gzeidraws · 2 months
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Knights of the Rose 🌹
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chriisduran · 13 days
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Jackie Chan - The Drunken Master ** Project Free for download **
I'm excited to share a recent project I worked on, combining the powers of Kitra and Natron. This piece is a basic practice, but it holds a special place for me. I chose a frame from one of the most iconic films, Drunken Master. Capturing the essence of this film was both fun and challenging. As someone whose main profession is coding, venturing into the world of digital art has been a fascinating journey. This practice has not only allowed me to improve my artistic skills but also to discover hidden talents I never knew I had.
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flatfarart · 1 year
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I relised I have Kitra On my Pc So i drew Scetches!
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tits-fisto · 2 years
Temptation And Restraint
For the Kinktober prompt 'love bites and marking', who better than Kit and Dara? They are very much my favourites to write. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Read below the cut or on AO3
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“Dara – please.”
Dara hummed in response. 
She would have replied, but her lips were sealed over a patch of skin, and she was therefore incapable of saying anything. 
Kit gasped as she sucked leisurely, swiping her thumbs over the soft skin of his inner thighs. She grinned as the muscles between her lips shifted, Kit trembling beneath her. She could even hear the sheets creaking as his hands twisted into them. 
She gave it a moment longer – sucking harder – then pulled back to admire her handiwork.
Burst red blood vessels under green skin made for a deep brown bruise tinted with purple. Kit was absolutely covered in them. 
She had started with his chest – perched on his lap, then bitten and sucked her way down his torso. Once she had him gasping and squirming beneath her, she moved to lie between his spread legs and directed her attention to his inner thighs. Unfortunately, she was beginning to run out of space.
Well, she could probably find some spot of unblemished skin if she really wanted, but her patience was wearing thin. That was always the trick with this game, pushing Kit to the edge before her own need got the better of her. Self restraint has never been a strength of hers, and it was especially difficult when he looked so gorgeous when he was desperate – his hard-fought-for control completely shattered. He tasted incredible too – arousal pheromones were coating her ahwey, filling the room with his heady scent.
He was nothing but temptation, and she was sorely tempted.
There was one significant patch of skin she hadn't yet marked. The lips of his genital slit; stretched prettily around the base of his cock. 
So, so prettily, she thought to herself as she traced her finger over the taut quivering skin. 
"Dara –" 
"Yes baby?" she murmured, still trailing her fingers over his skin. It was moist with the slick that leaked from his slit, all the better to allow his cock to slide out smoothly and stand proud in front of her. She gathered a little of it on her finger and brought it to her mouth.
Kit groaned, his cock twitching. He watched her with rapt attention as she tasted him, letting her tongue curl around her finger deliberately slowly. A deep whine built in his throat while he watched her, his fingers twisting in the sheets so tightly she worried he might tear them.
That was why she loved doing this – why she loved to ruin someone who could not only be so controlled, but controlling, in the bedroom. Not that there was anything bad about that. Most of the time she loved the way he dominated her, so aggressive in how he brought her pleasure, but it was still nice to flip the table on him every now and again. To force him to lose that control he fought so hard for, and get him out of his big dumb green head.
The trick she had learned – after a lot of trial and error – was to play into the service dom side of him. Though he hid it well and could be quite rough, everything Kit did to her was about bringing her pleasure. He wanted to please her desperately, and with a bit of coaxing he would do whatever she asked of him. 
Like sit nicely on the bed with his hands beside him, and not move or do anything until she gave the okay, even though he wanted to come so badly his cock was visibly throbbing.
“Fuck – Dara – Please –”
She grinned to herself as she stroked her finger up and down his slit some more, moving closer and closer to the base of his cock on every pass. His slit grew wetter and wetter with every movement, and the delicious musky scent that grows along with it was making her head spin.
“Anything for you baby,” she murmured, leaning forwards to seal her lips over what she happened to know was a very sensitive spot. First she lightly dragged her teeth over it, and Kit choked on the air he was desperately bringing into his lungs. Secondly she bit down gently and sucked the skin between her teeth, and Kit keened. His cock twitched against her cheek and she grinned to herself, her chest thrumming with satisfaction.
Dara pulled back before placing another, and another, and another. She marked the lips of his genital slit as thoroughly as she had done the rest of his body, if not more so. The feeling of his cock bobbing and jerking against her face was too good to pass up, and the whimpers that spilled from his lips even more so.
