#kaya || kriya dura
mcrcki · 6 months
@tragcdysewn said : [TEXT] - you only call me when you’re drunk. (kriya and kaya)
kaya → kriya : it's the only time i feel comfortable asking for help.. kaya → kriya : so kaya → kriya : help?
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tragcdysewn · 4 months
closed starter for kaya dura!! ( @mcrcki )
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"...you look nice." kriya muttered, still unsure how the hell she's meant to talk to her sister after everything they've been dealing with. "do you want a drink?"
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hiddenwashington · 2 months
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+2 wanted connections added under the cut!
[KAYA DURA || MILLY ALCOCK] is awaiting the arrival of their [MOTHER]. If you happen to see them, they are around [40s] years old and look strikingly similar to [UTP] and happen to be from [STAR WARS]. If you see them, you [DO] have to contact them. We hope they find them soon. [mom's personality and job are completely up to you, the main information you need to know in terms of how the connection plays out is that kaya was stolen from the family when she was about 4 years old to become a jedi. the loss of kaya was extremely traumatic to the entire family, causing mom to disappear (what she did for that is up to you), but dad shut down to a point where kriya (the eldest) was also taken from the family. if you dm me on discord (tiredmomtm) i can give you some more details/point you towards the rest of the fam for plotting as well!!]
[BEATRICE DOGAN || ASLIHAN MALBORA] is awaiting the arrival of their [FAMILY]. If you happen to see them, they are around [UTP] years old and look strikingly similar to [ANY MATCHING FC] and happen to be from [OVER THE GARDEN WALL]. If you see them, you [DO] have to contact them. We hope they find them soon. [pls bring bea the rest of her bird family !!! the parents are also open , but she has like 10 siblings; 5 sisters, 5 brothers. beatrice is the second oldest with one older sister, and then the rest are younger! these are technically canon characters as they are shown in a few episodes, just none of them are named! it's really up to you what you want to do with these characters, obviously beatrice is having a time with them being here, considering she feels a lot of guilt for getting them all cursed to be birds. but just dm me on discord (tiredmomtm) to talk about ideas and so i can fill you in on who is taken !!].
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lcngliive · 9 months
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Was that [VANESSA KIRBY]? Oh no no, that was just [EDLIN DURA], an [ORIGINAL CHARACTER] from [STAR WARS]. They are [THIRTY FOUR] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
she's been here for four years.
what is your character's job
edlin is a doctor at george washington memorial hosp.
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
after her death.
has any magic affected your character
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
oop here comes jodie again with a tragic star wars milf :)))))
edlin was born on lothal to her parents anther and melia berren.
from a young age, edlin showed an interest in medicine, this was only furthered when she made friends with one of the only doctors in her village, an older man named zano who had once been a teacher on coruscant, but was now retired and living with his wife in the place they had raised their children.
as she grew older, she started to grow a more significant interest, and zano contacted some of his former students, putting the word out about someone who would be a good student when she was of age.
and it paid off, she had a place lined up in the top medical school on coruscant when she turned sixteen. 
her life was happy, up until it wasn't, her father was injured in a factory accident which caused him to be bedridden, leaving her mother to be the primary breadwinner for the family. 
it wasn't long after that when her father passed away, leaving her mother devastated and it forced edlin to go and find a job because her mother was too depressed to move from her bed.
it wasn't long after that when both her parents were gone and she was alone in the world.
zano and his wife lena took her in until she was almost sixteen, taking care of her until she was able to go off to courscant and study to become a doctor.
and before she knew it, she was on a transport off-world heading to the core world to start her new life.
she settled in well, the family she was boarding with were friends of zano's and they treated her like one of their own, she was good friends with their daughters, one of them being the same age as her and one just slightly younger.
edlin took to her studies very well and sailed through her training programme quicker than anyone else - she was good at picking up on details that other people didn't and this would prove valuable for her later in her life.
when she was twenty three, she graduated and started working as a doctor in the same place that she had done training at a few years prior.
during that time, she met her soon-to-be husband and they just clicked instantly. leaving this very vague bc ik maig is putting a wc out for papa dura :)
and they got married and had their first daughter, kriya. and then a few years later kaya followed.
but things weren't going to be happy for the dura family - kaya was force sensitive, and soon the jedi came knocking.
edlin was 100% against giving her baby up - kaya was her child and she wasn't about to let the jedi take her. but things wouldn't go the way she wanted them.
