodes. I think they should have taken more of a Beaks in the Shell approach where the selected triplet still gets to shine, while also setting up high stakes for the finale. Don't be adding new characters so late in the game, be wrapping up storylines with already established ones. There wasn't really a point in adding Kit or Poe, other than the writers wanting to make reference to as many characters as possible. Same with April May and June.
Now for the finale. My main thing: don't make Webby a clone. It messes too much with all the dynamics in the show and ruins the found family message they've had this entire time. It would have been a lot better if Webby's parents were FOWL agents who had a change of heart after having their child and got killed by Bradford or Heron when trying to leave the organization. That's ample reason for Beakley not wanting Webby to know. I think the finale did a pretty good job of wrapping things up outside of that, honestly. Again, there wasn't really enough time to give all the characters a proper ending, like Gene who just disappeared once he was saved, never to be seen again, but if time was managed better in the episodes leading up to the finale, it would have made it so that more characters could have accomplished what they needed to. And what was with Bradford getting turned into a real buzzard at the end? You really going to just undomesticate him like that? Give him some poetic justice, push him into the void that makes people cease to exist.
That's about all I can think of at the moment. Thanks for the ask! It was fun to go through everything and think about what could have been done better
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a-sirens-melody · 3 years
i can’t believe it’s true, i get to love you
It’s finally here!! I’m so excited to share my first drakepad fic. Get ready for 5k words of absolute sap kjskhdg (I’ll reblog with the link to my ao3)
This is part of a series I’m developing too, Let’s Get Engaged! so there will be more of this au.
“Uh, DW? Why are we parked across the street from Mr. McDee’s movie studio?” He heard Launchpad ask behind him. “I don't think W.A.N.D.A said there was any crime here.”
“I, um.” His hands were shaking. “I have something I want to show you.” He double checked the brakes of the Ratcatcher; he didn't need to crash his only ride into the wall as the Thunderquack was already in need of repairs. That sounded like something that would happen to Drake Mallard, not Darkwing Duck. He needed to be Darkwing Duck for just a little longer.
Patrol had been busy tonight, to the surprise of both partners. They'd had to foil seven house break ins, five robberies downtown (three of which had been at the mall), and even got dragged into breaking up a bar fight on the other side of St. Canard. That last one was an unexpected surprise, but at least the stench of alcohol and yelling about… sports? Mothers? Darkwing had no clue what it was even about. He wasn’t sure what higher power he had pleased, but he was grateful for the distraction from the precious cargo he had safely tucked away in his jacket pocket.
He had been planning this for one month, two weeks, and three days. Not that he's been counting or anything. The big moment was almost here, and he felt like he was going to throw up.
Because tonight, Drake was going to propose to Launchpad.
They had talked about this before. Actually, Launchpad was the one to bring up marriage. A year ago, two years into their relationship, the pilot had very bluntly asked him, “so what do you think about marriage?” In that moment, Drake thought that all his head injuries acquired from three years of crime fighting had caught up to him and his brain was truly not working.
After recovering from his mini heart attack, the two discussed and came to the conclusion that both of them really liked the idea of becoming husbands. Loved it, actually. But neither was ready to handle all the planning and stress of a wedding yet. Hell, Launchpad had only been living with Drake and Gosalyn for a couple of months.
Still, that didn't stop Drake from imagining the scenario at least once a month. Launchpad kneeling down with a ring in a pretty box and scooping up Drake to kiss him. Drake getting on one knee instead and offering a golden or silver ring (he hadn't been sure, at first, what color would suit his beloved best) after an incredibly sappy speech. 
What was that he said before about planning for a month? Scratch that out. He'd been dreaming of the moment for a year, but started considering for real three months ago. He asked Launchpad again for his opinion on the matter, just to check that they were still on the same page, and almost died on the spot when his answer was now a confident “yes.” If they lived in a cartoon, Drake surely would have floated off the ground surrounded by tiny pink hearts.
He thought about any and all locations that marked a special milestone in their relationship. The movie studio where they first met, the tower where they constantly met on hero business, the McDuck Enterprises building where they found their first supervillains together and met his future daughter. In the end, the former won because it felt like that was the true start of them. Because of their meeting there, the events of the past three years occurred. That point in time marked the beginning of many changes in Drake's life.
He hadn't spent one month, two weeks, and three days scrambling for a location. That sounded utterly unromantic and incredibly unprepared. No, that was the amount of time he had spent finding the courage to actually ask.
Now the moment had finally arrived. And he was not backing down.
After making sure the motorcycle was properly parked, he hopped out and strode to Launchpad, offering a hand. His boyfriend still looked confused but smiled at the gesture and took it, getting out of the seat. “Such a gentleman.”
“I try.” Darkwing flashed a grin back. Thankfully, his hands had stopped shaking and his voice betrayed none of the frayed nerves within the valiant vigilante.
They continued to hold hands as they crossed the street. Once on the sidewalk, they looked up at the building. It had been closed for the night already, the lights dimmed and the only soul seen was a lone security guard on patrol.
“Man.” Darkwing was drawn out of his daydreams and looked over to Launchpad. “It's been a long time since I've seen this place. Brings back memories, huh?”
Darkwing hummed in agreement. For a while after the failure of Darkwing: First Darkness, the only memories he had of this place were bitter. It was here that his big break as an actor had literally gone up in flames before his very eyes. It was here that his idol Jim Starling, a man he had looked up to the moment he laid eyes on the first episode of Darkwing Duck, had tried to kill him only to be buried in the remains of the set in a sick sense of karma.
But after spending more time with Launchpad, he had grown to see it as a landmark of new beginnings in his life. He hadn't met the pilot here, but they really began to bond when Launchpad broke into his trailer. After trying not to damage several previous pieces of merch, they quit fighting each other and started playing with Drake’s action figures, of all things. As odd as the circumstances were, it was nice. Somewhere along the way, he told the other duck about what he personally called his origin story (yes, he knew it was nerdy, but it felt right and no one was going to make him stop).
And Launchpad didn't make fun of him or call him ridiculous for keeping a beat up lunchbox after all those years. No, he nodded his head and looked on in… admiration. Then he yelled out something about getting Jim to stop fighting Drake and talk together about how they could both fix the movie and. Well. They both knew how that went.
Demise of Darkwing aside, it was the first time in Drake’s life that he had felt completely understood. He didn't have to hide his love of Darkwing for fear of rejection, instead he was encouraged to geek out as much as he wished.
And when the rain machine stopped and the ashes of set pieces and the dream of a starry-eyed boy were all that remained, when Drake thought all hope was lost, what did Launchpad do? He told him to get back up. He convinced Drake that he could become Darkwing Duck for real. He even let Drake autograph his poster, an action which he'd dreamed of doing the moment he started acting.
Three years of what he would call his best (and first) romantic relationship, one alien invasion, one spirited little girl, and another found family full of feisty adventurers later, Drake wouldn't change the events of his life for anything. He’s tried so many times to tell Launchpad how much he appreciates him and the warmth and the love he’s brought, but it always feels like words are never enough. That doesn't mean he won't stop trying, though, as he said, “I knew coming here would change my life all those years ago. I'm so glad I was wrong.”
He snuck a peek at Launchpad and was pleasantly surprised to see his boyfriend blushing. “Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Never thought the worst movie I'd ever seen could open the doors to the best years of my life.”
Darkwing choked and looked away again, cheek feathers turning pink. “I-I, uh. Yeah. Me too.” He squeezed his boyfriend's hand as he tried to regain his composure. When he succeeded, he began again the speech he had spent hours practicing and pacing in his room over. “I thought all I needed to make my life complete was a starring role in a big movie. That I could inspire other kids like me as a solo hero.” 
He faced Launchpad again, softly smiling. “But you. You crashed into my life,” he raised his hands here at Launchpad’s smirk, “pun not intended. You showed me that I could have a good family, I could surround myself with people that really loved me for who I was. Adopting Gosalyn, meeting the Ducks- I never would've done that if you hadn't pushed me to. Hell, I wouldn't even be Darkwing Duck without you.” He stepped closer and cupped the pilot’s cheek. “And, of course, you will always have a special place in my heart.”
Launchpad’s eyes widened and there was a faint hitch in his breath. “Drake, what are you saying?”
“Launchpad, I-” Just as he was about to reach in his pocket for the ring, Drake stopped.
He still had the mask on. He was still Darkwing Duck.
No, no, he couldn't propose like this. Sure, Launchpad knew Darkwing Duck and Drake Mallard were one and the same and that it was still his boyfriend under the mask and ego but- but it was the principle of the thing, okay!?
He wanted to ask the love of his life to marry him in honesty and vulnerability. And to do that, he had to be Drake Mallard. He had to find somewhere more private.
“Wait.” Darkwing grabbed Launchpad's hand and began to run to the nearest alleyway. “I need to do this with no risk of being spotted.”
