#kikkawa motoharu
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Quick reminder that SLBP drops the "long o" sounds, and "Mori" in other publications may be spelled as "Mouri". This family is completely unrelated to Ranmaru's "Mori" family.
In history Motonari sent a lot of sons out for adoptions. To the point that of his 9 sons, perhaps only 3 of them remained surnamed "Mouri". Even within the context of just SLBP, there's more than one that got adopted out.
I think the part that says "he sent one out" is a mistranslation because even though Japanese has a way to render words plural, it's sometimes not used. This creates ambiguity that requires the translator to pay attention to the original context to know if this is plural or not.
I don't remember if in the actual event it's already specified that Kikkawa Motoharu and Kobayakawa Takakage are brothers or not, but I referenced this in my previous post. Those are two of Motonari's sons, both adopted out, thus having different surnames. Perhaps it wasn't mentioned, and so the translator didn't know.
As always, bending generations is a given in this game (like when the Oda fights Shingen instead of his son), and "Nobunaga is antagonistic against Mouri Motonari" is one of those things that happens when games or other media prioritise starring famous lords over historical facts.
The Oda did eventually fight with the Mouri, but that was after Motonari was a few years dead, and the headship taken over by his successor. In Motonari's life, the Oda and Mouri were allies/cooperating. Nobunaga sent gifts and condolences when Motonari died, and New Year's greetings were regularly sent over to the Mouri.
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fishzzamurai · 11 months
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atemourisan · 2 years
Chōsokabe Motochika: How do you justify sacrificing your men? They give their lives just for you! Do you even realize what kind of a monster your father has raised you to be?!
Kikkawa Motoharu: Chōsokabe, Do you know why I fight for the Mōri despite Father's cruel and brutal nature? I do it because it amuses me!
Mōri Motonari: ... I'm just gonna sit back and watch some movies.
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daeva-agas · 1 year
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Motonari’s sons in Tenka/Koiran
The one on the left is Kikkawa Motoharu, the one on the right Kobayakawa Takakage
I’m curious if Motonari himself is actually still around or not LOL. Motoharu’s adoptive father is still alive, even though IRL he died in 1550 so...? Motonari lasted much longer than that LMAO. Maybe they will talk about it in the event, IDK.
Also the Shimazus, Yoshihisa and Yoshihiro:
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oniwastagram · 2 years
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📸吉川元春館跡庭園 / Kikkawa Motoharu Yakata ruins Garden, Kitahiroshima, Hiroshima ② 広島県北広島町の国指定文化財庭園『吉川元春館跡庭園』が素敵…! 戦国大名・毛利元就の重臣として有名な戦国武将 #吉川元春 …自らの隠居所として安土桃山時代に築いた館の跡から、現代・平成時代に発掘された約450年前の庭園は国指定名勝&国指定史跡。唯一土に埋もれなかったド迫力の石垣も見所! ...... 続き。背後の里山⛰を借景とした池泉鑑賞式庭園。小さな築山の中に組まれた三段に落ちる構造の滝石組と三尊石、そして直線的な護岸が特徴的。向かってすぐ右手側には異なる造形の石庭も。 . 規模としては同じく戦国武将の庭園『一乗谷朝倉氏遺跡・朝倉義景館跡庭園』と同じぐらいで広く・大きくはないけれど、有名な戦国武将の貴重な庭園。 . 館跡の奥の森林の中には吉川元春の菩提寺だった「海応寺」の跡と吉川元春・元長の墓所があります。寺院は跡形も無いけれど、墓所は今も立派な塀に囲まれている。 …しかしこの公園一帯にもイノシシ🐗に掘られた跡が結構あって(史跡内は一応電気柵で対策はされてる)、林の中に足を踏み入れるのはちょっと緊張感あった…。 . 館跡の周辺には2つ、史跡公園として新たに整備された池泉庭園があるのだけれど…それらが獣にとって良い水場になっている感がありけっこう荒れていて。 新しく庭園を作ったとしても少子高齢過疎が進む地域での維持の難しさをとても感じた。 . 『戦国の庭 歴史館』の入館者数を見る限りこの名勝庭園も見学者はかなり少なそうだけど…戦国時代の息吹をぜひ味わって。 . 広島・吉川元春館跡庭園の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/yoshikawa-motoharu-ruins/ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 【存続のためのお願い】 庭園情報メディア「おにわさん」存続のため、新オーナー(組織)を募集しています。詳しくは「おにわさん」で検索し、ウェブサイトよりご覧ください。 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ーーーーーーーー #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #japanart #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #japanischergarten #jardimjapones #bonsai #hiroshima #kitahiroshima #建築デザイン #庭園 #日本庭園 #京都庭園 #庭院 #庭园 #文化財 #文化財庭園 #国指定史跡 #戦国時代 #北広島 #北広島町 #広島旅行 #広島観光 #借景 #遺跡 #おにわさん (史跡吉川元春館跡) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiQAKLIv-e7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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torikobako · 3 years
