#kindergarten Chris
clover-color · 7 days
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So funnnn🥰🥰🥰
LITTLE fa🌟⤵️
Actually the idea of ​​drawing fan art I just wanted to draw Bunny in Tina clothes😈
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You know the futureeeeee
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Thanks for join🥰🥰🥰
I also have plans to draw some small conversations, but I don't know if I'll finish them. I'm kind art blocked😅
I can only think of Adonis and Ivy As for the others, I can't think of it because my OC doesn't interact much with other oc🤔
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drfirsnogayny · 1 day
Byron and Chris in each other clothes
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I don't know why I wanted to make art with a background, but it is what it is.
For @clover-color. Interestingly, I finished the drawing on your birthday
Original post
Characters present: my Kindergarten OCs (🦋 Byron), other people's Kindergarten OCs (❤️ Chris)
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chrisrin · 11 months
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clover-color · 25 days
Can you introduce your OC?
Omg I wait for question like 300 year💀
Aham! Of course !
My first OC is name "YUU"
At first I was going to make him a arrogant and scheming character, like a male version of Cindy...But now he looked like just a sad puppy when Penny wasn't paying attention.
Of course I like Penny so I made him oc x canon, And he has a soft spot for Penny
Personality (Yuu): He is a very arrogant and carefree child. He doesn't care about other people's feelings, except for girls he is especially kind or people he is close to but he still acts sly.
(But with Penny he was just like a puppy waiting for its owner, he was so kind to Penny that all his friends were surprised.)
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My 2 and 3 OC is name "TINA" and "TINY"
At first I only made Tina but for some reason I suddenly wanted to make twins for her so Tiny came.
1 crybaby and 1 cocky (For others, it might be like that, but they love each other very much🥰)
Personality (Tina): She is initially a timid child, although her parents are not cruel people and her older brother is very nice, making her sensitive to the outside world.
Personality (Tiny): But for Tiny, this is because his parents are too spoiled and kind, making him a cocky kid. Even though he wears glasses and looks like Monty, he's a stupid kid. He's just a cocky kid, but he loves his sibling very much.
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My 4 OC is name "Christiana" or "Chris"
Chris or Christina are quite friendly people and can get along with everyone. They don't really care if the other person hates them or not, sometimes too kind. The wounds received were therefore caused by being attacked and They didn't have any problems or sue the teacher.
They're gender fluid characters but they're definitely female from birth, but I'm not sure if they'd be transgender or not.
Personality (Chris): That being said, they are very kind. They don't care about people who hurt them, but they would care more if others hurt their close friends. Like Tina, however, she is a bit of a child who can't keep up with others
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And my last OC's name is Adonis which means god
You know that even though I say he's a cute kid, you know that's not true. Actually, I've wanted to create a character like this for a long time and I'm quite satisfied.
You can easily guess what kind of person he is^^
Personality (Adonis): He is a kind, cheerful person who always talks to people with a smile and does not get angry when someone is rude to him, He clearly shows gentleness and gentleness towards women, which makes Cindy like him more than she ever liked Yuu.
Personality (Adonis): He hates everyone, He views everyone as just a worm, doesn't even care if the other person is a girl or a guy. If messes with someone he likes, he's ready to punch them in the face every time. Including Chris, they was once punched by him, but he asked them not to tell someone else with a cute face (And you know that Chris can be soft-hearted)
But everyone likes him because no one knows his true personality
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If you've read this far, you're a very sweet person🥺 Let me kiss you now.
If you have any questions, you can ask. I will be very happy to answer!
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drfirsnogayny · 17 days
@clover-color's OCs
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rescuefield-arch1 · 1 month
thinking about the way there's some other universe out there where claire is a nurse
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jokerislandgirl32 · 2 years
Wild Kratts Characters as Kindergartners Headcanons 
Okay Y’all, my job as a kindergarten aid has really gotten to me, mentally and physically, they already have infected me with a cold 😭. So…here are some headcanons for which “kindergartener” the Wild Kratts characters would have been. They are long, so they are blow the cut. Enjoy!
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Martin: The child that is constantly getting bumps, cuts, bruises, and broken bones. He is the daredevil child. He likes to pretend he is going on great creature adventures at recess, but this usually ends with him being rushed into the nurse’s office to get patched up and checked for a concussion.
He is also the clumsy child. He can be sitting in his seat and wind up on the floor in a matter of seconds. I feel like this might happen because he is full of energy and cannot sit still, or he is just slightly off balance in the chair, and he goes down with it.
As a result of his excessive energy, Martin takes on the role of the class helper, the teacher gets Martin to help clean the room, pass out papers, take notes to the office, help other students get to the nurse, etc.
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Chris: Chris will be the “perfect” student. He will excel in his studies and will be a great helper to the teachers, but he will not be overtly pushy or try to take control from them. He is the child that excels in every subject: reading, math, art, gym, etc.
He is a fast learner who may become board with the assignments early on, this may lead to him misbehaving, but he learns that such behavior is not tolerated, and he will try his best to behave. Chris is also the child that likely plays many sports.
Chris will be a friend to all students, and, like his brother, may get into some trouble at recess. The nurse will shake her head and say, “I should have known this was coming, you Kratt boys are little adventurers.”
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Aviva: She’s the bossy child. She knows everything, and is not afraid to tell the teachers and her classmates when they are wrong. She is a substitute teacher’s dream because she can tell the sub everything that needs to be done each day, down to the minute.
Her regular teachers appreciate that she is so independent and helpful, but they constantly have to remind her that she is not the teacher, to which she gets aggravated, and she will angrily work on her class work in complete silence, or she will cross her arms and pout.
But she is the child who is quick to come out of her funk if she senses an opportunity to help her classmates. She is also the bright child. Once Aviva starts school she catches the learning bug and wants to learn everything, Aviva therefore hates summers because it is a time when she cannot be learning. (Hmmm, wonder how she ended up at science camp? This is why, well I’d like to think so).
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Koki: The quiet child. Koki is the quiet child that causes no problems for the teachers. She quietly does her work, and she does her work very well. She only has a few close friends and they are the ones that walk around together hand in hand at recess; Koki is not a runner or a screamer, she just goes through each day calmly and quietly.
The teachers at first will have trouble getting her to talk to them, some of the other children will declare she cannot talk and embarrass her. This may initially cause her to have trouble connecting with the teachers and other students. But, once she gets into the groove of learning and becomes used to her teachers and few close friends, she will really begin to blossom as a student and individual.
She will become the child that is always smiling and the child that takes the greatest pride in being complimented on her work. She will be the child that is a “joy” for teachers to have in their class. She will also be self sufficient, and can do most assignments by herself without assistance.
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Jimmy Z: The child that eats anything, and/or tries to stick things in his ears/nose. Jimmy would eat any odd food combinations as a kindergartener and not blink an eye. So, he would eat fruity cereal with chocolate milk. He ate refied beans and peas mixed together. Dipped his carrot sticks in his milk, juice, or salsa. He also tried to eat play dough or glue, and would eat food off the floor.
Needless to say he is probably the messy child too, he goes home with all sorts of food stains on his clothing, and any other stains that denote what they did in school that day: painting, using markers, mud and grass stains from playing outside.
Then I imagine he could have been the child to stick crayons and other school supplies in odd places, such as his nose and ears. The school nurse had to make some interesting calls home to mom and dad regarding Jimmy. 
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Zach: The kindergartener that spends each day the first few months of school crying for mommy. You know to the point that he’s crying so hard he throws up. Zach was defiantly that child in kindergarten. Zach refused to do work because he was missing his mommy.
Zach also learned that by going to the nurse he had a chance to go home, so he would cry until he became sick, or he would come up with a new illness every day that would worry the teachers enough to land him in the nurse’s office. The nurse and Zach became something of friends, and eventually Zach calms down enough to get though the school year. But he still goes to the nurse every couple days, and the nurse gives him “medicine” to help him feel better. The medicine is a sticker, a piece of candy, or letting him call his mom for a check-in.
The motivation for him to get over missing his mommy was excelling in his classes, therefore, Zach can also be the child who thinks he’s better than his classmates because he is “smarter.”
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Gourmand: The picky eater. Gourmand likes his food a certain way, and if the food is touching or does not look right, he will not eat it. So, he usually is the kid who has a packed lunch, and he is one of the kids that has a Bento Box.
His parents put his food, per his instructions, into separate containers in the box. He then builds his sandwich, wrap, salad, etc. in front of his classmates with them looking on in confusion. They are just eating whatever they have in front of them, why does he care about how his food looks and tastes?
For some reason, I think he is the child who had food allergies, as such, he sits at a separate table and has a packed lunch that is free of the foods that cause his allergic reactions. He is probably hyper aware of his allergy, and he will cry or angrily yell to his teacher if he sees so much as a picture of a peanut or whatever he is allergic to. 
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Donita: The overdramatic fashionista. She is the child that comes to school wearing high heals and tutus. Her hair is always in a new style and her collection of hair bows, jewelry, and other accessories is impeccable.
Donita dresses herself each day, she spends time each night planning her outfits. And you better bet she is the child to have a fit if her outfit becomes dirty, she is known to howl things like, “you got chocolate milk on my new tutu, my life is over!” She likes to point out her classmates fashion flaws: “your shirt is on backwards,” “why are you wearing a tank top in the middle of winter?”
As the fashionista she learns to channel her fashion energies in new forms and becomes an excellent student in art class: she always stays inside the lines while coloring, she learns how to draw fairly well early on, and she never mixes paint colors. 
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Paisley: She is the clean freak. She is terrified of germs, and, like Donita, heaven forbid her clothing becomes messy. I can imagine Paisley as the child that always has to wash her hands. As soon as she sees someone else washing their hands, she has to as well, even if she just washed her hands. And if another child forgets to wash their hands before going to lunch or after coming out of the bathroom, she is having a low key panic attack until the child washes their hands.
When it comes to illnesses, she is one of the children that is terrified of getting sick, aka: she has OCD. If another child sneezes or coughs without covering up, she has a panic attack. She carries a bottle of hand sanitizer everywhere with her and refuses to touch most things at the school because they are, “germ ridden.”
If she does get sick, all hell breaks lose. She does not have time for that nonsense, and she will constantly remind the child who she believed got her sick how much she loathes them. Her most used word each day is, “ewwww!” Additionally, she the child that believes in cooties.  
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Dabio: Ahhh, this one might sound mean, but it is not. He is the sweet child and the child who is in their own little world. He will likely have a lot of trouble focusing in class, he may not even respond to his own name, and he will need to have instructions repeated to him many times.
But this does not mean he is being a disobedient child or he is incapable of learning. Quite the contrary, he may take a bit longer to learn things, but when he does he will be so proud of himself. His face will light up, and when he masters a new skill he will always declare, “I did it!”
He will have the sweetest disposition about him. He will not throw fits or be defiant to the teachers: he will do his work to the best of his abilities and go about his days happily. He will hug his friends and teachers, and say sweet things like, “I love you,” “you are beautiful,” “I love apples, apples are yummy.” 
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Rex: The child who likes to build things. Rex builds things with Legos, blocks, paper, play dough, etc. He’s the visual learner: he has to see everything in order to learn. His teachers determine that the best way for him to learn his letters and numbers is by giving him manipulatives of the letters/numbers.
Rex is also the explorer: if he is on the playground and finds a new toy he learns how it works and how to use it before any of the other kids do. This is because he looks at and manipulates items until he learns how to use them.