After a while she pulled back to study him – and what she had done to him. Her face was smeared with spit and slick, and it felt wonderfully filthy as it dried. She could feel it tightening her skin as she smiled, and her eyes tracked up Kit’s chest. The marks she’d left there were still blooming, darkening with every passing moment. There were defined bite marks too, she could see the pinpoint bruises her canines had left – two dark spots close together on either side of the crescent of every bite mark.
Kit looked completely wrecked. He wasn’t even watching her anymore, just lying back with his eyes closed and doing his best to ride out the sensations. His ahwey were twisting, searching for things to hold onto. They plucked at the sheets hungrily, and she knew if she were to stretch her hand out they would grab her and pull her towards him.
She leaned her chin on one hand and waited for him to notice her. It took a few seconds, but eventually both sets of his eyelids blinked open slowly – his eyes cloudy with lust. 
"Hey gorgeous," Dara murmured, stroking her fingers down the backs of his thighs gently. "Are you doing okay?"
His chest heaved as he stared at her, his brain moving slowly and struggling to catch up with what she was saying. His mouth opened a few times before he actually managed to say anything.
"Yes," he said, slurring. "I'm – fuck."
"Yeah?" She grinned. "You're fuck?"
Kit pouted as she laughed at him. She continued to caress the backs of his thighs as she gazed up at him. He was smiling too now, his brain back online enough that he could probably tell her exactly how he's feeling – where can she can shove it and how much he really wants to shove it there – so she should really do something about that.
She pressed her thumb into one of the darker bruises she'd left and Kit rocked into it, moaning. His cock jumped, and her eyes were drawn to the thick vein that ran down the underside of his shaft.
She wondered – would that even work? 
There was only one way to find out, so she tilted her head and sealed her lips around the base of his cock where the vein was thickest. Kit damn near lost his mind.
His thighs shook on either side of her face, the muscles spasming beneath her cheeks. Her ahwey curled around the thick trunks of his legs, tasting the sweat of his skin and the wave of arousal pheromones that flowed from his every pore. When she scraped her teeth just lightly over his skin his back arched and he pressed himself even closer to her mouth. 
When she risked biting him, as gentle as she could manage, the sheets finally tore as Kit twisted his hands desperately. 
“Dara. Dara, please – anything, I need to –”
The words tumbled from his lips and dissolved into a series of gasps and moans. She worried the delicate skin carefully between her teeth and Kit quaked, the force of it shaking the mattress beneath them. A moment later, she relented. It was too much to see him like this – everything about it was too much. 
The noises he was making, the way his pheromones tasted on her ahwey, the feeling of his muscles straining beneath her fingers – she couldn’t resist him for one more second.
“Alright, you can move – ah!”
She found herself being thrown onto her back before she even finished her sentence. Her surprised laughter was lost in a moan as Kit lined himself up and slid into her with one smooth movement – he’s not the only one who was sodden with slick and arousal.
Now she was the one who was incapable of speaking as Kit fucked her desperately. She was practically bent in half, her knees up by her shoulders and Kit’s hands digging matching bruises onto the backs of her thighs. He was fucking her hard and frantically – the breath being forced from her chest with every snap of his hips. 
This was what she had wanted – this completely unrestrained version of him that is so hard to find. Kit gives and gives and gives of himself, to everyone he’s ever met. She has to push him to get him to take what he wants, to be even the slightest bit selfish, but when she pushes him hard enough she gets this. 
Kit, finally taking what he wants from her without asking.
His canines sank into her shoulder and she shouted. He released her thighs so he could get closer to her, press their bodies even tighter together, and her heels thudded into his lower back. Their ahwey twined together hungrily and she moaned at the overwhelming rush of pheromone and sensation.
When she pressed her fingers into one of the bruises on his shoulder he came hard. His whole body shook and he whined and gasped into the hollow of her throat. Dara stroked her hands down the arch of his back, her fingers rising and falling over the notches in his spine. Kit kept twitching and gasping for the longest time, but his chest began to vibrate with satisfaction and she smiled into the kisses she places to every inch of skin she can find. 
After a few minutes he shifted back a little, just enough to let her unfold her legs and stretch out. He lifted his head and kissed her, long and sweet, then rested his forehead against hers. 
“Feeling good, gorgeous?” Dara asked, letting her fingers curl through his ahwey gently.
