#kenta yokouchi
Aside from combat, what can a Persona do?
Use the skills/abilities/powers the Persona has without having to summon it in the physical world for purposes outside of combat (e.g. Tatsuya using Nova Kaiser to stop time without summoning Apollo / Maruki's unknown ability allows him to change people's cognition whenever he wants / Kenta's unknown ability that helped him become a successful salesman).
Make the user unconsciously adopt traits related to their main Persona's mythos (e.g. Eikichi, someone with Hades, was unexplicably attracted to Akari Torikiri, a girl who turned into Persephone / Wild Cards slightly changing their personality according to their equipped Personas).
Talk to their users (e.g. P2 users have conversations with their Personas / The PTs Personas' made deals with their users upon awakening).
Briefly turn back into a Shadow if the user loses sight of themselves or are under psychological distress (e.g. Shinjiro's fucky wucky with Ken's mother / That brief barely-canon moment in the P4 Anime when Shadow Yu manifested / Hinokagutsuchi literally said so). Good news are that its easy to turn them back.
Go berserk when an user's heart and mind are troubled (e.g. Shinjiro taking Persona suppressants for Artificial Users to keep his Persona in check / Sumire's trauma corrupted her Persona / Kenta's traumatic awakening made his Persona immediatly attack others).
Adopt the form or embody the spirit of someone very close to the user (e.g. Kei and Yamaoka / Sumire and Kasumi / Toshiro and Eri).
Gain enough power they become sentient and become separate beings (e.g. The Night Queen separated from the body after Tomomi's death, eventually surpassing Tomomi in power / Adam Kadmon was so OP he gained full control over Maruki / Erina began to act without Toshiro's knowledge). There's something about this that connects with Teddie. I'm connecting the dots.
Be passed onto people who don't have a Persona (e.g. Yukino gave her Persona abilities to Jun, with help from Philemon).
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cake-apostate · 1 year
You know what would be fun? If having a Persona leaked into the rest of your life. Well, maybe not for the users, but it would be fun for us.
In Persona 2, Reiji Kido and Kenta Yokouchi are both door-to-door salesmen who work for the same company, but Kenta is successful where Reiji is not. Kenta’s Persona Mara induces greed in customers, while Reiji’s Persona Mot induces fear.
Imagine if we saw that elsewhere. Like, what if having a Persona made you fluent in the language they’d know? (And you didn’t lose it if you got an Ultimate Persona?)
Since all the starting Personas in Persona 3 are Greek, SEES uses Ancient Greek to pass messages during the day. Sometimes at the dorm, they wind up chatting and don’t realize that they switched to Greek; this happens a few times when Ryoji is over.
Ryuji realizes that English class is suddenly a lot easier with Captain Kidd. He understands everything the teacher says! Except his teacher has no idea how to grade his essays, which appear to have been written on Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Not just language things, too. There’s some inconvenient stuff as well.
One fine spring day, Sae asks Makoto why she hasn’t cooked meat in weeks, and Makoto can’t answer. It’s only after she checks the calendar that she realizes that it’s Lent, when meat is traditionally forbidden.
It turns out that Makoto’s been subconsciously following rules laid down by the Church, because of Johanna. She doesn’t get the rules that interfere with her own set of morals, such as anything involving the subjugation of women, nor ones that are unavoidable, such as not wearing mixed fabrics, but she does wind up following the rest. When she goes grocery shopping, she doesn’t think, “I will not cook meat,” she thinks, “fish would be good for dinner.”
Yusuke can’t stand hot baths anymore, because Goemon was executed by being boiled alive. Luckily, he’s not bothered by cold anymore.
Tatsuya and Katsuya wake up at dawn every morning because of Apollo and Helios, which is good for early shifts, but they also tend to start fading after sunset. Maya, on the other hand, now has a seemingly erratic sleep schedule because the moon rises and sets at different times.
Baofu is always late because like Odysseus, something always stalls him. 
Some of the Phantom Thieves, and also Jun and Junpei, keep finding their hands in other peoples’ pockets because their Personas were pickpockets. Or they don’t notice at all and find stuff in their bags that they don’t remember buying. Yusuke finds that he keeps giving money to beggars, but it’s always money that he doesn’t remember stealing, since Goemon gave back to the poor.
But there’s fun stuff, too.
Futaba now knows dark magic. She almost makes a prototype Demon Summoning Program, but gets bored halfway through and stops. It is implied that this was divine intervention; the Nahobino is seem outside her window, sighing in relief.
Junpei starts brewing potions as energy drinks and sleep aids, since Hermes Trismegistus is an alchemist.
Jun subconsciously bends time around himself, so he’s never late, never has to wait long, and he always gets his homework and paperwork done much faster. However, he knows that his bosses usually measure work done by time spent, so he’s figured out how to work around that.
One day, the modeling company asks Ann to show off her special talent, and since ‘whip techniques’ gets vetoed, she blurts out that she sings. The manager expects some cute pop music, and is startled when she starts bellowing Italian opera.
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nodutra19 · 6 months
Persona Stand Name Headcanons
Only for the stuff I'm familiar with tho, so the mainline games and PQ1. I'm ignoring doubles and ultimates tho.
