#late night rambles with tia
sturnioloshacker · 6 months
🧡 anon left me and now i’m in tears
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insanitybl00m · 4 months
rambles about my new au
Insipired by a post I found on this hell site that I cannot find so I cannot give credit to the og creator, i'm so sorry (it should be different enough from it tho I added my own stuff)
It's narrated by Tallulah (because I can, my story woo!)
Apartment AU (the apartments are rented out by The Federation™, a weird company that most people know nothing about (hehe yes the feds exist))
Humanized eggs!!
So tallulah moves in with her abuelo and uncle chay while her Papi Wilbur goes on tour. (im going off old terms because I navigate the change in terms in it later lol)
Her abuelito Phil is rather connected in the community, he's close friends with almost everyone it seems!
There is something weird about a lot of her new "tios" and "tias" though.
Abuelito Phil always leaves a trail of inky black feathers wherever he goes.
Tia Jaiden also leaves feathers wherever she goes, hers are just a soft blue, almost teal-like color with purple tips.
Tio Quackity also seems to leave feathers but his are much smaller yellow ones, they almost seem damaged in some places.
Tio Roier can jump crazy high and he's really nimble. He also seems to have like two extra sets of eyes, but you can't really notice them unless you see them out of the corner of your eye. It's probably her mind playing tricks on her though. right?
Tio Slime is a little off, apparently, he's been like that since his daughter Juana died though. Tallulah feels bad for him sometimes, He says that she's still around though and Tallulah seems to be the only one who believes him, but she swears she's seen the girl running through the hallways of the apartment building, giggling with another strange kid who wears a bow on their head.
Tio BBH, or as everyone calls him Tio Bad, is the nicest person around. He constantly bakes muffins for the kids and sometimes even the parents. His kid Dapper is a little weird though. That's ok Tallulah likes weird. Chayanne and Phil tell her that Dapper likes summoning things, apparently demons-- But surely that's just a rumor, there's no such thing as demons
Tio Missa seems to come and go reguarly, she only catches him lingering around the apartment once or twice the first few months she's living with them despite the fact he lives with them. He always seems cold and he only appears late at night when everyone else is asleep. If Tallulah wasn't left gifts by him she would swear that he's a ghost or just a figment of her imagination.
At times, new groups of residents move in; a group of Brazilians and their son on the second floor, a group of French on the third with their daughter; and finally another group of people with three different kids on the fourth floor!
But there's something weird about them too.
Tio Cellbit is almost like a cat. His hair even does this thing when he's startled where it almost seems to start to stick straight up. Just like the cats she sees following Tio Fit! (tio cellbit's nails are also really sharp, richas has called them claws before.)
Tio Mike has some interesting habits, sometimes Tallulah sees one of his eyes glow pink and hears him talk in a slightly higher voice. Apparently, when this happens Richas starts to refer to the voice as mamae mine
Tia Baghera has that feather thing that the others have! Like Papa Phil, Tia Jaiden, and Tio Quackity! Her feathers are most similar to tio Quackitys though. Just a little longer than his short damaged ones.
Tio Antoine is... well... Interesting. He's always disappearing but when he randomly appears he's always just... weird. Tallulah feels like she can't fully comprehend what he looks like, whenever she tries to draw him or even describe him it always sounds or looks wrong.
Tio Etoiles is very strong! Tallulah likes him, his arm sometimes glows though... like Tio Slime's does!! they've probably been hanging out together.
Tia Mouse is really nice and her voice is as sweet as candy! She has really sharp teeth though... but that's ok because she gets along well with Tio Bad, and if Tio Bad trusts her even with her sharp teeth than so does Tallulah!
Tia Tina's teeth are also very sharp sometimes, but she says to ignore them when they're sharp, apparently they grow too quickly sometimes for her to keep filing down, whatever that means...
Tio Tubbo is obssesed with creating robots and automating things. Tallulah has never seen him sleep, just sunny, his daughter.
Tia Bagi is also like Tio Cellbit, which makes sense since they're twins. They're both catlike.
Basically this au is like an apartment where everything is really eerie as Tallulah is discovering secrets about this place
Im not good at writing unsettling things though but IM TRYING
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It seems fitting that we get this out of the way first-things-first, and so, it's time for an introduction. Full post below the cut, I ended up rambling again.
Speaking of pokemon, I suppose I should introduce my "team".
Spiritus | ♂ | Cofagrigus | Lvl 67
Spiritus | ♂ | Cofagrigus | Lvl 67
Spiritus has been in the Brightbeam family for generations now. He first joined when my great-great-great-grandfather caught him, still as a yamask. It's been a standard tradition that the first one to move out brings him along, and luckily I'm the oldest of three. He's been a fantastic help with my research, and a supportive and generally great pokemon partner to have around. I've technically never caught him though.
Bellabee | ♀ | Ribombee | Lvl 32
Bellabee, in contrast, I did catch. A few weeks after I'd just moved to Alola, and was still trying to get settled, she came around to inspect the sudden, new presences. I gave her some berries and then she refused to leave my side, probably because she wanted more. When I offered to catch her she happily obliged. I'm not great at keeping plants alive, without her the place would have looked a lot more drab.
Litwick 1 & Litwick 2
Semi-wild pokemon, that did not leave when I originally moved in. Thank goodness for that too, because one of them is shiny! They constantly follow Spiritus around, potentially because they see him as a role-model/father figure. I've not been allowed to catch them, so I don't know anything about their gender, level, or other such details.
The same goes for drifloon, the only other pokemon that did not leave, when I moved in. It mostly stays in the attic, for months I didn't even know it existed. I only found it because I was up late at night writing notes, and I wanted to get a snack. And there it was, inside the pantry, arm-deep in a bag of chips. Like the litwicks, I don't know much about it, because it too refuses to be caught.
I still leave food out for the three of them, and they aren't actively hostile nor afraid of me, so I don't really mind that they stuck around.
OOC About Mod:
Hey, name's Tia, pronouns she/they. My main is @venomoustia and it's p much completely detached from pokemon, I'll be honest. I randomly found out about pokemon irl blogs, and became obsessed at the idea of joining. I’ve not got too much knowledge on Pokémon but I’ve the basics, at least. Please be patient w me in that regard. Not much else to say really, have a nice day!
Pfp made via Bright's Picrew Hell
Book PNG found via PurePNG
Repeating Background Pattern by peach-scented-chupacabra (colors editted and resized by me)
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emetkoto · 2 years
idk man I just really like your style of rambling about them ig? like I find peoples' enthusiasm for things very sweet and infectious sometimes and your emetkoto posts defs hit that spot for me? like your joy and love for them seeps through and infects me too it's great. emetkoto good. anyway tell us about after vauthry. do it. give us the deets.
well thank you very much, it makes me happy to hear that ive had that effect on you 🥺🥺🥺 thats exactly what i hope to do with my posts about them but i do have bad demon brain so sometimes im like hmm. 'am i just being unbearably annoying instead actually???' and ofc sometimes its 'oh this is not original at all nobody wants to read this' so its always nice to have a little reassurance like this ghsljgsfd….
cracks my fingers so hard they all break anyway now for that essay you asked for
RIGHT SO LIKE right before vauthry, literally the night before that fight is when emet selch takes k'oto to the tempest to marry him and seubsequently erase his memory of it to "keep things fair" or whatever (basically he still had tiny little pangs of doubt about how things would turn out bc of yknow the whole being tempered for 12k+ years situation and he wanted to make sure that if it like. came to them having to fight. k'oto wouldnt hesitate bc he had smth like that holding him back :,) little did he know that he tried to hesitate in the end anyway and was only stopped from sparing him by ardbert) but thats a whole like other thing i still have to finish writing the worlds longest stupidest hardest to read post about so im physically restraining myself from going on about this anymore right this moment as much as i want to repeat myself forever about it bc GOD. God. god.
but anyway he was full of love and hope for k'oto, so much hope that he would be able to hold the light and prove mankinds worth so he could lay his mission to rest and stay by his side (and undo the spell holding his memories of the wedding) he was so SO ready for it and then. it just. all came crashing down :,) he'd allowed himself to let his guard down and put his duty aside and have hope in humanity again one last time and fall in love and k'oto just couldnt do it! even with his subtle help holding the light back he couldnt handle it, he was still too weak at 7 rejoinings and that shit hurted bad!!! he succumbed to the tempering and grief and rage and disappointment and closed himself off again…from there its probably the more canon adjacent bit of their story, graha tia acting embarassment, back to the tempest (altho k'oto doesnt remember having been there once before AUGH), amaurot, dying gasp :,)
throughout it all k'oto is trying desperately to get him to listen to him again but emet selch keeps cutting him off and ignoring him which hurts A LOT and ofc he says some. mean things to try and get him to just leave it be and accept what has to be done and stop talking about it bc HE didnt wanna think about it anymore EITHER obviously here but k'oto doesnt give up he keeps trying all the way to the very end….he never planned to kill emet selch, he just wanted to weaken him enough that he would take a moment to stop and think and listen , a last ditch effort to fix things but ardbert (and everyone else really) saw that it was like. too late for that. there was no way in hell emet selch was hearing reason anymore and if k'oto let him live there was a pretty high chance he would just kill him when he tried to get close to him so he took control of his body and made sure that axe killed, oops! way to kill a dudes soulmate and then be absorbed into his soul so you can never actually apologize for it…when the dust settled and k'oto realized what had happened he. was. A MESS!!
the only thing stopping him from breaking down right away was emet selch shushing him like 'let me enjoy this last moment with you in peace and quiet'……remember us and all that (although 'us' had a very obvious double meaning here
anyway tldr; WEHHHHHHH,,,,,,,
sorry for unreadability i very much wrote it exactly as it came out of my brain which is a long run on thought with no consideration for line or paragraph breaks. i tried to turn it into a few chunks for you
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midlstrit · 2 years
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Scions with their hair down (featuring my WoL)
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star3yed · 3 years
Happy Holidays @lanelin​! I am you gifter for the @mlsecretsanta! I apologize for such the late work but I really hope you enjoy and had a great holiday season!
Thanks to my editor Tia @tombombadilcankickyourass​ for editing my random ramblings into cohesive sentences!
NSFW between the asterisks! The story ends within the asterisk for those who want to read it, if not I added a small SFW ending.
I made a small playlist that include the songs in this story, check it out :https://open.spotify.com/playlist/40za0n7AHlybZlNWvKde9P?si=sOe7Q5M8QCWXKIN6t0Mw8A
Summary:  A band AU where Marinette and her band decide to come back from retirement to surprise Luka at a music festival!
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Relationship: Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Marinette ran in the alleyway leading to the back entrance of the venue, holding her coat tightly around her, her heels clicking against the damp ground. “Girl Hurry!” She heard Alya yell at her from the backstage door. She held herself upright as she stumbled on an empty can of beer. She made it to the entrance, panting a bit as her best friend chuckled. “Well, it isn’t a concert if you aren’t late, is it?” She joked as Marinette looked up to mock-glare at her. “Forgetting something?” She felt Alya press something in her hand and she looked down, seeing a mask, a new mask she had never worn but had spent hours slaving over, a staple of their band. Smiling, she accepted it and put it over her face. “Now c’mon, they’re almost done setting up.”
“Is he in position?” Marinette asked as she held onto her coat tighter, warming up inside the venue. 
“Allegra told me she finally dragged his ass to the floor. He wanted to go back home to you.” Marinette blushed, not surprised her boyfriend wanted to go back to her, yet still flattered. “I guess I acted sick a little too well.” She handed her coat to one of the stagehands and reached the rest of the group. Her bandmates had already put on their masks, a reflection of their onstage personas. Juleka, Ivan, and Adrien huddled together with Rose as someone yelled that it was almost time for them to perform. Marinette had missed this, the backstage mess of people running around making sure things would run smoothly, other bands networking as they waited for their opportunity to perform, the heavy smell of musk, and the excitement of the crowd ahead. She spotted a familiar blue splattered black guitar, with an intricate snake design around the head. Smiling, she turned to her group. 
“First off, thank you guys so much for willing to do this for me, taking time out of your busy schedules and learning to play a different genre …” Rose grinned and held Marinette’s hand, as Juleka spoke up.
“We know you would have done this and so much more for us, so don’t mention it!” The rest of the group agreed unanimously and energetically, making the raven-haired girl flush. 
“Besides Marinette, we missed this too.” Ivan chirped in, Adrien and Juleka nodding alongside him. 
“I haven’t had time to play in forever, I almost forgot how much I loved playing.” Adrien said, smiling.  
“I am honored to share a stage with you guys again, and hopefully we can do this more often.” Marinette said earnestly, stretching her hand out; immediately the rest of the group followed hands on top of one another. “Who are we?” Juleka cheered, 
“And what do we do?” Ivan boasted,
“Rock!” The group said hyping themselves up. She heard a stagehand call out to them. Nerves made her stomach drop, and hyper aware of everything surrounding her, the amount of people backstage making her feel a little overwhelmed. A stagehand offered her a microphones and an earpiece, realizing that her band was up. Feeling her heart race as Ivan and Adrien were the first to get on the dark stage, followed by Juleka after kissing her girlfriend, Rose. “Nerves of steel”; she reminded herself. She had performed for bigger crowds before, and she knew she had at least one fan out there. Alya put a familiar strap on her shoulders and she smiled. Even through his objects, Luka’s magical calming effect washed over her. She put her hand on the neck of the black guitar, breathing deeply. While technically she’d be playing rhythm guitar to Adrien, she wanted to show Luka that his lessons hadn’t been in vain. 
Inhaling deeply, she took a step onto the stage, gingerly holding the neck of the guitar. The audience milled beneath her and as she exhaled, she felt at home. Although it had been a few years since she stepped on a stage, it felt familiar. The dim lights, the buzzing excitement in the air. She felt her heart speed up in anticipation, nerves slipping away as she walked towards the mic stand, her domain. She heard the excitement grow as she approached; a bright white spotlight flickered to life on her. She turned her head towards her bandmates for reassurance, they nodded back at her, signaling they were ready.  Putting her mic on the stand, she leaned in close. 
“Good evening France!” She called out to the crowd. She heard a whoop and her eyes quickly scanned the crowd. “I see someone recognizes us!” She laughed as another few cheers fluttered back to her. She smiled as her eyes settled on a mop of black and blue hair. 
 “We have Stoneheart back on the drums!” She called out as Ivan started to play the beat of an old song of theirs, a white stage light passing from her to him. “And Reflecta on the bass!” She called as Juleka joined in with the bass, the spotlight changing to purple and shining on her. “Chat Noir on the Guitar!” She felt Adrien shred a tune and smirked when she saw Luka’s eyebrows raise into his hairline. “And yours truly Ladybug on vocals!” She pumped an arm as the lights on the stage shifted from green on Adrien to red on her. “We’re Miraculous and we are back for ONE. NIGHT. ONLY!!”. As her words reverberated through the hall, the excitement became palpable.  Her eyes flicked from her boyfriend to the crowd, as they became more vocal and cheered on. “I’m sure most of you know this song! So, feel free to join in and help me sing!”
Juleka and Adrien stopped playing as Ivan changed the tune he was playing, and she flipped the guitar on her back. As she gripped the mic a bit more firmly, Juleka started to play the melody for their song Sorry now. Her nerves having dissipated as she sang, her heart swelled in joy. In the background she heard Alya join her for faster paced lyrics and smiled. The words flowing through her mouth as if she had just made them up on the spot, the emotion building up in her as she remembered the person for who she wrote the song for. Her eyes flicked back to Luka as she got into the chorus, memories flooding back to her; Luka comforting her on his bed after a terrible day at Lycée with Lyla, helping her channel the anger into music. 
