#kissterian oc
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justmeazz · 4 months
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A draw of an Au where my Kissona and Gene had children 🩷❤️
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fuckkzuzu · 1 year
Fake screenshot, Demon and my Kissona, The Aphrodite! 🌺
I did it because I'm bored, Aphrodite is a boy!
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purplexflamingo · 4 years
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Twyla dump because I got a new sketch book.
Twyla really likes Siren and Demon much to their dispair
Also she adores Cat and Space too
She hates the cold tho
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tanookikiss · 4 years
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This is the direct sequel to Burned Again.
Summary: Nikolai invites Akai over to dinner to meet his family.
This was written as a True Love’s kiss prompt between Akai and Nikolai requested by @cosmicrealmofkissteria 
Thank you Shandi and @misslivvie for helping me brainstorm ideas again and for helping me piece out this long story. Whew! 10 pages, folks…but I didn’t have the heart to cut anything out.
Rating: T for language and innuendos.
Pairing: DemonAnkh and Nikai
“She is fire, he is ice.
One glimpse of her ignites
His stone-cold eyes
The heat of her body
Melts the frozen parts of his heart
He walks through flames
Just to feel her warmth.”
-Christy Ann Martine
Vinneketh had spent the greater part of the afternoon making sure the dining table was set to perfection. Black colored napkins accented the gold colored table cloth. The finest porcelain china and silverware were placed delicately upon the napkins. A few eucalyptus candles were placed on each end.  In the center of the table was a delicious culinary display of buttery rolls, a vibrant colored vegetable salad, golden honey drizzled dates, and a plate of smoked fish that looked proud to be dead.
Vinneketh smiled at his hard work. He loved having guests over for dinner and took great pride in his cooking. When Nikolai announced he was bringing a special lady friend home, the dancer knew this occasion called for his best dinner recipes. The sound of lip smacking snapped him out of his light trance.
“Demon! That’s your eighth roll! Save some for the guest,” Vinneketh sighed, pulling the bread basket away from him.
“Hmph! Of all the eligible women he could have picked, he just had to fall for The FireChild,” Demon snorted, licking the last bit of buttery goodness off his fingers.
“Beloved, I want you to be kind to our guest. The poor child has had to deal with so much trauma already.”
Demon looked up at his husband as if he had lost his mind. “She’s dealt with trauma!? What about Asim? Did you see the scars on her after the fire? It’s a miracle she’s still alive! I can’t believe you’re allowing that ticking time bomb into our home and around Ayesha! They should have locked that pyrokinetic maniac up and threw away the key!”
Vinneketh scoffed, putting his hands on his hips. “Darling, may I remind you that I was at her trial with Master Radames. I’ve faced many evil adversaries in my time, and I can assure you that girl is no monster. The fire was an accident.”
“Accident or not that does not erase what she’s done. What if she has another accident tonight? Nikolai and I are fireproof but you and Ayesha are not!” Demon growled, reaching for another roll.
“Beloved!” Vinneketh hissed, slapping his husband’s gluttonous hand away from the bread basket. “She’s under great guidance now.”
“Dahlia thinks she needs more training,” Demon deadpanned, sneaking a date off the table to munch on much to his Treasure’s annoyance.
Vinneketh sighed and rolled his eyes. “Beloved, please, our son seems quite fond of her.”
“Yeah, Nikolai even says her name in his sleep,” Ayesha giggled, nibbling on a roll that she had cleverly stolen while Vinneketh was guarding them from Demon.
Vinneketh grabbed the bread basket, holding it tightly to his chest. “No more rolls until dinner!”
Ayesha grinned, slipping her Baba another roll much to her Aiutu’s displeasure.
“I swear between you two we won’t have anything left for dinner,” Vinneketh said, squinting his eyes at the two sneaky roll thieves.
Demon smirked while splitting the roll with his daughter. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. No food means no dinner with The FireChild.”
“You know, StarChild thinks very highly of her.” Vinneketh added, straightening up a nearby napkin.
“Pah! She’s his number one stalker! All of KISSteria knows about her little infatuation with the Star Prince. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s using my son to get close to StarChild,” Demon grunted, chewing up the last bit of the roll.
“Why would you even think such a thing?” Vinneketh scoffed, setting the bread basket back down on the table in a huff.