Naoya Toudou - A Simple Game
Kazuya Toudou - Changeling
Maki Sonomura - Ojalá
Masao Inaba - Uknowhowwedu
Kei Nanjo - Reflections
Yukino Mayuzumi - Kurayami De Dance
Eriko Kirishima - SEARCHLiGHT
Hidehiko Uesugi - Slim Shady
Yuka Ayase - Turf Dancing
Reiji Kido - Sixteen Tons
Kenta Yokouchi - Shame
Yuriko Yamamoto - Guilty As Charged
Michiko Matsudaira - Rock the Casbah
Kumi Hirose - Suicide Lane
Takeda - Instanbul
Tomomi Fujimori - Elton John
Takahisa Kandori - Bitches Brew
Tatsuya Toudou - Stargazer
Maya Amano - Spanish Doll
Lisa Silverman - Nana
Eikichi Mishina - WOLF DOWN THE EARTH
Jun Kurosu - In the Wake of Poseidon
Joker - Starless
Tatsuya Sudou - False Start
Junko Kurosu - Triplicate
Anna Yoshizaka - 1200
Ginji Sasaki - All Hail the Crimson King
Takashi Hanya - ...Meets His Maker
Ixquic - Funky Motion
Youichi Makimura - Don't Stand So Close to Me
Yasuo Inoe - Sadist Tastes Copper
Hiroki Sugimoto - constellations
Tamaizu Nirasawa - Mysterious Traveler
Musubu Torikiri - Maze
Katsuya Suou - Hotel California
Ulala Serizawa - Waffle
Baofu - KRS-One
JOKER - Munshun
Philemon - Somewhere Far Beyond
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki - The Mystery
Minako Arisato/Kotone Shiomi/FEMC - The 18th Letter
Yukari Takeba - Umbrella
Junpei Iori - Party and Bullshit
Mitsuru Kirijo - Bright Lights, Big City
Akihiko Sanada - The Moody Blues
Fuuka Yamagishi - Harvest Time
Aigis - Remember That
Koromaru - Canserbero
Ken Amada - Mature Opinion
Shinjiro Aragaki - Nobody Speak
Elizabeth - Final Home
Takaya Sakaki - completed nihilism
Jin Shirato - Evolution Rush
Chidori Yoshino - My Witch
Metis - Black Birds
Theodore - Extension
??? - Giving Up the Ghost
Yu Narukami - John Dope
Yosuke Hanamura - AMERICAN MUSCLE
Chie Satonaka - Warzone
Yukiko Amagi - Anger of the Earth
Kanji Tatsumi - Hit 'Em Up
Rise Kujikawa - Super Shy
Teddie - Inexplicable
Naoto Shirogane - Walk the Walk
Margaret - Yerbatero
Tohru Adachi - Radiologue
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker - The Offspring
Morgana - Rasputin
Ryuji Sakamoto - Apocalypshit
Ann Takamaki - Change the World
Yusuke Kitagawa - Imagination
Makoto Nijima - Under Pressure
Futaba Sakura - The Number Song
Haru Okumura - Breakdown
Goro Akechi - Keeping the Motion
Caroline and Justine - Duality
Sumire Yoshizawa - crushcrushcrush
Takuto Maruki - Don
Zen - Starch
Rei - Winter Lane
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Round 2!
This one is a little shorter as we feed in the characters absent from the last round.
Link for full bracket here!
Vote for who you think is more queer/gay (doesn't matter if you think they're bi, pan, gay, lesbian, etc. Who's the most not straight!)
I will allow propaganda in the form of asks or notes (tags and comments) or reblogs.
Be nice and respectful. Not everyone has the same headcanons.
Remember, this is mostly just for fun! We have a few submitted characters for this exact purpose, so don't take things too seriously. (It doesn't matter what the results are, most persona characters will be queer-coded in my heart)
Here's the list of polls:
Kunikazu Okumura vs Labrys
Sojiro Sakura vs Yukiko Amagi
Sugimura vs Mayumi Yamano
Rei vs Bebe
Sae Niijima vs Ann Takamaki
Bunkichi and Mitsuko vs Ichiko Ohya
Chika Ueda vs Chihiro Fushimi
Naoya Toudou vs Philemon
Takaya Sakaki vs Kou Ichijou
Theodore vs Miyabi Hanakouji
Daisuke Nagase vs Akihiko Sanada
Yusuke Kitagawa vs Ryuji Sakamoto
Nyarlathotep vs Haru Okumura
Kotone Shiomi vs Angel and Julian
Jun Kurosu vs Rio Iwasaki
Yukari Takeba vs Maya Amano
Ryoji Mochizuki vs Saori Hasegawa
Sophia vs Junpei Iori
Lisa Silverman vs Chizuru Ishigami
Natsuki Moriyama vs Mamoru Hayase
Rumi vs Lala Escargot
Naoki Konishi vs Junko Kurosu
Kenta Yokouchi vs Tae Takemi
Akinari Kamiki vs Kenji Tomochika
Katsuya Suou vs Eriko Kirishima
Yu Narukami vs Metis
Tohru Adachi vs Takuto Maruki
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randomkposts · 3 years
Persona Theory
Remember Kenta Yokouchi from the persona 1& 2 games? The salesman/ rumormonger (rumormonger chunky), Baron of Sushi? Fish eating connisour?
Bafou said something intresting about him that I have been thinking on. Bafou said that Kenta's persona does not specialize in combat.
Now probably that just means that it's a buffer/debuffer type of persona. After all, it was perfectly capable of using Agi. And its real world effect is desire,which helps him with his sales, in contrast to Renjis fear aura or whatever.
But Bafou indicating its a noncombat peraona has me considering a diffrent possibility. What if he is a navigator?
Diffrently from the other navigators of persona, and suiting the part where the party talks to their enemies, what if he could talk to them, and get things like directions, healing, treasure, stairs, or even dead ends to come up on the dungeon maps before encountered. Heads up of the rooms ahead.
And he doesn't beacuse one of the party members turned him off adventuring.
Probably not. But I like the thought.
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Persona (PSP) vs Revelations Persona translations: introductions (4/5)
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tsunekira · 5 years
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New Sketch Commission available in Standard and High Quality with PSD file on my Patreon page → https://www.patreon.com/tsunekira
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kationella · 3 years
Great List of Persona Users
Sorry, there aren't 95 users. There are 96. Here are all of them.
I didn't count the attendants, the victims of the Joker Curse, Reverse Personas or those beings who posed as Personas.
Man-made Personas were included, since they still belong to the users and can fight with them