and even though she fought hard, kaya was still taken away from them.
soon after that, edlin started to resent her husband and resent the jedi - for letting their daughter be taken away so easily and the jedi for taking her away.
the days after her daughter was taken, she locked herself in the bedroom and refused to speak to anyone or see anyone, she even started to refuse to eat and go to work.
years passed with her being numb, but slowly she gained somewhat of a normal life back - she went to work and then came home and didn't speak to her family.
which is something she regrets, she regrets shutting kriya out - regrets not being there for her daughter.
one day, edlin just decided to pack a bag and leave, leave her family behind and go out into the world - it was a spur-of-the-moment thing and very much an intrusive thought that she gave into, but she left.
she helped around on different planets for a few years, that was until the clone wars happened and while she didn't like the jedi, the civilians didn't deserve to be caught in their war.
edlin doesn't really remember what happened in the end - but she was killed in an explosion that was done by the separatists and even until the end, she was making sure people were okay.
here in dc
edlin has been in the city for four years and has been slowly adjusting.
she was glad to go back to working as a doctor here, it made her feel better about everything and gave her a sense of normality.
the first year of her being here was very hard for her, she'd been away from what was left of her family for a year now at this point and she missed them, missed what her family could have been.
but she thew herself into work and started volunteering to pass the time when she wasn't working and that led her to work with a few different charities that help children after their parents had died.
edlin has recently been reunited with her daughters, and she doesn't know how that's going to go - with kriya, she knows it won't go well, but she hopes that with kaya things can be good.
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yogaouioga · 4 years
13 Mantras de Yoga Para Memorizar
Você certamente já presenciou momentos de cantos em sala de aula, certo?
Veja agora os 13 mantras clássicos do yoga em sânscrito e Gurmukhi que você pode começar a praticar.
Ler mantras em sânscrito, a língua antiga da Índia, certamente pode ser desafiador.
(Como exatamente você pronuncia śāntiḥ?) Gurmukhi, um script sagrado usado na Kundalini Yoga , é mais direto que o sânscrito, porém, também pode parecer um desafio, no início.
 A boa notícia: você não necessita memorizar um mantra longo para obter resultados positivos. Até mantras de uma única palavra – como Om – podem ser muito poderosos.
Imagine um mantra como um instrumento mental que equilibra  sua prática de ioga.
Cultivar uma presença sônica pode ser libertador de certa maneira, à medida que você experimenta a natureza numinosa do som.
Diz-se que cada chakra possui uma vibração específica e certos mantras podem ressoar e harmonizar essa energia.
Embora recitar um mantra antes ou depois de pisar no tapete possa melhorar sua prática, você não necessita estar no modo de ioga para cantar. Os mantras são uma ferramenta de ioga que você pode utilizar para acalmar sua mente em qualquer lugar, a qualquer instante.
Sentindo-se estressado, solitário, ansioso, animado? Escolha uma palavra, frase ou invocação e cante de uma forma que funcione para você: em voz alta, suave ou até internamente.
Para colher o máximo de benefícios, mantras mais curtos precisam ser cantados 108 vezes e mantras mais longos podem ser repetidos até três vezes.
De qualquer maneira, separe alguns minutos para focar sua atenção no som.
Se você não possui um professor de ioga para lhe dizer o que precisa, certamente essa lista de 13 mantras essenciais  vão te ajudar nessa jornada.
Veja agora os 13 Mantras e Cânticos Yoga
O Mantra: Om
Pronúncia: AUM
Por que cantar?
Diz-se que Om é o primeiro som ouvido na criação do universo.
Quando cada sílaba é pronunciada completamente, você deve sentir a energia do som saindo do seu assoalho pélvico até o topo da cabeça.
Diz-se que o som de zumbido do Om desbloqueia o chakra da garganta, o que pode levar a uma comunicação mais sintonizada com os outros.
O Mantra: Shanti Mantra, Um Cântico Pela Paz
sarvesham svastir bhavatu
Sarvesham Shantir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu
Que haja bem-estar para todos,
Que haja paz para todos.
Que haja totalidade para todos,
Que haja felicidade para todos.
Versão curta:
O mantra: Om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
Pronúncia: AUM Shanti Shanti Shanti
Tradução: Om Paz Paz  Paz
O Mantra: Gayatri Mantra
Om bhur bhuvah svah
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
Terra, céu, todo o meio.
O excelente poder divino do sol.