“Think about it, Treasure. I’m StarChild’s blood brother. I’m bound to him for life. She’s using Nikolai to get to StarChild. Our son is far too good to be somebody’s pawn!”
Ayesha looked concerned. She did not like the idea of her brother getting played at all. Still in deep thought, she exited the dining room while chewing on her roll piece.
Vinneketh sighed. “Beloved, you’re over reacting. If you behave tonight, I’ll make sure you get a special dessert later on,” he purred, wrapping his arms around Demon’s shoulders.
Demon grinned lewdly. “I do like your special desserts.”
The two had time to share a brief kiss before Ayesha called for them.
“Aiutu! Baba! They’re here!”
Ayesha ran over to give her big brother a tight hug. The young demon male laughed lightly, returning the loving embrace. He was getting used to these hugs! Akai smiled warmly at the two siblings.
“I don’t like this…not at all,” Demon said in a sing-song voice low enough for Vinneketh to hear.
“Are you going to be this problematic when Ayesha starts dating?” Vinneketh whispered back.
Demon looked offended. “Treasure, don’t be ridiculous! If anyone looks at our little girl in a lustful way, they will be dead before crossing the threshold,” he chuckled darkly.
“Ayesha, this is Akai. Akai, this is my sister, Ayesha,” Nikolai smiled, introducing the two.
Ayesha looked up at the tall, pale skinned, red headed woman fidgeting awkwardly beside her brother. The FireChild didn’t look quite as menacing as her Baba had described.
“Hello Ayesha! It’s a pleasure to meet you! I love your dark pink headscarf,” Akai said sweetly, extending her hand to Ayesha.
Ayesha smiled. “Thank you! It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” she responded, reaching out to shake Akai’s hand.
“Ayesha! Stop!” Demon bellowed out, pulling Ayesha away from Akai before the two could make physical contact.
“Father, what are you doing?” Nikolai asked, scoffing at his father’s absurd behavior.
“Baba didn’t get his hug today,” Demon awkwardly added, hugging Ayesha tightly against his chest, glaring daggers at Akai. “You better not break my son’s heart!”
“Akai! My dear! Welcome to our home!” Vinneketh jumped in to prevent an awkward scenario, hugging Akai tightly.
“Treasure…that’s enough contact,” Demon whispered harshly through clenched teeth.
“I’m Vinneketh and that obnoxious brute is my husband, Demon,” he said, holding Akai’s hands, side eyeing Demon a warning, daring him to say something else!
“Thank you for inviting me into your home,” Akai said, bowing her head in respect. “I have brought you both a thank you gift from Earth.” Akai offered Vinneketh a bottle of expensive wine from Napa Valley.
“Ooh a vintage wine! Isn’t that nice, Beloved?” Vinneketh grinned, nudging Demon in the side.
“Oh yes, just what we need! Igniting fluid for the fire!” Demon complained, looking up at the sky as if to ask the Gods, why me?
Akai shifted her eyes around the room uncomfortably.
“Father, what exactly are you trying to imply?” Nikolai asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
“Why don’t we go into the dining room?” Vinneketh suggested, ushering everyone into the next room.  When no one was looking, Vinneketh mouthed “Behave” to a disinterested Demon.
Akai and Nikolai sat together on one side of the table while Demon and Vinneketh sat directly across from them. Ayesha was about to sit next to Akai until Demon objected.
“Ayesha! Come sit over here next to Baba.”
“Father, Ayesha is a grown woman. She can sit with whoever she chooses,” Nikolai said coolly, staring his father down.
Ayesha was torn. A part of her wanted to sit next to Akai to learn more of this mysterious woman, but she didn’t want to disobey her Baba either.
“Yeah, but she’s safer over here,” Demon growled at Nikolai.
“Right…she’s much safer next to a fire-breathing, short-tempered demon,” Nikolai spat, rolling his eyes.
“It’s Okay, Nikolai. Ayesha can sit with her father,” Akai said kindly, gesturing to the scowling demon in front of her.
