#berrychanx answers
berrychanx · 1 year
I like how in New, they gave Keiichiro the manga design for when he was younger. He looked too old and too much like he does now in the original anime's flashback, I like little Kei without the ponytail.
Same anon,
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specially because Keiichiro is supposed to be a few years older than Ryou (and was adopted by the shirogane's)
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where in the original he seems already like an adult (around episode 36 he's probably a teenager but looks more like a young adult in his 20s) and a legal guardian (i guess studio pierrot aged him quit a bit because of that)
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I also had the idea (thanks to the manga) that Keiichiro was supposed to be Ryou best friend, since he didn't hang around with many children and only had his dog Daisuke so having another character close to his age, being part of the family, sharing the same traumatic event to me it feels like it bonded them close together as a family.
And caring out their father's legacy
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I wonder what Kei reaction was to Ryou randomly being a huge abandoned cafe XD
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wotcherangie · 1 year
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The sweet @kiyonogashilc asked me something under a ryoutasu post and since my answer will be long and I wanted also to share my opinion on ships too.. I wanted to dedicated s long post to that. She asked this:
“We'll still have some ichiryou scenes from what we can see in the hidive trailer. I don't know if this means that Ryou is gonna break her heart, if Lettuce won't know or won't care about Ryou's interest in Ichigo (if there is one, that is)”
So, here we are. From my personal pov, Ryou is a character that isn’t really romantically interested in someone, nor Retasu or Ichigo, and I think that he won’t end up with someone specifically, maybe hints or interest or affection, but nothing more. With Retasu I can see affection, care and a genuine interest in her that MAYBE it is romantic, maybe it is not; with Ichigo I see the flirting and the teasing and the mocking her and of course being worried about her… MAYBE it is romantic, maybe it is not.
The fact that I prefer a ship over another is just a matter of personal taste in character and storytelling, in this particular case I do not have anything against ichryou, which is such a cute ship, but I prefer ryoutasu over that cause I like their dynamic better, I find that more interesting: the main concept and what started ichigo and Ryou in the first place, is the main girl blushing at the good looking and mysterious guy, so having him worrying about her and flirting and teasing her … it truly makes her lose her mind EVEN THOUGH SHE IS CANONICALLY IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE. It is a cute concept and I can totally see why shippers like that kind of dynamic, such a fun and cute ship, one of the best in the show if you ask me…. But I personally don’t like it so much as a concept, the hot guy and the main girl, but that’s just me.
I like Ryoutasu better just because of the development: she hadn’t really a crush on him because he was a handsome guy standing there, she fell for him the moment he was kind and encouraging and truly cared about her and I find this beautiful. Him on the other side, really worries about her and it is happy everytime she really is genuinely happy … and I find his beautiful too, it is one of the strongest foundations of a good relationship, wanting the other one to be happy and being happy because of that.
I know there will be lots of ichiryou teasing scene because of the main plot, as you said we saw those in the hidive trailer, those scenes are in the manga, are part of the story, are teasing and funny and I like that and I see no reason why that should change, I am actually so excited to see how New will handle those and I cannot wait to see that part cause it is one major part of the plot, Ryou’s backstory, and I am happy that ichiryou fans will have something so good 😎 I don’t know how and if Retasu’s falling for Ryou is gonna be affected by that, cause we don’t know not only how Ryou feels about Retasu and also about Ichigo too.. and, as I already said, imo he really isn’t into someone specifically, at least romantically speaking.
So, in the end, that is why I always say that I don’t care my couple being canon and that I am fine with every ship even if it is in contrast to my fav, that is why I hate ship wars, thinking that your non canon ship is superior to another, trying to find excuses and justification why one ship is plausible and another not.
And yes, answering to your question. I am worried that my girl will be heartbroken, I truly am, cause she deserves all the happiness in the world, but in my personal experience… being in love is not someone’s fault and it is always beautiful even though it can makes you suffer. Also the main concept of the serie (from production and screenwriters interview, ask the amazing @berrychanx about that) is proving girls that they do not have to give up on something to achieve something else, it is also said in the trailer, so I hope that Retasu’s journey will make her realize that she won’t have to give up on her love, not now, not yet… that she deserves love, every kind of love.
Thanks again for the question 💚
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years
Same Anon from yesterday. As answer to @berrychanx, I never said anything about them as friends, I was talking about them as couple in that ask. They wouldn't work out for the reasons @pumpkinpie59 listed previously. Ryoutasu is at most a brotp to me, cause he behaves more like a brother to her than anything else, and he (like all the other mews) gives her the friendly support she deserves true, but to me it's just this. Good friends. For her character to get a proper development, there's need for her to move on from this fleeting crush to something that can help her even more build self-esteen and that's more close to love and I think Pie can give her this together the way she deserves, cause as already stated Retasu doesn't deserves to be only a Back-Up for Ryou cause yeah that's what she would unfortunately be then. Still can't get over how Pie smiled at her in the og anime before sacrificing himself... Pietasu has lots of potential for real.
yeah i can agree with this.
and yes the 2002 anime pietasu is so good. we love pie’s selfless sacrifice uwu
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nya-namins · 2 years
What software do you use for your edits?