1. Naoya Toudou (Seimen Kongou/Amen Ra/Vishnu)
2. Maki Sonomura (Maso/Verdandi)
3. Masao Inaba (Ogun/Susano-o)
4. Kei Nanjo (Aizen Myouou/Yamaoka)
5. Yukino Mayuzumi (Vesta/Durga)
6. Hidehiko Uesugi (Nemhain/Tyr)
7. Eriko Kirishima (Nike/Michael/Gabriel)
8. Yuka Ayase (Houri/Frey)
9. Reiji Kido (Bres/Mot)
10. Kenta Yokouchi (Akuma/Mara)
11. Takeda (?)
12. Bernie (?)
13. Tatsuya Suou (Vulcanus/Apollo)
14. Maya Amano (Maia/Artemis)
15. Lisa Silverman (Eros/Venus)
16. Eikichi Mishina (Rhadamanthus/Hades)
17. Jun Kurosu (Hermes/Chronos)
18. Randolph Carter (?)
19. Katsuya Suou (Helios/Hyperion)
20. Ulala Serizawa (Callisto/Astria)
21. Baofu (Odysseus/Prometheus)
22. Kazumi Kiba (Yama)
23. Rihito Shimizu (Archangel)
24. Keito (Indra)
25. Narui Kusaka (Bishamonte)
26. Rinne (Varuna)
27. Ujiya (Melchizedek)
28. Yurii (?)
29. BB (?)
30. Kain (?)
31. Rea (?)
32. Yakumo Kusaka (?)
33. Tamaizu Nirasawa (Kushiel)
34. Musubu Torikiri (Persephone)
35. Minato/Minako Arisato (Orpheus/Messiah)
36. Yukari Takeba (Io/Isis)
37. Junpei Iori (Hermes/Trismegistus)
38. Mitsuru Kirijo (Penthesilea/Artemisia)
39. Akihiko Sanada (Polydeuces/Caesar)
40. Fuuka Yamagishi (Lucia/Juno)
41. Aigis (Palladion/Athena)
42. Koromaru (Cerberus)
43. Ken Amada (Nemesis/Kala-Nemi)
44. Shinjiro Aragaki (Castor)
45. Takaya Sakaki (Hypnos)
46. Jin Shirato (Moros)
47. Chidori Yoshino (Medea)
48. Metis (Psyche)
49. Izumi (?)
50. Tarou Atlus (?)
51. Eita Sanada (Oberon)
52. Eris (?)
53. Saburou Yoshita (?)
54. Shin Kanzato (Abel)
55. Ryo Kanzato (Cain)
56. Jun Kanzato (Seth)
57. Takuro Sakakiba (Sportacus)
58. Megumi Kayano (Diana)
59. Yumi Tasaka (?)
60. Touma Shikura (Nebuzaradan)
61. Yuji Kimoto (Utnapishtim)
62. Soutarou Senou (Guukyou)
63. Saki Tachibana (Nebuchadnezzar)
64. Taiichi Udo (Hermod)
65. Wakasa Kusu (Qin Shubao)
66. Shiiba Kusu (Yuchi Jingde)
67. Kanaru Morimoto (Astarte/Ashtoreth)
68. Keisuke Komatsubara (Gozanze)
69. Ayane Komatsubara (Aditi/Devi)
70. Yu Narukami (Izanagi/Izanagi-no-Okami)
71. Yosuke Hanamura (Jiraiya/Susano-o)
72. Chie Satonaka (Tomoe/Suzuka Gongen)
73. Yukiko Amagi (Konohana Sakuya/Amaterasu)
74. Kanji Tatsumi (Take-Mikazuchi/Rokuten Maou)
75. Rise Kujikawa (Himiko/Kanzeon)
76. Teddie (Kintoki-Douji/Kamui)
77. Naoto Shirogane (Sukuna-Hikona/Yamato-Takeru)
78. Tohru Adachi (Magatsu-Izanagi)
79. Taro Namatame (?)
80. Labrys (Ariadne)
81. Sho Minazuki (Tsukiyomi)
82. Marie (Kaguya)
83. Touko Aoi (Kushinada-Hime)
84. Sousei Kurogami (Tsukuyomi)
85. Akira Kurusu (Arsène/Satanael)
86. Morgana (Zorro/Mercurius)
87. Ryuji Sakamoto (Captain Kidd/Seiten Taisei)
88. Ann Takamaki (Carmen/Hecate)
89. Yusuke Kitagawa (Goemon/Kamu Susano-o)
90. Makoto Niijima (Johanna/Anat)
91. Futaba Sakura (Necronomicon/Prometheus)
92. Haru Okumura (Milady/Astarte)
93. Goro Akechi (Robin Hood/Loki)
94. Sumire Yoshizawa (Cendrillon/Vanadis)
95. Sophia (Pithos/Pandora)
96. Zenkichi Hasegawa (Valjean)
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lermisv4 · 5 years
A list of all Persona users and their arcanas, including villains.
First of all, for convenience’s sake, only unique Personas are taken into account. In other words, the affinities of the P1 and P2 casts are disregarded. This list is constantly updated to keep up with the latest instalments.
* Obtained Arcana due to plot-related reasons. ** Classified into said Arcana due to wiki resources and general association. *** Arcana impossible to specify. **** Persona never seen and other unique circumstances.
00. The Fool P3 Protagonist, Aegis*, Elizabeth*, P4 Protagonist, P5 Protagonist
01. The Magician Yuka Ayase, Junpei Iori, Yosuke Hanamura, Morgana
02. The High Priestess Maki Sonomura, Fuuka Yamagishi, Yukiko Amagi, Makoto Niijima
03. The Empress Yukino Mayuzumi, Mitsuru Kirijo, Haru Okamura
04. The Emperor P1 Protagonist, Akihiko Sanada, Kanji Tatsumi, Yusuke Kitagawa
05. The Hierophant Kei Nanjo, Shinjiro Aragaki, Metis
06. The Lovers Lisa Silverman, Ginji Sasaki**, Yukari Takeba, Rise Kujikawa, Ann Takamaki
07. The Chariot Masao Inaba, Aegis, Chie Satonaka, Ryuji Sakamoto
08. Strength Koromaru
09. The Hermit Jin Shirato, Futaba Sakura
10. Wheel of Fortune Jun Kurosu, Takaya Sakaki, Naoto Shirogane, Labrys
11. Justice Hidehiko Uesugi, Katsuya Suou, Ken Amada, Goro Akechi
12. The Hanged Man Yasuo Inoe**, Kaoru “Baofu” Saga, Chidori Yoshino
13. Death Reiji Kido*, Yuriko Yamamoto**, Eikichi Mishina, Hiroki Sugimoto**, P3 Protagonist*
14. Temperance
15. The Devil Reiji Kido
16. The Tower Takahisa Kandori, Kenta Yokouchi**, Anna Yoshizaka**
17. The Star Ulala Serizawa, Teddie
18. The Moon Kumi Hirose**, Maya Amano, Akari Hoshi**, Sho MINAZUKI
19. The Sun Tatsuya Suou, Tatsuya Sudou**
20. Judgement Eriko Kirishima, Tamaizu Nirasawa**, P3 Protagonist*
21. The World P3 Protagonist*, P4 Protagonist*, P5 Protagonist*
Alternative Arcana Tohru Adachi, Sumire “Kasumi” Yoshizawa, Takuto Maruki, Sophia, Zenkichi Hasegawa
Others Takeda***, Michiko Matsudaira***, Tahashi Hanya***, Youichi Makimura****, Junko Kurosu****, Musubu Torikiri****, Shiori Miyashiro****
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kasunex · 6 years
Keep in mind, these games were made only with a Japanese audience in mind. Marie's Tsundere nature is exactly what we western fans hate, however, a japanese audience would, and will- eat that up. Same with Sho and Labrys' cliche traits. And, if you look into the Ultimax manga- it's much easier to empathise with Sho, as things aren't left vague like in the games. And, one other thing- no fighting game has 80 characters of choice. That's just raising the bar too high. - ^ -
I wouldn’t say that people dislike Marie for being a tsundere. Evangelion’s Asuka, for example, is a popular character, because she is an example of a tsundere who isn’t one-dimensional. People, including myself, dislike Marie because she was forced into a completed story without adding anything original or interesting. That’s the same issue I’ve got with Sho and Labrys. All three of them are just walking cliches with zero reason to exist. As for no fighting game having eighty characters, you’re actually mistaken about that. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, for example, has 129, and the sequel has 160, which is double the maximum they could have put in Arena. But even past that point, I’m not necessarily asking for a roster of eighty characters. I don’t think a ton of people care about the loss of whoever Kenta Yokouchi from Revelations is. 
