#king omniverse
catpriciousmarjara · 9 months
The Job Offer
"And why not you?", said the man. "You're intelligent, skilled, and adaptable. Most importantly, you're entertaining. That last part becomes very important when dealing with my kind".
A ring glinted in the dim light as he gestured with his hands. "Plus, there wouldn't be any danger in the first place! Our lot tend to stick to the Rules, you see? And not harming the messenger is most certainly a Rule".
A sip of coffee. Eyes filling with mirth.
"In the off chance that someone did take offence, all you have to do is amuse them for a while, and as I said, you're very good at that. But don't worry, they won't take offence".
Dick Grayson, attention still half focused on the vicious black claws on the man's hand, had to ask, "And why won't they?"
The man's pleasant smile didn't falter. But it did slowly morph into a grin with way too many teeth to be normal. The young vigilante had to suppress a shudder.
When the man?it spoke, the voice resonated. "Because you'll be one of mine. And they won't dare touch what's mine".
The teeth gleamed.
And just as abruptly as it shifted, the air changed, the pressure lifted, and the man was smiling once more.
Dick was left off-footed and tightly clutching the arms of his chair, his breath fogging in the still frigid air. He hadn’t even noticed the temperature dropping.
He looked at the man nonchalantly sitting across from him as if he hadn't just taken years off of Dick's life. The vigilante was not one to scare easily. Yet, mere moments ago, Dick had felt a fear so primal that it was maddening. It was not the kind of fear a human being could evoke, no matter how frightening their actions may be. Dick had seen the worst of Gotham, and Gotham was a cesspit on a good day. But he hadn't ever felt like this before today. If there was ever a question about the humanity of his companion before...well it was answered now.
To be honest, he couldn't quite recall how he got here in the first place. Everything was a blur.
No...not quite. His memories were alright, it's just that his mind couldn’t grasp them. 
And every second in this...space, had felt muted. As though he was lying beneath several layers of sheer fabric; he could somewhat feel things, see things, but his senses were muffled.
The spike of fear from before wasn't him breaking through as much as he was allowed to break through, and now he was safely back beneath the dampening cloud once more. It was almost comforting.
Dick only remembered what had happened in bits and pieces. Being fired from Robin, the legacy he had forged for himself, named after his mother's love, and garbed in Grayson colours.
Being angry and distraught. Not knowing what to do.
It had taken him weeks to reorient himself. A month to gather his composure.
He vaguely recollected a cafe in Jump City. He had been sitting in a booth, contemplating his options...
Someone had sat right across from him, right?
He had looked up…
“Hello. May I sit here?”
“...Sure. Go ahead.”
“Daniel Nightingale.”
“...Richard Grayson.”
" I know. You shouldn’t give out your name so freely by the way. Also, could I have a bit of your time?"
"Um...yeah, sure?"
And the next thing he knew, he was Here.
Wherever here was.
(Why had he said yes then? He would never have done that normally.)
At first his mind had been adamant in believing that here was the very same cafe he had been sitting in. But Dick wasn't trained by the man known as the World's Greatest Detective for nothing. However, it had taken him an embarrassing few moments to start noticing the abnormalities.
For one thing, he had been sitting in a booth in a cafe, not at an ornate wooden table, much like the one in Bruce's home office. The only thing the cafe table and this one had in common was that they were both rectangular.
Secondly, their table was covered by a veil. A huge gauzy one hanging from above. But try as he might he couldn't see where it was hanging from, just a yawning darkness.
Finally, he could see shadows moving beyond the veil, and the more he looked, the more bizarre they became. And at one point, the shadows lost all pretence of humanity. They weren't even humanoid, let alone human.
He definitely wasn't in Jump City anymore.
It had taken him even longer to notice the man sitting across him. That he hadn’t left this Daniel Nightingale behind.
Wispy white hair.
"Ah! You noticed so quickly. You really are the perfect fit for the job!"
Green. green eyes.
"Apologies for the veiling. It's necessary however.., some things are not just meant for mortal eyes, you see. Without it, you might just go insane! We wouldn't want that now would we?"
Unnaturally pale skin.
"Enough dillydallying! But first, introductions. You may call me either Daniel or Nightingale. By what name would you prefer to be called?”