“Um. What are you doing now?” His partner asked as he shoved themselves into the dark, quiet alley between what looked like a jewelry store and a hair salon. Launchpad looked confused and- wait, were those tears?
Shit, shit, shit. That wasn’t supposed to happen! That wasn't part of the plan! “Honey! No no no, don't cry, I just wanted-” Scolding himself, he tore off his hat and mask. There. Now Drake Mallard could take out his ring and propose and hopefully calm his partner down. “I wanted to ask if-”
He reached his hand into his pocket and froze.
There was nothing there.
Frantically, he searched his other pocket and checked both of them again. His heart sank as he came up empty handed, and he remembered where the ring was.
He hid the box in one of the boxes of smoke bombs earlier that day. In his panic to get out onto the streets and running through his plan and his words ninety nine times, he must've forgotten to take it with him.
Which meant that his fool-proof proposal plan was no longer fool-proof.
“Dammit!” Drake hissed, angry tears forming. He could've kicked the wall, but he didn't want to scare LP. He tried to ignore the hot shame simmering inside him as he covered his face with his hand. “God, I'm sorry, sunshine, I left something-”
“Drake?” Launchpad's voice was hushed and gentle, the complete opposite of Drake's current mental state.
Drake shushed the voices in his head and looked up.
Launchpad was giving him a soft, knowing smile and his eyes were still watery but he didn't look sad. Actually, he looked thrilled. “Are you... asking me to marry you?”
Even if his original plans were ruined, Drake was still going to see this through. So he took a deep breath, relaxed his shoulders, met his boyfriend's gaze, and said, “yeah. Yeah, I am. At least, I tried to.” He pinched his fingers in between his eyes and huffed a sigh. “Would've helped if I hadn't forgotten the ring. You deserve a romantic proposal, and I somehow failed at the bare minimum.” He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up.
“Hey. You didn't fail at the bare minimum.” Launchpad was standing closer now, determination in his gaze. “You took me to the place that marks the beginning of our friendship and gave a really sweet speech about how I've made your life better. The fact that you don't have a ring to give me doesn't make that any less meaningful.”
“God.” Drake shuddered, relief flooding his body. He'd been so caught up in his setback that his actions earlier had completely slipped his mind. Launchpad was right. The ring wasn't the most important part; the proposal itself was. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, overwhelmed with emotion. “I love you so much.”
Launchpad pressed his beak to the top of his head in a kiss, and Drake soon felt a familiar pair of warm arms snake around him. “I love you too, babe.”
For a few minutes, neither spoke and simply basked in the presence of their lover. Drake found himself processing the past few minutes more and discovered another realization.
He hadn't gotten a clear answer yet.
He was strongly tempted to bury his head further into Launchpad's chest, but he had another important question. Plus, if he had to ask more than once, he would run the risk of dying on the spot from sheer suspense. “Um, so. I didn't screw up my proposal to you.” Launchpad gave a comforting hum as Drake lifted his face to make eye contact once again. “And it made you happy, but. You didn't really answer my question. So. Launchpad, will you marry me?”
His smile was brighter than the sun. “Yes!” His hands drifted up to Drake's side and picked him up. His fiancé- fiancé, oh god, it's real now, not just a dream- threw him three inches into the air, laughing. Drake smiled and joined in, then cupped his hands around Launchpad's face and pulled him into a kiss once he was safe again in his arms.
Drake heard Launchpad sigh and felt his partner tighten his arms around his waist. Drake opened his beak, deepening the kiss. Launchpad made a pleased hum before doing the same, and Drake's mind went pleasantly blank.
It felt like hours had passed by the time Launchpad pulled away. Drake bit back a whine and lowered his hands to wrap around his fiancé’s neck.
“Okay, as much as I want to keep kissing you, we should probably go back to the tower. I don't think either of us is gonna be able to focus on patrol anyways.” Launchpad flashed a small smirk, but his eyes were still sparkling. “Also, you need to put your mask back on. It would be really unromantic if someone found your secret identity out,” he added, as fleeting as an afterthought.
Drake let out a small laugh. “You're right, that would totally kill the mood. Could you let me down, please?” He was gently lowered to the ground at that and took Launchpad's hand again. “Oh! Also!” He had gotten carried away in the moment, but there was another good reason to go back to the tower. “Your ring is there.”
“Did you hide it and then forget to get it back out when you were getting ready to go on patrol?” Launchpad guessed.
“Yup.” They started walking back to the Ratcatcher, swinging their clasped hands back and forth. Drake felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of his shoulders. He did it! And Launchpad said yes! Even if it wasn't exactly perfect, he would remember tonight as one of the best nights of his life.
His fiancé suddenly stopped in his tracks. “Wait. I forgot to tell you something.”
Drake turned to face him. Something about that statement made him wary. “What?”
His figurative feathers were smoothed over when Launchpad smiled again. “You're not the only one who was planning to propose.”
Drake's entire face went red, and as he could faintly hear the other duck say, “I'll show you when we get back”, amidst his stuttering.
“You're gonna be the death of me someday, LP, did you know that?” Drake sighed when he had stopped bi panicking. He scrubbed his face with his hand and walked over to the motorcycle, hopping on.
“Better me than a supervillain.” He heard Launchpad walk over and get on behind him, felt strong arms wrap around him in anticipation. “Besides, you love me,” was whispered in his ear.
“Okay, we're going now,” Drake choked out. He was definitely blushing again. He turned on the motorcycle and pulled out onto the road. 
With that, they sped off into the night.
Once he parked the Ratcatcher, Drake practically scrambled off and sprinted to the pile of boxes in the far right corner labeled Smoke Bombs! Do NOT Touch!! Launchpad was right behind him, chuckling under his breath.
“Which one, which one…” He muttered under his breath, looking for the one with the marker he had put on it. A minute later, he found a box with a large black X on its side. “Ah ha!”
He stuck his hand in the box…
And immediately set off a few smoke bombs.
“Okay, note to self,” Drake said, coughing, “don’t hide your engagement ring with little delicate spheres full of smoke.” He waved one hand around to clear the air and used the other to very gently pry the ring box out.
“Tada!” He opened it to show Launchpad the dark purple ring he had chosen. “Your ring.”
“No way!”
“Um. What?” Okay, definitely not the reaction he was expecting. He tried not to let his nerves get the best of him again. “Is it the wrong shade? Or would you rather have a normal ring?”
“Huh? Oh, no! It’s beautiful!” Launchpad rushed to reassure him. “I just think it’s kinda funny.”
What? How was this funny? “Launchpad, you’re not making any sense.”
“Here, I’ll show you!” Launchpad pulled a similar back velvet box out of the pocket on his left sleeve. He flipped it open to reveal a ring small enough to fit Drake’s ring finger.
A ring that was the exact same purple as Launchpad’s.
“We got the same ring!” They exclaimed at the same time, meeting each other’s gaze and giggling.
“Oh my god. What kind of soulmate magic is this?” Drake couldn’t believe it. This felt like the sort of thing that only happened in fairy tales or really cheesy rom coms. “Hold on a second. Is this what you were doing that one time you said you were picking up lunch?”
“Yeah.” Launchpad said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I wasn’t sure how to explain a trip to the jewelry store without giving it away. Plus, it was a pretty spur of the moment thing. You know how bad I am at lying.”
Drake chuckled. “You said you were on your way to Hamburger Hippo at ten am. I was definitely confused. Why purple, though?”
“Gold and silver didn’t feel like they fit you, and I wanted a ring that would represent something special to both of us. So, the first thing that came to mind was Darkwing Duck! ‘Cause you love it as much as I do, maybe even more, and it’s what we bonded over first and you’re Darkwing Duck, so. It felt right.”
Drake could relate to that. As fun as ring shopping had been, it hadn't started out as the easiest task on his list. Launchpad didn't strike Drake as much of a jewelry person. He had never seen Launchpad wear any jewelry casually, and the fanciest thing his work uniform required was a tie. Even on the few occasions his partner wore a suit, the cufflinks had been provided.
There was a slight blush on his fiancé's cheeks and his hands flapped as he rambled, and Drake felt positively smitten. Again, what kind of soulmate magic was this? It had to be magic; what other explanation could there possibly be for the way they seemed to think as one? “That’s so sweet of you, LP. Actually, I got your ring for the exact same reason. Except for you being Darkwing, ‘cause. You know. You’re my partner.”
“And you’re my Darkwing.” Launchpad whispered, gazing with the softest eyes and his words pulled Drake under a tidal wave of emotions. His Darkwing, his Darkwing, his Darkwing-
“You sap.” Just as he thought he was done crying. He wiped away tears. His face hurt from smiling so wide and his cheeks felt like they were on fire. “I can’t wait to marry you.”
Launchpad grinned just as widely. “Neither can I. Before we go back home, though, can I ask you one more thing? Two, actually.”
Drake took a deep breath and nodded, fanning his face.