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戦国無双5 - 吉川元春
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aphneia · 5 years
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I was able to finish this one quickly because I already sketched the pose in my sketchbook during my brief break from staring at computer screens. There's no other pose Lady Shinjō could be in when being carried honestly lol. I also never really gave a good reference for her boots, so I guess that's what they look like now. /shrug
I want to finish at least one more (with two canon characters instead of canonxoc) but I'm not sure whether or not I'll have it done on time.
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skyhopedango · 7 years
The oni are here! 
And they’re... the Mouri? I think everyone thought they would be the Tokugawa, with Ieyasu and the shitennou. But the Mouri, huh...  
 From left to right: Kobayakawa Takakage, Mouri Takamoto, Mouri Motonari, Kikkawa Motoharu, Mouri Terumoto.
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With the exception of Motonari and Terumoto they’re not exactly Sengoku A-listers, but from what I remember they all had their fun episodes and anecdotes, and hey, they look very pretty.
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hunny-pp · 3 years
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the mōri family during the battle of miyajima
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textsfromshinga · 5 years
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hakutaichou · 3 years
[JP-Info] Same Voice Actor, Same Voice Tone
This post is about a simple analysis from me, a list of same Japanese Voice Actors with same Character Voice Tone (it’s like when you playing game nor watching anime, and hear their voice, your memory brain (hippocampus?) say “Wait, Is this Victor?!”).
P.S [Speech Style] = accent/dialect
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Victor/Zen (CV. Sugita Tomozaku)
Karasuma Tadaomi from Assassination Classroom
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Lucien/Simon (CV. Hirakawa Daisuke)
Thomas Meyer from Great Pretender
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Ares (CV. Hirakawa Daisuke)
Frankenstein from Noblesse
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Kiro/Kira (CV. Kakihara Tetsuya)
Senba Wataru from Tlicolity Eyes (Game) [Speech Style]
Victor Frankenstein from Code: Realize
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Helios (CV. Kakihara Tetsuya)
Kanzaki Sensui from Gibiate
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Gavin/Haku (CV. Ono Yuuki)
Chris from Phantom in the Twilight
Kikkawa Motoharu from Sengoku Night Blood (Game)
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Shaw/Shou (CV. Furukawa Makoto)
Souma Hatsuharu from Fruit Basket
Sasugai Hayato from Skate-Leading Stars [Speech Style]
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atemourisan · 2 years
The Alluring Dancer Of The Floating Torii
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I finally completed this oc design sheet for my Sengoku Basara interpretation of Lady Myōkyū, and lemme tell you, this design took quite some time to have thought out wit both elements of a shinto shrine maiden and a femme fatale and a gorgeous looking mother and waifu and with the aesthetics of a shirabyoshi mixed in with the bunch.
According to some sources and ofc in some letters written by Mōri Motonari himself, Lady Myōkyū was his first wife, possibly his favorite and depending on how you interpret their marriage, Motonari was genuinely in love with his wife as he took no concubines as she lived. And after her death, within some letter he'd write "If Only Myōkyū Were Here", "I cannot forget Myōkyū", and "If Only Myōkyū was alive".