Something about that question made the ex-Robin’s hindbrain pay attention. The wording of it, the tone…
You shouldn’t give out your name so freely by the way.
Could I have a bit of your time?
Something had felt incredibly off, so he had gone ahead and given one of the alternate names he had been thinking of taking up now that Robin was over.
“You may call me Nightjar.”
Nightingale had looked incredibly pleased then. And a bit smug too.
“Let me cut to the chase then Nightjar. I’m here to offer you a job. You’re a perfect fit for the role. We offer excellent compensation, and flexible work hours. Considering you’re out of work now that you’ve been fired from Robin, I believe my offer would be interesting for you.”
For some reason, perhaps because of all the strange things that happened, the fact that Nightingale seemed to know his alter ego hadn’t surprised Dick. Instead of asking how he came to know about this particular information, including the fact that he got fired, he decided to keep the conversation rolling on this supposed job offer. He had an inkling that he won’t get anywhere even if he asked, so might as well mine some information by making the other man talk.
“What kind of job is it? And what exactly would be included in the compensation?”
In response the man had snapped his fingers, and produced a file out of nowhere. He opened it, turned it around and slid it across the table. Dick started. Nightingale made a go ahead gesture, a smile on his lips once more. Dick gingerly dragged it a bit closer, and took a look.
“As you can see Nightjar, the position being offered is that of a courier. Due to many reasons, delivery across the realms is a cumbersome affair, not the least due to political complications. The best system to lay down in this situation was to have an impartial party be in charge of the work. You can say that I am a representative of the aforementioned impartial party that took over the role. If you would turn a page over-
Dick had dutifully turned the page.
-you’d see that we offer great compensation. In addition to your salary, you’ll receive health insurance, life insurance, death insurance, medical insurance, dental, vision care insurance, paid vacation time, overtime pay, paid time-off, flexible time-off, paid medical leave, free medical care, maternity leave, paternity leave, all other forms of parental leave, a good retirement package, loan assistance, wellness programmes, child care assistance, regular bonuses, promotions, raises, accommodation, a provident fund, and a whole host of other benefits that are clearly listed on the page. And of course at the end right there is our offered starting salary, which is highly negotiable up to the amount listed right below it. Please take as much time as you need to read through them.”
To say Dick had been overwhelmed was an understatement. He hadn’t thought that this was going to be an actual, honest to God job offer. If anything he just thought the entire job thing was an excuse or prelude to something much worse. But as he parsed through the file, getting increasingly bewildered as the man rattled on, he had to admit that this really looked like a weird recruitment effort. And then his eyes had fallen on the salary figure, and the amount to which it could be negotiated upwards, and he froze. Because even for the ex-ward of a billionaire, it was a ludicrous number. He couldn’t even accurately count the zeros on the thing. Even Wayne Enterprises wouldn't be able to match a deal like this. 
At that thought Dick had felt a pang of pain as he remembered Bruce still hadn’t called him, or even made an attempt at apologising. There were no texts, no missives. Just radio silence. The pain in his chest increased and Dick had felt the ever returning feeling of being unmoored. He pushed those feelings to the furthest corners of his mind. He had to focus now.
Feeling marginally calmer, he had taken a deep breath and closed the file. He looked up at Nightingale who had been watching him avidly over the rim of a coffee cup which definitely wasn’t there before, and asked the most pertinent question.
“Why me?”
And now they are here.
Dick scoffed at the white haired being’s answer. Oh he didn’t doubt that it was the truth. By now he had somehow come to an understanding of how this worked. It was fae rules. Meaning he had to watch his mouth. Similarly Nightingale won’t lie, but he can certainly obfuscate.After all withholding information wasn’t technically a lie, especially if it was masked with a half-truth. In other words, Nightingale hadn’t lied, but that wasn’t all there is to it. And Dick wasn’t going to let it slide. 
“How am I supposed to believe you to be a good employer if you’re already lying?”, he asked outright. You know, like a reckless fool.
Nightingale’s pleasant smile instantly froze, and then it gained an edge. A sharp, lethal edge.
“I don’t lie”, the man said, a cold cadence to his voice.