“I know you asked me first, but I really wanted to ask you and I’ve got my ring so-” Launchpad was bouncing up and down on his tiptoes, running his hands over the zipper of his jacket. He looked like a puppy, all frantic energy and big hopeful eyes. “Can I ask too? Please?”
Drake laughed and nodded. “Of course, sunshine.”
“Yes!” With that, Launchpad cleared his throat and got down on one knee. “Drake, you’re so special to me. You’re the first partner I’ve had that really understood me. That loves my favorite show as much as I do, and knows what it’s like to build your personality around it. You’ve been there for me in the best and worst times, and you’ve given me the best adventure I could’ve asked for: living my childhood dream with someone I love and that loves me in the same way. You already know my answer, but I need to know-
“Will you marry me?”
“Oh, Launchpad. Yes.” His heart felt like it was going to burst. God, it was really happening. This was better than any lovestruck dream he had conjured in the past year. Drake ran over to the other duck and flung his arms around his waist. He was once again surrounded by strong warm arms and sighed happily.
“We did it. We’re gonna get married.” He could hear Launchpad’s voice rumble low in his chest. “Can we have a Darkwing Duck themed wedding?”
“Oh my god, yes!” Drake pulled his head back up, eyes sparkling. “We could totally coordinate our suits and the decorations and the cake, oh my god, we’re gonna get to eat wedding cake together, and-” He paused his rambling as a realization struck him. “Hold on. Is it gonna look weird if I have a wedding themed after myself?”
“I mean.” Launchpad blinked. “We’re both talking about the TV show Darkwing Duck, right?” Drake nodded. “Then, I think it’s fine. If anyone comes that doesn’t know you’re also Darkwing Duck, they’ll probably think of it as an obsessed fanboy thing. And everyone that does know, will probably understand.” He squeezed Drake’s hand with a grin. “It’s our wedding.”
“Our wedding,” Drake echoed. Oh my god. They were having a wedding. Together! Because they were getting married to each other! He started flapping his hands to try to let out some of his pent up joy. “Our wedding! Oh my gosh, we need to tell people! And send invitations and start writing our vows but I don’t know if that’s something you have to do separately or you can coordinate somehow and-”
“We’ll have plenty of time to get all that sorted out,” Launchpad responded, taking a hold of Drake’s beak and tilting his head up to look at him. His eyes were warm. “But, sweetheart, it’s almost three am and I don’t know if anything’s even open. I’m excited too, but you gotta take a deep breath.”
Drake did just that. “Right, right. Don’t need to pass out before we get home. That would also kill the mood.”
Launchpad chuckled. “Shall we?” He gestured to the open foyer.
“Wait, wait, one last thing!” Drake’s gaze had caught Launchpad’s hand and there was still a certain something missing. Something he had already forgotten once, and he was not going to make that same mistake again. His partner jumped a bit at his sudden outburst, and smiled in apology. “Sorry, this really is the last thing, I promise. Do you want me to put on your ring for you?”
Launchpad’s eyes widened. “Right, rings. We should be wearing them.” He smiled back, gaze drifting to Drake’s left hand. “Can I put yours on, too?”
“Of course.”
And finally, after months of dreaming and pacing and purchasing, Drake took the hand of the love of his life and slipped on his ring. Launchpad did the same, and Drake could hardly breathe. They held their hands up to the light, admiring the way the rings sparkled.
“So why is it that you’re supposed to put your engagement ring on your left hand?” Launchpad tilted his head to view his ring from a different angle. “Is it for protection?”
“I’ve heard it’s because your left hand is closer to your heart.” Drake explained. He saw Launchpad compare the distance from his hands and his chest, brow furrowed.
“But. How’d they figure it out? I can’t tell which one is closer!”
“Maybe they made it up to sound sappy. I don’t really get it, either.”
“Huh. That’s weird. Anyways,” Launchpad shook his head and offered his hand out. “Shall we go, then?”
Drake giggled and took his hand. “Yes, we shall.”
When they arrived at home, the stars were still shining. Drake would always be thankful for the shortcut built into their house in Duckburg. When he and Launchpad had decided to move in together, the most difficult decision had been choosing where exactly they wanted to live. Drake didn't want to leave St. Canard without a hero to protect it, and Launchpad didn't want to move away from his job and his family.
Fortunately, his pilot worked for the richest man alive who had no intentions of letting Launchpad leave if he didn't want to. With Scrooge’s money, they had a secret tunnel constructed that led from their house to Darkwing Tower accessible via two blue chairs in the living room. Travel was instantaneous, so Drake didn't have to give up his city and Launchpad didn't have to give up his job (it also meant he could come on patrols without sacrificing so much sleep. In the early days, Launchpad barely got any sleep driving for six hours total back and forth every night. It was scary to Drake how dedicated his partner was sometimes. Endearing, yes, but scary all the same).
He was going to try to stay quiet as he entered the house, he really was since he was expecting to find Gosalyn asleep in her room. It was a school night, so she should have been asleep.
Sleeping, however, was not what she was doing when he found his fourteen year old daughter awake on the couch in the living room. She was spread out, feet kicked up on one of the arms and scrolling through her phone. The second she heard the chairs activate, however, her eyes darted over to her fathers and dropped the device and scrambled over.
“Dad! Papa! How was patrol tonight?” Her eyes glittered with excitement. She always loved to hear about their patrols whenever she couldn't go. Which was often because she had school on weekdays and needed her sleep. Sleep that she was currently not getting for reasons possibly not unknown to Drake.
He arched an eyebrow. “It was fine. Only had a few robberies to stop, but you probably knew it was a quiet night. Speaking of which,” he crossed his arms. “It's three am on a Thursday. What are you doing out of bed and still awake?”
“I couldn't sleep, so I figured I'd wait for you guys. And I can see,” her eyes landed on his ring, grin growing wider, “that tonight wasn't as uneventful as you said. Not in the sense of crime fighting, anyway.”
She turned to Launchpad and asked, “so how mad was he that you beat him to it?” He started to explain but Drake cut in with some squawking of his own.
“What do you mean, ‘beat him to it’!? How did you even know he was planning to propose too?” He finally asked, pointing a finger at Gos.
“Oh, I asked her if I could marry you.” Launchpad answered. “‘Cause, she's your family and I wanted her to know.” He seemed shy all of a sudden, blushing slightly and twisting his own ring.
Somehow, Drake felt his heart swell with even more love as his breath caught in his throat. “Oh. That. Makes sense. And that's. That's really sweet of you, LP. Oh my god, I'm so happy I'm gonna marry you.”
His fiancé grinned back, silly and sweet. “Me too, babe.”
The moment was interrupted by their daughter gagging and rolling her eyes. She still had a slight smile on her face, though. “God, go get a room. Anyways!” She clapped her hands and turned back to Launchpad. “You didn't answer my question. Did he fling a smoke bomb at you or something?”
“No, but he did set some off on accident…”
As they explained the events of earlier that night, Gosalyn listened with rapt attention. She only interjected twice, both times, “I told you so,” and both directed at Drake (she had caught him pacing in the kitchen one day and demanded an explanation, to which he told her everything. She told him he had nothing to worry about as “you guys are so in love, it's sickening sometimes”). When they were done, she asked if they had any ideas for the wedding yet. Ignoring their clear choice for overall theme, the answer was no, so they brainstormed possible locations and the beginning of what was sure to be a very long guest list. By the time Gos brought up food, it was four thirty.
At that point, Drake declared that it was too early for this and said they should all go to bed. Gosalyn didn't argue, as the wedding talk had finally tired her out.
They tucked her into bed, kissed her cheek, and said goodnight. Launchpad was already in their bedroom and Drake was following him when Gosalyn spoke up.
He turned around. “Yeah, sweetie?”
She met his eyes and gave him a soft smile. “I'm really happy for you.”
He smiled back. “Thanks.”
“Goodnight, Gosalyn.”
He and his fiancé didn't get much sleep. They spent the rest of the night talking in hushed whispers, showering each other in soft kisses, or simply holding one another.
Because they said yes.
And that small word opened a new door, one they were both thrilled to walk through.
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quiverwingduck · 4 years
When you have a second-hand alter-ego, some identity crises are bound to crop up. When they do, it helps to have a Launchpad. 
(Includes minor descriptions of injuries.)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27794749
Twitter Link:
    Darkwing Duck woke sometime around sun-up, judging by the severity of the beams of sunlight that squeezed through the cracks around the garage bay door to glare into his eyes. They highlighted the dust in the air that he’d been breathing in while he slept, and they did very, very little to warm the solid concrete he had passed out on. 
    He was laying face down on Launchpad’s floor, several feet between him and the couch he’d been borrowing ever since his last gig went up in flames. Launchpad slept on a platform above his little area, and that was about all the privacy he got these days. Except Launchpad wasn’t here now. If he was, Darkwing would hear the snores. If he was, he wouldn’t have left Darkwing on the floor all night. 