Reaching the second chorus she held the microphone out, stopping midway and let the audience sing along with her. Marinette beamed, pleased their song was still remembered. For Marinette, this song was very much her way to cope with the emotions from being bullied and humiliated by Lila. Upon reflection, she realized that the hurt and confidence this song portrayed had made it what it was, and that passion made it resonate so much with her fans. She waved her hand at the audience and put both hands on her microphone preparing to hit the high notes on the second half of the notes. Grinning as she hit them, she opened her eyes again to finish the song.
Relishing in the cheers afterwards Marinette locked eyes again with her boyfriend in the crowd as he cheered for her. He winked at her, before letting out another cheer. Although Marinette wanted to bask in the emotion, she knew that festivals were fast paced, and the band didn’t hesitate to transition between songs. Ivan changed their beat, shifting into their song ‘Care’. Marinette took advantage of Ivan’s small drum solo to shift the guitar from her back to her hands. She gave it a small strum before quietly signaling in her earpiece for the crew members to turn on her amp. Care had a bit more of a nostalgic feel and was Adrien’s favorite song to perform. It was his cathartic song about his father. It wasn’t as vocal intensive as their first song, which gave Marinette time to focus on the guitar and keep the singing more instinctive. It really was more of a song for Adrien to show off his guitar skills. 
Their third song was more guitar heavy and had Mariette step up her game. Luka’s face was priceless when he saw her actually play a second song on his guitar. ‘California Girls’ was a tribute from Juleka to Rose. Jules wrote the lyrics and Luka had helped with the melody. The beginning of the song allowed Marinette to move more freely on the stage as it had more instrumentals. More comfortable with Luka’s guitar she jumped and danced around as she played. She trusted Rose with her backup vocals and focused a bit more on having fun on stage. After the bridge Adrien and she added a small guitar duet to really showcase their guitar skills, a small tribute to their teacher. Marinette had been nervous during practice yet performing and the audience cheering made playing the guitar akin to breathing, effortless. Finishing the song Marinette let go of the guitar, letting the weight fall upon the strap on her shoulders. Running a hand through her hair she moved closer to her mic. 
“You guys have been awesome so far!” The crowd cheered as Marinette held the microphone once again in her hands. “This song is so special to me,”. She smiled and peeked at Luka, noticing him tilting his head to the side. For the past two songs she had sneaked glances at him yet was focused more on the energy that reverberated through the venue. “My boyfriend wrote this song before we started dating.” She held back a laugh as she saw Luka’s reaction. “I had the biggest crush on a model when I was a teenager and he thought I was going to reject him in favor of the model when I had the chance.” Marinette laughed. “I hope if he’s out there and hears this he doesn’t mind we made the melody a bit more pop than rock.” She smiled and nodded towards Adrien to stop playing. ‘Daft pretty boys’ was something Luka was never proud of writing, yet they both found it immensely funny after a few months of dating. She never realized how Luka felt about her and how jealous he was to write a song about his pent-up emotions. She found it somewhat endearing that he felt so strongly about her even back then. Marinette started to play the guitar, and kept her eyes locked with her boyfriend. The band agreed to let her sing and play the first verse alone, as an homage to his writing process, and then join in the pre chorus. It would be the first time he’d hear the song being sung as an actual song, and not a melody. Although she tried to keep her gaze on Luka, she eventually had to look around the crowd, yet she felt his gaze burn onto her. They had changed the original melody to fit a more upbeat tune. Nino had helped with the composition, turning it into a more danceable song. The band had fun learning this song, a small creation for their performance. 
As the song ended, Marinette took a small sip of water provided for the band as the rest of the band room also took a small break. Marinette beamed as she addressed the crowd. “This is our final song tonight! A small tribute to our favorite band, one that inspired us to come back from retirement.” The crowd buzzed with anticipation. “It’s this small band, you might have heard from them. The Quantic Kids?” Marinette paused to let the crowd cheer with anticipation. “I’m pretty sure they’re the headliners tonight. “Her eyes locked with Luka’s as he flushed.  She grinned at the crowd’s excitement as Ivan started the beat of the song. “This song is called When it Breaks.” The crowd continued to cheer as Marinette held the guitar, ready to play again. The song was exciting and different for the band, and it was a bit intense for Marinette as it required more focus on both singing and playing from her. It was worth it in her eyes, as she had spent countless nights practicing in Nino’s studio away from her boyfriend to give his band the respect they deserved. The beat of the song was much faster paced and left the ambience hyped for the next band. Ending the song left the singer slightly out of breath. 
Marinette looked back into the crowd, her eyes scanned quickly trying to find his piercing blue eyes, to no avail. Smiling, trying to press down the growing nerves inside she waved to the crowd. “Thank you, France! We are Miraculous!” trying to reason with herself why Luka wasn’t in the audience she reminded herself not to freak out. “Bug-out!” She yelled out before the lights onstage cut off and the band made their way offstage.
 Immediately the band was flocked by people, but Marinette held tightly onto Luka’s guitar as she searched for him amongst the crowd. Praises and congratulations abundant, Marinette grinned politely, her mind racing with thoughts of Luka and concern over where he was. As the band was brushed from person to person she suddenly felt for her mask. Sighing in relief that it was still in place she resumed her search for a certain blue haired musician. Finding her way to Alya, suddenly a voice struck out clear as day, “My guitar seems to have been stolen.” Marinette’s polite grin turned into a fully-fledged beam.
“So, what if it has?” She retorted as she felt a strong arm wrap around her shoulder. 
“I’d have to report you to the police.” Luka smiled back at her before hugging her. His proper congratulations could wait when she wasn’t Ladybug anymore. 
“Even after we paid homage to your band with our theme?” She retorted sticking out her tongue at him. 
“I’m glad you found inspiration in us to come out of retirement.” He said, eyes filled with laughter. 
“It was an executive decision. You were a big factor.”
“Well, I’m honored…”
“I’ve even taken inspiration from you for my outfit. You like?” She said cheekily. She felt his gaze take her over and his cheeks flush. She had designed a leather bustier top with a teal scaley design that shifted from black to teal chrome with light, mimicking snakeskin. The bustier ended a little above her waist, exposing her abdomen. She designed a short black leather asymmetrical skirt with three thick buckles in the front with a snakeskin texture, to match with the theme. Alongside some teal and black jewelry, she finished the outfit with black platform boots with buckles that matched her top. 
“I’m not sure my girlfriend would approve.” Luka replied, raising an eyebrow. 
“I have a feeling she wouldn’t mind one bit.” She smirked, as Alya came in tow with Nino. The crowd around the band had dissipated, and the bandmates were buzzed from their performance. Nino hugged Marinette as he saw her grinning from ear to ear. “LB! It’s been forever!” She smiled and hugged him back.
“It has been, thanks for squeezing us in for a little comeback.”
“No problem LB, you guys really helped launch the label, along with quantic kids.” He said high fiving Luka. “Are you sure I can’t convenience you guys to record a new comeback record?” Marinette laughed and shook her head. 
Alya chimed in, smirking at her friend “Fine Ladybug, well the least you can do is come to our party, model Adrien Agreste is going.” This time Luka burst out laughing alongside Marinette. 
“Is it true you sang a song about him?” Luka jested raising an eyebrow at the singer. 
“My songwriter would kill me if I told you.” She poked Luka’s side with her elbow before turning back to Nino. “I already have plans for tonight, but if they blow over, I could make an appearance.” Nino chuckled and tilted his hat towards her. “Hope to see you there.” The couple walked towards the rest of Miraculous band to mingle, leaving the musician and singer alone. She waved at him, continuing to mingle lightly with some people before ducking out when everyone was distracted. 
 She walked towards Ayla’s car, having agreed to meet up with the rest of the band after changing. Safely inside she found another set of clothes, almost identical to her current outfit but with the top and bottom colors inverted. She shook her hair out of her pigtails and took off her mask, quickly changing in the safety of dark tinted windows, becoming designer Marinette once again. Just in time, there was a soft knock on her window signaling the group was ready to leave for the party. 
Adrien and Luka joined her in the backseat, as Nino and Alya slipped in the front. Marinette handed Adrien another neat pile of clothing to change. Although his all black leather get-up was sure to be a knockout at the party, Adrien wanted to keep Chat Noir a secret for a little longer, just in case they did decide to get the band back together. Marinette held Luka's hand as the man squished next to the girl to give Adrien more space to change in the small sedan. “So, I heard Ladybug was flirting with you backstage.” She joked making the musician blush. “Should I be worried about competition?” She heard Alya chuckle in front of her, eavesdropping on the conversation, Luka joining in. 
“Why is my melody jealous?” Marinette wrinkled her nose and Luka kissed the tip of her nose. “Well Ladybug should know there is only one girl for me, although I do have to thank her for the comeback.” Marinette smiled at her boyfriend, before leaning against the car door. 
“Well, it’s a small thank you for teaching us how to play the guitar.” Adrien chimed in, signaling he had changed. 
“You guys improved so much! I felt like a proud father.” Luka responded. He squeezed Marinette’s hand twice, a small gesture they shared as reassurance. The group talked on their way to Nino’s afterparty, catching up on their lives. They talked about Adrien’s love life and modeling with Juleka in Fashion Week, Luka’s upcoming tour in Europe, Ayla’s success as a music columnist and her plans to open her own magazine, Nino’s record label and the upcoming artists in his roster, as well as Marinette’s designs that were selected to appear in an Italian Magazine. The car ride had been long yet with the friend group it had felt as though time hadn’t passed since lycée.
The party was more of an industry mixer, where artists, managers and famous people mingled about. The friends were accustomed to this type of party, as it was prevalent in their career choices, and although it was great to make connections it was also somewhat boring. Being a Nino party, it felt more like a club than a networking event, yet people were always on the job. Getting out of the car, paparazzi was abundant at the entrance, trying to snap pictures of model Adrien and rock star Luka, yet the group ignored them, walking straight inside. Immediately Nino and Alya were whisked away to talk to some editorial, and Adrien was being flirted with by an American socialite. Marinette and Luka headed to the makeshift dance floor and started to dance but were quickly interrupted by other artists star-struck by Luka. 
Being used to this Marinette headed to the bar, which is where the couple always agreed to meet when separated by others. She ordered a cocktail and saw a small and quiet lounge area to the left. Heading there she was stopped by two women, a couple she recognized as a musician in Nino’s label and her famous actress girlfriend. Making small talk, she soon found out they were interested in her designs, wanting custom gowns for a red-carpet event. They started to exchange contact information when she felt an arm wrap around her waist. She wanted to lean into the warmth yet before she could it was gone, Luka opting to stand next to her instead of behind her. Introducing themselves again to Luka; the musician and Luka started to talk about the label, the woman curious about the way things were managed as she was new. 
She felt his hand intertwine with hers and a tingle went through her spine. His thumb rubbing the back of her hand made her look up at him, chiseled jaw moving with his mouth, a small smirk present. Although he was mostly nonchalant, he had grown more confident in the year his band has been performing. Goosebumps suddenly traveled up her arm as she tried to focus on the conversation, but the tension building up between them made it hazy. Her eyes darted to the bathroom and smiled, “It was great catching up! I’m going to get another drink.” She said to the couple, letting go of Luka’s hand. 
She straightened her back and headed towards a coat room, closing the door behind her. A few moments later she heard a familiar knock before the door opened, revealing Luka. He quickly entered before closing the door behind him and locking it. It only took him to turn back to her for Marinette to be on him, lips crashing against each other, her hand tangling in his hair. Instantly his hands grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, a small moan escaping her throat. He pulled away and smirked down at her. “As much as I love to hear you my melody, we might have to keep this symphony a bit quieter. We don’t want to alert anyone.” He said, putting a hand on her cheek, features softening from lust to adoration. He felt his heart swell at the sight of the seamstress/retired pop star with flushed cheeks, swollen pink lips parted slightly with breathlessness and a baby blue eyes that held utter desire for him. “God you are beautiful.” He whispered, bringing his other hand to hers, and pulling it up to his mouth to kiss. “A goddess of beauty and a siren of song, you’ve lured me into your arms and I never want to leave.” 
Marinette flushed a darker shade of pink, yet the emotions stirring in her stomach beat any of the sentiment in her heart.  “As are you, but we’re wasting precious time. It won’t be long before someone starts searching for us.” She whispered, through half lidded eyes. “It’s been torture to not have you all to myself.”  She took another step towards him, his hands slipping from her waist to her hips to hoist her up and against the door. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips, her hands resuming their position in his hair. She suppressed a gasp as he continued to kiss her hungrily, opting to clutch his hair tighter pulling slightly. Luka let out a soft moan, and peppered kisses from her mouth to her ear. Marinette snaked a hand underneath his blouse, feeling the soft skin against hard muscles. He let out a sigh as she gently traced her fingers up and down his abdomen and chest. Deciding the shirt was too much of a hassle, Marinette unbuttoned two other buttons before throwing it over his head. They only separated for a moment before their lips were back together, grinding against each other as they hungrily wanted more. As Marinette’s hand started to gently move up and down his back, the soft touch sensual, Luka started nibbling on her earlobe lightly before kissing behind the ear. He bit down and sucked, “Luka!” Marinette gasped before he continued kissing down her neck leaving a small love bite. Marinette pressed against him harder, wanting him to be closer. Grinding a little faster she felt his hard bulge against her as he groaned into her ear. His face moved back to her lips as he moved closer to the wall opposite the door, his lips sucking on hers hungrily as she bit his lower lip, enticing another moan from him. As soon as her back hit the wall his hands pinned her arms above her head, kissing his way down her neck towards her collarbone. “You know I love your designs but seeing you up there earlier on stage with my colors and my guitar… I never knew I needed to see that before.” He kissed her collarbone again, before straightening out and tightened his grip on her wrists, making Marinette moan. 
“Seeing you up there, wearing this… it made me want to ravish you,” he whispered leaning his forehead against hers before gently lowering her. Marinette almost whined as her feet touched the floor, “it was downright sinful what I wanted to do to you in that moment.” One of his hands slipped from down her arm, neck, between the valley of her breasts to the hooks on her bustier top, leaving shocks of electricity with his touch, Marinette leaning into his touch with pleasure. “My thoughts were filthy. But now…” he trailed off, eyes dropping to unhook the front of her top. “I get to show you exactly how I felt at that moment.” He pulled her top apart to expose her breasts, nipples getting harder against the cold air. Luka smiled and resumed where he left off, kissing gently down her collar bone, Marinette let out a soft moan, her hands clasping together as he neared her nipple. She felt the anticipation of his warm breath on her, yet before he could take the delicate skin in his mouth he smiled. “I haven’t even started and you’re already flustered ladybug?” she groaned, about to retort but the words never came out as his tongue flickered against the soft sensitive skin of her nipple. 
“D-damn you.” She managed to mutter out, his tongue flicking the tip before circling around it. Her fingers tightened around themselves, rolls of pleasure crashing through her. Had Luka not been holding her against the door, she would’ve felt her legs weaken as he bit down gently before taking it in his mouth and swirling the flesh with his tongue. His other hand came down cupping the other breast, fondling it before pinching the other nipple making Marinette moan louder than she meant to. He smiled before shifting, replacing his hand with his mouth, making Marinette arch her back trying to get him closer to her.
Luka pulled away, hand leaving her arms before grabbing her waist and kneeling in front of her. Marinette was left panting biting her lip, as her hands found their way into his hair. He smiled before kissing down her sternum and between her ribcages. He pulled back before pulling the hemline of her skirt above her hips admiring the lingerie underneath. “I see you didn’t waste any of the bustier fabric.” He said, lips tilted upwards in amusement. 
