opendirectories · 1 month
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filministic · 6 months
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The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) dir. Guy Ritchie
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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^^^ From @InfoAgeStrategy.
Prof. Fred Hoffman is a retired US Army human intelligence officer and US military attaché in Germany. He served in Germany around the same time Vladimir Putin was a lieutenant colonel in the KGB stationed in Dresden in the now defunct East Germany (”German Democratic Republic”). 
Prof. Hoffman believes that Putin hates Ukraine because the Russian dictator sees it as a hotbed of democratic contagion which could spread to Russia. Putin blamed West Germany for corrupting the glorious communist East Germany with ideas about democracy, freedom, and higher standards of living.
Putin’s war is largely a clash of civilizations between modern Western democracies and kleptocratic autocracies. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was essentially a declaration of war against the West. People who characterize the war as a “territorial dispute” are putting on public display their farcical ignorance of Russian history and Eastern Europe.
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emperornorton47 · 7 months
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
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I had to backup quite a ways, because understanding the Arab Israeli conflict without the wider context of the Cold War makes no sense. 
Yeah, so, after World War 2, the former big swinging dick countries of the world were too stressed out to manage any of their colonies. So they threw up their hands and walked away. Power hating a vacuum, the US was prevailed upon to take over, though having an empire seemed like a lot of bother to us. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union was sucking countries close to them into their stupid-ass idea that if we all pool our resources and sing Kum-By-Ya, everyone will get rich. This idea was invented by a Joo, Karl Marx, number one crime of the Joos of all time. 
I could go on for a bit about how stupid this idea was, but let's just throw out the tidbit that they didn't have any weekends for 11 years. 
One of the things the British "owned" was this area formerly "owned" by the Ottoman empire, that had about 17 different names. Because the British Foreign office was a hot-bed of the flavor of anti-semitism that believes Joos were secretly running the world, they felt if they proposed this area as a "homeland" for the Joos, the secret masters, the Joos would favor them. (See The Peace to End All Peace, a boring ass book, but explains a lot of why the Middle East is all screwed up.)
So after WW2, there were a bunch of Joos and some Arabs living in this area. 
In the meantime, the Arab nations in the Area, annoyed at the presence of these Joos on their doorstep, looked at their own Joos and said "See Ya, oh and leave all your shit behind, so we can give it to some of the Arabs after we take our cut". Some more Joos came from Europe, but not as much as you might think. They said See Ya to some of their own Arabs too, but the Arabs got to keep their stuff, and got some of the Joos stuff (I'm a little fuzzy on where the Palestinians came from exactly, but it seems like everyone is.) It was sort of the reverse of Exodus where the Joos are leaving Egypt and the Egyptians give them a bunch of stuff to get them to leave faster, except this time it was the Joos giving stuff to the Arabs. 
The Joos and the Arabs didn't like the British being in charge, so they started doing shitty things to each other, and the British. The British had at that point decided that "owning" this particular patch of dirt wasn't worth it, it was a bunch of desert with no resources, except this one spot that had a magic rock that someone touched, but you had to leave the magic rock there. 
So they went to the UN, the newly formed revision of the League of Nations, and said "Hey, get us out of here". So the UN came up with a plan that gave most of the Arabs in the area most of the land. The Arabs in the area didn't like the deal, because they figured they could kill all the Joos when no one was looking. Except at this point, the local Joos were pretty stubborn and pissed off at being robbed by Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabic, etc., and they had an influx of Joos from Europe, so you can imagine that "pissed off Joos, willing to die where they stood" versus a bunch of spoiled Arabs who had been told "Just go over there, and we'll give you free stuff", didn't go so well for the Arabs.
So the British leave, the Joos take over after killing a few Arabs, and they declare independence. The US got on the Israel side early, because we're suckers for folks that say "Hey, we want to be a democracy like you, you're our hero.". Israel gets invaded by all the Arab nations around her, and fights them back, because they're all pretty grumpy, and they feel cornered. 
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union, they want to get people on their side. They don't really care about truth, because if they cared about truth, they'd have to admit this idea of Karl Marx, the Joo, wasn't working out so well. Turns out when everyone pools their resources, well, who decides how to divide it up? Also, they didn't believe in God, so they were obviously not very observant. 
So the Soviets want the Arab nations on their side, so they went up to the Arab nations and said "Hey, the US is on Israel's side, we want you to be on our side, we'll sell you weapons and stuff, those US folks are colonialist, they just want more colonies." This sounded good to the Arabs, not realizing that as hard core atheists, the Soviets had no shame about lying. So the Soviet Union traded some obsolete weapons to the Arabs, told them they were the best weapons ever, and got the Arabs to give them cash. 
Ironically, in the meantime, Israel starts transforming large swatches of the desert into usable land, by organizing farms around a system very similar to that Joo Karl Marx's idea, but it was local, tied to a single extended family, and didn't extend to the whole country, just one farm. The Joos from Europe who went to the US instead of Israel send them money, which helps, though that's strictly voluntary and unofficial. But American's like people who work hard so they even get some money from non-Joos in America. 
The Arabs get some money too, from the other Arabs, but mostly their leaders steal it. 
