*Watching a Star Trek documentary hosted by Leonard Nimoy*
Leonard Nimoy: ". . . We filmed the episode Space Seed with Ricardo Montalban --"
Me in all caps at the top of my lungs:
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My sister: "He is the king of sweater cows."
My mom, confessionals: "I've always had a crush on Ricardo Montalban."
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My partner just tryna work from home:
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trixcuomo · 4 months
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Otters are Trending
Trixany: I hate to bother you in your war room, Haris. But we have a new social threat.
Haris Pilton: *turns around in her pink Vader-like capsule chair* Threat? You mean we have a new target.
Trixany: I know we don't actually get along. But this situation is dire. You and I have solid influence in Azeroth, or so we thought, but--
Haris: You, a lowly Horde B-celebrity, is solidly in the public's minds? On magazine covers, and a sparkling object of social worship? Like moi? Really, Trixany?
Trixany: Dammit, Haris! Focus!! Our popularity is at stake! We fought for influencer status throughout the Dragon Isles, like the Horde and Alliance fought over Pandaria. I sacrificed fans, good catchphrases, and stretched my branding to its limit, just like you. I mean, we went up against the likes of Wrathion, and Alexstrasza! But we're still standing.
Haris: True. That Obsidian Throne quest chain nearly killed my fandom. Damn handsome Sabellian showing up, cutting my popularity by a third!
Trixany: But now someone else is already there, at ground zero, threatening all the progress we've made!
Haris: *analyzes the photo* Who is this... her shades are fuschia. They match her humble leather vest. And a tooth necklace? That means she has community context, credibility we can't buy. As well as good fashion sense. Those don't just look new, I fear they're handmade. She's a crafter?
Trixany: It's worse than that. She trades her merch--exchanges it--for swag people don't want anymore! She doesn't want their money, and she's empowering them. How does she even make a profit? She's making us look like a bunch of greedy punks!
Haris: The worst kind of influencer is the one you don't realize is working on you... A hipster.
Trixany: Humble to the last! She's not earning a copper right now. But do you think she's going to turn down a multi-million endorsement deal with Kaja-Cola, or GNOMEADE whenever they reach Iskaara?
Haris: Clever. But it's hard to unseat a home-grown celebrity. *sighs, dabs at her head and neck with a Pilton Brand TM kerchief* Alright, an alliance. I agree. But what should we do, Trixany? What do you propose?
Trixany: She's already got us on the ground, and in the markets. But there's one thing left. *eagerly rolls out a map* We do a three-pronged attack on her Goblin social media. We hit her scrying orb presence, her books and photographs, and any other media she has produced. We poison it and turn it against her--
Haris: *puts a hand on Trixany's shoulder* Trixany, listen to what you just said. Goblin social media? This is a tuskarr on a remote iceberg. Who would have ever connected her? Not Goblins.
Trixany: Gnomish social media? Though that would be odd. I heard Thermaplugg's ghost somehow bought it and he's been running it into the ground intentionally, from the Maw at that. Lately, he's required everyone to use Leper Gnome filters on their profile pictures. Talk about torture.
Haris: No Trixany, not Gnomes. Not anyone.
Trixany: Dear gods, no.
Haris: She doesn't have... social media.
Trixany: *sinks to her knees, yelling as the camera pans away* Tattukiaka...
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noothernoises · 2 years
Me in the bowels of summer, finding out about an upcoming heatwave
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topshelf2112-blog · 1 year
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Night Court referencing Ricardo Montalban - yay!
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hoochieblues · 1 year
A moment of silence for Joachim, once again.
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radicalrobot · 13 days
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mathemorphosis · 10 months
I went for a swim here and screamed AZIRAPHAAAALE underwater-- I feel a little better now.
(I screamed KHAAAAAN too ofc)
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emperornero · 2 years
iiiiiget a little bit genghis khaaaaan
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fenisutikayaniafs · 11 months
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Kenapa si fen tiap sebelum tidur banyak bicit banget nyoretin tumblr?
“Biar aku bisa meraba perasaan apa yang sudah berhasil di lewati harini”
And then, Biar gue happy bercerita kepada diri sendiri setiap harinya di dinding gue sendiri inih khaaaaan.
Ya so, Have a nice dream yah fn🕊️🫧✨🙌🏻👋🏻
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Check out Your Humble Narrator's short article, online at Phoenix Magazine, about the upcoming TCM/Fathom Events revival of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan at select AMC Theatres on Sunday, September 4, Monday September 5 and Thursday September 8...
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...and also of the showing of Nosferatu at the Orpheum Theatre here in Phoenix next Tuesday.
