#kingdom of león
someday-dreamlands · 4 months
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Óbolo de Alfonso VII de León ''el Emperador'' con la leyenda ''Imperator Leoni''
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roehenstart · 2 years
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Henry IV of Castile (1425-1474). By Francisco Sainz.
He was the son of King John II of Castile and Queen Mary of Aragon. He died in Madrid in 1474, aged 49, and was succeeded to the throne by his half-sister, Queen Isabella I of Castile.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born before 897 - died 951)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of Asturias, by Rufino Casado from 1852
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Ramiro was a grandson of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. His father Ordoñu II, King of León is considered by some sources to have been King of Asturias from 914, though León was his base.
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RAMIRU was probably born before 897, on an unknown location at the Kingdom of Asturias. He was one of the sons of Infante Ordoñu of Asturias and Elvira Méndez.
Probably born during the reign of his grandfather Alfonsu III, King of Asturias he was a member of a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY and was named RAMIRU ORDÓÑEZ, meaning Ramiru son of Ordõnu.
During his childhood his father and uncles rebelled against his grandfather, who by 910 either abdicated or died. And at that time his uncle became García I, King of León and his father became the King of Galicia, founding another branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty the Ordóñez Dynasty.
By 914 his uncle died without children and his father inherited his territories as Ordoñu II, King of León. But as some sources say that his uncle was also the King of the whole of Asturias, his father could also have become the King of Asturias. So he became an INFANTE OF LEÓN and possibly an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS.
In 924, when his father died, his older brothers were not considered to succeed to the throne. And instead his uncle Fruela II, King of Asturias became the ruler of León and Galicia.
When his uncle died in 925 a civil war arose as the Infante and his brothers began to fight their cousins, the sons of the late King Fruela II.
As he and his brothers received Gallician support during the civil war, it is believed that he married ADOSINDA around 925. She was from Gallician nobility, one of the daughters of Gutierre Osóriz, Count in Galicia and Aldonza Méndez. They were first cousins through their mothers, who were sisters, and possibly had three children (check the list below).
He and his brothers were victorious at the civil war and by late 925/early 926 his two older brothers became Sancho, King of Galicia and Alfonso IV, King of León. While he got the County of Portugal, but did not use the title of Count of Portugal.
Though his eldest brother King Sancho died without heirs around 929 and Galicia returned to the government of the Kingdom of León, under his other brother King Alfonso IV.
Some sources believe that he reputiaded his wife Adosinda around 930, because she was not acknowleged as Queen Consort when he succeeded as RAMIRO II, KING OF LEÓN around 931, after the abdication of his brother King Alfonso IV. He ruled as King of León and over Asturias, Galicia and Portugal.
However the former King, who had became a monk, soon regretted the abdication and tried to reclaim the throne, briefly managing to take León. Though he ultimately defeated his brother, imprisoned and blinded him.
Although it is not certain if he was still marrried to his first wife at the time of the abdication, it is known that around 932-34 he married again, to URRAKA. She was a Navarrese Royal as one of the daughters of Antso I, King of Pamplona and Tota Aznaritz. With her he had two children (check the list below).
Two of his second wife's sisters had already been Queen Consorts of León as wife's of his father and brother King Alfonso IV, so he may have decided to marry her to renew the Leonese-Navarrese alliance.
Over the years he fought the Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, sometimes with Castilian, Navarrese and Aragonese support, and was known by the Muslims as "the Devil".
It was during his reign that Fernán González, Count of Castile took advantage of the neglection of Castilian lands by the government of León, to gain power over other eastern territories like Burgos and Álava. Thus creating the basis for the future Kingdom of Castile that would be ruled by descendants of both King Ramiro II and the Count of Castile.
The King of León died in early 951, probably at León, the capital of the Kingdom. He was probably at least in his fifties.
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After his death he was succeeded by his oldest surviving son as King Ordoño III. But the succession did not went smoothly and another of his sons Infante Sancho fought his half-brother, eventually succeeding as King Sancho I.
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Check my posts on RAMIRO II's family, his Royal House and his connections to the Kings of Asturias!
RAMIRO II and his first wife ADOSINDA may have had three children...
Bermudo Ramírez - probably unmarried;
Ordoño III, King of León - husband of Urraca Fernández; and
possibly Teresa Ramírez - possible wife of Gartzia II Santxitz, King of Pamplona.
With his second wife URRAKA he had two recorded children...
Sancho I, King of León - husband of Teresa Ansúrez; and
Elvira Ramírez, Regent of León - a nun.
And he may have had another child... either legitimate or illegitimate...
possibly Velasquita Ramírez - wife of Bermudo II, King of León.
He was born a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty and became a member of another line, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
In a span of three generations, RAMIRO II was related to the Kings of Asturias through his father…
His father was Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
His grandfather was Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - the King of Asturias between 866-910.