    Darkwing moved his arms to prop himself up, and there was an audible pop, a cacophony of grinding and scraping from somewhere within, and a debilitating stab of pain. It was jarring enough that even Darkwing “Get Back Up” Duck had to give pause. His whole body was sore and that made it hard to pinpoint any single injury, but if whatever it was wasn’t completely broken yet, putting pressure on it would certainly get it there.
He tested one arm and then the other, and used the one that hurt less to push himself up. Except as he shifted his leg, it happened again, and this time it was bad enough that his vision melted away and he collapsed. 
Above Launchpad’s couch, there hung one of several posters of Darkwing Duck. Jim Starling’s Darkwing Duck. The real, the original, the one he was meant to emulate. He was looking down on him. He was always looking down on him. It was only a piece of paper, but it was difficult to shake the notion that Jim Starling was seeing him fail. 
He held Jim’s artificial gaze until consciousness left him again. 
When Darkwing Duck woke again, it had tilted towards noon, and the air in the garage had grown warm and stale, and Launchpad was there, and he looked so upset, and there were voices outside, and the world came at Darkwing so fast the moment he opened his eyes that it dazed him. Launchpad was asking him questions that he couldn’t hear, much less answer. 
Launchpad’s arm slipped under Darkwing’s and hoisted him up off the floor with no effort at all. There was dried blood where he’d been laying. Darkwing had no idea where it had come from. There were any number of bad sensations to choose from. 
Launchpad’s voice faded in abruptly, like someone had cranked the volume on a stereo. “--McDee’s right outside, DW, you gotta be quiet!”
Darkwing hadn’t realized he’d been making noise, but as Launchpad jostled him, a prevailing pain shot up his leg and into his back, and he had to cut off a yelp by holding his own bill shut. 
Unable to walk, unable to process, and there stood Jim, watching him in all his shortcomings. 
Launchpad fell into what was rapidly becoming a familiar routine with him. Hide the costume. Clean up. Bandage wounds. Food, generally refused. At least a little water. Then sleep. Darkwing wanted sleep so badly. Whatever had just happened to him, it didn’t feel like rest. Exhaustion was still weighing on him, a cinderblock hung around his neck by a thin little string. It pulled him under again while Launchpad was stitching up a frighteningly deep, jagged gash across his abdomen. 
When he surfaced once more, Launchpad was still there. Darkwing had made it to the couch somehow, all stitched and bandaged and cozy under one of Launchpad’s big, heavy blankets. Launchpad was sitting next to the spot where Darkwing’s head was laid, on the one cushion he wasn’t taking up, sprawled out as he was. 
Darkwing woke facing the cushion, and the wall where Jim’s poster hung. He rolled over as quickly as his he could, pushing against fatigue and stiffening wounds, but Jim’s face was right there waiting for him on the TV screen, too. He hated the dread he felt. 
“Hey, LP,” he said, croaking. His throat was still full of garage floor grit and maybe a little blood. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Nah,” Launchpad said flippantly, pointing the remote outward to turn the volume down. “Mister McDee’s doing work around the house, and Della took the Sunchaser out.”
Darkwing grunted, shifting onto his back and shutting his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at Jim anymore, just for one minute. 
“You feeling better, DW?” Launchpad continued. Darkwing could feel him staring, and decided not to look back. 
“Sure, Launchpad. I’m fine. I am unflappable. I’m—”
“Darkwing Duck. I know.”
“I was gonna say the terror that flaps in the night.” 
Launchpad let out a sigh, and Darkwing felt a hand on his stomach. It wasn’t a tender touch. He could feel Launchpad pressing down on his abdomen, just hard enough that it would cause a reaction if something were wrong internally, and for all either of them knew something might be. Darkwing kept his eyes and his mouth shut and willed Launchpad not to notice him clench his teeth. 
Launchpad knew better by now than to suggest a doctor visit. Instead he said, “Go back to sleep, DW,” and his hand moved up to Darkwing’s hair. 
The next time Darkwing woke up, Launchpad hadn’t moved a muscle, but he had burned through about half of season two. He was currently on the episode where Darkwing Duck had been driven to hang up his cape, thanks to the machinations of Quackerjack. The breakfast sandwich that Launchpad had left out for him hours and hours prior was starting to stink up the garage even worse, old egg and mayonnaise and cheese. 
The only indication that Launchpad had moved recently was a water bottle pressed against Drake’s eye, still a little bit cold. It felt nice. He didn’t need to look to know that eye was swollen and bruised. 
Launchpad had Darkwing’s cape laid out over his lap, and was neatly and patiently running a needle through it, closing up yet another hole.
Darkwing sat up on his own for the first time since he had broken into the garage in the small, dark hours of morning and cracked that water bottle open, draining it in one swig. 
“Morning, DW,” Launchpad said, good-natured as ever, though Darkwing could see plainly that the sun had already begun to descend.
This time, Launchpad paused the show. Darkwing wished he hadn’t, now staring down the barrel of a freeze frame of Jim’s face looking straight back at him, an expression that was angry and judgmental, but somehow still wearing a wicked little smirk. 
Launchpad, clearly not noticing Darkwing’s chagrin, kept on talking. “Hey, did I ever ask you what you thought of the characterization with Quackerjack in season two? It felt odd, right? Like maybe—”
“Like maybe Paddywhack’s influence never fully went away? Yeah.” Darkwing smiled good-naturedly. He’d definitely had this conversation with Launchpad multiple times already in the few short weeks he’d been living here. There was a time in his life where he would have loved to talk circles about deep Darkwing Duck lore, but that time had passed, violently and without ceremony. 
Launchpad tilted his gaze Darkwing’s way. He didn’t look any less upset than he had when he’d first found Darkwing on the floor. “You feeling alright?” he asked again. This, too, was part of their routine. The smell of old breakfast turned Darkwing’s stomach. “Sixteen stitches, DW. That’s a lot of stitches. Any stitches is a bad number of stitches.” 
“Launchpad, I’m fine,” Darkwing replied, because he was supposed to. It was part of a script, for a role that was getting more and more difficult to step out of.
“You also might have a break this time.”
Launchpad pressed a finger against Darkwing’s left ankle, just one, and it lit up with fire. Darkwing’s eyes filled with water, and with no mask and wide, droopy hat brim to hide behind. 
“Quit poking me!” he snapped. “I said I’m fine!” The crushing guilt for being mean to Launchpad McQuack set in immediately, but Darkwing found that feeling bad just made him angrier. On the screen, Jim watched his outburst.
“This was your idea, LP! Remember? Remember ‘do it for Jim’, Launchpad?”
Launchpad clicked the power off, Jim’s face vanishing into a black screen that reflected their own instead, Darkwing scowling and Launchpad frowning, looking so sad in that bottomless and expansive way that he felt every emotion. Darkwing hesitated, beak hanging open in disbelief at himself. “I’m sorry,” he said right away, and he meant it. “I’m sorry. That was awful. I—I need to go.”
“Drake, no—” Launchpad started, but Darkwing snatched the cape away from him, thread and needle still hanging off of it, and moved to stand. He stopped immediately when his broken foot touched the floor, debilitated by the searing agony that started in his leg and burned all the way up into his brain. 
Launchpad, ever helpful even when someone was treating him like garbage, shot his arms out to give Darkwing something to lean on that wasn’t his injured leg. “I was gonna say that you won’t be able to walk,” Launchpad said dryly. 
Darkwing Duck stood, as best as he possibly could, and exhaled slowly, weighing his options. Night was settling in, and with it came a need, gnawing at him like Jim’s inescapable glare. “I have to patrol,” he said, knowing already that wasn’t the answer Launchpad wanted.
“On a broken foot?”
“I’ll call an Uberd.”
“An Uberd? Do I mean nothing to you?”
Launchpad griped, mirroring back the same overdramatic overacting that Darkwing himself was known for. He was trying to play, trying to lighten the mood, trying to trick him into calming down. 
Darkwing grumbled in frustration. The poster loomed over their heads, and he thought back on the day the studio caught fire. The day that Jim Starling finally snapped. The day that Launchpad McQuack nearly died right before his eyes, a split-second and a hair away from being caught up in the explosion, all because he’d wanted to help. 
Darkwing closed his eyes and tried to will the omnipresent vision of Jim Starling away. “I have to be out there. I have to do something. I…”
It was the second time already that Launchpad had used his actual name, and somehow it stung worse than his ankle, or the stitches in his gut. Was the idea that he could actually become Darkwing Duck slipping away from Launchpad already?
Drake breathed in deep and tried to swallow his fears, but they remained, boiling over and spilling out of his mouth. “... If I stop moving, I start to think about Jim, and I… I can’t think about Jim.” 
Launchpad looked puzzled. His gaze turned up to the poster as if he was realizing for the first time in a long time that it was even there. 