Vinneketh said a prayer over the food, offering thanks to the Gods for the bountiful harvest and for bringing the family together. When Vinneketh offered a thanks for the guest, Demon let out a loud snort to which Vinneketh kicked him under the table. Once the prayer was over, silence befell upon the table while everyone ate. The tension was so thin it could be cut with a butter knife. Akai tried to keep her eyes solely on her plate. Every time she looked up; a pair of angry eyes were glaring at her. She didn’t know who was worse. Ayesha glared while cutting into her fish as if to send Akai a subtle message. Demon would let out a lofty growl, clutching onto the water pitcher beside him.
“Say something nice to our guest,” Vinneketh whispered to Demon as he took a bite of his salad.
Demon thought for a minute and then blurted out, “That was pretty hilarious when you set those KISSterian nobles on fire at the castle!”
Akai dropped her fork on the floor, looking up in horror. Vinneketh facepalmed himself. He didn’t know why he bothered anymore!
“Really, father?” Nikolai scoffed, looking up from his plate.
Demon shrugged. He couldn’t understand why everyone was so annoyed with him. “What? It’s a compliment! I hate those snobs! That was the only good thing that came of that nigh—” Demon was silenced by a roll shoved in his mouth by Vinneketh.
“So, how did you two meet?” Vinneketh asked sweetly, using his fork to gesture from Akai to Nikolai.
Akai grinned shyly, looking at Nikolai. “We met at the KISSterian Court.”
“The night of the fire?” Demon asked with a mouthful of roll.
“Yes, father, that night,” Nikolai replied dryly before taking another bite out of his salad.
“Nikolai asked me to dance. Well, he tried to at first but his head collided with a low hanging chandelier,” Akai snickered.
Ayesha giggled lightly at the thought of her brother making a fool out of himself in public.
“I still have the bump on my forehead too,” he smiled back at Akai.
“Gracefulness does run in Demon’s family,” Vinneketh teased, smiling slyly at Demon who merely snorted in return.
“After I got my head bandaged, I came back and asked again. She surprisingly said yes. So, we danced, me all banged up and bloody bandaged, and Akai, beautiful and radiant as a ruby,” Nikolai swooned, grabbing Akai’s hand. She lightly gasped at his cooling touch. She knew she should be used to it by now but it still seemed to always catch her by surprise.
Akai blushed at the compliment. “Well, how could I say no? Your clumsiness was so adorable,” she smiled, looking into his captivating dark eyes.
“Is that when you caught the castle on fire?”
And like a screeching record, the tender moment was gone thanks to Demon.
“Demon!” Vinneketh hissed, smacking him on the shoulder.
“Actually, how do we know when you’re about to ignite?” Demon added quickly, receiving another swift smack from his Treasure.
“Father, that’s not very appropriate,” Nikolai interjected, using his other hand to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration.
Akai shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “No…it’s okay. I understand why you’d be so curious. Well…it happens when I lose control of my emotions. I used to think it only happened whenever I was angry, but I’ve recently discovered from the Sisterhood that it can happen anytime whenever my hormone levels are high.”
“So, you can ignite yourself during intercourse too?” Demon asked casually, chewing on another roll.
Akai choked on her water. At once the room erupted in collective gasps and surprised shouts.
Demon shrugged again. “What? Nikolai’s room is right next to ours. I have a right to know what happens when he sticks his log into the firepit.”
Ayesha had broken out into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Blushing a bright red, Akai wanted to crawl under the table and die. Vinneketh and Nikolai were both shooting Demon venomous glares.
Desperate to change the subject, Akai chimed in, “Vinneketh, this food is delicious! The fish is cooked to perfection.”
Vinneketh smiled, placing his hand on his heart when he spoke, “Why, thank you, my dear! It’s an old family recipe.”
Before Akai could reply, Demon jumped in, “Yeah, too bad it’s not burnt to a crisp like you did to poor Asim.”
And there it was, the elephant in the room. The one topic Akai was afraid would get brought up tonight. It was obvious Demon hated her from the start. She had hoped, no prayed, it would not get brought up. She couldn’t even bring herself to make eye contact with anyone at the table. Nikolai kept stroking her hand as if to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.
Akai’s breathing hitched. “It…it was an accident, I swear…”
“Your accident nearly killed a close friend of ours!” Demon shouted, slamming his fist on the table.
“Father, stop this at once! You’re upsetting her!” Nikolai shouted, feeling Akai start to tremble anxiously.
