cubesona · 4 months
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fault-classic · 1 year
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Kahyo, for @cubesona!
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notsorryiml8 · 12 days
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Kakashi x Kahyo/KakaKahyo/KakaKah
Request from my Kakashi-obsessed friend. "Please draw Kakakahyo for me??? All they said in the book is my girl has big eyes and curly hair, just sayin' ;-) ..."
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Team Gai Week Day 7
New Friendships & Nosey Students
Prompt: FreeDay
Characters: Tenten, Lee, Maito Gai, Hatake Kakashi, Kahyo
Words: 1867
It was difficult to see over Lee’s head, but Tenten still managed to catch a glimpse of her target. With long brown curls falling over her shoulders and a laugh that sounded as sweet as birds singing, she was rather hard to miss.
It wasn’t her beauty or her voice that had captured Lee and Tenten’s attention, though. That alone was worth a passing glance, but nothing more. What had captivated them was the company she was keeping, or, to word it properly they were following a strange, beautiful woman all because the man at her side was someone they knew.
A person they trusted and before today thoughts they knew.
“Come on, Lee,” planting a hand on top of her friend's head, she shoved him down in hopes of getting a better view. “What are they doing?”
“From the looks of it, eating Dango. Ow!” Lee yelped when she brought a fist down on top of his head.
“I can see that,” she scolded him. “But why? I’ve never seen her before.”
“Perhaps they’re on a date?” 
Tenten rolled her eyes at the thought. “Sensei is like, what, forty? I doubt it’s a date.”
“He’s thirty-four,” Lee corrected her. “And there’s no age limit on dating.”
“Ok, but there is a weirdo limit and Gai-sensei had always been too weird to date,” drumming her fingers against the top of Lee’s head, she frowned. Now that she had a better look, the woman seemed familiar.
“Not everyone hates the springtime of youth as you do,” Lee grumbled. “It’s bound to happen that someone would fall for Sensei with all of his passion and kind personality.”
Kind. Now that was a word that did fit their Sensei. As weird as he was, he was always even more kind. Doing everything that he could to spread some cheer to as many people as he could.
“Still,” she narrowed her eyes when the woman turned to face her Sensei. “That face. I know it…” The smallest glimmer of a picture came to mind. Brown curly hair, fire, lighting and icicles.
The answer struck her suddenly. “Kahyo!”
Lee just barely managed to pull her behind the wall they had been half hiding behind, successfully avoiding being spotted by their Sensei or his friend.
“Tenten, we’re supposed to be stealthy,” he scolded her as if he wasn’t the loudest man in all of Konoha. “You just about gave away our position.”
Shaking her head, Tenten reached out and grabbed the front of his jumpsuit. “Kahyo.” she repeated herself. 
“Kahyo?” Lee stared at her with a blank expression. “Is that supposed to mean something?” At times like this, she missed Neji more than ever. He would have understood her words right away and explained them to Lee in words he understood. 
“Kahyo,” she said once more, shaking Lee’s body as if it would help him to understand. “Hozuki Castle, the Tobishachimaru,” some of it seemed to be getting through to Lee’s brain, but he still failed to understand just what it was she was trying to tell him. “Kakashi-Sensei’s crush!”
“Oh!” His eyes flew open. “That…really?”
Recovering from the shock, the pair leaned around the corner once again and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw their Sensei and Kahyo with their backs turned to their position, enjoying their treats as if nothing had happened.
“But, why would Sensei be hanging out with his Eternal Rivals crush?” Her teammate asked in a hushed tone. “Surely he’s not attempting to steal her affections from Kakashi-sensei.”
“He’s more likely testing her,” Tenten argued. “Making sure that she’s good enough for Kakashi-sensei.”
“True,” nodding his head, Lee turned to look at her and smiled. “Though, if it were to come down to a choice, I have no doubt Gai-Sensei would come out victorious.” Tenten was about to scold her friend for such words when a hand came down on each of their shoulders.
“And what-” the pair froze, fear coursing through their veins as Kakashi-sensei tightened his hold and leaned in close enough that his breath tickled the back of their necks. “Are you two doing?”