Drake wished he could leave it at that and just stop talking, but that’s not what he did. “Jim died, Launchpad. He died because he hated me, and he hated me so much that he hurt innocent people over it. He hated me so much that he stopped being a hero. He hated me so much that it killed him.”
“Drake. Jim died saving us, remember?”
“No, he died saving you,” Drake said bitterly. “I was just in the way.”
“... Do you want me to take the poster down?” 
Drake balked. It had occurred to him, of course, but the thought of actually making Launchpad do it opened up a well of guilt. “No. No, no, I just—I should find someplace else to sleep, this is your space and—” Launchpad was already standing up and reaching for the poster, and without the support, Darkwing’s leg gave and he sank back down onto the cushions, grabbing uselessly at Launchpad’s sleeve. “No, LP, stop. Really.”
“It’s just a piece of paper, DW,” Launchpad said. He peeled it carefully off the wall, collecting sticky tack between his fingers, and rolled the paper up delicately in his hand, picture facing in. No longer a source of torment, just a white tube. He tucked it away behind some stacked crates serving as a table, or a dresser, or maybe just crates.
“But it’s… still important to you,” Drake said. “You shouldn’t have to take it down on my account.”
“The real Darkwing Duck’s crashing on my couch, that’s way more impressive than an old poster.”
The real Darkwing Duck. Drake sat with those words for awhile, staring unfocused at the empty spot on the wall. “... There is no real Darkwing Duck,” he said finally, dejected, throat tight. “I’m still just a dumb kid playing make-believe.” 
There was a heavy pause, neither of them daring to so much as shuffle their feet or breathe too loudly. Launchpad kept his eyes on the spot behind the crates where he had stored his Jim Starling poster, turned away just enough that Drake couldn’t read his expression. When Launchpad did turn back to him, he was grinning in a way Drake doubted he had been before.
“Hey, you wanna grab a burger?” Launchpad asked, as upbeat as ever.
Drake gave him a dumbfounded look, slowly processing what Launchpad was trying to do. Could it be so easy to just let the moment pass? Was it the right thing to do? Or was he just taking advantage? 
Launchpad’s expression fell a little as he waited for a response, and he adjusted his approach, cutting off a downward spiral that must have been apparent in Drake’s face.
“I love Darkwing Duck,” he said, speaking slowly, with carefully chosen words. “But… I’m worried about Drake Mallard. I haven’t seen much of him lately.”
“Thought I was—”
“You have to be both,” Launchpad said, speaking over Drake. “You are Darkwing Duck, and you are Drake. It’s not just a role you’re playing. It’s not separate. It’s part of you.”
Drake threw his arms up as if there were a physical onslaught he could block. He almost wished there were. That’s a situation he would know how to handle. 
“You gotta ask for help,” Launchpad went on, softer now. “I never said for you to do it all alone.”
Drake took in a deep breath. Relying on someone else still felt like failure, but it was easier to fall into without the weight of Jim Starling’s judgment hanging over him. “Okay, LP,” he said, exhaling. “I need your help.”
Launchpad brightened up instantaneously. It came so damn easy for him. Drake--Darkwing--wondered if he could hold onto that radiance somehow and let Launchpad drag him out of his rut. 
“We’re gonna get some burgers and fries,” Launchpad said decisively, already reaching for the keys to Scrooge’s green Jeep, “and we’re gonna spend a quiet night in, and tomorrow I’m gonna take you out on patrol, ‘cause that leg is not gonna heal in 24 hours.”
Launchpad was nice enough to not point out that a busted leg meant Darkwing would not be running down criminals for weeks to come, and Darkwing didn’t point it out either. He let Launchpad hoist him up and pile him into the car, the both of them carefully guarding his injuries.
The road that would take them into town spiraled several times around Killmotor Hill. Whenever Darkwing had to take this descent on foot, he typically scaled down the sides, sliding down rocky faces and trudging through bushes. It was just faster. This time, he got to sit comfortably in the passenger side, gazing out the window at the landscape and shorelines around them. 
Launchpad, evidently, was taking in the sights as well. He righted the car and himself a second after they nicked the guardrail, and Darkwing screamed a little louder than he was proud of.
“Whoops, sorry!” Launchpad shouted, jerking the wheel, but over Launchpad’s voice Darkwing could hear another one, muffled and tinny and jarringly familiar, coming from the glove compartment. Darkwing popped it open and pulled out a little Darkwing Duck bobblehead, looking thoroughly placid as he held it up to his own face.
“You are such a nerd,” he said, tapping the bobblehead so it would spit out the titular catchphrase. 
“Okay, Darkwing Duck,” Launchpad quipped right back. The two laughed at themselves and at each other, and something heavy in Drake’s ribcage dissipated. Drake put the toy on the dashboard instead of hiding it away again, and it felt okay.
Later, parked next to a burger joint where they sat pulling greasy fries out of a paper sack, Launchpad reached over and tapped the bobblehead again. “I looked for First Darkness merch, too,” he said. “There wasn’t much.”
“Yeah, they produced some to capitalize on the release, but I think even the bigwigs didn’t expect the movie to do very well. Feels weird to admit. Like, don’t get me wrong, I was over the moon to get the part, but I was thinking years in the future. I was thinking that there would be more releases to follow, maybe even a reboot of the show, and I’d… I’d be there, because I had to be. I’m Darkwing Duck.” 
He was Darkwing Duck. He’d wanted it all along, his whole life. He could never have become anything else, and the version of himself that had denied it just ten minutes prior felt like a different person. A stranger. 
Drake took a pause, holding a rapidly cooling french fry between his fingers because suddenly his stomach was too knotted to eat it. “I guess that’s all Jim wanted too, huh?”
“Jim… lost his way.”
“And what if I lose mine?”
Launchpad reached over. His hand completely dwarfed Drake’s, fingers curling inward around it, and slowly threading through Drake’s. Drake stopped breathing, something he prayed Launchpad didn’t notice as he worked the ulterior motive of sliding the french fry out of Drake’s grasp and stealing it away into his own mouth. 
“I get that you’re mixed up about Jim,” Launchpad said eventually, through chewing. “It was… scary. But it doesn’t have to take away what Darkwing Duck means to us, you know? I understand if you don’t wanna watch the show with me, but don’t give up on Darkwing Duck. He’s so much more than a TV character.”
Drake caught a hint of desperation, the tiniest hairline crack in Launchpad’s relentless glee. It gave him pause, observing as Launchpad upended the carton of fries into his mouth and chewed through a frown. 
“Okay, LP. I told you what Darkwing Duck is to me. What is he to you?”
A huge grin cracked across Launchpad’s face, and Drake sensed he’d made a mistake.
“He’s my hero, and he’s an inspiration, and he thinks he doesn’t snore at night but he definitely does.”
“Rude! Slanderous and rude!”
“Like the Sunchaser’s engine after I crashed into that dam.”
Drake stuck his tongue out, and Launchpad did the same, and then a silence fell over the car. One not too comfortable, Drake content to sit there and eat quietly in the company of his best friend, but acutely aware of the way Launchpad squirmed in his seat, trying in vain not to let more words spill from his mouth. 
“Darkwing Duck was my only friend when I needed one most.”
A cold stab in Drake’s gut, thinking back on beatings in the schoolyard, dented lunchbox, handmade cape torn from his shoulders, the ground rushing at him. Someone’s foot planted on his back to keep him down while others kicked and punched and spat. Blood and dirt and tears and lonely nights spent bandaging his knuckles while the television droned in the background. Telling himself that if Darkwing Duck could take the hits, then so could he.  
He wondered if Launchpad had ever endured the same. Poor, sweet, big-hearted Launchpad. 
    Drake shook the memories, and sighed dramatically, holding out his fries. Launchpad took the container from his hand without hesitation, and within seconds, they were gone. “As always, LP, you are right.” 
    “I am?” Launchpad said, an elated glimmer in his eyes. “So you’ll keep being Darkwing Duck and inspiring a new generation to stand strong and fight for what’s right?”
    “Well, yes,” Drake said, as he prodded a finger lightly against his abdomen and marveled at the searing pain that flared up. “But I meant about taking some time off… and maybe finding a doctor.” 
    “Oh!” Launchpad grabbed his burger, wedging it in his mouth before putting the keys in the ignition. He hit the gas hard, intending to speed off in what Drake imagined would have been a very cool fashion, but the car flew into reverse instead, and they were sent careening through a chain link fence, screaming.
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ducks-gen-swap · 3 years
“I... I’m not sure about this,” Drake finally voiced his hesitation, tightening his grasp around his backpack flap.
From the moment Gosalyn started mentioning schools and enrollment forms, Drake has been hit by doubting waves every time the topic came up. But now, when he finally was in front of what was supposed to be his new school, the boy just felt like the waves had finally dragged him into an ocean of fear.
“Drake, we talked about it,” Gosalyn tried to say gently; she understood the fear of joining a new school too well, but... “You’re ten. You have to go to school.”
