#kairos pasha
houseisekai · 2 years
OC Designs
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(Astrid) "Is...that bad? That's what I do when I write."
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(Helena) "This is why I don't come to you for book recommendations."
(Kairos) "Honestly, after you gave me that horrid book 'My Immortal', I've not had confidence in your literary skills since."
(Elizabeth) "Much as I loathe to agree Astrid dear, your taste leaves something to be desired."
(Stefan) "I-I mean hey! It's what makes you, you, right?"
(Astrid) "...That's not much comfort, Stefan."
I tried making the Garreg Mach students actually look like they came from Garreg Mach but that is a bitch both in Picrew and this program.
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crackimagines · 4 years
How do you think kairos and Elliot react to child!byleth?
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(Kairos) “I had no idea our professor would be so young. I of course mean no offense, I am just surprised. As long as one has experience, age doesn’t particularly matter to me. I’m just glad you were chosen for skill rather than nepotism unlike some people I know.”
(Byleth) “I see your skepticism, but I assure you, you have nothing to worry about.”
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(Elliot) “Hey, nice to meet you professor! It’s a little weird how you’re so much younger than us, but hey, maybe you can teach me something new!”
(Byleth) “...What’s with the helmet?”
(Elliot) “This is the only way I can talk to people.”
(Byleth) “O...kay...?”
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sajian-bagus · 4 years
Oleh: Akhmad Muawal Hasan - 12 Februari 2018
12 Februari 1949, tepat hari ini 69 tahun lalu. Hassan al-Banna dan saudara iparnya Abdul Karim Mansur sedang berada di markas Jama'iyyat al-Shubban al-Muslimeen di Kairo, Mesir. Keduanya dijadwalkan bertemu dengan perwakilan pemerintah, Menteri Zaki Ali Pasha, untuk bernegosiasi. Namun hingga pukul 5 sore sang menteri tak kunjung datang. Banna dan Mansur akhirnya memutuskan untuk pulang.
Saat sedang berdiri menunggu taksi, Banna dan Mansur diserang oleh dua orang tak dikenal. Suara tembakan terdengar beberapa kali. Banna roboh. Ia sempat dibawa ke rumah sakit, tetapi luka-lukanya terlalu parah untuk diobati. Di hari yang sama, sang pendiri Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) menghembuskan napas terakhir.
Di antara tahun 1948 dan 1949, tak lama usai kekalahan koalisi Arab dalam perang melawan Israel, konflik antara monarki Mesir dan IM mencapai puncaknya. IM sedang menikmati popularitas yang tinggi di kalangan masyarakat Mesir—situasi yang tak disenangi Raja Farouk.
Posisi IM kian berbahaya setelah muncul rumor bahwa anggota-anggota militan di tubuh organisasi tersebut sedang merencanakan kudeta terhadap pemerintahan Raja Farouk. Perdana Menteri Mahmoud al-Nukrashi Pasha kemudian membubarkan IM pada bulan Desember 1948. Aset-aset organisasi disita. Banyak anggotanya yang dijebloskan ke penjara.
Direpresi sedemikian rupa, IM justru kian beringas. Tiga minggu berselang, Abdel Meguid Ahmed Hassan, anggota IM yang juga berstatus sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran hewan di Universitas King Fouad I, melancarkan upaya pembunuhan terhadap Pasha. Pada tanggal 28 Desember 1948, tepatnya pukul 10 pagi, Hassan yang memakai seragam seorang letnan menembak Pasha, dua kali, di gedung Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Pasha meninggal seketika.
Banna mengecam tindakan Hassan dan menegaskan bahwa tindakan teror tidak diterima dalam ajaran Islam. Sayangnya, beberapa bulan kemudian, ia menjadi target pembunuhan berikutnya. Banyak pihak yang menyebutkan bahwa pelakunya adalah anggota kepolisian rahasia suruhan Raja Farouk. Tuduhan ini logis jika dihubungkan dengan peristiwa pembunuhan Pasha hingga memicu aksi balas dendam.
Anak Muazin yang Benci Kolonialisme Inggris
Hassan Ahmed Abdel Rahman Muhammed al-Banna lahir pada 14 Oktober 1906 di Mahmudiyya, sebuah desa delta Sungai Nil, barat daya Kairo. Ayahnya yang seorang imam, muazin, dan guru di masjid adalah pengaruh mula-mula menyemainya semangat Islam di dada Banna. Selain pada kemurnian Islam ala mazhab Hambali, Banna muda juga terpengaruh pada ajaran Sufi dan sempat ikut perkumpulan Sufi bernama al-Hassafiya.
Brian R. Farmer, dalam bukunya Understanding Radical Islam: Medieval Ideology in the Twenty-first Century (2007), menyatakan bahwa awal kegelisahan ideologis Banna berawal dari runtuhnya Kekaisaran Ottoman pada tahun 1924—masa di mana Banna masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa. Ia memandangnya sebagai bencana sekaligus “deklarasi perang melawan semua bentuk Islam”.
Usai menyelesaikan studinya di Dar al-Ulum pada tahun 1927 ia menjadi guru sekolah dasar di Ismailia. Kala itu Ismailia adalah pusat urusan Terusan Kanal oleh pemerintah Mesir. Pengaruh asingnya kuat, terutama dari Inggris yang sedang melaksanakan proyek kolonialismenya.
Penjajahan Inggris menjadi bibit kebencian Banna sebab kehadiran pentolan imperialis dari Eropa itu membuat kultur di Mesir menjadi kebarat-baratan, dengan kata lain, menggerus prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Pemerintahan Mesir yang giat mempromosikan modernitas dan sekulerisme ditakutkan Banna akan berdampak negatif pada kehidupan komunitas muslim Mesir.
Banna pernah didatangi oleh enam pekerja Terusan Suez pada bulan Maret 1928. Mereka mengeluhkan sikap tidak adil rezim kolonialis Inggris kepada mereka dan pekerja terusan lain. Orang-orang Arab dan terutama muslim dirugikan betul akibat kontrol Inggris. Sebab berselaras dengan kegelisahan Banna, ia dan keenam pekerja kemudian mendirikan sebuah organisasi bernama Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) yang ditujukan untuk membela nasib para muslim Mesir yang ditindas-tindas oleh Inggris.
Orator Ulung Pendulang Simpati
IM tak hanya lahir untuk menumbuhkan kesalehan dalam diri para anggota, tapi juga bergerak di ranah sosial dengan giat berderma kepada mereka yang membutuhkan. Pergerakannya cukup militan di akar rumput, sehingga mampu menarik simpatisan dari kalangan rakyat biasa.
Dalam ulasan Carrie Rosefsky Wickham dalam The Muslim Brotherhood Evolution of an Islamist Movement (2013), Banna memberikan ceramah tak hanya di masjid-masjid, tetapi juga di warung-warung kopi. Kehadiran dan isi ceramahnya menarik perhatian kalangan pekerja terusan yang bergaji pas-pasan dan muak dengan kesenjangan ekonomi di Mesir.
Hasilnya, dari yang mulanya sedikit, anggota maupun simpatisan IM berkembang hingga ke luar Ismailia. Memasuki tahun 1930-an anggota IM sudah mencapai ratusan ribu. Kantor-kantor cabangnya berdiri di berbagai kota di Mesir. Banna kemudian memindahkan markas pusatnya ke ibukota Kairo pada tahun 1932 agar lebih dekat dengan pusat kekuasaan, dengan demikian berdampak positif bagi naiknya daya tawar IM.
Nama IM makin berkibar akibat keterlibatannya dalam revolusi Arab di Palestina pada tahun 1936-1939. IM meluncurkan kampanye pro-Palestina dengan amat giat. Saking giatnya hingga berhasil membuat isu Palestina menjadi isu muslim sedunia—bukan eksklusif di Timur Tengah. Meski revolusi itu direpresi secara militer dan tak meraih tujuan pokoknya, nama sayap IM makin lebar membentang bahkan hingga ke luar Mesir.
Dalam catatan Irfan Husain di buku Fatal Faultlines (2011), anggota IM naik drastis dari sekitar 800 orang di tahun 1936, lalu menjadi 200.000 di tahun 1936, hingga setahun sebelum kematian Banna yakni 1948 sudah di angka 2 juta. IM berubah dari mulanya organisasi kecil menuju kekuatan baru yang menarik perhatian pemerintah Mesir, terutama karena potensinya menjadi organisasi militan pengguncang kekuasaan.
“Islam adalah Solusi”
Muhammad Iqbal dalam Pemikiran Politik Islam (2015) menulis bahwa kunci dari pemikiran politik Hassan al-Banna adalah Islam sebagai solusi. Solusi dari segala permasalahan yang dikandung negara yang masih menganut sistem sekuler. Dalam kasus Mesir, yang juga masih tertindas oleh kekuatan besar yang tidak Islami (baca: Inggris). Negara yang ideal bagi Banna adalah yang menerapkan Alquran dan Sunah Nabi sebagai panduan utamanya.
Islam adalah panduan hidup yang sempurna, pandang Banna, dengan demikian ia menyingkirkan ideologi sekuler lain baik yang kanan (liberalisme-sekularisme) maupun yang kiri (sosialisme-komunisme). Islam sebagai sistem politik bersifat universal atau bisa diterapkan di segala zaman dan tempat. Islam mampu menjadi solusi bagi seluruh persoalan,baik kesenjangan ekonomi, krisis identitas akibat Westernisasi, kemiskinan, perilaku tercela, dan lain-lainnya.
Banna juga mengkritik partai-partai di Mesir saat itu yang tak memperjuangkan memerdekakan diri dari Inggris. Garis perjuangan IM tidak hanya teoritis, tapi “amaliah nyata dengan saringan selektif terhadap hal-hal yang jelas hanya dapat dibenarkan oleh Islam.” Iqbal menyatakan ada semangat salaf dalam perjuangan Banna.
Mona Saleh, dalam analisisnya bertajuk Hassan al-Banna: A Starting Point for Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalism yang diunggah di Jurnal E-International Relations Students edisi Januari 2016 lalu, menyimpulkan pemikiran Banna sebagai dasar dari fundamentalisme Islam di era modern. Ide-ide tentang superioritas Islam Banna, kata Saleh, kemudian melahirkan monopoli tafsir untuk menjadi dasar penghakiman kepada kelompok non-Islam atau kelompok Islam lain.
Banna melahirkan bibit pemikiran tentang politisasi Islam dan peleburan ajarannya di dalam konstitusi sebuah negara modern. Namun ia cenderung menolak nasionalisme. Bayangannya adalah persatuan muslim di seluruh dunia sebagai satu bangsa yang terjalin lintas negara atau beberapa analis menyebutnya “transnasional”.
Banna boleh menyatakan bahwa organisasinya berjuang di jalur non-kekerasan. Namun pada 1940-an, merujuk Al-Jazeera, IM memasuki fase paramiliter sebab anggotanya ada yang mendirikan angkatan bersenjata khusus bernama al-Nizam al-Khass. Mereka terlibat sejumlah aksi terorisme seperti pembakaran sejumlah gedung milik institusi kaum Yahudi dan perwakilan asing di Kairo pada 1952, juga pembunuhan PM Mahmoud al-Nukrashi Pasha, demikian catatan Encyclopedia of World Biography.
Militansi pengikutnya berbuah pada tragedi yang melenyapkan nyawa Banna sendiri. IM juga kian direpresi usai Banna sudah tak ada. Beberapa ada yang dituduh pemerintah terlibat dalam sejumlah aksi teror lanjutan. Salah satunya rencana pembunuhan terhadap presiden pertama Mesir usai revolusi menumbangkan Raja Farouk, Gamal Abdul Nasser.
PKS: IM-nya Indonesia
Represi boleh datang di tiap rezim. Tapi IM mampu bertahan, bahkan bisa melebarkan sayap ke banyak negara. Walaupun tidak secara organisasi, akan tetapi pengaruh IM kerap hadir di sebuah negara dalam bentuk ideologis. Salah satu penopang semangat jihad IM, selain Banna yang berciri sebagai organisator, adalah Sayyid Qutb. Qutb punya pemikiran Islam-politik yang serupa, dan menjadi landasan bagi banyak gerakan politik Islam di dunia, termasuk di Indonesia.
Dalam ulasan M. Imdadun Rahmat dalam buku Ideologi Politik PKS: Dari Masjid Kampus ke Gedung Parlemen (2008), Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) menjadikan IM sebagai acuan utama dalam gerakan politiknya. PKS mengadopsi pemikiran para pendiri termasuk Banna dan Qutb, manhaj dakwahnya, hingga strategi meraih dukungan atau pengikutnya. Singkat kata, PKS adalah “anak ideologis” IM. Ada juga yang menyebut bahwa PKS adalah IM-nya Indonesia.
IM amat mempengaruhi proses berkembangnya Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK) dan Gerakan Tarbiyah yang menjadi embrio PKS. Mereka mengembangkan pandangan tentang Islam kaffah alias menyeluruh, sehingga meliputi dimensi politik untuk memajukan Islam itu sendiri. Dalam sebuah risalahnya Banna mengatakan bahwa syarat kesempurnaan Islam seseorang adalah keterlibatannya dalam aktivitas politik.
Pandangan ini tentu berseberangan dengan Islam ala Nurcholis Majid, misalnya, yang justru menyerukan pemilahan Islam dan politik melalui jargon “Islam Yes, Partai Islam No.” Namun, militansi Gerakan Tarbiyah dan LDK membuat PKS mampu bertahan sebagai salah satu partai Islam yang menonjol di kalangan elite politik Indonesia, terutama pascatumbangnya Soeharto pada tahun 1998.
Hingga kini PKS masih menuai hasil gerakan yang dibangun dengan meneladani IM sejak 1980-an. Meski Banna telah tiada, demikian juga Qutb yang dihukum gantung oleh rezim Gamal Abdul Nasir, pemikirannya masih hidup di tengah-tengah diskursus maupun pergerakan Islam-politik.
Buku-buku yang memuat buah pemikiran keduanya masih menjadi bahan bacaan babon bagi para simpatisan PKS—juga organisasi pengemban semangat “Islam adalah solusi” di Indonesia maupun di negara-negara lainnya.
Pemikiran Hassan al-Banna dinilai sebagai salah satu tonggak yang mendasari fundamentalisme Islam di era modern.
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sulthonafifah · 4 years
NOL, 2
Dahi sang Wazir berkernyit, lantas ia bertanya pada pengawalnya, "berapa banyak? " dengan nada datar.
"Seribu! " teriak pengawalnya. "Tidak! Lebih banyak! " teriak yang lain.
"Seluruh kota sudah dalam kendali mereka! " lalu tiga keleat bayangan lewat, salah satunya tampak memakai tarbusa seperti mereka, tapi yang dua mengenakan tutup kepala gaya lama.
Apa pertahanan pertama dan kedua sudah jebol?
"Siap tembak! "
"Jangan tembak! " teriak orang bertarbus itu.
Saat mengenali suaranya, Musthafa Pasha langsung bangkit dan mendekat. Tiga orang yang datang, yang memakai tarbus ialah Tuan Katib. Dari tiga orang tersebut, yang satu terluka dan di papah dua lainnya.
Dua orang yang berseragam Janissary itu membisikan sesuatu ke telinga Musthafa Pasha. Mereka adalah Orhan Agha dan Murad Agha. Mereka gagal meyakinkan Bolukbashi (komandan) sehingga orta - orta cemaat (batalion - batalion pasukan garis depan Janissary) menolak keras ekspedisi jihad selain Eropa. Sultan pun tampak bingung karena dipengaruhi oleh ibunya.
Lalu sang prajurit meminta sang Wazir untuk meninggalkan kota dan pergi bersama keluarganya dengan kapal yang telah disiapkan di dermaga. Namun, Musthafa Pasha tak mau pergi. Ia memberikan dua gulungan kertas yang dikaitkan dengan dua buah cincin yang berukir tughra dengan nama Sultan yang berbeda, serta sebuah buku kecil yang dimasukan ke dalam tas kulit kepada Orhan Agha. Ia peritahkan Orhan Agha dan Murad Agha, Janissary yang paling ia percaya, untuk menjalankan amanah dokumen itu. Kemudian ia memberikan pistol duval pemberian pedagang senjata lalu dengan gesit diselipkannya ke pinggang.
Saat meriam menghantam taman, langit - langit ruangan bergetar, namun Musthafa Pasha tetap tidak mau pergi. Ia memerintahkan tiga orang tersebut pergi ke dermaga dan menitipkan putranya, Nurkandam dan putrinya, Nuryasmin. Lalu ia pergi dengan gagah ke arah pintu dan memerintahkan perwiranya untuk mengalihkan peperangan ke kediaman pribadinya.
Tiga orang itu --Tuan Katib, Orhan Agha, dan Murad Agha-- lantas pergi menuju dermaga dengan cemas. Tepat saat mereka tiba di dermaga, letusan besar terdengar dari kediaman resmi sang Wazir. Sesaat kemudian terdengar suara adzan dari masjid di sekitarnya, seakan alam ikut merintih dan meratap.
Dua anak Musthafa Pasha yang tak tau apa - apa, melambai dari atas kapal pada tiga orang tersebut. Sungguh malang Nurkandam dan Nuryasmin.
Sambil meneteskan air mata yang lalu disapunya, Tuan Katib berkata pada rekannya, "Tunggu aku di Kairo. Temui seorang Alim di Al-Azhar bernama Hajji Halil Effendi. Aku akan menyusul setelah menyelesaikan beberapa urusan. " lalu ia bersiap pergi. Kemudian Orhan menyerahkan tas kecil berisi dokumen yang dititipkan oleh sang Wazir kepada Tuan Katib karena dinilai lebih teliti. "Sesudah ini aku harus berurusan dengan para pedagang senjata itu" pikirnya. Karena jika terjadi sesuatu pada Tuannya, maka pembelian senjata itu dibatalkan dan akan menimbulkan bahaya yang rumit.
