eggtrolls · 3 months
I fell off the wikipedia horse for the annual January-February two month depressive episode but now we are so fucking BACK, I am finding sources for 9th century Armenian monasteries and adding info about shitty Christian schools in Florida being shitty.
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neweramuseum · 2 months
NEM Minimalism 82/83 - Curator Lulú Espinoza-Elenes De Panbehchi.
82 - Theme: Trees or Flowers
FEATURED ARTWORKS BY: Merih Soylu, Hari Bangsha Kirant, Lucíla Faria, Noah Fentz, Daria Stermac, Peter Scott Bartsch, Anneliese Wi, Nükhet Poda Göfer, Ann Boylan.
83 - Theme: One third
FEATURED ARTWORKS BY: Viola Ursu, Philip Del Carmen, Peter Scott Bartsch, Mars Ebba, Kate Towers, Erika Schroeder, Daria Stermac, Anneliese Wi, Angelita Cervantes Limpin.
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gothalokhabar · 2 years
किराँत–राई बस्तीमा साकेला उधौलीको रौनक 
कटारी, २३ मङ्सिर । पूर्वका किराँतबस्तीमा साकेलाउधौली पर्व सुरु भएको छ । मङ्सिर पूर्णिमादेखि सुरु भई १५ दिनसम्म ढोलझ्याम्टाका साथ साकेला नाच्दै किराँत राईले धुमधामका साथ यो पर्व मनाउने गर्दछन् । बिहीबार पूर्णिमादेखि औपचारिक रुपमा साकेलापर्व मनाउन सुरु भएको छ । किराँत राई यायोक्खा नगर कमिटी कटारीका अध्यक्ष पद्म राईका अनुसार किराँत राईहरूको बसोबास रहेको पूर्वी पहाडी जिल्ला खोटाङ, भोजपुरका साथै धरान,…
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metamorphesque · 1 month
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The present government of Armenia, under the leadership of the infamous madman Nikol Pashinyan, has made the decision to cede some Armenian territory to Azerbaijan, a neighboring country that has relentlessly waged war against Armenia for decades, leaving scars of loss and anguish in its wake. On April 19, the Armenian and Azerbaijani border demarcation commissions agreed to initiate border demarcation proceedings starting from the Tavush region. The delineation of the border sections will be based on coordinates clarified through geodetic measurements on-site, with completion expected by May 15th, 2024. Representatives of the Armenian Prime Minister announced that, as a consequence, Azerbaijan would gain control over 2.5 villages, purportedly leading to a reduction in security risks for the Republic of Armenia. This decision has been likened to extending a hand to a voracious beast in the hope that it will miraculously abandon its predatory instincts and refrain from further aggression. Those familiar with the historical tensions between these nations recognize this as the initial step toward Armenia's capitulation. Since April 19, residents of Tavush border villages, supported by demonstrators from across the country, have been staging protests along the Armenia-Georgia interstate road. Despite these protests, 35 border posts have already been erected along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. Opponents of the border delimitation, led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, head of the Diocese of Tavush, are marching from Kirants—one of the affected villages—to Yerevan in an attempt to halt the border demarcation process. Archbishop Bagrat Sacrosanct previously declared that the movement would reach Yerevan by the afternoon of May 9, where they will present specific demands to the government. The participants demand an end to the concessionary policy and unilateral concessions endorsed by the government, which will, without a shadow of a doubt, endanger the safety of Armenians and Armenia as an independent country. Hence, every single one of us needs to be politically conscious. Who knows? Perhaps one day your leader, too, will decide to sell parts of your country to your enemy.
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mariacallous · 1 month
In early March 2024, Azerbaijan demanded that Armenia hand over eight villages along the two countries’ borders. To avoid a new war, Yerevan agreed to transfer four villages to Azerbaijani control; the border delimitation process is now underway. Local residents, however, oppose the decision; they want Armenia to refuse to concede any territory and have appealed to international human rights organizations for help. Photographer Egor Kirillov traveled to the border village of Kirants, which is still Armenian territory, to photograph residents’ fight against the transfer.
