afroeurobillionaire · 19 days
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lifeofroos · 1 year
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Okay but a more expensive special edition of the communist manifesto feels like someone completely missed the point. Like how do you make this without thinking for just a moment ‘wait a minute’
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cpluzzc · 22 days
beacons of life
wandering creatures in space beyond the realms of philosophical dignities owned by lords fluttering behind temporary idols even predecessors fighting each other with men made their swords themselves lordly crowned even the super-rich eagerly looking for more enough is only the beginning of unbridled desire working man reduced to a slave to be manipulated it becomes dark pitch black…
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forislynx · 1 month
Likgiltighet för offentliga angelägenheter och neutralitet i politiska frågor är i sig inte tillräcklig orsak till framväxten av totalitära rörelser. Borgerskapets konkurrens- och förvärvsinriktade samhälle hade skapat apati och till och med fientlighet mot det offentliga livet […] Såväl den tidiga apatin som det senare kravet på diktatoriskt monopol över nationens utrikespolitik hade sina rötter i ett levnadssätt och en livsfilosofi med envist och exklusivt fokus på individens framgång eller misslyckande under förhållanden av hänsynslös konkurrens, till den grad att en medborgares plikter och ansvar bara kunde upplevas som en onödig åderlåtning av hans begränsade tid och energi. Dessa borgerliga attityder är mycket användbara för de former av diktatur i vilka en "stark man" åtar sig det tunga ansvaret att sköta de offentliga angelägenheterna; däremot är de ett direkt hinder för totalitära rörelser, som kan tolerera borgerlig individualism lika lite som varje annan form av individualism.
Hannah Arendt, Totalitarismens ursprung
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powerofthestruggle · 5 months
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robotgyulolo · 6 months
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Dear Targets, Kohl’s, Walmarts, ALDIs, Home Depot , Jewel & all other stores that have self checkout. You are heading towards almost exclusively self-checkout now. The lady checking receipts at the exit was stopping everyone. I didn't choose to participate in that nonsense, I had already 🛒filled my cart 🛒emptied my cart 🛒scanned the items 🛒refilled my cart and so I just skipped the exit line and left. I heard her saying "umm - Excuse me “ as I kept walking and raised the receipt above my head, leaving the store. You can either trust me to do self-checkout, or you can put your cashiers back in place like it used to be.
I'm not interested in proving that I did your job for you.
If you want me to be a cashier with no training then that's your problem not mine.
Keep employing young people and give them job opportunities. YOU DON'T PAY ME TO SCAN MY OWN SHOPPING. YOU DON’T GIVE ME STAFF DISCOUNT FOR WORKING FOR YOU. Signed ……All of us These are jobs that are needed to have for young and old ….. Copied and pasted, because I agree 100%. SPREAD IT AROUND
Tanya Jackson VanAtter 's post on Facebook
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chenisthebestkitty · 22 days
Tiffany couldn't quite work out how Miss Level got paid. Certainly the basket she carried filled up more than it emptied. They'd walk past a cottage and a woman would come scurrying out with a fresh-baked loaf or a jar of pickles, even though Miss Level hadn't stopped there. But they'd spend an hour somewhere else, stitching up the leg of a farmer who'd been careless with an axe, and get a cup of tea and a stale biscuit. 
It didn't seem fair.
“Oh, it evens out,” said Miss Level, as they walked on through the woods. 
“You do what you can. People give what they can, when they can. Old Slapwick there, with the leg, he's as mean as a cat, but there'll be a big cut of beef on my doorstep before the week's end, you can bet on it. His wife will see to it. And pretty soon people will be killing their pigs for the winter, and I'll get more brawn, ham, bacon and sausages turning up than a family could eat in a year.”
“You do? What do you do with all that food?”
“Store it,” said Miss Level. 
“But you-”
“I store it in other people. It's amazing what you can store in other people.” Miss Level laughed at Tiffany's expression. “I mean, I take what I don't need round to those who don't have a pig, or who're going through a bad patch, or who don't have anyone to remember them.”
“But that means they'll owe you a favour!”
“Right! And so it just keeps on going round. It all works out.”
“I bet some people are too mean to pay-”
“Not pay,” said Miss Level, severely. “A witch never expects payment and never asks for it and just hopes she never needs to. But, sadly, you are right.”
“And then what happens?"
“What do you mean?”
“You stop helping them, do you?”
“Oh, no,” said Miss Level, genuinely shocked. “You can't not help people just because they're stupid or forgetful or unpleasant. Everyone's poor round here. If I don't help them, who will?”
"A Hat full of Sky" - Terry Pratchett
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hamlettheedane · 6 days
my favorite thing about will graham is that we know he does not give a fuck about the cannibalism nor do I think he’s homophobic/ opposed in general to the idea of being gay so ultimately i have to conclude that will’s biggest problem with hannibal is that he’s an aristocrat
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zegalba · 1 year
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Kapital 5G Wool Bone Sweaters
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funstealer · 7 months
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Kapital Lookbook Shot by Eric Kvatek
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ultimateinferno · 8 months
No I haven't read the Communist Manifesto but I did read Brennan Lee Mulligan recount the best Christmas Party he's ever been to and that's basically the same thing.
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hectorisdead · 6 months
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Chrome hearts
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forislynx · 3 months
Vi offrar det levande och fritt växande och vi gör det för att garantera förnyad tillväxt. Det som ska växa är produktionen av ting och konsumtionen av dem. Först nu när kollapsen är nära har människor börjat undra om vi verkligen lyckas blidka den makt som vi satte vårt hopp till. Den slukade först kol, sedan olja och den begär nu fler och allt större offer från den gröna jorden och de blå haven. Vår blinda tro har inte ens lyckats att förvandla vår civilisation till en avfallskvarn. När fyrtio kilo plast hittas i en strandad och död val inser man det.
Kerstin Ekman, Tullias värld
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jxck-y · 26 days
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msterpicasso · 11 months
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