Something that will forever remind me of Sun Quan's marriage to his wife Lady Bu Lianshi as both Lady Myōkyū and Lady Bu passed on before their husbands but made a huge impact on their lives.
Especially when Sun Quan said in Romance Of The Three Kingdoms,
"My empress, though you are my support in my divine right to rule, you may not know how orderly the heaven and earth became with your presence. Everyone- the subjects, the public, and the people near and far- had their hearts moved by you. The land is not united within my rule and I did not want to permit an empress so soon. But, ever so suddenly, you left this world. It pains me so much that I did not grant this title while you were alive. Right now, I am sending the order to make you Empress. If by some chance should the title reach your soul, would you be able to rejoice? I honestly feel remorseful."
It's such a touching part T~T
And before I forget to mention, Myōkyū is the mother of Takekage Kobayakawa, Motoharu Kikkawa, Takamoto Mōri, Lady Goryū No Tsubone and ofc an unnamed whom I named Hinata whose secondary name is Oborozukiyo.
Character description:
Myōkyū is the high priestess and heiress of the Itsukushima Shrine, the wife of Mōri Motonari and the mother of his 5 children. While Motonari is portrayed as someone who is ruthless and someone who worships the sun goddess in Sengoku Basara, I decided to make his waifu Myōkyū-hime a dominant shrine maiden as Motonari Mōri the historical figure himself was a patron of the Itsukushima Shrine, I felt like making Myōkyū-hime a priestess would be a fitting touch to him and Myōkyū-hime as a couple. As I also have an odd headcanon that basara Motonari has a thing for shrine maidens which was born from me thinking he may have had a thing for Tsuruhime in the games while in my fanon, he interacts with Myōkyū-hime, Tsuruhime and Izumo No Okuni. And ik it maybe weird but I decided to give Myōkyū Motonari's old saihai weapon from the first game as I was inspired by how in Dynasty Warriors, Zhang Chunhua's weapon in Dynasty Warriors 8 was Sima Yi's weapon in Dynasty Warriors 6 but to avoid the clone weapon thing, I gave her a sakaki branch which are used by mikos in dance rituals and to perform other sorts of rituals involving water tossing purification. Although Myōkyū and Motonari's marriage is very loving, Myōkyū is a very jealous and protective wife and mother, especially killing a xavist nun who tried to seduce Motonari and later two other women, but eventually Motonari finds out and while he isn't mad, he talks with her asking on why she has been killing women who flirted with him.
Myōkyū breaks down crying confessing that she has a fear of him leaving her and finding another woman despite how having concubines is part of the norm, Myōkyū-hime wants to be the only woman he is romantically in love with. Motonari just cleans the tears from Myōkyū's eyes and lifts her face to his and tells her, "I don't care if you killed them. I just don't want you to be stressed out in our marriage, while we were arranged at birth to be wed as husband and wife, nothing can comfort me but your smile. You are my sunset my love, no one can make me feel gentle and caring the way you do."
And thus Myōkyū is able to no longer fear that Motonari will take in a concubine. While they have been with each other for quite a long time and have each other figured out, Myōkyū and Motonari act differently from the other couples where Myōkyū acts independently in a battle, dancing her kagura dance to bring to call on the gods for their assistance in helping Motonari win the battle. She does act as someone whom Motonari can confide in and help shoulder the burdens he is to face and even bringing scorn to anyone who opposes him or dares to harm him and their children.
Although Myōkyū finds her husband's treatment of their troops a hindrance to his ambition in taking Chūgoku and finding peace to the Mōri clan, she does make it her duty to inspire with a sense and passion, she does love Motonari deeply and would not want to see him come to harm. And due to Motonari's adoration for her and his love for her being so strong, he will most likely to what she says with the outcome proving positive to his ambition.
And should and in gameplay wide, the player brings harm to either Motonari or her children it will evoke her going on a rampage but will also bring in Motonari's anger if the player is to either kill Myōkyū or their children or even striking them he too will rampage.