Sesampai di tujuan nantinya, Orhan dan Murad Agha baru mengetahui bahwa hari itu, 27 Ramadhan 1223 Hijriah, Alemdar Musthafa Pasha dalam kepungan ribuan Janissary telah memerintahkan diledakkannya gudang mesiu yang tepat di bawah kediamannya. Bersamanya, 400 pasukan pemberontak tewas dan ratusan lainnya terluka. Berakhirah hidup Wazir Agung, pemimpin daulah yang membentangi tiga benua dalam 3,5 bulan.
Sejak itu, dua anaknya bersama rekan - rekannya memulai petualangan bermil - mil ke timur memenuhi mimpi ayahnya. Tepian sungai Nil, Istanbul, hingga Ka'bah.
~ Seri Novel: Sang Pangeran dan Janissary Terakhir (Salim A. Fillah, 2019) ~
11 August 2020 | @sulthonafifah24
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octaraisa · 6 years
Asa Negeri dalam Kaus Kaki
18 Juni 1947 dengan menumpang pesawat BOAC, salah seorang diplomat bangsa ini terbang dari Kairo Mesir menuju Indonesia. Kedatangannya bukanlah hal yang biasa, ada misi penting dalam perjalanannya. Masa depan sebuah bangsa yang baru saja memploklamirkan kemerdekaannya ada bersamanya.
“Bagi saya tidaklah penting apakah saudara sampai di tanah air atau tidak, yang penting dokumen-dokumen itu harus sampai di Indonesia dengan selamat,” pesan sang diplomat nomor satu bangsa ini, H Agus Salim.
Dengan siapa H. Agus Salim berbicara dan menitipkan pesannya?
Abdurrahman (AR) Baswedan, adalah salah satu dari diplomat yang turut membersamai Agus Salim dalam “tur” ke negara-negara anggota Liga Arab.
Hari itu dirinya ditugaskan untuk membawa dokumen perjanjian persahabatan antara Republik Indonesia dengan Mesir. Dokumen yang ditandatangani oleh Agus Salim dan Mentri Luar Negeri Mesir saat itu, Nokrashi Pasha menjadi saksi bisu, langkah awal pengakuan dunia internasional akan keberadaan sebuah negeri yang bernama Indonesia.
Ada sebuah kisah menarik yang dituliskan Sutarmin dalam buku ‘Abdul Rahman Baswedan: Karya dan Pengabdiannya’. Sesampainya Agus Salim beserta rombongan tim diplomat Indonesia di Mesir, Agus Salim memerintahkan Abdurrahman Baswedan untuk menerjemahkan sebuah buku tentang tata cara diplomasi dan cara berkenalan di Timur Tengah. Namun bukannya duduk manis menerjemahkan buku yang dimaksud, Abdurrahman Baswedan malah pergi ‘keluyuran’.
Ia pergi menemui beberapa tokoh, sastrawan dan pers, sekaligus menyebarkan informasi tentang perjuangan bangsa Indonesia. Nalurinya sebagai wartawan di masa pergerakan juga menggerakkan dirinya untuk mendengar dan mencatat tanggapan masyarakat Mesir soal kedatangan delegasi Indonesia.
‘Keluyuran’nya pun bukan tanpa hasil. Bersebab kunjungannya ke beberapa lapisan masyarakat, penduduk Mesir menunjukkan simpati dan dukungannya akan keberadaan negara Indonesia. Hal ini diperkuat dengan dukungan yang diberikan para pemimpin negaranya. Mesir, negeri yang terkenal akan Sungai Nil dan piramida nya itu menjadi negara pertama yang mengakui kedaulatan Republik Indonesia baik secara de jure maupun de facto.
Abdurrahman Baswedan akan kembali ke Indonesia dengan membawa dokumen penting ini sendirian. Agus Salim yang sedianya membersamai, harus menyusul Sutan Sjahrir menghadapi Belanda di PBB.
Perjalanannya kembali ke Indonesia bukanlah perjalanan yang mudah, di Singapura ia hampir tidak bisa melanjutkan penerbangannya. Hingga sesaat jelang mendarat di Bandara Kemayoran, Abdurrahman Baswedan pun harus melakukan siasat untuk menyelamatkan dokumen yang dibawanya agar tidak dirampas oleh Belanda.
Abdurrahman Baswedan sadar betul bahwa dokumen yang dibawanya bukanlah lembaran kertas biasa. Didalamnya bergantung asa dan cita seluruh penduduk Indonesia sebagai bangsa yang diakui keberadaannya. Maka untuk menghindari pemeriksaan Belanda, ia sembunyikan naskah perjanjian persahabatan RI-Mesir itu di balik kaus kakinya.
Kalau dulu para pejuang kemerdekaan berupaya untuk menunjukkan adanya sebuah negeri bernama Indonesia, maka hari ini tugas kita adalah melanjutkan peran mereka untuk menjaga eksistensi sebuah negeri yang bernama Indonesia dengan karya dan pos kita masing-masing.
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amaradinda · 3 years
3 Tokoh Pembaharuan Sastra Arab (Mutran, Aqqad, dan Mazini)
Khalil Mutran
Khalil Mutran (1 Juli 1872-1 Juni 1949) adalah seorang penyair asal Lebanon yang kemudian menghabiskan sisa hidupnya dengan tinggal di Mesir. Tapi sebelumnya, dia sudah lama tinggal di Prancis dan banyak belajar sains dan sastra Prancis. Ia dijuluki sebagai Sha’ir al- Qutrayn yang artinya penyair dua negara. Mutran membawa konsep baru pada bidang puisi, yaitu prinsip persatuan dan struktur organis yang menunjukkan hubungan dalam suatu konteks. Visi ini dipengaruhi oleh teori strukturalisme Jean Piaget.
Dalam hal ini, Mutran secara langsung dipengaruhi oleh puisi Romantik Prancis, khususnya puisi naratif  Hugo, kata-kata Mussel dan Baudelaire. Selain itu, Mutran juga berhasil menghancurkan model qasidah yang telah menghabiskan potensi politiknya dan digantikan dengan model puisi yang lebih bebas melalui karya-karyanya, khususnya yang berjudul Nayrun.
Dalam karyanya ada kecenderungan untuk mengungkapkan visi individualistik pribadinya, mawas diri dan ekspresif. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi, karena menurutnya puisi adalah seni yang berhubungan dengan kesadaran. Khalil Mutran adalah orang pertama yang mengembangkan aliran romantis dalam puisi Arab. Meski puisi tersebut sangat romantis dalam nuansa yang mengekspresikan pengalaman pribadi cinta, kenangan masa kecil, sejarah dan mimpi, Mutran juga mengkritik situasi sosial di sekitarnya. Melalui pentingnya makna dalam puisinya, ia menyerang despotisme, tirani, perbedaan kelas, ketidaktahuan, ketidakadilan sosial dan membela perjuangan untuk kemajuan dan kebebasan berpikir.
Abbas Mahmud Aqqad
Abbas al-Aqqad lahir pada 28 Juni 1889 di wilayah Aswan, Mesir. Ia dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang religius dan mencintai sains. Abbas rela bekerja demi membeli buku untuk memenuhi hobinya membaca di masa mudanya. Dia menyukai kegiatannya tersebut sehingga dapat selama  membaca delapan jam sehari. Akibatnya, ia menjadi pandai menulis di usia yang sangat muda.
Pada usia 16 tahun, ia telah menerbitkan majalah mingguan Raj’u Sada. Ia juga seorang penulis untuk majalah al-Jeride milik Ahmed Lutfi al-Sayyid dan majalah al-Zahir milik Abu Syadi. Dia juga mengambil bagian dalam penerbitan surat kabar al-Dustur. Di bidang jurnalisme ini, ia membimbing para sarjana penulis terkenal; Muhammad Farid Wajdi. Kecerdasan dan ketajaman tulisan al-Akkad membuat kagum guru-gurunya seperti Muhammad Abduh, Sa’ad Zaglul Pasha, Abdullah Nadim, dan Syekh Fakhrudin Muhammad.
Berikut penggalan kesan Syekh Ahmed Thayyib, Syekh Al-Azhar Mesir yang dapat menggambarkan hakikat Al-Aqqad. ‘Saya pecinta karya Al-Akkad. Ini adalah sosok manusia yang dapat membentuk dirinya sendiri. Dia memiliki pikiran raksasa. Apa pun yang dia tulis, tulisannya sangat dalam.’ Abbas al-Aqqad menyambut baik gagasan pembaruan sastra Arab dengan menciptakan genre baru bernama Divan Group, bersama rekan-rekannya Abdurrahman Syukri dan Ibrahim Abdul Qadir al-Mazini.
Pada intinya, kelompok ini sebenarnya adalah antitesis dari aliran Neo Klasik. Mereka menolak integritas puisi dan menekankan kesatuan organik puisi dengan menjaga kejelasan, kesederhanaan, dan keindahan bahasa puisi yang sunyi. Mereka juga menggunakan segala macam sumber untuk memperluas dan memperdalam persepsi penyair tentang rasa dan kepekaan.
Keistimewaan lainnya adalah tema-tema yang diangkat dalam karya-karya kelompok ini berkaitan dengan isu-isu terkini seperti humanisme, nasionalisme, dan Arabisme. Karya-karya yang dihasilkan juga banyak dipengaruhi oleh romantisme dan kritik Inggris.
Abbas Al-Akkad meninggal pada 13 Maret 1964 di Kairo, Mesir. Karena masih lajang, dia tidak meninggalkan istri dan anak-anaknya. Namun, ia meninggalkan puluhan karya seperti 10 antologi puisi, di antaranya Abir Sebil, Hay al-Arbain, Asafir al-Maghrib dan Hidayat al-Kerwan.
Satu-satunya novel Akkad, Sarah, adalah salah satu novel terkenal telah dipelajari secara luas oleh para peneliti. Pemikiran orisinal tentang obsesi umat Islam terhadap kemajuan dikumpulkan dalam Mausu’ah Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad. Selain itu, ada 83 karya lainnya, baik kritik sastra maupun tema lainnya.
Ibrahim Al-Mazini
Ibrahim Abdul Qadir al-Mazini (1889-1949) atau sering disebut dengan Mazini adalah salah satu tokoh pembaharu yang berperan penting dalam kesusastraan Arab. Ia dikenal sebagai penyair yang ingin melepaskan diri dari model dan jenis puisi Arab terdahulu.
Buku Arabian Night dan juga buku pemikiran sastra terdahulu menjadi sebuah motivasi untuk mencetuskan idenya tersebut. Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh al-Mazini adalah kepenulisan risalah atau esai, serta menciptakan berbagai karya sastra seperti mengarang sebuah cerita pendek yang jenaka. Mazini adalah salah satu penyair kontemporer yang lahir di tengah kepemimpinan Muhammad Ali pasca penjajahan di Mesir yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Perancis, sebelum itu Arab juga pernah mengalami kevakuman diakibatkan sistem pemerintahan yang kala itu dikuasai oleh bangsa Turki.
Di mana hal ini menyebabkan pula kevakuman sastra Arab di Mesir. Salah satu karya sastra dari Mazini yang sukses besar dan menjadi salah satu karya sastra yang berperan penting dalam dunia penulisan sastra arab modern adalah Ibrahim Al-Khatib yang ditulisnya pada tahun 1930 dan yang lainnya berjudul Zainab.
Referensi :
Taufiq A. Dardiri, Jurnal : Perkembangan Puisi Arab Modern.
Muhammad Walidin, https://today.salamweb.com/id/abbas-mahmud-al-aqqad-pembaru-puisi-arab-abad-ke-20/
Gilang Mursyid, Ibrahim Al Mazini, https://id.scribd.com/document/454144314/IBRAHIM-AL-MAZINI
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kobongkastrol · 3 years
Paspor Pertama Republik
Peristiwa itu belum genap dua tahun setelah proklamasi Agustus 1945, tepatnya pada tanggal 10 April 1947. Agak sedikit tergesa, disambut matahari musim semi, empat orang delegasi Indonesia dengan percaya diri mendarat di lapangan terbang Kairo, Mesir. Mereka adalah Haji Agus Salim, Mr. Nazir St, Pamuntjak, Rasjidi, dan A. R. Baswedan. Kedatangan mereka merupakan kunjungan balasan atas keberanian Konsul Jenderal Mesir di Bombay yang bernama Muhammad Abdul Mun'im pada 15 Maret 1947.
Abdul Mun'im dengan berani menerobos blokade Belanda di Singapura hanya untuk bertemu Bung Karno dengan membawa pesan-pesan dari sejumlah negara yang tergabung dalam Liga Arab yang mendukung kemerdekaan Indonesia. Ketika bertemu dengan Bung Karno itulah Abdul Mun'im mendesak pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) agar mengirim utusan ke Mesir sekaligus menghadiri Inter Asian Relation Confererence di New Delhi. Jadilah keempat delegasi tadi yang ditunjuk oleh Perdana Menteri Sjahrir untuk bertemu pemerintah Mesir dan Sekjen Liga Arab, Azzam Pasha.
A. R. Baswedan dalam Catatan dan Kenangan yang dimuat dalam buku Seratus Tahun Agus Salim menulis bahwa "Dengan menjinjing aktentas sederhana yang kuncinya sering macet, dan berbekal secarik kertas kumal keluaran Kementerian Luar Negeri dengan tulisan "Surat Keterangan dianggap sebagai paspor", kami meninggalkan pesawat menuju ruang imigrasi."
Tentu saja "paspor" itu dianggap aneh oleh petugas imigrasi dan membuatnya terheran-heran. Haji Agus Salim sebagai pemimpin delegasi menegaskan bahwa rombongan ini adalah misi diplomatik dari sebuah negara baru bernama Indonesia. Petugas imigrasi masih tetap saja tak mengerti, lalu sebagaimana catatan dari A. R Baswedan, "Are you moslem?, mendadak ia bertanya. "Yes!" jawab kami secara serentak Tanpa banyak cingcong, tanpa melihat surat-surat lagi atau periksa memeriksa tas, kami dipersilahkan lewat".
Sebagai negara merdeka yang masih berusia belia, tentu saja ihwal paspor sebagai sebuah dokumen perjalanan ke luar negeri belum diperhatikan dengan seksama Faktanya, secara formal, paspor pertama Indonesia dikeluarkan atas nama Minarsih Wiranatakoesoemah. Ia merupakan istri dari Soedarpo Sastrotomo. Soedarpo, asisten Sutan Sjahrir pada pertengahan Mei 1948 berangkat ke New York sebagai bagian dari delegasi Indonesia untuk mengikuti sidang Dewan Keamanan PBB.
Dua pekan setelah berada di New York, lewat telegram, Soedarpo meminta Minarsih  menyusulnya. Untuk keperluan tersebut, Minarsih segera membuat paspor pertamanya. Dalam Sjahrir: Peran Besar Bung Kecil dikisahkan bahwa "Dokumen itu kelar pada 8 September 1948. Yang menandatangani paspor itu Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Luar Negeri Soerjotjondro. Paspor itu-bersampul biru, setebal 48 halaman, berlaku selama tiga tahun-buah dari diplomasi Sjahrir pada perjanjian Linggarjari, 25 Maret 1947. Sebelumnya, paspor untuk bepergian ke luar negeri dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Dengan memiliki paspor sendiri, identitas Indonesia sebagai sebuah negara merdeka semakin tegas".
73 tahun setelah paspor pertama Indonesia itu dikeluarkan, tentu saja suasananya sudah jauh berbeda sama sekali. Bepergian ke luar negeri bukan menjadi sesuatu yang sulit. Orang-orang dengan leluasa bisa pulang pergi ke mancanegara sebanyak yang ia mau. Pembuatan dan penerbitan paspor sudah jauh lebih mudah denga banyak kemajuan di sana sini. Apalagi dengan kecanggihan tekonologi dan informasi yang terus berkembang pesat.
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dendzu · 4 years
Oleh: Akhmad Muawal Hasan - 12 Februari 2018
12 Februari 1949, tepat hari ini 69 tahun lalu. Hassan al-Banna dan saudara iparnya Abdul Karim Mansur sedang berada di markas Jama'iyyat al-Shubban al-Muslimeen di Kairo, Mesir. Keduanya dijadwalkan bertemu dengan perwakilan pemerintah, Menteri Zaki Ali Pasha, untuk bernegosiasi. Namun hingga pukul 5 sore sang menteri tak kunjung datang. Banna dan Mansur akhirnya memutuskan untuk pulang.
Saat sedang berdiri menunggu taksi, Banna dan Mansur diserang oleh dua orang tak dikenal. Suara tembakan terdengar beberapa kali. Banna roboh. Ia sempat dibawa ke rumah sakit, tetapi luka-lukanya terlalu parah untuk diobati. Di hari yang sama, sang pendiri Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) menghembuskan napas terakhir.
Di antara tahun 1948 dan 1949, tak lama usai kekalahan koalisi Arab dalam perang melawan Israel, konflik antara monarki Mesir dan IM mencapai puncaknya. IM sedang menikmati popularitas yang tinggi di kalangan masyarakat Mesir—situasi yang tak disenangi Raja Farouk.
Posisi IM kian berbahaya setelah muncul rumor bahwa anggota-anggota militan di tubuh organisasi tersebut sedang merencanakan kudeta terhadap pemerintahan Raja Farouk. Perdana Menteri Mahmoud al-Nukrashi Pasha kemudian membubarkan IM pada bulan Desember 1948. Aset-aset organisasi disita. Banyak anggotanya yang dijebloskan ke penjara.
Direpresi sedemikian rupa, IM justru kian beringas. Tiga minggu berselang, Abdel Meguid Ahmed Hassan, anggota IM yang juga berstatus sebagai mahasiswa kedokteran hewan di Universitas King Fouad I, melancarkan upaya pembunuhan terhadap Pasha. Pada tanggal 28 Desember 1948, tepatnya pukul 10 pagi, Hassan yang memakai seragam seorang letnan menembak Pasha, dua kali, di gedung Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Pasha meninggal seketika.
Banna mengecam tindakan Hassan dan menegaskan bahwa tindakan teror tidak diterima dalam ajaran Islam. Sayangnya, beberapa bulan kemudian, ia menjadi target pembunuhan berikutnya. Banyak pihak yang menyebutkan bahwa pelakunya adalah anggota kepolisian rahasia suruhan Raja Farouk. Tuduhan ini logis jika dihubungkan dengan peristiwa pembunuhan Pasha hingga memicu aksi balas dendam.