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massispost · 17 days
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New Post has been published on https://massispost.com/2024/05/armenian-azerbaijani-border-guards-take-over-the-protection-of-state-border-in-tavush-region/
Armenian, Azerbaijani Border Guards Take Over the Protection of State Border in Tavush Region
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YEREVAN — Starting May 24, 2024, border guard troops of Armenia’s National Security Service officially took under protection a 6.8-kilometer section of the border with Azerbaijan near Berkaber and Baganis villages in Tavush region. The National Security Service said that the 5.8-kilometer section near the village of Kirants will be guarded under a transitional scheme until July. The protection of the opposite sections of the border will be carried out by units of the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev, who negotiated the deal on April 19 with his Armenian counterpart Mher…
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head-post · 23 days
Armenian PM praises border delimitation deal
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan praised the controversial border delimitation deal with Azerbaijan, calling it a great success in opening remarks at a cabinet meeting on 16 May, while dozens of protesters against the agreement reconvened outside the government building, Armenian Media reported.
The protesters, led by charismatic clergyman Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, oppose what they call “unilateral territorial concessions” to Azerbaijan and are demanding Pashinyan’s resignation over his security policy.
Pashinyan and his government have rejected the opposition’s criticism and demand for his resignation.
The border delimitation commissions of Armenia and Azerbaijan on Wednesday agreed on the designated border sections in the villages of Baghanis in Armenia, Baghanis Ayrum in Azerbaijan, Voskepar in Armenia, Ashaghi Askipara in Azerbaijan, Kirants in Armenia, Kheyrimli  in Azerbaijan, and Berkaber in Armenia, Ghizilhajili in Azerbaijan. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said this at a meeting of Armenia’s Cabinet of Ministers on Thursday. He also added:
They signed the description-protocols of these border sections. I want to say that I consider what happened to be a great success for two reasons. First, a very important cornerstone has been laid for the further development and strengthening of our sovereignty and independence. Second, for the first time since independence [in 1991], our republic has an officially delimited border, which will considerably increase the level of security and stability not only in the mentioned villages, but also along the entire Armenia-Azerbaijan border.
Read more HERE
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Mundhum Trail trek | Mundhum trek
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The Mundhum Trail Trek recently discovered and freshly proposed in eastern Nepal, is a journey of remarkable wonder and opportunity. At the heart of the trek is the holy scripture of Kirant Believers, known as the Mundum. Trekkers will find the trek particularly noteworthy because of the captivating and endearing beauty of the sub-alpine zone and the high Himalayas, including Mt. Makalu and Mt. Kanchenjungha.
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zpresrun2024 · 2 years
Theologic Belief Systems World-Wide
According to Whom?
by Martin Ginsburg
The World's Major Religions and Their Interaction with the Foundational Principles of the United States of America:
United States Constitution (emphasis added)
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment XIV
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
When discussing "G_D given rights" or created by G_D, to which of these belief systems do the laws and rules of the United States ascribe the will of G_D?
B'nai Noakh;
Cao Dai;
Inuit beliefs;
Philosophy (and if so, which school?);
Many of these faith models have not only conflicts with other faith models but some have glaring conflicts within their own model. IF a particular faith model is determined to be the foundational system to be used in the United States to determine G_D given rights, how do we apply the Constitutional edict of "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" without establishing a state religion or prohibiting the free exercise of the religions of others?
In the recent spate of Primary Elections around the country several friends and I have noticed that a seemingly increasing number of candidates refer to "G_D given rights". Being adherents to a variety of faiths we began to discuss which of our belief systems are the deity to which each of these candidates refer. If they are actually discussing Constitutional rights, would that not be the appropriate source to cite as having provided these rights?
While there are multiple arguments in these plain English language amendments related to civil rights that have never actually been addressed as such by the Supreme Court of the United States, this current writing is intended only to address religiosity in this country through the lens of Constitutional language.
The phrasing of these amendments requires that no single, or group of, religious doctrine(s) be the defining characteristic or foundation of any law as such characteristic or foundation is a de facto elevation of one religious perspective over all other belief systems.
The logical outflow, therefore, is that the law must be secular to avoid any violation of the establishment phrase. By way of example; in a nascent nation, even while still under control of a sovereign, variations or adaptations in rules were an accepted custom to show respect for and deference to those not holding the most common religious beliefs of the time.
While the history of the United States government is replete with discriminatory practices specifically related to the theology of those in minority positions, this is and has ever been the law of the United States and in a plain English understanding has no alternative interpretation.
Such a position leaves this country with requirement for a secular system of laws and rules to ensure no one theology is given preferential consideration or placement over or above any other. Essentially; the definition of "Life" must, Constitutionally, be universally applicable, just as are all laws comporting with the language of the U.S. Constitution.
With all its flaws and even its fanatical adherents; science in its original form, unsullied by the infusion of personal goals, beliefs, or points of view, is the most consistent with a means to identify and define the characteristics or foundations of secular societal organization.