“s-Shut up…” She managed to sputter out, face bright red. Luka gently kissed her thigh from the middle inwards, training his way upwards until they hit the cut of her panties. Marinette was red and flushed, biting her lip to keep sounds from coming out. Her stomach fluttered, as the burning passion inside her consumed her. His lips felt like a matchstick, his trail leaving a tingling sensation that she didn’t, particularly mind. Kissing her through her panties, he looked up at her for permission to continue, to which she nodded, releasing her bottom lip from between her teeth. Luka so gently pulled them down, before ever so delicately put a finger between the folds of her warm, wet, and sensitive pussy. He gently brushed against her clit enticing another moan from the small seamstress. He pulled his finger back and admired it as it glistened in the low light before popping it into his mouth. He wasted no time sucking her wetness from his finger before his face was back at her inner thighs, kissing from the middle towards her slick clit. It didn’t take long before he reached there, giving her clit some special attention with his tongue. Soon he had Marinette bracing herself against the wall for support and her hands gripping and pulling his hair, begging him in sweet soft moans for more. As wave after wave of pleasure overrode her, Luka enjoyed seeing his girlfriend try to keep quiet as orgasm overtook her. Seeing her head tilted back, mouth agape, gasping for air made him wish he had photographic memory. He sat back and admired his handiwork as he held Marinette steady. 
Licking his lips, he smiled and stood up. Marinette let out a small sigh and put her head against the wall. “Need a moment?” he chuckled as he kissed her forehead. She nodded breathless. “Well come here” He wrapped his arms around her waist letting his girlfriend lean against him. He quietly started to rearrange her clothing as she gathered her bearings. “What about...” Luka’s eyes pierced into hers and he winked. “We can continue this at home, but I think our absence might be noticed if we are gone any longer.” He kissed Marinette again before lifting her bustier top over her exposed chest. “Now, my melody, where exactly did you throw my shirt?”. 
Marinette got to the bar and ordered two cocktails as Luka met up with her at the bar. He kissed her temple as the bartender handed her two drinks. She felt proud of her boyfriend, they spent the night mingling, eventually dancing with their friends and happy in each other’s arms. 
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arsonanddahlias · 4 years
Maybe you could be my mom
@molinaswilson (I believe) made a post about a mother/son relationship between Alex and Victoria, and I couldn't help myself really. I wrote this to productively procrastinate my other wip, so it's not the best but I hope it's okay! Implied homophobia and child ab*se (sort of) and if I remember right there's a little blood, just from grazed knees. Please be careful lovelies!
Alex stared at the door in front of him, and heard the lock click. It felt wrong, being outside looking in. He clutched the backpack tightly in his hands, before pulling it round onto his back and wiping his eyes. He took one last look at the house before turning around.
This wasn't home anymore.
He grabbed his bike from his, no not his, their front yard, and started peddling furiously.
His eyes were blurry and so much was going through his head that he thought it would explode and he didn't know where to go and the weird mix of whispers of "Luke" and "Reggie" playing in his mind where overwhelming and oh god his sisters and I-
He tumbled off his bike, panic attack now encasing his entire body and trapping him in a tiny box.
Breathe, Alex. Breathe.
When he looked up, he realised he was completely lost. God, he might as well be in France he was so lost. And he was cold too, so cold, and a glance at his watch told him it was way too late to be out.
Now, Alex wasn't a rulebreaker. His dad, no not his dad, Mr Joyner, told him it was just him being a good lad. Keep up those grades. Don't make trouble. But his late night Google searches told him it was RSD. He always got anxious about these things, and God his boys made him anxious.
But... Right now, he didn't really have much choice, if he didn't want to get kidnapped or murdered or... God he didn't want to think about it.
Looking around he saw one house that seemed particularly welcoming, and particularly empty without a car in the driveway and without any lights on.
And it had a garage, perfect.
On cue, his stomach grumbled in protest. Maybe, he could find a way into the main house and grab a snack, then sneak into the garage and be gone by morning.
Dropping his bike in the grass, he stepped quietly towards the big house in search of an open window. God, what he'd give in a time like this to have Reggie's uncanny lock picking skills. He found one round the side, and tumbled through it into a clean looking bathroom.
Victoria would do anything for her niece and nephew, so it wasn't uncommon that her and Carlos would be left alone In the house.
Ray and Rose had taken Julie out for a meal, but Carlos had decided to stay behind because "I love you jules but, I know it's gonna get mushy, and Tia said she'd order pizza". God, she loved that kid.
It was getting to midnight, and Carlos was in bed. Victoria didn't usually stay up this late, but she wanted to finish her book, and so was sitting in the conservatory.
It was all quite peaceful, until the massive crash that came from the kitchen.
She quickly rounded the corner, to scold Carlos gently for staying up so late, but instead she was faced with a very scared looking, very dishevelled blonde boy staring at her like he couldn't quite decide between fight and flight.
"What are you--" she cut herself off as she saw the ripped jeans over grazed knees, the tear tracks on his tired looking face, the overflowing backpack on his back.
The boy started stepping backwards, like he was trying to run but couldn't figure out an escape route.
" I- uhm I wasn't uhm" he tripped over something and collapsed, luckily onto the sofa behind him. He instantly jumped up as if the sofa was red hot, and glanced towards the door to the bathroom, which Victoria was now blocking.
He took in a shaky breath, evidently trying his best to calm himself down.
"Right" Victoria sighed, realising a little too late that she was definitely keeping this one. She raised her arms slowly, halting for a second when he flinched, god, he flinched, before gently wrapping her arms around him.
He stiffened up for a moment, anticipating... Something, but softened when he realised that something about this felt.... Safe?
"I'm sorry" He muttered into her shoulder "I promise I wasn't breaking in I- well I was breaking in but I didn't want to steal any- well I was going to steal something but only-" he cut off his rambling, pulling away from her.
"Sit down" She said, and felt guilty when he flinched and immediately sat.
She moved smoothly towards the fridge, which was containing goodies she'd made for the Molinas. She looked backward at the boy, who was switching between watching her and his own lap. His leg was jittering anxiously and he was picking intently at the skin on his hand.
She pulled out a plate and uncovered it, moving over to the microwave to warm it up.
She considered for a moment, and picked up her phone from the kitchen side
"Wait- please don't call the police I-" he stuttered, looking alarmed
"Don't worry, I'm not calling the police" She said soothingly. Now was not the time to try and be harsh with this boy, she had realised. She continued picking up her phone and scrolled down her contacts to find her sister. She moved into the next room so that the boy couldn't hear the conversation she was prepping for
To say he was scared would be quite the understatement, Alex thought. He was getting very mixed signals from the woman who had caught him. She, she gave him a hug, then snapped at him. She said she wasn't going to call the police but then went into the next room. Maybe she was trying to convince him not to bolt.
God, he should have just gone to Luke's place. Sure, his relationship with his parents wasn't the best, but the Pattersons were always welcoming. Now he was going to get arrested and they were going to call his parents and- would his parents even care? They'd said they weren't his anymore. They'd said they didn't care about him.
He wouldn't have anyone to bail him out. How long are you in jail for for breaking and entering? Sure, he hadn't stolen anything, but it was technically trespassing and-
His thought was cut short when the woman came back into the room and have him a long, indescribable look and moved over to the microwave. She pulled out the plate and a fork and set them both on the coffee table in front of him.
"Eat, mijo"
Alex hesitated for a second, but, on cue, his stomach grumbled and he couldn't really protest when his own body was working against him
And he must admit, he didn't regret it.
"What's your name, sweetheart"
"Alex. Alex Joyner"
"I'm Victoria, what are you doing out here? It's very late"
He paused from eating, looking down at his lap, then up at Victoria, then down at his lap again.
"I got kicked out" he muttered, speaking carefully like he was considering every word. He was desperately hoping she wouldn't ask why, because he felt like that could go one of two ways, him being kicked out yet again, and having to find somewhere else to sleep, or maybe her calling the police, If she hadn't already.
"Why, mijo" dammit
He looked straight past her, at the white wall. He opened his mouth to speak, but whatever he was going to say got caught in his throat. Or maybe around his throat, choking him with the guilt he'd felt. He looked back down at his lap, and picked at his skin, pushing back his sleeve to fiddle with the rainbow bracelet that Reggie had made him when he came out to them. Victoria's eyes locked on to it, and she sat next to him, before hooking her finger under the bracelet for a second. "Anything to do with this?"
Alex nodded, tears welling up in his eyes, a d splashing onto his lap. He darent look up at Victoria, he was scared that her look would match his mother's, disgust and shock mingling together in her grimace.
Instead, though, she pulled his head gently onto her shoulder and wrapped her arm around him, whispering quiet comforting things into his hair.
Eventually, when Rose and Ray got home, they were only slightly surprised when they saw Victoria asleep with a blonde boy resting on her shoulder. Huddled up in blankets.
Rose leaned over to Ray and whispered, careful not to wake up the sleeping boy, "Looks like we've got 3 kids now"
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crystalwillow · 4 years
The Pregnancy, Part One
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Tagging: @kiteplayschoices @brycelahelalover @obsessedheehee @eleanorbloom @fuseboxmusebox @princesslahela @vibrantlyjaz @kaavyaethanramsey @queencarb @schnitzelbutterfingers @ramseysno1rookie @caseyvalentineramsey @ethanramseyswhore @whippedforethanfreakingramsey
It was two weeks after Ethan and Casey had returned from their honeymoon and they were now back at work. Casey sat at the briefing table in the diagnostics room zoned out on a piece of paper as she focused on trying to keep her nauseous feeling at bay. But it was no use, suddenly she snapped back to reality as she rose to her feet and bolted out of the door to the nearest toilet. This wasn't the first time she had had to bolt to a bathroom to puke like this. This was about the 4th time it was happening this week. Casey flung open the bathroom door bursting in before leaning over the sink and puking out everything that was in her stomach. A knock on the door was followed by a voice asking if she was alright, "I'm fine! she shouted back before spitting out what was left in her mouth and cleaning the bathroom sink and herself up. Once she was done, she opened the door and was surprised to see Baz standing there, a concerned look on his face "Is everything okay?" he asked, Casey nodded "yeah it's fine" she smiled. "Ethan would have come but he's kin-" Baz started to explain but stopped when fast footsteps and a frantic voice came towards them. "Baz. what's taking so long? is she okay? I asked you to report back on the status of my wife ime-" Ethan rumbled but stopped as he rounded the corner, nearly crashing right into both. He took a step back and adjusted his gaze onto Casey, his brow creasing with worry as he looked closely and saw her clammy with sweat. "You're going home" he stated, "What?? Honey, I'm fine. I must have just had a dodgy croissant with my coffee this morning or something." Casey argued calmly, "Or the milk in the coffee was dodgy" Baz chimed in. Casey nodded in agreement. "Nope. Your skin is clammy, you just threw up in the sink, and, you have bags under your eyes. I am not having a member of my team, much less my wife, at work when they are ill. Get your bag and go home." He ordered trying to hide the worry he was feeling, before turning on his heel and walking back to the diagnostics room. Baz followed mouthing a quick "I'm sorry" to Casey.
Sighing, Casey collected her bag, slipping off her white coat and headed towards the elevators, pressing the button and waiting to get in. Once it arrived at her floor, she stepped and punched the button for the ground floor. She had quite a way to go down, so she occupied herself by pulling out her phone and headphones to get them ready for her journey home on the bus. Halfway down to the ground floor, the elevator stopped, and someone stepped in, also punching the button for the ground floor. "Hey" the person said, making Casey jump. She looked up to see her bright-eyed friend Bryce standing in the elevator with her, "hey" she said back with a small smile. "What's up?" he asked as he took in her glum expression. "Ethan's sending me home because I was just sick in the sink upstairs. I honestly don't think it's anything serious, but he doesn't want 'a tired and sick member of his team. much less his wife.' at work. I mean he didn't even allow me to use mouth wash or one of those chewy toothbrush things. he just demanded I got my bag and go ho-"Casey rambled on but stopped as Bryce put a gentle hand on her shoulder holding out half a pack of gum with a smile, "Take it. I have two more packs in my locker" he said softly. Casey gave a thankful smile and took it. The two hugged goodbye and went their separate ways.
Later that day, Casey was feeling tons better as she sat on the couch at home bored. She's done everything she could have. She'd watered the house plants, walked their dog, Bleu. She's even gone round the whole house cleaning and anti-bacterialising every surface that she could. So now, she was sat staring out the window at the garden with nothing to do. Suddenly, the house phone rang making her jump but she sprinted to answer it, desperate for human interaction. "Yes! Hello! This is Casey Ramsey speaking. How may I help you??!" she shouted down the phone excitedly waiting for an answer from the person on the other end, but instead was met with a familiar deep, rich chuckle "How are you?" Ethan asked. "ugh. it's you" she replied in a teasing tone, with a smirk on her lips. "oh. charming!" Ethan said back, sounding a little taken aback and offended. Casey just laughed. They spoke for the remainder of Ethan's lunch break before hanging up and going back to what they needed to do. When Ethan got home late that night, he found Casey asleep in bed, with Bleu snuggled next to her on his side of the bed. "Charming. I've been replaced by a puppy" he mumbled to himself amusingly. He cleaned up the left-over takeout containers and snapped a picture of Casey and Bleu, before then grabbing the spare blanket, taking he couch for the night, not wanting to disturb the cute situation in the bedroom.
The next morning, he woke up to the sound of Casey yet again in the bathroom puking. Rubbing his eyes, he stumbled to the bathroom, his heart breaking in his chest when he turned to go into the bathroom at the sight of his wife hunched over the toilet crying and throwing her guts up uncontrollably. He walked in and crouched down beside her, holding her hair back and rubbing soothing circles on her back. Once the nausea spell was over Casey stood up and brushed her teeth, Ethan leaning on the door frame, looking at his wife, his brow was creased with concern. "What's going on babe? this is about the 5th day in a row this has happened" He asked with a voice full of worry. She didn't know what it was she felt, but the next thing she knew, Casey was slamming her toothbrush on the counter and snapping at her husband. She felt bad but somehow her outburst felt justified. "Why don't you think about what we've been trying to do for months. what we no longer use when we're intimate together. Why don't you just stop being such a stupid, dumb ass excuse of a man and THINK!" she screamed in his face before stomping past him back to the bedroom and slamming the door. Ethan stood there for a moment trying to process what just happened. Childhood memories came flooding back. He started to think Casey was going to start treating him the same as his mother did before she left him and his father all those years ago, but he knew his wife. and random outbursts for no reason were not her thing. Then suddenly it dawned on him. A child. They had been trying to conceive a child for almost 7 months now. Suddenly he felt what Casey must be feeling. Pure fear. she was scared, and rightly so. He knew they had been trying for a while but for it to have possibly happened after only almost 7 months of trying was quicker than either had anticipated. He went downstairs and got her a glass of water and some toast, went back upstairs gently knocking on the bedroom door before entering with the tray. "Hey. Um, I got you some breakfast. Nothing too heavy, just some lightly buttered toast and water" He said cautiously as he held the tray out. Casey sat up and took it from him. Not daring to look him in the eyes, with the guilt she felt for her unjustified, but in her mind at the time completely justified, outburst. Ethan sat down beside her, pulling her close to him to show her it was okay. "i love you" he reassured her as he kissed a deep meaningful kiss to her temple, whilst she took a bite of the toast. After she had finished breakfast, she apologized to Ethan and the two took a warm shower together, washing each other and sharing gentle hugs with tender kisses. Soon it was time for them to head to work. They planned to leave a bit earlier so that when they got there Casey could do a pregnancy test before her shift started.