Tenten’s life flashed before her eyes. The laughs she had shared with her team, the days she collapsed into the ground after training. It all blurred together as she braced herself for whatever punishment the Hokage was about to bring down on them for spying.
Not even for spying.
For getting caught.
Glancing over her shoulder, Kahyo choked back a laugh when she saw Kakashi standing over the pair of spies that had spent that last hour following her and Gai through the village. 
“I think Lord Sixth is going to be late for lunch,” she nodded towards the scene, her smile only growing when Gai looked back and sighed. “They’re not very good at hiding.”
“A skill I lack myself, unfortunately.” that she knew for a fact. She could still remember the day Gai vomited in the air ducts on the Tobishachimaru, giving away his and Kakashi’s position. “What they lack in stealth they more than makeup for in other skills, though.”
Of that, she had no doubt. 
“I just hope they don’t have a habit of vomiting in their enemy's faces.” 
Gai sputtered a look of utter horror on his face. “I- that was one time!”
“One time too many,” she teased, chuckling at the memory of her brother furiously cleaning puke off of his face. “Ah, to think the Kage’s all agreed to let me have a few days off and he’s going to be late.”
“He’ll make up for it,” Gai’s expression softened. “Kakashi has been looking forward to your visit for weeks. He won’t allow my students or anyone else to ruin it for him.”
Weeks? That seemed a little far-fetched. The Mizukage had only told her about this little vacation a few days ago and according to her the five Kage’s had agreed on it just the day before.
Still, there was something else she wanted to know about. Her day with Kakashi had been pre-planned through letters, little hints of his work securing her this little vacation in the letters they exchanged, but Gai? His greeting at the gates to Konoha had come as a surprise to her.
“What about you?” she asked, examining the stick of Dango he had brought her when they first arrived, which she had failed to enjoy as of yet. “How long were you waiting to properly meet me?”
They had met once before, just not under the type of circumstances that allowed them to get to know each other. 
“Since yesterday,” he admitted with a confident smile on his face. “Kakashi only told me your vacation was officially approved yesterday morning while we were having lunch in his office.”
She was not surprised. Even in the limited time, she saw the two together just over a year ago, she could tell that they were close. When her Earth-style Ice chains had damaged the ship and sent people flying out into the open air Kakashi had clung to Gai, or that was what her brother had said while laughing at them. Mocking them for refusing to give up one life to try and save the other.
If that wasn’t enough to convince her of their bond, Kakashi was always talking about Gai in their letters. His admiration for his friend's resilience was adorable, and how he spoke of their challenges was always a treat. Sometimes she wished she had a friend like Gai. Perhaps then things would have turned out differently for her.
“Kakashi really likes you,” Gai continued, smiling when she raised an eyebrow at his words. “I don’t think anyone has captured his attention quite like you.”
Sweet words, but they were missing something.
“You,” she filled in the gap without hesitation, chuckling when Gai’s eyes widened with shock. “You’ve never seen the way he speaks of you. It’s refrained, but the admiration and respect in his descriptions of you is clear. Hatake Kakashi would not exist without you.”
A smile cracked across his face. Proud yet with a hint of fondness. The smile of a man recalling some of the best times of his life. “I wouldn’t exist without him either,” his smile grew. “We are a packaged deal. The dynamic duo!”
Kakashi was right. That nickname did sound like the dorkiest thing she had ever heard in her life. Perhaps she had been too quick to judge his letters when he spoke of what an energetic weirdo his best friend was.
It was a little odd, but she found Gai’s personality comforting. A nice counter to Kakashi’s more cool and aloof personality. 
“Besides, I can’t provide the company he could use most of the time,” she continued as if they hadn’t derailed the conversation into mushy territory. “It’s great to feel wanted,” wonderful in fact. It had been far too long since it felt like there was someone in the world who wanted her around. “But I have a life sentence. Hozuki Castle is my home now.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to give up everything,” the words are spoken with such kindness that she almost believes them. As if, even now, there’s a little spark of happiness saved just for her even after everything she has done. “Kakashi will retire one day.”
