#kamigami no asobi thor
miss-miko · 3 months
Second part of Club Activities - end of Main Story / Next will be 1st chapter of Hades route!
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favficbirthdays · 6 months
Happy Birthday
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Thor Megingjord (21st November)
Kamigami no Asobi
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lamentinghouses · 9 months
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Some quick little watercolor scenes from my fic Get It Through Your Head. feat. Shenanigans, clearing up misunderstandings, and an unfortunate meeting with an overhead sign.
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daeva-agas · 8 months
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What do you mean these two aren't the same thing
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castor-romeo · 11 months
crcom: kamigami no asobi
episode 1 
- what the fuck is the opening scene 
- no seriously what the fuck?!
- please put on pants
- everyone needs a break from serious stuff and this was my choice, i do not regret it at all
- sword portkey!!
- ~pretty boys with flowers~
- pleasantly surprised by the different mythologies being represented/used 
- i think i found the main love interest, spoiler alert he’s blond 
episode 2 
- do you get on the pegasus with the pretty boy you just met? of course you do this is a romance! 
- can you fuck the teacher? asking for a friend
episode 3 
- beach episode? 
- stripping! because everyone wants to see shirtless anime boys! 
- ah yes fireworks make everything better
- the more i hear apollon’s voice the more it annoys me 
episode 4 
- “going home club” i would join that lol 
- hades is a drama queen 
- something tells me the boys™ don’t want you talking to hades, that was too many accidents to be a coincidence 
- oh my god he likes making puns 
episode 5 
- thoth has some great nicknames for the boys™
- mmmmm plot induced sword fights 
- i spy a tsundere 
- it seems we have entered the one episode per character focus segment 
- why does she have to be in mortal danger so often 
- we made it to the unlocking tragic backstories part
episode 6 
- i’m all for the “physically stuck together until emotions happen” trope, but handcuffs (deathnote style) are more fun than rings 
- haha thoth just,,,kabedon’ed yui while Tsukito was kneeling on the floor
- let me just cross off “stalking friends while they are on a date” cliche 
episode 7
- how did loki miss the entire premise of the show? of course yui is human 
- loki you gotta stop being jealous and flirting with balder by talking about meat
- someone tell loki that seducing your ex’s current crush is not a good idea   
episode 8 
- those are the biggest and creepiest candles ever apollon 
- thoth...is a good business man but what is his obsession with red bean soup 
- of all the characters to have a yandere side, i was not expecting balder 
- ...maybe not ex’s with the amount of be together forever talk between loki and balder 
- wait what??!! cliff hanger much??!! 
episode 9 
- haha the comments on crunchyroll for this episode (and most of the others) are talking about thoth and his wall slams 
closing remarks
- not my favorite reverse harem/romance anime (it’s kinda bland?) but it has funny and cute moments 
- if you like pretty boy fanservice, you will probably like this  
- the op and ed are pretty too 
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marvel-and-dc-geek · 1 year
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kamiasorp-esp · 2 years
¿Cómo funciona KamiAsoRP-ESP?
Comenzaremos por lo más básico, y es ¿sobre qué trata este blog de Tumblr? Bien, bien... Como veréis, este espacio está dedicado a Kamigami no Asobi, una serie de videojuegos en el que implican a deidades de distintos panteones. Principalmente, podréis realizar preguntas o establecer algunas situaciones concretas en las que os gustaría que los personajes reaccionasen. Siento que puede ser una forma muy linda para interactuar con vuestros personajes favoritos y, para que mentirnos, con suerte podremos revivir parte del fandom sobre este maravilloso otome. Antes de continuar, caben aclarar tres pequeños pero importantes aspectos:
Por el momento, aunque probablemente sea así siempre, solamente yo estaré a cargo del blog. Así que, si en algún momento empieza a haber un cúmulo de preguntas, por favor tenedme paciencia ♡
Haré mi mejor esfuerzo para interpretar las distintas personalidades de los chicos, sin embargo solamente soy una fan más, así que siempre estarán sujetas a un ''creo personalmente que esto es lo que responderían o harían los chicos''. Por lo tanto, no hay porque tomar las respuestas al pie de la letra, además ¡os prometo que siempre aspirarán a ser cada vez mejores!
Las imágenes que utilizaré para mis publicaciones no me pertenecen, a no ser que yo misma lo haya indicado anteriormente.
¡Ahora sí, continuemos con las reglas que se llevarán a cabo en este pequeño espacio! Por favor, antes de enviar cualquier pregunta, léelas atentamente ♡
Sobre KamiAsoRP-ESP:
Está totalmente prohibido insultar, humillar o faltarle el respeto a cualquier personita, pertenezca o no al fandom. Me gustaría que este espacio se convierta en un pequeño lugar seguro para todo aquel que se anime a participar o simplemente, sienta curiosidad sobre Kamigami no Asobi. Por favor, entre todos juntos hagamos de este blog uno agradable y familiar para todos nosotros ♡
Absolutamente todos tienen derecho a dar su opinión, siempre y cuando no afecte o insulte a otra persona. En otras palabras, respeta para que te respeten.