Once they got to work, Casey kissed Ethan goodbye for the time being as he was starting an hour before her. She made her way to the nearest toilet and took the test. Her stomach grumbled so she put the test back in the box wrapped in tissue before shoving it back in her bag. She washed her hands then made her way to the cafeteria, where she purchased a yogurt and an apple juice. Soon 25 minutes had past, and she was nervous to look at her results. She was walking the hallways to a bathroom when she saw Tia. Bryce's girlfriend. "Tia!" she called out. Tia looked up and smiled at her "Hey Casey. What's up?" she asked friendlily "Could you check something for me? I'm a bit nervous" She confessed. "Sure" Tia answered politely, with a smile. Casey reached in her bag and passed her the test. "I took this. I need to know what it says" She told her. Tia nodded and went into the nearby storeroom. Casey followed her and faced in the opposite direction once they were inside. Tia opened the box and unwrapped the tissue. She stared at the test, a warm happiness spreading through her as a smile grew on her face. "well?" Casey asked nervously as she turned around. Tia shrugged as if she was going to say what Casey was dreading. The test is negative. But was taken by surprise when Tia turned the test to face her and it read a strong positive result. "omg." she gasped happily, stumbling back into the shelves, hand going to her stomach. "I... I'm" she was so speechless she dropped her bag and hugged Tia extremely tight as tears streamed from her eyes. Suddenly she pulled back with realization, "I've got to tell Ethan!" she exclaimed quietly, Snatching the test from Tia in excitement. Forgetting about her bag as she sprinted out of the storage room and to the elevators. Punching the button, impatiently waiting. "come on. come on." she pleaded. Soon the doors went ping and she sprinted in punch the button for hers and Ethan's floor. As it made it's way up it felt like it was taking an eternity to get to her husband. When she finally reached the floor, she sprinted out of the elevator and straight around the corner into another doctor. "so sorry. I'll make it up to you later!" She shouted as she sprinted to the diagnostics room. Looking through the glass windows as she approached, she was glad to see Ethan alone and she burst through the doors. Startled by the crash he looked up from his computer, seeing his wife standing there out of breath, then back at the time on his screen. "You don't start for another 23 minutes Casey why're yo-" he started to talk but Casey cut him off, "No. Babe, be quiet. come here. and kiss me. now" she demanded. Perplexed by what she just said, Ethan saved the files he was working on and walked over to her. Once he was close enough she grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him with the type of passion and love he had never felt before. It made him lightheaded. As much as he enjoyed, he pulled away and searched his wife's eyes trying to find an answer, but he couldn't. They were too lit up and wild with emotion. Then Casey placed the test in his hand. He looked down at it and almost fainted when he saw the result. Staggering to sit in a chair he looked at his wife with a newfound love. It was one that was deeper than the kind of love they normally shared. "we... we.... we're having a child" he said breathlessly as he felt himself tearing up. Casey sat next to him. "Yeah. We're going to be parents" she whispered happily. Leaping up suddenly, Ethan pulled Casey up with him sweeping her into another passion and emotion-built kiss. He couldn't describe this feeling. It was like happy had taken a drug, and the drug had taken a drug before happy took the drug it took. The two stood in the middle of the room sharing their moment of happiness. They knew they were at work, but everything felt like it was a million miles away. In that moment it felt like it was just them and their child.
From that moment on Ethan knew that he would do everything in his power to keep his child and love of his life safe. He said till death do us part two months prior to this moment, and he intended to carry through on that promise. Because even though he didn't know much outside of the medical world. He knew one thing. That he loves his family and will forever.
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yoonia · 3 years
Miss Dia ;-; did u know I read show me something late at night that I fell asleep in the middle of reading it ;-; n then I had to pick up reading it after I woke up today hehehe. when I saw the heavy angst and slow burn I was like omg this is MY thing, n I love me a good friends to falling out to enemies to going back and forth to lovers.
I was really excited to get into the 51k words bc you build such great backstories! and the way you describe oc's character especially n the short spurts of jk's personality after childhood, n I guess this type of situation actually happened to me in real life well except the happy ending ;-; so my heart was really hurting for the insecurities and thoughts that oc had throughout the whole fic. there was tia n jaehyun 🥺 literal mvps, like the great friends they are tried their very best to settle whatever problems the couple had 🥺
AND CAN I TALK ABOUT JK, he literally never snapped at oc as they were in the so called enemies stage, he was soft and considerate towards her n AGHHH I just love his character so much, we stan a good man 🥺 n during the smut scene even as it was getting steamy n very sexy, jk was still the cuddly sweet lover he was just wanting to fix his misunderstanding and mistakes
n ofc I really wanna applaud u for finishing this fic! I loved it very much n u fed the angst lover in me so well 😚 I hope u had rested n stayed hydrated today ^^ pls stay safe I'm excited for your future works mwah mwah 🥺💜
I’m sorry for replying so late 🥺
I don’t blame you for falling asleep in the middle of reading lol I’ve done that when I read something late at night too and you just got through 51k words at night so I won’t be surprised. 
One of the many reasons why the word count sort of multiplied a lot from what I had planned was none other than the backstories lol I wanted to be able to show their lives before the falling out and why it had affected her so badly when they did fall out. I felt like without those parts, you won’t be able to truly understand why she was hurting and why it took them so long to hash things out. Honestly, we all need friends like Tia and Jaehyun who would be totally annoying in their nosy way but understand enough when and how to push until things could actually happen. It must’ve been weird for them too for being stuck in the middle of the cold war between Jungkook and OC for years 🥺
As much as I wanted to make JK lash out, I couldn’t give him that since he knew that he was in the wrong. I feel like the cold shoulders he’s been giving her was already hurtful enough and OC was the one who needed to dump all the stressful thoughts and the emotions she had kept to herself for years. 
Enough rambling (I’m sorry I always talk too much when it comes to my writing)! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you’re having a magnificent week and please take care! 
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hyphen-yaeger · 4 years
Prompt # 6: Sleep (free day)
All the Hyphens
When the day has come to an end, and the stars shine so bright in the sky, the body asks to relax.
But sleeping, as many things, is sometimes unique and changes from person to person, and what could one say about a certain blue haired adventurers group during a camp day?
Foundation is one of the last to go to sleep because of her diary writting habit or  because she had so send/ return some letters. taking off any armor and loosen up her clothes with the posibility to change into pajamas, she sleeps on weird positions but facing the entry of the tent, just in case...
Mirror gets to sleep when he feels like there is nothing more to be said in the group for the day, as he always wants to be there if someone needs to let something out. He will change into a set of confortable pijamas and sleep face down on the pillow, feet facing the entrance.
Witty almost always tells Rhel to go to sleep first. She will brush her hair a couple of times before getting into confy clothes before going to sleep. She... sleeps parallel to the tent entrance.
Book has to be reminded of changing into something confortable when he is already in his tent. He will grab some “light lecture“ as he puts it and get confortable. 90% of the time, he will wake up with the book in his face; good thing he does not drool much.
If she had a choice, Star would bring her sleeping bag outside so she can look at the stars everynight, but that was something that could not be done everyday. She falls asleep arm over her eyes. Beware of what arm is covering her face, as you don’t want to be slapped in the middle of the night
Swift, oh sweet Swift; there are times when he sleeps all night and times where he sleeps in 1 hour increments. Lately it seems he is getting more sleep by being surrounded by his fellow Hyphens. A change he appreciates and shows as the bags under his eyes are much less vissible now than on the first days he arrived.
Rhel tries to stay awake and not be the first one to rest every night, and so far she has not succed. As soon as her head touches the pillow, she won’t get up until her body has its batteries recharged.
Tia is part of the club “weird sleeping positions“, almost ending with him waking up and his body all in a twist and rambling a bit everynight, no one really understands what he is saying in his sleep but it seems its funny by the way he smiles while doing so.
Beacon has made a habit of having some space on her side in case someone has a bad dream or can’t sleep and needs someone to confrt them. She doesn’t mind, they are there to support each other.
Tender sleeps with his face looking up, has a bottle of water in his reach just in case and always makes sure twice the tent he is sleeping in is well secured, it had fell down in the middle on the night one day and he does not want it to repeat.
Soul prepares everything she will need in the morning and places it right next to her, she clips on her bangs and sleeps looking up because getting her bangs to be in place properly the next morning is always time consuming for her. She is the one who will sleep with fluffy and warm socks.
Cavalier makes sure everything is safe before calling it a night and on nights when he can’t sleep he will walk around camp making sure it stays that way. He lets down his hair and has a coat he likes to sleep in. He is the one who would have something extra do defent himself at reach aside from his fists.
Bold is an antithesis of Soul and Sunshine in the socks department, as she will sleep without them 90% of the time unless its really cold for her. She would change into a super baggy pijama and curl into a ball as much as possible to sleep.
Although Shadow enjoys sleeping on trees on ocasion, the would not say no to a soft sleeping bag or similar. Most of the time he will expand himslef like a starfish before sleeping, so he wears a warm set of pants and a longsleeve shirt so he does not have cold.
Sunshine joins club warm socks to sleep, they dont have to be fuzzy but just warm enough for her. She sleeps on her side and says goodnight to everyone she passes by on her way to the tent. She has a second pair of covers somewhere in her belongings, just in case.
Local Engineer, or Engi for short, does a quick check on the tents after the incident with Tender, not because he does not trust him, but because he himslef can really be sure if he did a propper check before. All he needs most of the time is just something soft to lay down. Covers? not really, thank you. But he will have some light ones if the night gets too cold, but he rarely uses them
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sturnioloshacker · 6 months
hi my baby 🧡 anon, i miss you so much! i can’t stop thinking about you, you’re always on my mind. i love you so much that i took some photos and a cute vid just for you. i also posted a little something special for you as well hehehe
enjoy those, baby. they’re just for you and only you mwah!
love your pretty mamas 🩷
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hythlodaes · 4 years
always gold
the story of milo shae up until the prologue. ft. @hondaohnaka​‘s tia and @forceritual​‘s edelie words: 5,075
Milo wakes to his head aching, and there’s a heaviness that creeps up the back of his neck, throbbing through his first blurry thoughts. His throat is dry and his limbs are heavy as he shifts on his bed--just a mattress pushed against the wall of his dirt cheap apartment. He’s shirtless but he’s still wearing pants and boots, and the room is still dark but it’s not dark enough. 
He closes his eyes as his stomach churns sickly with the beginning of his hangover, and aloud he says to himself, “You gotta stop doing this, man.” 
Life was simple at the start. 
The Shae’s moved to Ukio at the beginning of Milo’s memory. They bought a small house in a small town surrounded by fields and fields of farmland. For his mother, it couldn’t feel further from Mirial. For his father, it was a lousy place to end up after your latest get-rich-quick scheme fell through. 
When he was six years old, Milo held his mother’s hand while she gave birth to his sister. He looked between doctors and nurses and the pain on his mother’s face, and somewhere underneath it all he felt afraid. He was too young and the room was too bright, too sterile, and his dad told them that he’d be there, but he said that a lot. 
What he remembers: a baby crying, his hand turning dark green where his mother squeezed it too hard. He remembers going home after that, sitting in the back of the speeder next to her, casting curious glances towards the tiny bundle as the streetlights shifted over them. 
The first time he held his sister in his own tiny arms, he felt a swell of pride that all big brothers should feel.
Lurian Shae. 
“I’ll call you Luri,” he said, looking into her curious eyes that shone the empty green as his father’s. “I’ll look out for you.”
Life was simple. Life was easy. 
Afternoons were spent in the lazy sun, often in Milo’s back yard where the green grass contrasted the yellow ochre in the distance. The summer heat made Milo’s forehead drip with sweat as he watched his best friend tinker with a model ship set up on their makeshift table in their makeshift fort. 
(It was made of a bunch of wood pallets thrown together, and it collapsed five times in the two months it’d been up.) 
“Rodi,” he said, dragging his friend’s name out. “Come on, can’t we just play with it already?” 
They were twelve years old, and this was as tough as life got. 
The model ship was a BT-7 Thunderclap. Milo memorized the details, wasn’t even jealous when Rodi received it as a birthday present. All he wanted was to fly it, because it was as close as he would get to his dream of flying a real ship. 
This is something he’d known for a long time. 
“Just hang on,” Rodi said. “It’s not gonna work if you rush.” 
“Well how much longer?” 
“Just hang on,” Rodi repeated, and Milo huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. It was one thing for his mother to tell him that he was too impatient, but it was entirely different coming from his friend. They’d known each other for four years at this point, living just a few minutes down the road from each other. Their bond started the way most childhood friendships do, and it was funny how something so small and simple could last for a long time to come. 
“There, I got it.” 
Milo whooped as Rodi picked the ship up and ran out of the fort, setting it down in the grass and stepping back. The two of them stood shoulder to shoulder as Rodi tinkered with the little remote, and the model ship whirred for a few moments before lifting off the ground. The two boys cheered as it flew into the golden sunlight. 
Milo shielded his eyes with his hand, grinning as he said, “I can’t wait until we have a ship of our own.” 
He could feel Rodi’s gaze turn towards him. “You’re gonna fly it, right?” 
“As long as you’re there,” he said, and as the light washed over him, he knew it was a promise he intended to keep. “We’re gonna see the whole galaxy.” 
By the time Milo drags himself up from the mattress, the light in his apartment tells him it’s mid-afternoon. There’s always been something strange about the way time moves on Nar Shaddaa--it’s like every sector has a clock of its own, so it’s always three in the morning somewhere, always trouble somewhere. 
Milo has his own trouble, downing a couple of painkillers with his coffee. He ends up with his head resting against the crook of his elbow, waiting out the agonizing moments it takes for the relief to kick in. 
Across the room his datapad lights up with a new message, and his free arm extends towards it as though it can be reached from here. Whoever it is, they’re going to have to wait until he feels alive enough to get up and read it.
It wasn’t a surprise when his dad left them for good, but it still hurt. 
It was still an ending, even if he wasn’t around much in the first place, or that he was ever particularly good for either Milo or Lurian. Their father was always on the cusp of anger, could never be bothered, always had a knack for making sure they knew he didn’t care. 
(Don’t let this place get to you, was what he said during one of their last moments together. Get out of here as soon as you can.)
Milo held Lurian on the floor of his bedroom as the front door slammed with one final sound, and he blinked back tears that he never meant to cry.
Perhaps the strangest part was the finality of it--Milo was used to him leaving, but he always came back. Perhaps the worst part is that Milo could never fully believe that he wouldn’t come back.
That night he told his sister story after story as time dragged on, and after his voice wore out, they tip toed downstairs. Their mother was on the couch, staring vacantly at the wall, but at the sound of them entering the room she looked over at them with a watery expression, her lips pressed into a small smile. 
“Come here,” she said, and the two of them curled up on either side of her, tucked against her. Her warmth was comforting but it didn’t quell the emptiness left behind, it didn’t ease away the shock that this was all that’s left of their family. Still, the three of them stayed like that until morning, and then life moved on--different, but it still moved on. 
“I think I’m gonna be Nico Okarr this year,” Milo said. He and Rodi walked home from school together most days, and today’s topic of conversation turned to Ukio’s autumn festival, where children typically dress up in costume. 
“That’s what you were last year.” 
“Yeah, well, he’s cool,” Milo explained, which sounded better than the fact that his mom told him they couldn’t afford a new costume. He still fit into the old one, and besides-- “I’m gonna be just like him someday.” 
Rodi smirked. “Yeah, and I’m gonna marry the Queen of Naboo.”
“It could happen.” 
“In my dreams. Come on, we both know we’re not getting out of here.” 