Dick could feel the figurative whetted blade on his throat, but he pressed forward. This was the first time he had taken blood in this fiasco and he wasn’t going to concede just like that.
“Lying by omission, is still lying.”
Nightingale’s entire mien darkened, and frost spread across the table. Dick didn’t back off. 
There was silence. Suffocating silence. And then the vergals receded and Nightingale sat back with a satisfied air. Dick blinked in surprise.
“Good. You didn’t cower.”
Dick sat back on his own chair, his breath fogging in the still cold air. “Was that a test?”
Nightingale took another sip of his coffee. Was it even coffee? It looked like coffee, but who knows what anything is in this bizarre space. Certainly not Dick.
“It was a test. The position of a courier in this part of existence requires mettle, and a strong mind. You would be dealing with beings ranging from the divine to the demonic. I’m sure you know they are a stubborn lot. You’ll have to stand up to them often. Plus you would be representing Us. We can’t have an unprincipled, craven fool take the job can we now? So I had to test you. Congratulations! You passed with flying colours.”
Dick glared at the man. “I still haven’t agreed to anything. And you still haven’t told me why I was chosen.” 
Nightingale chuckled. It was an unnatural, but pleasant sound. “Aah you caught that. Very well then.”
He clasped his hands together and put them on the table, bringing Dick’s attention to the black, razor sharp claws once again, as well as to the extremely ominous ring he wore on his left hand’s little finger.
“You were chosen because you are a multiversal constant. This job requires much interdimensional, interuniversal travel, and a multiversal constant is ideal for the role. And before you ask, a multiversal constant is essentially someone whose soul acts as a consistent axis across worlds through indelible aspects of their existence. They are rare, and their axial quality makes multiversal travel easy for them.”
The white haired entity’s eyes shone in the dim light. “You are a multiversal constant Nightjar. Centred around your potential, And also, I know you will agree to do the job. So I’m not worried.”
Even as he struggled to process what was just revealed, Dick found the energy to scowl at the impishly grinning man. “And how would you know? What’s in it for me? All I’m seeing is a job, the benefits of which, doesn’t make up for how dangerous it is.”
“But you will accept it nonetheless”, replied Nightingale with an amused air. “Think about it. You’ve been fired from Robin but still intend to continue being a vigilante, and vigilantism is expensive work. Now that you don’t have the Wayne coffers to pull from, you would have to find alternate means to acquire resources. You’re brilliant and I have no doubt you will find those resources and do spectacularly under your new mantle. But that would take time. And calling in favours that could either be used somewhere else, or make you indebted to someone. The salary this job provides you will allow you to finance your quest for justice, and still have plenty leftover. Not to mention the other benefits, such as the free medical care provided by Us, people who will never question your injuries the way a normal hospital might, or put your civilian identity at risk like a back alley doctor.”
Nightingale’s verdant eyes stared a hole through Dick as he spoke. “You wanted to get out of Batman’s shadow. This is your chance, Nightjar.”
The young vigilante had to give it to Nightingale. The man sure knew how to pitch an offer. He found himself agreeing to most of what Nightingale said, especially the finances part but he still wasn’t going to agree to a job that would put him in the crosshairs of gods and demons. That was just monumentally stupid.
“You make good points”, Dick said as he slid the file sitting idle on his side to Nightingale. “But I’m still not gonna agree.”
Nightingale slid the file back over to him without missing a bit.
“If I thought you were the type to easily capitulate I wouldn’t have approached you in the first place,” the man said, not a single sign of ire at Dick’s repeated refusal in his voice. In fact he seemed rather glad Dick was being difficult.
“You want to know more about being a multiversal constant correct? That is not the kind of information you’ll find lying around on earth.”
A pitch black claw scraped across the table, but there was no noise, and the deep scratch left behind instantly stitched itself back together, the tabletop pristine once more.
“By now you must have a rudimentary idea of the world you are being invited into. You would not have called yourself Nightjar otherwise. You also know that this is not a world Batman has access to.”
The man pointed opened his right palm, still resting on the table, and brilliant emerald fire blazed to life on it. Something in Dick’s lizard brain told him this fire ran cold rather than hot.