I’m just asking for Atlus to put in as many as reasonably possible. Considering how they could have easily doubled the amount they put in and still only reach half the potential, I’m going to say they did a poor job. 
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katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
At which age did they awaken their Personas?
Not the age they began fighting with them. Just the age of awakening. I'm trying to get an age range here. Shotout to Aigis for being the youngest user to awaken to her Persona, at the amazing age of "pre-installed upon activation".
So, from oldest to youngest:
Unknown. Adult
37 years old
Takashi Hanya
Takuto Maruki
Zenkichi Hasegawa
Junko Kurosu (assuming she had a Reverse Persona like the other admins)
33 years old
Ginji Sasaki
28 years old
Takahisa Kandori
27 years old
Tohru Adachi
25 years old
Katsuya Suou
24 years old
Ulala Serizawa
Unknown. Could have been a teen or an adult
Tatsuya Sudou
18 years old
17 years old
Yasuo Inoe
Makoto Niijima
Naoya Toudou
Maki Sonomura
Masao Inaba
Kei Nanjo
Eriko Kirishima
Reiji Kido
Yukino Mayuzumi
Lisa Silverman
Jun Kurosu
Anna Yoshizaka
16 years old
Hiroki Sugimoto
Haru Okumura
Hidehiko Uesugi
Yuka Ayase
Minato Arisato/Kotone Shiomi
Junpei Iori
Yukari Takeba
Fuuka Yamagishi
Yu Narukami
Yosuke Hanamura
Chie Satonaka
Yukiko Amagi
Naoto Shirogane
15 years old
Rise Kujikawa
Akira Kurusu
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ann Takamaki
Yusuke Kitagawa
Unknown. Between Ages 16-18
Kanji Tatsumi
Goro Akechi
Futaba Sakura
Sumire Yoshizawa
Kenta Yokouchi
Tomomi Fujimori
Kumi Hirose
Michiko Matsudaira
Yuriko Yamamoto
Unknown. Could have been a child, a teen, or an adult
Unknown. Could have been a child or a teen
Eikichi Mishina
Akihiko Sanada
Shinjiro Aragaki
Unknown. Could have been a child
Mitsuru Kirijo
Takaya Sakaki
Jin Shirato
Chidori Yoshino
13 years old
Maya Amano
Akari Hoshi
11 years old
Ken Amada
9 years old
Randolph Carter
8 years old
Tatsuya Suou
2 years old
The moment she was born
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hi, im sorry if its just me not finding it but, i cant see yuusuke in the round one list. did you skip him for a particular reason? i was very excited to campaign for him
Due to the number of characters (at least, that is what I assume caused it), the bracket generator left some characters out of the first round, and some winners of round 1 will go against said leftover characters. It should be visible on the post for the brackets. This is the list of characters that got left out of round 1:
Kunikazu Okumura
Sojiro Sakura
Sae Niijima
Bunkichi and Mitsuko
Chika Ueda
Naoya Toudou
Takaya Sakaki
Daisuke Nagase
Yusuke Kitagawa
Kotone Shiomi
Jun Kurosu
Yukari Takeba
Ryoji Mochizuki
Lisa Silverman
Natsuki Moriyama
Naoki Konishi
Kenta Yokouchi
Akinari Kamiki
Katsuya Suou
Yu Narukami
Tohru Adachi
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kationella · 3 years
Timeline for SMT: if... and P1
Here for the Timeline of events prior to the Persona games
Here for the P2 Timeline
Here for the P3 Timeline
Here for the P4 Timeline
Here for the P5 Timeline
## 1996
### ? ?
- Kei meets Kandori for the first time
- Eriko, Yuka and Brown play the Persona game but nothing happens
### January 19
- Kanji Tatsumi is born
### April ?
- Tamaki starts attending Karukozaka
### Between April and May
- Maki is hospitalized
- The old gymnasium of St. Hermelin is demolished
### Between April and September
- Hazama is bullied and betrayed by his first love
- Hazama tries to summon a demon but is sucked into the Expanse and crowns himself Deity Emperor
- Hazama transports Karukozaka to the Expanse
- Katsuhiko and Tamaki discover the Demon Summoning Program
- Tamaki and Reiko defeat Hazama and bring Karukozaka back to Earth
- Hazama and Reiko disappear
- Tamaki meets Stephen
- Stephen develops the GUMP
### Between May and September
- Tamaki transfers to St. Hermelin
- Tamaki meets Tadashi
### Between August and September
- Chisato and Yosuke Naito are transported to the DEVA System
### October 28
- The DEVA System wreaks havoc in Mikage-cho and sends most of Class 4 to Maki's alternate Mikage-cho
- Class 4 meet Philemon and awaken to their Personas
- Yamaoka dies
- In the middle of the crisis, Philemon grants Personas to Kenta Yokouchi and Reiji Kido
- Yuka rejects Toro, which causes him to awaken to his Persona
- Class 4 rescue Naito and Chisato
- Students at St. Hermelin discover the Snow Queen mask and it possesses Saeko
- The victims of the Snow Queen curse freeze the original St. Hermelin and take over