Myōkyū has a catfight rivalry with Koshosho and despises her with every fiber of her being for at once abducting Takamoto, Takekage and Motoharu that she goes to rescue them and not just because Koshosho is the lover of Motochika. But Myōkyū will help simmer down Motonari's temper if either Koshosho or Motochika move their tongues shouting out a torrent of verbal insults that nearly make Motonari's temper rise. But then Myōkyū's temper can be risen as well by Koshosho.
If Motonari is converted to Xavism, Myōkyū refuses to convert as it will only bring shame to both the Mōri and the Kikkawa and the Itsukushima Shrine itself. And while the Xavists planned on killing Myōkyū for refusing to convert, Myōkyū sought out Keiji's and Tsuruhime's help in reaching her husband. And when she does, Sunday Mōri asks her why she has come to visit him, Myōkyū tells him everything, Motonari sheds the baptismal name Sunday off and had enough of what the Xavists planned to do with his wife along with many other reasons and turns his troops to destroy all of xavism.
Motonari usually is ruthless and an edgelord to many but any gentleness and caring feelings he has he reserves for Myōkyū at first since they do later on have their own children and Motonari does have bonds with some people he is really close with.
Do note that Myōkyū is wearing Motonari's kataginu.
Myōkyū or rather born by her childhood name Miyasudokoro is a childhood friend of Motonari Mōri and must I say they would later on become childhood sweethearts. But what drove them together is what I'd say their bond. As when Miyasudokoro and Shōjumaru were in their teenage years and would talk to each other, Miya would feel that Shōjumaru was just there, comforting her by talking to her, as his voice reminded her of something that she couldn't figure out in putting into words. It comforts her and she craves it so much that when he returned from a battle and met with her at the Itsukushima Shrine, she was surprised that he came but to her surprise he began talking to her in a way that she hope would be true. And it definitely is true that he asked under the pouring rain as to why his heart feels at ease when she is around. She doesn't know what to tell him but after some chit chat, they do share their first kiss with her hugging him after their lips pull away as Myōkyū felt that things seemed to now be going well now that she has the man she loves and the two would later marry and have their own children as what Myōkyū wanted after she changed her name after she and Motonari were married.
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daeva-agas · 1 year
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I’m so damn curious. IS MOTONARI STILL AORUND OR NOT. Kikkawa Okitsune, the old man over there, historically died long before Motonari did (despite being younger). Motonari is such a long-lived grandpa. 
Maybe I should read the event with Motoharu in it to see if they confirm if Motonari is still alive or not... Like, in the previous set, I only got to see the Shimadzu people, I didn’t manage to get the Mouri boys.
I love this (adoptive) father-son dynamic tho LMAO. Okitsune wants to make Motoharu the next clan head, but Motoharu is such a brat he’s sometimes Kind Of Nervous about it. 
I have bias for Motoharu thanks to the Hiroshima Bushoutai GRRRRRR I thought I’m not usually swayed by fangirl bias, but I guess I’m still a normal human being after all...