Anak Muazin yang Benci Kolonialisme Inggris
Hassan Ahmed Abdel Rahman Muhammed al-Banna lahir pada 14 Oktober 1906 di Mahmudiyya, sebuah desa delta Sungai Nil, barat daya Kairo. Ayahnya yang seorang imam, muazin, dan guru di masjid adalah pengaruh mula-mula menyemainya semangat Islam di dada Banna. Selain pada kemurnian Islam ala mazhab Hambali, Banna muda juga terpengaruh pada ajaran Sufi dan sempat ikut perkumpulan Sufi bernama al-Hassafiya.
Brian R. Farmer, dalam bukunya Understanding Radical Islam: Medieval Ideology in the Twenty-first Century (2007), menyatakan bahwa awal kegelisahan ideologis Banna berawal dari runtuhnya Kekaisaran Ottoman pada tahun 1924—masa di mana Banna masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa. Ia memandangnya sebagai bencana sekaligus “deklarasi perang melawan semua bentuk Islam”.
Usai menyelesaikan studinya di Dar al-Ulum pada tahun 1927 ia menjadi guru sekolah dasar di Ismailia. Kala itu Ismailia adalah pusat urusan Terusan Kanal oleh pemerintah Mesir. Pengaruh asingnya kuat, terutama dari Inggris yang sedang melaksanakan proyek kolonialismenya.
Penjajahan Inggris menjadi bibit kebencian Banna sebab kehadiran pentolan imperialis dari Eropa itu membuat kultur di Mesir menjadi kebarat-baratan, dengan kata lain, menggerus prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Pemerintahan Mesir yang giat mempromosikan modernitas dan sekulerisme ditakutkan Banna akan berdampak negatif pada kehidupan komunitas muslim Mesir.
Banna pernah didatangi oleh enam pekerja Terusan Suez pada bulan Maret 1928. Mereka mengeluhkan sikap tidak adil rezim kolonialis Inggris kepada mereka dan pekerja terusan lain. Orang-orang Arab dan terutama muslim dirugikan betul akibat kontrol Inggris. Sebab berselaras dengan kegelisahan Banna, ia dan keenam pekerja kemudian mendirikan sebuah organisasi bernama Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) yang ditujukan untuk membela nasib para muslim Mesir yang ditindas-tindas oleh Inggris.
Orator Ulung Pendulang Simpati
IM tak hanya lahir untuk menumbuhkan kesalehan dalam diri para anggota, tapi juga bergerak di ranah sosial dengan giat berderma kepada mereka yang membutuhkan. Pergerakannya cukup militan di akar rumput, sehingga mampu menarik simpatisan dari kalangan rakyat biasa.
Dalam ulasan Carrie Rosefsky Wickham dalam The Muslim Brotherhood Evolution of an Islamist Movement (2013), Banna memberikan ceramah tak hanya di masjid-masjid, tetapi juga di warung-warung kopi. Kehadiran dan isi ceramahnya menarik perhatian kalangan pekerja terusan yang bergaji pas-pasan dan muak dengan kesenjangan ekonomi di Mesir.
Hasilnya, dari yang mulanya sedikit, anggota maupun simpatisan IM berkembang hingga ke luar Ismailia. Memasuki tahun 1930-an anggota IM sudah mencapai ratusan ribu. Kantor-kantor cabangnya berdiri di berbagai kota di Mesir. Banna kemudian memindahkan markas pusatnya ke ibukota Kairo pada tahun 1932 agar lebih dekat dengan pusat kekuasaan, dengan demikian berdampak positif bagi naiknya daya tawar IM.
Nama IM makin berkibar akibat keterlibatannya dalam revolusi Arab di Palestina pada tahun 1936-1939. IM meluncurkan kampanye pro-Palestina dengan amat giat. Saking giatnya hingga berhasil membuat isu Palestina menjadi isu muslim sedunia—bukan eksklusif di Timur Tengah. Meski revolusi itu direpresi secara militer dan tak meraih tujuan pokoknya, nama sayap IM makin lebar membentang bahkan hingga ke luar Mesir.
Dalam catatan Irfan Husain di buku Fatal Faultlines (2011), anggota IM naik drastis dari sekitar 800 orang di tahun 1936, lalu menjadi 200.000 di tahun 1936, hingga setahun sebelum kematian Banna yakni 1948 sudah di angka 2 juta. IM berubah dari mulanya organisasi kecil menuju kekuatan baru yang menarik perhatian pemerintah Mesir, terutama karena potensinya menjadi organisasi militan pengguncang kekuasaan.
“Islam adalah Solusi”
Muhammad Iqbal dalam Pemikiran Politik Islam (2015) menulis bahwa kunci dari pemikiran politik Hassan al-Banna adalah Islam sebagai solusi. Solusi dari segala permasalahan yang dikandung negara yang masih menganut sistem sekuler. Dalam kasus Mesir, yang juga masih tertindas oleh kekuatan besar yang tidak Islami (baca: Inggris). Negara yang ideal bagi Banna adalah yang menerapkan Alquran dan Sunah Nabi sebagai panduan utamanya.
Islam adalah panduan hidup yang sempurna, pandang Banna, dengan demikian ia menyingkirkan ideologi sekuler lain baik yang kanan (liberalisme-sekularisme) maupun yang kiri (sosialisme-komunisme). Islam sebagai sistem politik bersifat universal atau bisa diterapkan di segala zaman dan tempat. Islam mampu menjadi solusi bagi seluruh persoalan,baik kesenjangan ekonomi, krisis identitas akibat Westernisasi, kemiskinan, perilaku tercela, dan lain-lainnya.
Banna juga mengkritik partai-partai di Mesir saat itu yang tak memperjuangkan memerdekakan diri dari Inggris. Garis perjuangan IM tidak hanya teoritis, tapi “amaliah nyata dengan saringan selektif terhadap hal-hal yang jelas hanya dapat dibenarkan oleh Islam.” Iqbal menyatakan ada semangat salaf dalam perjuangan Banna.
Mona Saleh, dalam analisisnya bertajuk Hassan al-Banna: A Starting Point for Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalism yang diunggah di Jurnal E-International Relations Students edisi Januari 2016 lalu, menyimpulkan pemikiran Banna sebagai dasar dari fundamentalisme Islam di era modern. Ide-ide tentang superioritas Islam Banna, kata Saleh, kemudian melahirkan monopoli tafsir untuk menjadi dasar penghakiman kepada kelompok non-Islam atau kelompok Islam lain.
Banna melahirkan bibit pemikiran tentang politisasi Islam dan peleburan ajarannya di dalam konstitusi sebuah negara modern. Namun ia cenderung menolak nasionalisme. Bayangannya adalah persatuan muslim di seluruh dunia sebagai satu bangsa yang terjalin lintas negara atau beberapa analis menyebutnya “transnasional”.
Banna boleh menyatakan bahwa organisasinya berjuang di jalur non-kekerasan. Namun pada 1940-an, merujuk Al-Jazeera, IM memasuki fase paramiliter sebab anggotanya ada yang mendirikan angkatan bersenjata khusus bernama al-Nizam al-Khass. Mereka terlibat sejumlah aksi terorisme seperti pembakaran sejumlah gedung milik institusi kaum Yahudi dan perwakilan asing di Kairo pada 1952, juga pembunuhan PM Mahmoud al-Nukrashi Pasha, demikian catatan Encyclopedia of World Biography.
Militansi pengikutnya berbuah pada tragedi yang melenyapkan nyawa Banna sendiri. IM juga kian direpresi usai Banna sudah tak ada. Beberapa ada yang dituduh pemerintah terlibat dalam sejumlah aksi teror lanjutan. Salah satunya rencana pembunuhan terhadap presiden pertama Mesir usai revolusi menumbangkan Raja Farouk, Gamal Abdul Nasser.
PKS: IM-nya Indonesia
Represi boleh datang di tiap rezim. Tapi IM mampu bertahan, bahkan bisa melebarkan sayap ke banyak negara. Walaupun tidak secara organisasi, akan tetapi pengaruh IM kerap hadir di sebuah negara dalam bentuk ideologis. Salah satu penopang semangat jihad IM, selain Banna yang berciri sebagai organisator, adalah Sayyid Qutb. Qutb punya pemikiran Islam-politik yang serupa, dan menjadi landasan bagi banyak gerakan politik Islam di dunia, termasuk di Indonesia.
Dalam ulasan M. Imdadun Rahmat dalam buku Ideologi Politik PKS: Dari Masjid Kampus ke Gedung Parlemen (2008), Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) menjadikan IM sebagai acuan utama dalam gerakan politiknya. PKS mengadopsi pemikiran para pendiri termasuk Banna dan Qutb, manhaj dakwahnya, hingga strategi meraih dukungan atau pengikutnya. Singkat kata, PKS adalah “anak ideologis” IM. Ada juga yang menyebut bahwa PKS adalah IM-nya Indonesia.
IM amat mempengaruhi proses berkembangnya Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK) dan Gerakan Tarbiyah yang menjadi embrio PKS. Mereka mengembangkan pandangan tentang Islam kaffah alias menyeluruh, sehingga meliputi dimensi politik untuk memajukan Islam itu sendiri. Dalam sebuah risalahnya Banna mengatakan bahwa syarat kesempurnaan Islam seseorang adalah keterlibatannya dalam aktivitas politik.
Pandangan ini tentu berseberangan dengan Islam ala Nurcholis Majid, misalnya, yang justru menyerukan pemilahan Islam dan politik melalui jargon “Islam Yes, Partai Islam No.” Namun, militansi Gerakan Tarbiyah dan LDK membuat PKS mampu bertahan sebagai salah satu partai Islam yang menonjol di kalangan elite politik Indonesia, terutama pascatumbangnya Soeharto pada tahun 1998.
Hingga kini PKS masih menuai hasil gerakan yang dibangun dengan meneladani IM sejak 1980-an. Meski Banna telah tiada, demikian juga Qutb yang dihukum gantung oleh rezim Gamal Abdul Nasir, pemikirannya masih hidup di tengah-tengah diskursus maupun pergerakan Islam-politik.
Buku-buku yang memuat buah pemikiran keduanya masih menjadi bahan bacaan babon bagi para simpatisan PKS—juga organisasi pengemban semangat “Islam adalah solusi” di Indonesia maupun di negara-negara lainnya.
Pemikiran Hassan al-Banna dinilai sebagai salah satu tonggak yang mendasari fundamentalisme Islam di era modern.
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agromedia-blog · 5 years
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Arabia Felix, yang sekarang telah menjadi Yaman, merupakan tempat pertama yang menjadi persinggahan kopi dari Ethiopia pada abad ke-14. Setelah Yaman, kopi pun dengan cepat menyebar ke seluruh jazirah Arab, Mecca, Medina, Kairo, Damaskus, hingga Baghdad. Dari Baghdad, kopi pun diperkenalkan di Istanbul pada tahun 1555 pada masa kekuasaan Sultan Suleiman oleh seorang Ottoman yang menjadi Gubernur di Yaman, Ozdemir Pasha. Dari situlah kopi mulai digemari oleh masyarakat Turki. . Ingin lebih tahu kisah penyebaran kopi di Dunia? Temukan jawabannya di buku Journey of Joe terbitan Agromedia Pustaka. . #Agromediapustaka #BaristaNoCingCong #Eventkopi #NgopiKeliling #RembugKopiNusantara2018 #KopiNunsantara #Kopi #Coffee #Barista #JuruSeduh #EventKopi #PameranKopi #FestivalKopi #NgopiHepi #CoffeeLovers #CoffeeToday #JakartaCoffee #Kopi #Coffee #JuruSeduhKopi #Barista #FilosoFikopi #EventKopi #PameranKopi #BicaraKopi https://www.instagram.com/p/BvsS_cIAf56/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zx8xsqttdwsz
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belajarislamonline · 6 years
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Umar Tilmisani, Mujahid Dakwah yang Zuhud dan Rendah Hati
Nama lengkap beliau adalah Umar Abdul Fattah bin Abdul Qadir Musthafa Tilmisani. Beliau adalah Mursyid ‘Aam Ikhwanul Muslimin sepeninggal Mursyid ‘Aam ke dua, Ustadz Hasan al-Hudhaibi yang wafat pada bulan November 1973.
Beliau lahir di kota Kairo pada tahun 1322 Hijriah, atau 1904 Masehi, di Jl. Hausy Qadim di Al-Ghauriah. Asal-usul keluarga beliau dari wilayah Tilmisani di al-Jazaair. Pada masa penjajahan Perancis (1830), kakek ayah beliau meninggalkan Aljazair menuju Kairo Mesir. Kemudian keluarganya berpindah ke Syabin Al-Qanathir di Qalyubiyah.
Kakek dan ayah Umar Tilmisani bekerja sebagai pedagang pakaian dan batu mulia. Oleh karena itu hidupnya terbilang berkecukupan.
Rumah tinggalnya sewaktu kecil disebut sarayah (istana), di dalamnya terdapat 4 orang pembantu, ruang masak, kereta kuda, kandang ternak (banteng, kijang, sapi, kerbau, onta, keledai). Istana tersebut dikelilingi tanah perkebunan (jeruk, pier, mangga, anggur, korma, pisang, apel, lemon, dan kenari) seluas 2,5 ha.
Kakeknya adalah seorang salafi yang banyak mencetak buku-buku karya Ustadz Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab. Kakeknya mendapat gelar Pasha pada masa Sultan Abdul Hamid. Kakeknya itu terkenal pula sebagai dermawan, pada musim haji beliau biasa mengumpulkan orang-orang yang kekurangan biaya untuk pulang ke kampungnya, yaitu ke Asia Selatan dan Indonesia. Selain itu ia memiliki kebiasaan menjamu seluruh petani dengan hidangan daging yang dibelinya.
Pendidikan dan Pekerjaannya
Kecintaan Umar Tilmisani pada kajian ilmu-ilmu agama berawal dari kebiasaan kakeknya mengundang para ulama di kompleks perumahannya untuk mengadakan diskusi ilmiah. Disitulah beliau mulai senang mengunjungi perpustakaan Sayyid Ali, perpustakaan kampung yang dikelola almarhum Syaikh Abdul Aziz al-Qalmawi dan Syaikh Ahmad Rifa’i.
Pada usia 10 tahun, ia sudah beminat membaca surat kabar al-Maqtham, yang saat itu sering memberitakan peristiwa perang dunia I.
Ustadz Umar Tilmisani pada awalnya memiliki minat pada bidang seni dan sastra, beliau awalnya senang membaca buku-buku sastra, pernah mencoba membuat syair, bahkan sempat mempelajari dansa ala Eropa (danset, volks strauss, Charlie Stone), musik, dan juga gitar; tapi semua itu ditinggalkannya, kemudian ia lebih serius membaca buku-buku agama seperti: Tafsir Az-Zamakhsyari, Ibnu Katsir, Qurthubi, dan Sirah Ibnu Hisyam. Beliau juga membaca kitab Usud al-Ghabah, ath-Thabaqat al-Kubra, Nahj al-Balaghah, al-Amali, al-Iqd al-Farid, serta Shahih Bukhari dan Muslim.
Ustadz Umar Tilmisani belajar di Sekolah Ibtidaiyyah Jam’iyyah Khaeriyah, lalu melanjutkan di Sekolah Tsanawiyah al-Hilmiyah. Beliau termasuk siswa berprestasi, tidak pernah di bawah rangking ketiga. Ia  menikah dini, yakni saat masih duduk di Sekolah Tsanawiyah Negeri, dan Istrinya wafat pada bulan Agustus 1979 setelah hidup bersamanya lebih dari setengah abad. Mereka dikarunia empat orang anak.
Beliau kuliah di Fakultas Hukum. Saat di bangku kuliah inilah ia tertarik dengan dunia politik dan sempat bergabung dengan Partai Wafd. Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikannya pada tahun 1933, beliau kemudian menyewa sebuah kantor advokat di Jl. Syabiin al-Qanathir.
Bergabung dengan Ikhwan
Ustadz Umar Tilmisani bergabung dengan Ikhwan pada 1933. Kisah bergabungnya beliau dengan Jama’ah Ikhwan berawal dari kunjungan dua orang pemuda Ikhwan ke rumahnya, yakni ‘Izzah Muhammad (karyawan pejagalan) dan Muhammad Abdul ‘Aal (pegawai jawatan kereta api di daerah Abu Za’bal. Mereka berdua mengajak Umar untuk bekerja dalam dakwah karena kaum muslimin banyak yang jauh dari agamanya; kekuasaan mereka hancur dan tidak lagi memiliki harga di mata bangsa-bangsa lain.
Setelah kunjungan tersebut Umar Tilmisani kemudian menemui Hasan Al-Banna yang saat itu tinggal di al-Khiyamah, kawasan Fathimiyah, Kairo. Beliau kemudian menyatakan diri bergabung dengan jama’ah Ikhwanul Muslimin.
Dari Penjara ke Penjara
Beliau mendekam di balik penjara lebih dari 17 tahun. Bermula pada tahun 1948 (1368H),[1] kemudian tahun 1954 (1373H),[2] lalu pada tahun 1981 (1402 H).[3] Dan tak ada yang bertambah dalam dirinya saat menghadapi seluruh ujian dan cobaan itu kecuali kesabaran dan ketegaran.
Beliau pernah menyampaikan surat terbuka kepada presiden Republik Mesir, juga disebarluaskan oleh harian asy-Sya’b al-Qahiriyah, tertanggal 14/3/1986, ia berkata:
“Wahai paduka Presiden, yang paling penting bagi kami sebagai kaum Muslimin di Mesir adalah menjadi bangsa yang aman, tentram dan tenang di bawah naungan syariat Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Karena kemaslahatan umat ini hanya akan tercapai bila aturan Allah direalisasikan di tengah mereka. Saya kira tidak terlalu berlebihan bila saya katakan bahwa sesungguhnya penerapan syariat Allah Ta’ala di bumi Mesir akan menjadi pintu kemenangan bagi seluruh wilayahnya. Dan pada saat itulah sang pengadil dan terdakwa akan merasakan ketenangan, demikian pula yang akan dinikmati oleh penguasa dan rakyatnya.”
