#keep rocking!!!!!
rigelswrittingsquare · 6 months
garrett posting for a moment
so like as we know garrett was the first kid (I think?????)
and the puppet music box in the movie plus (COME FIND ME) (i HC Garrett liked using a speak and spell so that's why it sounds like that) the at the end we all know it's gotta be true (hoping wishing ever since my mutual became the ceo of garrett posting I've been hooked)
this is just me putting out ideas even though I have like no supporting evidence but like
hear me out
the puppet was one of the first animatronics that peepaw willy had to hide Garrett away (OR THE BOX that was in his office)
but he was so upset with how it turned out that he 1. locked the puppet away with Garrett in it (hence come find me) or 2. he wanted to test out his theory of souls being trapped within the animatronics using a body inside of them
after figuring that out with Garrett, he found out that the restaurant was a good way to get a steady influx of kids in the spring bonnie era
petty thinking here but imagine if William felt so "godlike" because of taking his life that he personally asked henry (or somehow did it himself) to make a puppet animatronic so he could feel in control, like, litterally, a puppet. I took your life and now your life is in MY hands.
so Garrett was kinda like a trial run for what was to come
anyways thanks for my fnaf talk! haiii!
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starwarjotta · 4 months
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looking for someone on Tatooine
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cordycepspog · 1 year
Love love LOVE the focus on Joel’s boots during his rampage in the hospital. Because it’s not in a fit of rage, or desperation. Joel’s face is blank. He’s not thinking about consequences of his actions. He’s thinking “you took away my daughter and now I’m getting her back.” It’s a skill he picked up from Tess. He knows what’s coming. There’s no need to get emotional about it. It’s the simplest thing in the world to him: “You don’t get to take her away from me. Not again.” Hell, he doesn’t even look at the doctor when he shoots him! He’s looking right at Ellie, his entire focus and purpose laying in front of him! Mans is straight up on autopilot!
Joel is a unstoppable force in his grief. And Ellie is the immovable object that keeps him from walking straight over the ledge.
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ruporas · 11 months
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kiss (ID in alt text)
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dilfslayer1080p · 5 months
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Shoving pipes up Benreys ass again sorry
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Reasons to play In Stars and Time: Canon Pronoun Warfare.
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sadbocchi · 1 month
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thank you to the band girl factory for making more band girls
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smokbeast · 20 days
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see ya later alligator
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daenystheedreamer · 3 months
ive been thinking about "there must always be a stark in winterfell" as a threat... i love the theory that the starks had some hand in the others, i LOVE the theory that the starks MADE the others in order to become the kings of winter. i think the idea of winterfell as a prison is so fun the idea that the starks MUST stay there as divine punishment for their choices. "if you leave, you will die, you will stay here forever". it's so antithetical to everything the starks and winterfell mean to the characters and i think that's fun! winterfell is so warm and loving and the castle that feels most like a true home for its inhabitants, the one LEAST like a prison. but its got that ominous crypt of corpses beneath it...
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addhellandcurse · 11 months
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
Starving artist Steve Harrington just trying to pick up any job that’ll pay the bills so he can keep making art picking up a bartending gig at some album release event in LA because it pays a flat $500 for 4 hours of his time plus tips
The album ends up being a much-anticipated follow up to an extremely successful debut album for Corroded Coffin, a metal band that somehow made a huge dent across multiple genres with their Spotify Lounge cover session
The lead guitarist and singer, Eddie Munson, is known for being a charmer, but Steve doesn’t fall for it and that just makes Eddie work harder to impress him
Cut to Steve leaving well after the party wraps up, nearly $1000 richer (thank you drunk rich people who forgot they’d already tipped him $20) and running right into Eddie smoking behind the venue
He’s not supposed to smoke, messes with his voice, so he offers Steve his last cigarette and asks him how the night went. Steve’s honest and says he got enough money to pay off his rent for the month and have some leftover for groceries so he’s pretty happy
Eddie asks if bartending is what he always does and Steve unloads on him about his art, how he always knew it would lead to living thin, but that he didn’t mind if it meant he still got to create things that let people see the world differently
Eddie won’t admit it for at least four more months, but he fell in love with Steve that night, listening to the way he described his process and watching as his eyes lit up as he told him about a new thing he wanted to try with oils and clay pinch pots as soon as he had the money for studio time and materials
Eddie won’t admit it for another six months, but he “forgot” the nearly $5000 in cash in the jacket he let Steve borrow in hopes that his bills would be taken care of long enough for him to get whatever studio time he wanted
And Steve wouldn’t admit it for almost a year, but he knew all along that Eddie’s charm worked on him from the first time he ordered a fruity drink at the bar and called him Stevie
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nelkcats · 11 months
Danny was not retired, technically he came when people needed him, he helped or protected them as the case may be. It just turned out that over the years they stopped needing him.