Rex is the eager student who is always ready to learn something new, but he depends on his teachers to show him affection and encouragement, this fuels his desire to learn because he wants to please them.
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osomanga · 9 months
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ダグ先輩がとても人気なので定期的に 読み切り版では、ベスト着用、銃はリタと同じベレッタ、きく組だった、ちょっと髪色アッシュっぽかったダグ先輩挙げときますね! Because Doug-senpai is highly popular, so I often mention how in the pilot version(of Kindergarten Wars) Doug-senpai wears a vest, uses the same gun as Rita's Beretta, was in the Kiku class(instead of Rita's Tanpopo class), and had a small bit of an ash-like hair color!
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evening-special · 10 days
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clover-color · 24 days
I'm sorry but I want to see the scene where Chris gets punched by Adonis😭
Oh, you..haha
Ok!! (Chris looked confused, which made me feel even more sorry for her than before😭)
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When the teacher catches them
"Oh, it really hurts..."
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".....?" "🥹"
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I created him to be annoying, so if you hate him, that's perfectly fine with me🙏🥰
Hate him!
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writingwithciara · 3 months
Broken Bond ~Chris Sturniolo~
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summary: the stupid reason chris stopped talking to his best friend
pairing: chris sturniolo x reader
word count: 4.3k
notes: allusions to sexual content, nearly toxic chris, sweet baby matt
y/n and chris were inseparable from kindergarten all the way up to the summer between freshman and sophomore year. it was as if chris just decided he didn’t want to be in her life anymore. and that shocked everyone. but unfortunately for him, she was always going to be a permanent fixture in his life, whether he liked it or not because she was still close with nick and matt. they never felt the urge to get up and abandon her like he did.
but he believed he had a good reason.
the summer between 9th and 10th grade, chris noticed that y/n changed quite a bit. she had gone to florida to visit her grandma for a week and when she came back, her shorts were shorter and her shirts seemed to be tighter. every time chris saw her, he had an over abundance of unfamiliar thoughts. he didn’t like them so to cope with the change, he stopped talking to her altogether. he started going out of his way to make sure whenever she was at the house that he wouldn’t be.
and it broke her heart.
she spent the first week alone, afraid that matt and nick would also change their minds and leave her too. but on a cold rainy saturday morning, when matt showed up to her house with movies and snacks, she knew he wasn’t going anywhere. and for the rest of that summer, y/n spent all her free time with nick and matt, almost completely forgetting that chris even existed.
when the boys announced they were moving to la to move their career along, they invite y/n to come with them. she was supposed to go to school there anyway so she figured it would be easier for everyone. so they packed their bags and headed west.
when they got to town and the boys began their career, y/n found herself feeling alone again. especially when the boys had to leave to film a video. or when they went on tour. she joined them when she could but most of the fans were never happy with her presence, despite her blossoming career as a youtuber.
it was never matt or nick that made her feel alone though. they publicly defended her against the fans & spent whatever time they could with her. it was always chris who would make her feel unwanted. he just didn’t seem to care.
but he cared so much.
he could tell that basically abandoning her in sophomore year had really hurt her, both physically and emotionally, and he wanted to go back and change it all. but he couldn’t do anything about it now, nor could he get rid of the impure thoughts that littered his brain whenever she was around. she used to be his best friend and he shouldn’t have been feeling that way to begin with.
he couldn’t take back what he did in the past but he could try to make up for it in the present.
whenever he would see a fan comment something mean about her, he would send that person a message, completely defending y/n. but nobody ever knew about it.
so when the hate started to die down, chris felt like he did a good job. y/n was confused at first as to why she was getting fewer and fewer hate comments but brushed it off, happy they weren’t being mean to her anymore. it started taking a toll on her mental health. luckily for her, she still had matt. he helped her through her first everything and they were suddenly the inseparable ones. probably even more so than y/n and chris once were.
y/n was sitting in her room when nick called her. although she was confused, she picked up her phone and smiled. “why are you calling me when you live right upstairs?”
“y/n, i tested positive for covid so i'm stuck in quarantine until i'm better. and seeing as how you were just with me earlier today, i feel like you should get tested too, just in case.”
“oh okay.” y/n grabbed the text from her nightstand and sighed. she took the test and waited on the phone with nick. when it came back negative, she was relieved. she didn’t want to be stuck in her room all day every day. “i'm sorry you have it, nick. do they boys have it?”
“matt does but chris keeps testing negative.”
“so i can’t hang out with my 2 best friends but i'm gonna be stuck with chris? i would much rather have covid, honestly.”
“the week is going to fly by. i promise.” y/n smiled at her best friends optimism.
“i could always pretend i have it so i can avoid him.”
“that’s true.” nick chuckled. “but why would you do that?”
“i can’t be around him, nick.” y/n sighed.
“girl, it has been 6 years. it’s about time you bury your grudge.”
“i tried. but you can’t just get rid of several years of feeling every emotion. i loved him at one point and the fact that it was before he ditched me really hurts.”
“if it makes you feel any better, i could tell you why he ditched you, even if it is the most ridiculous reason ever.”
“you know?”
“not entirely. but i did read his journal entry from that date and although it lacked detail, it’s pretty obvious why he did it.”
“tell me.”
nick decided to describe the reason in as much detail as he could create. he painted a vivid picture for y/n but she didn’t seem to believe that was the reason chris stopped talking to her.
later that day, y/n was in the kitchen preparing a meal for the boys when chris decided he was hungry. he walked up the stairs and stopped at the top when he saw y/n at the stove. he could’ve turned around and headed back down to his room before she knew he was there but his stomach rumbled so he decided to walk to the fridge. y/n turned at the exact moment chris was reaching for the door, causing her to nearly slap him with the spatula she was holding.
neither of them said a word as they silently stared at each other. the tension was palpable and seeing y/n dressed in sweats with her hair up in a messy bun, caused chris to cough awkwardly. he shifted slightly as he tried to look anywhere but her face.
y/n was the first to break the silence. “what are you doing out of your room?”
“was hungry.” chris shrugged nonchalantly and opened the refrigerator. “need food too you know.”
“yeah but i figured you would’ve seen me and went back into your room, seeing as how that’s the way it’s been for 6 years.”
“my need for food was too strong.” chris turned but avoided her gaze. he looked down at the food in front of her. he went to grab some off the plate but she smacked his arm and pushed him away.
“this is for the 2 brothers who didn’t abandon me.” she looked at him.
“can you make me something too?”
“no.” she grabbed the plate and walked to matt’s room first. when she walked in, matt noticed she wasn’t wearing the mask she was supposed to.
“where’s your mask? i don’t want you to get sick too.”
“matt, i keep telling you that i don’t care. i'll be fine. and even if i do get sick, i know you’ll take care of me.”
“what makes you say that?” he asked, jokingly raising an eyebrow.
“okay fine. guess you don’t want this wonderful & delicious food i made you.” she picked up the plate and went to walk towards the door but matt’s whines stopped her.
“you know i'd take care of you. in sickness and in health.” he chuckled. y/n set the plate back on his desk and smiled.
“the way you’re talking sounds like we’re making a wedding vow.”
“that’s the deal, remember?” matt smirked, causing y/n to think back to their junior year of high school.
she had been in a relationship with a member of the lacrosse team for quite some time so when he abruptly dumped her with no explanation, she began to wonder if there was any hope for her. matt found her after a game and they had made the promise to marry each other if neither of them were in a serious relationship by the time they were 25.
“yeah i remember.” y/n smiled. “but i highly doubt that’s going to happen, matt.”
“and why do you say that?”
“because look at you. you’re…good looking and you have a great personality. plus, you’ve dated way more than i have. i think it’s safe to say that you’re more likely to be in a serious relationship at 25 years old than i am.”
“don’t sell yourself so short. you're good looking too, obviously. and you have the biggest heart out of anyone i know. your personality rocks and you’re going to find the right guy someday. gary just wasn’t the right one, of course.”
“you’re my favorite triplet, you know that right?”
“oh i am fully aware.” he chuckled and took a bite of the food she made. “don’t worry. i won’t tell nick.”
“i'm sure you will eventually.” y/n kissed his head and walked back to the kitchen. she ignored chris and took nick’s plate to his room. he was asleep so she left the plate on his nightstand and went back to the kitchen.
she had only been out of the room for 10 minutes and chris had somehow managed to make a huge mess.
“what the fuck are you doing, chris?”
“i'm trying to make myself some food since you won’t do it for me.” he rolled his eyes and focused back on the grilled cheese he was trying to make. or burn, y/n wasn’t sure what the endgame was.
“holy shit, you’re helpless.” y/n rolled her eyes and moved him out of the way. “go to your room and i'll call you up when it’s ready.”
“i don’t get room service?”
“don’t push your luck.” she pointed the spatula at him threateningly and smiled to herself as he retreated to his room in defeat. she began to cook his food and questioned why he was even talking to her, eventually chalking it up to the fact he was probably lonely without nick or matt.
when she finished cooking, she decided to bring it down to him. she knocked on the door and opened it slowly when she heard the faint ‘come in’. she set the plate down and was about to walk out when chris called out for her.
“wait, hold up.” he turned around in his chair and looked up at her. “thank you.”
“no problem.” she stood awkwardly as he stared at her. “can i go now? got a big mess to clean up.”
“yeah you can go. but, um, don’t worry about the mess. i did it so i'll clean it.”
“okay?” y/n was more confused now than she was earlier. she walked out of the room as chris resumed the game he was playing.
chris' eyes roamed the computer screen in front of him but his mind was running rampant with thoughts again.
“how am i supposed to get her out of my head?” he muttered to himself. he could hear nate laughing on the other end of the headset.
“still can’t believe you stopped being her friend just because she got boobs.”
“she got boobs and she got hot. all it took was one week.” chris sighed.
“and you’ve been in love with you since you were 8. in case you forgot, that was before she was hot. so why did her, um, development have to change the dynamic between you two?”
“i don’t know. it just did.” chris sighed frustratedly and looked down at his phone, suddenly coming with a way to get rid of the thoughts that wouldn’t leave. “i'm gonna go now. play later though, okay?” nate said his goodbyes before chris hung up. his attention turned to his phone. he picked it up and opened instagram. the first post he saw was a picture of y/n and he thought it was perfect. he took a screenshot and added it to his album filled with pictures of her through the years. chris swiped a few times until he settled on a picture of y/n that he always loved. he knew matt had taken it but he didn’t care. she was smiling and wearing an orange fresh love hoodie. it was right after he launched his brand and he gave them each a hoodie, purposely giving y/n the orange one, even thought it would drive him crazy.
and it was certainly driving him crazy. he hated that it didn’t take much for him to get excited but he also loved that it was only y/n that could do it for him.
y/n was watching netflix in the living room when she just happened to glance over at the kitchen. it was still a mess and she hadn’t seen chris in a few hours.
curiosity got the best of her and she found herself slowly approaching chris’ bedroom door. it was slightly ajar and she could see a faint light coming from the crack, along with some low music coming from his speaker. his voice could be heard but he was muttering something y/n couldn’t hear. she quietly pushed the door open a little more and her jaw nearly dropped at the sight before her.
chris was facing away from her but from the way his arm was moving, y/n knew what was going on. that didn’t bother her though. it was what he was getting himself off to that bothered her. there, right on his screen, was a picture of her. it took every ounce of self-control not to scream out loud or go over and berate him for using a picture of her.
she stood there, unable to move, and watched as chris finished himself off. he rolled onto his back with his eyes closed and y/n found herself finally able to make a run for it. too bad she suddenly lacked the coordination to do so and crashed into the wall. chris' shot open and he looked at y/n. she was trying to look anywhere other than him. he pulled the blanket up to cover himself and couldn’t find the words he needed to say.
