#kihaku ramblings
valkyrietookmoved · 2 years
Please go read the live tweet of the Jun card story in Rei's feature scout I am begging you all to go do that it's hilarious I cannot fucken'... WHY SRE THEY SO STUPID SJDKDJDKDJJD
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
After browsing/scouring through that inaturalist app I discovered that in fact, there are sightings/documentations of several plant species for my locality (just not groundnut vine of course) on the app. What’s interesting is the fact most of the species are ones I would not the least bit expect to exist anywhere in my county, said surprising species include;
Lindera benzoin (Northern Spicebush)
Ptelea trifoliata (Common Hoptree)
Drosera intermedia (Spoonleaf Sundew)
Cyperipedium parviflorum (Yellow Lady’s Slipper Orchid)
Triadenum fraseri (Bog St. John’s Wort)
Gentiana linearis (Narrowleaf Gentain)
Phytolaccca americana (Pokeweed)
Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory)
Geum triflorum (Prairie Smoke)
Clematis virginiana (Virgin’s Bower)
Melampyrum lineare (Narrowleaf Cow wheat)
Mimulus ringens (Allengeny Monkeyflower)
Goodyera pubescens (Downy Rattlesnake Plantain orchid)
Arisaema dracontium (Green Dragon)
Claytonia virginica (Virginia Spring Beauty)
Andromeda polifolia (Bog Rosemary)
Euonymus obovatus (Running Strawberrybush)
Penstemon hirsutus (Hairy Beardtongue)
Checking the map, it appears that some are not only in this county, but are not far from some of the closestby towns, PLUS potentially Ellice Swamp (you can’t map marker THAT close to Gadshill with wetland species and NOT be referring to Ellice Swamp). It is also interesting to note that some species were NOT on the county’s map sightings (Christmas Fern and Canadian Hemlock being the big two, almost concerning me just a bit).
Most of these species I’ve listed I’d only be able to find in spring or summer, not to mention most of them are absolutely-do-not-collect/touch plants whether due to sensitivity/rarity and/or just because they are on biologically protected land (The sundew and the orchids I can say that with an absolute certainty; do not even touch, even seedpods are off limits).
That being said though, seeing some of these species listed for this county gives me some hope that I may one day find them in some local woodlots (Claytonia and Green Dragon being the ones I’m holding the most hope for; their habitat preferences tend to overlap Trillium and Jack in the Pulpit territories in most ecological data). The do-not-touch species tbh I would just enjoy to just see with my own eyes and I’d be satisfied. Guess we’ll see in the future won’t we?
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lcvedol · 5 years
time: start! | entry 1 | prologue
I don’t know what to do. How to start..it’s so confusing. I’ve never really needed to mark my words down in a place like this, I’ve never had this much in my mind before now. Is anything going to ever read this? I mean- I write down things a lot! Song lyrics, thoughts, secrets.. I’d like to think of it as just something that belongs to me. It’s comforting, reassuring, even if It’s just me basically talking to myself. Maybe this is like a vent log? I can’t really look at this like a diary yet, so I guess I can just ramble here until further notice. 
I had to do a bit of counting, and I checked three times- there’s a total of nineteen people here, including me. We all just woke up in this..dusty, dirty room with no recollection at all of how we even got thrown into here. I can’t remember what happened, how I ended up here, but I was supposed to be on some kind of tour. Trapped in this room with so many different prodigies was a little stressful, but also kind of weird. My classmates..they’re all really different compared to one another. So many different talents! There’s even some kind of Vending Machine Placement Scout (her name is Atsu, and I like her hat). 
It’s so weird, I feel so alone despite the fact I’m with so many people. We all had to solve some kind of escape room puzzle? Everyone worked really hard to get out though, and I wish I could’ve been a little bit more of help..I’m not really the smartest- so I couldn’t really understand what to do. It was freaky, though, we were basically locked in! If we didn’t get out, would we have starved..? Would someone have just left us in there to die? God,I don’t want to think about it, but a REALLY tall guy managed to solve the puzzle (Cape! I think? He reminds me of a Pokemon, but I don’t know if he’d like me calling him that, so I won’t say it to his face! ^^;;). It was all number based, apparently, after we all put our heads together. It took a couple of hours, but I’m so relieved we got out all in one piece (I can’t say the same for my brain, though). 