Hiii ~
I use photoshop CS5 (extended)!
@berrychanx I think you had the same question? This is a sideblog so I can't answer comments/replies.
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berrychanx · 11 months
That scene where she defended the guy instead of her friends who were trying to save the earth then she almost killed them was hard to watch what kind of friend does that for a guy I'm trying to figure out this ichigo character but I'm disappointed or maybe just confused
It depends from person to person of course at that moment ichigo wouldn't think of hurting aoyama.
We can't say what we would do until we were in a similar situation
You have no idea how much I love this scene.
Its so unusual for a mahou shoujo to do this, to have the leader suffer such a shock she turns against her allies because she can't believe what just happened as reality.
To her that person is her loved one no matter what form he takes, it all happened too fast, her sense of right and wrong were absent at that moment, your sense of reality disappears after s shock/trauma.
It all feels like a nightmare.
She did it without thinking, they were gonna attack her loved one.
She acted on impulse, the attack was much more stronger because she was defending her special person. Once she came back to her senses she instantly regret what happened at the Mews didn't hold any grudge against her. They know she wasn't herself, even Mint says she would haven done the same.
Only when our lives or our loved ones lives are at risk do we know our full power and what we're capable of.
In a desperate situation like a war, where the changes for surviving is zero, it's each one for themselves.
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berrychanx · 11 months
Okay, I'm wondering that in the finale, the girls didn't lose their powers, but the animal spirits show up. What's up with that?
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I think its to symbolize that everyone's together on this journey, the mews continue their paths as individuals while still being a team and also ties with Ichigo line of wanting to protect Earth and all its living things. It was thanks to the RDA exhibition that she found her goal and how fragile life is
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berrychanx · 11 months
Lettuce was wearing earrings to a date with ryou now she wears them at work where she's learning more about pies people they are so cute
I take it as she's bulding a connection between Madeleine and Pie people ;W;
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They've put Madelaine earrings on the statue
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berrychanx · 1 year
With the wind turbine, Mickey, the ocean cleaning project, and not to mention how Quiche was belittling her indecision in the season one finale, I feel like the the aliens are always picking on Mint now XD Poor bird, she needs a hug
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I feel bad for her but at the same time I laughed. Ok my only theory is that the aliens know this isn't a long term solution
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It's a very delicate thing, there isn't a 100% unharmful solution but I believe someday we'll find something that doesn't completly harm or disturbs the eco-system.
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Here's more information about Seiji project in this episode.
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At the end of the day, it all comes to adaptability, we humans find a reliable unharmable way to clean pollution or fauna and flora will adapt around this new "beings" on their habitat. Sorry I went to deep with this reply
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berrychanx · 1 year
In the OG anime Ryou's backstory was so weird, I didn't like how they did a random fire from a chimera they revived. I liked it in the manga, but the mom walking into the fire and saying goodbye definitely seemed like she was just abandoning her son for a lover's suicide. So New has been my favorite version so far, I love that Ryou's mom really did care, but she still had to try to save her husband too. Plus, the attack seems targeted, I wonder if we'll learn who did it... And we got a montage of Ryou and Shirogane researching together! I'm enjoying Tokyo Mew Mew New so so much <3
I agree Anon, here's my analysis to the original episode 36 made before NEW Mr Shirogane was playing God XD
I've always had the idea (from the manga) that the attacked was planned. New gave us chimera's with a purple gem, meaning the local animals were infused with alien parasite BUT WHICH ALIEN? (I hope they answer this later) Or the bacterias Ryou was studying fled the lab and infected the local fauna
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A young kei-kun and Ryou on Irimiote island studying its wild cat population x3 And we can see the rest of the animal's DNA, blood sample whatever meaning they had contact with every other species.
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berrychanx · 11 months
This is a little damsel like. There's 5 of them I don't think the blue knight was necessarily needed for fights only because ichigo looked weak compared to the aliens. The aliens are very smart villians I just get bored of the girl jumps in the middle of fight gets hurt boy loses it thing when she finally gets to fight. When he's not needed the girls do pretty good but the aliens seem strong then he comes in and the battles over I thought it was more of a girl anime
Yeah i understand what you mean, but little has changed from the original 🤷
For example in episode 46 Ichigo needs the blue knight saving her from drowning.
Or even the previous episodes where's she's falling or being hit severely by a chimera.
Example episode 30
She gets hit by the chimera elephant trunk, the blue knight saves her and instructs her how to destory the chimera
Episode 32 all the girls are struggling until the blue knight arrives amd instructs them on what to do.
Episode 44 everyone is KO'd from the chimera toxins, Ichigo is about to faint too but alto and blue knight save the day
Just because there's a boy sidekick doesn't make it less of a "girls Anime" or mahou shoujo.
Shounen and tokusatsu also have female sidekicks who also help in battle when needed.