“Magic and everything associated with it is not something the Dark Knight can handle by his usual methods. And magic is just one of the aspects of our Realm. An infinite more mysteries keep it company. This world is yours for the taking. No mortal would be able to access what you can and you would be able to help so many people.”
Blue eyes met green.
“This will set you apart from Batman once and for all. An identity that no one can take away from you at their whim. Just think of this as your day job, as being a CEO is for Bruce Wayne.”
Nightingale clasped one of Dick’s hands resting on the table and transferred the fire over to it. Dick stared as the flame danced merrily in his palm. It really was cold. By the time he had his wits about him, the fire had vanished. Nightingale had seemingly finished his coffee, as the cup was nowhere to be seen. 
Dick glanced at the white haired man who watched him calmly. Then he took the file and started reading through it. If he was going to take this job, he was going to make sure to read the fine print. Out of the corner of his eye, he could spy Nightingale’s gleaming, triumphant smile. Dick couldn’t help but feel annoyed. 
He didn’t know how much time it took for him to read the file completely. Time ran strangely in this space. What he did know was there was an ornate, silver pen right next to him, which definitely wasn’t there before. He had to roll his eyes at Nightingale's antics. 
Nonetheless he uncapped it, admiring the craftsmanship for a moment, and signed on the dotted line in his Alfred approved best cursive, bells, whistles, hoops and all. 
Nothing happened. Dick felt kinda disappointed. He had thought signing a magical contract with a possible fae creature would be a little less anti-climactic. Across from him, Nightingale chuckled as if he could read his mind. Could he?
He slid the file over once more, this time for last. Nightintingale just skimmed through before sliding over an envelope. 
“Your appointment letter”.
“You had that ready?”
“Of course.”
Dick snorted inelegantly at that. Obviously the man had foreseen how this would go. That should make him more wary than what he was feeling, but just as he had known the fire was cold before, he knew Nightingale wouldn’t harm him. Bruce would call him an idiot for this kind of illogical thinking, but Bruce wasn’t here now was he?
He was about to shove another medley of complicated emotions down, when Nightingale reached over and viciously ran a claw down his right arm. Blood spurted in a gruesome display and Dick scrambled back, chair falling down, and his body hitting the surprisingly sturdy veil.
“What was that about?”, he shouted as he clutched his bleeding arm to his chest. Just when he had thought the man didn’t mean him any harm…
Nightingale had the audacity to look nonplussed. He simply brought his palms up as if to show he meant no harm, but it was a moot point when one of his claws was dripping with Dick’s blood.
“Just testing something”, the man said calmly.
“Testing what?’, Dick asked angry and confused.
In response, Nightingale simply pointed to his arm.
“What? Testing whether your claws could tear me apar-”
He stopped short. There, before his eyes, the flesh of his arm was knitting itself together. In mere moments, the wound was gone, not even a scar where it should be. Dick was reminded of the table from before. What just happened?
“What did you do to me?”, he asked, voice soft, and emotionless. 
“Don’t worry. It's your compensation. Part of your medical aid.”
He waved his hand, and the blood vanished. “Do sit down, Nightjar. Lets order something to eat.”
Robotically Dick walked to the table once more. The upturned chair was somehow rightened, already pulled out as if waiting for him.
“That was a healing factor”, he said rather than asked.
Nightingale nodded unbothered. “Yes, you’ll be needing that in your line of work.”
The veil opened and admitted a two-headed woman in, carrying trays of food in her four arms.
When she left, Nightingale eagerly took up his cutlery, looking excitedly at what looked like a luminescent crepe. He glanced at a shell-shocked Dick and frowned.
“Please eat. It's safe to consume, now that you’re one of us. If you’re worrying about your job, don’t. You have been assigned an excellent mentor in Harker. The White Grim will train you well.”
With that, he dug in, clearly enjoying his glowing crepe.
Dick just stared at the man, at his no longer injured arm, and sighed. Might as well eat. He hadn’t gotten to eat anything at the cafe and was beginning to feel hungry.
He scooped a spoonful from what seemed like an overly fancy bowl of cereal.
One of them huh?
He took a bite.