It was the obvious conclusion: two poor kids from a farm planet. There wasn’t much hope for either of them.  
“We are, though,” Milo argued. “You and me. When we have our ship, we’re gonna be heroes and they’re gonna tell stories about us.”
Silence beat between them with each footstep along the sidewalk. Golden sunlight fell over them as the afternoon stretched on, the air cooler than it had been lately, and it took a long time for Rodi to quietly ask, “You really believe that?” 
Milo nodded. “You’ll see.” 
Dearest Older Brother (who’s the worst, by the way),
If you’re not going to answer my messages, at least answer mom’s. I know better than to worry about you, but the same can’t be said for her. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you and you know how she comes up with the worst case scenarios. So consider me, listening to her ramble on and on about whatever trouble her poor son is in, and call her back. 
Or better yet, go home. I bet she’d make oodi soup for you, and by extension, me.   
Funnily enough, I guess I miss you. So like. Whatever. 
School was hard. Paying attention was harder. He zoned out during his lectures, found that he didn’t really care. There weren’t any pilot training programs on Ukio and his mother didn’t have the money to send him off planet to learn, so he was stuck running flight simulators and reading manuals in his spare time. He knew what he wanted and he knew he wouldn’t find it here, so what was the point?
He told himself he didn’t care, but it was hard to ignore the anger of realizing your dreams would most likely never happen.
As he got older, he started skipping out of class early. There was a group of kids that were older than him, and one of them had a speeder bike that they’d race along the abandoned field across town. Milo, desperate to get on that bike, tagged along until they eventually let him ride it. 
He fell off the first time, taking a turn too sharply. Momentum hurled him to the ground, where dirt caked into his clothes and his body took a moment to catch up with the pain after the shock. His forearm split open from taking the brunt of the fall, but he managed to stand up, and he laughed at the concern on his friends’ faces.
It was a feeling he wouldn’t forget. 
The cut on his arm ended up leaving a scar, but that was nothing compared to the look his mother gave him when he explained to her what happened. 
(He gave her the safe version of the story. It still wasn’t enough to spare him from punishment.) 
“You keep talking about getting your own ship,” Rodi said one afternoon, “but how are you going to afford it?” 
“Our ship,” Milo argued. He actually made it to the end of school today, so they walked home side by side once again. “We’ll figure it out.” 
Rodi snorted. “What does that even mean?” 
“It means we’ll figure it out.” It wasn’t an answer, and truthfully Milo hadn’t thought about the particulars. All he knew was that he had to make it happen. He had to find a way, and they were going to get out of there, because staying sounded like a death sentence. 
“I’d love to live in that delusional world of yours,” Rodi said as they approached the split in the road. To the right lead to Milo’s house, to the left lead to Rodi’s. They slowed to a stop as he continued, “You know we’re not kids anymore.” 
But he was wrong. They were fifteen and life was still just starting for them. There was still so much time to do whatever they wanted to do, and far fetched dreams were still at the top of Milo’s list, even if Rodi forgot about them. 
“Don’t you want to get out of here, Ro?” 
He sighed. “Of course I do, it’s just not...realistic. Listen, even if you got a job I’d bet all the credits in my bank account that you’d spend everything on your mom and your sister.” 
“You don’t have any credits in your bank account.” 
“Well, if I did, that’s what I’d bet them on.” 
Milo shifted his weight, looking down at the ugly permacrete road. His hand scratched idly at the back of his neck where his hair had grown too long. Money was tight for them--had been for a long time now, and even though was used to having less, he hated seeing his mother work so hard for so little. He sighed too, finally looking up at his friend. “Maybe you’re right.” 
The admission felt ugly but it brought a small smile to Rodi’s face as he threw his arm around Milo’s shoulders. “That’s my boy.” 
Milo got his first job later that week. It was for hauling junk and it didn’t make a lot of money, but it felt like progress.
(Rodi was right, he ended up giving most of his earnings to his mom.)
Some nights Milo would lay awake. He would leave the window open, and the cool air rushed in every few moments, brushing over his skin as he tried to fall asleep. It didn’t always work but he liked the way it felt, he liked the way his home felt, then. It was safe--his mother and sister were down the hall, and he didn’t miss his father. Not really. 
He told himself that it was easier with him gone. It was easier not to have the expectation that he’d come home or that he’d be wherever he said he’d be. Disappointment hurt, but it was never as bad as the hopeful expectation, the this time things will be different. 
(It was never as bad as the thought that creeped in from time to time: You weren’t enough to keep him here.)
Some nights he crawled through the open window, shimmied down the side of the house, and made his way back to the split in the road. Rodi waited for him there and they’d go out and drink with their friends. They’d meet in empty fields, or behind the old barn that hadn’t been used in years, and it was fun. 
He got drunk and the world felt a little blurry, and the first time he kissed someone his knees shook. The second time they stayed steady, but he still didn’t feel like he knew what he was doing. 
(It took a while, but he found his way. Uncertain lips became sure, fumbling hands confident.)
So maybe they caused a little trouble. So what? When he turned sixteen he stole a hydrospanner from Arlen Marrin’s shop, and he and Rodi didn’t say a word until they could catch their breath, having ran all the way back to Milo’s house. 
There, they laughed until his mom asked them what was so funny.
Or better yet, come home. 
Milo reads the words again and again, his hand trembling slightly where he’s holding the datapad. He needs another drink, or...something. Anything to take the edge off, to dull the thoughts that rush at him all at once.
He lives on Nar Shaddaa between jobs, and it’s bad enough without the guilt of leaving his mom and sister behind. He still sends nearly every credit he earns back home to them, but he knows that it doesn’t make up for leaving. 
He knows it doesn’t make him any less like his father. 
“Hear me out: Rishi.” 
Rodi raised a brow at him. He was sitting on his bed, datapad in his lap, while Milo laid on his back against the floor. They were trying to study for their final exams, but Milo’s thoughts strayed back to the place they always did.
“What do you mean, Rishi?” 
Milo grinned. “We should go to Rishi. School’s over in a couple weeks, we probably have enough money between the two of us, and it’s only three hours away by shuttle.”
“Yeah, you’re forgetting one major detail.” 
“What’s that?” “Convincing our parents to let us go. I mean, unless you want to take them to a planet full of pirates and cantinas.” 
“Of course I don’t want to take them,” he said, having to stop and think about it. He put down his book and sat up. “I’m sure we can figure something out.” 
Rodi just hummed, turning his attention back to his datapad. 
“Nothing,” he defended. “You’re always saying we’ll figure it out. I’m just wondering when that’ll actually happen.” 
And maybe it was true, maybe had always been the case, but this time Milo could feel it. He could pretend it was fate or destiny or whatever, but the honest truth of it was that he needed something to change. He needed something besides idle hope or he was going to fall down into the same idea his friends were all beginning to have: that maybe it’d be best to get a real job, settle down, and forget about leaving. 
It could never be his plan. 
“Soon,” he answered, but his voice was quiet as he stared down at the book in his hands. Perhaps, for the first time, he realized how dangerously close he was to giving in. It might have been too late to learn how to fly, and getting the credits for a ship seemed, at the moment, like an impossible task. 
Maybe it was why he suggested Rishi in the first place, because he knew it was his last shot before he had to give up. Maybe it was why, when he went home later that day, he came up with an idea to get them out of there.
He just couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t try. 
It started with a lie, which is probably why it all went wrong. 
Milo told his mom that he was taking a trip to Boranda with a bunch of his friends, and that they’d be safe, and that they’d be home in three weeks. 
None of these things happened. 
Rodi said the same, and the two of them caught a shuttle to Rishi where, of course, they wasted their time and their money. The amount of trouble available to them was impossible to ignore--two foolish boys were left to their own devices for the first time in their lives, so there was no way it could’ve ended well. 
It was fun for the first few days. They went out to the cantinas and met real life pirates and it was everything Milo thought it would be. He found it hard to come down, though. He drank too much, he ran his mouth. A week into their trip he got in a fist fight--didn’t even know why--he just remembered flashes of being in an alley, and the air smelled like salt and smoke and his mouth tasted like blood and there were people around him but their faces all blurred into one. 
He thought he might be angry in a way that he didn’t understand. He thought he might be angry because it felt so good to take himself apart like that. 
Rodi was the one that put him back together. He helped him back to their room and sat with him on the floor of the refresher, cleaning loose gravel out of his beat up knuckles. It hurt and his head throbbed and he got sick somewhere in the middle of it, but Rodi stayed beside him as the night dragged on. 
He pushed Milo’s hair off of his sweaty forehead, revealing the tattoos that he hid from the world. Patterns that meant family, that meant home, that meant things he should love and did love but didn’t understand.
“What are you hoping to find here?” Rodi asked, and his voice was quiet but it echoed in the empty bathroom. A hollow sound, a hollow feeling, and the lights were on but they shouldn’t have been. The answer was simple but hard to admit. 
“I wish home felt like enough,” Milo said. “I want to be happy there but I’m not.” 
Rodi just nodded, his expression grim as he ran his fingers through Milo’s hair again. Brown eyes found green, and the concern in them was painful to see. Milo closed his eyes, leaned into his friend’s touch, but still couldn’t bring himself to apologize. 
“Let’s just go to bed, Miles. Forget about it until the morning--you’ll feel better then.” 
His hand pulled away, and Milo hummed a short sound as he finally looked up at his friend. Rodi was the only person he could trust with this, but something about the whole night felt wrong, like everything was falling apart, and it made Milo’s already sick stomach feel worse.
They walked like ghosts into the bedroom, collapsing into their respective beds as moonlight filtered in through the thin curtains along with the thick, salty sea air. The light outlined Rodi’s body as he laid on his back, and his eyes were still open but he just stared at the ceiling. 
“You didn’t want this, did you?” Milo asked. 
Rodi shook his head. 
“Did you ever?” 
And this time Rodi turned over onto his side to face him, blinking slow in the dark. “When we were kids, yeah. I feel so out of my depth here. It’s too real--it’s too much.” 
Milo pressed his lips together. Sighed. “So why did you come?” 
“Because it’s you,” he answered, “and you promised me all those years ago that you’d fly me around the galaxy.”
I still want to, Milo thought, but not like this. He didn’t want to be the reason his friend looked so unhappy, didn’t want the room to feel as strange as it did right then. In a moment of clarity, he said, “We should probably go home.” 
Rodi hummed and it was like this: undefined. Unclear. The dream wanted to go on but Rodi didn’t, and Milo wanted to blame him for that. Milo was too worn out to be upset about it, instead he felt it like a weight on his chest, a heavy sadness that he couldn’t shake. He wanted to be mad at Rodi but he didn’t want to be mad at all, and the truth of it was that Milo knew himself, and he knew he couldn’t go home until he found whatever he was looking for. 
So he got up and crossed the short space between their beds. He crawled across Rodi’s body and settled in beside him. It had been years since they slept next to each other like this, but it was comforting to have his friend this close. Rodi watched him, moonlight still lining the edges of his face, and maybe they both knew something was about to change, but neither of them could say it. 
They didn’t say anything at all for the rest of the night, but Milo didn’t think either of them slept much. In the morning he slipped out of bed and packed his bag while Rodi breathed soundly across the room. Without a word, he took one last glance at his friend before closing the door behind him.  
He knew what he had to do. 
Time drags on but Milo still sits in his kitchen with his datapad in his hand. His sister’s letter continues to stare him down, but his eyes just sort of glance over the words now, not really reading it at all. He must stay like that for a while, zoned out, half-aware, because it isn’t until another message comes through that he comes back to himself.
I’m hungry, bring me food -T. 
“Kriffing Tia,” he mutters under his breath, but getting out of the apartment sounds like a good idea, and he hasn’t eaten all day. He doesn’t know if he could, at this point, but he needs a distraction and Tia’s always up to something. 
You suck. I’ll be there in 10. 
He was, above all else, a fool. 
He’d wonder about this for years to come: what would’ve happened if he hadn’t left Rodi on Rishi, if he hadn’t met Joss Dunal at the spaceport and joined his crew.
It wasn’t that he wanted to abandon Rodi, it’s just that he knew Rodi wouldn’t leave him. He would’ve come despite everything and he would’ve been miserable. Milo might’ve been selfish, but he wouldn’t put his friend through that. 
He took a moment as the ship refueled to send a couple notes. He wrote a quick one to Rodi, and a longer note to his mother. It was mostly an apology, but it was also a promise. He could make some credits with this--big credits--the kind of credits that would help her and Lurian out. 
He didn’t even consider that she’d rather have him home. 
But leaving was hard, at first. It was an adjustment. Where he was used to bright sunshine and soft grassy fields, he learned to appreciate the coldness of space. It was incredible to see the stars like that, spinning into trails of light, and though he was made to do the least desirable tasks--cleaning weapons, cleaning the ship, loading hauls until his muscles ached--it was exciting in a way that life had never been before. 
He was a fool, though. He got caught up in the high of traveling the galaxy. He didn’t care about the crime they committed. During long flights Joss taught him to shoot a blaster, then a second blaster, then they fought with their fists until he felt like Milo was ready to come with them on a job. 
Life moved faster, life turned more violent. Milo drank more than he ever had in his life but he didn’t have Rodi to lean on. He didn’t have anyone to turn to when he wanted to come down. He and Lurian wrote back and forth constantly, but it wasn’t the same and he suspected it would never be the same again. 
He saw too much, did too much. They landed on Nar Shaddaa for a few days, and he took what little he kept for himself and spent it all in one night. 
It was Joss who found him in an alley the next morning. 
“This isn’t what you thought it would be,” he said. It wasn’t a question, it was more like when Milo and Rodi were awake that night on Rishi: You didn’t want this, did you? 
Milo’s head pounded as he walked beside the pirate. Nar Shaddaa was dark but the neon lights burned holes into his vision as they headed to a cafe around the corner. “Smuggling is a lot more romantic in the comics.” 
“Why are you here, kid?” 
Milo thought about it while Joss ordered them two coffees, and though his stomach swooped, the smell of the drink did a lot to help clear his head. He turned his attention to the street beyond the window, feeling the warm cup in his hands, and admitted the one deep truth he’d always known about himself: “I want to fly.” 
“Then you should fly.” 
A bitter laugh escaped Milo’s throat. “I don’t know how.” 
Joss looked at him, his coffee poised to his lips, and grinned a smile that only a true pirate can manage. “Then I’ll teach you.” 
So he learned. 
He learned fast. 
And he never looked back. 
Two years after Milo piloted a ship on his own, the crew made their biggest run yet. 
Joss tossed him a credit chit after, a grin on his face as Milo caught it in his hands. Milo almost didn’t want to look at it. He knew what they hauled and he had an idea of what it was worth, but it was one thing to guess and another to know.
He sputtered at the number, lowering his hands as he fixed Joss with a stunned expression. “This is more money than I’ve seen in my entire life.” 
“You earned it, kid,” Joss said, and there was something close to pride in his grin. It’d been three years now that they’d been together, and the time had been invaluable to Milo. He was twenty years old and finally felt like he doing what he has always wanted to do.
He looked down again, staring at the number as though if he looked away, it would disappear. He stared and he stared and he laughed to himself before he finally looked up at Joss again. “You know I’m gonna use it to buy a ship and run on my own.” 
But Joss smiled. “I know, just--don’t give me a reason to shoot you. I actually like you.” 
“No promises.”
“I need money,” Milo says, staring up at the ceiling. He’s stretched out on Tia’s couch, and his headache has dulled but he can still feel traces of it behind his eyes. 