“A prison is no place to spend retirement,” she laughs at the thought. “I may have captured his attention, as you said, but I’ll never be a part of his life.” Not in a big, meaningful way, at least. Her actions on the Tobishachimaru had assured that and it seemed a fitting punishment. There was finally someone she could see a future with, and she had snatched that future away with her own two hands. 
“You are already a part of his life,” Gai corrected her, waving his Dango in front of her face. “Kakashi does not need you by his side at all times to feel the way that he does. You don’t see the way his eyes light up when he receives one of your letters. It’s a beautiful thing, Love.”
Could it really be called that? Did Hatake Kakashi really have it in him to love someone who had caused the needless deaths of eighteen people in her own grief?
Even if he did, did it matter? 
“Hey,” Gai nudged her with his elbow, a blinding smile greeting her when she focused on him once again. “The past is done. Don’t dwell on it too much or you’ll miss those precious moments you still have an opportunity to experience.”
“Precious moments?” she tilted her head. “Like?”
“Like this,” turning away from the table, Gai cupped both hands around his mouth to create a make-shift megaphone. “Hey, Rival! Hurry up and get over here! Your girlfriend is waiting!”
Slapping a hand over her mouth, Kahyo snickered as she watched Kakashi straighten himself up and glare at his best friend. Only an hour into her visit to Konoha and she was already having a great time, all thanks to Maito Gai. 
Her brother was probably having a fit watching down on her from wherever he was now.
Toss A Coin To Your Writer 💜💜💜
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skykashi · 11 months
Question about KakaKahyo after seeing your post. What stops them from having a happily ever after? Not sure if people see Boruto as filler/anime-canon, but in Boruto, Kahyo’s not at Hozuki Castle anymore; Mui’s brother is the warden now. Also, in the Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 game, Shikamaru DLC, he does send her lavender, which he says always reminds him of her and when they first met, so something may have been there in terms of feelings. Ino and Shikamaru try to pry to see if he’s in love, when he gets a response, but he shuts them down real quick (“yeah like I would just show you the letter”) and they just agree to let his private feelings stay private and to respect his privacy.
Thank you for the ask
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the answer is under the cut XD
I don't consider Boruto fillers canon, I don't even know where did Boruto fans come up with this anime-canon concept from as there were no statements from Kishimoto or even Ikomoto or anyone at all to make Boruto fillers more special than any other anime fillers, so many things that doesn't make sense and are even too silly to be taken seriously are in those fillers so I've never taken them seriously at all, they are what they are, just fillers and as far as I know in canon she's supposed to be there for life so unless she died or Naruto and the other Kages pardoned her, she isn't allowed to leave the prison so until we get any confirmation from any canon source about this she's still the warden... Also, even though Kakashi maintained a friendship with her and they sent each other letters and stuff, as far as canon goes he still never pursued a romantic relationship with her or anyone at that, neither her nor him ever told the other about their feelings, they both kept it to themselves and just treated each other as friends, we're not even sure if they still have the same feelings, 13 years are such a long time and they never took that crush to the next level so maybe they got over it with the years, maybe they were even dating in secret that entire time and never told anyone about it, lol who knows! 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe all those Kakashi fans who betrayed him and voted for other characters because they think they already know everything about Kakashi and those poor other characters need the manga reward more, can come and answer those questions for us now since tHeY kNoW eVeRy tHiNg AbOuT KakAsHi aLrEaDy so they don't need Kishimoto to tell them more about him, along with the story of his mom and how she died or all the 13 years of his tenure as Hokage that we've seen non of it!! 🙄 sorry, I'm still bitter about this 😞
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pokemegha · 11 months
He did NOT went on a honeymoon with guy
He only thinks Iruka as his fellow shinobi
He didn't f*ck Obito in Kamui
He teases Tenzo cause he's his junior
He probably thinks Tsunade as his wierd aunt and superior
He never had that kinda feelings for Rin
He never properly interacted with Anko
He never thought about Kahyo ever again
He didn't know who Hanare is cause she never appeared in Manga
He thinks of his Students as his own Kids ,same with Konoha 11
Ship him with whoever you want, don't harass someone who ships him with other characters!!!