The science of mathematics for example; teaches that while not all is knowable, reliable estimates of reality may be made and remain flexible in the face of new data as it becomes available. Those who hold out all such information as immutable truth fail to recognize the inherent fallibility of such a conclusion. For example, in mathematics 1+1 always equals 2 until an alternative proof comes to light.
In those fields not amenable to the scientific method, the best information available is never more than a reasonable conclusion based upon observation, whether extensive or facially inadequate. While helpful in guiding a society, it is important to remember that such conclusions are not proof, nor are they immutable.
Even physics suffers from a flaw that many scientists report as existing in theologically based arguments. Based upon the Laws of Thermodynamics, matter and energy may not be created or destroyed so where did G_D come from? The obvious follow-on question is: where did the matter and energy making up universe come from? Neither is currently knowable. The beauty of theology is that comfort is found in one's belief system without regard to its consistency or inconsistency with the belief systems of others. The beauty of science as originally practiced is that questioning the known is never-ending in pursuit of broader knowledge and understanding.
While my faith perspective comforts me with a belief that I understand why this world is as it is, it is my fundamental curiosity that keeps me searching science to try to learn how it is constructed and what I might do to improve the lot of those coming after me.
Whatever your faith; I wish you well, and hope Peace and Justice find you.
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nigranidainik · 2 years
Players winning medals in SAG awarded
Players winning medals in SAG awarded
Medal winners of the 13th South Asian Games (SAG) were awarded in khotang. Seven medal winners were honoured with cash on the occasion of the 3rd national general convention of Kirant Rai Sports Association that began in Diktel since Tuesday. Association chairperson Mahendra Kumar Rai informed that players clinching gold, silver and bronze medals in SAG championship along with coach and managers…
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444names · 2 years
atomic and subatomic particles + theological angels + medieval weapons + periodic elements
Abatton Abriel Addow Adkiel Adsworniod Alcimp Alcium Allitariel Alphormion Alutoc Amangknium Amber Ambreon Ammael Ammerark Ammerspron Ammetham Amsil Anadow Anaff Anceringe Andenum Angstau Aniel Annium Anuebarium Ardyon Ariekton Arinon Arspur Artashae Assium Astron Azeleknium Azephimium Azran Balidium Batium Baton Bercon Berht Berono Bidium Bludium Bohron Bordar Borgium Bornaff Bosium Bosod Bospe Bospetto Bowino Bradymin Brano Bravipah Bulin Caleonet Calikel Caline Calurinon Caluxonet Camine Camsium Canael Canium Cardail Ceson Chamebow Chford Chiah Chiggsta Chium Chlon Chrinepton Clawremue Clitauark Clitinon Clium Cludium Cluxon Cobium Comeriel Composium Culgeno Culike Curigon Curino Curonan Cuthuel Cuton Daggsbore Dagneurino Dagudium Daleknium Dallantino Daluch Danionon Darinon Dicium Dicon Doldstar Dowiel Duark Duartun Dubium Dubnino Dymiel Eiterin Eleabat Eralphon Erino Esiel Eutrine Exciford Excium Filambrium Flambrino Flammagnet Flanc Flance Flarcurium Flark Flashman Flasimiah Flasium Flassbow Flatino Gabranston Gaddon Gadmacfe Genes Genium Gimius Glanya Glapium Glard Glaton Glatsword Glucium Gludium Glutleon Gluxons Golapiel Golatrion Golinon Golmium Golybdel Grael Graff Gralt Granc Grance Grang Granum Graphael Grark Haeld Hamelino Hamium Hanad Hancium Hanya Harke Harmantium Hasmuon Hastino Heradston Holdswork Hotany Hotinium Hydre Hydron Hypton Imaniel Incim Ineon Ineriel Inium Inonadium Inongord Inuel Iraxiodil Ircophon Iscium Ismino Isovnya Isradium Jehael Jeholinon Jehord Jehorim Jequariel Jermium Jophon Jopium Karactium Katarsel Kelinonya Kirantic Kiraph Kitiel Kitne Kitrionsta Kushium Kuskel Laddomium Lamerandal Leaxe Lecurypto Lidium Lieknium Liketium Lonion Lubium Lueliah Luisabass Lurium Luthrino Lutomion Maboson Majorushe Mandium Mebard Mebosium Mebowinon Mercobah Merdium Mermiah Merub Meshafe Mesium Mesovnya Mestim Metton Mitium Mongold Muark Muarmium Munkarbiel Muong Muonneon Muonno Murieleaxe Murium Murvesel Mushus Mutrine Nachyper Nadium Nakiel Nance Nephigge