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pepmiralles · 2 years
Los Leones de Nelson
Los Leones de Nelson
ISO 3200 ; 19 mm ; f/2`8 ; 1/20
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cucullas · 6 months
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Favorite list of royal women | Regnant queens (who crowed herself queen without her husbands)
Been a queen regnant is not always easy specially when you are married but mor common than one would think. Here four of my favorite queen that were married and despite what society, and often the husband himself, thought decided that her lands by heritage or conquest were only hers to rule. 
i. [1081-1116] Called The Reckless, Urraca was one of the most powerful reigning Queens of her time having inherithed the kingdom of León. Upon the death of her first husband she was convinced to marry Alfonso of Aragon the most successful warrior king of the Iberian Peninsula. It went horribly wrong. Personalities clashed and Alfonso emprisoned Urraca at one point. With Galicia rebelling and the Almoravides menace the spouses still went to war againts each other. Finally they separate and while Urraca still has a long way ahead and could keep most of her lands for herself.
ii. [1697-1731] Louise Hyppolite was at her time of birth the last Grimaldi. Monaco was under French control and it was decided that man from the French King family will be Louise’s husband and rule along with her. She was married and had to leave her land with her husband. Described as shy and submissive she did not enjoy her time at Versailles. When her father was ill she came back alone to Monaco and when he died she crowned herself Princess of Monaco with the people enthusiastic support naming her firstborn heir. There is no much her husband could do and though she ruled fr a short time she did it as the sole Princess.
iii. [1717-1780] Maria Theresia’s father Emperor Charles VI of the Roman Empire, did not prepared her to rule as he was convinced that her husband would rule for her. However, she had other plans and when her father died Maria Theresa, a 23 years old set to stablish her right as a moanrch against Prussia and most of Europe. She manage to gain ruling experience and be a monarch for 40 years. Though she deeply loved her husband she did not let him rule in her name and even refused to kneel in front of him when he was elected Holy Roman Emperor as she was of highest ruler. She was Sovereign of Hungary and Bohemia and Archduchess of Austria on her own right her husband being the consort. 
iv. [1583-1663] Njinga was Queen of Ndongo after her father and brother. At the time with the Portuguese slave trade Njinga became a symbol of resistance to the Europeans. In order to gain power in the center of the region she married an Imbangala leader and learned the techniques and strategies of his people. However when she set to conquer the kingdom of Matamba and ruled there as the Queen as Matamba had tradition of female rulers. As she gained influence she was recognized as one of the great queens of the region at the time. 
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drawbauchery · 7 months
…that in fact, Monokuma's threat of heterosexualizing the cast is entirely unnecessary, for the occupants of the bus are physically unable to leave. This is because the only way in or out is the door at the front of the bus, and in order to reach it they must first make it halfway to the door, and in order to reach halfway they must first make it a quarter of the way, and so on ad infinitum; thus making egress from the bus -- and indeed any sort of movement altogether, when one applies this standard universally -- plainly impossible. This is the primary reason why the Bus AU has to be presented entirely in still images. How, then, does Ibuki plan to, in her words, "flip the bus", without changing her own position relative to it? The answer is obvious: she cannot flip the bus itself; she must instead flip the universe around the bus. Consider the words to the popular children's song, "The Wheels on the Bus". Is it really the wheels on the bus that go round and round all through the town, or is it actually the town that goes round and round the wheels on the bus? Did Monokuma really run over Celeste with the bus, or did Celeste over ran really Monokuma bus the with? Do the numbers on the wall really read 11037, or are they actually a carefully coded reference to the medieval kingdom of León? This subtle reminder of Spanish history is far from the only instance of the hauntological that appears within the Bus AU…
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tsumugi is writing this. she's fine.
you want to see your family again, don't you? you know what to do.
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just came across this map, i think it's quite interesting! it shows the identity sentiment of pertenance to a province / autonomous community by province, in brown-ish you have those provinces where the feeling is strongest, and in blue-ish those where the feeling is lowest.
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the conclusions i can get while looking at it are
galicians, catalonians, basques and canarians are the ones with the highest regional identity. that should be no surprise, it makes a lot of sense as their cultures are the most distinct
all of castile has the lowest regional identity, which also kinda make sense i guess.
you can clearly see the two largest autonomic disputes in the country: guadalajara not feeling manchego (in fact i found this map on a tweet from someone from guadalajara demanding they secede from la mancha) and the old kingdom of león (león, zamora and salamanca) not feeling castilian.
andalusia is also quite interesting to me because you can clearly see the split between western and eastern andalusia. the west feels very andalusian, while the east not so much, especially almería.
the 'neutral' ones are the most interesting to me i think. i understand why madrid is like that, and i sorta get the balearic islands as well (people there tend to identify with their island and not the autonomy?), as well as murcia (people from cartagena would rather have a province of their own) but i have no clue about most of these
feel free to add your thoughts !!!
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lya-dustin · 9 months
The Food of Love
Part II
Gif by @destinyisall-tlk
Cw: mentions of past food poisoning, scandals, witchcraft and mention of past murders
A/n: the Kingdom of León is the modern day province of León in Spain, Reader's mother is Leónese, or technically Spanish. I also apologize for making too much lore for Y/N's mom but i needed a reason a clairvoyant witch is allowed to live and annoy Alfred as much as Aethelwold
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“He is a monk!” Your mother exclaimed in disgust.
“He’s not a monk, he was never ordained. Lady Thyra gave him those robes as a gift.” You counter after having gotten to know your betrothed in the hour or so you spent in his room last night.
You had expected them to be angry for going out of your way to get a husband, but then again, your family was not at all like the others.