Vinneketh grabbed Demon’s arm. “Beloved, this is not an appropriate conversation at the dinner table!”
Akai closed her eyes. She could hear the screams and smell the fire smoke. She tried to picture Asim. Alone and afraid. Her body engulfed with fire, screaming for help. Just screaming for someone, anyone to stop the pain.
“I…I…I’m so sorry…I’m sorry,” Akai’s voice cracked as is she was talking to a burnt Asim laying before her. She could feel a knot in her stomach that was working its way up her throat.
“Sorry is not going to change the past. You hurt her! She will most likely never recover from these injuries!” Demon roared, pointing an accusing finger at Akai.
Akai’s breathing became erratic. “I’m sorry…” A sob escaped from her throat.
“Father! I said…LEAVE HER ALONE!” Nikolai’s voice shifted into a warped demonic tone. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, revealing two white orbs in the eye sockets. Releasing Akai’s hand, he clutched onto the table, baring his fangs, growling like a vicious beast.
“What is happening?” Ayesha asked, noticing a change in the environment. The power flickered on and off a few times before shutting off completely. The only light source came from the soft candlelight glow on the table.
“DON’T YOU DARE BARE YOUR FANGS AT ME, BOY!” Demon’s demonic voice roared. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. The candle lights casted eerie shadows on their faces, giving them a more sinister appeal.
With a sudden strong guest of wind, the room temperature started to rapidly drop to a freezing degree. Within seconds, it felt like being inside of a freezer. Tiny water droplets on the glasses began to crystalize into icicles. Thick clouds of condensation escaped out of everyone’s mouths.
“Oh, Goddess! It’s freezing in here!” Akai yelped, shivering from the intense cold.
“It’s s…s…s…so c..c…c…cold,” Ayesha said through chattering teeth, folding herself into a fetal position to attain body warmth.
“Nikolai, stop this at once!” Vinneketh demanded, rushing over to comfort Ayesha.
Was Nikolai manipulating the temperature? Akai looked at the younger demon in fear. Nikolai had always been so calm and collected around her. She had never seen his demonic side or knew much about his power. She had only just discovered how cold his touch was to hers. It made sense that he could control ice.
Demon and Nikolai kept baring their fangs and snarling at each other like two rabid dogs about to fight to the death. Things were spiraling out of control too fast.
“Oh no,” Akai whispered as a little flame lit up on her hand. It quickly started to spread up her arm. Under regular circumstances, she would have welcomed the fire for warmth but right now was not a good time to lose control!
Ayesha saw the fire spread up Akai’s arm and immediately grabbed the water pitcher next to Demon and threw the water on Akai. Akai screamed bloody murder at the icy water stung painfully on her skin. It felt like thousands of glass shards were stabbing into her arm.
“ENOUGH!” Vinneketh bellowed as a blast of magical energy coursed through the room. With a snap of his fingers, the power came back on and the room temperature reverted back to normal. Demon and Nikolai were morphing back into their regular selves while Akai sat in shock, trembling from the pain in her arm.
“Akai, dear, are you quite alright?” Vinneketh asked in concern, noticing the bright pink shade on her arm.
“I…need to be excused,” Akai sniffled, storming out of the room. Ayesha got up and followed her out.
“Akai, I…” Nikolai tried to say but Akai wouldn’t even look at him as she left the room. He tried to get up to go after her but with another magical burst of energy, he remained glued to his seat, looking up at Vinneketh with pleading eyes.
“You’re not going anywhere near her until you calm down!
Vinneketh turned his attention to the ultimate troublemaker of the night. “And you…I want to have a word in private.”
“But Treasure…”
“NOW!” Vinneketh shouted in a tone that echoed all throughout Sphynxia.
And like a flick of the switch, the big bad demon was reduced to a scared little puppy.
“Yes dear…” he mumbled, following Vinneketh with his head bowed in shame.
Akai had managed to find a nearby bathroom. She sobbed quietly, examining her arm. It felt numb to the touch. A gentle knock was heard at the door. Ayesha came in with a warm towel and a potion bottle.
“This will help make the inflammation go down,” she said softly, applying the cooling liquid on Akai’s injured arm. It felt nice. Not nearly as soothing as Nikolai’s touch, but still just as effective.