I should probably talk a little bit about the people here, I guess! I haven’t gotten to talk to all of them, but I got to converse with a couple of people- maybe I can just talk about what I think of them? Is that rude? Probably, but I think I have an excuse for the time being. Whoever threw us in here must be happy with themselves, because I feel like I’m going insane already. I don’t have any idea who threw all of us into a room together, but it sucks, as you can probably guess.
Okay, first, I tried to pair up with this one guy..but I don’t think he was looking for friends? Not sure, but he seemed kind of down in the dumps (understandable have a nice day), so we paired up together! I didn’t get his name, but he had bleached hair and some black glasses. He didn’t directly seem rude, though, I’m sure he was just kind of cautious! I get that, maybe I shouldn’t have been so forward trying to befriend him? Ah..I’ll work on that later!
Tatsu-chan! I took a break from looking around to talk to her. Really excited girl, I like her a lot! She keeps messing my name up, but I don’t really mind, I just don’t want to seem rude if I try to correct her a lot. She’s the Ultimate Urban Legend, and I’ve heard a little bit about her? I scroll through the internet a little more than normal people, so I’ve caught some glimpses of her name. She’s an off the rails kind of girl, but she has good intentions. She just wants to have some good fun! I can understand that. There was this person in a grey bodysuit that came over in an apron, looked at me, and then immediately BOLTED. What did I do!! Was there something on my face??? God, I really don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of 18 other people!! They’re a chef, though, because I got to help them out a little bit in the hallway once we broke out of our freaking jail! They just seem shy, though, so that’s cute! I don’t mind shy people, it just takes time for them to break out of their shell. uvu
Setsuko-chan seemed helpful in our investigations, Atsu-chan as well, they both seem smart. One’s more friendly than the other, but I’m sure they’re as worried as I am. Ultimate Secretary, Ultimate Vending Machine Placement Scout, kind of wary about Setsuko-chan, but she reminds me of my mom, a little. Not in a weird way or anything- she’s just seems to be really mature and hard-working, so I’ll respect her anyway. I haven’t talked to Atsu-chan much yet, but she did a lot to break us out of here, so I respect her too! I just don’t want to be a bother to any of them, I was probably one enough not doing much in our investigation..T_T
Yves-chan made some kind of remark about someone bashing our heads in?- I don’t think it was a threat, but now I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight. :( Wtf :’( But she seems pretty! And cute! I like her hair! I’m sure she only said that because she dabbles in the horror genre, so I understand. It’s worth a chance to talk to her later, though! Her and Hisanobu-chan, the baker, paired up and got along pretty nicely I think? He likes to use “OHOHOHOHOHO” a lot! Except not in capitals. And not that loud. That probably seemed offensive, please don’t read this, ok?? <_<
There’s Elliot-chan! Tall, muscular, bartender, pretty good looking for a high-schooler, but I’m not hitting on him or anything!! He seems nice, but I haven’t really spoken to him. He seems like he knows what he’s doing, though! So that’s nice to have in this big dysfunctional family of ours (I mean class I’m just joking I swear I don’t know anyone here). 
There’s..uh...team...Team Fen..Fenrir? I think that’s what the monologue man called it? It’s ran by Protagonist-chan! I’m kidding, but he keeps calling himself that and I don’t get it!!! This isn’t an anime we’re in, it’s an escape room, I kept telling myself! But he has cool shoes that light up in the dark, so he automatically gets Shizuka Points! +500! Then there’s the bowlcut dude! He vapes, but I don’t know anything about vaping, but at least he didn’t blow it into my face or anything! Him and Rune-chan are bros, I think? And there’s Fleur-chan! She’s pretty, I like her hair a lot! She’s tiny too, and overall just pretty soft looking! Dirty mouth, though. And that’s the team! Maybe it’ll expand, later? I’m happy that they’re getting along.