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oniwastagram · 2 years
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📸吉川元春館跡庭園 / Kikkawa Motoharu Yakata ruins Garden, Kitahiroshima, Hiroshima 広島県北広島町の国指定文化財庭園『吉川元春館跡庭園』が素敵…! 戦国大名・毛利元就の重臣として有名な戦国武将 #吉川元春 …自らの隠居所として安土桃山時代に築いた館の跡から、現代・平成時代に発掘された約450年前の庭園は国指定名勝&国指定史跡。唯一土に埋もれなかったド迫力の石垣も見所! 広島・吉川元春館跡庭園の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/yoshikawa-motoharu-ruins/ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 【存続のためのお願い】 庭園情報メディア「おにわさん」存続のため、新オーナー(組織)を募集しています。詳しくは「おにわさん」で検索し、ウェブサイトよりご覧ください。 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ...... 「吉川元春館跡」は戦国武将・吉川元春が晩年に築き暮らした居館の跡。「吉川元春館跡歴史公園」として広く公開され自由に見学できます。 また隣接する『戦国の庭 歴史館』では吉川氏やこの庭園をはじめとする北広島町の吉川氏の史跡に関する資料📚が展示されています。 . 時々“文化財の庭園を優先的に見に行く”と書いていますが、広島県北広島町の2つの国指定名勝は公共交通機関で訪れるのが困難で行けてなかった(*一応少ないながら地域のコミュニティバスはある🚌)。 . で、ごく近年に北広島町の入口・千代田ICの観光案内所がレンタサイクルを開始🚲 片道10km&多少の登り坂はあるけど時間に融通が効くこの方が都合が良い…これを利用して2022年7月に初めて訪れました。 . 元は毛利元就の次男で、吉川家に養子に入り家督を継いだ吉川元春。大内氏や尼子氏との中国地方の覇権争いの中でも主力として活躍、小早川隆景とともに“毛利の両川”と呼ばれたそう。 . で、吉川氏は元々は駿河国の出。鎌倉時代に地頭としてこの北広島の地に入ると土着し、この一帯に築かれた山城・小倉山、日山城の城跡も吉川元春館跡とともに「吉川氏城館跡」として国指定史跡となっています。 . 羽柴秀吉との備中高松城の戦い⚔️の後に家督を吉川元長に譲った吉川元春。この「吉川元春館跡」はその後を過ごす隠居所として1583年より造営が始まったもの。 残念ながら元春はその完成を見ずに翌年死去。その直後に吉川元長も病死し、その後を継いだ #吉川広家 の代に館は完成🏡 . …しかしそんな広家も完成から数年後の1591年には拠点を山陰・月山富田城🏯に移しこの館跡の役目は終了。 その後は地名にもなっている吉川元春の菩提寺『海応寺』の寺地になりますが、そこから江戸時代〜近代と約400年間かけて田畑や森に埋もれていきました。 . しかしながら昭和の後半〜平成年代にかけて発掘調査が行われ、建築や庭園の遺構をはじめ多くの遺物が出土🏺 現在見られる建築物(台所・附属屋)や庭園は割と近年の2006年までに復元されたもので、『戦国の庭 歴史館』は2007年に開館。 . まず唯一埋もれていなかった長さ80m・高さ3mの石垣のド迫力!館の一角に石切場の遺構があるのもこの館ならでは。 . そして国指定名勝の庭園は門から見て右手奥に残ります。続く。 ーーーーーーーー #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #beautifuljapan #japandesign #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #japanischergarten #jardimjapones #bonsai #hiroshima #kitahiroshima #建築デザイン #庭園 #日本庭園 #庭院 #庭园 #文化財 #文化財庭園 #国指定史跡 #戦国時代 #北広島 #北広島町 #広島旅行 #広島観光 #広島庭園 #おにわさん (史跡吉川元春館跡) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiPVzT7vrPP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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odaclan · 3 years
Samurai Warriors 5 unique NPCs full set
Koei revealed that there are 10 unique NPCs in total in Samurai Warriors 5
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Left to right: Saitou Dousan, Asakura Yoshikage, Oda Nobuyuki, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Saitou Yoshitatsu
Some of these we’ve already seen in previous teasers.
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Left to right: Mitsubuchi Fujihide, Kikkawa Motoharu, Mouri Terumoto, Okabe Motonobu, Takeda Katsuyori.
The Katsuyori render is imported from his Sanadamaru/Soul of Sanada design. Okabe Motonobu is an Imagawa vassal who later moved on to serve the Takeda. 
Mitsubuchi Fujihide is the older brother of Hosokawa Fujitaka/Yuusai (father of Hosokawa Tadaoki). Curious that it isn’t Fujitaka who has a unique render, but maybe he’d be there as the shogun’s associate as the Oda side already has Mitsuhide. Historically, when the Oda clashed with shogun Yoshiaki, Fujitaka turned coat to the Oda side while Fujihide remained loyal to the shogun.  
How nice to see the Two Rivers together, hah, since Kobayakawa Takakage was one of the player characters. Takamoto is not around, so I would assume he’s meant to have already perished. The timeline is skewed after all, as with many other fiction adaptation, so it’s rather hard to gauge what the setting is until we actually see it in action. 