“So get some money,” Tia responds from the kitchen, pulling a few beers out of the fridge. She hands one to Edelie before sitting on top of his legs, offering the other to him. He places it against his forehead and audibly groans at the relief. 
Edelie raises a brow. “You want me to line up a bounty for you? I know a guy, it’d be some easy creds.” 
“Easy? For him? Kid couldn’t keep up.” 
“Hey,” Milo says, dragging the word out, but when Tia looks at him he can’t help but smile. “I’m older than you.” 
Tia smiles back. “And I’m better looking. What do you even need the money for?”
Across the room, Edelie snorts. “Tell me you’re moving into a better apartment.” 
“No,” he mutters. “I was thinking of going home.”
A beat of quiet passes between them. He doesn’t talk about home when he’s sober--none of them talk about these things when they’re sober. The three of them came together in a way that probably isn’t unusual for Nar Shaddaa: Milo was working a job and both bounty hunters were in on the gig. The result of a three day standoff was a friendship that’s both the best and worst thing possible for each of them--all three too reckless for their own good. 
“What’s at home?” Tia asks after swallowing her drink. 
He lifts a shoulder. Honestly? He doesn’t know. Maybe he’s just tired, and he’s tired of feeling strung out and hungover. It’s empty and aching and the excitement of it has dulled, but he doesn’t know what else he could do. 
Maybe it’s that sometimes you leave a place for so long that you don’t know how to go back. 
“There’s a job I could take,” he says. “Ord Mantell. Should be a quick delivery, get me the credits I’ll need.” 
Across from him, Edelie lowers her drink as a frown pulls at her lips. “What’s stopping you?”
Just a feeling, he wants to say, but that’s ridiculous. 
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Star Fallen
A tale of two witches
 paring : diakko/dianakko (Akko + Diana)
anime : little witch academy
estimated reading time: 10min
estimated word count : ~ 2040
A fanfiction for @dianakko-week .  Day 1 : starcrossed/soul mates
Chapter 1 - Stranger
Diana was standing at her desk, like always. It was peaceful and quiet in the country side. That’s what she loved most about it. Life there was calm and soothing, unlike the city.  
Her room was a little smaller than that of Luna Nova, but the old wooden floor and stone walls, made her feel strangely more comfortable. Her large oak desk, was pressed against a corner of the room, right below the window.
From there, she could see the early sun, setting below the valley. The fields were green, and the air, warm and refreshing, as the sky slowly darkened to night. The brightest stars, were already to be seen, and the scenery had something, a little magical about it.
She watched with a simple smile on her face. She then took a sip of the warm cup of tea seated next to her books, before going back to her studies.
 Akko was staring out of the window, melancholic. The night fell quickly in this part of the country. She blankly followed the moon with her eyes, while the car jittered and bobbled across the country road. She had been travelling all day with her parents, throughout the English countryside. They had made some good friends here, who had moved closer to the seaside in the passing year. It was finally spring break, and they ought to see them again. It was the first time Mr and Mrs Kagari would be going to the seaside.
Akko wasn’t merely as excited as they were. To avoid any conversation with her parents, she had pretended to sleep. But she was well awake. She had heard them throughout the drive. They grew more concerned as time passed by. She could tell. It was true that their daughter hadn’t been feeling quite herself lately, perhaps, for even the past few years.  Ever since she got kicked out of Luna Nova, her life-long dream had become mashed and trampled, only to be left in a sad pile. Akko shifted uneasily at the thought. It gave her heart a light sting.
She drew her gaze off the window to curl up in a ball. It was dark now. Akko tried to pull herself to sleep as she listened to the chatter of the wheels against the road.
 It was around 10:15 pm when the prestigious witch, put down her alchemy homework, to go to bed. As she stood up and pushed back her chair, she stared again at window. If she concentrated, she could recognise the big dipper. The sky was particularly cloudless tonight.
She turned off her desk lamp and reached for her night gown, strapped to the back of the door. As she took off her school blouse, she heard a terrifying CRASH!
Frightened by the sound, she rushed to her window to peer, but a powerful shockwave knocked her to the ground, bursting the rustic window into a billion shatters noisily falling to the ground.
Diana struggled to her feet. She then flung her door open before rushing down the stairs and to the entrance.
A maid came out of the salon on the left, dressed in her nightgown.
“Lady Diana, are you alright?” she asked startled.
“I’m fine. You heard it too…” she told the lady, with now a firm mask on her face.
“I have to see what it is.” She continued
“M-lady, wait-“
“Tia Freye!” it was too late. The gorgeous witch had already grabbed the broom standing next to the door, and flew off in the night.
The maid stood there worried, starring out in the dark, powerless. A light breeze was tugging on her dress.
 “Eh? Nani sore-” but as Akko finished her sentence, the car drifted like it had been hit by a truck. It turned and rolled over multiple times, before stopping in a field of wheat.
The trunk was completely bumped inwards, and the sides of the car seemed a little crushed, but luckily, the passengers opened the doors and got out of the fuming car.
Mrs Kagari immediately rushed to her daughter
“Daijobudesuka, Akko?” she asked frantic
“Hei… I’m… I’m alright mom, and you?” Akko managed to reply, but was still shaken up.
“Hei.” the mother nodded.
“Dad?” Akko called out for her father, worried because she couldn’t see him.
“Dad!” but when she turned around, he was right there, hugging her tight.
“I’m here baby” he replied protectively, with a heavy Japanese accent. They were lucky none of them were gravely hurt, although Atsuko’s parents seemed to have a few cuts on their arms and face, most likely from the shattered windshield.
When the father let go to turn back around, he kicked the car, pronouncing a few Japanese slurs, shaking his fists in the air.
No drivers were to be seen, even in the distance.
The night was chill, and a little humid. Akko shivered. It was awfully quiet too.
Mrs Kagari tried to calm her husband, finally deciding to take out their luggage and to call for help, although Akko didn’t pay much attention.
The crescent moon failed to lighten the evening dark, yet something was driving the girl’s attention. Something seemed to glow brightly in a distant field. She could just distinguish the flicker of a frail blue light.
Akko climbed out of the ditch, and up the road again, to have a better view. She stayed still, her eyes fixed.
She took a step forward.
“Akko dear, could you help us get the bags out?”
She took another.
“Akko? Sweety…”
“Akko, come ‘on dear”
She was gone.
The father grunted and went on the road as well.
“Akko… AKKO!!!” he now yelled her name “AKKO!!!”
The weeds rustled. They were tall, wiping past her face. She heard the voice get further away, but she did not stop.  
“ATSUKO!!!” the mother joined the man.
The brunette wouldn’t stop. If anyone could have seen her face, they would have been shocked by the determination it held.
Her cheeks burn. Her arms and legs too. The crops beat her skin violently, cutting it’s frail surface. Her lungs burned, and the muscles of her legs were tense, but she did not stop.
The air was hard to breath, and the ground, harder to step on, but she had to reach.
“Just…a little…further” she thought.
Then her foot hit something.
She flew off the ground, just high enough to see above the fields. It seemed slow. Then BANG! She crashed hard into the floor, face first.
She pulled her hand from her side, and pressed hard on the ground to get up. Her knees trembled, wobbling underneath her. The side of her face was wet, and her hands dirtied. She clenched her fists at the pain, but continued going.
“So close”
She continued running. Her body burning and aching, made her tear.
 The wind was fast.
Her silky blonde hair with it’s red reflexions, clapped violently in her back.
Her fists were tight around the stick and her body tense, not to fall.
The air dried her eyes and throat, making it hard to breath properly. The broom was fast, and made tree’s leave shake, even after it’s passing.
Diana kept her eyes peeled. She had made a lamp, specifically designed to fit at the end of the broom. It gave out a strong beam of light, like lighthouse guiding boats to their ports.
She looked around her, though not exactly sure what to look for. She flew closer to the road, to take a better look at the houses. She was now much closer to the ground. She gradually slowed down, enough to make out the details.
She took a few turns, and picked up a trail. Lots of the houses had broken windows, much like hers. She quickened her pace once more, eager to find the source of this mystery.
When there were no more houses, she looked to her left. Fields of wheat spread endlessly across the country. Without hesitation, she drew her broom, right above them.
She sensed a strange pull, tugging her closer and closer. Her eyes squinted in the dark. Then she saw it. A source of light.  
It was no human light, not in the middle of the fields. It flickered blue, intensifying as she drew nearer.
Her eyes then turned to the ground, when she heard loud rustling through the whistle of the wind. She squinted once more, confused to what she was looking at. It seemed something was running through the grass. Yet it was much too big to be a bunny. When Diana looked back, she saw it had led a long trail behind it. She quickly shook off the confusion and focused on her mission ahead.
 Within a minute, she had reached the light’s origin. The adrenalin rushing through her body had her heart beating fast. Her lips were pursed, her gaze tight.  Without a word, she hovered above the enormous crater, standing beneath her.
Her eyes scanned the circumference, enable to believe her sight. Earth was missing a chunk of it’s ground, roughly the size of a football field.
 Her heart was racing. She swallowed a gulp of saliva, suddenly very frightened. She took a deep breath and started ascending down the pit. The impact had such a strange shape. In only kept deepening and deepening, so far down, until only a flat little circle, stood around…
A Star.
 The object was so small. It wouldn’t have been bigger than a tennis ball. And there it stood. Still. Undisturbed. A thin hallow surround it, with an intense and bright light. It was hard for the eyes to bare, in such a dark and quite night.
Diana now only a few inches from the earth, unmounted her broom, to put her feet to the ground. It seemed immensely warm beneath her shoes. Fumes were still evaporating. Then Diana flinched. She span around at the sound of rustling from above, her broom held tight in front of her with both hands, ready to fight.
Then, down running came a person. They were free gliding on the steep slope, unable to stop. They turned and rustled down, and stopped hard on the flat ground. A cloud of dust and rambling of a few pebbles, followed the fall.
The witch scared, and utterly perplexed, put the broom threateningly in front of the stranger’s face.
With a shaky breath, and leap of courage, she dared:
“Who are you? What business holds you here stranger?”
No response.
The girl groaned heavily, but quickly turned into a scream.
“mmmaaaaAAAAAAA!! HOT! HOT! HOT”
The girl made startled noises. She held the side of her body, and hopped on her feet. Her face was pulled into a painful grimace, and tears were teasing the edge of her eyes.
The shimmering light reflected on her face. She had long chestnut hair.
As she gathered her thoughts and noticed the company keeping her, she stopped complaining.
She starred directly into the pool of the blonde’s eyes. Her blue intense eyes, melting into her own.
“Who are you.” She asked, though knowing very well the answer.
The witch, caught off guard, shuffled her words in her mouth. Her face seemed to get a peachy colour because of the action.
“Well,” she managed “I believed I’m the one who asked you first.”
A thought came across Akko’s mind. “Of course she doesn’t remember…”
“Well, as a matter of fact, I don’t know.” she replied, playing dumb. Though her tone was light, she felt bitter. Her heart squeezed a little tighter.
“I… well, neither- do I”
Diana was troubled. The girl’s presence disturbed her greatly. Her heart was still fast. The two of them stood in front of each other, stiff, awkward.
 But Akko was the first one to pull away. Her eyes now fell on the celestial object, lying on the floor. Diana then followed, standing next to the commoner.
Both were mesmerised by the entity. The longer they stared, the greater it’s pull got. They looked at each other, and pulled away again, like in a secret agreement.
 They each reached a hand to touch the surface of the icy rock.
Then, a blinding flash of light…
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bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
“Hey Ed! Did you choose your costume already?”
“Not yet. But I think you might have an idea, amigo.”
“Duh! I have the idea since summer. Wanna hear it?”
“I’m all ears.”
“Did you watch the Mysterious City of Gold?”
“No, I see where you’re going and no. Besides, it’s not a couple idea?” 
“What do you mean? They are best friends.”
“I’m pretty sure they were... Wait, who are you talking about?
“Esteban and Tao! You already have the hair! Plus it would be really crash for Taos’ peer councelor to come as Tao, don’t you think?”
“My... hair?”
He tugges at a curl without thinking. When he was younger, he could spend hours trying to straitghten it, not hesitating to pull it hard with a brush. Not like it worked anyway...
“Yeah, they’re so crash, amigo!”
Ed bites his cheek to not blush, but he’s sure he failed.
“And we ask Tye to dress as Zia, I presume?” He jokes to hide it, pushing the attention somewhere else.
But he cannot stop himself for imagining his friend in that outfit and a light blush comes on his cheek. He take his composure back, hoping that his dark skin had hidden it. Wasn’t his best idea.
“Do you think he would accept?”
Bart didn’t seem to have noticed. 
“This was sarcasm, amigo”, Ed replies with a smile.
“Ah. It’s Zia? I thought it was Tia... That would have been even funnier.”
“I heard the new season was in Japan, so maybe Sam could find a cosplay too. Maybe Tye would come along if Asami does it.”
Bart cocks his head on the side and Ed explains this new retro concept. He doesn’t need patience just for Bart’s personality but also for his lack of knowledge of the present, even if he learnt a lot since he arrived, but most of it weren’t useful for daily conversation as his special interests were often about facts, science or even art and litterature. 
“Bart, why... why didn’t you ask to Jaime for this?”
“Why would I? Blue doesn’t have Tao’s hair. Plus he does a duo costume with Traci this year. That would be weird if we do a trio costume, right?” he adds with a sad smile.
Ed doesn’t know Traci well, but he knows from Tye they are going out since summer as all the Team and the Runaways spent time together, hanging around all over the country thanks to the Zetatube and also to his dad giving acess to Sam, Tye and him. So he could go to Mount Justice beach and still be on time for dinner in Taos. Sometimes he loves his papá’s technology even if it has to bring him away and take his time.
Jaime and Traci did spend a lot of time together with their new love slowly blooming, didn’t realise sometimes they let their friends behind. Cassie was fine and spent more time with the other girls of the squad. But Bart was all alone and so used to be clinged to Jaime he wasn’t really close with the other members. He was close to Gar but he had to leave the Team months ago. Ed knows Bart could be shy when he’s in a new environment or with new people. And people he barely talked to was as new for him than a stranger. Hopefully Virgil was there and bring him along with his times out with Ed. 
The first time, he was taken aback when he saw his crush appear out of nowhere with Virgil behind and his soft knowing smile, as if he didn’t know what he was doing. Bart was fidgeting all the time, unsure if he had a right to be there, afraid of forcing his way in, until Virgil’s kindness and himself being chill made him at ease. Sometimes Virgil and Bart talked about nerd stuffs he barely undersands but he ignores if it’s because of lack of vocabulary with the language barrier or his own lack of knowledge. Virgil’s clear explanations and Bart’s ramblings helped him so he wasn’t completely lost about the subject. He never saw Bart like this, all serious. No, he was still chill as if he was talking about the weather and not electronical materials and he was still rambling as usual. But it’s all the details he knew about a difficult topic which amazed Ed. So he just listened during most part of the conversation but Bart was still aware of his presence as he explains something whenever Ed frowned at a word or a concept and that made his stomach tighten. Virgil remained silent during this moments and Ed was glad to him for that. 
“Yeah, fine. Whatever. I didn’t have any idea anyway...” Ed finally say, trying to not be too overwhelmed. But maybe it sounded too cold instead?
Preparing his costume wasn’t complicated. It was ready pretty fast. Even if Ed was so excited for this day to come, he doesn’t bring his hopes too high. That would be just two friends hanging around at a party. Two single friends, sure. Nothing more.