Sikap lemah lembut
Ustadz Umar Tilmisani dikenal oleh orang-orang terdekatnya sebagai pribadi yang santun, rendah hati dan penuh kasih sayang. Beliau seringkali menasehati para pemuda yang isti’jal (terburu-buru) dalam perjuangan agar tetap bersabar, teguh pendirian, santun, tenang dan senantiasa mengharap pahala dan ganjaran Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Ia berkata tentang dirinya sendiri: “Saya tidak pernah mengetahui bahwa sifat keras bersentuhan dengan perilaku yang kumiliki. Tidak ada keinginan untuk menang atas seorang pun. Karena itu, saya tidak merasa memiliki seorang musuh. Terkecuali mungkin karena pembelaan saya terhadap kebenaran. Atau karena saya menyeru manusia untuk mengamalkan kitabullah. Itu berarti bahwa permusuhan itu datang dari mereka sendiri dan bukan dariku. Saya telah berjanji pada diriku sendiri untuk tidak menyakiti seorang pun dengan kata-kata kasar, walau saya berbeda dan berselisih pendapat dengannya secara politik, bahkan walau pun mereka menyakitiku. Karena itu, tidak pernah terjadi benturan antara diriku dengan seorang pun karena faktor pribadi.”
Menjaga kehormatan diri
Berita tentang dialog terbuka dengan presiden Anwar Sadat di kota Ismailiyah yang dihadiri oleh Ustadz Tilmisani sebagai undangan, disebarluaskan melalui radio dan televisi secara langsung.
Dalam dialog tersebut Anwar Sadat menuduh Jamaah Ikhwan dengan fitnah sektarian, dan melontarkan berbagai tuduhan dusta. Mendengar tuduhan tersebut, ustadz Tilmisani lalu berdiri mengcounter berbagai tuduhan Sadat dengan ucapannya,
“Adalah hal yang lumrah bila ada yang berlaku zalim pada diriku adalah mengadukan pelakunya kepadamu, karena engkau adalah rujukan tertinggi—setelah  Allah—bagi orang-orang yang mengadu ketika dianiaya. Kini saya mendapatkan kezaliman itu darimu dan membuatku tidak memiliki cara apa pun selain mengadukanmu kepada Allah Ta’ala.”
Saat mendengar ucapan ustadz Tilmisani, Anwar Sadat pun gemetar ketakutan. Ia lalu memohon kepada Ustadz Tilmisani agar mencabut pengaduan itu. Namun dengan tegas dan tetap tenang beliau menjawab: “Sesungguhnya saya tidak mengadukanmu kepada pihak yang zalim, tapi kepada Dzat Yang Maha Adil dan mengetahui segala yang saya ucapkan!”
Sifat Zuhud, Rendah Hati dan Kesederhanaannya
Ia tidak pernah rakus kepada perhiasan dunia dan tipu daya kedudukan. Ia bahkan menjalani kehidupannya dengan menjauh dari godaan dunia menuju Allah Ta’ala. Beliau tinggal di sebuah apartemen sederhana tanpa ada beban dalam jiwanya sedikit pun.
Apartemen Ustadz Umar Tilmisani berada di gang sempit di komplek al-Mulaiji asy-Sya’biyah al-Qadimah di wilayah az-Zahir di Kairo. Perabot apatemennya sangat sederhana. Walau ia berasal dari keluarga kaya raya dengan status sosial cukup tinggi. Seperti itulah sifat zuhud, kesederhanaan dan kerendahan hati ustadz Tilmisani.
Dulu ia seringkali merasa gengsi jika naik kereta api ekonomi, namun berkat tempaan tarbiyah Islamiyah ia tidak pernah lagi malu dalam hal itu, “Setelah lama berinteraksi dengan Ikhwan, saya merasa naik kereta ekonomi itu seperti naik kereta eksekutif.” Begitu komentar beliau.
Beliau adalah sosok yang dicintai oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat Mesir. Bahkan pemeluk Kristen Koptik juga menghormatinya. Demikian pula penguasa yang sangat menghargai kedudukannya dan mengetahui dengan baik keutamaan yang dimilikinya.
Sifat rendah hatinya tercermin dari kebiasaannya meminta koreksi kepada orang yang dianggapnya lebih berilmu, meskipun itu adalah bawahannya. Syaikh Muhammad Abdullah Al-Khatib berkata, “Apabila Ustadz Umar ingin mengoreksi tulisannya, beliau biasa datang ke kantorku dan berkata, ‘Demi Allah, koreksilah kesalahan-kesalahan yang kamu temui, jangan merasa segan…’”
Salah seorang yang pernah menjadi sopir Ustadz Umar Tilmisani berkata, “Saya telah menemani beberapa pejabat tinggi dan tokoh besar, Tetapi saya belum pernah melihat orang seperti Ustadz Umar, dalam hal akhlak, ketawadhuan, rasa malu, sifat iffah, kezuhudan, dan kelembutannya. Beliau naik di samping saya. Padahal para tokoh besar biasanya naik di belakang saya. Inilah ketawadhuan. Beliau berkenalan denganku, bertanya tentang keluargaku, anak-anakku, dan kondisi kami dengan lemah lembut dan kasih sayang. Beliau selalu mengajakku duduk di sampingnya dalam setiap jamuan makan.”
Menjaga Akhlak Islami
Beliau pernah berkunjung ke Kota Como Itali. Suatu saat beliau berniat bercukur di salon hotel tempat beliau menginap. Ternyata di salon itu tak satu pun petugasnya yang laki-laki. Beliau kemudian mengurungkan niatnya bercukur. Hal itu ternyata menghebohkan orang-orang hotel. Mengomentari peristiwa itu beliau berkata, “Saya memuji Allah karena tidak mendurhakai-Nya di negeri yang menganut faham permisivisme.”
Tidak mau menerima honor
Pada 1982 beliau pernah memberikan ceramah di Abu Dhabi, ternyata peserta membludak, kemudian setelah acara selesai beliau diberi cek senilai 3.000 dirham. Tapi beliau berpesan kepada Ustadz Jabir Rizq, “Alihkan cek ini kepada Mujahidin Afghan.”
Beliau pernah menjadi dosen tamu di Al-Azhar untuk mata kuliah syariah dan perundang-undangan. Saat itu Al-Azhar dipimpin Ustadz Abdul Halim Mahmud. Petugas administrasi Al-Azhar diingatkan oleh Ustadz Abdul Halim Mahmud bahwa Ustadz Umar tidak mau menerima honor. Tapi petugas ini bersikeras bermaksud memberikan honor kepada Ustadz Umar, ternyata benar, beliau tidak mau menerimanya. Ustadz Abdul Halim kemudian berseloroh kepada petugas itu, “Bukankah telah saya katakan, beliau itu tidak mau menerima gaji.”
Suatu hari seusai seminar, seseorang menyerahkan honor kepada Ustadz Umar. Beliau bertanya, “Apa itu?”, petugas menjawab, “Honor kehadiran Anda dalam seminar.” Beliau kemudian berkata, “Andai aku mengetahui bahwa dakwah kepada Allah dibayar, maka aku tidak akan hadir.”, petugas itu berkata, “Ini sebagai ganti transport.”, beliau menjawab, “Ikhwan telah menyediakan mobil khusus untuk keperluan seperti ini.”, petugas itu berkata lagi, “Tapi semua pembicara menerima honor.”, beliau menjawab, “Saya tidak sama dengan mereka, saya seseorang yang berada di pintu Allah”.
Tulisan dan Karya-karyanya
Ustadz Tilmisani turut andil dalam kancah pemikiran Islam melalui sebagian karya tulisannya yang diterbitkan dalam berbagai versi. Di antaranya adalah: Syahid al-Mihrab, Umar bin Khaththab, Al-Khuruj min al-Maaziq al-Islami ar-Raahin, Al-Islam wa al-Hukuumah ad-Diniyah, Al-Islaam wa al-Hayaah, Aaraa fi ad-Diin wa as-Siyaasah, Al-Mulham al-Mauhuub, ustadz al-Banna, Ustadz al-Jiil, Beberapa tulisan terkait tema “Nahwa an-Nuur”, Dzikrayaat laa Mudzakkiraat, Al-Islaam wa Nazhratuhu as-Samiyah li al-Mar’ah, Ba’dha ma ‘Allamani al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun, Qola an-Naasu, wa lam aqul fi Hukmi Abdul Nasser, Ayyam ma’a as-Saadaat, Min Fikhi al-I’laam al-Islami, Min shifaat al-‘Aabidin, Ya Hukkam al-Muslimin, alaa takhafuuna Allaha?, Fi Riyadh at-Tauhid, Laa nakhafu as-Salaam, walaakin.
Ditambah lagi dengan tulisan-tulisannya di majalah Ad-Dakwah, dan yang terkait dengan masalah-masalah Islam yang dimuat di majalah yang lain, serta ceramah-ceramahnya di berbagai forum nasional dan internasional yang diadakan di negara-negara Arab Islam dan negara-negara Barat. Demikian pula dengan ceramah-ceramah yang disampaikannya dalam berbagai forum yang diadakan oleh Ikhwan.
Kembali Keharibaan-Nya
Allah Ta’ala memanggil beliau kembali keharibaan-Nya pada hari Rabu, 13 Ramadhan 1406, bertepatan dengan 22 Mei 1986. Beliau meninggal di rumah sakit setelah mengidap penyakit saat usianya 82 tahun. Jenazahnya lalu disalatkan di mesjid Umar yang mulia di Kairo. Lebih dari seperempat juta orang, bahkan setengah juta mengiringi jenazahnya menuju pemakamannya. Di antara mereka yang mengiringinya terdapat sejumlah utusan berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri.
Semoga Allah Ta’ala  menjadikannya termasuk orang-orang shalih dari hamba-Nya. Dan kelak kita menyusul kepergiannya di tempat yang disenangi di sisi Rabb Yang Maha Kuasa.
Catatan Kaki:
[1] Pemenjaraan tersebut dilakukan Ibrahim Abdul Hadi karena adanya tuduhan kepada IM akan melakukan pemberontakan kepada pemerintah karena memiliki gudang senjata dan memiliki kelompok militer yang disebut nidzam khas.
[2] Pemenjaraan pada masa ini dilakukan oleh pemerintahan revolusi, Jamal Abdun Naseer, yang bersitegang dengan IM pasca revolusi bergulir.
[3] Pemenjaraan pada masa ini dilakukan oleh Anwar Sadat, karena dianggap mengganggu stabilitas nasional. Pada masa ini ditangkap pula organisasi-organisasi pelajar dan kelompok kristen koptik dengan tuduhan yang sama.
Baca selengkapnya di: http://ift.tt/2Dq81dw
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friskadestiana · 7 years
SEJARAH ALEPPO DI ERA TURKI UTSMANI https://kisahmuslim.com/5756-sejarah-aleppo-di-era-turki-utsmani.html Dulu, Aleppo termasuk kota terkaya dibanding wilayah-wilayah Daulah Utsmani lainnya. Bahkan kota terkaya di dunia di era itu. Aktivitas ekonomi begitu menggeliat. Pasar begitu semarak. Dan terdapat puluhan Qaysarriet (pasar dengan komoditi internasional). Kota ini dilabuhi oleh pedagang dari penjuru timur dan barat. Inilah Kota Aleppo di masa silam. Kota yang sekarang porak-poranda karena peperangan. Denyut Aleppo dahulu begitu menggairahkan. Peradabannya tinggi dalam kurun usianya. Ia menjelma menjadi kota modern dan maju dalam sejarah peradaban manusia. Bagaimana tidak, sejarah kota ini telah dimulai 7000 tahun sebelum masehi. Benteng-bentengnya, gerbang-gerbangnya, dan Sungai Queiq menjadi saksi bisu perjalanan kota istimewa ini. Sungai Queiq di suasana malam Kota Aleppo Aleppo telah merasakan kekuasaan negara-negara, raja-raja, dan peradaban-peradaban yang berbeda-beda. Dan masa keemasannya adalah era Utsmani. Kala itu, orang-orang Eropa menggelarinya kota terindah di negeri Utsmani. Mereka puja dan kenang keindahannya dalam syair-syair mereka. Aleppo menjadi pesaing Kairo. Kota yang di Perang Dunia I hendak dijadikan ibu kota Daulah Utsmaniyah, apabila Istanbul jatuh. Menjadi Wilayah Utsmani Suriah (Syam) menjadi bagian dari Turki Utsmani selama 4 abad. Wilayah ini dikuasai oleh kerajaan Turki itu setelah Sultan Salim I mengalahkan pasukan Mamalik dalam Perang Marj Dabiq. Sebuah perang besar yang terjadi di selatan Aleppo 24 Agustus 1516 M. Setelah Aleppo, Damaskus pun masuk ke wilayah Utsmani pada 26 September 1516. Sampai akhirnya terjadi revolusi Arab dan Perang Dunia I, Oktober 1918, Aleppo tidak lagi berada di bawah otoritas Utsmani. Setelah kemenangan Turki Utsmani dala Perang Marj Dabiq, Sultan Salim I berserta pasukan dan orang-orang yang akan ia jadikan pejabat di Aleppo memasuki kota tersebut. Tanggal 28 Agustus 1516, rombongan ini disambut penduduk Aleppo dengan damai. Mereka berkumpul di Lapangan al-Azraq dan menyerahkan kunci benteng kepada Sultan Salim I. Al-Mutawakkil yang sebelumnya menguasai Aleppo pun keluar dari kota tua itu. Sultan Salim I mengangkat Jah Ahmad Pasha menjadi Gubernur Aleppo. Dan melantik Kamal Jalbi sebagai hakim Aleppo. Sejak saat itu, Aleppo menjadi wilayah Suriah pertama yang menjadi bagian Daulah Utsmaniyah. Sepanjang abad 16 dan 17, Syam secara umum dan Aleppo secara khusus mengalami perkembangan pesat. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penduduknya melonjak. Jamaah-jamaah haji yang berkumpul di Damaskus untuk berangkat ke Hijaz dan kafilah-kafilah yang hendak bertolak menuju Teluk Arab dan Irak, semua menjadikan Aleppo sebagai rute. Keadaan itu kian menyemerakkan Aleppo. Kian hari Aleppo semakin bangkit. Sastra, cabang-cabang keilmuan, dan penduduk yang besar menjadi tulang punggung peradaban kota yang terletak di utara Suriah itu. Kota itu pun menjadi kota terpenting ketiga di Daulah Utsmaniyah. Setelah Istanbul dan Kairo. Aleppo adalah kota dagang utama antara dunia timur dan barat. Ia menjadi agen utama perdagangan antara propinsi Utsmani. Pasar-pasarnya mengalahkan pasar Eropa. Di sana juga terdapat pabrik tekstil besar. Pada abad ke-16, kota itu menjadi pusat sutra, rempah-rempah, obat-obatan, dan barang berharga. Pada tahun 1885, Aleppo telah memiliki kamar dagang (seperti KADIN di Indonesia). Kota ini memiliki hubungan dagang yang erat dengan Baghdad dan Mosul. Laut Mediterania menjadikan kota ini dikenal dan terbuka untuk pedagang dari segala penjuru bumi. Dan khususnya Irak di lingkungan Arab dan dunia Islam. Gubernur Aleppo yang paling terkenal di abad ke-19 adalah Ahmed Cevdet Pasha. Menariknya, gubernur ini juga merupakan seorang sejarawan masyhur. Selain itu, ia juga perhatian dengan kebudayaan. Bukti intelektualnya, ia ekspresikan dalam sebuah buku yang berjudul Tarikh Cevdet. Sebuah buku sejarah yang terdiri dari beberapa jilid. Gubernur lainnya adalah Kamal Pasha dan Jamil Pasha. Jamil Pasha adalah gubernur yang membangun markas militer dan rumah sakit di Aleppo. Dan gubernur lainnya adalah Rivat Pasha yang memerintah antara tahun 1885 sampai 1900. Di awal abad 18, konsulat dan para pebisnis Eropa mulai tinggal di Aleppo. Mereka membawa serta keluarga. Tinggal di salah satu kota Timur Tengah itu. perkembangan ekonomi Aleppo pun kian meningkat. Apalagi tatkal dibukanya terusan Suez pada tahun 1869, bintang kota ini kian cemerlang. Kembali ke zaman keemasannya seperti hari-hari Abbasiyah dan Ayyubiyah. Dalam buku Nahru adz-Dzahab fi Tarikh Halab , dijelaskan tentang luas wilayah Aleppo di masa Daulah Utsmaniyah. Liwa Hama di sebelah utara Suriah. Di sebelah baratnya adalah Laut Mediterania. Sivas Vilayet di sebelah selatan. Dan sebelah timur adalah Diyarbakir, di Turki sekarang. Dari arah Damaskus, lewat pedagang-pedagang dari Jordania, Palestina, Nejd, dan Hijaz. Dan tentu saja para pedagang Eropa. Berpisah Dengan Utsmani Setelah revolusi Arab dan lepasnya wilayah Syam dari kekuasaan Turki Utsmani tahun 1918, diumumkanlah berdirinya al-Mamlakah as-Suriah al-Arabiyah (Kerajaan Arab Suriah). Batas wilayahnya adalah wilayah Suriah sekarang ditambah Libanon, Palestina, Yordania, dan sebagian wilayah Turki sekarang, seperti Antiokia dan Anatolia. Kemudian, Kemal Ataturk memperjuangkan wilayah tersebut. Turki menolak menandatangani perjanjian Skyes Pycot. Dan menyepakati perjanjian baru, Perjanjian Laussane, untuk memodifikasi perbatasan yang telah dibebaskan dari provinsi Suriah utara menjadi wilayah Turki. Di era Kerajaan Arab Suriah, Aleppo tetap menjadi ibu kota perdagangan kerajaan. Ia juga digelari sebagai kota yang paling aman di negara itu. Namun sekarang, semua itu tinggallah kenangan. Aleppo terancam kehancuran total. Saking tidak amannya kondisi kota tersebut, untuk pertama kalinya shalat Jumat tidak ditegakkan di kota itu setelah ratusan tahun Islam masuk ke sana. Semoga Allah ﷻ melindungi kaum muslimin disana. Diterjemahkan secara bebas dari: http://lite.islamstory.com/ ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ - ﻣﺪﻳﻨﺔ - ﺣﻠﺐ - ﻓﻲ - ﺍﻟﻌﻬﺪ - ﺍﻟﻌﺜﻤﺎﻧﻲ / Oleh Nurfitri Hadi (@nfhadi07) Artikel www.KisahMuslim.com
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houseisekai · 2 years
HI:ARR - Subnautica
Garreg Mach Students getting used to the ocean
HI:ARR Subnautica Masterlist Here
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The Garreg Mach students flew out on their seagliders around the safe shallows, being instructed to grab whatever copper they could find.