“He is second in line for King Alfred’s throne, my love.” Your father pinched the bridge of his nose as his wife fumed over the match. “A cold or a hunting accident could make your daughter Queen of Wessex.”
“Kings die and blood doesn’t make a king. Besides, it is not young Osferth’s destiny to be king just as it wasn’t for the crown to pass to Aethelred’s sons.” Your mother argued. Mother was the only woman to get kicked out of Wintanceaster and be welcomed back just as often as Uhtred of Bebbenburg.
The first for demanding her dowry be paid back to her after her husband, the late King Aethelred, died in battle, the second for eloping with your father ,an Ealdorman with some influence, and most recently, engaging in a battle of wit against Brother Godwin where both seers revealed deeply personal secrets to the horror of all those assembled.
Mother won by revealing Godwin uses his position and ability to get comely servant girls in his bed.
She had been so distraught when she learned Uhtred had killed him, she had been hoping to kill him herself by inviting him to dine with her.
“You had no qualms on having them as guests these past nights.” You interject having inherited your mother’s stubborn streak and your father takes that as his cue to leave on the excuse of needing to ask Father Beocca about whether your bride price would be paid by the Lord of Coccham or the King of the Saxons.
“That is because guests leave, besides you know well why I am opposed to this match.” Your mother countered. “What would happen if he came to discover Abraham’s God isn’t the source of our abilities?”
You are witches, your mother had come from a long line of them dating back to before the Romans conquered her homeland. The family had eventually decided they would say God was the source of their power thus when they fell from grace in the fledging Kingdom of León, the Pope would be forced to save them.
Well, at least her, the only one of her siblings to inherit her father’s abilities.
According to lore she grew up to be such a beauty she that the King of León and the Emir of Córdoba both offered for her when she came of age only to meet Aethelred and Alfred of Wessex in Rome resulting in her being packed on a ship to Wessex the moment Aethelred became a widower some years later.
She is very sure you have inherited her gifts, but you have grown and no ability like that has manifested in you. Except for her knack for healing, of course.
Perhaps your daughters will have both abilities, you hope Osferth does not mind a bit of magic if it does happen.
“Father Beocca’s wife is a witch, and he speaks well of her.” You say hoping to wear her down. You do not need the permission of the once Queen of Wessex to wed Osferth, but you’d like your mother to be on board with it.
“That is a vile rumor, Thyra is just a Dane. I better not hear you repeat Aethelwold’s drivel again, daughter.” Your mother corrected and you apologized immediately.
“I promise you that Osferth is not at all like the last priest you killed.” You swear and she softens.
That priest didn’t choke on a bone, mother stared at him until he did when he questioned the paternity of your eldest brother whom everyone thinks is the late king’s son.
“Fine, you may wed him, but the moment Alfred’s bastard proves to be unworthy of you, I get to kill him. It has been a while since I was last banished from Wintanceaster.” Your mother relented thinking he won’t return for you as he promised. She’s seen something, she is hiding it, you know it. “But I do like that you showed initiative, well done, my girl.”
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“I envy you; you get to see so much of Britain and the furthest I have been to is Lunden.” You walk with Osfeth in the gardens, right where all can see you, so he doesn’t try anything.
He is not like that, mama, you had protested when she sent a maid with you.
“If anyone had told me a year ago, I would be traveling with warriors instead of taking holy orders, I would not have believed them. Perhaps after we are wed, we could travel to see anything you like, my lady.” He is nervous, hides it, but does that same thing King Alfred does by hiding his hands behind his back as if they had no idea what to do with them.
Come to think of it Aethelric, your eldest brother, does it too. Perhaps the rumors were true, or maybe just father was too closely related to the Kings of Wessex.
“Y/N, Osferth.” You playfully remind him and he smiles. You like his smile, made your heart skip a beat even when it wasn’t directed at you.
Now that its directed at you, you aren’t even sure you are breathing still.
“I do not think your lady mother would let me keep my limbs if she heard me use your name, y/n.” he says your name almost in a whisper for fear of your chaperones hearing him say it and report it to the Leonese lady who employs them. “I don’t think she likes me much.”
“Only because she doesn’t know you. She did not even know you weren’t actually a monk.” You just dress like one which is a little strange if you must ask. “She looks forward to knowing you and getting kicked out of Wintanceaster again.”
“Again?” he asks unaware of your family’s history. But then again Uhtred and his men were banished after they were.
“Mother engaged in a battle of secrets with Brother Godwin and won. King Alfred was pressured by his lady wife and the church to punish her in some way despite her being her.” You answered and you suppose now you must tell him about his children with you may be seers on the first official meeting as betrotheds.
Something mother may have foreseen which now explains the setting and number of chaperones.
“My mother is a seer, a God’s given gift passed down in her family since before Christ even walked the earth.” Which means you or your children will have it. “It is why she was brought to England from León.”
“Are you one too?” he asks the question everyone immediately makes when they see you. Your brothers don’t get that one often, mainly because they believe it passes from mother to daughter.
“No.” you shake your head hoping he’s not disappointed by your answer. “Much to everyone’s disappointment, I am not.”
“I find that hard to believe.” He speaks it so earnestly that the two of you stop walking and you forget how to breathe.