Sobre como interactuar con los personajes de Kamigami no Asobi:
En este blog podrás hacerle preguntas a: Apollon Agana Belea, Hades Aidoneus, Dionysus Thrysos, Takeru Totsuka, Tsukito Totsuka, Akira Totsuka, Loki Laevatein, Balder Hringhorni, Thor Megingyoruzu, Thoth Caduceus y Anubis Ma'at.
Puedes dedicarle una pregunta o un escenario a todos los chicos o tan solo a aquellos que sean de tu interés. En todo caso, no te olvides de especificar con quienes quieres interactuar ✨y me encargaré de hacer el resto de la magia✨. Si por el contrario, no encuentro ninguna especificación en tu pregunta, lo interpretaré como que va dirigida a todos ellos.
Podrás enviar tus preguntas o escenarios en el Askbox que, por el momento, siempre permanecerá abierto. Cabe destacar que solamente responderé las preguntas enviadas desde dicho lugar y no aquellas que estén enviadas a través de otros medios.
Se responderán todas las interacciones enviadas. No obstante, pueden haber algunas pequeñas razones que eviten lo contrario: ha ocurrido algún fallo en Tumblr que haya impedido que reciba tu pregunta, tu pregunta o escenario ya fue respondida anteriormente, tu pregunta es insultante, discriminatoria o incomprensible.
Como aún desconozco que tipo de público tendrá este blog, por el momento no responderé preguntas o escenarios que sean sexualmente explícitos. En todo caso, si este proyecto va tomando forma y avanza, ante cualquier actualización sobre este aspecto seréis inmediatamente informados.
No pienso responder preguntas como ''¿Cómo os gustan las chicas?'' ''Os gustan las chicas con —insertar cualquier cualidad o rasgo físico—?''. Como comprenderéis, si lo hiciera, podría estar destrozando los sueños y las ilusiones de cualquier personita que pudiera verse excluida ante tales respuestas. Como dije anteriormente, me gustaría hacer de este lugar uno seguro y cómodo para cualquiera que decida participar o simplemente leer las demás interacciones.
Y tras estas aclaraciones, no me queda nada más que deciros que disfrutéis de este pequeño blog ♡ Espero que entre todos, poco a poco, podamos darle vida.
¡Tanto los chicos como yo, estaremos encantados de recibirlos! ♡
Muchísimas gracias por leer ♡
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hellcatinnc · 9 months
Kamigami No Asobi - Loki Game Review
Spoilers Ahead...
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Ok where do I begin. So I have been wanting to play this game for months ever since I saw the anime show. However there is nothing but translations and most aren't done online. I may not play it all because it is harder to do without all the translations or english game patches but 3 men i can not take any more not knowing their love story. That being Loki, Hades, & Baldr. I plan to review them as well. Anyways on to Loki Laevatein....
If I wasn't in love with this man from just the anime well it got worse he stole my heart a thousand times over. I do not regret putting him on my top list of anime men. So I played both love endings as well as both fated just so I got the full story. Oh lord I prefer the love ending of course the fate ending was too sad to me. I hated that if you don't get enough points by the end you can't choose to go to their world been trying yet sadly have yet to be able to get it or a walkthrough maybe one day I'm just happy I got him anyways. Great thing is I wasn't expecting it but I couldn't choose his world so he gave his up to be with me and be human which he hates. Oh lord before I go any further this man moved me in ways I didn't think possible. I will even share some of his dialog that made me swoon in this review. Also damn I thought his voice was sexy before but then when he says baby at one point I was floored I could listen to him say baby all day long.
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This was a good story honestly you saw how connected he was to Baldr which I always loved as well as Thor. You don't see them fighting for your love because Baldr is ok being just your friend and wanting his best friend to be happy. I think with the show they just try to throw them all in love with you at the same time so there are more confrontations but even then he loved Baldr like a brother. They stayed true to Loki he joked around even in the beginning when he started having feelings I think it was more about playing you out to see if there was something there. IDK but Yui had her work cut out for her chasing him around and dealing with his antics but it was so worth the man he became. I was floored he gave up being a god to be a human just because he couldn't see life without her. This means he gave up long life, and powers just so he could grow old with her. I'm actually glad I saw that ending first because it made me realize how in love he really was. if anything it makes me love him more. I also have to mention something about I guess the moles beside his eye make him even hotter. I know I got it bad but loki is drool worthy to me.
These are some of the most precious things said that makes me love Loki even more.