“i just….i’m just gonna head out now.” y/n almost slipped as she stood up and rushed back up to the living room. there was no way she just witnessed that.
the week that followed was even more awkward than it had been before. y/n never went out of her own way to avoid chris before but how was she supposed to look him in the eye after what she saw?
when nick and matt both tested negative and were able to come out of their rooms, matt was the first to point out the tension in the air. nick brushed it off and told y/n she was going to be in their car video, giving her no time to argue as the 4 of them piled into the car.
matt took them to mcdonald’s to get food then drove them to an empty parking lot and they began to film. y/n wasn’t sure of what the topic was and the only thing she could focus on was chris.
“how are you guys feeling today?” chris asked, keeping his gaze on matt, fearing that if he looked to the backseat, y/n would disappear.
“i'm feeling fantastic actually.” nick threw a few fries into his mouth. “so glad i can actually taste things again.”
“yeah me too.” matt smiled and shoved some fries in his own mouth. “i'm also glad that you two didn’t kill each other or burn the house down while we were stuck in our rooms.”
“chris almost burned it down on the first day.” y/n stirred her mcflurry and looked at matt. “after i brought you your food that day, i returned to the kitchen and this kid was wither trying to consume a charred sandwich or was intentionally trying to burn the house down.”
“hey now.” chris spoke directly to y/n but caught himself and looked at matt. “she refused to cook me a meal.”
“i don’t blame her.” nick rolled his eyes and looked back at y/n. “but you should’ve known letting the kid in the kitchen unsupervised would result in a disaster.”
“did you end up making him food anyway?” matt chuckled.
“of course. couldn't let him attempt it again.” y/n attempted to joke and looked up to see chris looking at her through the rearview mirror. he looked away quickly. nick witnessed the awkward interaction and he shared a look with matt. matt stopped recording so they could address the tension in the car privately.
“what’s going on with you two? one minute, things are back to normal between you two & the next second, it’s like you guys were never friends at all.”
“yeah. what happened?”
“nothing happened.” y/n and chris said at the same time. nick shook his head, clearly not buying it.
“that’s fucking bullshit. the tension, as strong as it was before, has never been this intense. why is it so awkward? did someone see something they shouldn’t have?” nick chuckled and when they didn’t respond, his eyes widened. “wait, what?!”
“you’re joking, right?” matt glanced between them. “tell us.”
“i’d rather not. it was kind of embarrassing.” y/n looked out the window behind nick.
“so did chris see something?”
“no. y/n saw something.” chris sighed and looked back at y/n. “and i'm sorry.”
“it’s okay, chris.” y/n avoided eye contact and opted to look at matt.
“well, what did you see then?” nick questioned, getting more and more invested in the story.
“she caught me, um…..” chris glanced down at his lap, hoping his brothers would pick up on the hint. they did, immediately going crazy.
“what? no way!” matt couldn’t contain his laughter. nick on the other hand was too grossed out to even speak.
“told you it was embarrassing.” chris glanced out the window, hoping nobody would bring up what he was using to satisfy himself and thanking y/n for not mentioning it.
the rest of the video went by rather smoothly after the revelation. when they got back to the house, y/n and chris were in the kitchen while the other 2 went to shower. chris was focused on his phone and y/n was finally ready to ask why.
“i know it’s a week late but i was just wondering-“
“no, i'm not going to tell you why it was your picture. i don’t need you to hate me anymore than you already do.” chris sighed, not even taking his view off the phone as he answered the question she never finished.
“chris, i don’t hate you. and as much as i have tried to do it in the past, i just can’t. you may hate me but we’re clearly going to be in each other’s lives forever, whether or not we want to  be. so maybe we should just start at the beginning.”
“i don’t hate you, y/n. that’s the fucking problem.” chris set his phone down and finally looked up at her. she was scared of the sudden aggressiveness in his tone.
“then why the fuck did you stop talking to me before sophomore year?!”
before chris could answer, matt came out of his bathroom. his hair was still damp and he was attempting to dry it with a towel. he looked up and could feel the tension again. “what just happened?”
“nothing.” chris picked up his phone and went down to his room, slightly slamming the door.
matt just turned to y/n with an apologetic look. “i'm sorry.”
“not your fault.” she sighed and walked over to him. “let’s just go to your room.”
matt didn’t argue with her as they both climbed into the bed, passing out shortly after.
chris was not as lucky. he stayed awake for most of the night, trying to come up with a valid explanation for the picture.
when he finally managed to get to sleep, he was woken up by a soft knock on his door frame. he looked up to see y/n standing in the shadows. he sat up straight and looked towards her.
“we need to talk, chris. so please don’t brush this whole thing off. i'm being serious. don't change the topic when you know i want a clear answer. got it?”
as rare it was, chris loved it when y/n would get a little bossy. thankfully, it was dark and the blanket was hiding everything from view. “okay.”
“first, i need to know why you ditched me that summer. then i need to know why it was my picture you were jerking off to. and please don’t lie to me, chris. i know your tell.”
“if you know my tell, then how come you couldn’t figure out that i have never once had a bit of hatred towards you in my life? how come you didn’t figure out anything from the past? i don’t think you know what my tell is.”
“fine. i don’t. but i want to know the reason you dropped me like i meant absolutely nothing to you. are you gonna tell me or am i just going to have to go tell matt what you were using when i caught you?”
“fine. i'll tell you. just please don’t tell him. he’ll kick my ass for being a ‘pervert’ and i would rather that not happen.” chris shifted himself on the bed as y/n walked closer. she was wearing matt’s blue fresh love t-shirt and her legs were bare but chris knew she had shorts underneath. “the reason i stopped talking to you that summer was because when you came back from florida, you changed.”
“changed how? my tastes and personality were exactly the same.”
“no. i mean, um…” he hovered his hands over his chest and gestured them outwards. y/n quirked  an eyebrow before catching on.
“oh.” she looked down at her feet. “that’s the stupidest excuse i have ever heard.”
“i had to stay away from you as much as possible because when you came around, my mind was fully clouded with very impure thoughts and i didn’t want to keep them. plus, i didn’t want to be around when all the guys came out of the woodwork to ask you on a date. i figured with distance and time, i could stop myself from wanting to kick the crap out of every guy that suddenly decided you were interesting, just because you had boobs.”
“and then gary, the only guy i ever truly felt jealous of, asked you out and you guys dated for a while. i hated that so much. he didn’t treat you how you deserved.”
“oh, and you did?” y/n felt angry at this revelation. “you don’t get to stand there and tell me how i deserve to be treated when you didn’t treat me any better than those guys did. it's complete bullshit, chris.”
“i was a stupid teenager all jacked up on hormones. i didn’t know how else to deal with the feelings that were bubbling up inside.”
“that’s still no excuse, chris. do you have any idea how many nights i cried myself to sleep after, thinking i just wasn’t ever going to be good enough to be your friend? every fucking night, chris!” y/n tried to keep her voice down but she kept getting angrier. chris pulled her into his room and shut the door.
“will you keep it down? you're gonna wake matt.” chris let go of her shoulders and sat back on his bed as y/n began to pace.
“the way you’ve been treating me for 6 years is not fair. do you know how hard it was to get over you? it seriously fucked with my mental health.” y/n paused and looked over at chris. “so, were my boobs the only reason you stopped talking to me?”
“yeah. well that, and the fact that i had a terrible crush on you since we were 8. you should know that i'm not the best at expressing how i feel. i do stupid stuff all the time. for instance, i have an entire album on my phone filled with pictures of you and since i'm being honest, i use them sometimes.”
“for what?”
“seriously?” he looked up at her and noticed she was standing at the end of the bed. he could see the look of realization flash through her eyes.
“oh. right. that thing.” y/n shifted on her feet before sitting on the end of the bed, facing chris. “so why did you use my picture? why not use one of the other girls you find attractive?”
“i literally don’t find any other girl attractive.” he looked away from her and missed the look she shot him. he only looked up when he felt the mattress move beneath him. when he finally looked back at her, she was sitting in front of him.
“you’re lying.” she looked into his eyes and held the eye contact as he swallowed nervously
“no i'm really not.” he shook his head and his eyes flicked down to her lips. “you’ve always been the only attractive girl i know. and i'm sorry i could never find the proper way to tell you.”
“well you’re telling me now.” she looked at him. “the next time you need to ‘take care of yourself’ please come find me. i would be more than happy to help.” y/n climbed off the bed and made her way back to the door. “good night, chris.”
she walked out of the room, leaving chris no opportunity to beg for her help.
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @carolinalikesthings @fearfam69691
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 2 months
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Violent Love
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Synopsis: Matt and you have been friends since kindergarten, but when his youtube career flew off, so did he. He moved to LA with his brothers, and when he came back to Boston for a visit, it doesn’t end in the most pleasant way.
Warnings: Foul language, Stalking, Murder, Phsyco!Matt
This story is NOT for the faint of heart. Its also really fucking long. like REALLY long.
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“Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
You were comforting and quiet
How did love become so violent?
Oh, teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me”
As you laid down alone in bed, you heard a faint knock on your door. You automatically assumed it was Matt, your childhood best friend.
Best friend. He was like a very overprotective big brother to you. When you had issues with people, Matt had no issue starting a physical fight. Unlike how most people would just say, ‘talk it out’ or even have a talk with them, Matt would immediately start a fight. He’d beat the shit out of them, until they were sobbing and rapidly apologizing.
You hated that Matt did this, but it also gave you a sense of security. Protection.
He always held you close to him as you two cuddled in his bed, watching whatever movie you wanted, while scarfing down popcorn. Matt was everything you needed.
He was there for you, and he always had been. Until he wasn’t.
He had a youtube career, with his brothers, Chris and Nick. You loved them, too, but not nearly as much as Matt. You were more than overjoyed when the boys’ youtube career took off, but the three decided it would be best to move to L.A. Simply because there were ‘more influencers’ there, making ‘easier content’.
Matt tried to get you to come with, even offering you a room in their house, but you declined. You were of course sad to see him leave, but you always felt you were holding him back. You would miss him, but you felt it was best. Besides, he said he’d take trips back to Boston often to visit you.
The longer you two stayed apart, the more you slightly drifted apart. You still talked, but you didn’t feel as close as you used to. So, when Matt told you he’d be coming back to Boston, you immediately invited him over.
And now he was here.
You threw yourself out of bed, quickly making your way to the door of your empty home, opening it quickly to see Matt standing there alone, a bouquet of roses in hand.
“Matt! I missed you so much! I haven’t seen you in forever!” You gasped, throwing yourself into his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist, forcing him to catch you and hold you.
“I missed you too, Y/N,” He shook his head and chuckled, before slowly setting you down. “Here.. I got you these,” He says slowly, handing you the roses that were held tightly in his hand.
“Awe, Matt, you didn’t have to,” You gushed.
“I know, I just missed you so much.” He shook his head, and you backed up, allowing him a clear entrance to your house. You nodded, and he let himself inside.
“Nice house,” He smiled, as you followed him inside.