- Class 4 save Saeko and end the Snow Queen curse
- Class 4 defeat Kandori and Nyarlathotep
- With Pandora's defeat, Maki's psyche becomes one once again
- Maki wakes up
- Tamaki and Tadashi start dating
### ? ?
- Toranosuke Yoshida starts his political career. He loses his first elections
## Between November 1996 and February 1998
- Maki is cured of her illness
## 1997
### April ?
- Tatsuya, Anna and Jun start attending Seven Sisters High School
### ? ?
- Zephyrman begins airing
- Owada begins his sixth legislative term
- Konoe kills his father but hides this as a robbery gone wrong
## Between 1997 and 1998
- Jun transfers to Kasugayama High due to hurting bullies with his Persona
## 1998
### March ?
- Miyamoto graduates from Karukozaka to become a boxer
- Class 4 graduate from St. Hermelin
### April ?
- Lisa starts attending Seven Sisters
- Eikichi starts attending Kasugayama
### April 23
- Makoto Niijima is born
### June 24
- Ken Amada is born
### July 2
- Goro Akechi is born an illegitimate child and abandoned by Shido
### December 5
- Haru Okumura is born
### ? ?
- Naoya leaves Mikage-cho
- Maki studies to be a therapist and moves to Sumaru to work at Hiiragi Therapy
- Mark moves to New York to become an artist
- Kei takes executive training in England
- Yukki moves to Sumaru for photography school
- Eriko becomes a model
- Early in her career, Eriko fends off a stalker with her Persona
- Reiji gets a girlfriend
- Hidehiko becomes a talk show host
- Yuka begins working as a secretary
- Reiji and Kenta begin working as salarymen
- Eikichi discovers he can use a Persona
- Eikichi creates the band Gas Chamber
- Sudou is released from Morimoto Sanitarium
## Between 1998 and 1999
- Ms. Saeko transfers from St. Hermelin to Seven Sisters and becomes a homeroom teacher
- The Vice-Principal of St. Hermelin, Takashi Hanya, transfers to Seven Sisters as a principal
- Anna, the track star of Seven Sisters, gets in a hit and run accident by Daisuke Kaneda and gets injured, falling into depression
## Between 1998 and 2000
- Hifumi Togo is born
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kationella · 4 years
Can we talk about how little of a secret Personas actually are?
We're always encouraged to think that the other dimension full of demons/shadows and the fact that Personas exist is only known to a selected few, usually a group of teenagers. That if anyone else knew chaos would reign.
But bitch, almost everyone knows by now! At least, almost everyone in Japan.
Ok, at first it was a secret. If by secret you call all those people that played the Persona Game sucessfully and gained a Persona without knowing what it was. Even six year olds could do it! Literally!
But that's ok. Let's assume that all of those persons assumed their awakening was a fever dream due to playing with the supernatural. Let's ignore that this was probably why the Demon Summoning Program was created in the Persona timeline. Ok. Let's also ignore all those victims of the Snow Queen Mask who died and found themselves able to control demons to some degree. Yeah. And this was all before 1989.
Putting the Alaya Shrine Incident aside, the next big reveal came in 1995 when Kouetsu Kirijo found the Plume of Dusk. Bam! A whole organization knows now. Let's add onto that their associates. Now you don't need to be a Persona user to know about the supernatural world.
But let's assume that the Kirijo Group managed to control who did or didn't know about the supernatural. Let's assume (for the love of all that is holy) that they are the reason why less and less people played the Persona Game. Ok, I can live with that.
But good luck managing to not make two whole schools-worth of students snitch. That's right. In 1996 both the Karukozaka and St. Hermelin incidents occured. Two whole schools got transported to a different world, while most students were in it, mind you. And even if all of those teenagers didn't snitch the moment they realized everyone experimented the same thing, do you really believe no one would look into two schools disappearing out of thin air for more than a few hours? Really? IN THE SPAN OF A FEW MONTHS?!
Oh! And Kei Nanjo is the heir of the Nanjo Group, so that's two organizations plus associates by now. Do they even know the other knows? Probably.
Thank God the events of Persona 2: IS were avoided, otherwise everyone in the fucking world (or what's left of it) would know.
As Personas become more common, they start to be used for common use. Take Kenta Yokouchi, for example. He uses his Persona's aura to help him become the best fucking salesman. And as the "secret" grows, those who know it become organized. Organizations like S.E.E.S. and later the Shadow Operatives surface.
And let's talk for a moment about the motherfucking Shadow Operatives, who use the support of the JAPANESE GOVERNMENT. Now Shido's Conspiracy doesn't seem too far-fetched, does it? It was bound to happen.
By the time Persona 4 rolls around, not even the most powerful supernatural organizations control or even know who has a Persona. The whole situation has spinned out of control. Gods go around granting special powers to anyone they want and it's common for users to use them for their own personal case.
Now I have two more sentences to say:
Phantom Thieves cult. Shido's Conspiracy.
I rest my case.
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kationella · 4 years
Timeline of the Persona Franchise (1/5)
Here for Part 2
Here for Part 3
Here for Part 4
Here for Part 5
The following is a timeline that I use to figure out what's happening in which year in the Persona universe.
Some dates are estimations, but I never include them unless I find something conclusive.
The timeline is only to guide you to find a specific event quicker. Feel free to modify a copy of the timeline to suit your needs, whether its for fangames, fanfics or just plain curiosity. Spoiler alert for everything.
NOTE: The reason I used the 80s as the date Nakajima made his program is mostly due to it being the date that Digital Devil Story was published (taking into account the technology it would be shown). It ended up working perfectly for the timeline, so I let it be.
The reason the events of 1996 and 1999 look so cramped, its because Persona 1 and 2 don't provide dates beyond years, one thing happening after the other.
Should a timeline to clear a dungeon or palace appear in the game, I will put the last possible day to clear it as the day it was done.