“No, not really~” He turned to her with an already familiar to Gosalyn ‘I’m about to outsmart you’ smirk. “My brilliant scientist grandpa homeschooled me all my life.”
“Yeah, but I don’t have the time to homeschool you,” The woman reminded him. “Beside the... night job, I’m still an actress, and I need that second one to keep a roof over our heads, remember?
“That’s not my point,” Drake shook his head. “Grandpa pretty much taught me everything he knew, and my own IQ is 132. I don’t need school!” he finished by crossing his arms, clearly satisfied with his answer.
Watching his pose, Gosalyn crossed her arms herself, pensive. Drake’s arguments were not wrong, the little boy really had a brain above average, but Gosalyn knew that wasn’t enough to skip school completely. Besides, it would be good to leave for work and don’t have to worry about Drake being home alone when Launchpad was in Duckburg.
Now if she just could convince him...
“Alright,” she sighed, kneeling down so her and Drake would be more eye to eye. “Drake listen, school isn’t just for you to get smart, it’s for you to keep getting smarter. That’s why you’re two classes higher than the kids your age,” he grimaced, but Gosalyn kept talking. “Also, it’s not only book stuff that you can learn here.”
“Oh yeah, what else?” Drake asked skeptical.
“What about making friends?” Gosalyn suggested well intentioned.
Through the past two months since they met, she had noticed that the only people the boy would interact with were her, Launchpad, and the Duck twins on the raretimes her sidecick brought them along. He didn’t even want to try to know their new neighbords’ son.
Gosalyn loved spending time with Drake, but it would be good for him to make some friends close to his age who lived in St. Canard. School could be the perfect place for it.
Drake, however, didn’t see to agree, sticking his tongue out with a blerg, “Hard pass!”
Gosalyn frowned this time, “Drake!”
“They don’t like me, ok?!” he shouted, and Gosalyn’s expression eased instantly when she heard sadness mixed with his anger. “Every kid I ever meet just think I’m a weirdo! The only exception’s Della and Donald, but they aren’t exactly normal either so it doesn’t count.”
Drake huffed and looked away, his face clearly showing anger, but it didn’t take long for Gosalyn to notice some tears forming on the corner of his eyes.
“What’s wrong with liking chemistry anyways...?”
His trembling voice hurt Gosalyn’s heart, and at the same time she wanted to find those other kids to teach them a lesson, she also wanted to pull Drake into a hug and reassure him that he was perfect in every way.
She did neither of those, however, choosing to just rest a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder. Drake moved his eyes back to her and she smiled.
“There’s nothing wrong with liking chemistry,” she assured him. “Just like there’s nothing wrong with liking superhero somics, or old shows. These things just make you yourself.”
“And people don’t like it,” Drake killed the beginning of his own smile with that commentary.
“People usually have a hard time accepting what’s not normal for them,” Gosalyn hesitated a little, but didn’t give in. “But you know what?”
The boy didn’t answer, but the way he blinked with curiosity instigated her to continue.
“This world is full of weirdos, and sometimes those weirdos find each other and they will like you for you, because you’re the way you are. Those are the people that matter, Drake.”
This time, Drake smiled. A real, hopeful smile. Gosalyn couldn’t help but smile back.
“Don’t worry about the mean normals,” She ruffled his hair playfully. “Just go in there and have a good time learning and being yourself,” she paused for a sec, rethinking her last phrase. “Just try to don’t explode anything, ok?”
Drake laughed, “I can’t promise anything,” and before Gosalyn could scould him, the school bell rang, calling all the students inside, “See you later, bye!”
He just waved and ran, not waiting for any reply from his legal guardian.
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hyperpsychomaniac · 3 years
Who Says You Can't Go Home - Chapter 5
Darkwing Duck (90s series) fanfiction
Sequel to my recent fanfic The Other Side of Me
Summary: Down on his luck, the Negaverse Launchpad crashes at Launchpad’s parents looking for help. Launchpad, who has avoided visiting his family since he started working with Darkwing, returns in a panic to ensure his double isn’t causing trouble. And then it gets awkward.
Chapter 1
“Why aren’t the rivets with the rivet gun?”
“Because they’re fasteners. Not a tool. And you think you’ve got it hard? I think he’s arranged the sealants by… viscosity?”
“Viva what?” Launchpad slammed the doors to the tool cupboard he’d been riffling through, and moved onto the next. Despite the organisation of their parents’ hanger, finding the right parts they needed, without leaving anything behind and as quickly as possible, proved a challenge. “And what ever happened to using chewing gum?”
“Wrong viscosity. Hurry it up. We’ve got to get out there, rivet back up the strut, seal the wing and let the sealant dry…”
“It can dry as we tow it. This would be easier if we could just bring it straight back and fix it in the hanger.”
“Do you want to explain what happened?”
Launchpad gritted his teeth. “Finally, fasteners! And no, I don’t.” He jammed his hand into the box containing the right sized rivets, and pulled out a fistful. A couple bounced out and found their way into nearby containers. He stepped back and pushed the rivets around in his hands, counting to make sure he had enough along with a couple spares. “I wish you’d never convinced me to fly through that damned canyon.”
“You flew where?!”
Launchpad spun around and threw himself back into the cupboard, slamming the doors closed behind him. The entire thing rocked under the impact of his weight. Inside, the clatter of hundreds of airborne fasteners bounced around and off the metal walls. The rivets he’d held scattered across the floor.
Ripcord McQuack’s gaze trailed one of the unfortunate rivets across the floor, then snapped back up to Launchpad. “You went to… the canyon?”
Loopey sidled up beside him. “Told you. Deja vu.”
“Launchpad! Answer me!”
“I… yes?” What else was he supposed to say?
Ripcord’s chest heaved. “I told you kids you were never allowed to fly there.”
“Dad, calm down,” said Loopey. “We’re not kids anymore, remember?”
“Then how come I find you two riffling through everything like a couple teenagers and creating a mess?”
Launchpad exchanged a look with his sister.
“Why am I the one getting yelled at? We just had a… minor…”
Ripcord looked around the hanger. “Loopey, where is your plane?”
“At the bottom of the canyon. Its fine,” she said quickly. “We’re just going to have to tow it out.”
“You’re here for five minutes and you take your sister…”
Loopey pushed past her brother. “Launchpad didn’t take me anywhere. I’ve been to the canyon before. You know, when I come and visit and go out flying by myself and decide where I’m going like an adult is supposed to?”
Ripcord swallowed hard. “You’ve… Launchpad could’ve, you could’ve… don’t you think I told you not to go there for a reason?”
“Yes, but what reason?” Loopey threw her arms out wide. Launchpad let her talk. She was getting through to Dad a lot better than he would’ve. He was taking her more seriously too. Launchpad should’ve been mad but he just wanted this to be over. “You’ve told us not to go there, but you have never, ever, told us why. We’re adults now. If you don’t want us to do something just tell us the reason. We’ll listen to you. But you can’t expect us to do what you say, with no explanation.”
“Okay, fine, I’m overreacting. Just tell me what happened.”
“I broke a strut on the canyon wall. We figured we…”
Ripcord paled. “What?”
Launchpad wasn’t letting Loopey get in trouble for this one. He stepped up and put a hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Dad, it’s not her fault. I got too close on top of her; she didn’t have room to move.”
“You were right on top of each other? What the hell were you doing in there?”
Launchpad swallowed. “Racing.”
Ripcord squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. “You have no idea how stupid that was. Anything goes wrong in there and there is nothing you can do…”
“That’s not true. Loopey landed the plane just fine, and…”
“Enough! Just forget it. If you’re going to act like children, you’re both bloody grounded.”
Launchpad rolled his eyes. “You can’t actually ground us anymore.”
“Want to bet? I’m not talking about sending you to your rooms. I mean literally. These are mine and your mother’s planes. We decide who flys them. And for the rest of this visit that doesn’t include either of you.” Ripcord stomped over to the jeep and began rearranging the tools the siblings had already haphazardly packed. “Don’t worry about your mess. I’ll clean it up myself.”
Launchpad felt heat rise in his cheeks, but he kept his beak firmly shut. He was way too old to be grounded. But arguing would just make him sound even more childish. He was done with that for this visit.
Beside him, Loopey folded her arms across her chest. She also looked a little flushed. “What the actual heck? We’ve all flown in tight spaces plenty of times before, done dangerous stunts... And I thought I’d never have to hear another grounded pun again.”
Launchpad watched his father rifle through the jeep with his back to his kids. He was going to go get that plane all by himself. However bad he was reacting, that wasn’t his fault. And however innocent it had been, racing through that spot had been pretty dumb. “I’ll go out with him. It’s kind of my fault.”
“Not completely.”
“I know,” he smiled at his sister faintly. “Speed demon. Go on, don’t worry about this. I should spend some time with him anyway.”
“Thanks, big brother. Good luck.”