“Yeah.. It’s okay. Kinda out in the middle of nowhere though.” You shrugged, and he nodded. “Come to my room! We can watch a movie and talk. Like old times!” You suggested, and he nodded.
He followed you closely as you zoomed down the halls, eventually making it to your room.
“Sorry its messy,” You apologized, and Matt scoffed.
“Y/N, we literally made messes in each others rooms when we were younger what are you on?” He gently shoved you out of the way, throwing himself on your bed.
“C’mere,” He waved you over, holding his arms open for you, and you quickly threw yourself into him.
Just like old times.
You wrapped tightly around him, as his arms snaked around your waist.
“If you squeeze any tighter my eyes might pop out of my head,” Matt laughed, and you loosened your grip.
“Sorry, I just missed you soooo much!” You giggled, and Matt placed a kiss on your forehead, causing you to shoot up.
“I totally forgot to tell you, but I got a boyfriend!” You smiled brightly.
You got a boyfriend about two months after Matt left. Your boyfriend cared for you, of course, but not as much as Matt did.
Matt’s eyebrows furrowed, and he slowly sat up, and you tilted your head.
“I.. Um… I gotta go- I told my mom i’d be home for dinner,” He abruptly stood up, and you felt slightly hurt. Why was he being so… rude?
Yeah, sure, Matt was usually like this, but not to you or your family. Ever. He loves all of his family very dearly, and wouldn’t do anything they don’t want. Or deserve. Or need.
“Oh.. Okay. Text me later tonight, so we can make plans. Okay?” You asked, and Matt just nodded, before slipping into the hallway.
Later comes, and yet no text from Matt. You decided it was best to call him, and he quickly answered, but before you could speak, he did.
“What’s your boyfriends name?” He asked through the phone speaker.
“Um.. Kyle..? Kyle Spencer, why?” You reply, and you hear him sigh.
“I know him, Y/N. He was on my highschool hockey team. He’s bad news,” Matt was disappointed. You could tell.
“Matt.. You don’t know him like I do.. Trust me on this one. Please?” You pleaded, but Matt just hung up.
He never hangs up on you? Nevertheless when you were in the midst of a conversation. You stared at the phone with his contact showing, confused as you read the big bold letters saying ‘Call Ended.’
You debated on calling him again, and decided too. He was acting weird. You laid silently, awaiting to hear his sweet voice, but to no avail, you hear a loud beep, and his voicemail.
You let out a frustrated groan, before sitting up and calling one of his brothers. Due to alphabetical order, Chris’ contact was the first one you saw. The phone rang, but unlike his brother, Chris answered.
“Hey, Y/N! What’s up?” Chris chimes through the phone, his voice loud and cheerful.
“Hey, Chris! Is Matt around you?” You asked curiously, but the boy hummed.
“Umm, no.. He just left, actually. Sorry. Did you have plans with him?” Chris replied, and you let out an annoyed sigh. Who was Matt so adamant about meeting up with?
“No, not really. I’m just bored, I was gonna ask him to come over but he wont answer his damn phone.” You growl, causing Chris to chuckle.
“Me and Nick can come over if ya want, we don’t have any plans,” Chris offered, and you smiled at the thought of seeing them again.
“Yeah! I’d love that. I’ll send you my address.” You beamed with joy, and Chris hummed again.
“Cya soon!” He spoke before hanging up.
At least you wouldn’t have to be alone tonight.
Around twenty minutes later, you hear a knock on your door, and since it must be Nick and Chris, you practically throw yourself out of bed.
You rush down the hall, and throw the front door of the house open, and saw two of the same faced people standing aimlessly at your door.
“Y/N!” They both exclaimed, as you quickly pulled both of them into a hug. The three of you greeted each other, before you pulled them into your house, leading them to your living room.
They both plopped down on your couch, and you tossed the remote in-between them.
“Put on something to watch, I’m gonna go make some popcorn,” You told them and they both nodded. You heard them quietly speaking to each other as you rummaged through your cabinets, searching for some popcorn.
You finally found a bag, and tossed it in the microwave. As you waited for the popcorn to be done, you pulled your phone out of your pocket, and saw many messages and missed calls from Matt.
Odd. He just hung up on you a while ago, and left your house on a excuse, but now he wants to talk? You decided to open the messages anyways, if he wanted to be a dick you could just simply leave him on read, and thats exactly what you were going to do.
The messages read, ‘sorry i was really busy with something my dad needed help after dinner, can i come over?’ five minutes after that one, he sent another one. ‘hey? y/n im sorry i didnt mean to leave like that.’ Another five minutes passed. ‘Y/n. i know youre getting my messages please at least reply with a no or smt.’ You sighed, and slid your phone back into your pocket, not bothering to reply.
You carefully grabbed the hot bag of popcorn out of the microwave, and headed back to Nick and Chris. The two had turned on Edward Scissorhands, your favorite movie to watch together. You gasped, as you rushed over to the boys sitting comfortably on your couch.
You threw yourself against Chris, as you had done to Matt earlier, and Chris had quickly pulled you into him and adjusted himself, just as Matt had done hours before.
You couldn’t deny, you terribly missed Matt and did want him to come back, but you didn’t want any trouble. He was already acting off today, maybe he just needed rest. If you ignored him, maybe he’d give up and sleep.
You cuddled into Chris, as all three of you shoved popcorn down your throats and payed close attention to the movie. You missed doing this when you were younger.
You missed Matt.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket again, and saw more messages from Matt.
‘Y/n. Is he over? is that why youre ignoring me? i told you hes an asshole. he doesnt deserve you. hes just a whore that wants in your pants. youre better than that.’ You scoffed as you read the message. Who does Matt think he is? Sure, he may be your best friend, but he’s in no place to call your boyfriend a whore? ‘im sorry i took it too far. can i come over please. ill make it up to you, ill cuddle with you and rub your back, we can go sit on the roof and watch the stars like we used to. please.’
That one hit hard. You missed stargazing with Matt so bad. Neither of you knew anything about stars, but thats what made it ten times better. Using your imagination as you laid your head on his warm chest. One of his arms draped around your waist, his other arm holding your hand. You missed it so much.
‘Im busy’ you typed out, and quickly sent, pushing your phone back into your pocket, not wanting to be tempted by his reply.
You felt bad for being so petty to your best friend, but you didn’t want to ‘interrupt’ him. You felt your phone buzz a few times in your pocket, and you felt Chris’ eyes on you.
“Y/N, just answer your phone.” He chuckled, and you sighed. If only it was that easy.
“Has Matt been acting odd, recently?” You questioned, as you slipped your phone out of your pocket.
“Hm.. No. Why?” Chris replied, and you sighed.
“After I told him I.. have a boyfriend, today, he just got up and left. I called him later, he asked for his name and then he just hung up. He didn’t answer any of my other calls, but now he’s spamming me and apologizing.” You grumbled, as you read the messages.
‘Y/N, ill come over regardless i have ur address’ Now this was just getting weird. He was always sweet and caring, not forceful. ‘Y/N, cmon. im sorry. please let me come over. ill make it up to you.’ You contemplated on how to reply, before you just held your phone up to Chris.
“See? How am I supposed to reply to this?” You ask annoyed, and Chris just snatched the phone from your hands.
You didn’t reach to take it back, you trusted him. He lifted the phone at an odd angle, before snapping a picture.
His fingers tapped gently on the screen, before he handed the phone back to you, giving his full attention to the movie.
As you examine the screen, you saw the picture he took, with you wrapped around Chris, had a caption, ‘She said shes busy.’ Chris could be petty too, sometimes. Not that you minded, of course.
Matt quickly began typing, before his message popped up on the screen, below ‘yours’. ‘What the fuck, chris?? fuck this, fuck you guys.’ You read. You didn’t mind. You felt bad, but he just needed time to debrief, you thought. This will all blow over tomorrow, and you guys can hangout and stargaze, like Matt had offered earlier.
You slid your phone back in your pocket, pulling your attention to the movie, that was now almost over. Nick and Chris now started brainstorming the second movie to watch tonight, and you giggled at the two’s bickering.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, before you pulled it out. You saw your boyfriends contact flash across the screen, and your eyebrows furrowed. You didn’t mind that he was calling you, but he said he wouldn’t bother you much, knowing you’ll have people over. He usually sticks to this.
You slowly stood up, and held up your index finger at the two boys as you accepted the call, indicating you’d be back in a moment. You walked off down the hall, as you pulled your phone up to your ear.
“Hey, baby!” You spoke loudly; making sure he could hear.
No reply. Nothing at all. No background noise, no voices, no reply. Maybe something had gone wrong with one of their phones?
“Baby?” You called again, and this time you heard something. Something unusual. As you turned your volume up, and held the phone speaker closer to your ear, you heard a ragged breathing.
Nothing you’d say was.. bad, more like someone just took a mile run and was trying to catch their breath. But no words.
“Um.. Hello?” You paused, but the breathing didn’t stop. “Kyle? Are you there?” No reply. You now began to worry. Kyle hadn’t done anything like this before. He was a very respectful guy. He knew something like this would scare you and push your boundaries.
You crept back into the living room, with Nick and Chris. You put the phone on speaker, and grabbed your remote, muting the T.V. Both boys understood, as they intently listened to the phone. The breathing only continued for about fifteen more seconds, before you heard the loud sound of the dial tone, making you slightly jump.
“Did you guys hear that?” You ask, and they both nod.
“Yeah, the weird ass fuckin’ breathing? Yeah I heard it. Whoever the fuck breathing that loud might need an inhaler,” Nick joked, but your facial expression stayed the same. Worried. Scared, even.
“Nick, this isn’t funny..” You sigh worriedly, before tossing your phone onto the couch.
“Sorry, sorry.. What even was that about?” Nick asked, and you shook your head.
“I.. I don’t even know. It was Kyle, my boyfriend. He told me he wouldn’t call, since he knew I had friends over, unless it was urgent. He called, I answered, but he didn’t say anything.. All I could hear was that breathing..” You groan as you sit back down on the couch, next to Chris. “He’s probably fine.. I’m just overreacting. Did you guys pick a movie?” You asked, trying to advert your mind from the topic.
“Yeah, if Spongebob is okay,” Chris giggled, and you nodded. As Nick looked for the movie, you so badly wanted to pull out your phone, make sure your boyfriend was okay, and tell Matt to come over, but you knew you should refrain.
You didn’t want to be too pushy. You had already been told by people that you worry too much, and you figured they were right. Plus, it’s not like Matt would do anything.
The further you got into the movie, you felt more and more unease, which is the complete opposite of what you wanted to happen. The compete opposite of what was supposed to happen.
You began to feel paranoid, feeling like someone was watching you. You kept pushing it off as Chris or Nick, but maybe you shouldn’t have. Maybe you should’ve paid more attention to who was watching you.
You finally finished the movie, your mind still racing with nerve-racking thoughts. What if your boyfriend was hurt? What if Matt was hurt? What if Matt wasn’t going to forgive you? What if.. No. Enough with the what if’s.
“I think i’m gonna go to sleep, now. You guys should stay. I don’t want you going home this late.. You recently got your license and its pitch black outside. You’d probably hit a deer.” You joked, but both boys agreed. Nick called the couch, and Chris called the spare bedroom, knowing Nick would end up sleeping in the spare room anyways.
You headed to your room, and started feeling slightly better. Slightly less like someone was watching your every move. Maybe it was just Nick or Chris, and since they weren’t around now, the feeling wasn’t either.