There’s..someone in a gas mask. I don’t know who it is, but they seem kind of rough and tough like the bleached-hair dude. Haven’t spoken to them, but maybe I will...later?????? Idk? It depends on the time and place. Why are they wearing a mask though? :thinking emoji here: It’s a mystery!
The ice skater! Diantha-chan? I think? Yeah, her. She kind of rubbed me the wrong way just a little bit with the random comments, but I’m sure there’s more to her! I’m just kind of a little worried to see it, an ice queen at heart, I guess!
There was this random guy who gave me the sink eye when I tried to politely bribe the keypad (it had emotions- idk technology is crazy ok!! It looked like it had an AI), so I guess he doesn’t like me much! He’s the merchant, from what I read about him, but I won’t spare any details- he’s scary, and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to try and talk to him. I’m going against my own morals on this one!
Mitama-chan! She seems like a real mom, and she was helpful too! Really nice and strong, pretty much the perfect girl from what I’ve seen of her! She’s an art appraiser, so I guess she has a pretty sharp eye, too. She’s someone I’d love to talk to over a cup of hot chocolate or tea! Whatever works for her.
Oliver! Ollie! Ollie-chan, yeah! Haven’t talked to him, but he seems like a real storyteller! He’s kind of uptight (which is again- understandable, have a nice day). He’s a writer, so I’m sure his mind is an enigma. I don’t know much about him otherwise. Cute name though! ^v^
Then there’s Kihaku-chan! He’s super chill and he’s a musician too! A taiko drummer! I can play the guitar and piano, but not the drums- so I applaud him for that! He’s a rhythm gamer, too, at least from what I remember when we talked! We did like the briefest collab in the world (when I was carrying someone too! Lololol), but we sounded absolutely beautiful together! He’s super talented and I admire his work a lot, even if I’ve only heard him once! I hope we can be friends and work more together!
And I think I covered everyone! What a colorful class I have, right? I hope I can meet their standards. I’ll update this more once I get the chance as time passes, mostly about people, events, the usual! Maybe write a couple of song lyrics in here when I get the chance? Might as well work in this, too! Hopefully nothing bad happens, but I’ll still write it down just in case.
Signing out,
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
One plus with irrigating plants from well water with no fertilizer/pesticide additions; can soak that sweet sweet ice-cold water onto your arms/face on a hellishly hot day to gain limited heat immunity while working.
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
4 Spring flowering tree gijinka design concepts/ideas
Cause art is frustrating and CAUSE WORDS WILL DO
Magnolia- largest/tallest/oldest of the four. Good charmer with birds (especially berry-eating birds). Leather/thick fabric petal dress. Very kind Oujo-sama/royal kind of air, despite this occasionally you’ll get these hints of a wild (almost witch-like) side, like she’s seen/been before the time of her christening as a royal. She knows a far more ancient time.
Cercis (aka. Redbed)- Heart-motif dainty tomboy (odd combo I know). Speedy/sporty despite the misfortune of injuring herself a lot due to said speed. Bees REALLY like her, no I don’t just mean honeybees, BEES REALLY LIKE HER, she would probably love leafcutter bees. I imagine she’d wear suspenders.
Malus (aka. Apple)- Country hick. Phyiscally stouter/rounder than the other 3. Wild curly hair that gets so annoyingly tangled when it gets long that she has to cut it a lot. Pink/red/white Plaid, probably a dress or apron. Motherlyish. Probably thinks you should eat more. She finds bees cute and spiders chill but she is terrified of caterpillars. Oriole birds like her.
Asimina (aka. Pawpaw)- tall but not as tall/built as Magnolia, is probably quite lanky. Green with hints of maroon-red clothes that are quite simple/practical and also full of pockets. Shy/aloof compared to the other 3. Probably lives in a woodland cottage. Despite her dark skin she burns from the sun easily. She doesn’t insist/advertise on people eating her baking as Malus does, but her baking has a taste that Malus sometimes gets jealous of and wonders why tf Asmina doesn’t show off her food more.