Time passed, eventually the Arabs got bored or something and decided to invade Israel again. Or maybe, the Soviet Union encouraged them? I dunno, never made much sense to me. I was a baby, don't remember. 
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had recruited a prominent Egyptian, Yasser Arafat, living among the Arabs in Israel. Having a real sense of history would be too confusing to get the Israeli Arabs to rally behind, so the KGB, past masters of making shit up, came up with this whole imaginary history for the Palestinians so that Arafat, despited being from Egypt, could claim history in Israel, and so the Palestinians could whine about how mistreated they were.  
The Arabs learned the hard way "buy American" when their fighter planes wouldn't work because the planes the Russians had sold them actually needed a part they stole from America, because they couldn't make it themselves. So after 6-days, the second war was over.
The imaginary history the KGB had written stuck around, even though Arafat eventually died as we all must someday. It's taught to Palestinians so they can feel properly victimized and oppressed. Though its easily disproved if you browse around Wikipedia for a bit, with a skeptical mind.  
Did that help?
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deadscell · 4 months
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megalofasz · 2 months
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Meet Petr Panasiuk, an “ordinary peaceful farmer”, protesting on the Poland-Ukraine border.
Coincidentally, Mr. Panasiuk is registered on Russian social media platform “VKontakte” and is listed in the “Peacemaker” database as an agent of the Russian special services.
On social media, Mr. Panasiuk enjoys posting Russian propaganda narratives and calling to end all support for Ukraine.
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
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chrysocomae · 2 years
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Yahoo article above
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ohsalome · 4 months
HOW THE FSB SUPERVISES UKRAINIAN TRAITORS: a deanon of Russian intelligence agents
An important video to watch to those who believe in reading russian media because "balance", "unbiased view" and "truth is somewhere inbetween". People who have not lived under russian occupation for the last few centuries are woefully unfamiliar with how their intelligence works and keep on spreading bullshit about "organ transplantation", "biolabs", "ukrainians bombing don bass" and "nato promises" written by the fsb handlers for their uncritical consumption.
Press on the gear -> Choose subtitles -> Choose automatic translation
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 8 months
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filministic · 2 months
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The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) dir. Guy Ritchie
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iggyinuit · 10 months
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Feri Lukas pictures, found in Vienna, with pictures of Iggy the Eskimo. Read all about it at: https://atagong.com/iggy/archives/2023/07/viennese-iggy-treasure-found.html
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secular-jew · 2 months
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And now you can no longer claim ignorance.
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gregor-samsung · 1 month
" Mentre gli oligarchi venivano costretti ad accettare le nuove regole del Cremlino, esistevano nel Paese altri boiari. Erano i governatori degli oblast e dei kraj, potenti notabili eletti localmente che avevano trasformato la loro provincia in un feudo personale e trattenevano per sé, con vari pretesti, il gettito delle imposte locali. Questo federalismo russo risaliva all'epoca di El’cin e Putin attendeva da tempo l’occasione per restaurare il potere centrale. Decise di agire dopo l’attentato alla scuola di Beslan in Ossezia. Fra i due problemi, quello del terrorismo ceceno e quello delle autonomie locali, non esisteva alcuna relazione, ma il presidente russo capì che l’eliminazione dei governatori sarebbe stata più facilmente accettata se decisa in un momento in cui la società russa si sentiva minacciata. Il potere dello Stato russo ha bisogno di un forte consenso popolare, ma il consenso è tanto più forte quanto più il leader, nei momenti cruciali, dimostra di sapere agire con autorità e fermezza. Da allora i governatori sono soltanto prefetti nominati dal governo e, beninteso, scelti dal Cremlino. L’opinione pubblica approvò la sua politica.
Quelli che rimpiangevano le garanzie del sistema sovietico assistettero con piacere alla decapitazione degli oligarchi e furono lieti di constatare che il governo faceva una politica sociale più generosa e attenta alle loro esigenze. Quelli che temevano il terrorismo islamista e la nuova criminalità videro in Putin un salutare ritorno all'ordine. Mentre la nuova intelligencija deplorava lo stile autoritario del presidente uscito dal Kgb e sognava una democrazia occidentale, la grande massa dei russi salutava con piacere il nuovo Cremlino. La Russia è troppo grande e troppo scarsamente popolata per adattarsi felicemente a un sistema in cui si discute, si litiga, si fanno battaglie civili per la conquista di nuovi diritti e si accetta volentieri, per il gusto della libertà, quel margine di litigiosità e instabilità che è quasi sempre il prezzo della democrazia. La Russia è troppo patriottica e sospettosa del mondo esterno per non apprezzare lo stile di un leader che vuole riconquistare il prestigio del suo Paese nel mondo. Si danno voti a Putin in Russia per la stessa ragione per cui Gorbacëv, il «distruttore dell'Urss», nelle elezioni presidenziali del 1996 ebbe lo 0,52% dei suffragi. "
Sergio Romano, Putin e la ricostruzione della grande Russia, Longanesi, 2016¹. [Libro elettronico]
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mindblowingfactz · 2 years
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While trying to recruit each other, a KGB agent and a CIA agent became friends. They knew the other was a spy, but they just didn't talk about it.
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