You quickly changed into your pajamas, just a black cropped top, and red and black plaid pj pants. You threw your hair into a messy bun, before flopping down on your comfortable bed.
You picked up your phone, and saw there were no missed calls or texts. Maybe everything was fine. Maybe you were just overreacting. Or possibly, you weren’t.
You pulled up your texts with Matt, and typed out a smaller message to send him.
‘hey. im sorry if i was being petty earlier, you were just kinda making me upset, yk? id love to hangout sometime tmrw if your not busy? i do miss you matt.’ You meant it all, so you sent it. You’d hope he’d forgive you and move on, even if there wasn’t much to forgive.
You laid in your bed, complete silence filling the air around you, allowing you to fall deep into thought. Perhaps too deep.
You awoke to a loud ringing from your phone, which was laying next to your head. You yawned, before reaching over to grab it and read it, only to find out it was Kyle, who was once again calling you.
It was three in the morning. Kyle had a very strict sleep schedule, he was asleep by now. You quickly answered, no doubt in your mind now that something was wrong.
The same thing that happened the first time happened. Just the same heavy breathing, but no speaking. No speaking at all.
You hung up this time, and you remembered you have Kyle’s location on your phone. You didn’t have it because you ‘didn’t trust him’, it was just a fun Life 360 group of him, you, and some of your other friends.
When the screen finally loaded, you squinted at the sight. Why was he here? At your house? At three in the fucking morning.
Your heart began to beat faster, and you wanted to cry. What was going on? Matt acting weird, Kyle.. heavy breathing, harsh paranoia, and now your boyfriend in your house, and three fucking A.M, with no explanation?
You wanted to go look for him, or at least warn Chris and Nick. Well, not warn. Warn was a stretch, there was nothing to be afraid of. So, why were you so scared? As much as you wanted to get up, your body wouldn’t let yourself.
You felt trapped to your bed, as if it was a pit of quicksand. You realized that you have your phone on you. You could call 911, but whats the use? They’re going to show up, check the house, find nothing, and everyone thinks you’re crazy.
You could at least text Chris and Nick, though, and just prey they have their phones on silent. Why were you so scared of your own boyfriend? He’s never done anything to frighten you or harm you, so you weren’t sure why you were this on edge.
You reached for your phone, before you heard a small shuffle by your door, and your heart dropped. Someone was inside. Someone was inside your home.
You froze, you couldn’t move. You began to shake slightly, your throat going dry immediately. Another decision hit you.
Do you stay quiet, or do you call out? Regardless; whoever it was had Kyle’s phone, and they were in your house. This was targeted, and they knew you were there. This was all planned out.
“Kyle?” You called out, your voice just slightly above a mere whisper. Your doorknob turned; and your heartbeat went from extremely slow, to one-hundred miles per hour. You felt your throat tighten, and your eyes begin to fill with water. Fuck, you can’t break down now. Not now, out of all times.
“My love, there’s no need to be scared. I’m here. I’ll protect you.” Matt.
You could tell from his fucking voice. It was Matthew.
“Matt, oh my fucking god. That wasn’t funny. I almost fucking cried..” You began to trail off at the end of your sentence, as Matt came into view. His blood stained shirt and bloody hands, the rips in his shirt and pants.
Your thoughts immediately went to Kyle. Where the fuck was Kyle, and what the fuck happened with Matt.
“M-Matt, this isn’t funny. This isn’t fucking funny.. Jokes over. Matt, stop. You’re scaring me,” You stutter, as the boy began to inch closer to you, now leaning over you.
“Mh.. Well, I love you. You know that. But you loved him.. There was no other way I could win you, was there? No.. I don’t think so, either. I did the only option. Get rid of all of my opponents. And now look at me. Look at us. Alone, together. No more Kyle, just us. Yeah?” He asked sultry; pulling a bloody knife out of his waistband, dragging it softly against your neck.
Your breath was lodged in your throat, and you couldn’t breathe. What do you do in a moment like this? You can’t run, hide, call the cops, you can’t do anything. You’re helpless, and Matt knows this.
“M-Matt- please, please don’t- don’t hurt me,” You plea, tears begin streaming down your face, as you fight back your sobs.
“Well, You’d like that, wouldn’t you? I would’ve liked the same fucking respect I gave you, goddamnit. I gave you all my fucking love. All my time, care, everything. I gave you fucking everything. And all I get in return? Nothing. Fucking nothing. You had so much to offer.. Such a shame it has to go to waste like this, isn’t it?” He pressed harder, the knife threatening to cut through skin.
Just the smallest movement, and you’d be gone.
“Tell me how the stars are up there.” Matt speaks, a single tear rolls down his cheek, as he quickly rips his arm sideways, slicing the knife.
And just like that, love can turn to violence.
“I threw you out, I didn't outgrow you
I just didn't know you
But now you're back
And it's so terrifying how you paralyze me
Now you're showing up inside my home
Breathing deep into the phone
I'm so unprepared, I'm fucking scared.”
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@bernardenjoyer @lovely-calypso
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cindylcuwho · 30 days
stepdad!chris hcs next?no rushobvi i love ur work and the stepdad!matt ones were amazinggg
“ stepdad! chris headcanons ★ “
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— ꒰ 🍒 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒 ꒱ headcanons of chris as a stepdad (son)
— ꒰ 🐁 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 ꒱ no warning, pure fluff! the kids name is aiden cus i needed a name 😭😭😭
— ꒰ 🗯️ 𝗆𝖺𝖽𝖽𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾 ꒱ here i’m done
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chris with a little kid (3-5ish)
— let’s start this off with there was no hiding your son from chris.
— chris just wanted to check the time and when he clicked your phone on, a pic of the little baby clinging to your chest with a goofy smile was staring back at him.
— he didn’t want to intrude but the questions consumed him until asking who the kid was, was all he wanted to do. “have you seen my toothbr–“ “do you have a kid or does you dad still have game?”
— when night came and the triplets dropped you off at your apartment, chris kissed you goodbye .. and then you didn’t hear from him for a straight week.
— you were used to guys running off after discovering you had a child, many didn’t want the responsibility so you couldn’t really be upset. but chris was truly the sweetest you’ve been with so when he didn’t answer his phone all you wanted to do was stay in bed and cry.
— but you couldn’t. you had work, and you had another person that needed caring. so fuck heartbreak, you didn’t need a man, you created the best one (in a non weird boy-mom way)
— chris did eventually show up at your door, and when he did it was the first time he’s ever been that serious about something. nick and matt definitely took part in yelling talking some sense into him.
— he even stayed the night, keeping a hand wrapped around you waist as you cuddled, pulling you closer whilst whispering sweet nothings and apologizing for being a jackass the whole week.
— chris woke up to the kid jumping on him. as soon as he let out a laugh from the hyperness and a “woah! hey there lil’ guy” aiden stopped and stared at him with wide eyes in awe until you finally woke up.
— you and chris were more careful since that morning, just incase you two did break things off after a couple months you didn’t want to expose your own son to that, chris was kind of upset but still respected your motherly wishes.
— a little over a year later chris was over frequently but not fully moved in. aiden was yet to be used to not being the only man in the house, which only made chris laugh anytime he’d blubber out some nonsense on how your only his mommy.
— but when he finally began thinking for himself, aiden quickly became a mini chris. in his eyes, chris was the coolest person he knew, listened to the coolest music, dressed the coolest, talked the coolest, everything.
— chris was scared shitless when you called asking if he could somehow pick aiden up from kindergarten whilst you go to a job interview. he had never been left alone with a little kid for more than five minutes, and wasn’t sure if the teacher would let the little guy leave with him, but he still said yes - not wanting to disappoint you.
— aiden was starstruck when he looked up from where he was sitting to see chris walking closer. he ran over and hugged his leg, and it’s a surprise he even let go.
— chris did anything aiden wanted to do while taking care of him, even demolishing old lego sets so he could re-build them with the help of his new little buddy.
— they colored, sipped juice boxes while watching spongebob, and even played with the cool dino toys you had gotten him.
— aiden wasn’t stupid, he knew chris wasn’t his dad and he was alright with it. the problem was when word got around that you met somebody that it not only spread across the parents, but to the kids in his class.
— all he wanted to do was play with his friends on the playground, but another little boy decided to wreck the fun and make fun of aiden for having a ‘fake dad’ ‘cus his actual one didn’t want him.
— your voice rang through his little mind as he took the words in, you always said violence would never solve anything, but when another kid decided to tease and say “my dad said he’s gonna leave just like your other one ‘cause your moms the worst.” all hell broke loose.
— aiden managed to land in the principals office, crying tears as he waited for you to show up for the parents meeting. the look on your face only made it worse, he didn’t want to upset his mom but he knew what the other kids were saying was bad.
— on the brighter side, you brought chris along with you, who had brought him a little snack to help calm him down.
— throughout the meeting chris kept giving snarky glances the fathers way. chris is knowingly on the less mature side, but hearing that not only did someone have the audacity to insult his woman, a very hard working and loving woman, they had even more audacity to do it during a dinner where his kid was bound to here it.
— the more the dad tried to explain what he meant the more chris wanted to jump up and fight him himself, but he knew to keep quiet. he’d hate himself for being the reason anybody thinks aidens lash out was because thats what goes on at home.
— the car ride home was more pleasant than aiden thought. he thought he was getting a sturn talking to, maybe even a timeout, but instead he got a happy meal and got to build more lego sets with chris.
— chris was totally taken aback when aiden began calling him dad. it was all so random too, he had simply asked for a popsicle and when received he said “thank you dad!” and continued casually playing games on your phone.
— he walked away before walking back like “???”, he was used to ‘cool guy’ and ‘chris!’ definitely not dad. he stared at the back of his little head before walking back to his original position- thinking it was just an accident.
— but then the accident happened again.. and then again.. and then within a month chris proudly wore a “father of the year” with gru on the front that matt bought him as a joke.
— he loved having little family moments with you two, and loved that he was considered part of the family. chris never saw himself as a dad, like psychically couldn’t and thought he’d always be too immature, but there he was at every single thing aiden wanted to participate in, and cheering the loudest.
— chris broke down crying when aiden came home showing off his drawn family picture. you were on the left, and there chris was on the right, with little stick drawings of nick, matt, and justin in the background.
— chris got it printed and made sure everybody hung it on their fridge, but kept the original on a wall in your room alongside the many more drawings aiden would bring home.
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— ꒰ 🗯️ 𝗆𝖺𝖽𝖽𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾 part two ꒱ i don’t like the end but i couldn’t think of a conclusion lmao
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sturnsbabie · 14 days
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pairing: matt x reader
summary: a look into what caused reader to grow hatred for matt. what will happen when matt drags her out of a party?
warnings: swearing,partying,asshole!matt,arguing,fingering,p in v.
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it all started when matt and y/n was kids. they used to be so close back in kindergarten up until the fourth grade. her matt nick and chris were all inseparable together.
that was until y/n developed a crush on matt when she was in second grade and it lasted all the way til fourth grade.
fourth grade came around and there was girl that was y/n’s bestfriend her name was kenzie. well her so called bestfriend she thought until she took matt from her and humiliated her in front of the whole fourth grade at recess.
that was what made y/n develop hatred for matt. he knew the girl liked him and he had said he liked her too yet he let the girl get humiliated in front of the whole fourth grade.
after they were eachothers first kisses in matts backyard while they were playing hide and seek with his brothers.
they both still remember this memory to this day. it was a fall evening and the four kids were scattered around the woods by matts house.
y/n had pulled matt behind a tree as they were hiding from his brothers. “matty!can you be my first kiss” the girl asked
matt got flustered and looked at the girl. “y-yes” he said as the girl was also flustered.
matt pressed his lips against hers as they kissed for a split second before chris found the two.