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
Despite the fact that I failed at the opportunity of mermay I at least got lucky on developing some more thoughts/ideas on Hoepian Mermaids....
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
Tbh the ultimate tragedy about me probably selling the alpine strawberry plants this June 2nd is that I never even got to taste what they tasted like. I hear they taste unique from their non-alpine brethren but I’ll never get to see how true that is. Like, I COULD keep two plants just to see for myself but.... I need that plant-growing real estate yo.
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
The latest Voltron season was fucking wild but awesome. And the release of that 58 minutes of Asagao to Kase-san was so indescribably pure my soul is wasted from how good it was. Need to nibble on some strawberries now.
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
Whenever I hear a friend is not eating (especially if it’s due to being short of foodstuffs) I just wanna charge/fly to their place despite distance and just, STUFF THEM WITH FOOD MAYBE BUY THEM A MEAL, GrannyGato doesn’t want ya’ll turning to skin and bones you need meat on them bones you need food you need nutrients you need sustenance!!!
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
2nd chicken text post; Is there ANYONE who watches/reads The Ancient Magus’ Bride and associate Silver/Silkie with the Silkie chicken and also feel it’s strangely a very suitable association???
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
Personification of OC’s mental domains (from the perspective of opponents who may challenge in said domain);
Demauria- Jagged ice of white and magenta, making a giant room of ice mirrors refracting reflection after reflection.
Anne- rivers of lava glowing red against the cavernous blackness. Tiger Lilies and Lava Proteas also glow in the dark.
Kayla- Heavy rain and the warning rumble of thunder. Fog rolls around the waist level.
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kihaku-gato · 7 years
*  * ~*~*Social Anxiety*~*~* *  *
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kihaku-gato · 7 years
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kihaku-gato · 7 years
I want a hug pillow tbh.
Not even those weird ecchi/nude kind of pillows. Just a hug pillow endowed with illustrations of bouquets of flowers. Then maybe also have little pockets where you can put dried herbs in (like Lemon Balm, Mint, or Lavender) so you could take a whiff of the soothing smells while hugging it.
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kihaku-gato · 7 years
Basic Important Law of Writing;
If/When you put minorities in it (in your stories, your world building, your character roster), you need to make sure you keep it BALANCED
If you make the majority of your minority characters in the villain/antagonist slot and not a single one in the heros/protagonist slot (or for that matter, making it that there are more villain minority characters than there are ones that are heros), then there's a very big problem.
You're making a message about minorities that should not be; that they are not the good guys, that they are and always will be the thugs/thieves/villains that the irl world so often tries to unfairly portray them in. <- that message there, is not right in the slightest. It is a big slap to the face for a huge potential amount of your reader base.
If the only major female/LGBTA+/POC/disabled characters in your world/story are the ones which are the bad guys, that is not the least bit right.
It’s not even not that hard to fix if you catch it soon enough; simply either add some protagonists/heros which are of the same minority or change some of your existing protagonists into characters of minority (making it that you may not need to change the villains/antagonists at all), or change the villains/antagonists so that they are no longer a minority character. Populate your world with ordinary civilians / background characters which are of the minority. Minority does not mean they don’t exist.
If you think it’s too hard to balance out your use of minorities in your literature, then you are no longer writing properly. I won’t necessarily say your biased or homophobic/albiest/racist for not fixing such errors (though it may not hurt to assess your existing worldview on the matter), but I will however say that you’re being very sloppy/lazy in very a bad way for your writing. To do that is a great disservice to your writing skills as well as your story/world in question if you ignore such a writing problem/challenge.
Be aware of your writing, it will benefit from it.
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
Tfw you could think of several holiday themed doodles but you know your energy to fight the tablet / drawing skills make it that most of them would be far too exhausting/difficult.
Maybe some chibis in ugly sweaters may be a better choice idk yet.
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