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E anche questa è fatta! #radiestesia #radiestesiaeradionica #radionica #geobiologia #bioenergetica #lakhovsky https://www.instagram.com/p/CjAEN7GNKKd3O8M5fUrfLsn13n3R3zagwibyjM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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random-brushstrokes · 22 days
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Arnold Lakhovsky - Petrograd. View of the Anichkov Bridge with the Fontanka River (1918)
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mscoyditch · 8 days
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"Petrograd. View of the Anichkov Bridge with the Fontanka River".
By Arnold Lakhovsky. Ukrainian. 1880-1937.
> random-brushstrokes
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the-empress-7 · 10 months
It appears that MM's Nu-clam patch is actually a Lakhovsky antenna aka a Multiple Wave Oscillator/MWO. It's an energy "medical" device - that actually does generate low-level energy waves - invented by Russian Georges Lakhovsky (who died in 1942). However, it has zero empirical scientific research to support its therapeutic claims. Nu-calm just randomly places it on an acupuncture point on the inner wrist that happens to be located on the Pericardium Meridian. The way Megs was merching it, she looked like Ralphie speaking into his Secret Decoder.
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scogito · 1 year
L’ing. Lakhovsky sosteneva che la vita nasce dalla radiazione, è trattenuta dalla radiazione ed è soppressa dal disequilibrio oscillatorio. Se la cellula è costretta a vibrare ad una frequenza diversa da quella naturale, si danneggia e per guarirla occorre sottoporla ad una radiazione avente una frequenza tale da fornirgli l’energia necessaria per riportarla allo stato di salute naturale. Se per Pasteur era necessario uccidere i microbi, per Lakhovsky era sufficiente ripristinare l’oscillazione ovvero l’energia cellulare naturale mediante l’impiego di radiazioni aventi frequenze adeguate. Mosso da queste considerazioni, ideò alcuni dispositivi energetici costituiti da anelli aperti di rame e argento isolati e di dimensioni variabili in modo da ottenere bracciali, collane e cinture. Tali dispositivi erano veri e propri circuiti oscillanti aperti in grado di riequilibrare lo stato energetico delle cellule e di guarirle. Dal 1924 impiegò i suoi circuiti oscillanti nella battaglia contro il cancro, presso l’ospedale della Salpetriére a Parigi. Inizialmente condusse i suoi esperimenti su gerani affetti da tumore ottenendo le prime guarigioni e successivamente, spinto dal primario del reparto di oncologia, su malati terminali di cancro ricoverati presso l’ospedale, ottenendo la guarigione straordinaria di soggetti ritenuti dai medici incurabili.
In parole povere, energia e frequenze.
Oggi si chiama Radiestesia. In futuro li chiameranno Med Bed. Se si arriverà a costruire un altro Sistema sarà praticamente un cosciente processo di autoguarigione.
Queste cose le hanno sempre sapute, perculate e nascoste.
E continuano ancora.
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dearparentheses · 2 years
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Winter scene
signed in Latin and dated '15' (lower right)
oil on canvas
65x 81cm
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die-stern-taler · 2 months
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elcitigre2021 · 6 months
Blefarisma destruído por frequências (imagem da palestra de Anthony Holland no Ted), analogia à quebra de um vidro pelo som.
((🔊)) Da mesma forma que uma soprano encontra a nota em que um copo de cristal ressoa e a destrói, células e microrganismos patogênicos podem ser desintegrados por frequências e pulsos eletromagnéticos, sem afetar outras células ou o organismo. . ((♾️)) Isso ocorre através do que chamo de princípio da ressonância harmônica simpática, através da afinação, dos harmônicos, das oitavas, encontrando a vulnerabilidade vibratória. ⚠️ Não perca o workshop neste domingo às 14h em Guadalajara México 🇲🇽 mais informações ➡️ @casadiosamx ✔️ Alguns dos tópicos que veremos: ✨️ Energia escalar radiante para revitalização celular, equilíbrio energético e coerência do campo eletromagnético. ✨️ Influência das vibrações na matéria, através de experimentos de física cimática, impacto do som na saúde. ✨️ Frequências do Dr Royal Rife, oscilador Lakhovsky, Zapper do Dr Clarke. ✨️ Análise de energia orgânica e ambiental com tecnologia Bio-Well.
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radiesthesia · 11 months
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(Cosmic & Biotic Energies Radiesthesist Generator)
This powerful graphic can be used as a Yantra. It is the representation on the plan of the famous Hiranya coil. These devices are quite popular in Japan. Its use is similar to the coils of Lakhovsky, whose most popular form is the open oscillating circuit, marketed in the form of bracelet covers. Like other graphics, there are multiple possibilities for using the Hiranya.
Experimentally the Hiranya plate can be used to preserve certain foods for periods above normal. When in exposure, "filters" the environment, rebalancing the energies of psychic or physical origin. To increase its field of action it can be used in conjunction with gemstones, quartz crystals, or even programming stones or crystals for specific purposes.
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The dowsing graphic is authored by António Rodrigues.