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youcalledsworld · 11 months
Danny Phantom crossover prompts
Ghost King Danny going on adventures and diplomatic missions across the multiverse to either stop conflicts that create an influx of ghosts, to stop others from punching a hole into the Infinite Realms like his parents or create an alliance.
During some of his adventures and missions Danny somehow gains a fiancee or wifes. Most of the time it's to strengthen alliances just like with his wife Yasaka leader of the yokai in her dimension. Other times it's because he accidentally courted using their traditions like with Princess Looma.
It's gotten to the point that every time he goes away his fiancee and wife's bet on whether or not he brings someone home
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loudlyhappycupcake · 11 months
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Epix in Upendi @shironezuninja @disneysources @scurviesdisneyblog @magical-girl-techno-genius @bitter-yet-civilized @homuncvlus @secondlam @serentiydraw5678 @cartoonfan21 @illustrated-ink @fatrnai @mystery-gems @minijenn @misterygem @appatary8523 @a-swag-potato @aamericanotaku @nashoax @sos-retreat @ladysegagenesis @waltdiegi-theartist @mehitsjust3lla @meanestbeanest @nerdycartoongal @nevaehjwilliamsvaeh @shnashq @karuselkit961 @buy-some-motherfuckin-apples-iii @hellowillowk @jacky-rubou @bluefrostyy @jademz1711 @unstableobsession @grivessillus @tombancroft1 @artwithooo @violetrose-art @vicious-steven @vic98579 @catislazypeter @ilovetvtoons @skyler-crystalhoof @untitled14360 @kuskicanlove @wiltito @frogcoven88 @adrianapendleton @princessfandom812
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painbringer · 10 months
I can't get the crp x om crossover outta my head. like. Zalgo's Diavolo's dad om's canon yote out the window.
Dia's no more a demon, but some sort of a demigod.[demon x god hybrid] but the demons don't know- they think The demon king & Diavolo are both.. demons.
and only the brothers & Barb know about this secret-
and the whole sleeping thing mentioned in the story's just Zalgo getting yeeted back to his prison universe and Diavolo & Barb had to hide it somehow someway
help it's been a brainworm lately I have not been able to imagine the obey me verse without the creepypasta in it from the last two or three years
I'm still working on it-
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ben-101-rewrite · 1 year
I remember hearing that there were official plans to make a new iteration of the Negative 10 and I was wondering if you had any plans for that
Yup! I wrote a note somewhere on the blog, but basically the Negative 10 in this are the Forever King (Driscoll), the Forever Harlequin, Charmcaster, Hex, Doctor Animo, Clancy, Zombozo, Psyphon, Kraab and Vulkanus.
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The Thanos Imperative (2010-2011) Reading Order is live! 
Oh,he’s back! Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning wrap up the greatest cosmic era in Marvel history with The Thanos Imperative (2010-2011)!
For the full reading order, key covers and fallout head over to Omniverse Comics Guide
As always for the latest podcasts, videos reading orders, reviews & news head over to Omniverse Comics Guide!
Or catch the guys over on Twitch for their live weekly chat about all things comics, or catch up later on YouTube.
Support the Omniverse by SUBSCRIBING to the Omniverse Comics Guide and get all the latest sent direct to you, as well as bonus features across the site! Head over to the website & SIGN UP now!
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 2 years
Blukic: (in a paper boat while holding a laser gun, shouting) Hold it steady, ya fat sonuva BITCH!!
Driba: (while on all four with cans in his back) I'm bein' still!
Blukic: (now the paper boat rotating) Aw, shit! Turn me back around or else I'mma shoot this tree!
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minnesotamedic186 · 9 days
Favorite Dedede theme? And Kirby Villain? For me, it's Masked Dedede and Marx
My only Kirby game so far is Dream Buffet and even then I hadn't played that much of it yet-
With that said I don't think I have a favorite Dedede theme and my favorite villain would probably be Fecto Forgo
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Killing Oryx, the taken king
In His Way To Kill Him, Omniversal Battlefield
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 9 months
How would the other characters react to albedo?
um? im gonna assume you are asking about HoMies characters? so im gonna answer about them (like sorry if you meant smth else??)
tbh im not very well versed in Albedo's story arc (particularly Omniverse haha), and i dont remember enough from every show to make detailed discussion about it. Not to mention that i doubt most of them would ever meet him lol.
