Andrew Minyard hates exy. Anyone on the Seahawks can see that. You could be in the middle of a conversation with him, but as soon as the word ‘exy’ is dropped, he will leave like you weren’t just talking.
He seems to have a silent agreement with the coaches to block out at least 75% of shots thrown on him, however it is not uncommon for him to sit down in the goal box after that percentage is reached, only to stand again when the percentage drops back down.
The only time that he’s seen to give half a shit is when he’s facing Neil Josten and Kevin Day from the Denver Eagles. Whenever they are on court, Minyard tries his danmedest to make sure they do not score, even going as far as directing the backliners that are meant to protect him.
Matthew Boyd is all too happy to take his suggestions, but even the two best strikers in exy struggle against Boyd without Andrew’s help.
So the team knows that Andrew hates exy, with a few exceptions.
Today is one of those exceptions.
They’re in the third quarter of the game and the Eagles are losing by four points. Neither Josten or Day are on court, having played the first and second quarters, and Andrew played the first half, so he won’t go back in. Almost a guaranteed win with Boyd playing second half.
What was unexpected was the little spat between Day and Josten across the court. Day was waving his arms animatedly and gesturing to the Seahawks side and Josten stood there quietly seething.
After a few minutes of Day practically tearing into Josten, Josten said one word that made Day go mute, taking a step backwards. Minyard took a walk around the court.
“Minyard! Come back here!” Coach Limmens yelled. Andrew ignored him.
Altrez watched the exchange, having been a Fox fan himself, their weird dynamic always intrigued him.
Andrew made it over to the Eagle’s side and seemed to start up another verbal fight with Day, Josten, and the Eagle’s coach. It wasn’t long before it was over and Josten was entering the court.
As soon as the court door closed, Andrew punched the Eagle’s coach in the face.
Andrew stalked his way back over to their side and immediately picked up his pads. “I’m going in Coach.”
“The hell you are. Jamie’s barely been able to play.” Coach Limmens said, dismissing Andrew completely.
“If you don’t put me in, right now, then Johnson’s going to get hurt. Josten’s on a mission and he’s too stubborn to listen to reason.”
“And you’re the voice of reason.” Limmens scoffed.
“No, that’s The Queen,” Minyard said jabbing a thumb towards where Kevin Day stood across the court. “I’m what’s standing between Josten and your team.”
“Right, I’ll take that into consideration. Sit down.” Limmens said.
Altrez could feel the rage coming off of Andrew, but he ultimately shrugged.
“Good Luck, Johnson. Hope you have good health insurance.” Andrew said sitting down next to Altrez.
Not 30 seconds after the play started, Josten got the ball, gave a nasty check to Boyd—weren’t they friends?—and made it towards the goal. He swung and Jamie dove out of the way, not even trying to block the goal.
The crack of the ball against he plexiglass wall was felt in the floorboards.
Boyd scrambled off the floor and made it towards the striker. Josten blew him off and went back to get into position for the next play.
For a scary moment, Matthew Boyd looked directly at him. No, not at him, at Minyard. All Andrew did was look at Coach Limmens.
Boyd can apparently read minds because he ran to the door and asked coach to put Andrew in, if not, Jamie was going to get hurt.
Coach finally relented and Andrew went out on the court.
Things happened faster than they probably should have.
Josten got the ball. Josten bypassed Boyd with some crazy footwork. Andrew left the goalie box and met him in the middle, hitting Josten’s racket against his own before pushing Josten backwards.
Rise. Repeat.
Josten never being able to get a shot off, and both teams growing increasingly frustrated.
This time Hendricks, the second Seahawks backliner, got to Josten before Andrew, hitting him down with a definitely illegal check. Josten went down… and did not get back up.
Then the fight broke out. Team against team letting their frustrations out as refs tried to break them up.
Minyard and Boyd fought together to get to player on the ground but didn’t seem interested in anything else.
By the time the refs got everything under control and players cleared out. Andrew was leaning over Josten with Day on the other side of the glass where the boy laid, and Matt stood guard making sure no one got too close.
By the time everything was said and done, Altrez was fairly certain that the bets he made on the Minyard-Josten rivalry were going to be paying out soon.
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s-hanna-h · 11 months
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Anyone in for a aftg meme redraw XD
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i-wish-i-were-softer · 5 months
Kevin Day
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For me is so pure that Andrew's first real smile in YEARS was for Kevin when he got the queen and the fact that he never saw it was poetic.
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llstarcasterll · 8 months
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Kandreil Kens 🌸 October's postcard (+bookmark!)
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shuutingstar · 1 month
can’t believe Kevin has chemistry with two separate couples who have their own books centred around them — and Kevin plays a big part in both of their lives — and this guy ends up with Thea. THEA.
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The thing about All for the Game that I love is that there aren't any ships I hate. Like all of them are good, crack, canon, or otherwise. The straight ships are good, the gay ships are good, the poly ships are good. Like sure I have my favorites but damn Nora really popped off with these characters and I will move them around like I am playing with dolls. I love this series.
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 21 days
Nora's extra content highlighting Kevin and Neil's friendship
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fascinationsublime · 8 months
You know that interview with Max Verstappen where they ask him how he deals with the hate that he receives from f1 fans and he replies, "nothing could be worse than what I went through back then"?
That's so All For The Game coded. I can imagine pretty much any of them saying that but Kevin? Kevin.
Imagine they've made it. Kevin, Andrew, and Neil are all on the US Court team. And certain people are upset that it's Kevin and not Riko who made it. I mean he was always number 2 and now Riko's dead and Kevin's a superstar, the solo son of exy. And so the media asks him if it bothers him, all this hate that he gets from people who used to be Ravens fans, who used to cheer for him and he just says, "Nothing could be worse than what I went through back then."
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our-king-bree · 1 year
it's the fact that Nora didn't erase nor change any of the kandreil interactions, she let them as they were for when they were a throuple and THEN she expected me to believe that Kevin is happily married with a Raven? yeah no well thanks for the story Nora but Kevin belong to us now and he's a bisexual king on a poly relationship
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I already knew Andrew and Neil were going to be a couple before I read the books, but imagine someone going into them with 0 knowledge of the plot and thinking oh, yeah, Kevin and Neil will totally be an item (or alternatively thinking Kevin and Andrew are probably together from the beginning).
Only to realize the little gremlin with an Exy stick, standing in the locker room, begging for Neil to give him a reason to swing it is ACTUALLY the one Neil ends up with and Kevin is forced into a random relationship that isn't even hinted at until the last book.
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ms-masago · 2 years
Andrew is a such a picky eater, and I mean about EVERYTHING. He won’t drink something if it’s too thick, he won’t eat mashed potatoes with lumps or skins and if there is an OUNCE of fat on his meat he’ll refuse to touch the whole thing.
Neil once ate paper and didn’t notice.
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rumoredtoexist · 2 months
i just lost The Game so i’m bringing you all down with me
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numnue · 10 months
you ever think about how aftg is “all for the game” and how neil gives his “game” to kevin at the beginning of the series (in the MOST homoerotic way possible) and they both spend the rest of the series trying to convince andrew to give them his “game”, so it’s ALL for the GAME, ITS ALL FOR ANDREW AND NEIL AND KEVIN AND LIKE BRO THE KANDREIL IS SO STRONG SO STRONG I AM GOING TO GO FERAL
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Neil: Hey, can you come and pick me up??
Andrew: Okay.
Kevin praying for his life and questioning every desition he ever made while they go way over the speed limit on an interestatal highway after doinga very illegal U turn for no apparent reason.
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s-hanna-h · 11 months
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