“That I am not a seer like her or that other thing?” you ask forgetting what you had even said when he steps close enough for you to make out a smattering of freckles peeking form his collar. He hasn’t even done anything except listen to you and yet you are swooning.
Fainting dead away would still not have been as embarrassing as retching in his room like you did last night, come to think of it.
“I find it hard to believe anyone would think you are a disappointment, Y/N.” For a man afraid to use your given name he has no such fears when he takes your hand in his and, worse, brings it to his lips.
Instead of doing something romantic that would not make you look like an idiot, you giggle nervously.
Not that it ruins the moment, you think as the both of you lean in daring to scandalize the entire household. Your stomach is aflutter from the excitement, the strange heat you feel stemming from your hand ---which he is still holding as if it were precious to him despite the two of you being strangers--- and knowing your infatuation appears to be mutual.
“May I kiss you?” he asks as his other hand comes to gently cradle your face.
For a moment the world around the two of you disappears and in the middle of a crowded garden, you have your first kiss.
“You may thank me for the oysters by naming your firstborn daughter after me, dearest.” Your mother passes by arm in arm with a very amused Lady Thyra.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Okay – so! Thank you for all that you do for fandom and The History side of tumblr- it’s a LOT.
 I’m struggling with mapping a historical accuracy/fanon vs. canon concept. I hope you can help me untangle my thoughts on this.  Diverse representation in media is very important to me; and I’m also aware of the damage that the ‘colour-blind’ casting can do.  So! I’m trying to reconcile a common fandom perception that Hob Gadling is of South-East Asian decent.   (I know that Ferdie is!- I also have seen zero evidence that he claims Desi Diaspora as part of his identity. It makes me really uncomfortable that fandom might be projecting their desire for ‘Representation’ onto a man who lives outside his ancestral culture.)
What I do know is that Hob is a medieval freeman (?) from the south of England in the 1300s. I wonder at the possibility of his CHARACTER being of mixed race? I know that Briton and Europe and Africa were in trade. I know that People of colour moved freely around the continents!
  I’ve done some research into London population polls from the time, but I’m not certain of their degree of accuracy/usefulness.  They describe immigrants as ‘aliens’.. and most I’ve seen are European. I haven’t even come across evidence of Muslim or ‘Moorish’ people settling in London???!
The written history I’ve read tells me the Europeans didn’t establish trade with India until the mid 1400s. (How it’s possible they didn’t know about each other is Baffling and seems impossible??) Anyway. The crux of the matter is:  would Hob Gadling possibly been of mixed heritage?
I mean yes, technically, he COULD be. The most logical route for that would be to give him some family heritage from somewhere in Spain, or Iberia, which was a fully mixed-race society until well into the 13th/14th century, and was in regular trade and communication with England. The medieval Iberian Christian kingdoms of Castile-León, Aragon, and Navarre particularly were close trading partners and English/Iberian royalty married each other fairly often. It was somewhat less the case by the time Hob was born in the 1350s, but there is certainly enough previous contact to make it feasible. Muslims, Christians, and Jews all lived in Iberia (how much they all co-existed has long been one of the most debated questions in religious/historical studies), and Muslims had a presence in Spain for over 700 years, since the first arrivals in 711 CE following the collapse of the Umayyad dynasty in Baghdad, until their final expulsion under Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492.
The question, however, is if he SHOULD be headcanoned or identified as mixed-race, and while I am the least fandom-policey person ever and respect people's right to enjoy their own ideas in peace, it personally makes me a little uncomfortable. It feels related to the "fandom activism!" mindset where you should ship a more Morally Pure OTP, or your favorite is "better" if they can be somehow identified with a marginalized group, regardless of whether this fits or makes sense for the character. And in this case, Hob’s background as a good-looking white British bloke with an appropriately English-sounding name, as I describe him in AITWW, is central to both his character arc, his major mistakes, and how he has to learn and grow over time. It was absolutely vital to me that in AITWW, he had to explicitly confront the massive amounts of unearned privilege that he enjoyed over the centuries by being born into that body, and how it would be very different for him if he hadn't been. As his friend Julia puts it in their discussion in chapter 13, he had the luck to be born into a body that society automatically privileges and values and places into positions of power whether or not he deserves it, and as a black woman, she thinks immortality sounds absolutely awful. Why would she want to put up with the absolute shit it would be to live 600 years, at least in the Western world/America/Europe, in that embodiment?
Likewise, Hob agrees and admits that of course it's easy for him to want to live forever and maintain enthusiasm for life, because whatever difficulties he has faced, his race and gender have not contributed to them (which is the essence of white privilege in a nutshell). And of course, the urge to make him mixed-race might reflect some discomfort with his actual canon background and involvement in slavery, no matter if he obviously feels terribly guilty and driven to atone for over 200 years after that (as he SHOULD). In some sense, making him mixed-race might seem to mitigate that or give some reason to make him "sympathetic" while he was doing it, and frankly, I don't think 18th-century Hob deserves to get off the hook for being yet another British white man who might have felt bad about what he was doing at times, but continued to do it anyway. I'm not saying this is anyone's motive or intention, but it does trouble me, especially since Hob’s whiteness, the damage of that whiteness, and the way he has to deliberately and extensively unlearn that urge to just live life on easy mode regardless of the damage it does to others is what I find so interesting about his character. In short, if Hob was part of a racially marginalized group already, he might have made different choices, but he didn't, and now he is forced to literally live with that guilt and shame forever. He doesn't get to exonerate himself, and nor do I do it for him.