Nethe Neuriel Neuthae Neuther Neutromium Nichargino Nifer Niodium Nitoniel Nuebardium Osimantino Osmion Pahiel Palchar Pencium Peniel Pennium Percurin Phamen Phanth Phark Phiah Phiel Phielatin Pholmium Phoomionya Photars Pikel Pikermium Pitardster Pitisragno Pitriel Plailium Plaiver Plaphoriel Plarsper Plassium Pledgerons Pleon Pluchase Polashesel Poliel Posmon Posmong Posmono Poson Pospen Posphiel Posprael Possino Prael Pranium Preel Priel Prielepton Priona Proachael Progeno Promiobal Prongstino Puraveriel Puriniel Purino Qaphiel Qapiker Qualium Quanaces Quaranium Quarbium Quarmino Quaroacfe Qunkargino Racce Radrometum Rafnium Raliah Ramanum Ramber Rambrael Rananiel Randange Rangstark Rantalum Ravip Raviton Rechenium Reongel Rhemino Rhony Rubidenden Ruthe Rutheshe Santangel Sarge Scalluxon Scanc Scantarkel Scantium Scytteron Scytton Sediel Serapielat Sermium Serniumin Seuraron Seutrinium Shiel Shieleptoc Shmajophip Simon Sitomino Skyrmiobah Slitring Slium Smiahium Smuon Sneon Sneut Sneuth Sphael Sphoton Spuromiel Spurve Staff Stark Stassium Stopikel Stron Sulfurino Sulik Swornium Tafircon Tanthiel Tarst Taulicon Tectriel Temuono Terfordium Ternium Teron Terstantim Tethar Thargerub Thariel Therd Theshoss Thesodyon Thiel Thielium Thimpow Thrindiel Thron Thuliah Tinon Traphon Trino Troge Tungsword Tunkathiel Ulgendium Upquarub Urapik Uridium Urimion Urium Vanebowino Vantino Vantium Viriel Voulgel Wimphord Wingstes Wordandcat Woriel Wornin Ythium Ytter Ytternifer Yttomp Ytton Yttrikel Yttron Zactimp Zadremel Zadron Zadymicium Zapholbon Zazractino Zeptum Zopikel Zweryu
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simonomaly · 2 years
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Bus stop no 19 The network of bus station, Kirants, Armenia. (70s) (c) BACU @_… Bus stop no 19 The network of bus station, Kirants, Armenia. (70s) (c) BACU @_ba_cu #socmod #_ba_cu #socialistmodernism #socheritage
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cloversdreams · 6 years
i did art based off ur fic close your eyes!! twitter(.)com(/)kirantic_(/)status/1064735248993435648 (just realized i missed a letter in your ao3, lol)
I love it!! Im flattered you liked it that much since I really enjoyed working on that one XD! Even got Mirko watching those gay disasters haha. Goddddd Hawks looks so lovestruck, that’s dead on! Thank you for this lovely blessing. Im just gonna weep now TuT
Do you mind if I add a link to it at the end of the fic?
Link for others to see too!
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mariacallous · 17 days
Meduza: A controversial step towards normalization for Yerevan and Baku
Azerbaijan’s State Border Service took control of four villages near the Armenian border on Friday, according to the authorities of both countries. Yerevan agreed to cede the villages in April as part of the two countries’ ongoing efforts to normalize relations after decades of intermittent war. According to Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev, who took part in the negotiations, Azerbaijan effectively gained 6.5 square kilometers (2.5 square miles) of territory. The villages’ return sparked protests in Armenia, including large ones in the border village of Kirants, where residents blocked a major road for days in opposition to the handover.
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massispost · 24 days
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New Post has been published on https://massispost.com/2024/05/security-council-secretary-not-an-inch-of-armenian-land-ceded-to-azerbaijan/
Security Council Secretary: ‘Not an Inch of Armenian Land Ceded to Azerbaijan’
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YEREVAN — Not an inch of Armenian land has been ceded to Azerbaijan during the border delimitation process, Armenia’s Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan stated on Friday. Representatives of Yerevan and Baku signed a border delimitation protocol on Wednesday that recreated the old border between Soviet Armenia and Soviet Azerbaijan, based on a 1976 map. The border will separate the Armenian settlements of Baghanis, Voskepar, Kirants and Berkaber in the Tavush province from the abandoned Azerbaijani villages named Bağanis Ayrum, Aşağı Əskipara, Xeyrimli, and Qızılhacılı. “Until now, we had our troops in this area, and the communities had no access…
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