Que possamos contemplar o esplendor daquele deus,
Que isso inspire nossa compreensão.
O Mantra: Invocação a Ganesha
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Om gam ganapataye namah
Vakra-tunda maha-kaya surya-koti-sama-prabha
Nirvighnam kuru me deva sarva-karyeshu sarva-da
Saudações a Ganesha.
Ó Ganesha, deus com um tronco curvado, de grande estatura,
Cujo brilho é igual a dez milhões de sóis.
Conceda-me liberdade dos obstáculos,
Em todas as coisas, em todos os momentos.
Por que cantar:
Ganesha é o deus da sabedoria e do sucesso, o removedor de obstáculos
O Mantra: Invocação a Patanjali, Autor do Yoga Sutra
Yogena chittasya padena vacham malam sharirasya cha vaidyakena
Yo ‘pakarottam pravaram muninam patanjalim pranjalir anato’ smi
Com as palmas das mãos dobradas,
Me curvo respeitosamente a Patanjali, o melhor dos sábios,
Que dissipa as impurezas da mente com o Yoga,
Da fala através da gramática e do corpo por meio da medicina.
Por que cantar:
Este canto que invoca Patanjali, um dos ancestrais ​​da tradição do yoga, é frequentemente cantado no começo das aulas de Iyengar Yoga ou como uma introdução ao canto do Sutra do Yoga.
Experimente no início de sua prática como uma forma de honrar a tradição antiga e agradecer à linhagem de professores.
Este canto também nos recorda que o yoga se destina a purificar a mente, enquanto a medicina ayurvédica pode curar o corpo e que nossa fala (e também nossa respiração) é fundamental.
O Mantra: Mangala Mantra
Svasti prajabhyah paripalayantam nyayena margena mahim mahishah
Gobrahmanebhyah shubham astu nityam lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
Que os governantes da terra protejam o bem-estar do povo,
Com justiça, pelo caminho correto.
Que sempre haja boa sorte para todos os seres vivos.
Que todos os habitantes do mundo sejam cheios de felicidade.
Por que cantar:
Representa auspiciosidade e boa sorte para todos. Se você costuma dedicar sua prática ou meditação a alguém, essa é para você.
O Mantra: Um Canto Dos Upanishads
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Uma coleção de antigos textos filosóficos e religiosos indianos
Que juntos possamos ser protegidos,
Que juntos possamos ser nutridos.
Que possamos trabalhar juntos com vigor, que
nosso estudo seja esclarecedor.
Que estejamos livres da discórdia.
OM Paz, Paz, Paz!
Por que cantar:
Esse mantra é normalmente recitado no começo de um estudo ou empreendimento conjunto, tornando-o uma boa opção para qualquer coisa, desde ancorar uma prática de yoga até abraçar uma nova oportunidade, seja um trabalho ou um relacionamento.
O Mantra: Um Canto do Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,
Esse é um dos textos sânscritos mais antigos
Asato ma sad gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityor ma Amritam gamaya
Do irreal ao real, conduza-me.
Das trevas para a Luz, me guie.
Da morte à imortalidade, me leve.
Por que cantar:
Representa paz e liberdade.
Como bem sabemos, a liberdade pode significar coisas bem distintas de pessoa para pessoa, porém compreendê-la, mesmo pelas extremidades, pode dar uma sensação de leveza incrível.
O Mantra: A invocação Inicial do Isha Upanishad
Um texto em sânscrito que mergulha no conhecimento do Eu Interior.
Purnam adah purnam idam purnat purnam udachyate
Purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavashishyate
Isso é Inteiro. Isto é Inteiro.
O Todo surge do Todo.
Tendo tomado o Todo do Todo,
somente o Todo permanece.
Por que cantar:
Esta passagem expressa a ideia fundamental de que o Um e o Muitos são iguais; o visível e o invisível, o microcosmo e o macrocosmo são ambos o Todo.
Ou seja – nós somos um. Quando você se sente sozinho ou incompreendido, esse mantra pode ajudá-lo a reorientar seus pensamentos.
O Mantra: Sat Nam
Pronúncia: Saaaaaaaat  Nam
* Sat é estendido oito vezes mais que Nam. Se você verdadeiramente deseja que o mantra irradie da base da coluna para o centro da cabeça, faça o  Sat  35 vezes mais que o Nam .
Verdade é o meu nome.