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gobureis · 3 years
My personal SW5 impressions of characters after playing the game once (plus some lol)  
note: I’m talking about all of them as characters in a video game. 
Nobunaga - ngl I love him. I feel his depiction might become a bit controversial among fans, but as a story it’s great imho.
Mitsuhide - I love him too lol deep down he’s pretty similar to his SW4 counterpart, but he also isn’t. He made different choices, and there are different settings (i.e. Akechi castle being burned down and his whole family dying) that made a difference, and then there’s his relationship with Nobunaga [but it isn’t just Nobunaga who influences Mitsuhide]
Hideyoshi - he’s such a fun character. It’s always a hit or miss with Hideyoshi and me in various media, and I admit i wasn’t a big fan of some parts of SW4 Hideyoshi, but this younger version who is all about making it big and becoming a powerful daimyou is refreshing and fun. There’s some rivalry between him and Mitsuhide (mostly one-sided), and respect for Ieyasu. The Hashiba group (Hideyoshi, Hanbei, Kazuuji, Kanbei) are very warm and almost family-like
Ieyasu - he’s also a nice character. I liked SW4 Ieyasu and the Tokugawa clan a lot, and you can still feel the bonds here as well. He’s very, not serious, but he knows he’s not good enough and he works really hard to become a good samurai. He’s very loyal to Nobunaga, and he’s like a puppy around him. It’s cute.
Imagawa Yoshimoto - he’s pretty much there only to be a villain
Shingen - I was never particularly interested in Shingen (and Takeda clan and Sanada clan as a whole in SW4) so having Shingen as the enemy officer only is like shrug (he’s fun in the Uesugi vs Takeda stage in Mitsuhide’s chapter, but his presence isn’t strong overall, I know there’s one Ieyasu stage where Takeda are with them but I forgot what it’s about)
Kenshin - LOL this time Kenshin got some Kanetsugu’s characterization so he’s very loud, very opinionated, and all about righteousness, which isn’t GI this time but TADASHIKI. At the moment, he’s a bit annoying (but I also felt that way about SW4 Kanetsugu at the beginning, and he’s among my faves now, so...)
Mouri Motonari - he’s also there to be a villain and he does it well. He’s not a nice grandfather, he’s dark and shrewd, and it’s very different from SW4. 
Azai Nagamasa - he’s different, I’m still not sure if in a good or bad way
Matsunaga Hisahide - he’s fun lol (I mean I liked his SW4 version, and I like his SW5′s one too) He’s not really a joke character anymore, and he’s VERY interested in Mitsuhide. I’m glad he stayed as a playable character.
Nouhime - (no one calls her Nouhime lol ETA: Sena does) she is a great character but unfortunately her ‘screen time’ is way too short. Her interactions are mostly limited to Nobunaga, but I guess I just need to trigger more in battle dialogues. I like what they did with her in the IF stories.
Mitsuki - she was such a delightful surprise. She’s written well, and I really like her story, and also her involvement in Nobunaga and Mitsuhide’s story
Toshiie - he’s pretty much the same as in SW4, he’s Nobunaga’s childhood friend and just follows whatever Nobunaga orders, without questioning it much (the furthest he went was before Hiei-zan, but nothing really came from it anyway). He has bigger role during the early chapters, after Mitsuhide joins Nobunaga, Nobunaga apparently forgets he already had a BFF? idk lol 
Katsuie - he became more handsome, but at the core, he’s pretty much the same Katsuie too. But this time they decided to make Katsuie loyal primarily to Oichi and make him her bodyguard (probably to avoid any potential creepiness considering Oichi’s age this time). Toshiie and Katsuie don’t really have any familial relationship, and Hideyoshi calls him “danna” lol
Oichi - she’s a... child, basically (and I did like the mother-like figure in SW4, especially in SW4-2), but she keeps growing on me. 