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It's bad enough that Nosferatu is marking its centennial this year, but it's really irksome that Wrath of Khan is being shown in observance of its fortieth anniversary. Wrath of Khan is forty freakin' years old.
I have a bit of personal history with this film. My review of Wrath of Khan was the first movie review of mine ever to appear in a daily newspaper, the Erie Times-News. I was twenty years old, and had been submitting my work to the editors there for a while without success. My break came because the regular reviewer disliked sci-fi, and horror, and action pictures, and pretty much any kind of movie in which, as he liked to put it, "the dialogue appears in word balloons over the characters' heads."
Needless to say, I was more than happy to relieve him of this beat, and Wrath of Khan was my first opportunity to do so. I dragged my then-girlfriend to it at the Strand on 10th Street in Erie. I think she was a little taken aback at how much I responded to it. She knew I was a nerd; she didn't know I was that much of a nerd.
Forty years later, it's still a favorite of mine. All these years, however, I've had a complaint about the movie, and I doubt there will be a better occasion than now to air it. But it involves a moment at the very climatic moment of the film, so if you've never seen it, and want to discover it for yourself, consider this a MAJOR SPOILER warning.
Okay, for those still reading: Near the end of Wrath of Khan, Kirk's titular nemesis, grandly played by Ricardo Montalban, is dying aboard the starship Reliant, scarred by radiation burns, but still lashing out at Kirk by trying to detonate the Genesis Device, spewing Ahab's invective toward Moby-Dick all the while. Meanwhile Kirk, aboard the Enterprise, and his crew are frantically trying to regain warp speed so that they can escape the blast zone. The director, Nicholas Meyer, cuts between the two vessels, with Khan's crazed, disfigured face gleefully watching the Enterprise on his viewscreen.
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At the last second, of course, warp speed is attained, and the Enterprise zips away to safety as the Reliant explodes behind her. Yay, the good guys win; all is well, except...Meyer doesn't cut to a reaction shot so that we can see Khan register, in that final second, that Kirk has defeated him once and for all.
I've never understood this omission. Everything about the way the scene is shot and edited up to that point seems to set up such a reaction shot, maybe even a final "NOOOOO!" from Montalban. It would have been the perfect payoff to Kirk's much-parodied roar of "KHAAAAAN!" earlier in the film.
I'm well aware that the reason for the dissatisfaction I feel at the lack of this shot has to do with my persistent, spiteful feelings about revenge in melodramas. Khan himself, in this movie, quotes a "Klingon proverb" that "revenge is a dish best served cold," but the innumerable action pictures that end with the bad guy simply being killed leave me cold; they're entirely unsatisfying. Far better that they should live long to wallow in their defeat; at a minimum, they should die knowing that they've lost. There are a few movies that have grasped this: the original Cape Fear, also The Princess Bride among them. But few movies have ever left me hanging in this regard as badly as Wrath of Khan, wonderful as it is.
Was such a shot planned, but never shot? Was it shot, but cut for some deliberate reason, or just for time? Did Montalban have to leave early that day? Or was it truly never considered? If I ever get the chance to interview Meyer (no matter what the subject of the interview is supposed to be), these are likely to be the first questions I ask him. Or, by some chance, does the shot exist after all, and is it at last included in the "Director's Cut" being shown at the TCM/Fathom Events revival?
In the meantime, I'll ask you: Am I the only one that ever noticed this or felt this way?
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ninawarda · 2 years
Halo. Assalamu'alaikum. Kali ini mau rekomendasiin vendor gorden. Apa sih kriteria memilih vendor gorden? Kalau saya sih, pertama, terpercaya. Kedua, portofolionya bagus. Ketiga, pernah bikin di perumahan saya (tau dari search location di IG) supaya bisa nanya dulu bikin persis kayak gitu totalnya berapa. Keempat, ada model gorden yang dimau. Jadilah pakai jasa @gorden_online_bekasi di IG.
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Nanya harga. Jendela satu ruangan segini. Total ada empat ruangan. Berarti mashoook di budget. Langsung janjian untuk survey. Itu udah semua-mua, dengan kondisi jendela saya masih polos belum ada apa-apanya. Terima beres pokoknya! Ini harga per Juni 2022 ya.
Kenapa gak beli gorden di Shopee aja? Satu, malas masangnya, ribet, takut gak rapi. Maunya terima beres aja pokoknya. Dua, kalau beli online pas ditutup begini karena lebarnya dipukul rata:
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Megar. 🤣 Beli di Shopee buat yang di rumah mertua. Maklum baru pertama kali beli, minim pengalaman. Hahaha.