But if they did, the general reaction/attitude about canon!Albedo would be somewhere in realms of annoyed sympathy/pity?? Like Albedo's whole character is suffering because of his own rash decisions and irrationally blaming it all on Ben, and just digging himself into a deeper hole. Most of the main 9 had some experiences in realms of clones and unfortunate experiments, so they would be sympathetic to his plight but it would be negated by his attitude lol.
Tho honorable mention of reactions would be:
1. Rex - who is gonna be that sort of friend who is all the way on Ben's side (like, "who we hating today king? ye fuck that dude") and might feel some sort of small sympathy because technically Albedo's situation was an accident (of his own making), but the fact that he continuously blames Ben would just make Rex angry on behalf of his bestie.
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2. Danny - who would feel particularly annoyed/angry with Albedo and his attitude, because he knew real clones (think Dani & her bros) who trully suffered because of the actions of others, and because Albedo's reasons and attitude reminded him a lot about Amorpho (all the arrogance and trouble caused) and also Vlad (with all the irrational blaming).
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3. Jenny - because she can be a little shit and is constantly annoyed by Ben, despite any sympathy she has she wouldnt miss an opportunity to make a joke about Albedo being stuck as Ben lol
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now if we thinking about fanon!Albedo (like the type that actually gets his head out of his ass), reactions would understandably be more positive i guess
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awwrealmonsters · 2 years
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Round 2 of the Human/Monster Romance Poll is up on Twitter here: X. 
Thank you everyone who voted in the first round, I’m thrilled at the response. The voting has been shortened this time to 3 days so if you are interested please vote :)
Featured Here
R2-1: Belle and the Beast (Beauty and the Beast) Vs  Hellboy and Liz Sherman (Hellboy)
R2-2: Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives) Vs  Prince Sidon and Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
R2-3: Elisa Esposita and The Amphibian Man (The Shape of Water) Vs  Goliath and Elisa Maza (Gargoyles)
R2-4: Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) Vs  Roxanne Ritchi and Megamind (Megamind)
R2-5:  Twilight the Demon King and Princess Syalis (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) Vs  Miss Kobayashi and Tohru (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)
R2-6:  Sanga and Ashivon (Escape From Divinity Series) Vs  Catra and Adora (She-Ra)
R2-7:  Professor Kasukabe and Haru the Devil (Dorohedoro) Vs  Venom the Symbiote and Eddie Brock (Venom)
R2-8:  Orpheus and Eurydice (Hades Game) Vs  Benjamin Kirby Tennyson and Rook Blonko (Ben 10:Omniverse)
Check out the previous Round Here: X For the names of the non-winners.
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illyanarasputinfan · 5 months
My favorite Magik moments of 2023!
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Ultimate Invasion #2 (2023) MARVEL - Magik makes her debut in the Ultimate universe.
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Magneto #2 (2023) MARVEL - It is is revealed that Illyana once used Cerebro to locate Magneto, and survived the experience.
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Nightcrawlers #2 (2023) MARVEL - Magik of the Red Diamond returns to Asgard one hundred years into the Sinister Era to finish off the realm once and for all.
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Realm of X #4 (2023) MARVEL - Illyana uses the magical power that Curse imbues her with to save the realm of Vanaheim, and defeat Omniversal Majestrix Opal Luna Saturnyne.
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Strange Academy: Finals #4 (2023) MARVEL - Magik leads her students into battle against an army of demons for one hour during Limbo 204’s final exam.
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Dark Web: Finale #1 (2023) MARVEL - Illyana uses her Soulsword on King Chasm, aiding Madelyne Pryor in reclaiming her Scythe of Sorrows, and the throne to Limbo.
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Midnight Suns #5 (2023) MARVEL - The team successfully defeats Korrosion, preventing her from unleashing an apocalypse.
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Demon Wars: Down In Flames (2023) MARVEL - Magik is reimagined as the demonic halfbreed Itsuki in Peach Momoko’s Marvel universe.
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X-Men #24 (2023) MARVEL - Illyana engages Pogg-Ur-Pogg in a rhyme battle during a sword fight.