“nick! guess who i just caught kissing!” chris shouted as nick was coming over to the three.
matt and the girl both pulled away acting like nothing happened.
“n-nothing happened!!” the two both said.
matt often found himself thinking about that memory to this day. he regretted hurting her to the point she started to hate him.
he remembers the way tears streamed down her face as she ran off the playground as fast as she could as nick chased after the girl chris following them.
matt hated that he never took up for the girl and did something to stop what had happened. he grew hatred for the girl over the years because of the hatred she has for him.
now present day, matt and y/n are constantly around eachother because of the fact she always hangs out with chris and nick. this causes y/n and matt to bicker and argue back in forth which nick always gets frustrated and tells them to shut the fuck up.
nick and chris tries everything they can to get y/n and matt to not hate eachother anymore but nothing will work.
y/n often finds her thinking about matt more then she should. she thinks about him everyday no matter what she is doing. she hates it because she’s supposed to hate him.
the girl was currently getting ready with nick to head to a party with chris and matt. the four would sometimes go to parties but not often.
“you look so pretty!” nick said as he looked at the girls outfit.she had on a black mini dress and a bit of makeup on.
“thank you nick! you look good too!” i said softly.
“nick!y/n!hurry up!” matt shouted at the two.
“matt shut the fuck up we will be ready in a second!” i yelled at matt.
“you can find your own ride y/n!” matt fought back
i rolled my eyes as nick shouted at matt. “shut the fuck up matt! just get along already!” he said.
i grabbed my phone and we headed to the car. nick and i got into the backseat as i felt a pair of eyes on me thru the rearview mirror.
why the fuck was matt staring at me. i shrugged it off as chris and i were in a conversation the whole time matt was driving us to the party.
once we got into the party we all went our separate ways.nick and i went to the kitchen together to grab a drink.
as the night went on nick went to go conversate with other people he knew as i found myself dancing in the living room.
suddenly this guy comes up behind me grabbing my hips as i was dancing. i felt a familiar pair of eyes on me once again watching me from afar. fucking matt again.
i dont know what the fuck his deal was tonight but he was really pissing me off. i ignored it as i started to move my hips on the guy.
matt had watched the girl dance on the guy long enough that he didnt realize he was clenching his jaw or the fact that he felt a form of jealousy.
as the guy pulled me around to face him going to grab my cheek i suddenly felt a pair of hands grab me pulling me away from him.
he decided that he had enough and he went over to the girl and pulled her off of the guy before he could kiss her.
it was matt once again. “we’re fucking leaving.” he said as he had this weird look on his face. a look ive never seen from him before.
“what the fuck matt!” i said as i was fed up with whatever he was doing this for.
“we’re talking in the fucking car.” matt said as we walked to the car.
we both got in the front of the car and i turned to look at him as he looked at me.
“why the fuck did you do that for matt!” i shouted
“because i didnt want you to do anything you would regret!” he shouted back
“since when do you give a fuck about what i do matt! newsflash you havent been there for me since that fucking day in fourth grade so i dont except you to be here for me now.” i felt myself looking at matt taking in all of his features.
“i dont i was just being fucking nice for once!” he said as his jaw was clenched.
fuck he looked so good rightnow.i didnt know what had gotten into me but the fact that he was clenching his jaw had made my core start to grow wet.
“well i dont fucking need you too matt! whats up with you tonight i saw you watch me at the fucking party for what!? because you wanted to ruin my fu-” i was cut off as i suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine kissing me.
i was in shock as i felt matt kissing me but i instantly kissed him back.
the kiss was filled with lust and hunger as he deepened the kiss. i felt him pull me into his lap not breaking the kiss as he gripped my thighs sneaking his hand closer to my core as the kiss grew heated.
matt slipped his tounge into my mouth as he started to rub circles against my clothed clit. i started to whimper into his mouth as i felt him slide his hand into my panties rubbing my clit at a fast pace.
he pulled away from the kiss making eye contact with me as he was rubbing my clit harshly making me become a moaning mess.
“so wet for me even though you claim that you hate me.”matt chuckled.
i felt my orgasm reaching as he slipped two fingers inside me pumping them at a fast pace as he kept his eyes on mine.
“g-gonna cum”i moaned out.
“go ahead cum around my fingers baby.” matt said as he pressed a few kisses to my neck.
with that i felt myself clenching around his fingers as i came on his fingers.
matt pulled them out of me as he reached them up to his mouth licking them clean. “taste so good.” matt said.
“how about you let me bend you over the back seat and fuck you yeah?” he said and i nodded in response.
we both climbed into the backseat and matt slipped his shirt off the sametime i slipped my dress off.
matt kissed me a few times as he kissed down my neck leaving a few little marks before bending me over in the backseat.
he then slid his pants down then pulled my panties down as he brushed his tip against my folds before sliding into me.
he slid into me letting adjust to his size before thrusting into me. i couldn’t believe that i was fucking matt rightnow.
matt gripped my hips and started to pound into me which caused me to let out a loud string of moans as i gripped onto the backseat til my knuckles turned white.
“so fucking good.” matt groaned slapping my ass.
“shake your ass baby wanna watch you fuck yourself on my cock.” he said.
with that i started to bounce myself on his cock making my ass jiggle while i was doing so.
“fuck.”matt groaned as he watched me fucking myself on him.
matt then started to pound back into me gripping my hips so hard it would leave bruises.
all that could be heard was a mixture of our moans and skin slapping together.
suddenly we heard voices growing closer and closer by the second. nick and chris.
matt instantly pulled out of me making me whimper at the loss of contact as we both hurried and got dressed matt climbing back into the front seat.
“meet me in my room after everyone goes to sleep we arent finished with this.” he said.
“okay.” i said as i fixed my dress making sure it didnt seem like anything had happened.
nick and chris both got into back of the car and looked at me and matt with confused expressions.
hair was stuck to my forehead from sweating,matts hair was messy and his shirt was on backwards not to mention the small marks he left on my neck.
nick and chris both give eachother weird looks as they tried to figure out what the fuck just went on.
“did you guys just get done fucking or something because uh its so fucking obvious!” chris said as matt was driving back to the triplets house.
“CHRIS! stop i dont want to imagine that because we are literally sitting in the backseat rightnow!” nick started to go on a rampage til matt spoke up.
“thats fucking disgusting chris i would never.” matt lied as he looked over at me.
i rolled my eyes as a smirk appeared on matts face.
“well its fucking suspicious when you both look like you just got done fucking and your shirt is literally on backwards!”chris said.
“chris just fucking drop it we didnt do anything” i also lied even though there was no point in since they figured it out already.
once we got back to their house everyone went to their rooms as i followed nick into his room.
i went into the bathroom changing into a hoodie and a pair of shorts then walked back into nicks room.
“what really happened y/n?i wanna know.”nick said
“matt dragged me out of the party for whatever fucking reason claiming he wanted to make sure i didnt do anything id regret and we got into a arguement and then he fucking kissed me and one thing led to another.” i spilled as nicks jaw dropped.
“YOU FUCKED HIM!?”nick shouted as he was shocked at what he just heard.
“for two seconds until we heard your guys voices” i said as nick was still in shock.
“I FUCKING KNEW IT!” nick shouted again
“nick! be quiet chris and matt will hear you!” i said as we laid in his bed.
“so are you guys like a thing now or what?” nick asked.
“no we still obviously hate eachother!” i said and nick chuckled.
“apparently not after what you just told me! i always knew you guys would end up together!”nick said.
“we arent together!” i said
“for now!” he said.
i rolled my eyes. “you can’t tell anybody i told you all this!” i said
“shut up i wont!” he said
we gossiped about other random topics until he fell asleep. i thought about if i should go to matts room or not because what if he didnt mean that and plus we hate eachother. but we fucked? i was confused.
i finally decided to sneak to matts room and lightly knocked on the door.
he opened the door looking at me.he had a pair of sweats on as he was shirtless with his tattoos on full display. fuck he looked so good.
“come in.”he said as i walked in and he shut the door behind me making sure he locked it.
matt pushed me onto his bed and hovered over me attaching his lips to mine kissing me.
i kissed him as i ran my hand up and down his tattooed arm as the kiss quickly got heated.
he pulled away from the kiss sliding my shorts off me along with his sweats.
he hovered back over me kissing me once again as he slammed himself into me making me whimper into his mouth.
he pulled away from the kiss looking at me before he slid my hoodie off throwing it.
“pretty.”he said as he pounded into me abusing my cervix with his tip.
i was a moaning mess as he kept hitting all the right spots.
“shut the fuck up. dont want my brothers to hear how much of a whore you are for someone you claim that you hate.” matt said as he wrapped his hand attached to his tattooed arm around my neck muffling my noises.
the more he pounded into me the more i became a fucked out mess from him.
“so pretty taking my cock like the slut you are.”he groaned as he leaned down putting in his head in my neck.
i wrapped my legs around him as i left scratches down his back with my nails making him become a moaning mess as he sloppily pounded into me.
i felt my orgasm grow close for the second time that night as i started to clench around him.
“gonna cum” i moaned
“cum all over my cock baby.”matt said.
with that i felt myself clench around him even tighter as i came around him coating his cock with my cum.
he thrusted a few more times helping me come down from my high as i felt him twitch inside me.
he shot his seed deep inside of me filling me up then pulled out watching it drip out.
“we should do this more often.” matt suggested.
“maybe we will.” i said.
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TAGLIST: @eupiasworld , @sturniolosloves , @mattslovelygf , @smittensturniolos , @hauntedxchris , @hearts4tatemcrae , @bernardsbendystraws , @jo-777 , @wurlibydominicfike , @meerkatzthings , @jnkvivi , @sturnzsblog , @pinklittleflower , @sturnioloblogs
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mattscoquette · 1 month
“ 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞/𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 , 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝜗𝜚 “
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: popular!mean!matt x quiet!introverted!fem!oc
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a story in which a quiet introverted girl attempts to befriend her popular neighbor
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
introduction 1 3 4 5 6
𝐚/𝐧: oooo part 2! i hope u all enjoy! i'm writing a lot but part three won't get posted this weekend because i'll be out of state. but i appreciate all the love part one got and i hope u guys r just as excited to read this as i am to write it!!! lmk if any of u guys wanna be on on taglist too <333
xoxo ₊˚⊹ ୨ৎ
⋆。˚ ౨ৎ
matthew sturniolo,
woke up the following morning in a frenzy. being one of four boys, his mom implemented a strict morning routine when the triplets started kindergarten, that they have been following right up until now, their senior year of high school. this morning however, matt was awoken about five minutes before he had to leave to the sound of chris and nick’s yelling to hurry his ass up. matt scrambled to pick out whatever clothes he could find, a pair of grey nike sweats and a fuzzy brown hoodie, and hurried downstairs to brush his teeth at record breaking speed before he was out the door heading the the mini van.
as he was throwing his and his brothers hockey bags into the trunk, he caught a glimpse of addilyn leaving her house and starting to walk down the block to the bus stop. as if his thoughts were being read, chris out loud wondered “what senior is still taking the bus?”
before matt could even open his mouth to make a rude comment, nick was already calling her over to offer a ride.