Tiba lah hari survey. Yang datang owner-nya langsung, sepasang suami istri, masih muda juga. Atuh lah keren betul vendor-vendor yang saya pakai jasanya masih muda semua, udah punya usaha ginian. Ramah dan komunikatif sekali owner-nya.
Sambil owner-nya ngukur jendela, saya disuruh pilih gorden dan vitrase yang dimau. Untuk gorden masih galau antara pilih warna abu yang paling murah (180rb/meter), atau ivory yang lebih mahal, 250rb/meter. Gorden yang termurah pun udah bagus banget.
Setelah pilih warna gorden, pilih vitrase. Owner-nya nginfoin yang mana yang best seller. Vitrase juga ada yang murah 90rb/meter, ada yang mahal 150rb/meter. Yang murah aja udah bagus dan banyak pilihannya. Saya pilih yang murah dan polos.
Untuk batang dan ring, saya pilih hitam. Untuk hook, karena gak ada yang hitam, saya pilih cokelat tua. Kenapa saya pakai vitrase, padahal pas di rumah mertua gak pakai, karena biar gak terlalu kelihatan dari luar. Lebih cakep juga diliat dari luar.
Setelah ukur jendela dan pilih warna selesai, owner-nya yang perempuan langsung total-total di TKP. Saya minta hitungin yang abu sama yang ivory. Gorden abu totalnya 6,1 - 6,2 jutaan. Gorden ivory totalnya 7,1 - 7,2 jutaan. Selisih sejuta. Tanpa pikir panjang saya pilih yang abu dong, karena budget-nya memang 6 juta saja. Hahaha. Belum ditanya apa-apa, owner-nya langsung, "Didiskon jadi 6 juta aja, Kak." Wah, gimana gak seneng tuh! DP-nya sekitar 30%, 2 juta.
Sabtu survey. Rabu diberitahu kalau gordennya sudah jadi. Wow cepet banget! Saya request pasangnya Sabtu aja, karena saya ke sana cuma Sabtu.
Pas hari Sabtu, datang lah dua orang karyawannya untuk masang gordennya (yang survey owner-nya, yang masang karyawannya). Ramah-ramah dan gercep betul kerjanya. Rapi. Pakai seragam. Peralatan lengkap banget termasuk tangga. Terima beres lah pokoknya kita. Tinggal nyiapin minuman sama duit aja pokoknya.
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Ini dia hasilnya.
Aseli. Saya benar-benar terkagum-kagum sama hasilnya. PUAS BANGET! Rapi banget. Premium dengan harga seterjangkau itu, hasilnya sebagus itu. Pemasangannya juga cepat sekitar satu sampai satu setengah jam. Pelunasannya setelah pemasangan selesai. Next project insya Allah mau pasang gorden venetian blind sama mereka untuk jendela dan pintu dapur. Nanti aja kalau udah butuh dan ada budget-nya.
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Cus nih ke IG-nya!
Pokoknya vendor ini recommended banget deh, excellent! wajib pakai jasa @gorden_online_bekasi kalau mau bikin gorden! Mereka sering ngelayanin di area Jabodetabek. Lokasi mereka di Bekasi, saya di kawasan Cibubur Kab. Bogor, free ongkir.
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Pas ditutup, bagus dan gak megar khaaaaan. 🤣
Ada kejadian kocak pas pemasangan. Jadi rumah saya itu belum dipasangin lampu. Nah, mumpung karyawannya ada tangga, saya minta tolong aja sekalian pasangin. 🤣 Mas-masnya mau dan sigap sambil ketawa-ketawa aja. Banyak banget ada sekitar dua belas lampu. Baik bener dipasangin. Gak lupa digedein tipnya. Soalnya kami senang betul kerjanya rapi dan profesional dua-duanya.
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ultimatetrekkie · 2 years
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perditious · 3 years
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Ok guys, this is a very sad aesthetic inspired by Spock’s death in ‘‘The wrath of Khan’‘. I’m kinda sorry for this but never forget that they reconnect afterwards and they’re happily married in the one with the whales.
For @angrywarrior69 because it’s Spirk and maybe you’ll like the angssst 💜
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longtimegoneart · 2 years
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Happy 91st birthday to William Shatner. #williamshatner #onthisdayinmusic #onthisdayinmovies #startrek #artonpaper #brushpen #watercolour #khaaaaan (at Genesis) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbbGYVyMrkT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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there's a dude who lives somewhere near me who has a personalized license plate that just says "KHAAAAN" and it just makes me so happy every time i see it
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