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Dark Web: Finale #1 (2023) Magik exchanges sarcastic banter with a demonic combatant.
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Account Update 🌟
I haven't been on this platform in years and slowly started making posts and reblogs again. Most of the accounts I did follow back then are either gone, or no longer active. So I'm listing EVERY THING I'm into, so I can follow people back with similar tastes and interests. Consider it a get to know me things whole I make updates. Reblog, share and comment as much as you want, I'd really like to make good use of this site again. Especially since I'm a YouTube Spoofer and part time writer, and always getting inspiration. Which also means my channel is going through revamping, so you'll see some activity on and off as things are scheduled ahead of time.
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Plus I'm working on creating my own animation studio with friends to bring my original ideas to life as movies and series in the future. I love to spread joy and fun to others to who aspire to animate as well! Warning: there's a a ton of things I love! 😅
Animation/Cartoons 🎨
Behind the Scenes and Animations tests
Animation Trivia
How to Draws
Animation History
Kid Cosmic
Ben 10 (Classic-Omniverse)
Teen Titans
Samurai Jack
OK K.O: Let's Be Heroes!
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Codename: Kids Next Door
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Justice League/Unlimited
Young Justice
Batman Beyond
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Batman (2004)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Hazbin Hotel
Spectacular Spider-Man
Gravity Falls
Wander Over Yonder
Sponge bob Square pants
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Test
Scooby-Doo/Mystery Incorporated
Code Lyoko
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Transformers: Prime
G.I Joe Renegades
Wolverine and the X-Men
Danny Phantom
American Dragon: Jake Long
Star vs The Forces of Evil
Penn Zero: Part Time Hero
Tales of Arcadia
Lego Monkie Kid
TMNT (2003)
Wild Kratts
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Xiaolin Showdown
El Tigre
Miraculous Ladybug
Steven Universe
Monster High
Static Shock
Hellboy: Animated
Tangled: The Series
Lilo & Stitch The Series
Darkwing Duck
DuckTales 2017
Wish Concept Version
Lego Monkie Kid
Buddy Thunderstruck
King of the Hill
The Simpsons
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Comic Books & Manga 🔥
Marvel & DC
My Hero Academia
Fullmetal Alchemist
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Jonah Hex
My Little Pony
MLP: Legends of Magic
Ouran High School Host Club
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
Voltron Legendary Defender
Scott Pilgrim
Anime 🇯🇵
My Hero Academia
Sonic X
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ya Boy Kongming!
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Cowboy Bebop
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Tiger & Bunny
Solo Leveling
Jujutsu Kaisen
White Cat Legend
Dr. Stone
High Card
Demon Slayerw
Trigun: Stampede
Delicious in Dungeon
Love is War!
Polar Bear's Cafe
Rascal the Raccoon
Movie Franchises 🎬
Kung Fu Panda
The Fast Saga
Star Wars
Scooby drop
Lego Movie
TV Series 📺
Stranger Things
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Video Games 🎮
Sonic the Hedgehog
BROK The Investigator
Crash Bandicoot
Sly Cooper
Party Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Series
That's mostly the just of me and what my channel is going to start having. If you have any questions about favorite foods, animals, book series, sports or anything about personal tastes, feel free to drop them I'm my asks box, and Ill get to them as soon as possible!
Hope you'll like what I have to offer! 🌟🌟🌟
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ptbf2002 · 9 months
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My Yes Shows List:
Spongebob Squarepants,
My Life As A Teenage Robot,
The Fairly Oddparents,
All Grown Up,
Rocket Power,
The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius,
Danny Phantom,
T.U.F.F Puppy,
Sam And Cat,
Henry Danger,
Danger Force,
The Adventures Of Kid Danger,
The Amanda Show,
Kenan And Kel,
Big Time Rush,
It's Pony!