“T…thank you,” Akai sniffled, watching as the inflammation slowly started to go down.
“I’m sorry I threw the water on you. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just afraid that if Baba saw you in flames then things would have gotten much worse,” Ayesha explained, looking up at Akai with apologetic eyes.
“It’s okay, Ayesha. I understand,” her voice trembled. “I’m not upset about that. It’s just…I’m so tired of everyone hating me for something that I had no control over at the time. I’m aware I hurt innocent people. It’s something I have to live with every day for the rest of my life. I’m learning more and more about my power each day. And I’m trying my best to contain it.”
Ayesha placed a comforting hand on Akai’s shoulder. “I believe you, Akai. You’re very remorseful over your past actions. You don’t seem like the type that would hurt anyone on purpose. I’m just…I have to know, are you using my brother to get with Prince StarChild?”
Akai looked at the stern younger woman with wide eyes. “What? No, of course not! Yes, I have a soft spot for StarChild because he saved me from life imprisonment, but I know we’re never meant to be. Besides I would never use anyone like that, especially your brother! Nikolai…means a lot to me,” her voice trailed off.
Ayesha nodded in approval. “You mean a lot to him too. It takes real foolhardiness to challenge Baba like that!”
Akai smiled, shaking her head. “Nikolai has always been good to me. He was the first real friend I ever had. He’s such a great guy. He’s so sweet, so charming, so intelligent…he’s so…” Akai was lost in deep thought. “He deserves better. I’ve caused too much trouble already. I’m sorry, Ayesha. I have to go,” Akai said abruptly, pulling her arm away and running out the door.
Vinneketh paced back and forth in the kitchen. “Beloved, I am appalled by your rude behavior tonight! What has gotten into you!? You insult our guest and threaten our son!”
Demon folded his arms in defense. “Well, he bared his fangs at me first and excuse me for trying to protect my family from danger!”
Vinneketh threw his arms up in the air. “Danger? What danger? Darling, Akai has done nothing wrong tonight! You’re the one antagonizing her. We’re all having to protect her from YOU.”
Demon paused in thought. It was true. Akai had been polite and not done anything to warrant such hostility. “I’m…sorry, Treasure.”
Vinneketh sighed, placing his arms around Demon. “Beloved, I remember a certain misunderstood demon with quite a past. I heard many troublesome stories about you but that didn’t keep me away from you, did it?”
“No…it didn’t,” Demon sighed, leaning his forehead on Vinneketh’s forehead.
“Remember how many people objected to our relationship in the beginning?”
Demon tensed up. “Yes…and they had no right to try to keep us apart!”
Vinneketh stroked Demon’s cheek lovingly. “Exactly. They were convinced you would wreck my heart and my homeland. But you know what? We proved them all wrong, dearest! You proved yourself a hero and we proved to them all that we belong together.”
“Yes…Yes, we did,” Demon said softly, rubbing his hands around Vinneketh’s waist. “I would be so lost without you.”
Vinneketh smiled, placing a sweet kiss on Demon’s forehead. “Now don’t you think Akai deserves that same chance too? You both have a lot more in common than you realize.”
Demon sighed. “You’re right, my love. I…didn’t think about it that way.” He then smiled warmly at the man who had danced his way right into his black heart so long ago. “You really are a treasure.”
The two shared a long passionate kiss. Demon tilted Vinneketh’s head back to deepen the kiss, rubbing his hands up and down the slender man’s back. Vinneketh smiled into the kiss, pulling Demon closer to him. They were getting lost in their loving embrace, forgetting about the world around them until Nikolai’s voice rang through the house.
“Akai! Wait!”
Nikolai had appeared before Akai, blocking her path to the exit.
“Nikolai, I have to go. Your father does not want us together…no one wants us together. We’ll never be accepted by anyone.” She shook her head in anger. “I’ve hurt too many innocent people. You deserve someone better.”
“To hell with what he thinks or anyone thinks! Fuck that noise! You’re a good person. You didn’t do it on purpose,” Nikolai insisted still persistently blocking Akai from leaving.
“Just let me go…” She was trying her hardest not to cry. “Why the hell do you care so damn much!?” she screamed, trying to push her way around him.
“Because I love you!”