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inner-wellness · 1 year
Bioresonance Mora Therapy Naturopathic Drugs Acupuncture Major Care Ache Administration
Bioresonance is know-how that measures these frequencies to determine any disturbances which might be attributable to toxins, viruses, allergens, electro-magnetic pollution and other factors. Our bioresonance expertise performs evaluation bioresonance therapy benefits in addition to harmonisation. Bioenergetic testing can help to determine resonating stress in relation to imbalances in organs and vitamin, food sensitivities, emotions, toxins, hormone imbalances, and more.
In case of any opposed results that do occur, they tend to be mild and short-lived. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered analysis device for scientific literature, primarily based at the Allen Institute for AI. Low-frequency electromagnetic stimulation might result in regression of Morris hepatoma in buffalo rats. Dismiss this notificationPatientsLikeMe wish to remind you that your browser is old-fashioned and heaps of features of the web site may not perform as expected.Please replace your browserfor extra safety and a greater expertise. Health Nag is right here to coach, encourage and remind you that true well being is achievable, without continual suffering and hundreds of pills ‘unhappily eternally after’. An wonderful program with so many insights and aside of this I love the pure recommendations that came after based on my particular person outcomes.
It isn't supposed as an different to the diagnosis, therapy, and advice of your doctor. All examples of what has been achieved by others should not be taken as typical or in any way a assure or projection of what any particular bioresonance therapy toronto person client can anticipate from the remedy. Following his dying, the current management developed a sequence of computer-based gadgets that went past his unique technology.
A pseudoscientific form of electromagnetic therapy based mostly on the largely discredited “school” of radionics launched within the US within the Nineteen Twenties, for which there was no scientific basis then, neither is there now. If you’re on the lookout for an effective bioresonance testing and secure method to heal, BioResonance therapy may be simply what you need. This therapy uses radio or sound waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing talents and has been utilized by folks worldwide for centuries.
Cells which might be in good well being emit harmonious indicators that freely resonate with one another. Toxins or microbes that infect a cell add their own frequencies and distort the cell's pure signal. This investigation of electromagnetic energy produced by residing cells began with Russian engineer Georges Lakhovsky, who published bioresonance therapy The Secret of Life in 1925. Other researchers, including Harold Saxton Burr, Robert O. Becker, and Fritze A. Popp, have made comparable observations. Bio-Resonance technology is a secure, non-invasive, type of evaluation for energetic alignments within the human physique.
Therapy utilizing a bioresonance process ensures the discharge of harmful substances and interference. Once corrected, your physique reverts to its optimal state of self-rejuvenation. B.A.H. draws on 20 years of research, 10 years of trials, and the previous a hundred years of award-winning scientific discoveries in such fields as quantum mechanics. Bioresonance Analysis of Health (B.A.H.) is a sophisticated medical system that assists in figuring out root causes of disease. Bioresonance technology allows you to efficiently struggle a disease without using medicine.
Furthermore, Bioresonance Therapists consider that machines can pinpoint the distribution of cells. It relies on the theory that damaged or unhealthy cells produce completely different frequency patterns than wholesome cells, making them identifiable. [Placebo-controlled research of the results of a standardized MORA bioresonance therapy on useful gastrointestinal complaints]. There isn't any scientific evidence to support the usage of bioresonance therapy to diagnose or treat asthma.
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random-brushstrokes · 8 months
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Arnold Borisovich Lakhovsky - Tailors (1918)
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ilreamedinverno · 2 years
L'Oscillatore a Lunghezze d'Onda Multiple - Georges Lakhovsky
L’Oscillatore a Lunghezze d’Onda Multiple – Georges Lakhovsky
“L’Oscillatore a Lunghezze d’Onda Multiple” è un libro di Georges Lakhovsky, ingegnere russo che salvò migliaia di vite, individuando attraverso i suoi studi la correlazione dell’irraggiamento cosmo-tellurico con l’insorgenza di infinite patologie degenerative quali il cancro e la leucemia infantile. In questo libro, lo scienziato illustra i risultati ottenuti sui pazienti trattati con…
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crazyskirtlady · 6 years
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[harmonic.electromagnetic.fields(ormus/alkalinity/ionic charge/vlf/plasma)
[timelessness.end-of-time> chronomanipulation]
[Human advance!Activate!]
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rlimarjbr · 4 years
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(...) Pois não é tanto os #serviços #prestados por um #amigo, mas a #afeição desse amigo, em si, que dá #prazer: o que um amigo nos #oferece só nos faz #felizes na medida em que é #oferecido com #afeição [...] Assim, não foi a #amizade que decorreu da #utilidade, mas a utilidade que #decorreu da amizade. — #Cícero, no livro "#Lélio, ou a Amizade". (Ed. L± 1.ª #edição [2009]). #Obra: "The #Conversation", 1935 - Arnold #Lakhovsky. #Ano2009 #A2009 #Y2009 #ArnoldLakhovsky #Ano1935 #Anos30 #Literatura #Português #Brasil #BR . . ... https://www.instagram.com/p/CDQgmy5HCU3/?igshid=jh10xx87068a
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oncanvas · 3 years
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Male Portrait, Dar es Salaam, Arnold Lakhovsky, circa 1932
Oil on canvas 112 x 77 cm (44 x 30 ¼ in.)
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