The latest precure has a male precure in the makn team, Kira kira precure a la mode who's main inspiration seems to be TMM also had a male precure sidekick helping the girls when needed it.
Boys also like mahou shoujo and I think having a msle character also fighting with the magical girls help for self insert.
Maybe I'm missing the point, he helps during the fights, sometimes eliminates most of the threats but so far the girls finish the chimeras either by normal attacks, aqua rod or the strawberry bell version up.
If this continues to follow the manga regarding that pattern.
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then the girls power and friendship will create the mew aqua rod.
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berrychanx · 1 year
I swear to god I was so heartbroken for Retasu when I watched the episode where she confesses to Ryou, it almost felt like a conversation I shouldn't have been listening to... 💔 but honestly I think it was so necessary to have him reject her, not even talking about it being better for the sake of character growth and story development but also because young girls (and boys and even older tbh) need to know that they will most likely one day be rejected and there's absolutely no problem in crying about it after either! If Retasu (I assume the viewers "role model"), being such a shy girl, got the courage to take a chance at being rejected and she survived it, than so can I! It resonated with me so much since I've always been afraid of rejection, even not being as shy as Retasu, and I don't think I'm the only one! I'm sorry for the rant but I had this in my heart for sometime 😅
Hi, I agree with you anon. She took it like a champ
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berrychanx · 1 year
do you have any theories as to why the ears on our 3 boys now look different than the past civilization peoples they just showed us? :o
Evolution, my theory to why the aliens have big ears
Big ears help animals keep their temperature cool. We've seen that the aliens lived on a very hot earth so they've evolved to have big ears which help them regulate their body temperatures, like elephants do.
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Why they can levitate? Spaaaaaaaace I don't know the scientifical reason behind this besides there being no gravity in space, but maybe the "aliens" body evolved and adapted itself over the years to fit with their new planet enviroment and gravity "issues" and so they've learned how to levitate. Teleport and attacks - The alien race were much advanced than regular humans (they already had spaceships), in a new hostile planet, with very little condition to support life, i guess they're scientists or whatever, sages, started looking for other ways for them to adapt. Maybe they were trained in old martial arts back on Earth and decided to keep it as a traditonal, while they had to improve to whatever predators were on this new world and thus the more sci-fi attacks were born.
Or maybe I'm just over analyzing this and they went with elf ears because its popular in geek culture. (thank you Deedlit - Record Of Lodoss War and D&D)
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berrychanx · 2 years
So for the dresses it seems that the girls are associated with flowers do you by any chance know what flowers they are?
Ichigo - Cosmos
Minto - White Lily
Lettuce - Clover
Purin - Sunflower
Zakuro - Purple Anemone
Meanings: (In flower language)
Ichigo - Love, Harmony, innocence
Minto - Purity
Lettuce - Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck.
Purin  - Adoration, Loyalty and Longevity. (just like her chinese name)
Zakuro - honor, royalty, beauty and status.
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berrychanx · 1 year
Im ok with ryo not liking lettuce his face when she confessed says it all hes not ready for a relationship and he does not like the girls like that and thats ok not to push them all in relationships lettuce proved to be strong without having one and thats best for her
Same, I was preparing myself for a rejection, in the end its Ryo, it fits his character but at the same time I wish we had more canon couples beside Ichisaya but to quote @ellebastonart Ryou's answer was really mature and realistic while also fitting for his character -- you can tell that he's struggling with his thoughts and what he has to say and how he's taking responsibility for everything he's putting the Mews through, which I personally see less as a hard no and more like him not being ready yet. Even though Lettuce needed to cry afterwards, I think she understood that too
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berrychanx · 1 year
I think in that voice actor booklet they mentioned really liking some of the "arguments" Lettuce and Ryou have and I was so confused, but after seeing this episode where Ryou was worried but Lettuce stood her down and they both finally agreed that she was strong enough to do it, I think I understand what they meant now! That was a great moment for both of them!
Yup, definitly, Lettuce is growing so much as a character
STAND YOUR GROUND GIRL, sometimes we gotta take risks to do what's right.
....We viewers and Ryou are gonna suffer so much on the final battle :')
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berrychanx · 10 months
Wouldnt lettuce be a better ambassador for the aliens
Yes and no, let me explain, we have to keep in mind it was Ichigo that talked with the aliens and Deep Blue, so having her as ambassador works perfectly because it was her voice the aliens heard when an earthling delivered the message of saving both planets and helping them and she was the only Mew without a role. To quote @wotcherangie about Lettuce working as a museum guide "She works at the museum cause her research with Ryou, her natural kindness towards others and her own path as a Mew made her interested and cared so much about ancient alien culture (she even wears her "date" with Ryou earrings in that particular moment).
And all this stuff lead her into trying to understand better Pie, building a bridge between their two worlds and culture…" Indeed by this description Lettuce would fit better as ambassador and I agree, but like Angie mentions, Lettuce seems to be more interested in knowing more about their culture than to help with the current situation. And working on a museum seems like the perfect job for her.
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