Sitri followed them since everyone who had been here before was required to stick with a group.
Not to mention she had been here with Byleth before.
(Elizabeth) "Ugh, this is quite unpleasant..."
(Helena) "What, don't like the ocean?"
(Elizabeth) "Helena, dear. I enjoy the ocean as much as any girl would-"
(Kairos) "Could've fooled me.-"
(Elizabeth) "Shut up, Kairos. And I like walking near the beach, and even swimming. But living inside it and fighting nature? No, I do not like it at all."
(Stefan) "Y-Yeah this is a bit much for swimming."
(Astrid) "Least we're all getting our exercise!"
(Kairos) "...Sure."
(Helena) "It'll give us experience in case we ever need to swim underwater."
(Elizabeth) "Where in Fodlan do we possibly need to swim?!"
(Helena) "With all the places the House keeps dragging us into, it might be handy. Hell, it came in handy for Sitri."
The group stopped swimming and looked at Sitri, who was gliding right behind them.
(Sitri) "Well, I learned it on the fly like you all are currently. But it is helpful that we've been to this world before."
(Stefan) "Just how many have you been to, Lady Sitri?"
(Sitri) "Let's see...Here, that one world in the far future, the one where we had to hunt ghosts, the one with the talking animals..."
(Helena) "See? She now has skills that'll be helpful for surviving in another world."
(Kairos) "How many times has she been underwater for it?"
Sothis appeared behind Sitri, though the students didn't seem to notice.
(Sothis) "If only they had met Aqua..."
(Sitri) Yeah, I bet they would've been terrified of Leviathans...
(Astrid) "Anyways, this place is seriously freaky. The giant sea monsters trying to eat us, and we can't even use magic here!"
(Helena) "We could always visit the back of the ship like Class VII did."
(Elizabeth) "Do you have a deathwish, dear?!"
(Stefan) "It's not so much them I'm worried about, as I am about the dark..."
Everyone shuddered.
(Helena) "That's true, we can't really see if something's coming up from behind, and it might just emerge from the-"
(Astrid) "GAAH, SHUT UP SHUT UUUUP! Ugh, I wanna go back home..."
(Elizabeth) "Sitri, ma'am, how did you survive here last time?"
(Sitri) "Well we all took our own Submarines. I think if you ask Kazuma to ride with him on 'The Wiz' he'll let you."
(Kairos) "Does Professor Kazuma even know how to drive it?"
(Sitri) "Better than most of us did. The only other ones were the old staff."
(Stefan) "Then what about you?"
(Sitri) "Um..."
(Helena) "Great confidence there, ma'am."
(Astrid) "C-Come on, you can be a little nicer."
(Kairos) "Let's just go back inside, I'm suddenly feeling a bit queasy..."
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houseisekai · 2 years
(Sees Subnatica AU) Five buckes says Kazuma gets eaten by something
HI:ARR Subnautica Masterlist Here
- Kazuma led the Garreg Mach Students towards the Blood Grass zone.
- He turned around, motioning behind him.
(Kazuma) "There's a wreckage over there, and back then it was swarming with these assholes who hid in the sand. Sharks."
(Elizabeth) "...Professor, what is a shark?"
(Kazuma) "...Oh right, well just look at your PDA. It should explain it."
- The students did as they were told.
(Kairos) "You mean like that creature down there?"
- Everyone looked down before Kazuma suddenly was grabbed by a Sand Shark.
(Stefan) "OH MY GOD!"
(Astrid) "HANG ON!"
- Astrid and Helena immediately swam to his aid, all three of them stabbing it to death.
(Elizabeth) "I-I'm sorry, I was just shocked!"
(Kazuma) "Things like that are gonna get your killed and your ass eaten!"
(Helena) "Well to be fair we never expected to be underwater."
(Kazuma) "Situational awareness is the name of the game and-"
- Kazuma was grabbed by another Sand Shark.
- Everyone swam after him.
(Kairos) "...Who's Aqua?"
(Elizabeth) "I...don't know."
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houseisekai · 3 years
Echo Battle 2: Class VII/Garreg Mach Students VS. Klee
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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- Jean waited patiently as the Instructors of House Isekai looked at all the data being transferred.
- The Knights of Favonius members were sitting near each other on crates, watching them at work.
(Lisa) "How exactly is this going to work, now?"
(Aigis) "During your last fight, we were able to recreate people from our memories with them. That's what we understand anyway, the Crystal Tower is still being investigated on how it exactly works."
(Rean) "This test is working off all of your memories, so you will not be participating in this combat exercise. We need to test the effectiveness of our recreations."
(Kaeya) "Makes sense."
(Venti) "So, just who exactly are we grabbing for this test?"
- Before anyone could answer him, Class VII and the Garreg Mach students walked in.
(Kurt) "Instructors."
(Kairos) "We're ready for today's exercise."
(Kazuma) "Good, cause by the looks of it, think you're gonna need it!"
- They all looked at each other and shrugged, walking into position and unsheathing their weapons.
(Aigis) "Last time, you were tasked with fighting overwhelming odds, going against former members Doomguy and Darkness. Today, you will be fighting a wild card, something you cannot possibly predict, much like Kazuma's group. Your objective is to simply make the enemy surrender."
(Juna) "So, who's the person?"
(Rean) "That's the fun part. You won't know."
(Stefan) "Of course not..."
(Towa) "Beginning simulation!"
- House Isekai was teleported to a massive training hall, almost a 1 to 1 recreation of Garreg Mach’s training hall. waiting for their opponent.
(Helena) "I think we'll be fighting only one person judging from what they were saying."
(Elizabeth) "Seems a bit overkill with all of us here, doesn't it?"
(Kairos) "Tch, are you forgetting how easily our asses were handed to us just against two people?!"
(Altina) "Numerical advantage does not appear to be a factor in this world. It is all about the individual."
(Musse) "That goes doubly so for our world. One person is all it takes to change the tide of a battle."
(Ash) "So...where's our target?"
(Juna) "Oh crap, did the exercise already start?!"
(Astrid) "It might be an ambush!"
- Everyone drew their weapons out and looked around.
- Meanwhile, the staff and Knights were watching through a screen.
(Venti) "As I was saying, who did you choose?"
(Towa) "We tried not to poke around in your memories too much, so we just grabbed someone you all had met before. She showed up pretty regularly too, specifically in Jean's."
(Jean) "She?"
(Rean) "Don't think you ever told us about her, know who this is?
- Rean held up a crystal and it displayed a low quality image.
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(Amber) "...Oh hey, Klee!"
(Diluc) "Man, you don't seem to relent on giving those kids a beating, do you?'
(Kazuma) "Eh? I know the whole theme of today's training is wild card or whatever, but what can she do?"
(Jean) "Well, you see..."
[Let's go, Crimson Knight! - Genshin Impact OST]
(Kurt) "To our left!"
- Everyone spun around as a small figure materialized.
- It was a small red girl with a large backpack.
(Klee) "Oh, hello! Who are you all?"
(Kurt) "Uh...My name is Kurt, and this is Class VII. Juna, Altina, Ash, and Musse."
(Elizabeth) "Oh goddess, she is adorable! I'm Elizabeth! We are students of Garreg Mach! These are other students."
(Kairos) "Kairos. That's Helena, Astrid, and Stefan."
(Stefan) "Cute kid...Wait, is she our enemy for today?"
(Klee) "E...Enemy? Oh, you mean to play!"
(Ash) "...Sure?"
(Klee) "Yay! Wanna play catch?"
- Klee had a glint in her eye that made everyone get back on guard.
(Astrid) "I don't think we should say yes to that..."
(Klee) "Ah, here we go!"
- Klee brought out a small spherical object and tossed it at the group.
(Helena) "It's...kind of cute."
(Altina) ...?! "Alert, high amounts of gunpowder detected!"
(Stefan) "Wait, does that mean-"
(Musse) "IT'S A GRENADE!"
- Stefan rushed to the front as his helmet's visor slid down and slammed his shield in front of the bomb, the explosion going off and making everyone dive for cover on the ground.
- When it detonated, debris rocketed into the air, the floor's contents scattering in random directions while it rained smaller chunks onto the students.
(Kairos) "This is our wild card?!"
(Klee) "Heehee! I got more~!"
(Kurt) "JUNA!"
(Juna) "Set, Gunner!"
- Juna's tonfa's aimed towards the bombs being tossed at them, and pulled the triggers.
- Bullets flew out and hit their marks, each explosion causing a small smokescreen of dust and gunpowder to fill the air.
- Kairos and Elizabeth's hands glowed as they charged up their spells and aimed at Klee.
- Klee was humming as she tossed a massive bomb that bounced across the floor like a ball.
- Helena, Astrid, and Altina ran behind cover while Klee seemed to not notice the three on her flank.
- Stefan, Ash, and Kurt dodged out the way of the incoming bouncing bomb.
- Musse, Juna, Elizabeth, and Kairos tried shooting the bouncing bomb, but every shot ricocheted off before it blew up, scattering smaller shaped bombs around their feet.
(Musse) "NOBODY MOVE!"
(Elizabeth) "What in the world are these!?"
(Juna) "I think they're mines!-"
- She was cut off by the rapid explosions they caused, setting everything on fire, including them.
- They quickly shattered into glass-like shards and disappeared from the simulation.
- The four flew out of the simulation and landed on their backs.
(Juna) "Ugh...my ears are ringing...!"
- Amber and Venti couldn't help but snicker.
(Kaeya) "Well, looks like we taught her well."
(Kairos) "You trained her to use explosives?!"
(Jean) "That would have been Klee's mother..."
(Lisa) "And you think our little Klee is a handful!" chuckle
- Helena appeared behind Klee and grabbed her bag.
(Klee) "H-HEY!"
(Helena) "Stop that."
- Klee jumped up angrily as she reached for her bag.
(Klee) "Give Dodoco back!"
- Astrid and Altina walked up to Klee, Astrid keeping her spear out while Altina kept her summon by her side.
(Helena) "Dodoco?"
- Klee pointed at the small keychain that resembled her bombs.
(Klee) "Dodoco is my friend! You're not playing nice!"
(Astrid) "Playing nice?! You're blowing us up!"
- Kurt, Ash, and Stefan kept their distance, trying to sneak up from behind as she was distracted.
- Klee reached for her pocket.
- As her hands extended outwards, small flowers flew out behind her, all seeming to have a mind of their own as they charged up.
(Altina) "ALERT!"
(Helena) "Oh sh-"
- The small flowers shot out laser-like projectiles, which quickly blew them into smithereens, the three being reduced to shards.
(Stefan) "GOOD GODDESS!"
(Kazuma) "JESUS CHRIST!"
(Aigis) "I see..."
(Towa) "I think we need to choose easier candidates?"
(Rean) "Maybe we should choose next time and not Aigis."
(Aigis) "M-My apologies..."
(Ash) "So wait, if those automatically aimed at them, then what about-"
- The flowers turned to the last three members.
(Ash) "...Us-"
(Klee) "Hmph, jerks!"
- The three slid out of the simulation, face first.
(Jean) "...Well, you lasted longer than most people do."
(Diluc) "Take comfort in that, at least."
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 1, Old Places and New Faces (2 of 2)
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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Upon their return to Fodlan, Kazuma, Rean, Towa, and Aigis have found that it has changed drastically. Whether it was for better or worse, was unknown.
After reuniting Sitri and meeting the second generation of Garreg Mach students, the four make their way once more into the Zanado Tower...
Class VII pressed onwards as they looked at the environment constantly shifting around them.
Colossal platforms flew past them with lights flickering to life.
Altina struggled to process it all, so much information was flowing in at once.
Kurt tried his best to ignore the fantastical sights around him and tried to find an exit.
All he found were several crates with notes scattered on them and massive doorways.
Many of the platforms moved higher up into the room, but he had no idea where that would lead, so he avoided them.
(Juna) "K-Kurt? Do we know where we're going?"
(Kurt) "N-...No."
(Ash) "It'll probably be fine. Rean went through here right?"
(Musse) "Maybe? Where is everyone?"
(Altina) "...I seem to detect life forms?"
(Kurt) "Friendly?"
(Altina) "Unknown. None match Instru-...Hold on a moment."
(Everyone) ?
(Altina) "I am sensing Instructor Rean's presence. It is near the very top of this...building?"
(Musse) "Hm...I'm worried about the other ones."
(Juna) "Same here. We all got our weapons right?"
Class VII nodded and drew their weapons, keeping it at the ready.
(Juna) "Whew, least we're not totally unprepared."
The five of them quickly moved closer together, looking around the area and trying to find the voice.
(Kurt) "Is...it talking about us?"
(Ash) "If it is, then we better shut up and get out of here."
[A Long Fall - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
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Sitri and the others stepped into Tower and heard the alert blare throughout the area.
(Kazuma) "The hell?"
Aigis turned back and looked at the Garreg Mach students and frowning.
(Aigis) "Is it detecting us?"
(Helena) "Considering this is our first time here, probably."
(Kairos) "W-WHAT IN THE WORLD?!"
(Elizabeth) "What is this place?!"
(Astrid) "It's so...bright!"
(Stefan) "Yeah, the glowing crystals are kinda hurting my eyes..."
(Sitri) "This is the Zanado Tower. It's where House Isekai came from, what I can understand anyway."
(Helena) "That the truth?"
Helena turned to the four.
(Towa) "We think so?"
(Rean) "Honestly, the details are a bit lost on us as well."
(Kazuma) "The only person that knew that much was Sothis and Byleth and..."
Their faces showed a hint of sadness before Elizabeth brought up another question, not noticing their shift when mentioning Byleth.
(Elizabeth) "S-So, this is where that creature was sighted? How do we even begin covering this large of an area with our small number?"
(Sitri) "W-Well...Um..."
(Everyone) !?
(Rean) "Think that's our culprit?"
(Towa) "I can't think of anyone else that could be here!"
(Sitri) "Everyone, move out!"
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(Buck) "Ach, damn it!"
Buck waved away the smoke that was covering the area.
(Mickey) "H-Hey, at least we got the door open, right? Even if it was a little too much."
(Dutch) "Doubt using 7 explosive charges is considered "a little"."
The massive door in front of them was completely blown into pieces, the debris scattering everywhere, and some falling into the cavern beneath them.
Romeo checked the scope of his sniper and put one finger on the trigger.
(Mickey) "If that alert was about us, then it's going to get even more pissed off."
(Dutch) "Every security system must know where we're at now."
(Buck) "All the more reason to get our asses moving, now-"
Buck turned back to the hole in the door before noticing something on his visor.
The motion tracker was detecting several things coming to them, and he quickly motioned backwards to the cover they were using from the door breach.
Everyone got their weapons pointed at the door waiting for them.
(Buck) "On my mark..."
From the smoke, several figures emerged wielding all sorts of weapons ranging from swords to bows.
And it was then the squad's visors picked up the outline of them, they were human.
Amber kept her bow trained on the four hiding behind cover, waiting for instruction.
(Duvalie) "They're human...I think?"
(Kaeya) "Never seen that armor before."
(Lisa) "Jean, dear?"
(Jean) "Who are you all?"
Her eyes drifted to the massive hole behind them. How could they have caused an explosion that big?
If she said the wrong thing, they could be killed.
(Buck) "Sergeant Gunnery Buck, and this is my squad! UNSC, Helljumpers! How 'bout you miss, we on the same side?"
(Jean) "My name is Jean, of the Knights of Favonius!"
Buck looked at his other squadmates and they shrugged.
(Buck) "You folks happen to know where we are?"
(Jean) "I'm afraid we do not. But we are allies, not enemies if that is what you're wondering."
Romeo examined every one of them as Buck was speaking to them. They didn't seem to be dressed for battle. In fact, the green one that looked like a girl had a damn instrument, not a weapon.
And the purple woman with the witch hat only had a book.
(Mickey) "Frankly, I say we don't take the chance."
(Dutch) "Yeah, great idea, kill the only things that HASN'T tried to kill us."
(Buck) "Alright. We believe ya. Stand down."
The squad nodded and stood up, the Knights of Favonius stepping forward.
(Jean) "I think it's plain to see we're...both out of our element."
(Buck) "Seems like it. As I said, call me Buck, and these are my men."
(Mickey) "Mickey."
(Dutch) "Name's Dutch. Pleasure."
(Romeo) "..."
Buck's visor became see-through, his face being visible as he turned to face Romeo.
(Buck) "What's the matter? Helmet turned off?"
Romeo shrugged.
(Venti) "Um, is he okay?"
(Buck) "Oh, I get it. Permission to speak. Smartass."
(Romeo) "Name's Romeo, ladies."
He turned to face Jean, Lisa, Duvalie and Amber.
Rolling her eyes, Duvalie butted into the conversation.
(Duvalie) "Ugh, keep it to yourself. Anyways, I'm Duvalie, head knight of the Stahlritter."
(Mickey) "Thought you were with the...whatever you guys were called."
(Kaeya) "Favonius. Actually, she's from another world, as I'm assuming you all are. Kaeya, by the way."
Buck examined their clothing again and when he started to think on it, no human from their world, no matter the planet, would wear something so outlandish as that, especially in the middle of a war.
(Diluc) "...Diluc."
(Venti) "I'm Venti!"
(Amber) "Amber, hope we get along!"
(Lisa) "And I'm Lisa. All of us except Duvalie are together."