Launchpad sidled over to his father. “Dad, I’ll come with you. You’re going to need help.”
Ripcord straightened, rubbed at the corner of his eye, then turned to face his son. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? You want to fly like a maniac, that’s your business. But when you’re flying with someone else you’ve got a responsibility for them too, especially if they’re family.”
“I know, I’m sorry. Do you want my help or not?”
Ripcord swallowed. “It’s going to be a long drive. Sure you want to spend that amount of time with me?”
That look in his father’s eye. It was trying to be anger, but there was something deeper, more desperate. He’d definitely put this off way too long. “Yeah, Dad.”
The jeep bounced and rattled across the dirt track as they started the trek out to the canyon. Ripcord drove, one hand on the steering wheel. He was the first to break the silence. “I should probably let you know, Gosalyn was mucking around with… Launchpad… she hit her head. She’s okay!” he said quickly, when Launchpad jerked up from his slouch in the passenger seat. “I’m pretty sure her dad can take care of her. Just thought you should know.”
Launchpad huffed. “It wouldn’t be the first time she’s done it. What did Launchpad do?”
Ripcord shrugged. “Whatever it was he felt pretty bad about it. He wouldn’t have meant to hurt her. Kids… stuff happens… it’s not his fault.”
“As long as she’s okay.”
“You really care about those two, don’t you?”
Launchpad groaned. “We’re not dating!”
Ripcord smirked. “I know. I think your mother does too. But can you blame her? You’ve been so secretive.” The smirk slipped from his beak. “Me and your Mom, we’re sorry for lying to you. It’s just that we haven’t seen you in so long. And you’ll talk to your Mom on the phone. But you always seem to manage to hang up before I get there. And, well, I kind of wanted to talk to you about something anyway and I wanted to do it in person.”
“I’m not trying to avoid you. It’s just… complicated…”
Ripcord glanced across at him, and Launchpad dropped his gaze to his lap. His father smiled faintly. “It’s okay. I’ve got a pretty good idea what’s going on.”
“I’m pretty sure you don’t.” How was he supposed to tell his parents about Darkwing Duck? He had to tell them something. But he hadn’t talked to DW about this, so he didn’t even know what would be okay to share. He didn’t want to put his friend in a spot. He had his secret identify for a reason.
“Launchpad, I get, it really, I…” Ripcord huffed. “Okay. You don’t think it was weird for us having a guy that looked exactly like you crash onto our doorstep, bleeding and begging for help?”
The Negaverse Launchpad. It was certainly a safer topic. “Yeah, what happened to him?”
“He crashed in here with a broken arm, near exhaustion. Told us, once he’d woken up, that he’d gotten involved with air pirates. He was a bit of a mess. When he woke up he was throwing punches at doctors and I thought I was going to have to sit on him or something. Until your mother calmed him down. I guess he didn’t expect us to take him to a hospital and all that attention actually scared him. Since he left Saint Canard he’s just been butting around, not knowing what to do with himself. He didn’t just come to us because he was hurt. He was at the end of his rope and he needed someplace where he’d feel safe, with people he knew he could trust.”
Launchpad had set him up with a plane but then he’d left him to his own devices. Those two weeks they’d spent together, his double had been an wreck for most of it, as he’d progressively worked up the courage to tell him more stuff about Negaduck. He’d only started to pull himself out of it once the plane had started to come together. It had been naive to assume he’d be alright out here by himself. “I told him to stay away from Saint Canard. I guess he thought he had no place else he could turn. Guess I didn’t help him as much as I thought.”
“Son, he can’t stop talking about how much you helped him and how you made him that aeroplane. Its weird, one moment he’s trying to fight your mother’s plants, and then he’s getting all excited about that scrap heap you built. You helped him plenty. But he was on our doorstep, hurt… I think, at that point, seeing him like that, we…” he gulped, then shook himself a little. “We thought of you. We just went into full blown parenting mode. But after, well, we started asking questions. He told us about the Negaverse.”
Launchpad nodded. “And Negaduck?”
Ripcord’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Oh, yeah. And Negaduck. I tell you, if I ever get my hands on that manipulative piece of work…”
“Dad, do not mess with Negaduck.”
“You’d know, wouldn’t you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Follow what I’m saying here. Launchpad explained where he came from. That he’s your twin from another universe. He told us he works for Negaduck, and that Negaduck is the twin of Darkwing Duck, you know, infamous vigilante from Saint Canard.”
Ripcord sighed. “He had to explain how you guys met. Launchpad, I know you’ve been flying a plane for Darkwing Duck.”
It was everything he’d been trying to figure out how to explain and he hadn’t known how to tell his father and then it was just… done… over… and… he still didn’t know if too much had been revealed. Launchpad sunk into his seat and put his face in his hands.
“That’s why you haven’t come to visit, isn’t it? Look, I get some of its got to be secret stuff. But if this Darkwing Duck has been bullying you, or…”
“Wait, wait,” Launchpad jerked up in his seat. “He only told you that I worked for Darkwing… that’s it?”
“That you were his pilot. I think he caught on pretty quickly that we actually had no idea that’s what you were doing. So, yeah, that’s all he said. And I get that there’s identities that need to remain secret, assuming you even know that…”
Some of the tension left Launchpad’s shoulders. The Negaverse Launchpad had to tell them something. He should’ve figured that. But it looked like he’d been smart enough to keep Drake out of it. His parents knew about Darkwing Duck. They just didn’t know he was also living with the guy and doing his groceries.
“Launchpad, look at me.” His father grabbed him by the shoulder, his fingers digging in, and the jeep rumbled to a halt. “You don’t have to share everything about this. It’d be the same if you were working for the government, or any other place where there might be confidentiality agreements, or… we don’t expect that of you. But I just want to know one thing.”
Launchpad put his hand over his father’s, if only to loosen his grip. “Sure, Dad.”
“The whole Negaverse thing, there’s parallels to it.”
“You mean how everyone’s opposite?”
Ripcord shook his head. “No. Not opposites. I see a lot of you in that other Launchpad. I think you did as well. And, I guess that’s why I’m worried. You and Launchpad. Negaduck and Darkwing. You’ve both worked for them. But, some of the stories Launchpad has told me about Negaduck…”
“He told them to me as well. I know.”
“I just want to know if Darkwing has ever hurt you. Because if he has I’ll pack up my shotgun right now and…”
“What? No…” Launchpad pulled back. “he’s not Negaduck.”
“He hasn’t forbid you to come see us? Or just made you feel that you can’t? Or threatened to hurt you if you reveal to much about him, or… anything, Launchpad, you just have to tell us.”
“Dad, I said no!” said Launchpad, a growl creeping into his voice. “DW’s a good guy, and besides, he’s my friend. He’s difficult, and he’s got an ego, but he’d never do anything like that.”
“Then why haven’t you said anything about working with him before?”
“He never told me I couldn’t. I just… I never brought it up properly with him.” Launchpad slumped back in his seat as he heard his own words. Yeah, DW was difficult. And any conversation about him telling his parents anything would result in DW stressing out, probably overreacting a bit, but… he would eventually come around. And he would’ve told him exactly how much information he was comfortable for his sidekick to share. He’d never actually stopped him. In fact, every time his mother had called, Drake had always pushed Launchpad to talk to her.
“Oh. Okay.” Ripcord put the jeep in gear and pulled off. After a few moments, he spoke again. “It’s alright if you don’t want to talk to your dad about what you’re doing anymore. But, we’re still proud of you, okay? Even without the superhero sidekick stuff. Drake and Gosalyn… being a single parent is tough. The fact you’re helping Drake around the house, and being there for Gosalyn, not a lot of people would do that. And after how bad the other Launchpad hurt you,” he reached out, and gently squeezed Launchpad arm, “to still go and help him when no one else would, that took a lot of guts.”
Launchpad rested his head against the window, unable to look at his father, and watched the rocks and withered trees rumble by. Sure, he’d been there for Drake, and Gosalyn, and the other Launchpad. But he hadn’t tried hard enough to just do something as simple as have a difficult conversation with DW, so they could get their story straight, and he could come see his Mom and Dad.
“I just… wish I didn’t have to lie to you to see you. I miss you.”
Launchpad squeezed his eyes shut tight.
The doctor arrived within half an hour, pronounced Gosalyn ‘mostly fine’, and then told them to keep an eye on her and not let her nap until it was evening. Then Mrs McQuack pulled Launchpad aside and asked him what had really happened. He told her the truth. About the potato gun anyway. He wasn’t really lying, leaving out Negaduck. Negaduck hadn’t had anything to do with what happened to Gosalyn.
Birdie patted him on the shoulder and told him he needed to ‘be careful with that thing’, especially if he was playing with a kid, and that maybe it was best if he left it alone until the Mallards left. Heck, she’d been angrier about her stinking rose bushes. But that was probably more to do with the mood he’d been in at the time.