Lastly, I think this reflects a very modern and somewhat over-simplified way of thinking; to our modern and institutionally-racist-pickled brains, race is the chief category that can be explicitly constructed as Otherness, and doesn't reflect the very unclear way this was perceived and experienced in the 14th century. I.e., you note that immigrants to England "were mostly European" -- which is true, but does not reflect the dizzying array then as now, in which local, national, ethnic, and religious identities were constructed. One unattractive feature of the English national character over many centuries has been their hostility and distrust of foreigners, and this was especially the case in the 14th and especially late-14th, post-Black Plague society. For example, the Flemish were regarded as "morally inferior" since they ran several well-known brothels and red-light districts in Southwark, across the Thames from London (now part of the city), and that meant they were purveying immorality, rather than being there since the English desired their services. Xenophobia was especially rampant against "strangers" of any type, especially against Jews again post-Black Death for sadly predictable anti-Semitic reasons, and even being from continental Europe would not have made someone "English" in their eyes. Even by the Elizabethan era, it was almost impossible for a foreign-born citizen (or "denizen," meaning something akin to "permanent resident") to get licensed as a guildsman in the city of London, and without that license, you could not run a business, practice a trade, or engage in substantial paid work in any way.
Likewise, medieval notions of race were fluid, uncertain, and often linked to religion more than ethnic origin. There are several Arthurian legendarium reworkings, and epic poems such as The King of Tars, where the "happy" ending is that the mixed-race, Muslim, or black hero is converted to Christianity and abandons whatever untrue pagan religion he has been following before. This is often accompanied with a literal physical transformation turning him from black- or dark-skinned (impure) to white (pure). So yes, racial thinking and categories did exist, but it wasn't seen as fixed or unalterable, and again, wasn't really the first or primary way in which Otherness was constructed (compared to say, "Saracen," which functioned throughout almost the entire medieval era as a marker of difference and had varied racial, religious, sexual, and ethnic connotations, but originally came from the term for Muslims).
So anyway: hopefully that all makes sense and provides some context in both my historical and fandom thinking on the matter. Thanks for the question!
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Mexican state names by language of origin.
by u/Josman_
The state name etymologies are:
- Aguascalientes: from Spanish 'aguas calientes' (lit. 'hot waters'). Named after the abundance of hot springs in the region.
- Baja California and Baja California Sur are named after California, a golden mythical land inhabited by Amazon women led by Queen Calafia in the 16th century novel "Las Sergas de Espandián" by Garcí Rodríguez de Montalvo. The name California derives from caliph, it means "Land of the caliph".
- Campeche comes from Yucatec 'kan peech' (lit. 'snakes and ticks').
- Chiapas comes from Náhuatl 'chiapan' (lit' 'chia river', the Aztec name for the Grijalva river).
- Chihuahua has a disputed origin, although it is more likely that it comes from the Concho language, an extinct Uto-Aztecan language. Its meaning is unknown.
- Coahuila comes from Coahuiltec 'coayla' (lit. 'inland'). Originally, it referred to the Monclova Valley.
- Colima comes from Náhuatl 'colimān'. Likely named after Colimotl, the ruler of the Kingdom of Colima at the time of Spanish contact. Its meaning is debated.
- Durango is named after Durango, Spain, hometown of Basque conquistador Francisco de Ibarra (founder of the state's capital). From Basque 'urangoa', formed by 'ur' (water) and angio (valley): 'water valley'.
- Guanajuato comes from Purépecha 'quanax huato' (lit. 'frog hill').
- Guerrero is named after Vicente Guerrero, Mexican Independence War hero. The surname Guerrero means "warrior" in Spanish.
- Hidalgo is named after Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, father of the Mexican Independence War. The surname Hidalgo means 'noble man' (noble as in "member of nobility") in Spanish.
- Jalisco is named after the prehispanic Kingdom of Xālisco. From Náhuatl 'xālisco' (lit. 'sandy place').
- México comes from Náhuatl 'mēxihco' (lit. 'place of the Mexica'). Named after the Mexica, one of the three peoples that formed the Aztec Empire and the rulers of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco. The meaning of Mēxihca is debated.
- Michoacán comes from Náhuatl 'michhuahcān' (lit. 'place of fishers'), the Aztec name for the Purépecha Empire, who were known for having a lot of fish since the region has abundant lakes and rivers.
- Morelos is named after José María Morelos y Pavón, Mexican Independence War hero. The surname Morelos derives from moro (Spanish for 'moor').
- Nayarit comes from Cora 'Na'áyeri' (lit. 'place of Na'ayarij'). Na'ayarij, Cora chief at the time of Spanish arrival. His name means "Son of the sun and sky god".
- Nuevo León means 'New León'. It is named after the Kingdom of León in Spain. León comes from Latin 'legion' (lit. 'legion').
- Oaxaca comes from Náhuatl 'huāxyacac' which means 'in the nose of the huaje tree'.