- Nyx wandered space until she crashed with the Earth, becoming the moon
- Plumes of Dusk shed off of Nyx's body
- Humanity develops a collective subconscious (without knowing) and lock away Nyx's psyche
- Erebus is created as the manifestation of grief and negative emotion. Should he reach Nyx, The Fall will happen
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep are born out of the human consciousness
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep make a bet on whether humanity will rise or destroy itself
- Izanami-no-Mikoto is born as humanity's wish for the truth, with the role to protect humanity and grant its wish
- Nyx (Night Queen) creates the Snow Queen Curse
- A doll made by a mysterious person comes to life with magic and becomes Igor. He starts to serve Philemon
- Nyarlathotep curses Sumaru City so rumors become real
Between ? and 1996
- Philemon creates the Velvet Room
- Nameless covers his eyes
Before 1994
- The Kirijo Group separates from the Nanjo Group
Between 1909 and 1969
- A famous painter in Sumaru City, whose works rival those of demons and gods, becomes the Demon Painter of the Velvet Room
- Ichitaro (Ichiryusai) Madarame is born
Between 1951 and 1971
- Sojiro Sakura is born
- Madarame starts to study art
Between 1960 and 2004
- A teacher at Gekkokau High School, Kitamura, dies in a car crash
- Gekkokau plants a persimmon tree in their courtyard in memory of Kitamura
- Junko Kurosu is born
- Takeharu Kirijo is born
- Masayoshi Shido is born
- Ginji Sasaki is born
- Toranosuke Yoshida is born
- The director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) starts to forge evidence. Their winning streak begins
June 13
- Kaoru Saga (Baofu) is born
Between 1968 and 1970
- Akemi Nakajima is born as a reincarnation of Izanagi
July 28
- Kyouji Kuzunoha is born
November 8
- Takahisa Kandori is born
May 16
- Ryotaro Dojima is born
- Tatsuya Sudou is born with Nyarlathotep whispering in his head
Between 1971 and 1976
- Takuto Maruki is born
Between 1972 and 1991
- Tomomi Fujimori and Saeko Takemi attend St. Hermelin and become part of the Drama Club
- Tomomi falls to the curse of the Snow Queen mask and blames Saeko
December 30
- Katsuya Suou is born
June 1
- Taro Namatame is born
November 30
- Ulala Serizawa is born
July 4
- Maya Amano (P2:EP MC) is born
- Junko starts attending Seven Sisters High School
Between 1978 and 1980
- Junko becomes the first Miss Sevens
April 9
- Yukino Mayuzumi is born
June 4
- Maki Sonomura is born very ill
July 11
- Masao Inaba is born
August 18
- Reiji Kido is born the half-brother of Kandori
September 21
- Eriko Kirishima is born
October 2
- Kei Nanjo is born and put under the care of Yamaoka, the family butler
December 24
- Kazuya Toudou is born
- Naoya Toudou (P1 MC) is born
- Kenta Yokouchi is born
- Chisato Kasai is born
January 1
- Hidehiko Uesugi is born
March 3
- Yuka Ayase is born
August 13
- Tamaki Uchida (SMT: if... MC) is born
- Tadashi Satomi is born
March ?
- Junko graduates from Seven Sisters and becomes a celebrity
July 27
- Tatsuya Suou (P2:IS MC) is born
- Akinari Kashihara meets Sudou and, believing the Mayans are speaking through him, creates the Oracle of Maia
- Akinari and Maya Okamura start working on In Lak'ech, a book which prophecies the end of days
- Akinari marries Junko
- Yasuo Inoe is born
Between January and March
- Anna Yoshizaka is born
February 14
- Jun Kurosu is born
May 4
- Lisa Silverman is born
November 15
- Eikichi Mishina is born
- Hiroki Sugimoto is born
- Chika Ueda (Chikarin) is born
- Madarame ends up debt-ridden
Between December 1983 and November 1984
- Naoya falls ill and Kazuya gets hit by a truck while going out of his way to buy him some manga
- Naoya starts acting like Kazuya out of grief and to help his mother cope
February 1
- Tohru Adachi is born
April ?
- Kandori starts attending St. Hermelin
- Mayumi Yamano is born
Late 1980s
- Naoya's father snaps him out of acting like Kazuya
- Naoya pierces his ear as a way to distinguish from Kazuya
- Hidehiko has a... umm... bowel movement accident and gets the nickname of "Brown"
- Akemi creates the Demon Summoning Program and uploads it to a computer network
- For reasons unknown, Akemi never uses his own program in the Persona timeline (indirectly avoiding the events of Megami Tensei)
- Akari Hoshi, aka Ixquic, is born
March ?
- Kandori graduates from St. Hermelin and becomes the head of the Mikage-cho branch of SEBEC
April ?
- Sudou starts attending Seven Sisters
Between 1987 and 1995
- Kandori hires Dr. Nicholai to create the DEVA System
April ?
- Katsuya starts attending Seven Sisters
- The rumors from his classmates cause Sudou to fall into madness
- Maya, Tatsuya, Jun, Lisa and Eikichi become friends
- Maya, Tatsuya, Jun, Lisa and Eikichi play the Persona game (Master Persona)
- Jun gives Tatsuya his father's lighter; and Tatsuya gives him his watch
- It is assumed Tatsuya taught Katsuya the Persona Game
- Junko hires Daisuke Todoroki to investigate if her husband is cheating on her with Okamura. It was negative, but Todoroki started to be suspicious of them
- Akinari, dies. Nyarlathotep takes his place
- Lisa and Eikichi lock Maya in the Alaya Shrine so she doesn't have to move away. Sudou sets the shrine on fire and Maya barely escapes using her Persona. Sudou also injures Tatsuya
- Sudou is sentenced to Morimoto Sanitarium
- Nyarlathotep convinces Jun that his friends actually killed Maya
Between 1989 and 1998
- Kuzunoha dies due to mysterious circumstances
- Akinari Kamiki is born
- Saori Hasegawa is born
Between 1990 and 1991
- Katsuya and Tatsuya's father is forced to resign while pursuing Sudou. Katsuya decides to become a cop
Between 1990 and 1993
- Ichiko Ohya is born
Between 1990 and 1998
- Nyarlathotep grooms Jun to become the Joker, taking him away from Sumaru City
May 1
- Mitsuru Kirijo is born
August 11
- Shinjiro Aragaki is born
September 22
- Akihiko Sanada is born
- Maki meets Chisato and Naoya
- Nozomi is born along with his twin
From 1991 to 2006
- Akihiko, Shinjiro and Miki grow up in an orphanage
- The orphanage burns down due to a fire and Miki dies inside
Apparently Tumblr has a word limit. See you on Part 2!