(Romeo) "Before we get caught in a never ending cycle of introductions, can we get the hell out of here before anymore of those things show up?"
(Jean) "You've seen them too?"
(Buck) "Weird glowy blue gnome looking things?"
(Duvalie) "The hell is a gnome?"
(Lisa) "Let's put it this way to make sure we're on the same page, were they carrying a staff and rather short?"
(Dutch) "Those are the ones, ma'am."
(Diluc) "Abyss mages are attacking them too..."
(Kaeya) "Think Romeo had a point, we'll discuss this once we're in relative safety, we were nearing the exit I believe, before you all blew a hole through that door."
(Mickey) "Hey, we had to get in somehow!"
(Buck) "Hold up, we weren't going to leave just yet. There was a group of kids that was making their way upwards."
(Amber) "Kids? We didn't see anyone else on the way."
(Romeo) "Oh, right. They just got here. I'm all for saving them, but we barely managed to get away from those mage things. Our bullets didn't seem to do anything."
Jean held her rapier and nodded.
(Jean) "Allow us to take care of it with you. Change of plans, we're headed back in."
She stood next to Buck as he darkened his visor and checked his assault rifle.
(Buck) "After you, miss Jean."
Rean was the first one through the hole in the door and looked around, no one appeared to be there.
Everyone else stepped forward weapons drawn, and it was now Rean noticed what everyone was carrying.
Sitri had the Sword of the Creator, Kairos and Elizabeth had spellbooks, Helena had a knife, Astrid held a lance, and Stefan wielded an axe.
The students appeared to have no hesitation about their weapon of choice, but Sitri was slightly trembling.
It was clear she had done some training with a sword, and yet...
He shook his head, now wasn't the time to be focusing on that.
(Aigis) "I am detecting several lifeforms down below."
Aigis turned to her right and looked at the glowing circle-like shape at the end of the walkway.
(Towa) "Anyone familiar?"
(Aigis) "...Negative."
(Kazuma) "Then let's get down there, maybe the little shits that caused this are close by, considering how recent that explosion was."
(Sitri) "Right, let's try to find a way down."
Sitri and the Garreg Mach students stepped near the circular platform while the former House Isekai members examined the explosion hole.
(Aigis) "These explosions appear to be made from devices similar to C4..."
(Kazuma) "What, these guys packing modern day weapons too?"
(Rean) "What's C4?"
(Aigis) "Small explosive charges that you can put on virtually any surface."
(Towa) "Something that small can cause that much damage?!"
Meanwhile, Elizabeth was examining the glowing circular platform with the other students and Sitri close to her.
(Helena) "What is it?
(Elizabeth) "I'm not sure...Maybe it's some kind of-"
Elizabeth put her hand on the platform, which made it glow an even brighter orange as it catapulted the group forward to the other walkway, causing them to scream.
Rean and the others turned their direction and saw them land on a platform which began to move away.
(Kazuma) "AW SHIT, SITRI!"
(Rean) "After them!"
Before they could move any further, they heard strange noises behind them, which made them draw their weapons...
When Kairos got up and saw the moving platform, he immediately turned to Elizabeth.
(Elizabeth) "D-Don't you yell at me with that tone! How was I supposed to know that-"
(Helena) "Both of you shut up. Focus."
She held onto her knife tighter as she realized the platform was heading downwards.
(Sitri) "Is everyone alright?"
(Astrid) "Just fine, Lady Sitri. Can't say we'll be that way for long.
(Stefan) "We're going deeper into the tower, is that a bad thing?"
(Sitri) "This is my first time in the Tower when it wasn't being controlled by memories, so I'm not sure..."
(Kairos) "Fantastic..."
Elizabeth had a mind to slap Kairos but kept it to herself, instead examining just how far down they were going...
Class VII moved even quicker after hearing the explosion, trying to find anything resembling stairs since they were unsure about the elevators.
(Musse) "I don't think we have any other way up."
(Juna) "Maybe we can-"
Two gunshots roared through the area, with a thud echoing and signaling that someone or something was brutally killed.
Kurt motioned forward and Class VII turned the corner to see a massive man clad in yellow armor, towering over some strange creature.
It was short, fat, and blue. It was uttering some language they didn't understand before the soldier stomped on its head, crushing it.
Class VII drew their weapons and the yellow soldier turned to face them.
(Yellow Soldier) "...Children?"
The soldier eyed them up and down, trying to identify them as Class VII did the same.
The armor he was wearing looked heavy and durable, being wide as some of the doorways they passed through. He stood at around 8 feet, holding a rifle as big as his chest.
(Kurt) "...What was that thing you killed?"
The soldier turned to the creature and shrugged, the shoulder pauldrons moving up and down was the only indication he did so since his armor was so massive.
(Yellow Soldier) "Most likely some form of xenos. It opened fire as soon as it saw me, so I purged it. Better I have done so since children are in the area."
He turned to face them.
(Yellow Soldier) "Though you are far from defenseless it seems."
Kurt didn't put away his weapons, and neither did anyone else.
(Yellow Soldier) "...I am Raelyn. Raelyn Amuto, Adeptus Astartes."
(Juna) "You're a...what now?"
(Altina) "Does not match any known organization in Erebonia."
(Musse) "Not ringing a bell for me either..."
(Raelyn) "...You are?"
(Kurt) "We are Class VII, part of Thor's Military Academy, Branch Campus."
Raelyn lowered his rifle, the helmet's unblinking lenses seemingly staring straight into them.
(Raelyn) "We are Space Marines, mankind's greatest warriors."
(Ash) "Evidently."
(Raelyn) "Do you know the area I am in?"
(Kurt) "Not a clue. We were following our Instructor to find out where he went, and we ended up here."
(Raelyn) "Hmph. Stay behind me. I do not know what awaits us-"
He stuck a hand outwards as he noticed a platform moving downwards. Everyone readied their weapons again, and keeping it on them seeing another group land in front of them.
(Buck) "Hey, those are the kids! And...!"
(Kaeya) "Looks like they already met one of the Abyss mages."
(Mickey) "Goddamn, that is some armor!"
(Raelyn) "Guardsmen? And..."
He lowered his weapon, though Class VII didn't.
(Jean) "Before you ask, we are not enemies, and we are just as lost as you all."
Dutch turned to the knights and noticed Duvalie had her sword still up.
(Dutch) "What's the deal with her?"
(Venti) "Huh? Duvalie what's wrong-"
(Altina) "Threat detected."
Class VII and Duvalie stood off against each other.
(Raelyn) "...It's safe to assume you are acquainted then."
(Kurt) "She tried to kill our class, our instructor and HIS class."
Jean frowned and turned to her.
(Jean) "You told me you were a knight of justice."
(Duvalie) "I-I am!"
(Buck) "Everyone, stand down! This pissing match is only going to slow us down!"
Buck saw the corpse of the Abyss Mage and sighed.
(Buck) "And it's clear you've already met the things trying to kill all of us. I don't know your histories, but that doesn't matter for right now! Let's get out of here and THEN you all can-"
Another platform landed behind Buck, making everyone turn around.
(Sitri) "U-Um...!"
(Helena) "Oh crap."
(Kairos) "I swear to the Goddess, Elizabeth-"
(Elizabeth) "WILL YOU SHUT UP?!"
Stefan gulped and adjusted his helmet.
(Astrid) "Uh...hi?"
(Everyone) ...
(Amber) "Hello!"
(Romeo) "For god's sake-."
(Juna) "Just how many of us are lost down here?!"
(Sitri) "Um..."
Sitri took a deep breath and tried her best to look confident.
(Sitri) "My name is Sitri, leader of Garreg Mach, and you're in our world. If you want answers, please come with us."
The students stared at her as if she were crazy.
(Kairos) "What?!"
(Elizabeth) "Look how many of them are here, I don't like these offworlders any more than you do, but we need to NOT piss them off, as you are very much pissing me off!"
(Helena) "You're not doing much better yourself-"
(Stefan) "H-Helena please that is NOT helping!"
(Astrid) "ANYWAYS! You want answers, we got it! Please let's just get out of here!"
Everyone looked at each other.
There was an awkward silence before Raelyn stepped forward first.
(Raelyn) "Very well, Sitri. Lead the way."
(Sitri) "Well um... we don't know the way up."
Jean motioned everyone to her, and they all stood together as the platform's lights pulsated quietly.
They sheathed their weapons and quietly looked out in front of them, staring at the massive crystal in the middle of the room.
Just where was this, and why were they brought here?
What were those creatures attacking everyone?
And what is Garreg Mach?
Hopefully soon, they would have answers to all these questions, and find a way back home...
(Altina) "...We are not moving."
(Duvalie) "Gee, I couldn't tell."
(Lisa) "Dears, what's the holdup?"
(Stefan) "D-Don't look at us!"
(Raelyn) "Are there too many on top of this?"
(Buck) "Dutch, the button?"
(Dutch) "Oh, sorry."
Aigis blocked an ice spike that was aimed at Towa with her Persona, Athena easily blocking it with her shield.
Towa took another potshot with her pistol, but it was stopped by some icy aura surrounding the Abyss Mage as it danced along, taunting them.
Rean and Kazuma swung their weapons at it, but were deflected and sent flying back.
(Aigis) "None of our attacks are working!"
(Towa) "W-What do we do?!"
(Kazuma) "Do we hit it harder?"
(Rean) "Heed my call...!-"
(Everyone) !
Everyone, including the Abyss Mage, looked back to the walkway and saw a platform that carried a large amount of people unload, everyone drawing their weapons.
(Altina) "Instructor!"
(Rean) "What in the-What are you all-"
(Buck) "There's those sons of bitches!"
The Abyss Mage screamed in terror as those with guns opened fire, it quickly teleporting away from the massive group.
(Diluc) "Damn it, it got away!"
(Aigis) "...No other presence detected besides us. It appears we are safe for now."
(Kazuma) "Tch, wanted to show that asshole a thing or two, now...'
The four looked at the group and to Sitri. Towa and Reans' eyes were glued to Duvalie, her taking notice as well.
(Aigis) "...Are these friends?"
(Jean) "I hope we can be."
(Kairos) "They better."
(Rean) "Uh..."
(Duvalie) "NOT. A WORD."
Sitri took a step back as everyone scattered to their respective group.
Duvalie stood with the ODST's and Raelyn while the Knights of Favonius stood by themselves.
Class VII followed Rean and Towa, as the students of Garreg Mach got near Sitri and each other.
(Kaeya) "Quite the odd group we have lined up."
(Buck) "I can't help but feel like we're out of place."
(Raelyn) "Agreed..."
(Duvalie) "Of all the people, it had to be YOU."
(Rean) "G-Great to see you too, Duvalie."
Sitri trembled slightly before feeling a hand on her shoulder. Turning behind her, she saw Sothis smiling.
(Sothis) "Don't worry. I've seen this happen before, and I know what can get them together real quick."
Kazuma noticed Sothis talking to Sitri, but considering how on edge everyone was, he decided not to say anything.
(Kazuma) Please have a good idea, Sothis...
(Sitri) "I-If I could have everyone's attention!"
Everyone turned to face her, which made Sitri silent for a moment, but after putting her hand on her chest, she looked more determined than ever.
(Sitri) "I know everyone is terribly confused on where they are and what's happening. I do not have the answers myself, but I assure you, we will."
(Astrid) "We?"
(Sitri) "Yes. With the arrival of so many newcomers from other worlds, and with veterans of this situation being here..."
She nodded again and looked at everyone.
(Sitri) "As leader of Garreg Mach Monastery, I hereby reestablish, House Isekai!"
(Aigis) "Oh?"
(Rean and Towa) "HUH?!"
(Kazuma) "THE FUCK?"
(Buck) "...The hell's an Isekai?"
His squad, Duvalie, and Raelyn shrugged.
(Kurt) "Has...Instructor Rean and Towa done this before?"
Class VII looked at Rean, then back to Sitri.
Jean nodded.
(Jean) "It seems this is not their first time being visited by people from other worlds."
(Diluc) "Hmph, I blame the Traveler for this."
All things considered, the Knights of Favonius looked relatively calm about the situation.
The students of Garreg Mach all had mixed opinions. They didn't view House Isekai in a very good light, but now they HAD to be a part of it.
(Kairos) "This is not going to end well..."
(Elizabeth) "Oh dear."
(Helena) "This oughtta be interesting."
(Stefan) "Hah, that's one way to put it..."
(Astrid) "Goddess help us..."
(Sitri's voice) "...I hereby reestablish, House Isekai!"
Mercedes smiled as she heard Sitri's voice through her crystal and put it into her pocket and stretched.
Through the door, a small girl and a fairy came into the room.
(Recette) "Hey Mercie! We got the reports from this month in!"
(Tear) "Yes, it appears to be within...why are you smiling?"
(Mercedes) "I've just been listening into Sitri's progress."
(Recette) "What's going on?"
Mercedes didn't say anything as she motioned them to follow her.
(Sitri) "We have a welcome back party to work on!"
(Tear) "For...who?"
(Mercedes) "Just some old friends..."
[Lost in Paradise - ALI]
Gotta get it homie gotta move it If you gonna do it then, push everything to the side Everybody just talk nobody really do it You should keep a secret until you actually do it No need to double check with someone Use your judgement only, break the walls Let's do flashy fake More Cool, keep it low, prove them wrong I won't give up the fight in my life 'Cause my life is living for love I won't give up the fight in my life Stand off and groove on time Tokyo prison Going to relight your feelings When times get too rough Night and day are fading Going to relight your feelings There's no time to explain Gimme your love Access to your love Oh yeah Lost in paradise Night and day are fading out When times getting rough Access to your love Lost in paradise Night and day are fading out Keep on dancing now Hеy hey hеy hey heyeah
10 notes · View notes
houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 3, Thunder Rolls (2 of 2)
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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Client: Marianne Von Edmund
With Marianne's help, the new House Isekai split off into teams to find this mysterious object and take it down before it becomes too dangerous...
[Tactics - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Marianne handed Sitri a paper with all the findings her scouts have reported.
(Marianne) "I hope this will be of use to you all."
(Sitri) "It will, thank you, Marianne."
Marianne nodded and smiled.
(Marianne) "Please be careful, I would not like to see any of you come to harm."
(Kazuma) "Eh, don't worry, the kids'll be fine with us!"
Marianne raised an eyebrow, although her smile was still kept.
(Marianne) "With Rean and the others, I can believe that."
(Kazuma) "Hey, who was the group that saved your guys asses plenty of times back then? Mine, that's who!"
(Rean) "Aaaand, don't forget who bailed you out for a lot of those situations."
(Aigis) "It was us."
Kazuma continued to cause a commotion, letting the other groups spectate.
(Jean) "They all seem rather close."
(Lisa) "Reminds you a bit of home, doesn't it?"
Lisa smirked as she turned to Kaeya and Diluc.
Diluc rolled his eyes while Kaeya shrugged.
(Kurt) "I trust Instructor Rean and Towa's guidance, but I am unsure about the other two."
(Juna) "Well, that Aigis lady seems nice enough though, now that I think on it, what CAN those two do?"
(Ash) "Noticed Kazuma has a dagger and a short sword on his belt, but for Aigis...can't tell."
(Altina) "It appears she is like me."
(Juna) "Wait, as in not human?"
Musse turned to the Garreg Mach students.
(Musse) "What do you guys think?"
(Astrid) "Eh? Well, I dunno. I've only heard stories, never seen them in action."
(Helena) "Gets kinda hard to tell what's true."
(Stefan) "I guess today's our lucky day!"
(Elizabeth) "Hmph, if you call having to deal with otherworldy monstrosities lucky!"
(Helena) "Harsh. These people aren't that ugly."
(Elizabeth) "What in the-That is not what I meant and you know it!"
(Kairos) "..."
(Astrid) ? "Kairos? Somethin' up?"
(Kairos) "Huh? Oh, I am fine. It's nothing."
Kairos looked back down, a bit dejected.
(Stefan) "The things Lady Marianne and Sitri say getting you down?"
Kairos raised his voice to object but sighed instead.
(Kairos) "I just cannot believe I let my immaturity get the best of me there. These people are the reason we're here right now, but I cannot shake off how I feel that easily."
(Elizabeth) "I...would be lying if I said I did not feel the same."
Venti and Amber didn't mean to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to considering how loudly they were announcing their feelings to the entire group.
(Venti) "If that's the case, why not get to know us then?"
(Elizabeth and Kairos) "Huh?"
(Amber) "Yeah, this mission looks to be tough, so if we all work together, I'm sure we'll be friends in no time!"
(Kurt) "I would not be opposed to it. Well, considering that we also have no alternatives present as well.'
Meanwhile, the Instructors finally finished their conversation.
(Marianne) "I wish you luck, House Isekai."
(Rean) "Thanks, Marianne. We'll be back as soon as we can."
Marianne bowed and went inside back to her estate, leaving the Instructors to walk back to their groups.
(Towa) "So, what's the plan?"
(Sitri) "I...Hm."
She stopped walking to take a moment to think.
(Sitri) "I think it'd be best if we were to all search together. We have no idea what we'd be up against."
The tone of her voice made it sound like it was more of a suggestion than a command.
(Sothis) "Looks like the group has another one."
(Diluc) "Miss Sitri, was it? If we could speak our mind."
(Sitri) "Huh? O-Oh, Go ahead."
Kazuma leaned over to Rean.
(Kazuma) "She doesn't exactly sound confident for a headmaster."
(Rean) "Being fair, she was just a nun from what we were told by Jeralt."
(Aigis) "Affirmative, she also was very weak and could not leave Garreg Mach often."
(Towa) "...S-So, if that's the case, how is she walking around out here carrying her sword no problem?"
The four stared at her while Diluc was explaining the group's plan.
(Rean) "Lahabrea did mention she was chosen to be resurrected for a reason...Did we ever find out why?"
They were silent.
(Kazuma) "Tch, even dead Those Who Slither are a pain in our ass. We never get straight answers from them"
(Aigis) "Well, that wasn't Those Who Slither, that was Byle-...Er, Lahabrea who did the resurrection himself."
(Towa) "Regardless, I think we should ask this ourselves another time."