- Puebla is the femenine of Spanish 'pueblo' (lit. 'town').
- Querétaro comes from Purépecha 'kh'eriretarhu' (lit. 'place of the great city').
- Quintana Roo is named after Andrés Quintana Roo, Mexican Independence War hero. The surname Quintana comes from Spanish; a quintāna is a Roman country camp where people used to trade goods. The surname Roo comes from the Galician town of San Xoán de Roo; its meaning is unknown.
- San Luis Potosí takes the name of its capital city, which is named after Saint Louis and Potosí, one of the wealthiest mines in the Spanish Empire, located in modern-day Bolivia. The name Potosí comes from Quechua 'p'otoj' and it means 'thunderous noise'. The city was named after the wealthy mines of Potosí due to the abundance of silver in the region, like those of Potosí.
- Sinaloa comes from Mayo 'sina lobola' (lit. 'round pitaya').
- Sonora comes from the mispronounciation of señora ('lady' in Spanish). The Yaqui Valley was originally called Valle de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias (Valley of Our Lady of Anguish), named after the catholic image brought by Diego de Guzmán, one of the first conquistadors to arrive in Sonora. Since the local population couldn't pronounce the word señora correctly, it morphed into sonora eventually. Hence, the Province of Valle de la Señora became known as Province of Valle de la Sonora.
- Tabasco is named after Taabscob, the ruler of the Putún Kingdom. His name means 'eight lions' in Chontal (possibly refering to a native big cat).
- Tamaulipas comes from Huastec 'tamholipa' (lit. 'place of praying').
- Tlaxcala comes from Náhuatl 'tlaxcallān' (lit. 'place of tortillas'). However, the name Tlaxcala is a deformation of 'texcallān' which means 'place of crags'. It is named after the Tlaxcaltec Kingdom.
- Veracruz comes from Spanish 'vera cruz' (lit. 'true cross').
- Yucatán comes from Yucatec 'yuk ak'atán' which means 'i don't understand you'. The most common version behind this place name is that when Cortés arrived to the Yucatán peninsula, he asked the locals for the name of their land. The native Mayan population did not speak Spanish, so they told him "i don't understand you" which Cortés interpreted as the name of the land.
- Zacatecas comes from Náhuatl 'zacatecatl' which is a demonym used for 'people from Zacatlan', Zacatlan meaning 'place of grass'. Zacatecatl is the Nahua name for the Zacateco people, who inhabited the modern-day state. The name refers to the dry steppes that are commonly found in the region.
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The sun rises over a grand arena, where 32 ships prepare to use the power of love, incredible violence and whatever else they may have to battle for the right to be named the ultimate battle couple
The Bracket (UPDATED!)
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(Thanks to feedback, I swapped out Narumitsu with Catradora from SPOP)
Surprisingly few ships got more than one submission, so who got in was mostly based on how excited the submitter felt. If you believe a ship doesn’t count or if I messed up a ship name or whatever, send in an ask! Also if you have a better picture for any of them (but I don’t want to use fanart without the artists’s permission)
Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) VS Nicolò “Nicky” di Genova & Yusuf “Joe” al-Kaysani (The Old Guard)
Nagisa Misumi/Cure Black & Honoka Yukishiro/Cure White (Futari Wa Precure) VS Steven Universe & Connie Maheswaran (Steven Universe)
Will Turner & Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Carribean) VS Patroclus & Achilles (Hades)
Sora & Riku (Kingdom Hearts) VS Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus & Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)
Suki & Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Kinn & Porsche (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Oliver Queen & Dinah Lance (DC Comics) VS Alphen & Shionne (Tales of Arise)
Yuri Lowell & Flynn Scifo (Tales of Vesperia) VS Flint & Volkner (Pokémon)
Roy Mustang & Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Zakuro Fujiwara and Mint Aizawa (Tokyo Mew Mew New)
Luz Noceda & Amity Blight (The Owl House) VS Vi & Caitlyn (Arcane)
Madame Vastra & Jenny Flint (Doctor Who) VS Percy de Rolo & Vex’ahlia (Critical Role)
Lancelot, Guinevere & Arthur Pendragon (High Noon Over Camelot) VS Beauregard Lionett & Yasha Nydoorin (Critical Role)
Eleventh Doctor & River Song (Doctor Who) VS Captain Marvelous, Joe Gibken, Luka Millfy, Don Dogoier, Ahim de Famille & Gai Ikari (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
Gideon Nav & Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) VS Drift & Ratchet (Transformers)
Catra & Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) VS Karen Aijou & Hikari Kagura (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight)
Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna (RWBY) VS Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki (My Hero Academia)
King Dedede & Meta Knight (Kirby) VS MC & Amalia de León (It Lives Within)
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roehenstart · 2 years
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Alfonso X the Wise taking possession of the sea after the conquest of Cadiz. By Matías Moreno.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born c. 891/94 - died c. 933)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of Asturias, by Eduardo Cano de la Peña from c. 1851
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Alfonso was a grandson of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. Some sources consider his father Ordoñu II, King of León to also have been King of Asturias from 914, though he was based in León.
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ALFONSU's birth is estimated to have occurred around 891-94, at the Kingdom of Asturias. He was the second son of Infante Ordoñu of Asturias and either an early unrecorded wife of his father or Elvira Méndez, the first recorded wife of his father.