Akai looked at him in disbelief. She was expecting him to apologize for a slip of the tongue or even look remotely ashamed but neither of those things happened. Softened brown eyes met curious blue ones.
“I love you, Akai. I…I always have. Please don’t go. I don’t want to be with anyone else. I know I’m not StarChild. Hell, I’ll never be anything like him but I do love you so much. I want to be with you,” he said softly, grabbing her warm hands. The warm feeling that he had loved since the first time they made physical contact, knowing deep down he couldn’t live without her touch.
Akai felt like she was in a dream like state. Time had stood still as she kept her gaze locked on his. Something about him soothed the fiery beast within her and it seemed as though she was able to soothe the cold beast within him. They needed each other.
“I love you too, Nikolai,” she confessed, realizing that he was in fact her missing piece.
Nikolai captured her lips in a deep kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, pulling her closer. Akai smiled into the cooling comfort of the kiss, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. What happened next surprised everyone in the room. Akai’s body began to glow in a vibrant red colored energy. Nikolai’s body lit up in an electric blue colored energy. The red and blue colored flames crackled and sizzled together as the bodies intertwined into one. Heat and cold energy circulated between them. As soon as the kiss ended, the energy waves ceased.
“Akai…” came Demon’s voice.
Nikolai and Akai turned their attention over to the surprised audience all watching slack jawed just a few feet away.
Demon rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck. “I haven’t been very fair to you…to both of you,” he gestured to Nikolai before turning back to Akai. “It would be my honor if you would stay.”
“Really?” she asked surprised at the sudden change of Demon’s temperament.
“Yeah, really. So…umm…welcome to the family!” he said hastily, grabbing Nikolai and Akai, pulling them in for an intense, python-like group hug. Nikolai and Akai gasped and looked at each other in a mix of shock and horror while Ayesha and Vinneketh observed the trio fondly.
As soon as Demon released them from his iron grip he announced, “Alright…let’s get back to dinner. C’mon Ayesha! Those last two buttery rolls have our names on them.” Grabbing Ayesha’s hand, he led the way back into the dining room.
Vinneketh sighed, shaking his head in amusement. “Well…at least we’re making progress.”
“Is he always like that?” Akai asked Nikolai, gesturing to Demon.
Nikolai sighed, rubbing his temples. “I’m afraid so…it’ll be something you’ll have to get used to…that is if you decide to stay.” Worry washed over his face in case Akai still decided to leave.
Akai grinned, nuzzling up to him. “I’m not going anywhere without you, Nikolai.”
“You two better not be doing any inappropriate stuff! Not until we at least fire and ice proof this place!” Demon called out from the other room.
Vinneketh was about to object until he realized this time his Beloved did have a valid point…
Nikolai groaned, rolling his eyes. Akai smirked, hooking her finger around Nikolai’s finger. The red and blue energy returned on their hands as the two followed Vinneketh back into the dining room.
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zithera · 4 years
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Have a chibi badger who loves to get down and rip a few on the guitar
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
Black Dahlia
So I actually had ideas for the world of KISSteria before @cosmicrealmofkissteria‘s KISSteriaverse, but never had the courage to write them up until now. So this is my attempt to bridge the gap between my ideas and Shandi’s; hopefully it works!
This is the first part of what I’m calling the Black Dahlia series, and it follows my OC. I’ll probably post a biography of her later, but for now enjoy this! 
Today was the day. The day She had been waiting for her entire life.
Today She was to officially join the Sisterhood of the Natural Order as a witch.
The Sisterhood of the Natural Order was the official order of witches of KISSteria. To join you must have not just an affinity for magic, but also the discipline and the drive to endure the powers you possessed. And She had demonstrated all of those qualities. After years of learning and honing her abilities, She was finally going to join the Sisterhood.
Joining the Sisterhood was an indescribable honor. It was said that the Elder herself was taught by the Sisterhood, but of course the High Priestesses never confirmed or denied that.
She was bristling with anticipation for the Sister to come through the doors and escort the new initiates into the hall. She had waited the past ten years of her life to join the Sisterhood, so theoretically she could wait a few more moments. But in reality… it wasn’t so simple.