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kationella · 4 years
Timeline of the Persona franchise (2/5)
Here for Part 1
Here for Part 3
Here for Part 4
Here for Part 5
March ?
- Katsuya graduates from Seven Sisters to become a sergeant in the Kounan Police Department
October 19
- Yukari Takeba is born
December 22
- Fuuka Yamagishi is born
- Minato Arisato (P3 MC) is born
- Kenji Tomochika is born
- Andre Laurent Jean Geraux is born
- Ulala fails a grade and has to repeat a year
- Ulala meets Maya and they become friends
- Maya teaches Ulala the Persona game
January 16
- Junpei Iori is born
Between April and December
- Chihiro Fushimi is born
May 24
- Mitsuo Kubo is born
- Saki Konishi is born
June 22
- Yosuke Hanamura is born
July 30
- Chie Satonaka is born
December 8
- Yukiko Amagi is born
- Souji Seta (P4 MC) is born
- Kou Ichijo is born. He is adopted into the House of Ichijo
- Hanako Ohtani is born
- Eikichi humiliates Hiroki by pulling his pants down. Hiroki's girlfriend leaves him shortly after this
- Kaoru and Miki Asai are targeted by Tatsuzou Sudou for investigating his crimes. Kaoru survives by awakening his Persona, but Miki dies
- Kaoru fakes his death and becomes an extortionist, changing his name to Baofu
Between 1995 and 1998
- Maya starts working for the Coolest magazine
- Ulala has her savings taking away by con-artist "Youichi Makimura"
April ?
- The Naoya Crew start attending St. Hermelin
April 27
- Naoto Shirogane is born
June 1
- Rise Kujikawa is born
- Naoki Konishi is born
- Sachiko Ichijo is born
- Sae Niijima is born
- Eriko returns from studying in America
- Kei meets Kandori and immediatly dislikes him
- Yukino reforms from her delinquent ways thanks to her teacher, Saeko Takami
- Eriko plays the Persona Game by herself
- Yuka and Hidehiko play the Persona Game by themselves
- Chisato starts going out with Maki's crush, Yosuke Naito, just to make her jealous
- Kouetso Kirijo comes across a Plume of Dusk, and initiates research for benevolent purposes, but the more he learned, the madder he became
- Kouetso and the Kirijo Group start their experimentation with shadows
- Kouetsu allies with Shuji Ikutsuki (Chief Director of Gekkoukan) to bring The Fall
Between January and June
- Yoshida starts his political career
- Yoshida's mentor misappropriates funds and puts the blame on Yoshida
January 19
- Kanji Tatsumi is born
Between March and October
- Maki's psyche splits in three: The one who accepts Kandori and his evil plans (Aki), the one who rejects him (Mai) and the perfect one (Ideal Maki)
- Chisato and Yosuke Naito are transported to Maki's world in the DEVA System
April ?
- Tamaki Uchida starts attending Karukozaka High School
Between April and November
- Hazama does a demonic ritual in his school gym and opens a portal to the Other Dimension
- Ideo Hazama proclaims himself "Deity Emperor" of the Expanse (Sure, whatever you believe, kid)
- The next day, Hazama transports Karukozaka to the Expanse
- Tamaki allies with Reiko Akanezawa to save their school. Katsuhiko Sato gives her a copy of the Demon Summoning Program
- Tamaki defeats Hazama and brings her school back to the human dimension. Yay, another happy ending!
Between May and December
- Tamaki transfers from Karukozaka to St. Hermelin
- Tamaki meets her rival/love interest, Tadashi Satomi
- The Naoya Crew play the Persona Game and meet Philemon, getting Personas
- Maki is kidnapped by Kandori to take control over her parallel world
- Yamaoka is killed by zombies (shadows)
- In the middle of the crisis, Philemon grants Personas to Kenta Yokouchi and Reiji Kido
- The Naoya Crew are aided by Ideal Maki and Mai
- The Naoya Crew rescue Chisato and Yosuke Naito
- Naoya meets his Shadow, who takes the form of a grown-up Kazuya
- Kandori is possessed by Nyarlathotep but the Naoya Crew defeat him (coff and kill him coff)
- Naoya accepts his Shadow as part of himself
- Pandora, an empty version of Maki, devours Aki and steals the core of the DEVA System from Kandori
- The Naoya Crew defeat Pandora and set shit right, saving Maki
- The teacher Saeko Takemi is possessed by the Snow Queen mask
- The Naoya Crew free Ms. Saeko
- The Masked Boy and the Masked Girl fuse with Nyx (Night Queen) but the Naoya Crew defeats them. Yay, another happy ending!
- Yoshida loses the elections
Between June 1996 and February 1998
- Maki is cured of her illness
April ?
- Tatsuya, Anna and Jun start attending Seven Sisters High School
Between 1997 and 1998
- Jun transfers to Kasugayama High due to hurting bullies with his Persona
March ?
- After graduation, Naoya states he must go away. The reasons are unknown
- Masao moves to New York to study art. He eventually becomes famous
- Kei moves to England to continue his studies
- Yukino starts working as a photographer at Coolest magazine, as an apprentice to Shunsuke Fujii
- Hidehiko becomes a talk show host
- Eriko becomes a famous model (She also makes an habit of visiting Igor just to talk)
- Yuka becomes a secretary and marries a salaryman
- Reiji and Kenta work as salesmen
April ?