Like his older brother Sancho Ordóñez he was not mentioned in some charts as son of Elvira, so some sources believe that she was not his mother.
He was probably born during the reign of his grandfather Alfonsu III, King of Asturias and thus he was born a member a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY. He was named ALFONSU ORDÓÑEZ, meaning Alfonsu son of Ordoñu.
In 910 his father became King of Galicia following his grandfather's abdication or death. And on this occasion his father founded another branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty, the Ordóñez Dynasty, of which he became a member.
By 914 his uncle García I, King of León died and his father succeeded him as Ordoñu II, King of León. Though, as some sources believe that his uncle was King of Asturias, his father may have also succeeded as such. So on his father's accession he became an INFANTE OF LEÓN and possibly an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS.
Possibly as part of an alliance between his father and the King of Pamplona, in 923 he was married to ONEKA. Her name was Oneka Santxitz, because she was one of the daughthers of Antso I, King of Pamplona and Tota Aznaritz. They had at least two children (check the list below). And probably around that same time his father also married to one of her sisters, Antsa Santxitz.
When his father died in 924 neither him or his brothers inherited anything. Instead his uncle reunited the territories of León, Galicia and the remainder of Asturias under one ruler, himself as Fruela II, King of Asturias. Though his uncle's reign only lasted for over a year, until he died in 925.
So he and his brothers began fighting their cousins, the sons of the late King, over the Astur-Leonese succession. His brothers gathered Galician support while he as a son-in-law of the King of Pamplona got the support of the Navarrese.
By early 926 him and his brothers had already won the war, divided the Astur-Leonese territories between themselves and expelled their cousins the Froilaz brothers to eastern Asturias.
His older brother became Sancho, King of Galicia, while his younger brother Infante Ramiro received the government of the County of Portugal, and he became ALFONSO IV, KING OF LEÓN.
As the Kingdom of León was the most powerful realm, both of his brothers were subjected to him. And around 929, when her brother King Sancho died, Galicia was merged to León under his rulership.
Though, when his wife died around 931 he was devastated and decided to abdicate. As his only eldest son was still a child, the succession of the Astur-Leonese Kingdoms fell to his brother, who became Ramiro II, King of León.
After his abdication he took the vows as a monk at the Monastery of San Benito, in Sahagún. But a couple of months later he regreted his decision and tried to win his throne back.
And with the support of his cousins the Froilaz brothers he tried to remove his brother from the throne. But they were all captured, blinded and imprisoned for life.
The former King of Asturias died around 933, probably imprisoned at the Monastery of Saint Julian and Saint Basilissa, in Ruiforco de Torío at the Kingdom of León. He was probably around his late thirties or early fourties.
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Little is known of the fate of his children after his death. However it is known that in the 950s his eldest son got to briefly rule as Ordoño IV, King of León.
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Check my posts on ALFONSO IV's family, his Royal House and his connections to the Kings of Asturias!
ALFONSU IV and his wife ONEKA had two recorded children...
Ordoño IV, King of León - husband first of Urraca Fernández and second (possibly) of an unknown woman; and
Fruela Ordóñez - probably unmarried.
He was born a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty and became a member of another line, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
In a span of three generations, ALFONSO IV was related to the Kings of Asturias through his father…
His father was Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
His grandfather was Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - the King of Asturias between 866-910.
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realmadridfamily · 6 months
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Andrea Martinez : model, winner of the Miss Universe Spain competition and business administration graduate, the young woman from León took advantage of her husband Kepa Arrizabalaga's return to Spain to resume her professional projects. With determination: wherever you are tomorrow, your career will develop.
Projects accumulate in Andrea Martinez's head. After winning the Miss Universe Spain competition in 2020, life in the United Kingdom in the midst of the Brexit period with her life partner, Kepa Arrizabalaga (goalkeeper of Chelsea), kept her on edge until they returned to Spain.She continues to work as a model, planning to start two companies - including a clothing brand - and expanding her social media. And according to what she tells us in this interview, she will take it wherever the world of football takes her. Her professional development will not stop.
At 30, your CV covers everything from studying Business Administration and Management to being a basketball player and, most importantly, a model. What is your current professional situation?
I find myself in a mixture of everything. The last two years in London, with Brexit, I've been quite slow. But now, back in Spain, I'm at a point where I want to share everything that's on my mind and I can: I'm back in fashion, I'm starting two small businesses, I'm also going to start working with social media … and well, whatever comes out.
So let's talk about the clothing brand you are involved with ...
I have been interested in fashion since I was 17, when I started working as a model, and fashion has always attracted my attention, also from a business point of view. I've noticed that all women's suits are more or less the same, and I like them to be a little more varied. When looking for a suit of this type, you need to go to high fashion brands that ordinary people cannot afford. This is what I want to do, also with dresses.
At first glance, this project seems like the perfect combination of your role as a model with your studies.
Yes, exactly. When I do a photo shoot or walk the runway, I look at the entire organization behind it, all the processes a brand has to go through to get there and put on a show. And that was something that really interested me. That's why I worked in Milan, in the Armani offices, because I'm very interested in the world of fashion from the inside. So, without a doubt, my knowledge of administration and business management helps me a lot.
