#kubera the last god
ystrike1 · 4 months
Hello! Can you please make a review about Kubera? Though the male lead is only a mild yandere if that's okay with you
I love Kubera. I started reading it BEFORE I started this blog. I actually don't recommend it for beginners. Beginner yandere readers or comic readers. It requires alot of patience to get through. I actually decided to wait at the end of 2023. Yup. I'm not going to read another chapter until it ends. The story is so complicated that it's hard to follow in weekly chunks. It should be read like a novel. The yandere gold is there too, but it's a bonus. The story is just too large to plop in a yandere edgelord blog environment.
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druskels · 2 months
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1rabong · 2 months
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From One Last God Kubera
Maruna and Sampati when they were children.. they were so sweet and innocent and now..🫠
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tamdam41 · 2 months
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easter bunny
horror bunny
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magemanne · 20 days
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roses-artblog · 5 months
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Sssh, Kalavinka, they all came back from their very own existential crisis character arc in which they learned valuable lessons and changed for the... better?
My first art Of 2024.
It's a meme art.
I'm so proud of myself 🥹
For those who don't know this is the og tweet calling for this:
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pendulum-sonata · 6 months
1 and 21.
1. Character that everyone gets wrong.
Lol, we're starting with the heavy weaponry aren't we? You know? To spice things a little bit, I'm gonna choose an Arc V character and a Kubera character, even though only one of my mutuals reads the last one >.>
Arc V
Well... as much as I would like to say Reiji again, I think I've established enough times how misinterpreted his character is, so this time I'll choose...
Ray Akaba, I wasn't even aware that there were still people around who apparently hate her so much, that they would call for the "Ray hater nation" or whatever, I'm not gonna mention who it was but it was very recent, which honestly makes me remember that one tweet pointing out how silly people sound when they justify not liking badly written female character, how they'd supposedly love them if they were better written, when they couldn't handle any of them having one bad feeling for they boyfavs.
And that's really all there sees to be behind A LOT of the Ray hate going around: They hate her because canonically she defeated Zarc and she split him and then split herself to chase him across dimensions, and hate that she was the one who had to give the coup of grace in the duel against him.
They hate that canonically, Ray is one of the best duelist in the yugiohverse, and they will pull the weirdest excuses out of their backside to justify why she's the worst, how she was "too conceited" to believe she could take Zarc on her on, like excuse me, she absolutely took him down, TWICE, not sure what series you were watching, how she supposedly pulled a deus ex machina with the En Cards, as if the requirements to use them weren't ridiculously difficult to meet and wouldn't require a very skilled duelist, how she was dumb for sparing Leo because he caused an wat to bring her back, like, sweetie, the world would have ended anyway because with or without Leo, Zarc would have awakened eventually, that's why Ray set herself to always chase him down and defeat him over and over, like honestly i could dedicate a whole rant essay to the ridiculous claims I've seen made about her.
But the one thing everyone ALWAYS gets wrong is this, and I'm gonna put it in all caps and bold text because it needs to be said:
Seriously people, this isn't rocket science, the entirety of the 6th opening and ending is FULL of visual cues about how the both of them did it, we have visuals of Yuya and Yuzu forming the energy for the Pendulum, we know Ray was able to create and give cards to Reira in her spirit-like form, heck, lately the card game has released a bunch of cards that attach the word pendulum to Ray as well, come on.
And that's just something that a large portion of the fandom always gets wrong about her.
For this webtoon there is way too many people with the worst takes on many characters, befitting as the characterization of the story is very complex and well-made, and many of them are girls, and the girls can just as flawed and commit terrible actions as the dude characters.
But one character that seems to exceed the number of bad takes rather than the good ones is Menaka.
Menaka is a nastika, a race who in this story are sort of like opposing force to the gods, the author has even mentioned that humans sort of see them like "evil gods", some fit the label more than others, and others like Menaka are the exact opposite of evil, she was actually hailed as the one nastika who was qualified enough to eventually become the wisest king of the clans, and would be the first one to reach enlightenment and defeat one of the main villains. Unfortunately this one villain would have none of that and screwed her over on a cosmological level to the point it costed her everything, her power, her life, her clan, her future, and she ended up being screwed over after her death and then some more.
Without saying too many things confusing to non-readers that's the gist, as as the type of character who was tricked into abandoning everything for the greater good, and lived and died to regret it because she ended up doing a lot of damages for her decisions as well, and then sacrifice herself once more she's the perfect candidate to be hated, mischaracterized, mocked, straight up make things up about her character that you'd thing they're talking about someone else.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that people called her a groomer and the true villain of the story, not like a joke or hyperbole, but as like what they actually think of her -_-'
Uff, that was hard to write without possibly spoiling anyone lol (don't judge me, Kubera in ongoing, Arc V is over :P)
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Arc V
The Xyz arc, that all I have to say, I mean, you guys know me, for those who follow me when it was airing, you know my feelings about it and you know the absolute boredom that brings me every single time any of the xyz dimension characters were the focus (unless Yuzu, Dennis, Sora or Yuya were in them lol)
People love to say that the series did them dirty because they deserved a full arc, but honestly, we deserved a full arc dedicated to the fusion dimension, and I will die in that hill.
You know? Kubera doesn't have overhyped parts, because the series as a whole is just so underrated and obscure, and everything is so interwoven together, that it's impossible to remove any parts without affecting the overarching plot so... *shrugs*
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hosann · 2 months
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ravenousbeing · 2 months
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jubicocoa · 10 months
Day 3: Barbie 💕
Happiness sold separately.
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kuberafest · 10 months
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Employee of the Month by Akhara
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mysticalheartface · 8 months
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druskels · 8 months
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The limited edition looked nice... I miss them...
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deformedsalad · 10 months
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Fanfest Day 7: Abs
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tamdam41 · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day 💕
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Propaganda under the cut.
Asha Rahiro:
Idk if you know berserk that well but the whole narrative is obviously based on it and Asha is the griffin. Except it's not berserk so she's less evil? Idk like she's SO cool. She has never heard of the sunk cost fallacy so she's down to kill any amount of people. My bookclub argues about her ethics constantly because I'm on her side about things, another member HATES her and the rest are like well she's complicated and morally grey and the plot is very mysterious so idk. Spoilers for an epic story but she was SO MAD that despite all her talents and effort she could only ever be mediocre due to fate that she's now STEALING THE MAIN CHARACTERS DESTINY. Whenever we get in big fights in the bookclub I just say "they hate to see a girlboss winning" like truly she defines this category.
Willow Rosenberg:
She has an incredible arc where she starts as this ultra shy mousy victim of bullying and then slowly over seven seasons she becomes a powerful witch who repeatedly disregards other people’s boundaries and tries to make decisions for them with magic, stuff like erasing her gf’s memory of a fight they had and bringing her bestie back from the dead even tho she had this beautiful meaningful satisfying death and went to heaven. And then when her gf dies she goes after the guy who killed her and FLAYS HIM ALIVE and then tries to end the world!!!! It’s great!!!!!!!!!!
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