As he slowly spent more and more time with Bart, Virgil step backward, giving them moments just the two of them. He is closer to Cassie now. With the Team splending in two parts, Cassie was also invited to the Runaways hanging out to not be left behind and alone. And it wasn’t the Team and the Runaways anymore, but one group of friends. Sam became close to Traci thanks to the double dates with Tye and Jaime. Ed was happy for her; she had difficulties to make friends outside the Runaways, certainly because of the language and culture barriers. Traci being half Asian was the bridge she needed.  
The party is tonight. Ed cannot really think about it with all the preparatives he still needs to do. Of course, Tye had refused to come in a Zia’s outfit even if Sam found the idea really cool. But Ed is unsure if he is glad it would be just Bart and him or stressed to not have a third person to not make it awkward. Nobody discussed about the closeness of Bart and Jaime as everyone knows how Bart is: clingy, touchy and a hugger monster and also because they know how much they had to go through together. But how would they react to Bart and him being close? During all the Reach invasion, no trauma brings them together, not in the War World or even in the Reach ship as Ed didn’t know Bart and Gar were in the next room and was barely aware of the other teens around him through the pain. In a way, he relieved it isn’t the trauma or the pain who made them friends, like they were destined to be not matter what. Their friendship is dued to their personalities and not the Reach or being both meta and abducted because of it. He doesn’t want to own this aliens anything. Not even his powers. But still, their friendship is due to normal facts, meaning he could expect “normal” reactions to their closeness. 
He needs to focus on what he’s doing. Like preparing enough food because Bart– Urgh. He went in the kitchen anyway, checking if they would have enough. They have no alcohol beers and cocktails and punch also withtout alcohol, so basically fruit juices, but “cocktail” makes it sound fancier. Especially with a little umbrella in the glass.
When his friends arrive his fears are blown away. With Bart’s entrance, another feeling blooms instead. Bart was really cute in this cosplay. He even created Esteban’s famous necklace with paperboard.
Jaime and Traci have a Disney matching costume as Aladdin and Mulan. Sam was dressed as Haku and Tye as a cowboy, affirming there is nothing more terrifying than colonialism. Ed shares a look with Jaime to decide which one is going to explain it to Bart who frowns. Virgil chose Darui from Naruto and Cassie Sakura from the same universe. Ed thanks him to also took a matching costume with his own best friend. Gar arrives later, transform in a half way between human and animal to look like Michelangelo from TMNT. He was accompanied by Perdita, dressed like Belle, here incognito. Some of her guards are dressed as benevoles helping the Center for the night if anything happens. But he doubts it would be necessary – or even usefull – as Perdita is always surrounded by heroes during the party.
“Ed, mi amigo! You... you don’t wear your costume?” 
And Ed hopes he didn’t imagine the quick sad look on Bart’s face.
“I... I didn’t have a chance to put it on. You know, too much to do. I didn’t see the time passed. But it’s ready in my room. Just give me the time to–” 
He teleports right in his room. He didn’t mean to. He was just too embarassed, blushing too much, wanting to reassure Bart but not doing too much about it either. Now he isn’t sure to put the costume on even if he really wants to, his fears kicking again. Everything is too much. His feelings are a mess, he is overwhelming, completely loss and– He needs to breathe. He needs to tell him, he needs a clear answer, because walking on this string giving him headaches and he wants to stop his hopes before they get too high, before it’s too late to prevent the heartbreak. Or maybe it’s already too late. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t even know what he feels for Bart. Or he wishes it’s true. He wishes he can hide from the truth a little longer, just to be sure he is ready. But he also needs to stop lying to himself: he would never be completely ready for this kind of answer. 
He breathes and put the yellow poncho on. A little part in him still whispers he didn’t imagine things. 
He teleports back in the party and finds his friends nearby. He exhales and walks toward them. 
“Your costume is really crash, Ed!” Virgil complementes, his knowing smile on his lips again.
He would have glare at him to stop if he isn’t blushing already. 
“Edo-kun, you look like the character so much”, Sam approves. “And yellow really suits you.”
“And there’s even a bit of red in it”, Jaime notices.
“Your costume is so crash”, Bart zooms next to him, clinging at his arm. “Where do you buy it?”
“I didn’t. I sewed it mysel–”
He put his mouth shut. Now Bart would probably teasing him because he can sew, a old useless hobby...
“You can sew? This is so crash, amigo! Is there a talent you don’t have?’‘
“I... Uh...”
“Apparently, speaking isn’t one of it”, Tye teases.
Ed rolls his eyes. His friends would be the death of him if Bart’s cuteness doesn’t kill him before. 
“And you, my friend, how did you make your costume?”
“Oh! Grand– I mean Iris bought me regular clothes and helped me costumize it. And Milagro made the necklace! It’s crash, uh? Oh! And she made one for you.”
He reaches in his pocket to give him the present. The necklace was a golden crescent moon to match his golden sun. Ed blushes slighly as he just viewed them as matching love necklaces and quickly push the thought away. 
“Thanks, Bart. But I thought it was Zia wearing the second necklace?”
He smacks himself mentally. He should not have said this.
“It’s not Tao? So moded... I was sure he was him...” 
“It’s ok, I like it”, he reassures while put it on. 
And that’s what enough to make Bart smile again. 
The group talks, mixing with the rescuing teens. Ed is glad to be able to give them something common, to show them they can still have a normal live, powers or not. Some of his friends are dancing, like Traci bringing Jaime on the dance floor with Bart’s help. But the other are shyly stay on the side of the gymnasium. At this picture, he smiles to himself.
But seeing Bart dressed like that, with the same necklace and his usual cuteness, is too much. He walk to the public restroom of the building and put water on his face. 
“Ed, are you ok? I saw you rush in. Are you sick?” 
He turns his face to see Bart. He takes a paper to dry his skin, giving him time to recompose himself and find a good excuse.
“It’s ok. I was just too warm over there, you know, with the crowd. Not really a party type”
Well, half true. The Center opens only few weeks ago so it was pretty empty for now but party was never truely his thing.
When he looks back at his friend, he knows he is doomed: Bart has chocolate all over his lips as he is casually eating a brownie.
“Bart, you have... on your... Just let me help.”
Without thinking about it, Ed takes a new paper, puts some water on it and cleans Bart’s mouth. He really should have think twice  because now he is really close to his lips which are red again and somehow a little shiny with the water. He is lost in his thoughts and at the same time living an out body experience as it moves on its own and kisses Bart.
It is slow and gentle. His lips feels soft under his own. He can still taste the chocolate and ice sugar. He cups his cheek, resting his forehead against his and breathes, finally finding peace in the middle of all the emotions mixing during the night. 
Then panic rises again as he realises what he just did. He steps back.
“Bart, are you ok? Was it ok? I’m sorry, I didn’t–”
Bart’s look makes him stop. He was speechless and his eyes had widened. Ed can’t see if it is because of chock, surprise, fear or disgust. His friend opens his  mouth but looks over his shoulder almost at the same moment. 
“Guys, what is it?” he answers to the comunicator. “Emergency? Yeah, I know, but... Ok, here in a flash.” He looks back at him, as if he realises Ed is still here. “An emergency mission with the Team. Found a new meta facility. I... I have to go.”
Before he can say anything, Bart is gone. 
He screwed up, didn’t he?
When he quits the restroom, Ed wants to talk to Virgil, then remembers he left with the Team too. So he looks for Tye and Sam instead, clutching at his necklace, ignoring if he wants to keep it or tear it. They stay with him, a little away from the party, waiting for him to break in tears or get mad or anything, at least a reaction. But Ed just stay silent, still clutching the pendant.
The Team comes back few hours later with the rescuing metateens. Without the poncho, Ed tries to put a fake smile on his face while welcoming the new students. He avoids Bart’s look as best at he could, not sure what he would discover in his eyes. Tye and Sam joins him, both helping with his work and his feelings. He wants to go see Virgil so much to tell him what happened and ask how Bart was during the mission, his old self or not. But he has responsability first and those kids went on so much more trauma than he did this night. He isn’t a priority right now, no matter how his heart is currently a storm. 
After the welcoming and helping the kids have a room and rest before registration and all the administration work the next day, nobody has the heart for party anymore, tired from the mission. Ed goes to cleaning the room as an automate, his body moving so the mind doesn’t have to think or the heart to feel anymore. 
With a blank mind, he doesn’t hear it at first. He notice the presence when a hand rests on his forearm. He turns himself to discover Bart, still in his hero costume, with an unsure look.
“Can– can we talk?” 
“You sure you want to talk?”
Bart doesn’t answer. Not with words. He cups his face and kisses him back. Well, with hours delay, certainly. But now, he isn’t afraid anymore of what could come next. Ed frozes an instant, melts in the softness again, taking Bart by the hips. He teleports them on the roof where nobody can see them, interupt them again, where he feels they’re alone in the world. 
“Why? Why did you do this?”
“Freaking out or kissing you?” he chucles nervously, a little out of breath. 
“Ed, I like you. But you don’t like me. You can’t. I’m not what I seem to be. You don’t like a real person. Just a joke.”
“I know you. You’re clever, funny, kind, you care of others. You’re stubborn and determined. Can you dare tell me there’s something wrong on that list? You can’t fake all those.”
“But you don’t know...”
“Your trauma? What you have been trough? It’s ok, you can tell me with time, when you’re ready. I will listen to you, I will confort you and I will still accept and love you after that. I won’t ask for it. I promise. We all have traumas. Heck, Gar said we can’t be true heroes without it, right? I hide sides of myself too, you know.”
Bart is looking at him, his eyes widened as he never sees them. But he can’t place what he sees though. What is hope? Acceptance? Realisation?
He cups his face, pushing him even closer to him, drying the tears forming with his thumbs.
“I know you think noone loves you, that you can’t be loved. I know it’s something you never knew or remembered, that you’re afraid of it. I promise you I do love you. I will show it to you, until you believe me and after.”
Bart bursts into tears, Ed holds him closer. He kisses his forehead, his eyelids, his cheeks, his lips. Bart hides his face in his neck, his scent calming his mind while Ed breathes in his hair, smelling the peach perfume. 
“You know, I was always afraid to hug you.”
“You can do it all the time you want. I don’t mind your crashing hugs”, he smile to his hair.
Bart kisses him again, more passionnate. Ed descends on his jaw, on his neck. He goes slow, doesn’t want to scare him, but still overwhelmed with hapiness and the love he can finally expresses.
“Ed...” Bart moans lightly.
The older boy quickly pushes away.
“You ok? Was it too much?”
“Sorry my skin is really sensitive and your slowliness excites me.”
“Ok, maybe it’s better if I stop.”
“It’s ok, don’t apologize.”
Bart hugs him, tears dry and his big smile back on his lips. 
“Oh, Ed?”
“I lied to you...”
“About what?” 
“I was the one making the necklaces. I was afraid you find that weird.”
“So you have talent in your hands too? Not only the foot?” 
“We can say that.” And Ed can feel his smile against his neck. 
“It’s ok, chiquito. I like it even more.”
“So... Are we boyfriends now?”
“Do you want to?”
The little boy nods against his chest. Ed pets his hair, still can’t processing they had the same size merely a year ago. Bart vibrates in his arm, a quick regular path. The panic rises once more, not quite the same one. 
“Something wrong? Did I–?”
“I’m so happy! You’re my boyfriend now. We’re boyfriends!”
Ed smiles fondly at him, waiting for him to slow down to hold him closer as if he won’t ever let go. And maybe, in a way, it’s true.
“Te amo, novio mio.”
Why I feel is worse than my previous pieces? --’ Sorry for the light angst by the way!
I know Ed is drawn after Spike Spiegel so I wanted to suggest someone new :) 
I totally see Tye casually dropping bombs like that. Was it ok? :/ What do you think of the other costumes? Oh, by the way, does someone know the accurate word for Tao’s “cape” in this show? It’s a poncho or something else?
Thanks to @gegeru I realised I wrote their first cosplay together and kiss for the @zetaflash-week day 1: firsts without even knowing it xD
Day 1 ; Day 2 ; Day 3 ; Day 4 ; Day 5 ; Day 6 ; Day 7
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dolcenco · 5 years
Boyfriend for The Weekend
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Christopher Velez x Reader
Warning: a mini semi-smut in the beginning
Prompt #73 - “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
Prompt #74 - “You’re a dork, just like your father”
S/n: okay this wasn't as emotional as I expected but hi anon I'm sooooo sorry for the late delivery of request :( it hope you liked it tho, it’s a lengthy imagine! 
04/15/2019 - Edited any grammatical errors.
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“You’re so hot”
“I know.”
“Confident much?”
Christopher moaned a deep, throaty groan when you pressed yourself firmly onto him. He bit his lip, his eyes darting from yours to where your crotch is rocking against his growing hard-on.
“I need you.” Christopher rasped through the kiss and squeezed your ass with his desperate large hands.
“You always need me.” You giggled against his cheeks as you trailed kisses down his jawline to his neck.
It all started when Christopher had this fantastic idea and wondered if you wanted to be fuck buddies. After realizing that he was risking of infections from the many fucks and one night stands, why not have sex with one person? And that could be his hot best friend?
You, on the other hand, were tired of pleasuring yourself with just your fingers and toys so when Christopher asked you, you did not hesitate to say yes.
When you were just about to slide his shorts down, your phone suddenly rang, interrupting your seshie. Christopher grabbed your phone from the side table, his eyes widened when he read the caller ID, “It’s your mom.”
With a sigh, you took your phone, rolled off of Chris, and answered the phone, “Hey mom,”
“(Y/n)! Are you home?” Her voice boomed through the speaker, making you hold your phone at arm’s length before pressing it to your ear again to reply.
“Yup.” You responded absently. Christopher was distracting you by squeezing your breast. With a cheeky smirk, he leaned towards your nipple and gave it a small delicate lick.
Before he could do anything else, you pushed Christophers’ head away from your boob, not wanting your mom to hear what you were doing on the other end.
“Did you pack for this weekend? Do you want any food for us to prepare?” She asked through the phone. Your family had this huge gathering this weekend, and your mom won’t stop calling you about it because they missed you and wanted to see you so badly.  
You hopped off the bed, shrugged your bathrobe on, and walked out of your bedroom, but not without flipping Christopher off first.
“Yeah, I packed everything and you know I’ll eat anything.” You sighed and leaned against the wall outside of your room.
“Good and mija…”
“Do you have a boyfriend already?”
You groaned audibly and rubbed your face in annoyance.
“Mooom,” You whined.
“What? It’s just that you’ve been single for so long. I could set you up with my friends’ son…”
The question always came up every damn phone call. But that whole “do you have a boyfriend” card did not stop there, it overflowed during family gatherings. Every member of the family asked you this even your baby cousins! One even asked when you were getting married. It was outrageous. They can’t take “I am single and happy” for an answer. The pestering and the constant blind date your family set you up for grew annoying and you know it will happen again in the family gathering this weekend.
As your mom continued to ramble, you turned and leaned on the door frame of your bedroom to face Christopher, who was waited for you expectantly on your bed. You just wanted to have a peaceful family gathering so you said something you will definitely regret.
“-Ay, mija. He’s so gorgeous, so guapo, I think…”
“I have a boyfriend.”  
The moment your words slipped, you knew there was no going back.
You sighed heavily then pinched the bridge of your nose. You know you were going to regret it but you repeated yourself anyway, “I have a boyfriend.”
There was silence on the other line but before you could speak, a high-pitched squeal screeched through the phone followed by a chorus of voices booming through the speakers causing you to hold it at arm's’ length. Not long before you hear your mom shushing the noise before responding.
“Are you bringing him this weekend?” She beamed like a schoolgirl.
“Why not?”
“Because..” You sighed, scrambling for an excuse. “-he’s busy.”
She scoffs, “Bring him or we’ll go over to your place and meet him.”