- Lisa starts attending Seven Sisters
- Eikichi starts attending Kasugayama
April 23
- Makoto Niijima is born
June 24
- Ken Amada is born
July 2
- Goro Akechi is born an illegitimate child and abandoned by Shido
December 5
- Haru Okumura is born
- Maki starts working as a psychiatrist's assistant in Hiiragi Therapy
- Eikichi discovers he can use a Persona
- Eikichi creates the band Gas Chamber
- Sudou is released from Morimoto Sanitarium (By the Masked Circle in IS; by Nyarlathotep in EP)
Between 1998 and 1999
- Ms. Saeko transfers from St. Hermelin to Seven Sisters and becomes a homeroom teacher
- The Vice-Principal of St. Hermelin, Takashi Hanya, transfers to Seven Sisters as a principal
- Anna, the track star of Seven Sisters, gets in a hit and run accident by Daisuke Kaneda and gets injured, falling into depression
Between 1998 and 2000
- Hifumi Togo is born
1999 (Innocent Sin Timeline)
Between January and April
- Junko makes a deal with Joker for eternal youth
- Anna drops out of school
- Principal Hanya makes a deal with Joker so everyone loves him
- Sasaki summons Joker
- Yasuo makes a deal with Joker to become student council president
- Makimura makes a deal with Joker to have charm irresistible to all females
- Reiji gets a woman pregnant and they are now dating
- Todoroki is possessed by Kyouji Kuzunoha and becomes a Devil Summoner
February ?
- Aigis is manufactured by the Kirijo Group
March ?
- Tamaki transfers to a women's college and starts working part-time at the Kuzunoha Detective Agency as an apprentice detective (and Devil Summoner) for Todoroki along with Tadashi
Between April and December
- Chika starts attending Seven Sisters
- Eikichi, Lisa and Tatsuya awaken their Personas and meet Philemon
- The Tatsuya Squad meet Joker and decide to discover why he wants to kill them and (hopefully) kill him first
- The Tatsuya Squad clashes with the Masked Circle
- The Tatsuya Squad fight and defeat Principal Hanya. He commits suicide instead of facing Joker
- Maya and Yukino investigate the Joker incidents as partners
- Maya and Yukino join the Tatsuya Squad
- Lisa and her friends get scouted by Sasaki to form part of an idol group called MUSES
- Tamaki and Tadashi are hired to investigate the Masked Circle by Okamura
- Tamaki and Tadashi attempt to rescue some children fron Sudou, but he defeats her. The Tatsuya Squad save the day
- Yasuo is killed by Sudou
- In Lak'ech is published. Okamura starts losing her mind as the predictions become real
- The rumors of Hitler and his Last Battalion become real
- Junko takes a fatal blow for Jun/Joker
- Yukino faces her Shadow
- After being defeated, Jun is abandoned by Nyarlathotep to die
- Yukino saves Jun's life by granting him her Persona powers
- Jun joins the Tatsuya Squad
- Jun faces Metal Junko
- Kei and Reiji go to Sumaru City when they hear rumors of Kandori hiding there (they are false)
- The Naoya Crew and Anna help fight against the Last Battalion
- The Tatsuya Squad faces their Shadows
- It turns out fake Hitler is actually Nyarlathotep
- Nyarlathotep convinces Okamura to stab Maya with the Spear of Longinus and kickstarts the apocalypse. Jeez, this isn't a happy ending
- Philemon asks for Tatsuya, Lisa, Eikichi and Jun's memories in exchange for creating a new reality
- Tatsuya is the only one who doesn't go through with the plan and keeps his memories, borrowing the body of the Tatsuya of the new reality. Oh! And he punches Philemon in the face!
- In this timeline Jun's father never died
- Nyarlathotep creates the New World Order instead of the Masked Circle
Between January and April
- Sudou becomes JOKER
- Tamaki and Tadashi get engaged
- Reiji gets a woman pregnant and they are now dating
- Kandori is brought back to life by the New World Order and poses as Guy Shinjo
- Todoroki is possessed by Kyouji Kuzunoha and becomes a Devil Summoner
- Sasaki becomes part of the New World Order
February ?
- Aigis is manufactured by the Kirijo Group
March ?
- Tamaki transfers to a women's college and starts working part-time at the Kuzunoha Detective Agency as an apprentice detective (and Devil Summoner) for Todoroki along with Tadashi
- Yukino is separated from Maya by their boss
- Tadashi disappears due to mysterious assassination threats
Between April and December
- Noriko Katayama calls JOKER on Kaneda and Principal Hanya
- Ulala drunk dials JOKER on Maya
- Maya, Katsuya and Ulala meet JOKER and awaken their Personas
- Tatsuya joins the Maya Squad
- Lisa and her friends are scouted by Sasaki to form the idol group MUSES
- Those who called JOKER are affected by the Joker Curse
- Nyarlathotep summons Kandori to develop the Joker Separation Machine
- Kei, Reiji and Eriko go to Sumaru City to investigate the New World Order
- Tatsuya is attacked by Metal versions of Lisa, Eikichi and Jun
- Nyarlathotep kidnaps Eikichi, Jun and Lisa to awaken their memories and set the reality back to the apocalyptic one
- Eikichi, Jun and Lisa are rescued by the Maya Squad (and face their Shadows on the way)
- Tatsuya kills Sudou (who will probably become the Reaper from Persona 3 onwards)
- Kandori is defeated and decides to die (again!) with Chizuru
- The Naoya Crew helps to fight against the New World Order soldiers
- The Maya Squad manage to banish (not destroy) Nyarlathotep, and break the curse on Sumaru City. Yay, another happy ending!
- Tatsuya goes through with the original contract and leaves the borrowed body to go back to his own timeline
- Reiji proposes to his girlfriend and decides to name his future son Takashi
- Baofu becomes a man-searcher with Ulala's help. It is implied someone took over his old website
May ?
- Aigis' activation
- Aigis and Yuu Kimijima fall in love, but she dies by a shadow attack and Aigis' memories are erased
Between June and December
- Mitsuru learns the existence of Aigis
- Eiichiro Takeba, opposing The Fall, divides Death in thirteen parts. He is killed by Kouetsu
- Death escapes the Kirijo Group and, during Aigis confrontation with the shadow, they cause a car crash that kills Minato's parents. Death's escape caused the death of Kouetsu and many scientists lose their lives. This whole mess creates the Dark Hour as well as Tartarus
- Aigis seals a portion of Death inside Minato, who takes the form of Pharos
- The Kirijo Group starts to experiment on 100 street children to create Artificial Persona Users. Eventually, only Takaya Sakaki, Jin Shirato and Chidori Yoshino will survive, creating Strega
- To pay for the expensive Persona suppressants, Strega creates an assassination-for-hire website during the Dark Hour
July ?
- Yoshida loses the elections
July 3
- Ryuji Sakamoto is born
September 10
- Aigis' is reactivated
November 12
- Ann Takamaki is born
- Akira Kurusu (P5 MC) is born
- Yuuki Mishima is born
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