Beauty pageants also have their opponents. What is your opinion and what did winning Miss Univero Spain mean to you?
I think that the critics' opinion is to some extent based on previous years, when many things were done incorrectly. Today, Miss Universe wants to raise the value of women, strong, independent, powerful, intelligent women with big ambitions. I would say to those who are not supporters of this competition that they should sit down for a moment and simply listen to women's voices, because each candidate from each country has a very powerful social project behind her. This is something very powerful that benefits women. The win was like a rebirth for me because we had come out of the pandemic stage. The sudden rediscovery of who Andrea was, what she wanted to do, gave me life, gave me light.
Your modeling career has taken you to places such as Dubai, Paris and Milan. From the outside, everything looks impressive. How much work is behind it?
There is a lot of work, especially mental work. The ability to accept one "no" after another … it's easier to say "no" than "yes". Also, especially when I was younger, the thing about diets … you have to have a lot of mental strength. Before, some people didn't have much tact and might call you fat or a cow. As a 19-year-old, you have to know how to deal with it and not let it damage your personality.
Returning to your many facets. You came to present many contradictions …
I have always been a very anxious girl. I never had a special calling, but I liked touching all sectors. And that's how it has stayed with me to this day, which is why I take on every new project that seems at least a little interesting to me, I pursue it with all my might and put my whole soul into it. I think I enjoy the process of achieving something more than once. My family is in the opposition and I decided to take the exams to become a finance technician and later be promoted to inspector. I did well on my first exam, but during the process I realized that I wouldn't be able to spend eight hours in an office doing the exact same thing all the time for the rest of my life. That's why I decided to pursue other options.
And then there is the basketball player aspect. How far have you come in this sport?
I played from the age of 5 to 18. I played in two Spanish championships with team from Castilla y Leon and was selected in the Spanish pre-selection. It was my passion, it gave me values and teamwork that are very useful to me today. I left it when I had to consider : studies or sports.
A look at Instagram shows that sports are very present in your life.
I love nature-related activities, such as horse riding. Now I also do yoga, so that I can get to know myself a little better and calm down the rhythm of my thoughts. I love cycling, every time I go to Leon I ride a bike, of course it also helps me keep fit. I started to have contact with diving a few years ago and it is a world that fascinates me.
Also on Instagram, we saw you saying goodbye to London and giving thanks for the years you spent there. Do you see yourself in a few months saying, "Hello, here we are again?"
In football you don't know what will happen to you tomorrow, so our options are always open. Whatever comes will be good and I will be happy, it will be a new stimulus and I will be happy to have a new challenge.
As a footballer's wife, it is not easy to make careers compatible. What is your feeling: you accompany Kepa in his sports life and you need to take a break for a better moment, or maybe you are both able to develop professionally?
I think there is no better time than today. And in football, as I say, we never know where we will end up. I am very proud of my husband's career and regret that I cannot accompany him throughout his career. I'm not going to sacrifice family life or life with my husband, because I can do it perfectly well from a distance - technology makes the world smaller. Due to my restless or overly ambitious personality, perhaps I couldn't just accompany him all the time to leave out everything has to do with me, because that would mean losing my own life. So whenever I can, I will develop my projects.
You are still connected to León not only sentimentally. You also visit from time to time and participate in public life.
León is my city. I was born and raised there, I love it very much, my family is there. And above all, I love participating in Holy Week, which enjoys international tourist interest. I always promote what I can about my city, giving a helping hand, highlighting the careers of women supporting the fight against cancer. It's my home, it's my family and everything I can contribute, I'm happy and more than that, I love enjoying my city.
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isadomna · 1 year
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"The image of the queen Urraca I of León has been one of the most mistreated of history. Since her death and until today, the approach to her reign has been done from a moral point of view, following the path started by the medieval chronicles, and endorsed by the indifference of the traditional History towards Women’s History. In the XIIIth century authors as Lucas de Tuy and Jiménez de Rada carry in their works contempt for a queen they thought irrational, a traitor and responsible for the chaos and discord in the kingdom, and whom interventions in the royal office would be illegitimate and outrageous. They will reduce her role to a link between her father, Alfonso VI, and her son, Alfonso VII, and consider her second husband, Alfonso I of Aragón, the real leader of her reign. However, in the chronicles of her own century, despite not creating a positive image of a queen some of them deeply disliked, and because of the proximity to the events, these authors didn’t hide certain information, nor did they doubt her legitimacy." - Carmen Grijalba Peña, Urraca I: La imagen de una reina según las Crónicas de su tiempo y los documentos regios
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sonoftartessos · 4 months
what does your muse's name mean?
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Here's a name to roar about! Leon is a baby boy name of Greek origin. If you love animals and wildlife, you may adore this name’s connection to the Latin word leo, meaning “lion.” From religious symbols to the British coat of arms, lions symbolize strength, royalty, and pride. Leo is also one of the 12 astrological signs, given to babies born between July 23rd and August 22nd. Additionally, Leon has possible Spanish roots, and was the name of a medieval kingdom in the Northwest of Spain. With so many exciting connections, your little Leon is sure to be the leader of the pride when they grow up!
Tagged by: @mxrvelouscreations
Tagging: Everyone =]
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