And that was fine, it meant humanity could take care of itself, it meant they were safe. That was what had to matter, no matter that deep down, the halfa was hurt by the information.
It was harder to accept change when you weren't part of it. Danny was immortal, eternal, and powerful, things that no longer fit the world. Not with all the heroes and wizards running around, not with Amity Park fading away, becoming nothing more than a part of his memories.
He fit in perfectly in the Realms, sure, but he knew that if he stayed there too long he'd stop feeling human, and that was dangerous.
So, no, Danny wasn't retired. But he lived in a simple house in Metropolis, though sometimes he got tired of Superman being able to hear literally everything and moved to his house in Fawcett. He used to switch between the two houses frequently, not that it was difficult since he had figured out how to make portals.
He had a few friends, like the orphan boy who lived at the train station and Conner, a teenager who sometimes just needed a house to stay in when he couldn't stand his father.
Neither Conner nor Billy minded his age, which was comforting, although they both got curious when he visited the other house. Danny didn't know how to explain that Eternity Rock and Superman made him nervous if he stayed too long (he didn't like feeling watched), so he just shrugged and told them he had two houses.
Neither of the kids understood but they accepted it. They both had a habit of calling him "Uncle", Danny thought it was odd, given that his appearance wasn't exactly...adult, but it seemed they were comfortable with that, and he left them alone.
Apparently his house (occupied or not) had become a haven for them. Danny always greeted them with a sandwich, or cookies, even though he felt like a grandmother doing so. He smiled for the first time in years, feeling happy to fit into someone's life.
That's why it was quite disconcerting to find the Justice League outside his door asking him to join them. Danny chuckled internally, because the current heroes actually believed they could force him into something, but he accompanied them anyway.
Superboy and Captain Marvel scowled at the League as soon as they entered the Watchtower, when they were told they were bringing in a "dangerous individual" they didn't expect to see their unofficial uncle.
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toadalled · 5 months
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Meet Pigeon the Gargoyle! Raised by birds, she destroys anti-bird spikes and hostile architecture. She sleeps in a park and lets the local children draw on her with sidewalk paint.
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boxdotden · 5 months
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The rock.
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halfghostwriter · 1 year
When a true baby ghost is born— a ghost not born of dying, but rather through the desire of another ghost— they are little more than a core with wispy ectoplasm emanating from them for about a month. During said month, they take on influence from their surroundings in order to figure out the form they’ll take, hence why so many young ghosts look like their parents.
Because they aren’t fully formed until a month after their birth, the parent or parents will take on a far more aggressive, primal form in order to protect their child. The parent’s form will become incredibly monstrous, and their size will increase, with triple their normal size being most common among parents. Their mental state also becomes incredibly instinctual, higher intelligence temporarily being replaced by aggression towards anyone the ghost doesn’t consider family. They stay in this state until the baby is fully formed.
Of course, Danny “don’t worry about it” Phantom forgets to add this bit of trivia to his explanation to his fellow heroes as to why he was taking paternity leave. In his defense, he didn’t expect them to visit during that month.
And he definitely didn’t expect his brooding brain to latch onto most everyone who visited as “part of his brood.”
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azure-sorceress · 2 months
The argument that Moash was the only one in Bridge Four that didn't see Kaladin as some kind of deity or hero really falls apart once you get to the Bridge Four POV chapters in Oathbringer. They're like "yeah, Kaladin is great, but sometimes he can be an idiot, you know" and things of the sort.
Meanwhile, in Oathbringer and Rhythm of War Moash's POVs actually show that he paints Kaladin as this perfect man and soldier.
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