She looked down at her clothes. They were all wearing simple hooded robes of white with a brown cord tied around the waist. The cord was held together by a brooch that showed their symbol, whether it be a flower or an animal. They had all been chosen by some flower or animal, and the thing that had chosen them was to be their name from now on. They also wore silver circlets around their heads, that also showed off their chosen symbol.
She fingered the brooch thoughtfully. Hers was a black dahlia, which according to the Sisters was a flower that hardly ever chose an initiate. It was something she felt rather proud of, that the black dahlia had chosen her.
The doors opening made her look up, and she and the rest of the girls in the room stood as a Sister entered. “Come, ladies. It is time,”
They followed the Sister into the ceremony hall. It was a large hall with statues of the KISSterian gods lining the walls. At the end of the hall were the High Priestesses, sitting on stools dressed in their ceremonial robes. Above all the High Priestesses were indentations in the stone wall. It was said that those indentations were where the KISSteria Crystals had been, before they were used to form the Rock of KISSteria.
Beside the High Priestesses sat the Elder. There had been a rumor that she would attend the ceremony today, but She hadn’t believed it. Then She noticed that sitting beside the Elder was Prince Starchild, who was watching interestedly as the initiates approached. She wasn’t expecting him.
The High Priestesses rose from their stools as the Sister led the initiates to their assigned places. The Elder and the prince rose as well. “Today marks a new beginning for all of you,” the first began.
“Today we welcome you into the Sisterhood of the Natural Order.”
“You all have shown great promise, and we could not be prouder of who you have all become.”
“Now by the grace of the gods of KISSteria and of the Natural World, the time has come for you to join us as Sisters of the order.”
The girls all knelt before the High Priestesses, bowing their heads.
“Do you swear to uphold the good laws and teachings of the Sisterhood?”
“I swear,” the girls replied.
“Do you swear to follow the path of light, and to never allow your hearts to be blackened?”
“I swear,”
“Do you swear to use your gifts for the good of the Sisterhood and KISSteria?”
“I swear,”
The High Priestesses all raised their staffs. They were staffs made of polished wood with intricate designs carved into them, and on the ends were crystal orbs. Their orbs glowed their respective colors, and waves of colored mist were sent out to envelope the new initiates. Immediately She felt a strange feeling envelope her. All part of the ceremony.
“Now you must abandon what you were before coming to us,”
“You must leave behind your families, your loved ones, even your names,”
“Do this, and you will be ready for all you still have to learn,”
The new initiates took this as their cue to speak. “I abandon my past life, so I may begin anew. I leave behind my family, my loved ones, and my name so I may adopt my new identity. I do this to be ready for all I have yet to learn.”
The symbols on their circlets began to glow their chosen colors, and the colors surrounded them all. Out of the multicolored mist rose calling animals and blooming flowers. The calls of the animals filled the hall, while petals broke off the flowers and swirled around their chosen ones.
Then memories began to flash through her mind. All of them were memories of the life she had known before… of the people she thought had been her family. The so-called family that had cast her aside to the Sisterhood, just so she could be out of their lives.
Well, they hardly mattered now. Now, she could be a new person, with a new life, and a new family.
The mist began to clear. The animals and the flowers sank back down into their chosen initiates, and She felt the strange feeling leave her body. The memories faded as well.
“You have willingly left behind your lives to begin new ones,” said the head of the High Priestesses. She could hear the smile she had. “You have knelt before us today as students, who still have much to learn. Arise now, as Sisters of the Natural Order.”
As Black Dahlia rose with her new Sisters, she let a smile come to her face. This was her new beginning, her new life.
And this time, she wasn’t going to waste it.
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117degrees · 4 years
rp’ing as kissterian ocs must be fun if you do it with me bc one of my headmates is my oc basically
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justmeazz · 8 months
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My kissona, Elliot! I love draw him so much 🩷
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justmeazz · 8 months
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She's just a girl who wants her dada's love (She talks about Aphrodite, her dad/mommy)
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purplexflamingo · 4 years
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purplexflamingo · 4 years
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Twyla making the guys play pretty pretty princess and demon accidentally won. While Cat was close but he ended up with the black ring so he couldn't win. Twyla just had fun.
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purplexflamingo · 4 years
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Donnastar stuff
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purplexflamingo · 4 years
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My little Star <3 she is too cute and to precious
and Ican’t handle
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