Like @skykashi has put it, KAKASHI IS NOT YOUR PROPERTY and that's it.
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soaringpigeonshovel · 3 months
Y'know i was going to make a joke about about romance writing (I'm aroace so I'm free from criticism mwahahaha) because of this line in kakashi hiden
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but "comes outta nowhere" doesn't do this justice. Kahyo isn't introduced at this point. She's hidden. Even her ice powers haven't been shown yet. "Kahyo" is literally just a name the main villain calls out.
Like... is this supposed to be sarcastic? playful? a weird translation? I just don't know
And it's not like Kakashi hasn't already bumped into a pretty lady (Kahyo incognito) before this. He only notices her because she trips over, and is immediately distracted. Even after when he bumps into her incognito again, he doesn't even react to being in very close quarters with her. And when he's met with the masked fighter Kahyo, there's not a shred of anything romantic. He engages with her like any other enemy nin with a sad story.
So yeah... I can't even poke fun at this 'cause it's so bizarre. my opportunity to complain about forced romance subplots has slipped away from me nooooo :(
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mayskalih · 11 months
Hello! I like a lot Kakasaku but recently I start liking Kakatsu too. And I also think that in some way Kakatsu still have a potential to become canon… Don’t you think so? Actually I would prefer a single Kakashi, but as there is no hope for him and Sakura, Tsunade is the only one I can see in a positive way.
I want also to ask you about the let’s say crushes Kakashi had in canon:
1. Kakashi x Hanare
2. Kakashi x Kahyo
I don't think Kakatsu will become canon (and it shouldn't). Same logic as why Kakasaku will not be canon: they don't fit societal norms. And it's absolutely fine! <3
Ugh, had to google those two. They might have had crush on Kakashi, but I doubt it was reciprocal.
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berrychanx · 2 years
Hi, I'm sorry to disturb you! Since you're so knowledgeable about many sides of the TMMN production, I was wondering whether you know which people wrote the screenplay for each episode, and who directed the animation for each of them? I usually refer to Anime News Network for this sort of information, but they haven't uploaded anything regarding this aspect. ;( Sorry again for the disturb and thank you so so much for your amazing blog!
Hi, sorry for the delayed reply I always check the ending credits for each episode, this is all the information I could get from the credits... I only know certain who animated a specific scene when the authorm makes a tweet saying "Hi, thank you for watching today's episode, did you know I was in charge of doing this or that scene in today's episode?" I'm sure ANN will add them in time...but here we go
Episode 1
Screenplay by Yuka Yamada
Animation Director - Takeshi Yoshioka
Episode Directed by Natsumi Higashida
Episode 2
Screenplay by Yuka Yamada
Animation Director - Toshimitsu Kobayashi Episode Directed by Takaaki Izushiyama
Episode 3a
Screenplay - Kunihiko
Animation Director -Yoshimitsu Kobayashi
Episode Directed by - Takashi Yamamoto
Episode 4
Screenplay - Ayumu Hisao
Animation Director - Yoshioka Takashi
Episode Directed by - Tatsuya Ishiguro
Epiosde 5
Screenplay by Yuka Yamada
Animation Director - Toshimitsu Kobayashi
Episode Directed by - Hirohito Ochi
Episode 6 Screenplay by - Yuuo Kahyo
Animation Director - Satoshi Ishino Ishino is credited by other animators tweets as been helping them since episode 1 but he was mostly involved on episode 5 pillow fight and helping the episode director of episode 12 doing the fights
Episode Directed by - Toda Mi
Episode 7 Screenplay by Kunihiko Okada
Animation Director - Takeshi Yoshioka
Rie Nishimura
Episode Directed by - Minishiki Hoshino
Episode 8
Screenplay by - Ayumu Hisao
Animation Director - Toshimitsu Kobayashi
Episode Directed by - Talaaki Ishiyama
Episode 9
Screenplay by Yuka Yamada
Animation Director - Rie Nishimura
Episode Directed by - Higashida Yo
Episode 10
Screenplay - Hisao
Animation Director - Toshimitsu Kobayashi
Episode Directed by Yuio Okubo
Episode 11
Screenplay - Kunihiko Okada
Animation Director - Toshimitsu Kobayashi
Episode Directed by Shunji Yoshida
Episode 12da
Screenplay - Kunihiko Okada
Animation Director - Toshimitsu Kobayashi
Episode Directed by Toda Natsumi
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cubesona · 11 months
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my character kahyo
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darkclouud9 · 22 days
I like how they tried to turn Kakashi straight like. 4 times.