“dude what the fuck,” matt muttered under his breath to nick as addilyn approached the van, “i don’t wanna drive her.”
addilyn’s appearance totally switched from what she was wearing when matt saw her last night. her slim fitting dress was swapped out for a pair of mom jeans and an oversized sweater, her curly brown hair held back by a clip. “are you sure?” she breathed, looking at nick, “i’m okay with taking the bus, really.”
“we don’t mind at all, do we matt?” nick smiled through gritted teeth, nudging his brother in the arm.
“we don’t have time to mind,” chris interrupted them, climbing into the passenger seat, “we’re gonna be late.”
matt huffed, telling addilyn she could sit in the back seat with nick. he quickly plugged his phone into the aux cord, playing circles by mac miller as he backed out of the driveway and made his way to school.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
it was only fourth period, and matt was already pissed off. the start to his day had been thrown off by waking up so late, and addilyn richardson being in his van this morning did not help one bit. he wasn’t sure what it was about that girl that bothered him so much. maybe it was the way she shut out the world by indulging herself in a book or in a drawing she was working on. or maybe it was the way her curls would stick up and fly away from the rest of her hair sometimes making her look like a mad scientist. or maybe it was the way she was the only girl who didn’t pay one ounce of attention to him. being the school’s best hockey player alongside his two other triplet brothers definitely made matt one of the most popular guys in school. he never had any trouble when it came to girls, because all of them already wanted him. except addilyn.
get yourself together man, she’s weird matt thought to himself as he entered his physics class, sitting next to his best friend nate. as he plopped his backpack down beside his friend, matt looked up at the white board and read in all big letters:
matt and nate grinned at each other, beginning making plans to pair up. the bell rang, and the teacher began to lecture. matt pulled out his notebook, already struggling to follow along with his teacher’s presentation. he had never been a straight a student, but he needed to keep his grades decent to stay on all his teams. however, physics was bringing his overall average down, and he needed to do well on this project to be able to start in his upcoming hockey games.
as the class made its way to an end and the students began to pack up, the teacher started to explain the project. “it’s quite simple really,” he began as he was erasing his notes from the board, “you and a partner will pick your own type of demonstration to show how kinetic energy is used in everyday objects.”
“this project will be worth a quarter of this semester’s overall grade, for both you and your partner, so it is crucial you all do well on this.” he explained, looking directly at matt. “before i let you all leave, i will be assigning your partners.” the entire class groaned.
he pulled out his class roster and began reading off names paired together.
“alexa and william… michelle and quincy… peter and xaiver… isabelle and ryan…”
please let me be with nate, matt thought. please let me be with nate. please let me be with nate.
“matthew and addilyn… louise and theresa… nathan and catie…”
no fucking way. of course addilyn was matt’s partner. he didn’t even know she was in his class. he looked around, annoyance written all over his face and he locked eyes with the curly headed girl sitting in the back of the room. she didn’t look too pleased either.
“this is an out of class project, so i suggest you start working on this asap.” the teacher announced just as the bell was ringing.
matt headed straight for the door when he felt a small tap on his shoulder. “what?” he snapped, looking down at the girl who tapped him.
“sorry,” addilyn said in a hushed voice, “its just- do you want to work on the project after school? we can go to my house, or i can come to yours or-”
“yeah, thats fine.” matt cut her off, walking out of the classroom, trying to shake her and walk with nate.
“which one?” she called out to him, her voice barely above a whisper.
“my house, but don’t expect anymore free rides from me. take the bus home.” matt told her angrily. she simply nodded and let him walk away from her, watching as he laughed with his friends in the hallway.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
it was currently 3:30p.m., and matt was sitting at his kitchen table waiting for addilyn to come over. he had his laptop and textbook open, with messily written notes scattered all across the table. he found out later on in the school day that if he failed physics this semester, not only would be not be starting in his games, he would be benched for the rest of his hockey season. so to say he was stressed about this project was an understatement. he was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a tiny knock at the door, yelling for one of his brothers let addilyn in.
she wasn’t too excited about this project either, to be quite frank. but not for the same reasons as matt. addilyn simply hated working with others. she felt her quiet and introverted nature caused her to not work well when came to partner projects, so she typically opted to do these assignments alone. she even tried emailing her physics teacher after class, begging for him to let her work alone. he insisted that this was a two-person project for a reason, and told addilyn to stick it out. so here she was, at 3:30 on a monday, in matt sturniolo’s kitchen.
addilyn wasn’t sure why matt didn’t like her very much, but she wasn’t exactly is number one fan either. all the girls in the school loved matt. star hockey player, good looking, what wasn’t there to like about him? addilyn never looked at people surface level, though. she was a hardcore people watcher, mainly due to the fact she was almost always alone. she saw right through matt’s act and knew he was mean. she wasn’t sure how on earth he was related to nick and chris. they had only started talking a day ago, and she was greeted with smiles and waves every time she passed one of them that day. nick had even gone as far as switching his seat in art to sit next to addilyn. “i never liked sitting by the window, he had told her, “it’s always too drafty.”
addilyn quietly put her belongings down at the chair opposite from matts things, trying her best to be careful and not do anything to piss off matt even more. she was already on edge having to work one on one with him in his own house. matt didn’t even bother to look up at her. he mumbled a small “hi” as be started to type away on his laptop. addilyn pulled her belongings out, a stark contrast to matt’s. her notes were all written perfectly, with all the t’s crossed and i’s dotted, in a small cursive font that looked identical to if it were typed. matt took slight note of this.
“how do you write so neatly?” he genuinely asked, then realized he sounded nice, following up with “you probably so much free time on your hands because you have no friends” after addilyn told him quietly she re-writes her notes during lunch.
addilyn simply rolled her eyes. “i came here to work on the project, matt, not to take shit from you.”
“besides,” she started “we both get the same grade on this, and i am not letting you fuck up my gpa just because you want to be a dick to me.”
“it’s not like i can afford a bad grade on this either, sweetheart.” matt shot back at her.
sweetheart. why did her stomach suddenly feel weird?
stop it addy, she told herself, it’s matt, for crying out loud.
addilyn scoffed and began to look through her notes. “what were you thinking we do the project about?”
“i was hoping you could just do all the work.” matt had replied, blunt and matter-of-factly.
“what?” addilyn said in shock, dumfounded.
“what do you mean, what?, i don’t know shit about physics, you do. plus, i know you hate to work on these kinds of things with other people, so why don’t you do it alone?” matt told her.
she was in shock. had he really noticed i always work alone? she thought.
stop addy. he knows you work alone because you’re always doing things alone. it isn’t rocket science to connect the two.
before she could open her mouth to reply, chris came downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing a pepsi from the fridge. a smile grew on addilyn’s face as she said hi to him.
“no way, you and addy got paired together for this project?” chris gawked at matt, looking between him and addilyn.
“you’re so lucky, dude,” he continued, taking a swig of the soda, “justin told me he did this project when he was a senior, and everyone did so bad. thank god your partner is like, one of the top ten students in our class, or your senior season would have been shot.”
matt simply looked at chris. he was right, this shit was hard. he looked between the paper and addilyn a few times, before asking “where do we start?”
‎*₊˚ 𓂃✧
addilyn and matt ended up working until about 7:30 that night. his mom even insisted she stayed for dinner too.
“really sweetie, i don’t mind. i’m already feeding four kid’s, what’s one more?” she laughed.
“yeah addy, stay with us for dinner, please?” nick somewhat whined, dragging out the “e” sound.
addilyn gave in, and joined the sturniolo’s for dinner the second day in a row. like the previous night, dinner was filled with chatter from nick and chris, and radio silence coming from matt’s end. instead of giving her mean looks like he did at the previous dinner they shared, he just started at his plate the whole night and picked at his food.
“sorry about matt again,” chris apologized as he and nick began walking addilyn back next door to her house, “i don’t know whats been up with him lately.”
“it’s fine, really.” addilyn said. people being mean to her, or making rude remarks, was not out of the ordinary for her. she heard small whispers in passing everywhere she went. she was just used to it. “i’m glad you and nick are nice at least.”
chris just smiled at her and nick gave her a quick side hug. “we’re glad you’re nice, too, addy.”
the trio got to the front door, and addilyn gave them a small wave goodnight before she turned on her heel to walk into her home and upstairs. the boys walked back over to their house, noticing matt had already gone upstairs and disappeared to his room. he was sat at his desk, writing in his journal, when he noticed the light in the window across from his turned on. he saw addilyn set her book bag down, and sit at her mirror undoing her hair. he couldn’t help but to think how pretty she looked.
she’s weird, matt, he reminded himself, and you don’t even like her.
he sighed, closing his journal, and getting up to pull his blinds down to try to clear his head from the girl. out of sight out of mind. he saw her give a small smile, and he returned it by giving her a death stare, yanking the blinds down.
he got into bed, tossing and turning all night about this project with addilyn. he didn’t want to work on it with her, let alone even be nice to her, but he had to for chris and nick’s sake. they only started talking to her yesterday for god’s sake, and were already acting like they’ve been best friends since birth. matt knew these next two weeks of working on the project with addilyn everyday were going to be long.
@alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia
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secretsofafangirll · 2 months
you're still my favorite girl
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!oc
summary: in which chris and isabelle are childhood best friends, who have always had underlying romantic feelings for one another. when chris starts hanging around other girls, isabelle can't help but question their relationship.
tw: talk of insecurity, kind of soft!dom chris, sexual situations but no real smut. mention of fem!oc being "tiny". use of "ma'".
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"Come on, Belle," Chris shoots his hand out for her wrist and pulls himself from the couch as she walks away, "You'll have fun, I promise. Madi's gonna be there, Matt and Nick are going. If you're not gonna go for yourself, at least go for them." He pleads staring down at her, fiddling with her fingers.
"No, Chris. I'm sorry, but I'm not going. The last time I went to a party, someone threw up on me and one of Madi's old friends called me ugly, so," She raises her brows at the boy, "I will be staying in the comfort of my bed for the night with Sam and Colby on my screen."
She starts to walk away but Chris reaches out for her again, this time wrapping an arm around her waist hand colliding with her stomach and pulling her back, "Chris!" She giggles as she stumbles, her back coming in contact with his chest.
"Just stay here, B. I'll want to be with you when I get home. Just curl up in my bed and steal my clothes like you always do, hm?" He tickles her ribs and flexes his bicep around her frame.
"Fine," She huffs, throwing her head back against his chest, "but I'm wearing that unicorn, rainbow bullshit hoodie." Putting a finger in the air, she pulls away from his body, and heads for his bedroom.
"Okay, then I'm gonna head over. Be safe. I'll lock the door behind me and don't answer unless it's me, Nick or Matt. Behave." He points and narrows his eyes at me.
"Yes, sir." She jokes, putting her hands behind her back and bowing at the man. His eyes glaze over momentarily and his cool guy act falters for a moment.
"Love you, Belle."
"I love you, Chris." She calls and makes way to his bedroom.
It's been three and a half hours since Chris left and Isabelle has heard nothing but silence. Not one text or call. She called and texted him several times to ask when he's planning on getting home, as she's getting tired, but he hasn't responded to a single one.
She worries that something bad has happened to him but she knows that Nick and Matt would've called if anything went wrong. While Sam and Colby play quietly in the background of her thoughts, she chomps on her acrylic nails and stares off into space.