Saitou Toshimitsu - he’s extremely loyal to Mitsuhide and he follows him no matter what. They have a nice lord/vassal relationship very different from all lord/vassal relationships that were in SW4, so it’s refreshing
Yamanaka Shikanosuke - he’s a great character, he’s friends with Mitsuhide, and they both swore under the moon to become stronger, so they could protect those who were important to them, and that promise made them move forward. It’s a great friendship, but tragic. (as everything in this stupid game is) Although, I admit that at this time, more than his relationship with Mitsuhide, I’m more interested in his relationship with Mori Motonari and Kobayakawa Takakage.
Hanbei - omg I love this version of Hanbei a LOT. I feel like in SW4 he wasn’t around that much, and when he was I just focused more on Kanbei, but do I love him in SW5. His characterization is basically the same, but he’s also more soft? And more on equal ground with Hideyoshi, whom he calls ‘Hideyoshi’, and while their relationship isn’t THAT different, Hideyoshi’s personality and age makes it different, and I love it. Because of his time with Dosan, he gets a lot of ‘screen time’ this time around, so that’s great too.
Kanbei - Kanbei is... young LOL He appears pretty late in the game, so I didn’t have much time to really focus on him because this time, I focused more on Hanbei. Their senpai-kohai relationship is cute though
Nakamura Kazuuji - he’s... there. He has a nice relationship with Mitsuki, but we also never really see them interact properly or hear about their past (maybe the citadel events?), and he’s very loyal to Hideyoshi, so that’s cool too. Like I said above I like the Hashiba group. 
Sena - Sena is great, different from the other girls in this game, more mature. 
Tadakatsu - he’s like a big loud puppy who follows his master Takechiyo. I didn’t focus on him much tbh I’ve always preferred Ieyasu’s relationship with Hanzou, and that didn’t really change. And this time there was also Sena, so... Tadakatsu was... just there, more like an older brother than a vassal
Hanzou - also great. The age difference this time made some changes with his relationship with Ieyasu, and there’s no ‘shadow to Ieyasu’s light’ symbolism this time, but it is still a nice relationship. 
Sandayu - he’s a character that’s very present and he goes from a nice big brother figure to ********, but I haven’t really made an opinion about him yet. He’s a good character, but I like others more, basically.
Kobayakawa Takakage - hahahahaha he’s very self-centered and at first I was like you’re so annoying, but he also started to grow on me, so we’ll see (I definitely do prefer SW4 though). Although, this Kobayakawa and this Hanbei would work quite well together. I need to replay the Hashiba VS Mouri stages.
Saika Magoichi - he’s a nicer version of his SW4 version with no weird womanizer thing thrown in (yet). Unfortunately he only serves as a villain and you don’t really get to know his story, but he’s a person with integrity
Yasuke - Yasuke only joins at the very end of the game, and he’s very cool. He definitely works better than Ranmaru for what this story is about.
Oda Nobuyuki - he was a nice character. tbh they could have made him fully playable because he was present for two whole chapters but well... 
Okabe - idk you fight against him
Katsuyori - I like that Shingen calls him ‘Jirou’ LOL otherwise it didn’t really matter to me if he had a special design or not (but like I said I’m not interested in Takeda clan) - he’s voiced by the same guy who’s voicing Kobayakawa so when I don’t particularly pay attention I’m like why is Ieyasu fighting Kobayakawa? lol
Kikkawa Motoharu - ??? he’s there. he’s the muscles to Kobayakawa’s brain, I guess
Mouri Terumoto - he’s young, he feels the burden, but he doesn’t have much presence
Dousan - well, Dousan is Dousan
Saitou Yoshitatsu - at one moment he’s laughing like a cartoon villain
Asakura Yoshikage - he’s so good. He has a bigger presence that Nagamasa, and it’s a shame he wasn’t made fully playable. But he also never joined Nobunaga... he’s a really nice lord who cares about his territory and people, and does everything to protect them
Ashikaga Yoshiaki - your usual incompetent shogun, I guess
Mitsubushi Fujihide - I love him! He’s very loyal to the shogunate and Yoshiaki and does everything to protect him. (even though the shogun is the way he is)
aaaand done. Future me, how did your opinions change?
TOP 5 characters: Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Hanbei, Hideyoshi, Toshimitsu
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