He didn't reply other than to smile drowsily, the thrum in his chest becoming closer to a feline purr. She laughed and kissed his cheek, cradling his face in her hands so that she could swipe her thumbs over his gill slits softly. His thrums grew even louder as she stroked him, and she laughed again.
His eyes opened slowly and he gazed down at her, his smile soft and lazy, and for her alone.
“Well, I haven’t come yet,” she said quietly, into the private space between them. “So… have you got a little more in you?”
She wrapped her legs back around him and rocked her hips up. His shoulders shook with quiet laughter and he brushed a kiss to her lips.
“For you, my darling?” he murmured. “Anything.” 
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Thanks for everyone who is reading these and sticking with me. To be honest I've been getting really low interaction and it's very disheartening. Especially given the amount of effort I've put into this and all the stuff I've seen being reblogged recently about supporting artists. So, if you are reading this, thank you. It means a lot.
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kit-fisto-obsessive · 2 years
I need people to understand that no matter the au, Kit and Dara are madly in love with each other. They just don't always have sex.
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kinghijinx22 · 2 months
Fran backstory while wlw/mlm solidarity saves a cat
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rainbowsheeep · 2 months
Me playing Unicorn Overlord: Oh, let's explode those land mines before I accidentally step on them.
Kitra from afar: Kaboom
Hilda, who is flying right above them: *instantly dies*
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madzey · 2 years
I was making a Model yesterday and this is the Model so far, I can't wait to finish it.
I might make extra accessories to have a Dib :D
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Also you might not know this but I do actually do Splatmations but planing to make my own series with this model,
Here's my channel if you'd like to see my stuff I make
I also have a Discord, it's in the about part of the channel.
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shuuda-arts · 2 months
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Kitra (Unicorn Overlord)
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t34-mt · 1 year
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minimum wage worker in sat'thuckthuck
I don't think I could find an in-world name i can write down since they use chirping and various sounds and their crest to communicate. So ill call them pilots, referring to how they can pilot diesel mechas and other machines.
I think of sat'thuckthuck being stupidly industrialized, with a dieselpunk feel. the surface of the moon is harshly cold for most of the year so pilots have underground shelters. Unfortunately, people with no family, that have a shit job or other circumstances might stay on the surface inside of a mecha for the entire winter. Living inside a mecha is not luxurious, there isn't much place and that space they have might vary on the mecha model.
So this moon is in high contrast with altuyur's non-industrial world, without borders or really any money system that has a prehistory/middle age (north Africa) feel to it. It is quite silly that quadrupedal 8-limbed space corgis have more advanced technology and stuff that looks like what we humans have than the more humanoid bird/dinosaur thing that kyhuines and maanuls are. But I like it that's what i want
about the drawing, id imagine this worker operating something close to a crane or just anything harvesting minerals since i also imagine the place they're in to be a mine. They're wearing gas masks on the face because their workplace isn't filtered correctly, and the mineral harvesting outside can release toxic gas.
each line in the red area are like nostrils, they inhale from there and exhale from that stomach nostril. Animals of altuyur have single pair of nostrils which is usually on their chest, while animals of sat'thuckthuck have head nostrils to get the air in and stomach one to get it out.
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also if the hand is different from last pilot drawing its cause I'm still figuring out which type of hand ill like better and i think i like the one from previous drawing move honestly.
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passion-fruitxx · 2 years
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egosdeaths · 2 months
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KITRA BELL via tiktok
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lesathoart · 3 months
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The King and Queen of Hearts. The mage and the shaman.
this was a super fun little project and I liked the outcome. probably gonna do more!
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Unicorn Overlord Best Character Tournament - Round 3, Kitra vs Travis
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kit-fisto-obsessive · 2 years
A lot of their time together is spent in silence. Relaxing in each other's presence, doing separate things but together. It's about spending time around another person with no masks, no pretences, no true purpose other than to exist in the moment. Sitting at opposite ends of a very large sofa with their feet touching, her toes tucked under his thigh or vice versa. Sometimes one of them will lean sideways into the other, to have their ahwey stroked or just to have a little more contact, seek the tiniest amount of reassurance. They do talk, and they have deep and meaningful conversations, but the silences are just as deep and meaningful to the both of them.
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kinghijinx22 · 2 months
Hanging out with best cleric Sharon, Clive backstory and drunk Adel
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