Anxious thoughts fill her mind and tiredness threatens to take over. What if he's hurt? What if something happened to Nick and Matt and Chris doesn't have time to tell me? What if Nick and Matt have no idea something is wrong with Chris and he's just suffering all alone with no one aware?
She knows this is the worst thing for her to be doing right now, so to distract herself, she hops out of his bed and saunters into the kitchen to get a glass of water. As she softly pads toward his bedroom door, she hears her phone vibrate against his nightstand. Immediately relief floods her chest and she turns on her heels to run back. She lunges for her phone and is only met with disappointment when she sees that it was just a stupid Instagram notification. But her heart drops when she sees it was Chris who caused the notification in the first place. So he has time to post on Instagram, but not to text his best friend back? Makes total sense!
She reluctantly clicks on the notification to open a story he posted. It's him with one of his other good friends in the influencer space, Paige. He has an arm draped over her shoulders while she curls into his side and blows a fake kiss at his smirking, smug face. The text on the photo reading, My day 1 #1 @paige.
An unfamiliar feeling washes over her. His day one number one? She thinks. What about me? I've known you since kindergarten.
She doesn't know how to describe this feeling. It was like her favorite toy being pried from her hands as a child. Or the spot on the best team in the world being given to someone else. Being given to someone better. Was it jealousy?
No way. She thinks. He's my best friend, I'm not jealous of someone who he's possibly romantically interested in. But when she taps on her profile and sees she also posted a story, she knows exactly what to expect. And boy is she jealous when she sees it.
Paige's post is a different picture. It's a picture of them, back to back. both with sunglasses pointing finger guns at the camera. Nothing's funny about the picture, but Isabelle can't help but laugh. Not at the way they look or the stupid sunglasses, but because Isabelle posted that exact picture of her and Chris not that long ago. She taps through a highlight dedicated to her best friends and two months ago, that exact pose pops up.
Rage courses through her veins. Jealousy and rage flow all throughout her body. You wanna steal my man and my posts? She thinks. And Chris wants to blatantly ignore my attempts to contact him but then be active on social media anyway? Go right ahead.
At this point, she doesn't want to call him or text him. She doesn't even really want to see him at all. Hell, she has half the mind to drive back to her own house and let him find his house empty. But she knows that isn't the right thing to do. So she stays put and tries her best to fall asleep in her best friend's bed.
Isabella had fallen asleep. Comfortable and warm in Chris hoodie and in his bed. He slowly crept in the front door with Matt and Nick two hours later, careful not to wake the sleeping girl. He signaled with his hand for the two to keep it down as he walked in. Though suddenly, Nick dropped his phone and the smack echoed through the entire house.
Chris' head whips around to Nick with wide eyes "Dude," he whisper shouts, "Shut the fuck up."
Matt and Nick make it to their respective bedroom quickly and quietly, eager to go to sleep after such a long night. Chris, on the other hand, is eager to see his sweet best friend. He ever so carefully pushes down the door handle and cracks the door to see Isabelle sleeping so peacefully on his bed, drowning in his large hoodie she swore she would wear. Her soft breaths making her hair move with every exhale, her small hand resting on the pillow beside her head. He takes a moment to take in her beauty. He can't help it. Chris has always thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. With her long dark hair and piercing green eyes, he could never deny beauty like that, even if she's his best friend.
He tips toes to his closet and closes the door behind him to change. He peels off his shoes pants and shirts, stripping to his boxers. He doesn't have it in him to shower tonight. After forcing himself to socialize with people he didn't even really like that much, all he wants to do is cuddle with the one person he can never get tired of being around. He quietly exits his closet, grateful that his girl is still asleep. He creeps over to his side of the bed and slides in carefully next to her.
He scoots in closer to her and wraps an arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. He peels the hood from her head and places a loving kiss on the top of it. However, he feels her shift beside him and she pulls her body away from his altogether, leaving no part of her touching him at all, save for his hand which is still tacked on to her waist. When he doesn't take the hint, she reaches behind herself, grabs his hands, and roughly tosses it off of her body.
Chris' brows raise in shock at her rejection and when he reaches out for her again, she scoots even further away, almost falling off the bed.
"Belle," He whispers. No answer. "Belly," He tries again a little louder. Still nothing. "Isabelle," He speaks in a normal speaking voice and places a hand on her hip but she only shrugs him off again and doesn't answer. He props himself up on his elbow stretches his body over hers and turns on the light, "Isabelle Bianca Lavigne, if you don't tell me why you won't let me touch you right now, I swear to god B," He trails off, his voice stern and assertive.
Isabelle finally answers at this, her face bare of any makeup, only covered in sadness and mild insecurity and she turns to face him. His eyes soften slightly at her expression but he maintains composure and control of the situation. He's always had that power over her. And in a strange way, both of them like it more than they should.
"There's nothing to say, I'm just hot." She lies through her teeth, and turns back over.
"Bullshit," He scoffs, "You're in a thick ass sweatshirt, under my heavy ass comforter and turned my fan off. Plus, you're always freezing cold. So try again, Isabelle, and this time, don't lie to me."
"Okay, Chris, if you don't want me to lie," She spits and turns to face him, "I text you five times and I call you six. I leave four voicemails and I even call Matt and yet, I get nothing but radio fucking silence from everyone. Then, my phone buzzes and when I think it's my best friend finally texting me back, I see he's posting on Instagram instead. And not only that," She continues, looking around the room as if there are imaginary cameras around, "He's posting other girls, calling them his number ones, as if his, correct me if I'm wrong, best friend isn't worried sick in his bed, because he won't text her back. So, sue me, if I don't want you to touch me right now, as I'm not feeling very loved." She huffs, rolls back over and turns the light back off.
Chris sits, his mouth agape in silence. She can shut him up real damn fast, it seems. She's never said anything like that to him. He's around other girls all the time and she's never reacted like that before. He blows out a long breath before reaching for her body again. He drapes an arm over her waist and starts to pull her against him again.
She struggles against his strength again but he whispers her name over and over in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. She gives in and relaxes in his grip, "There we go. Relax and let me talk to you, okay? And let me see that face, hm?" He pulls the hood from her head and turns the lamp on once again. There she is. He whispers to himself.
"Is this about Paige?" He questions, turning her onto her back and pulling her impossibly closer to his chest. He brushes her hair out of her face and behind her ear, his hand slipping under the hoodie and onto her bare stomach, his pinky slipping under the waistband of her panties; a habit he had made when she got comfortable enough to sleep without any pants on.
"Christopher," She groans slapping her hands over her face, "It's embarrassing."
"No," He grabs her wrists and pulls her hands from he face, "it's not. She's just a friend, I promise. She wanted to post those for some P.R. bullshit. I barely know her." He swears, looking into her innocent green eyes. His left hand plays with the hair on her forehead and his right hands still lies on her stomach and halfway in her underwear.
"You don't understand, Chris. I already have a hard time being your friend because of your fans. Sometimes I question if any of this is even worth it and then when I see shit like this, other women who just think you're young and sexy, claiming you and shit, it just makes me wonder if I'm really your best friend or if you just keep me around because you feel like you have to. There are so many women who could have, who should have you, but I feel like I'm just keeping you from being happy. Fuck, I mean, I react like this when someone just posts some bullshit about you. It's actually pathetic Chris. And not to mention, Paige is gorgeous. Like, the kind of beautiful you think is made up. Shes blonde and skinny and kind and social and successful, and everything I'm not. Just seeing you with her, looking so happy and so friendly and close. It made me want to tear my skin off, Chris. I've never felt like that before, and it's really scaring me."
Chris looks stunned next to her, his hand frozen on her head and on her waist. He closes his eyes and shakes is head, "Wait back up. One, fuck my fans and what they have to say about you. I love you more than I love any single one of them. Two, you are my best friends. Always have been. No other woman is ever gonna come between that. Third, sure Paige is pretty, but you. Oh, Belle, I call you princess for a reason. You are the most beautiful woman I have seen and I never want to hear you say you aren't, what was it, skinny, kind, social and successful ever again, do you understand?" He grabs her jaw and forces her face on his. She just stares into his eyes and nods like she's under a spell. "You are a goddess to me, Isabelle. If I have to get your name tattooed on my forehead and that promise burned into my skin for you to believe me, I will." He looks down into her eyes once more, his grip still strong on her chiseled jaw.
She leans into his warm body, his bare chest on display for her to touch. She flattens her hand against his left peck and stares into his blue eyes. His right hand moves to the small of her back, his pinky still in her panties. He presses her body into his, pushing her stomach into his groin. The two of them suddenly become very aware of two things: (1) The meaning of the conversation they just had. (2) The lack of clothing both of them have on. Chris clad only in his boxers and her in his sweatshirt with no shirt or bra and a pair of tiny lace panties.
"I don't just love you, Isabelle," He whispers, "I'm in love with you. You're my best girl, always have been. I can meet a thousand girls like Paige and you'll always be my favorite girl."
"You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that," She sighs, before stretching her neck to meet his, her nose brushing against his.
"God, Isabelle, you're gonna be the death of me", Chris breathes, before roughly pressing his lips against hers. He rolls himself onto his back, with his back pressed against the headboard. He grabs her hips and hoists her over his lap, allowing her to straddle his thighs. She places her hands on his shoulders as his hands roam her tiny body. The kiss is wild and wet as their tongues exchange saliva between them. Isabella involuntarily grinds her hips down into his, but Chris is too caught up in the kiss to notice.
"Tell me, ma', " He breaks the kiss and catches his breath, "Say it. Tell me you love me. I can't keep kissing you if I don't hear you say it."
She leans into his ear and blows a soft breath, causing his body to shudder, "I'm in love with you, Chris. I always have been."
With that, his hands squeeze her waist and his lips are back on hers. The kiss is rough and passionate and insanely sloppy. This time, when Isabelle swivels her hips on his, his breathe hitches and his hands shoot out to stop her, "Baby, baby." He pulls away form the kiss and the loss of suction sounds around the room, "You have no idea how bad I want to fuck you right now, but I'm too tired to fuck you how you deserve. I need you to answer me honestly Princess, will you be able to control yourself if I don't stop now?" He tilts his head. She bites her bottom lip and gives him guilty fuck me eyes, shaking her head. "So do I have to stop?" He questions one more time to be sure.
"I think so," She drops her hands from his shoulders and places them on his thighs behind her, her hips still moving slightly against his grip.
"That's okay. We can go to bed, I can hold you as much as I want. and in the morning, we can figure all of this out and if you're good, I'll fuck as hard and as good as my best girl deserves, how's that sound? Hm?" He questions, running his hands up her waist, teasingly tugging on her panties and letting them snap back every here and there.
"Fine, I guess." She gives in and flops over to her side, off of his lap, turning away from him.
"Ma' ," He chuckles softly, "I'm doing this for you, ya' know kid? I could fuck you right now, but it wouldn't be that good and you know that." He pulls her back over to face him and hikes her thigh over his lap and stomach as he lays down beside her, he head resting on his chest.
"Mhmmm" She hums annoyed and tired, lazily bucking her hips against his literal hip bone and groin.
"Settle, ma', " He whispers gripping her hip tightly and turning off the lamp. The two fall asleep, her hands curled up under her jaw and his hands roaming every inch of the body that will soon belong to him.
a/n: alright! how do we feel? i definitely got a little carried away and i'm not sure how i feel. let me know please! also, let me know if ya'll want a part 2.
like and reblog pls!!! i need my blog to grow....
all the love, she ☆
part 2 here!!!
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