Truth be told, Launchpad had expected everyone’s reaction to what he’d done to Gosalyn to be much worse. Even Drake, though he’d been shooting him glares all day, had eventually left him alone in front of the television with his daughter. Although, Launchpad was pretty sure that was because he’d finally got stressed out sitting with his daughter most of the day, and couldn’t take watching the cartoons she’d pronounced were the only sure fire way to keep her awake.
It was the longest, most stressful afternoon of Launchpad’s life. And not because Gosalyn kept trying to bully him into bringing her snacks. Negaduck’s ultimatum hung in his mind like heavy fog. It wasn’t that he was conflicted about the choice he had made. He just wasn’t sure he was strong enough to pull it off.
Launchpad tapped his foot on the ground; he needed a cigarette. Mrs McQuack had been trying to get him to cut down and the one he usually had in the morning had lately been enough, but not today. Besides, he’d left them all in a heap outside his shack after Gosalyn had startled him.
“You’re as bad as Launchpad.”
“I am Launchpad.”
“No, I mean the real one. You’re shaking the whole sofa.”
“I’m keeping you awake.”
“Hello, that’s what the cartoons are for?” Gosalyn waved at the television.
“This drivel? It’s unrealistic. You hit a cat with a hammer it doesn’t make little stars, it just…” Launchpad folded his arms with a harrumph.
Gosalyn leaned forward to check no one was in the next room, then lowered her voice. “You’re worried about Negaduck. We should tell Dad.”
“We can’t. Don’t worry. I’m going to take care of it.” Launchpad stood to his feet. It was nearing sundown; Negaduck’s decision time. But first, he was going to collect some tools from the hanger. He’d give Negaduck his decision alright, and he was going to make it bloody clear.
Gosalyn glared up at him. “I should come with you. But I still feel a little dizzy so it might not be a good idea. Just be careful. If you get hurt, I’m going to be mad. And if you take too long, I’m telling Dad. I don’t care what I promised.”
Launchpad waited for a second. “Aren’t you going to ask what I’m going to do?”
“Is what you’re going to do appropriate to tell a kid… oh, are you going to hit him with a bat or something, or just punch his face in? Or, you know, worse?”
Launchpad huffed and rolled his eyes. “I meant about… he asked me to join him. He wants me to kill your dad. Which I already tried to do once.”
“But you were different then. And you told me that story…”
“I could’ve been lying.”
“I don’t think you’re smart enough to make up a story like that.”
“I…” Launchpad’s shoulders sagged. “Aw, kid. You know how many faces I’ve smashed in for calling me stupid?”
Gosalyn stood up on the sofa so she could look him in the eye. “I know he’s hurt you. But you can still beat him.”
Launchpad swallowed hard. Damn this kid. “How do you know that?”
Gosalyn grabbed him by the collar. “I know because you’re Launchpad McQuack! And you’re not going to let anybody hurt your family!” Her beak was pressed almost to his, and she glared into his eyes so earnestly, almost angrily.
Launchpad’s gaze hardened. “Cover for me? They won’t be suspicious. I do this sometimes; wander off at night.”
“I’ve got your back.”
“Good on ya, kiddo.”
Launchpad made his way over to the McQuack’s hanger. A crowbar was always a good go-to. But maybe he should find something bigger, and sharper. You never knew with Negaduck. Sometimes it didn’t matter what weapon you had.
Inside, the lights were on. Launchpad made his way straight to the tool board. At first, he’d found the place nauseatingly tidy. But after helping the McQuack’s out with some repairs, he had to admit, it was nice to be able to find stuff. That would’ve been the last thing he needed today, stressing about digging through tools when he just wanted to grab what he wanted and go deal with Negaduck.
There was the ping of metal on metal. Launchpad spun around and brandished the crowbar.
“Oh, Launchpad, sorry, I thought you realised I was in here.” Loopey sat on the floor, surrounded by a half dozen containers filled with bolts and fasteners. The noise had just been her pegging a bolt into one of the half filled containers, and it was absolutely ridiculous that it had startled him. He really was on edge. She jumped to her feet, picked her way amongst the containers, and came over to him. “I was hoping we’d get a chance to chat.”
“Oh, yeah.”
Loopey frowned at the crowbar. “Now, what are you doing with that?”
“Er…” He’d almost forgotten that most people in this dimension didn’t routinely carry around weapons, and here he was waving a crowbar in the McQuack’s daughter’s face. Still, most people in both dimensions wouldn’t bounce right up to him when he had a weapon in hand. “Um… was going to knock some… heads off flowers. Sometimes I need to blow off steam.”
“Ah,” said Loopey, as if that had been a perfectly rational answer. “Just don’t mess with anything in Mom’s garden.”
Launchpad winced. “Yeah, I’ll only make that mistake once.”
She had her arms folded, looking at him, trying to figure him out. She seemed far too calm. His own sister would’ve been swinging her fist in his face, just like the last time he’d seen her.
“You burned your planes? For him.”
He’d caught her fist. Laughed.
“I am so glad Mom and Dad aren’t here to see what you’ve become.”
“They were weak. Negaduck isn’t.” And then he’d thrown that punch right back.
Loopey lightly brushed his sleeve. “Hey, you okay?”
Launchpad shook himself. He had to deal with Negaduck. But he wanted to talk to Loopey. It was just like what he’d felt with Gosalyn; he wanted to connect with her. It wouldn’t make up for anything with his own sister. But, shit. He missed her. “Er… what are you doing in here anyway?” Launchpad waved the crowbar towards the containers.
“Launchpad crashed into the cupboard, typical, and messed them all up. But he’s out with Dad and…” Loopey rubbed at her arm. “We crashed one of the planes. They’re out there now to bring it in… and… well, Dad seemed a bit upset. I didn’t want to leave this for him to clean up. So, you got a spunky little sister over in this Negaverse place?”
One who hated him so much he’d never be able to speak to her, like this, again. “We haven’t spoken in years.”
“Oh. What about your parents?”
Rougher around the edges then the McQuacks he’d spent the last two months with. Still good people, by Negaverse standards. He and his sister would’ve never hit each other like that when they’d been alive. You only fought if you’d both agreed you were sparring, because a family had to have some way to blow off steam when they were pissed at each other. Other people? Fine. If you knew you needed to smack them one you just did it. But not family. They were your backup, your protection. You treated them with some respect. “They’re dead.”
Loopey winced. “Oh, did this Negaduck guy…?”
Launchpad shook his head. “Nothing to do with him. The Negaverse is just a rough place.” And he’d actually been angry with them, just for not being tough enough to take on the air pirates that had challenged them for their air space. It had been ridiculously immature of him, and he’d figured that out, as he got older, before he even left the Negaverse. When things had come to a head, two planes had taken down nearly a dozen pirate fighter planes between them, until the pirates finally shot down the Negaverse’s Ripcord McQuack. And then Birdie McQuack had flown her plane straight into the main engine of the pirate airship and brought the whole thing down with her. What his parents had done had been borderline legendary.
But they were still dead. And Launchpad had decided that was because they hadn’t been strong enough. Despite how much they relied on and protected each other, when they’d been outnumbered, it wasn’t enough. Allying in yourself to just anyone, no matter how much you trusted them, was not enough. You needed to ally yourself to someone strong. Like the guy who had singlehandedly brought the chaotic and dangerous Negaverse to its knees and declared himself its ruler.
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re Mom and Dad didn’t even know me. But they’ve been everything I needed right now. Them and your brother…” Launchpad gulped at the lump that had risen to his throat. Negaduck hadn’t given him the safety he’d been looking for. How he’d treated him had been a poor exchange for his protection. Then he’d come over here. And the McQuacks may not have had the strength he thought he needed, but they’d given him what Negaduck never had and didn’t ask for anything in return. Apart from refraining from ripping up their garden.
Now Negaduck was here to take that all away from him. Launchpad’s fist tightened around the crowbar.
“They’re pretty great, aren’t they? Look, if you want to talk some more, you don’t have to go assault plants. You could help me, er…” Loopey’s shoulders slumped. “Sort fasteners.”
Launchpad forced a smile. “Raincheck?”
“Pft. Coward.” Loopey blinked as she caught herself. “Um, sorry. I talk like this to my brother all the time. You realise this is very confusing, right?”
At least he wasn’t the only one getting mixed up feelings about his actual family mixed in with the ones he was starting to develop for this one. “Yeah, I get it. But we can talk later. I really just need to… blow off some steam.”
The Gator was parked outside. Launchpad swung himself in, grabbed the seatbelt, then let it slide back as he remembered he wasn’t riding with Mr McQuack. He put the machine in drive and tore down the hill as fast as he could.
They might not be his family. But he was attached. And for once, that no longer felt like a weakness. If only he’d worked that out back in the Negaverse with Gosalyn, and with his sister. He may have blown his chances back home, but he would not fail this time.
Negaduck was going to pay.
Chapter 6
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