but like 2 of them were filler and Kahyo technically isn't canon (?) since she's in a novel which isn't written by Kishimoto but he did the art for it
but each time Kakashi wasn't having it and ignored all of them in some way. except for that one he blushed at but I honestly don't remember her I just remember blushy Kakashi. it's og nart but I don't remember the arc
I honestly liked Hanare tho not as a love interest, just as a character :3 her design her character, idk I liked her. WAIT HE ACTUALLY KISSED HER I THOUGHT HE CAUFHT HIMSELF BEFORE HE DID actually I think I mightve known that but still it doesn't really look like their lips touch and it doesn't really matter bc Kakashi's still masked so and it's filler
oh, no his lip definitely overlaps hers oops I just love his stupid horrified eye
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this episodes funny tho bc everyone thinks theyre dating but really she's in love with him and he has no idea (autism)
(they even have matching beauty marks ^-^ Hanare's is on the right n Kakashi's is on the left ^-^-^-^-^-^)
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notsorryiml8 · 4 months
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I may be the only one, but I ❤️ KaKaKahyo....
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
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skykashi · 1 year
Do you think Kakashi could end up with someone younger than him..? Im so sad kishimoto didn’t give him someone im sure a lot of fans wanted to see him have a child and a family to call his own, I just want Kakashi to be happy, I mean you could call him happy now that he’s retired, I hope you understand what I mean
Thank you for the ask
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If we're talking about canon Kakashi then I don't think it has anything to do with age although I don't think he would be with someone who's a lot younger than him, like a few years would be fine but not a huge age gap imo as much as it has to do with Kakashi's interest in romance itself, I mean, we all know how much he LOVES reading his romance novels and smut, there's also the fact that Kishimoto described Kakashi in the databook of being "surprisingly domestic and would protect his partner with love" but we've never seen him in canon showing any interest in actually being in a romantic relationship and even the only time ever he had a crush on someone or showed any attraction to someone in canon, he totally discarded that attraction and focused on his job, this is why I've never felt that Kakashi being attracted to Kahyo was ooc because yeah, he had a crush on her but he didn't act up on it or even showed it in anyway and if we as readers didn't get the privilege of reading the thoughts inside Kakashi's head, we would have never known he was attracted to her at all and that's like, the most Kakashi thing ever!.. and I always remember that Kishimoto interview I've watched ages ago when he said that he originally planned on giving Kakashi a wife but things were a bit rushed out at the end of the story and there was no time for him to introduce a new character since he didn't think any of the existing characters would suit Kakashi and he wanted to create a new character to be Kakashi's wife but for someone like Kakashi, it wouldn't make sense for her to appear out of nowhere, their love story had to be written and introduced properly and take it's time so at the end, it felt more right to him to keep Kakashi single than rushing him into a relationship. So if there's anything we can take from all of this is that the possibility of Kakashi falling in love or being in a relationship is there but it would not be easy and it would take a lot of time and work for it to happen, because Kakashi always puts everyone else above his own needs. The village, his students, his friends always comes first so he doesn't even give himself enough time to think about himself or what he wants or what he needs at all, there's always the emotional baggage he's carrying on his shoulders all the time and the way he always thinks that he doesn't deserve to be admired, I feel like he would always feel like they deserve better than him and might try to push them away thinking that it's for their own good because they deserve better than me so yeah, the possibility is there but he would NEVER make it easy and it would take a lot of time for him to accept being in a relationship.
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