(Diluc) "...And so, we think splitting up is the best way to approach this threat."
(Sitri) "Well..."
(Jean) "You have our word that nothing will befall any of your students."
(Kurt) "And mine as well."
(Helena) "To be fair, this would be a good way to know how we all fight considering this is our first assignment together."
(Sitri) "Fair enough...Very well, we shall split into teams.
(Rean) "I think it'd be best to mix and match teams."
(Aigis) "Agreed. Based off initial data, I will configure the teams as follows:
First Team will consist of: Rean, Sitri, Helena, Stefan, Kaeya, Amber, Altina, and Ash.
Second team will consist of: Myself, Kazuma, Astrid, Diluc, Jean, Venti, Kurt, and Juna.
Third team will consist of: Towa, Kairos, Elizabeth, Lisa, and Musse."
(Jean) "No objections from me."
(Ash) "Sounds fine."
(Musse) "Aww, I wanted one with Rean-"
(Rean) "You'll be fine under Towa's command. Besides, she was your homeroom teacher anyway."
(Lisa) "Ouch, shot down."
(Musse) "Doesn't mean I'm giving up!~"
(Lisa) "Oh, I like your attitude, love is such a powerful thing..."
(Towa) "Uh...."
(Elizabeth) "I had some slight objections being put in a group with you, Kairos, but now? I think I am glad to have at least someone familiar..."
(Kairos) "Ugh, the feeling's mutual."
(Rean) "Right then. We'll split up and meet at this point in the map if we don't find anything."
(Kazuma) "How are we gonna keep in contact if shit goes down?"
(Aigis) "Rean and Towa have their Arcus Units, and I believe the students of Garreg Mach have something similar."
(Stefan) "Yes, we were all given a communication crystal upon our entry for Sitri's group."
All the students of Garreg Mach pulled out a small flat crystal that faintly glowed blue.
(Kaeya) "We have our methods then. It's probably best we stop wasting time and get moving."
(Sitri) "Agreed. Everyone, remember to be safe. This may be only our first assignment, but do not underestimate the danger. Your lives could be thrown away if you're careless enough."
Everyone nodded and split up.
(Towa) "Alright, looks like we'll head to the site where it was first spotted. This way everyone."
Towa's group walked down a path deeper into the forest and slowly disappeared from sight of everyone else...
Doomguy's Base, Present...
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Doomguy tapped his foot while listening to the Persona Users give their explanation of what was happening.
Apparently, Ryuji, Ann, Mitsuru, and Naoto fought off a group of hulking green creatures calling themselves "Orks" who came from Fodlan's Crystal Tower.
(Yu) "And that's about the gist of it."
(Yosuke) "Yeah, we weren't close enough to the scene and the news gets everything wrong anyway.."
(Futaba) "Even with my hacking I can't get a full picture, it happened so fast."
(Akihiko) "You still got any idea what's going on in Fodlan right now?"
Doomguy shook his head, and shrugged to the air, indicating for VEGA to speak for him.
(VEGA) "Unfortunately, no. There is too much interference for us to make contact with those currently in. That being the case, they are working to rectify this communication block, hopefully soon."
(Junpei) "So what, we're supposed to twiddle our thumbs and just wait?"
(Yukari) "And what exactly can we do, Stupei? If all of us just jump in guns blazing, who knows how long we'd be trapped, and how Fodlan would react!"
(Makoto) "Our entry and exit wasn't the most graceful after all..."
(Akira) "I have faith in everyone over there. It'll be up to us to keep our home safe."
(Chie) "Hey, who else has responded anyway? Seems not too many of us were able to make it in there."
(VEGA) "You are correct. The only ones to answer the call are yourselves, Rean, Elliot, Laura, Fie, Towa, and Kazuma."
(Morgana) "Anyone else?"
(VEGA) "The Denizens of Nazarick appear to be busy handling their world's politics, but they have acknowledged our call and plan to send whoever is available. The same goes for the remaining members of Class VII."
(Teddie) "Oh, how about Yuki-chan and the others?"
(Fuuka) "The School-Living Club?"
(VEGA) "I'm afraid nothing has been sent our way. Not even an acknowledgement."
(Rise) "I hope they're alright. Their world didn't exactly sound forgiving..."
(Kanji) "It's prolly' best they weren't here anyway. Not sure they'd be much help...Er, wait that sounds bad!"
(VEGA) "Negative. You are objectively correct, in terms of combat at least. Megumi and the School-Living Club were the least active members when it came to fights. Their efforts were focused on helping fleeing civilians and moral support. Neither of which we are sure is needed for Fodlan's current circumstances."
(Ken) "I'm sure everyone's fine. We should be worried less about how they are and more on how the Crystal Tower came to our world to begin with."
(VEGA) "We are currently looking into that as we speak. Please feel free to rest here until then."
The Persona users nodded and tried their best to relax, not knowing what the future would bring...
[Stilness of Night - Trails of Cold Steel 3 OST]
A few hours later...
Towa's group kept investigating the points of which the scouts had written on the reports, but they had found nothing.
No trace of any warning shots Marianne mentioned, its like they had completely erased the evidence.
The sun was starting to set, but thankfully it was still bright enough for them to keep looking untroubled.
Lisa was close by with Towa, looking with her and Musse while Kairos and Elizabeth investigated somewhere close by.
(Towa) "Hm...still nothing."
(Musse) "Instructor Towa?"
(Towa) "What is it, Musse?"
(Musse) "If I can ask, why is it that the people of this world hold such hostility against you?"
(Lisa) "I have been rather curious myself. It seems every opportunity those two in particular talk bad about your old group."
Towa looked up and made sure Kairos and Elizabeth was far away enough for her to continue.
(Towa) "Truth be told, our group was a mess. We kept coming in out of nowhere, and forming this massive superpower that threw a wrench into all the world leader's plans for...whatever they were going to do. World Domination? Separation? I have no idea."
Towa's eyes looked down as her expression darkened.
(Towa) "We lost a lot of friends during that war too, they gave their lives for a world they didn't know. But this place is home to us, just as much as it is to them..."
Musse and Lisa looked at each other but didn't say anything else.
Towa was doing her best to keep those memories out of her head. She had to keep a clear mind for this assignment.
Though, being told that their group was the reason a civil war was on the brink again, it didn't sit well in her stomach.
Towa's mind ached, thinking the possibility of losing even more friends to this world, which she was struggling to keep out.
Lisa walked towards Towa, kneeling down and rubbing her head.
(Lisa) "There there...I'm sure they'd understand if you told them. No need to fret."
Towa shot back up, a slight tinge of red as she put her hands on her hat.
(Towa) "ACK!"
(Lisa) "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle."
(Towa) "N-No you're fine, Miss Lisa! I'm just usually used to Rean doing that...Which, now that I say out loud, is kinda weird..."
(Musse) "Hmph, lucky."
(Lisa) "Is it weird? I was under the impression you were a couple with the way you acted."
(Musse) "I'm sure she'd like that!"
Lisa and Musse's smirks were flustering Towa.
(Towa) "T-That's not relevant, Musse! And Miss Lisa, we are NOT a couple!"
(Lisa) "So, you're available then?"
(Towa) "BWUH-WHAT?!"
Lisa failed to hold back a chuckle.
(Lisa) "Relax cutie, I'm just joking...Mostly."
(Towa) "Ugh, please just focus back on the task at hand!"
She began mumbling to herself.
(Towa) "You think I'd be used to this considering how much time I've spent with Angie and Crow..."
Lisa crossed her arms as she turned back to finding any signs of a fight.
(Musse) "...Thanks for doing that, Miss Lisa. I never liked seeing Instructor Towa get that down on herself."
(Lisa) "Figured no one does, from what I've gathered. By the way, have you found anything?"
(Musse) "Not particularly. Though that being said-"
Musse began speaking with Lisa who crouched down next to her, pointing at the trees in front of them.
(Kairos) "This question is only now appearing in my head, how exactly do they fight?"
(Elizabeth) "Now that you point it out, the only real weapon I see is on Musse's back. It appears to be some sort of...staff?"
They stared at the rifle that was strapped onto her, not sure what its function was.
(Kairos) "That makes sense, though it's shaped quite oddly. What's the point of that...lever, I think?"
Squinting at the triggerhair on Musse's rifle, he shook his head and turned to Lisa.
(Kairos) "And her. Everyone else from her group has a visible weapon, but she doesn't. All I see is a book."
(Elizabeth) "She could be a spellcaster, though what kind of magic user dresses like that?"
(Kairos) "Of course you judge them based on clothes."
(Elizabeth) "Oh stuff it! As if you're one to talk to ME about biases!"
Kairos and Elizabeth stood up, glaring daggers at each other.
(Kairos) "Hey, I was talking about their weapons!"
(Elizabeth) "And I'm talking about your little outburst earlier! Do you know how much you embarrassed all of us by-"
The went back and forth a little bit, Musse and Lisa pausing their conversation to listen.
(Musse) "How noisy."
(Lisa) "Well, we didn't find anything over here anyway, we might as well put a pause to it."
Towa watched them head towards Elizabeth and Kairos, and decided to watch what would happen instead of interfering. She knew Musse was a lot smarter than she looked, and Lisa seemed to be the same way.
(Towa) "So this is how Instructor Sara felt."
(Musse) "Is there a problem?"
(Elizabeth) "O-Oh, my apologies! No there isn't any problem."
(Kairos) "If you don't count her mouth as one."
(Elizabeth) "Silence yourself, or so goddess help me, I will silence yours!"
(Lisa) "My my, so feisty! You'll ruin those cute faces if you keep frowning so much."
That snapped Elizabeth and Kairos out of their spat and took them aback.
(Kairos) "C-Cute?"
(Elizabeth) "Feisty?!"
(Musse) "It seems no matter the world, people have the same reactions to these things..."
(Lisa) "It would appear so. It's nice having someone who understands, though."
Lisa and Musse smiled, making Kairos and Elizabeth feel slightly uncomfortable.
(Musse) "But back on topic, did you happen to find anything?"
(Kairos) "No, not really."
The two looked back down to the ground they were examining prior.
It was two trees that had snapped and fell to the ground, but there was no magical energy or weapon marks to indicate it had fell down by unnatural causes.
They were looking at the point where the tree snapped and fell over, hoping to find anything but-
(Elizabeth) "Kairos and I are well versed in magic, but we were unable to find anything that we could detect."
(Musse) "Hm...from what I see, there's nothing there either."
Lisa furrowed her brows as she gently pushed everyone to the side, taking a look herself.
(Kairos) "Miss Lisa?"
(Lisa) "...Instructor."
(Towa) "Huh? What is it?"
(Lisa) "I believe I found something."
(Elizabeth) "Truly?"
Towa walked over to the group and looked at the trees as well.
(Lisa) "I understand why no one has reported anything. This was caused by something from our group's world."
Everyone stood on edge.
(Lisa) "Our world has something we call 'Visions', powers granted to us by the Archons and allows us to attune ourselves to the elements and channel them into our will. Diluc and Amber have Pyro visions, letting them control fire. Kaeya has Cryo, Ice, Venti and Jean have Anemo, Wind. I, have Electro. Electricity."
Lisa rubbed her finger against the tree and looked at her finger.
(Lisa) "And on my hands is a very faint remnants of an Electro attack."
She stood up, grabbing her book.
(Lisa) "A very recent one."
Musse and Towa unsheathed their guns while Kairos and Elizabeth quickly looked around.
(Lisa) "I'm presuming you two cuties also wield magic?"
(Kairos) "Y-Yes. I'm proficient in dark magic skills."
(Elizabeth) "I am most skilled with white magic, but I am able to channel dark as well."
(Lisa) "Good. Because I think I know where our target is at."
Kairos and Elizabeth felt the hairs on their arms raise. The darkness of the forest started to glow with an eerie purple in the distance.
Towa got behind them and pulled out an ARCUS unit, calling Rean.
(Towa) "Rean, I think we found it! I'm sending our coordinates-"
A bolt of lightning shot down and almost hit her, making her scream and almost drop her unit.
(Towa) "AAH!"
(Rean's voice) "Towa?! Towa are you-"
(Musse) "Target straight ahead!"
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The cube slowly floated over to them, shooting out bolts of electricity in random directions.
(Musse) "I believe that first one was the warning shot the scouts were talking about."
(Kairos) "What the hell is that thing?!"
(Lisa) "Hmph. Nothing too dangerous, but still, don't let your guards down. We call it an Electro Hypostasis."
The shapes of the cubes floating around the core slowly shifted around, seemingly ready to change shapes at any time.
(Lisa) "It shapes itself into whatever it wants to attack, so be prepared for anything."
(Elizabeth) "You've fought these abominations before?!"
From Elizabeth's view, Lisa looked more annoyed than anything facing this...thing.
(Lisa) "A few times. They're normally docile until you approach, which makes Marianne's reports a lot more sense considering what's been harassing them."
The Cube seemingly stared at all of them, waiting to see if they would back off.
(Lisa) "I'm afraid my Electro vision isn't going to be as helpful as I'd like, but I won't let that stop me."
She flipped open her book, which began levitating in front of her.
The text in the book began to glow a dark purple as she turned to the group.
(Lisa) "But, I digress. The command is up to you, Instructor Towa."
(Towa) "If we let it go, it could be days before we can find it again, we don't let it slip away!"
Towa loaded her pistol and pointed at the Electro Hypostasis.
(Towa) "Engage the enemy!"
(Musse) "Understood, Instructor!"
(Elizabeth & Kairos) "Yes Ma'am!"
(Lisa) "Got it."
[Twice Stricken - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Musse backed up and pointed her rifle at the Hypostasis, taking the first shot.
The bullet predictably reflected off, and the four cubes flew into the air and into a rhombus shape, all aiming at the team.
Electric missiles shot out of the Hypostasis at speeds equivalent to Musse's and Towa's gun.
Lisa snapped her fingers and a electricity field formed around them, misdirecting the attacks and hitting in random directions.
Kairos and Elizabeth ran to the front, Kairos casting a fireball while Elizabeth had ice spikes form underneath it.
The first fireball caused a small explosion, blowing back some of the trees and scorching the grass while the ice spikes shot into the air and at the core of the Hypostasis, stopping the fire before it spread and piercing the core.
It made no noise of pain, though they could tell they were doing some damage to it.
The cubes quickly flew away from the spikes and towards them.
Towa fired her pistol, all aiming at a singular point the spike had pierced into.
Small bits of electricity chipped off, tho it began flying faster and dodged whatever was shot at it.
Lisa's spells were having no effect on the Hypostasis as it landed behind them.
(Lisa) "Get behind something!"
Musse and Towa dove for cover as more missiles shot out of it, Lisa standing behind a tree to hide from it.
Elizabeth did the same as well, but noticed Kairos wasn't moving.
Kairos stood out in the open still and tried to fire another fireball, but it quickly moved to the side, dodging the fireball as it hit the tree behind the Hypostasis instead.
The Hypostasis aimed at Kairos and shot a singular missile, too fast for him to dodge in time and hit him in the chest and sending him flying back into the tree.
He clenched his teeth in pain as the electricity rattled and sent a painful shock throughout his entire body.
(Elizabeth) "Kairos, you bloody idiot!"
She quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him behind cover before another barrage of missiles hit her.
(Elizabeth) "Why didn't you get into cover?!"
(Kairos) "Ach, thought I could hit it again!"
(Lisa) "It's not sentient enough to think creatively, but it's not stupid enough to fall for that again!"
Her brow furrowed further even more, knowing her spells would do nothing to it.
Musse poked her head out and pulled out her ARCUS unit, letting it analyze the Hypostasis.
(Musse) "Miss Lisa, your advice?"
(Lisa) "Keep hitting it with any elemental attack that isn't Electro-Er, thunder!"
(Musse) "Understood, taking the shot! Kairos, Elizabeth!"
Elizabeth stood out of the way of Musse's barrel as her rifle began glowing a hot red.
Pulling the trigger, a single shot hit the core, making it stagger back and form back into it's cube state.
As miniature cubes shot towards them from the excess electricity, Lisa stepped out to the open and shielded them from the bolts on the ground shooting out.
Towa rushed over to Kairos and loaded another round into her pistol, shooting it into the air.
Kairos suddenly felt the pain in his body slowly fade away and looked to Towa.
(Kairos) "Thank y-"
(Towa) "Do that later, right now they need your help!"
(Musse) "Instructor, get down!"
Towa and Kairos saw the three of them dive out the way.
Instinctually, Kairos grabbed Towa's shoulders and shoved her down to the floor as laser beams shot out and spun across the forest, it spinning rapidly as it vaporized the leaves into smoke.
The trees were getting burnt, but thankfully not chipped enough to topple over, Kairos saw.
Once it was done, Kairos rolled into the open and got on knee, adjusting his glasses as he raised his hand and clenched it.
From the skies above the Hypostasis, a burning rock crashed itself on the Hypostasis, knocking the cubes that formed the laser into pieces as the core stood out in the open.
(Lisa) "It's exposed, attack now!"
Elizabeth stood next to Kairos and swiped her hands downwards, the air forming a sword-like shape and slicing through the core, making it slightly shatter and pieces fall off.
Musse's rifle glowed white as it fired a straight line of ice, going through the core.
Towa did the same as her pistol began to glow several colors, red, then white, then red again.
Lisa made sure to keep an eye on any of the excess electricity in the air, flicking her wrist and deflecting a bolt of lightning without looking at it.
It quickly formed back into shape, and stood for a moment as the shots reflected off it.
(Elizabeth) "What is it doing now?!"
The cubes broke off into smaller ones, forming a giant arrow-shape and-
(Lisa) "To the sides, now!"
Lisa jumped back as the Hypostasis formed into a drill-like shape and began spinning towards them, tearing apart any trees that was in its way.
Towa and Musse ran to the sides while Kairos and Elizabeth ducked as it barreled past them.
The trees it knocked over were falling down left and right, Musse almost getting hit by one.
(Towa) "ABOVE YOU!"
Elizabeth looked up and realized a tree was falling on top of her.
Lisa raised her book and a concentrated spell shot out, the strength of it rushing it forward as it collided into more trees and away from everyone.