Ollie's Pack,
Bunsen Is A Beast,
Harvey Beaks,
The Loud House,
The Casagrandes,
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi,
Teen Titans,
Annoying Orange,
The Powerpuff Girls,
Dexter's Laboratory,
Johnny Bravo,
Cow And Chicken,
Ed Edd N Eddy,
Time Squad,
The Tom And Jerry Show,
The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy, Codename: Kids Next Door,
Sheep In The Big City,
Courage The Cowardly Dog,
Foster's Home For Imaginary friends,
The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack,
Ben 10,
Ben 10 Alien Force,
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien,
Ben 10 Omniverse,
Adventure Time,
Regular Show,
Steven Universe,
The Looney Tunes Show,
Close Enough,
The Amazing World Of Gumball,
Elliott From Earth,
The Fungies!
Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart,
Mighty Magiswords,
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes,
Summer Camp Island,
Tig n' Seek,
Victor and Valentino,
Tom And Jerry In New York,
Phineas And Ferb,
Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil,
Wonder Over Yander,
Big City Greens,
Hamster And Grete
Jimmy Two Shoes,
Yin Yang Yo,
Milo Murphy's Law,
Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil,
Gravity Falls,
House Of Mouse,
The Replacements,
Family Guy,
American Dad,
The Simpsons,
The Cleveland Show,
Bob's Burgers,
Bless The Harts,
Beavis And Butt-Head,
King Of The Hill,
Rick And Morty,
Robot Chicken,
The Mr. Peabody And Sherman Show,
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia,
Trolls: The Beat Goes On!
DreamWorks Dragons: Rescue Riders,
Home: Adventures Of Tip And Oh,
Harvey Street Kids/Harvey Girls Forever,
Glitch Techs,
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous,
The Boss Baby: Back In Business,
Fast And Furious: Spy Racers,
Pac-Man And The Ghostly Adventures,
Shaun The Sheep,
Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog,
Sonic X,
Sonic Underground,
Sonic Boom,
Sonic Prime
Sonic Colors: Rise Of The Wisps
Transformers: Animated
Transformers: Prime
Transformers: Earthspark
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sally Bollywood,
And Arthur.
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ben-101-rewrite · 2 years
Are you going to Change the Negative 10 Line Up? If so Whats the new Team?
The Forever King, the Forever Harlequin, Charmcaster, Hex, Doctor Animo, Clancy, Zombozo, Psyphon, Kraab and Vulkanus. I'll go through each of them to explain my reasoning. The Forever King is obvious, the original one to have created the Negative 10. But I will showcases a bit more of an insight of the Forever Knights, and how they are split into four factions, Driscoll only being one part of it, same as Enoch. The Forever Harlequin is my replacement idea for the Forever Ninja, as he always felt out of place. The Forever Harlequin is a mysterious, voiceless female figure who appears to be the one middle ground member of the forever knights, making sure they don't do anything too stupid. She also has a wide arrange of strange attacks and weapons, and Ben doesn't like fighting her much as her tactics are normally annoying to deal with, haha. Charmcaster and Hex, to give more time to showcase their relationship, and the problems behind it and why they happened. I'm thinking of including a scene that has Charmcaster finally snap at her uncle, before running off to later appear in Alien Force again, while Hex finally starts to rethink the things he's doing. Perhaps Gwen even being the reason this outburst happened. Doctor Animo, cause I'm not gonna leave out best crazy sciencetist man. And I like the idea of showing him and Clancy sort of have this weird friendship, that only they get one another, due to their connection to animals. Zombozo instead of the circus trio, because he's supposed to be more of the major threat compared to them. I want to also keep playing into the mystery of what he is, and make him more horror-focused like in his first appearance. Psyphon is an interesting case, but basically, I've decided to have him from the start being Vilgax's minion, so he can be a showcase of one of the many worlds Vilgax's has conquered. His presence is also going to help me explain how Vilgax got out of the null void after the team-up with Kevin, as Psyphon manages to open the null void after sneaking away into the Plumber base, and basically ditches the Negative 10 the moment he gets Vilgax out of there. Meanwhile, Kraab was hired by Psyphon, without the others knowing, to make sure everything goes smoothly for him. Kraab pretending to be there because he hates the Tennysons (When really he doesn't care, he's just there to get a job done). While Vulkanus is there because he hates the Tennysons after their last encounter, stuck on earth due to his ship being destoryed. I would imagine him being the one to start a lot of arguments with the Forever King, due to the Forever Knight's hateful views on aliens.
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