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LOKI: You’re completely defenseless. …If you keep making such a cute face, I might kiss you. LOKI: It’s alright… I’ll never let you go.
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LOKI: I’ve never had someone so special to me like this. He gently wiped away the tears on my cheek with his long fingers. LOKI: I don’t want to part with you. I don’t even want to graduate if it means we can’t be together.
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(voice clips below of his sexy voice I own no rights to the voice clips or pictures of course.)
LOKI: Baby, I love you. So much, I could eat you up. I want you.
LOKI: If my princess wills it, I, Loki, promise you eternal love. Let us make a vow…
LOKI: Darling!♪ I looooove you so much!☆ My cute girl.♪
LOKI: My darling is so shy!☆ Oh, darling, call me honey!♪
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LOKI: A stubborn girl who was always tried her hardest to move forward, never giving up. At some point, I just couldn’t take my eyes off you. LOKI: I must’ve fallen in love from the very beginning. It was some kind of fate…
LOKI: I really want to give you more and more presents. So many, you tell me you don’t want them anymore. LOKI: There are lots of things we still haven’t done. I want to make you smile more, and make you happy.
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LOKI: …I don’t want to give up. I can’t imagine us being apart. I can’t live without you! LOKI: I want you to let me love you more. I don’t want any more regrets.
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LOKI: What’s your name? YUI: I’m Kusanagi Yui. LOKI: Yui… that’s a nice name. It has a pleasant ring to it. Just from hearing his gentle voice say my name, my chest felt tight. I might have lost some very important memories… LOKI: I don’t know anything about myself. Not even my name… But I don’t feel anxious at all. LOKI: After meeting you, I think the reason I’m here… is you, Yui. LOKI: So, could you be by my side until I remember everything? LOKI: In exchange, I’ll give you everything you wish for… LOKI: My heart, my body, everything… is yours.
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If you haven't played the game you should honestly find a translation online and go through it if you can't read japanese because it is so worth it just his story alone I was happy if I never play another route. If they ever bring this to english I will buy it just so I own it, it has become one of my favorite games now. I will probably do Hades next not sure yet.
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yukipage · 1 year
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faeinne · 4 years
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faceclxims · 3 years
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miss-miko · 3 months
My birthday special! (07.02)
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈• Because of my birthday 07.02 I wanted to prepare special! It took a little longer than I thought, I'm sorry for late but I hope you don't mind it! Hope so much you enjoyed it and if you watching it on your birthday, hope your celebration of it was even better! Happy birthday you all! It was a bit rough because even if its special for my birthday, I hoped to publish it then sadly I didn't got enough time- and in last minute I decided to put colours on names as well! Not saying about best as possible translation, even though struggle of expressing well enough characters, also ancient-Japanese phrases and slang! I think I did a great job! Besides publishing track with translation on my channel, soon I will publish translated script here! ♡ •┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Thor Megingjord (21st November)
Kamigami no Asobi
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lamentinghouses · 9 months
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Soft Thor & Loki cuddles inspired by this lovely fic :) I wish we had gotten to see more of their friendship in the anime, I know in my heart it's real
I'm never painting checkerboard with watercolor ever again though holy fuck
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em-neko · 3 years
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song: it’s you by ali gatie
tried something a tiny bit different
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nakunakunomi · 3 years
Hey Hazel <3
Congrats on your anniversary!!
I'd like to ask for ❤️+✨ with Thor (Kamigami<3) please :3
Thanks a lot!! <3
Oh Thor, right with my man Dyonisus one of the background boys that needs SO MUCH MORE LOVE! I hope you enjoy this one dear!
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Thor always seemed to blend in the background a little. Which wasn't too surprising with someone like Baldr and Loki always near him, and yet. He had been the one to catch your eye.
Sure it had been a bit of a challenge to get him to talk to you, and sure it had been a bit of a hassle to finally build a bond. But you were progressing at a comfortable pace in your relationship right now and you were pretty happy with how things were going.
Today was a special day. You had found out through Baldr that it was actually Thor's birthday. He had never even mentioned it, and you were feeling like the worst partner for never really asking. But Baldr had mentioned it in time, and you had managed to compensate for your lack of knowledge by organizing a surprise party.
It had been surprisingly easy, as Thor didn't even question you when you said you wanted some alone time for the day.
The surprise on his face was apparent when he walked into the common room, and everything was decorated, his favorite food was waiting, and you approached him with a big smile on your face.
"Surprise! Happy birthday Thor." You gave him a hug and pulled him in for a kiss, he complied without even thinking, the motions so rehearsed and fluid, because you'd done it so many times before and yet it still felt like the first time all over again.
"Why... did you do this?"
"Because I love you, and because you deserve to be the center of attention too sometimes."
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Join my mystery drabble event - Click!
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