When Lisa turned her attention back to the Hypostasis, she realized it had formed two giant walls.
Lisa's eyes widened as she tried to brace herself for the shock, the walls closing on her and the force sending her into a tree.
Lisa's body tumbled onto the floor and out in the open, her vision going in and out from the attack.
(Kairos) "Lisa!"
The Hypostasis began to form it's drill shape again while Kairos and Elizabeth rushed to Lisa's defense, shooting whatever spell they could as it began flying to them.
Musse and Towa tried to help with their guns, but they were having no effect.
As it got closer, Kairos tried to pick up Lisa to move her, joined by Elizabeth as it got dangerously close to tearing through them.
Although there were no trees nearby for it to be a hazard, they still couldn't move fast enough with Lisa in hand to get out of the way safely.
(Familliar boy's voice) "COMING THROUGH KIDS!"
Kairos and Elizabeth were tackled by Kazuma while Aigis got in front of Lisa.
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(Aigis) "ATHENA!"
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Her Persona appeared in front of the drill, the shield failing to be pierced as Athena raised its hand, and knocked it to the side, toppling trees as it bounced through the ground.
Aigis spun around and gave Lisa a hand, which she grabbed it and was helped up.
Kazuma got up and dusted himself off.
(Elizabeth) "Instructor?"
(Kazuma) "Yeah yeah, you're welcome, now get your asses up, that cube thing will be doing the same!"
Kazuma unsheathed his sword, letting Elizabeth and Kairos get up on their own.
As the Hypostasis was getting up and about to change forms, before the core was shelled off, Jean and Venti jumped from the top of the trees and used their Anemo Visions.
Jean first blew it into the air while Venti summoned a mini tornado, picking up the core and shredding it with the speeds of the wind.
Diluc ignited his sword as he slammed it down into the tornado, setting the wind ablaze with the core still inside.
Kurt and Juna jumped in as the core hit the floor, Kurt's sword dicing it to pieces while Juna used the force of her tonfas to dent it, making electricity shoot out with each strike.
It quickly got itself up with the cubes forming once more, this time shifting into a giant fist.
It swung first into Kurt and Juna, sending them flying back into Towa and Musse.
Then it shapeshifted into a pair of scissors, making the Vision users duck under cover as it almost cut them into two.
It finally formed a giant rectangle, slamming down in front of them and sending them into the air.
As the core revealed itself while the three landed on their feet, Astrid and Kazuma swung their weapons into it, Astrid piercing through it while Kazuma slashed it in half with his sword.
Aigis, Musse, Towa, Elizabeth, and Kairos readied their guns and spells, all opening fire together while Astrid and Kazuma dodged out the way.
The final bullet went through it, the core now full of holes, it began to twitch violently as it split into pieces.
It split into three prisms as the core remained invisible in the center.
(Lisa) "Destroy those prisms!"
Juna switched her tonfas into a gunner mode and pulled the trigger, shooting one prism to tiny pieces.
Aigis's Persona smashed another prism into the floor, completely eradicating any trace of it.
Diluc's flaming sword shot out a bird-like shape, turning the prism into cinders as he made a wide swing.
With the last of the prisms gone, the core began to twitch violently as the group formed together.
Lisa got in front of everyone and held out her hands, casting another field to block out the electricity that exploded into a bright purple, the skies turning from white to a dark gray, then the clouds finally disappearing.
[Words to Believe In - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Towa's team tried to catch their breath.
(Musse) "Whew, that was close..."
(Towa) "Now I'm reminded why Rean's the combat instructor..."
(Lisa) "Nonsense, you did just fine-...Ugh!"
Lisa fell to one knee, Diluc catching her in time.
(Diluc) "Hey, are you alright?"
(Jean) "You took a bad hit from the looks of it."
Jean looked at her back and saw a bleeding wound, as well from her head.
(Elizabeth) "Miss Lisa, I'm so sorry! If you didn't have to take your at-"
Lisa waved her hand in a dismissive manner, smiling through the pain now the adrenaline was wearing off.
(Lisa) "Don't apologize, cutie. Ol' Lisa will be just fine."
Jean and Diluc slowly helped her up while Venti turned to them.
(Venti) "Honestly, not bad for your first time fighting it!"
(Musse) "Thank you. Without Lisa, I'm not sure what would have happened."
(Kairos) "Yes, we owe much of our victory today to her-"
(Kazuma) "Yadda yadda, stop being so humble. Just accept the compliment and move on. Besides, far as Fodlan kids fighting the unknown go, you two ain't half bad."
(Aigis) "Indeed. We were only able to see snippets of the fight, but despite your differences you came to work together rather well."
(Elizabeth) "Why...T-Thank you Instructors."
(Astrid) "Wow, no love for you Instructor Towa."
(Towa) "Oh come on now, don't make this a competition!"
The group began to back and forth, Astrid moving to Elizabeth and Kairos.
(Astrid) "So, what's your impression of 'em? Kazuma and Venti just argued a lot the entire time. Was pretty funny though."
(Elizabeth) "They're not as uncivilized as I was expecting to be honest."
(Kairos) "Psh, who's judging on character now?"
(Elizabeth) "Shut. Up. Already."
(Astrid) "And now I get to hear you guys argue. Ugh, great."
(Musse) "...Huh, where's Instructor Rean and the others?"
(Everyone) "..."
Towa pulled out her ARCUS unit again.
(Towa) "Rean?"
Everyone stiffened when they didn't hear a response.
(Towa) "Rean?!"
Rean, Sitri, Helena, Stefan, Kaeya, Amber, Altina, and Ash.
Rean was looking for any signs of an attack before hearing his ARCUS unit go off.
(Towa's Voice) "Rean, I think we found it! I'm sending our coordinates-AAH!"
(Rean) "Towa?! Towa are you-"
(Sitri) "Did something happen?!"
(Rean) "Yeah, Towa's team found it! She sent us the coordinates so we need to-AAAGH!"
Rean fell to one knee, reaching for his head.
(Altina) "Instructor?!"
(Ash) "The hell's going-DAGH! SHIT!"
Ash stopped moving and reached for his head as well, followed by Altina, then the rest of the group one by one, their heads pounding as their vision suddenly faded to white.
[Out of Time - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
The inside of the room was glowing a faint blue-white, two green haired individuals walking through them, though one was significantly taller than the other.
(Flayn) "Father, are you sure this is the way?"
Seteth's face scrunched up as he stared at one of the crystals in his hand. The directions it was pointing to was hazy at best.
(Seteth) "No...No Flayn, I am not sure. But we have to try something at least."
Flayn looked behind her, worried.
(Flayn) "Of course..."
They stopped themselves to what appeared to be a massive doorway. Seteth held the stone up to it and the door slowly began to open, light pouring out from the other side.
The two were about to take a step through the door before a shot of electricity bolted over their heads.
Seteth quickly raised the crystal up, and it glowed a bright blue before whatever was shooting at them disappeared.
Inside the crystal was a dark purple fog before it quickly disappeared with a white flash.
(Flayn) "What was that?!"
(Seteth) "Something we weren't looking for. Perhaps the deeper we go into the tower, we'll be able to find it."
Saying nothing else, they looked around as moving platforms shifted around them.
Seteth and Flayn stepped onto them as everything turned into a static mess, slowly fading out of view...
[Spiderweb - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
(Towa's voice) "Rean?"
(Towa's voice) "Rean?!"
Rean hazily reached for his ARCUS unit, responding to a very concerned Towa.
(Rean) "Agh, we're here!...I think."
Everyone looked at each other, the headache slowly subsiding.
(Kaeya) "What in the world was that?"
(Amber) "Ugh, my head!"
(Altina) "Is...is that supposed to happen naturally?"
(Helena) "Unless we're in extreme stress situations where our physical bodies are pushed to the limit, no."
(Stefan) "And considering we just started our assignment."
Sitri began speaking in her head.
(Sitri) Sothis...?
(Sothis) "Agh, don't worry, I felt it too...Though, wasn't that?-"
(Sitri) Seteth and Flayn...
(Sothis) "Doubt anyone else would know what they saw besides you and Rean."
(Sitri) What were they doing in the Tower, I thought we cleared it by now!
(Sothis) "I have no idea, but we have to tell this to the other instructors."
(Rean) "...And that was the end of that...vision? Or something. I'm still not sure."
(Towa's Voice) "...Understood. Let's meet back up at Marianne's and tell her that we finished the job."
(Rean) "Roger that. And Towa? Good work."
(Towa's voice) "Heh, um...thank you."
Rean hung up the call and motioned for everyone to follow, everyone still out of it from whatever it was they saw.
(Aigis) "A vision?"
(Kazuma) "Holy shit, Seteth and Flayn are alive?!"
(Sitri) "Possibly? I'm not sure..."
(Rean) "It's still blurry in my head, and I'm sure the others agree."
Everyone nodded in agreement.
(Towa) "We should investigate once we get back, but..."
[Where the Heart is - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
(Towa) "I'm glad we were able to help out, Marianne!"
(Marianne) "Thank you so much for your assistance. As always, you're always rescuing us from dangers."
Marianne smiled and bowed.
(Rean) "Of course. If there's any other troubles, please call upon us to help if you need it."
(Sitri) "Thank you for your kindness."
(Marianne) "And as requested, we have the railroads to take you back to Garreg Mach. It should be a day's trip.
(Juna) "Man, it just feels like went to a different country instead of a world with how familiar it is..."
(Amber) "What's a railroad?"
(Musse) "Oh, you see it's-..."
Class VII and the Knights began engaging in a friendly banter, which gave Kazuma to groan.
(Kazuma) "A train?! Why the hell are we taking a train when we can teleport?!"
Sothis appeared for a brief moment when she made sure no one was looking in their direction.
(Sothis) "We'll explain it later, but for now just shut up and deal with it."
Rean and Towa laughed while Aigis had a smirk.
Kazuma was ready to cuss out Sothis before the students approached them.
(Kairos) "Instructors? I...would like to apologize for my earlier outburst-"
(Rean) "Don't sweat it."
(Kairos) "Huh?"
(Towa) "To be fair, it IS a little strange for a bunch of people to pop out of portals like this and boss you around. But that being said, we are your instructors for a reason!"
(Kazuma) "Some respect goes a long way, kid!"
(Astrid) "You look as old as we do..."
(Kazuma) "And YOU shutting up can go a long way!"
Aigis slapped the back of his head and nodded.
(Aigis) "Apologies for him. Although he is right to some degree. We are happy to be your instructors, no matter what we have done in the past."
(Stefan) "I look forward to your guidance, Instructors!"
(Elizabeth) "As do I. I will make the Blue Lions proud for having me as their chosen!"
(Helena) "Hear that Astrid? You shutting up means they'll like you more."
Astrid gently punched Helena in the shoulder, Helena's expression being deadpan from the delivery to the literal punchline.
(Astrid) "Same goes for you, smartass."
Marianne approached the Garreg Mach students and looked at Kairos.
(Marianne) "You've grown up so much despite the fact it's only been a few years. I hope in the future we can have a moment to talk, so we can catch up!"
(Kairos) "A-As do I Lady- Er, I mean...Marianne."
Marianne's smile made him unable to look at her in the eye and she turned to Sitri.
(Marianne) "It's right this way. Follow me everyone."
And in a few moments, the members of House Isekai stepped onto a train that took them to Garreg Mach, Marianne waving goodbye to everyone...
[Life at Garreg Mach Monastery - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Today's instructions were done for the day, the doors being opened as students and guards went from position to position.
A good number of students went to their dorms while many others went into the mess hall.
Guards piloted massive Knight mechs out of the hangar and towards the Gates, practicing military drills and simply standing guard for any potential threats.
Kairos, Elizabeth, Astrid, Helena, and Stefan walked out their respective classrooms and towards the Hangar.
(Helena) "Last day of hanging with the Golden Deer...Can't say I'll miss them too much."
(Astrid) "I will a little, I was FINALLY getting used to the schedule!"
Kairos shrugged.
(Kairos) "It's not like we'll never see them again. We're still attending the same Academy."
(Stefan) "I'm a bit sad I can't hang out with my friends as much, but I guess that's the nature of an Officer's academy."
(Elizabeth) "Well think of it this way, we now have a new opportunity to go down in history!...Even though our instructors are those offworlders."
(Helena) "I still can't tell, do you like them or not?"
The banter went back and forth a few more times as they moved to the hangar.
The Imperial soldier in front nodded to them and let them pass.
(Stefan) "Oh, Kairos."
(Kairos) "Hm?"
(Stefan) "Your data from the fight with that...cube thing is recorded on your crystal right?"
(Kairos) "Yeah. What about it?"
(Stefan) "You should send that to the rest of us, so we can see everyone's fighting style."
(Helena) "Oh yeah, we didn't get to fight during that."
(Kairos) "Sure, one second."
Kairos took out his communication crystal and let it connect with Astrid, Stefan, and Helena's.
Stefan nodded and smiled.
(Stefan) "Thanks, I'm pretty excited to see what they can do!"
(Elizabeth) "Soon enough, we'll get to know how they are-"
(Recette's voice) "Yoohoo, over here!"
The five stopped once they saw Recette waving over to them excitedly.
(Tear) "Welcome. Your quarters are now finished."
(Astrid) "Dam-Er, Dang, it's only been like 3 days, and you're already finished?"
(Recette) "Yup! There's nothing that blood, sweat and heckuva lotta gold can't accomplish!"
(Tear) "The wonders of capitalism."
(Helena) "...Capi-what?"
(Tear) "Nevermind. This way, your instructors are currently in a meeting but everyone else is waiting for you in the room.
The five followed Recette and Tear into their barracks into an elevator, going below the hangar and storage floor...
Garreg Mach's Listening Chamber...
(Sitri) "The other team contacted me and let us know their task is done. They're currently on their way back on the railway and should be back within the hour."
(Towa) "It's crazy to know Slayer sent Elliot, Fie, and Laura to us!"
(Rean) "Duvalie being with them is sure going to make her a lot more irritable."
(Kazuma) "She seems like a bitch."
(Towa) "That's putting it lightly..."
(Aigis) "Regardless, it is good to have reinforcements backing us up."
(Rean) "...Valimar, can you confirm signatures of anyone else present in Fodlan?"
Valimar's voice echoed out of his ARCUS unit.
(Valimar) "...Affirmative. It would appear some of the Persona Users are present as well."
(Aigis) "Really?!"
(Valimar) "Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Mitsuru Kirijo, and Naoto Shirogane, according to my scans."
(Kazuma) "How come no one else has reported this?"
(Towa) "Yeah, that is pretty weird..."
(Valimar) "I am still scanning, so I am unable to tell where they are. Analysis would take a day or so."
(Rean) "Just keep us updated Valimar."
(Valimar) "Of course. Speaking of which, it seems Duvalie's group is about to arrive."
(Rean) "Let's go ahead and meet them then."
The instructors nodded and left before Sitri's Crystal began beeping.
(Sitri) "Hold on, I have to take this. I'll be with you soon."
The four left Sitri and Sothis alone as Sitri opened it up, revealing a small reflection of Edelgard.
(Sitri) "Edelgard?"
(Edelgard) "Hello, Sitri. With the official reformation of House Isekai, we would like to assign your tasks for this month, as it was done when we were enrolled."
(Sothis) "So...why are you calling just by yourself?"
(Edelgard) "And that is my next point..."
As the train approached the station, Stefan saw Rean and the other instructors meet up with the rest of the group.
(Stefan) "...Even more of the offworlders."
He looked to see no one was watching him, and slowly snuck away from the group.
Everyone was distracted meeting Rean's friends to notice Stefan had disappeared into a corner.
Stefan looked at his crystal and saw the recording of Kairos and Elizabeth fighting the...whatever the hell it was.
Though, he was honestly glad no one was hurt.
He tweaked his communication crystal by turning a dial to the left and pressing in a specific combination with the buttons on it.
And with that, a voice popped up on the other side.
(Distorted Voice) "There are you. Goddess, we thought something happened. Status?"
(Stefan) "I'm fine, don't worry. And something did. House Isekai has returned."
(Distorted Voice) "...Say that again, it sounded like you said House Isekai."
(Stefan) "I did say House Isekai. It's the White Cloud Contingency."
(Distorted Voice) "...Keep your eye on them. And be careful. We all saw what happened to the poor bastards who underestimated them seven years ago."
(Stefan) "Understood. And you all be careful as well."
(Distorted Voice) "Godspeed."
Stefan nodded and hung up. He slowly blended back into the crowd and saw Kairos looking in his direction.
(Kairos) "Hey, there you are!"
(Helena) "That armor slowing you down or something?"
(Astrid) "I told you guys to wait up, he was falling behind!"
(Stefan) "Hah, yeah I got lost. This place is huge!"
(Elizabeth) "Goodness gracious, just speak up Stefan! Anyways, what do you think of Instructor Rean's colleagues?"
(Helena) "...I like that grey-haired one."
(Kairos) "Of course you would."
(Astrid) "T-That orange haired guy, and...and that blue haired lady! So hot...!"
(Kairos) "...What?"
(Astrid) "I-I MEAN-"
The four exchanged jabs with each other, Stefan occasionally throwing in lines as well, but he was far more concerned that the old members alongside new people of House Isekai were coming.
[Lost in Paradise - ALI]
(Stefan) "...Hmph."
He breathed in and out to calm himself.
(Stefan) No matter what happens, even with them here, they can't interfere...Fodlan HAS to be free from this rule!
Gotta get it homie gotta move it If you gonna do it then, push everything to the side Everybody just talk nobody really do it You should keep a secret until you actually do it No need to double check with someone Use your judgement only, break the walls Let’s do flashy fake More Cool, keep it low, prove them wrong I won’t give up the fight in my life ‘Cause my life is living for love I won’t give up the fight in my life Stand off and groove on time Tokyo prison Going to relight your feelings When times get too rough Night and day are fading Going to relight your feelings There’s no time to explain Gimme your love Access to your love Oh yeah Lost in paradise Night and day are fading out When times getting rough Access to your love Lost in paradise Night and day are fading out Keep on dancing now Hеy hey hеy hey heyeah
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