You groaned through the phone, defeated. After what took like forever negotiating with your mom, you finally surrendered and agreed to bring ‘boyfriend’ over the weekend. When the phone call ended, you slapped your forehead and slid it down your face.
Where the hell is you going to look for a boyfriend in a day ?!
You slid against the wall, your face in your hands. You were so frustrated with your own stupidity that you didn’t notice Christopher crouched next to you.
“Okay, Amor?” He asked, and you shook your head against your hands.
“I did the stupidest thing.” You mumbled. He grabbed your wrist and pulled your hands to see your face.
“You always do stupid things.” He chuckled, and you frowned at him. When he realize you were being serious, he coughed and scratched the back of his head.
“Okay sorry, what is this stupidest thing you’ve done?”
You sighed and told him about the whole conversation with your mom, and all Christopher did was laugh at your face.
You feel your face heat-up and smacked his arm, “Stop laughing!”
“I can’t! That is the stupidest thing you’ve done. How do you expect to find a boyfriend by tomorrow?” He cackled as he held his side from laughing too hard.
You stood up, entered your bedroom, and plopped on your bed to calm yourself. “I should probably post on Facebook ‘Wanted: Boyfriend For Hire. Paid with Unlimited Food.”
Christopher joined you and sat on the edge of the bed. “You know if anyone posted that for unlimited food, I’d be their boyfriend for a lifetime.”
You shot up with the most brilliant idea in mind and turned to face Christopher.
He looked at you back confused “What?”
“Chris, baby.” You cooed. With that tone, he immediately picked up what you were about to ask.
He shook his head almost immediately, “Don’t even..”
“Please, Chris?” You begged and hugged his arms, getting up all on his face with your best puppy eyes.  
He looked down at you, shaking his head as you tightened your grip on his arm, “Nope.”
“Free food?”
“How long?”
“A week.”
“A month.”
After negotiating, Christopher finally agreed to become your ‘fake’ boyfriend for the weekend.
You hugged him triumphantly, “Yay! Thank you!”
“Ugh, you’re lucky I think you’re hot.” He scoffed and shooked his head.
You crawled on his lap and straddled his hips once again. When you dove for a kiss, he suddenly stopped you mid-way.
“I’m still getting unlimited food, right?” He asked.
You rolled your eyes but nodded your head. He grins and grabs the back of your neck, pulling your lips against his to finish what you guys started.
The weekend finally rolled in. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, it looked like it will be a beautiful weekend. As soon as you and Christopher pulled up at your parents’ driveway, your family swarmed out of the house to greet you both. The day hasn’t even begun yet but things are starting to get crazy.
You held Chris’ hand the whole time, introducing him to the whole family.
When your mom finally met him she was head over heels for this boy. With his natural lovable charms? Who wouldn’t be?
Your dad, on the other hand, was iffy at first. When he first saw Christophers’ tattoos, he had a disapproving frown because he was quite traditional. But when Christopher started talking about cars, you knew Chris won him over because he gave you a thumbs up and an approving smirk. Oh god.
Everyone loved Christopher. The kids loved playing with him, your tias were swooning, your tios thought he was the best and surprisingly, your parents thought he was good for you. Oh, how it would break their hearts when they find out none of it was real.
As night set in, everyone is off to bed. Your parents suggested that you shared your old room with your ‘boyfriend’. On the same bed. Usually, they won’t allow it, but a few rules can bend if your parents loved him so much.
You just finished taking a bath and entered your room with nothing but your bathrobe on. When you went to dig your pajamas from the duffle bag, you noticed Christopher on your bed, messing with his phone.
Your eyes went wide, throwing him a t-shirt and it lands over his head, “hey!”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
He grabbed the shirt off his head and shrugged.
“To tempt you.” He teased.
“We can’t have a sense here, babe. My parents are next door.” You chuckled and sat next to him on the bed.
“Put a shirt on. It’ll be the families’ scandal if they find you naked.”
“But they love me!” He protested and your eyes rolled at his confidence. But he’s right. Your family loved him.
“You’re such a dork, I don’t get why they love you.” He scowled at you and scoffed. “You’re a dork, just like your father.”
When you finished putting on your pajamas, you crawled to bed and joined Chris under the covers. After a moment of silence, Christopher spoke.
“Your family is nice. Reminds me of mine back in Ecuador.” He looked at you with a smile. His tone was nostalgic.
“Maybe we could visit them,” You suggested.
He chuckled, “Why not? Maybe I could introduce you as my girlfriend.”
A warm feeling fluttered in your stomach at the thought of Christopher introducing you to his family as his girlfriend. The idea of dating Chris made you warm and giddy but nope.  You can’t fall for him. You entered this beneficial relationship and firmly vowed not to fall for Christopher. He doesn’t feel the same way, you knew it. If he found out that you started to get feelings, it will blow the whole thing off and ruin your relationship.
“I’ll miss your family when this is all over.” He sighs a hint of sadness to his tone.
You bit your lip. You wanted to tell him how much you’ll miss him. It will never be the same when you head back home.
You coughed awkwardly, “I think I’ll sleep now, hun.”
“Good night, (Y/n)”
As you both drifted to sleep, your fingers were intertwined with Chris’.
The fresh morning air was delightful. The cold air rustling through the trees as you were sitting in the yard with your tias as they fill in each other with the morning gossip.
“He’s so great with kids,” One swooned, and you knew they were talking about Christopher.
He was playing with your little cousins at the backyard, giving them piggyback rides and playing with their hot wheels.
You smiled softly at the sight. It was adorable and made him looked boyish and attractive.
Your tia snapped you out of your trance and asked you, “(y/n), how long have you guys been dating?”
You stiffened and lied, “Uhm, 6 months.”
“That’s pretty long” One beamed, your tia’s getting all excited.
You nodded, giggling with them as you continued to watch Chris and the kids.
“Okay, let’s get to the fun stuff, we won’t tell your mom and dad but tell us, is he good?”
Confused, your eyebrows stitched together “Yeah, he’s a good boyfriend” You replied, sipping your morning tea. She rolled her eyes.
“I mean, is he good in bed?”
You spat your tea and coughed out, pumping your chest. That was a hell of a forward question. How scandalous.
Of course, Chris was good in bed, you wouldn’t be fuck buddies if he wasn’t!
“Uh, yeah I guess?” You responded awkwardly and they giggled like school girls.
“He seems to like it.” They all watched Chris, who was playing hot wheels with your baby cousins, with a laugh so bright and contagious that you can't help but smile.
“I bet he’s hubby material too.” One commented.
“Oh, (Y/n), you’re so lucky to have him.”
You smiled at your tia before looking back at Chris. He looks up and gives you a bright grin before playing with your cousins again. As you watched with your baby cousins, it occurred to you that he did fit well with your family.
“Yes, I am,” you say softly, a fuzzy feeling in your stomach erupting again.
At that point, you finally realized you were falling for Chris.
It was time to head back home, and as much as you don’t want to admit it, you wished that the weekend didn’t have to end because it meant that this whole charade with Chris is off and your back to being fuck buddies.
“Keep him, baby. He’s good for you.” Your mom said and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Oh, how I wish I could, Mom.
You smiled, gave her one last hug. “I’ll do my best.”
You heard your dad talked to Chris, telling the boy, “Take care of my daughter.”
After bidding goodbye to the whole family, you both pulled out of the driveway and drove back home. The car ride was silent. It wasn’t awkward but rather comfortable.
Christopher grabbed your hand, and a jolt of electricity crept on your arm when he intertwined your fingers together.
“I really enjoyed this weekend,” He whispered, biting his lip.
“I didn’t want it to end.” You admitted, feeling his thumb caressed your hand soothingly.
The dreaded feeling started to form when the building of your apartment came into view. You let out a sigh and faced Christopher. You pressed your hand against his cheek, caressing with your thumb. “Thank you, Chris. For everything” you learned in a gave him a swift peck on the cheeks before exiting the car and grabbing your luggage.
Christopher watched you enter your apartment. He lets out a sigh, wishing that you guys didn’t have to pretend because he already loved you ever since.
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
Like Mother, Like Daughter
For @pillarspromptsweekly fill 92: Mother. I was oh so very tempted by a variety of combos, but in the end went with Adi and her mama. Magda’s cool, and Adi takes after her a lot.
Adela loved her mother.
She really, truly did. Mama was the one who sparked her love for learning, fed her near-limitless curiosity, the one who listened the longest when Adela started rambling about some new discovery(even if their interests differed). They had a bond, a connection through their scholarly pursuits.
None of that made the words ‘Clean your room’ any more fun to hear.
“This place is a fire waiting to happen,” Mama said, with pointed glances at the books and scrolls piled on the floor, desk, shelves, even Adela’s bed. “One tipped candle and the whole house is in danger, dear,” she added with a gentle laugh. “Please try to wrangle your hoard into place on the bookshelves. Maybe a few on the desk.”
“Yes, Mama,” Adela nodded, swallowing a protest about how it was more comfortable reading in bed or the floor was best for spreading out large projects for comparison. She didn’t even know where she was going to start; the mess of reading materials had admittedly gotten out of hand.
Mama smiled and reached down to smooth back Adela’s hair before tipping her chin up. “I know exactly how overwhelming this sort of project can seem. Would you like some help?”
She nodded again, sighing with relief. “Yes, please.”
Mama chuckled. “Let me go check on the boys. If they’re both still napping, I’ll give you a hand. Start thinking about what you want to tackle first while you wait, hm?”
Adela did just that; deciding that getting the shelves organized was most important if that’s where everything was supposed to go. Once that was settled in her mind, she found herself too impatient to wait for Mama and set to work on her own. She did her work with such gusto, she was halfway through the first set of shelves before Mama made it back to her room. Unfortunately her plan meant making the room messier before she could make it neater; it would be much easier to get all the books in their proper place if she essentially started from scratch.
She saw the look in Mama’s eyes, the heartbeat where she almost commented on the increased disarray, before smiling in understanding of her daughter’s plan. “Good thinking, Adi. This way will save you from shifting shelves back and forth as you put things away.”
“Exactly!” Adela said cheerfully, hopping down from her step stool. “The stuff that’s out is so disparate, both alphabetically and topically, I figure it’s better to get it sorted out on the floor. Then I can put it all away in one go.”
“That’s my girl,” Mama said proudly. She pushed her spectacles up to rest atop her head. “How would you like me to help?”
“Um...” Adela bit her lip in thought a moment. “You can work on the scrolls.” They were the easiest part of this mess, and it wouldn’t have felt right to give Mama the harder job. Both because she was Mama and she spent so many nights up late, rocking Zac through another fit of colic. “Collect the ones you can find, organize them by... topic, I guess, is better for scrolls, then put them in the slots.” She gestured toward the standing rack on her desk/ She didn’t have nearly as many scrolls as books, and most of those were borrowed, so it was best to keep them apart, somewhat.
Mama nodded and started gathering scrolls. Most were already on the desk--or the floor nearby--just haphazardly piled, but a few had wound up part of her reading last night so were on the bed.
“What are you working on right now?” Mama asked as she gave each scroll a cursory glance to figure out how to sort it.
“Oh, the paper for Master Izel about the initial Aedyran expansion or colonization. I’m still trying to decide which sounds more neutral,” she admitted. “I don’t want to sound biased.”
“If that’s what you’re working on, then this is out of place,” Mama said, handing over a--frustratingly thin--book on the explorers of the Deadfire. “I haven’t seen that one before; is it another Lottie book?”
Adela nodded and scanned one of her book stacks to find where the slim volume belonged. “Yeah. She knows I’m trying to get my hands on anything that mentions Ilhana Guiserre, an’ she’s in this book..” She made a face. “Not nearly as much as I would like, but at least it was new information. Some more details about her attempt to find Ukaizo.”
“Mm...” The next scroll Mama found earned Adela a borderline reproachful look that would have been far more intimidating over the rims of her spectacles, but still did the trick. “Adela, what’s this?”
Oops. She’d forgotten she still had that one. “Just a short treatise on some... creative uses for a couple of Arkemyr’s spells.”
“Didn’t we agree you would wait until you were sixteen to learn any of Arkemyr’s contributions to the wizarding arts?” Mama’s tone was still lightly scolding, with a note of wry humor underneath. So she wasn’t in big trouble just yet.
“Yes, but I wasn’t trying to learn them, Mama, just curious how the author manipulated the existing spell energy for a different purpose than originally intended. ‘Specially with Arkemyr’s spells,” Adela explained, playing with her braid. “‘M actually done with it, just forgot to take it back.”
Mama chuckled as she started rolling up the scroll. “You are going to make an amazing wizard when you finish your studies, dove. And a top-notch scholar to boot. Do you really think you’ll remember these tricks when you start learning Arkemyr’s spells?” she asked, setting the scroll on the desk.
Adela squinted and bit her lip, wanting ti give an honest, thought-out answer.  “Probably? I still remember things from when I was ten an’ twelve. So it probably won’t get pushed out in just two years.” She shrugged. “And if it does, I’ll learn it again. If I want to. I’m not sure how many of Arkemyr’s spells I’ll actually care about; I just was curious and didn’t wanna wait to read that.”
Mama smiled as she looked through the tousled covers on Adela’s bed for any straggler scrolls. “I understand that urge all too well.” She laid the blanket back, mostly neat, when her search was done. “One of the texts I needed for my most recent study was out from the library and I nearly burst from impatience waiting for it to come back so I could have it. I just want to be sure you’re pacing yourself, Adi. Not reading anything you can’t handle.”
“I am,” Adela promised. “Pacing myself, I mean.” It was mostly--usually--true. But there was so much to learn. “What was this last study about? You seemed more invested than the few before it.”
The change of subject worked, and they spent the remainder of their time chatting about various research they’d done; whether for pleasure or purpose, and ranking the enjoyment of the latter. It made things go much faster, and before Adela knew it, they were halfway through shelving the freshly sorted books--aside from the volume on Readceran culture, that went by her bed--when Sirra poked her head in to let Mama know Zac was awake.
“I can finish by myself,” Adela piped up. “He’s probably real hungry by now, an’ it is my room. I should be the one doing most of the work, anyway.”
Mama smiled again and kissed the top of her head. “You’re a good girl, my dove. Once you’re done in here and I’ve settled your brother, perhaps we’ll have time to return that scroll and get you some new recreational reading, hm?”
She brightened and nodded. “That would be great, Mama. Thank you!” School reading on such an interesting topic as a another country’s culture was all well and good, but something new that was purely for fun would be fabulous. She hoped Zac calmed down fast, and Isi was in a good mood when he woke up. “Oh! And thank you, Sirra,” she amended, flashing a smile at her sister, who would likely wind up watching the boys(and Tia) if she and Mama did go to the library.
“Happy to help,” Sirra said with a cheerful shrug. “And Teinan was planning to visit after dinner, maybe I can rope him into helping if you two lose all track of time.”
“If he likes you much as I think he does, that shouldn’t be a problem,” Adela teased, batting her eyelashes playfully from halfway up the bookshelf.
Sirra rolled her eyes, but her ears twitched back in exasperation. “Adi....”
“Adela, don’t tease your sister. Especially since she’s helping,” Mama admonished.
“Sorry, Sir,” Adela said contritely as she climbed down.
“Eh.” Sirra smirked. “I’ll getcha back when you’re older and it’s your turn to have fellas calling on you.”
“Sounds fair.” Also, far enough off, Sirra would probably forget her threat long before it happened. “Now, lemme finish so Mama and I can go to the library.”
Sirra ducked out, and Mama was smiling as she followed. Of course she knew what a motivation ‘more books’ would be for her daughter. Adela was, after all, a lot like her mother.
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