Por que cantar:
Usado na prática de Kundalini Yoga, Sat Nam pode ser uma forma de encontrar sua intuição. O mantra de Gurmukhi também faz parte da meditação de Sat Kriya, que diz revigorar a energia sexual se praticada diariamente por pelo menos 3 minutos.
O Mantra: Adi Mantra (Ong Namo Guru Dav Namo) (de Gurmukhi)
Oong namo  
Gurudav namo
Eu me curvo à energia criativa do infinito.
Eu me curvo ao canal divino da sabedoria.
Por que cantar:
Este mantra Gurmukhi abre o canal de comunicação entre o aluno e o professor Divino.
Interessante pensar que isso também nos abre para novos empreendimentos e dá forças para tentar algo novo.
O Mantra: Siri Gaitri Mantra
Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Diga So Hung
Sol, Lua, Terra, Infinito, Tudo o que há no infinito, eu sou Ti.
Por que cantar:
Utilizado como meditação restauradora para enviar energia de cura para nós e para os outros.
No Kundalini Yoga, a pose para esta meditação é tão importante quanto o som.
Sente-se confortavelmente com os cotovelos dobrados e dobrados firmemente ao lado da caixa torácica, os antebraços estendidos para fora perpendicularmente, com as palmas voltadas para cima.
O Mantra: Neti-Neti
Pronúncia: Neti neti
Tradução: Não é isso, não é isso.
Por que cantar:
A frase é uma formar de refutar algo – sejam palavras duras ou uma situação em sua vida que você gostaria de mudar.
Gratidão por você ter acompanhado até o final e espero de coração, que tenha tido alguma utilidade para você.
Conheça também o curso de yoga online clicando na imagem na lateral (se você estiver no desktop) ou no final da página (se estiver no smartphone).
O conteúdo 13 Mantras de Yoga Para Memorizar aparece primeiro em Yoga ou Ioga.
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tragcdysewn · 10 months
closed starter for kaya dura!! ( @mcrcki )
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"i thought they killed you all off years ago." kriya spits out, looking the other over in disgust. "and the ones that survived usually aren't stupid enough to still wear those robes like they mean anything."
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tragcdysewn · 8 months
closed starter for kaya dura!! ( @mcrcki )
13. Monster: Werewolf
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kriya's blaster went off as she tried to finish off the creature, grunting in frustration as the beast moves and the bolt only skims it's ear. hearing someone approach behind her, her gaze briefly lands on her sister before returning to the fight. "turn around, kaya!"
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tragcdysewn · 9 months
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was that florence pugh? oh no no, that was just kriya dura, an original character from star wars. they are twenty nine years old, use she/her, and are aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here:
about four months now
what is your character’s job:
she's still a bounty hunter
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom:
like sixish years after order 66. the empire is at its prime and rebellion hadn't gotten much hold yet
has any magic affected your character:
nope, none at all
bonus info:
kriya dura was born 42 bby on coruscant, to a like very normal boring family just living their lives. when she was seven, her little sister kaya was born, and she was absolutely obsessed with the baby immediately like think those tiktoks of the little kid demanding to hold their newborn sibling and crying when the baby is taken away. despite the age difference, she was v close with kaya, and was actually the first one to realize that kaya was force sensitive during a temper tantrum when kaya was two and kriya was nine. kriya panicked and promised kaya that she wouldn't let it get out, that she wouldn't let the jedi come for them, not even telling their parents what she'd seen that day. unfortunately, the jedi have their own ways, and they came when kaya was three. their parents tried to say no, but the knight who came was determined, and mind tricked them into complacency. kriya screamed and cried but no one listened to her. when the jedi left with kaya, her parents fell into a depression, and eventually her mother disappeared without a trace, sending her father into a complete shut down. eventually, kriya was taken away and placed in an orphanage. she ended up becoming a leader among the children there, with a group of them running away and becoming a gang of smugglers and bounty hunters. when kriya was seventeen, she took a job tracking down a politician in debt, without knowing the politician had a jedi guarding them. she lost her right arm in the struggle, and vanished for weeks, returning with a metal limb to her group of friends in shambles, and her best friend having been killed on a job she was supposed to assist with. the remains of her friends parted ways, and kriya remained on her own after that. when order 66 was carried out and the empire rose, she was very aware that her sister was now dead, and took a contract with the empire as an imperial spy and bounty hunter, figuring it was safer to serve the empire than fight for the republic she hated more than anything
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